There was the only Iraqi A2A victory during the Gulf war scored by a MiG-25 against an F/A-18 (Scott Speicher went MIA for long time than finally confirmed KIA in 2nd August, 2009). That would be a good theme for a video (if any MiG-25 available in DCS or elsewhere).
@@showtime112 I'd love to see a recreation of the situation in DCS. To see if online players can perform better in game than the Iraqis did in real life. I strongly suspect the game will go better for than real life as they couldn't have done any worse really.
Carriers, Hornets, Tomcats, ...nice! You did a great job my friend, VERY nice job. Gen (R)Tony Mc Pete was caught off guard by the weather ( winter, lots of low cloud decks - which limited most air ops) .. the low cloud deck on most runs limited the striking performance and effectiveness of the strikers and the triple-A forced the strikers even higher(20-30.000ft -sub-optimal) and the cruise missiles(used only on 3 occasions) did not perform well either ~ I really enjoyed your real-time air to air comms and your very detailed and accurate narration - thank you for your hard work and study of the situation and accuracy describing it. You are a very impressive video/content creator - the best online in my opinion. -P
Hvala! Od svih videa koje sam radio, o ovom događaju je bilo vjerojatno najviše dostupnih informacija. Ima čak i snimka HUD-a. Nisam pogodio sve vrijednosti na decimalu ali nisam daleko 😁
@@showtime112 da da gledao sam bas te snimke HUD-a nedavno. Ako se ne varam, uzeo si audio bas sa tih snimaka i dodao kad su scene zracne borbe. Ja sam sa neta skinuo ovu misiju, super mi je bilo letit, al malo je drugacije odradjena rekonstrukcija. Pitanje ako znas slucajno, sta je bilo sa pratnjom F-14 u ovom dogadjaju, gdje su oni bilo dok se ovo desavalo?
@@brainfart3619 Misija će teško ispasti baš točno kao pravi događaj jer ima tu puno faktora. Često moram izmišljati trikove da bi se AI ponašala poput pilota u stvarnosti. Audio snimke su originalne. Što se tiče F-14, na jednom mjestu sam našao da su ovi MiG-ovi 21 ustvari bježali od njih i zato su tako naletjeli na osamnaestice.
@@showtime112 to znam da je tesko bas napraviti rekonstrukciju. Kod missije na istu temu sto sam ja igrao se pojavi prvo par mig-29 cca. negdje iz smjera 3 sata od pravca kretanja, te pratnja F-14 krenu na njih kako bi zastitili hornete i onda nakon tog Horneti bez pratnje izlete pred par mig-21. Ne znam dal je tako bilo il je ovaj to dodao proizvoljno, al meni se tvoja rekonstrukcija bas svidja.
@@brainfart3619 Moguće je čak i da to nie proizvoljno stavio. U ovim izvorima koje sam ja proučavao su se usmjerili prvenstveno na Hornete. Spominje se da su Tomcati letjeli 30-tak milja ispred. I negdje na wikipediji se spomenulo da su Tomcati zapravo ganjali ove MiG-ove. Ali Iračani su bili vrlo aktivni tih prvih dana što znači da je lako moguće.
@Julia Gali Thank you very much! This is one of the topics where plenty of details were available. The pilot interview. radio comms, HUD recording..... When you got all that, you just gotta use it :)
Thanks! There will be more Desert Storm in the future. I could agree about F-117 on one hand. But then again, maybe the style of missions wouldn't be very exciting for most people. It was all about flying certain courses to avoid detection and locating the target would probably be the biggest challenge.
Well, the pilot got a lock quite late and his leader was going for a visual ID. He thought for a few moments and launched a second before the minimum range :)
Regarding the F/A-18s limited range: I spoke with some KC-135 aircrew, at McGuire AFB, right after their return to the states from that war. They joked that they often "had an escort of F-18s all the way to the target."
AWG9 was used in good measure against Iraqi Air force by Iranians during their conflict, Iraqi pilots learned the lesson and stood far and safe from that radar signature...
Some suggest that is part of the reason why the F-14 scored no kills against Iraqi fighters. They were apparently less afraid of F-15 because they didn't know it so well.
Thanks! We can speculate why MiGs didn't launch missiles.. Some say they were running away from some Tomcats. But generally, just because enemy planes are in front, doesn't mean your radar will detect them if it's not setup right. Especially those older radars. Their ground control could have been jammed or disabled otherwise. So, it's quite probable the MiG- pilots were completely unaware.
@@Patchman123 Sada postoji F-117 mod pa bi možda bilo malo lakše to izvesti. No, još nisam siguran da bih iz relativno jednostavnog događaja mogao napraviti dobar video.
Sadly DCS is been around since 2008 but we still lag a lot of great fighter jets 🤦♂️like Mirage III , F-4 Phantom , F-105, F-100, A-4 Skyhawk, Hawker Hunter, British Lightning, Jaguar, and so on just to name a few.🤷♂️
We have the A-4 as a nearly-as-good-as-a-commercial mod. And Razbam is supposedly working on the Lightning. However they were also working on Mirage III but that's apparently stuck.
Don't tell anyone but this is German WWII flak :) Effects look pretty much the same I think. Even in 2003. Iraqis still relied heavily on these large callibre guns.
@Cmndr Roy Fokker Iraqis generally showed much less than initially anticipated. In only a few occasions (such as the MiG-25 pilots shot down by Pitts and Tollini) they demonstrated a significant level of competence. In DCS world, even AI at rookie level will generally give you more resistance 😁
Possibly. However, Mike Speicher, the F/A-18 pilot from the same squadron was shot down and killed on the firs t night. So maybe, not too much partying.
Green waters of Persian gulf, spiky sand...some airfield to rip with music from magnetic tape player. Sort of nostalgic feeling. Those amigos were no match to the F/As, to be frank. I wonder if they were anticipating that something was coming until the end.
o7 . Drago mi je sta si ulozio tolko truda. jel ovo singl ili multyplayer ? vidio sam u priasnim videima da je bilo price oko discorda. Volio bi letjet sa nesima
Jesam ali par stvari me još koči. Prvo, trebao bih imati izvor sa iznimno detaljnim podacima (što nemam). A drugo, nekako je lakše obrađivati teme gdje postoji neki odmak.
I have a head tracker, I just can't get used to that thing. I need to work on the proper setup but I can't make myself devote some time to it. But I will, hopefully :)
@@showtime112 oh man if you start to use it it will improve a lot your dcs experience. only the ability to look around in your cockpit or track a bandit/spot with your head movement it's a huge step up.i can't imagine flying without it now...take the time to set it up! your videos quality will improve a lot too!
That's a way too general conclusion. F/A-18 is much more modern than MiG-21 and the MiGs might have simply found themselves between a rock and a hard place. This simply tells a story of a tactical combat.
@@showtime112 my country use to purchased a western aircraft like sabre, sky hawk, f5e before in early 1990 purchased Russian made aircraft like mig 29 then su30.. But we still operate fa18, bae hawk 108 and 208,su30.. Now we are in jeopardy to buy euro fighter typhoon or Su 35 or mig 35..
@@gothereds605 Malaysia? I guess you have the same approach as India. Let's buy from both East and West so whatever happens, some part of our Air Force will work :)
Irrelevant. History is not about fair fights. If you want to watch staged fights, there are channels that do this kind of stuff. As for the MiG-23, it had a chance to prove itself against Western fighters in no less than three wars. It failed quite miserably in all of them.
Yes please!! More videos about the Desert Storm. The case of F-18 shot down by an iraqi mig-25 would be amazing
I have to see if a good video can be done with AI flying the shooter plane. Because MiG-25 is AI only.
There was the only Iraqi A2A victory during the Gulf war scored by a MiG-25 against an F/A-18 (Scott Speicher went MIA for long time than finally confirmed KIA in 2nd August, 2009). That would be a good theme for a video (if any MiG-25 available in DCS or elsewhere).
Completely agree
It would be interesting if we had a flyable MiG-25. I mean, it could be made from Hornet's perspective too. I'll think about it.
I think that was the opening moments of the air war. The first A2A kill of the war went to the Mig-25. All down hill from there
@@AdamAdamHDL Yes, that happened very early into the war. Not sure if that was the very first kill, I should check.
I'd love to see a recreation of the situation in DCS. To see if online players can perform better in game than the Iraqis did in real life.
I strongly suspect the game will go better for than real life as they couldn't have done any worse really.
Another super «kick ass» video ! Show-Time-112 you rock buddy!
Thanks, this is one of my favorites!
Your videos are informative and much fun to watch. Keep'em coming.
Thank you for your comment! Keep watching!
true, and no personal opinions, it makes it fell like im watching an old news channel
Carriers, Hornets, Tomcats, ...nice! You did a great job my friend, VERY nice job. Gen (R)Tony Mc Pete was caught off guard by the weather ( winter, lots of low cloud decks - which limited most air ops) .. the low cloud deck on most runs limited the striking performance and effectiveness of the strikers and the triple-A forced the strikers even higher(20-30.000ft -sub-optimal) and the cruise missiles(used only on 3 occasions) did not perform well either ~ I really enjoyed your real-time air to air comms and your very detailed and accurate narration - thank you for your hard work and study of the situation and accuracy describing it. You are a very impressive video/content creator - the best online in my opinion. -P
Thank you very much for that elaborate comment 😁
Znao sam po nesto o ovom dogadjaju, pa mi je bas zanimljivo bilo kako si ovo odradio. Svaka cast!
Hvala! Od svih videa koje sam radio, o ovom događaju je bilo vjerojatno najviše dostupnih informacija. Ima čak i snimka HUD-a. Nisam pogodio sve vrijednosti na decimalu ali nisam daleko 😁
@@showtime112 da da gledao sam bas te snimke HUD-a nedavno. Ako se ne varam, uzeo si audio bas sa tih snimaka i dodao kad su scene zracne borbe. Ja sam sa neta skinuo ovu misiju, super mi je bilo letit, al malo je drugacije odradjena rekonstrukcija. Pitanje ako znas slucajno, sta je bilo sa pratnjom F-14 u ovom dogadjaju, gdje su oni bilo dok se ovo desavalo?
@@brainfart3619 Misija će teško ispasti baš točno kao pravi događaj jer ima tu puno faktora. Često moram izmišljati trikove da bi se AI ponašala poput pilota u stvarnosti.
Audio snimke su originalne.
Što se tiče F-14, na jednom mjestu sam našao da su ovi MiG-ovi 21 ustvari bježali od njih i zato su tako naletjeli na osamnaestice.
@@showtime112 to znam da je tesko bas napraviti rekonstrukciju. Kod missije na istu temu sto sam ja igrao se pojavi prvo par mig-29 cca. negdje iz smjera 3 sata od pravca kretanja, te pratnja F-14 krenu na njih kako bi zastitili hornete i onda nakon tog Horneti bez pratnje izlete pred par mig-21. Ne znam dal je tako bilo il je ovaj to dodao proizvoljno, al meni se tvoja rekonstrukcija bas svidja.
@@brainfart3619 Moguće je čak i da to nie proizvoljno stavio. U ovim izvorima koje sam ja proučavao su se usmjerili prvenstveno na Hornete. Spominje se da su Tomcati letjeli 30-tak milja ispred. I negdje na wikipediji se spomenulo da su Tomcati zapravo ganjali ove MiG-ove. Ali Iračani su bili vrlo aktivni tih prvih dana što znači da je lako moguće.
F/A-18 was my aircraft. At this time I was on the USS Forrestal awaiting my turn. I made Saratoga's final deployment to Bosnia in 1994.
It is cool to attract attention of people who were really involved in these historical events. Thanks for commenting!
I watched it without blinking my eyes!
Thanks! I was quite happy with it too. Audience reaction seems to be mediocre though.
@Julia Gali Thank you very much! This is one of the topics where plenty of details were available. The pilot interview. radio comms, HUD recording..... When you got all that, you just gotta use it :)
@Julia Gali Thanks for that! I hope he won't mind the fact that the carrier used here is in fact Stennis and not Saratoga 😁
Ah! desert storm. Great topic & video!
Thanks! I was planing to cover this topic for quite some time now. Not the last one definitely.
I went to that war. was a us soldier fixing radios at LBE, KSA (log base echo).
I love the stuff you do!!! Excellent!!
Thanks! This is one of the videos that I'm most happy with.
Great video, once again! Eagerly awaiting the follow-ups. 😎
If you mean Desert Storm, well do something about that. Thanks for the comment (again) :)
@@showtime112 NP! 😉
Awesome. More Desert Storm missions. It's a pity that there is no F-117A in the DCS...
Thanks! There will be more Desert Storm in the future. I could agree about F-117 on one hand. But then again, maybe the style of missions wouldn't be very exciting for most people. It was all about flying certain courses to avoid detection and locating the target would probably be the biggest challenge.
@@showtime112 Of course. I find this interesting. Special aircraft for special and difficult missions. And this is the F-117A Nighthawk
@@maximdesieno8359 Well, I'd buy the F-117 module :)
That is what you call shooting from the hip when you took out that Mig-21!
Well, the pilot got a lock quite late and his leader was going for a visual ID. He thought for a few moments and launched a second before the minimum range :)
Oh, excellent topic!
I quite agree!
Regarding the F/A-18s limited range: I spoke with some KC-135 aircrew, at McGuire AFB, right after their return to the states from that war. They joked that they often "had an escort of F-18s all the way to the target."
AWG9 was used in good measure against Iraqi Air force by Iranians during their conflict, Iraqi pilots learned the lesson and stood far and safe from that radar signature...
Some suggest that is part of the reason why the F-14 scored no kills against Iraqi fighters. They were apparently less afraid of F-15 because they didn't know it so well.
Top video
Thanks for the comment!
Historic and a good job.
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Great video with real voices! Why the Migs did not launch any missiles?
Thanks! We can speculate why MiGs didn't launch missiles.. Some say they were running away from some Tomcats. But generally, just because enemy planes are in front, doesn't mean your radar will detect them if it's not setup right. Especially those older radars. Their ground control could have been jammed or disabled otherwise. So, it's quite probable the MiG- pilots were completely unaware.
Konacno! Sad jos fale a-7, f-111, mirage f1, spectre jaguar, tornado...
Nešto od toga ćemo imati u budućnosti. Doduše i F-16, A-10 i Harrier su debelo bili aktivni u Pustinjskoj oluji a njih već imamo.
F-117? 27. Marta 1999 godine?
@@Patchman123 Sada postoji F-117 mod pa bi možda bilo malo lakše to izvesti. No, još nisam siguran da bih iz relativno jednostavnog događaja mogao napraviti dobar video.
Excellent and beautiful 👌
Wow the tomcat really bogged down on that takeoff
It's a big plane with heave loadout :)
Sadly DCS is been around since 2008 but we still lag a lot of great fighter jets 🤦♂️like Mirage III , F-4 Phantom , F-105, F-100, A-4 Skyhawk, Hawker Hunter, British Lightning, Jaguar, and so on just to name a few.🤷♂️
We have the A-4 as a nearly-as-good-as-a-commercial mod. And Razbam is supposedly working on the Lightning. However they were also working on Mirage III but that's apparently stuck.
Nice job. Where did you get the flak effect?
Don't tell anyone but this is German WWII flak :) Effects look pretty much the same I think. Even in 2003. Iraqis still relied heavily on these large callibre guns.
@@showtime112 What mod or was it WW2 from ED?
@@Saguanay it's from the WWII assets pack from ED, but I think they made some of them available to everyone now.
Can you do a video about italian tornado in desert storm?
Well, the mod is available but I haven't tried it yet. I suppose something could be done some day.
They did fly a mission which led to one jet being shot down and its crew captured
@@pontiacGXPfan Some sources claim it was shot down by an Iraqi fighter but Western sources dismiss it.
VFA-81 Sunliners
First to Fight!
First again!
Good to see you back in shape! 😁
@Cmndr Roy Fokker Well, they still had plenty of them. In theory, even MiG-21 can be useful if you manage to achieve a surprise hit and run.
@Cmndr Roy Fokker Iraqis generally showed much less than initially anticipated. In only a few occasions (such as the MiG-25 pilots shot down by Pitts and Tollini) they demonstrated a significant level of competence. In DCS world, even AI at rookie level will generally give you more resistance 😁
It was a party boat that night
Possibly. However, Mike Speicher, the F/A-18 pilot from the same squadron was shot down and killed on the firs t night. So maybe, not too much partying.
Green waters of Persian gulf, spiky sand...some airfield to rip with music from magnetic tape player. Sort of nostalgic feeling. Those amigos were no match to the F/As, to be frank. I wonder if they were anticipating that something was coming until the end.
Some sources say the MiGs were in fact running away from Tomcat escorts. It would explain a few things I guess.
Wish you would add if the pilot was killed or not on each shoot down . . .
I think neither of them ejected.
And that's how it's done. Go Navy.
Thanks for commenting!
Can you do a video on speicher incident
I'don't think so. It's not exactly an aviation topic.
@@showtime112 🥲
While all this was going on where were the f14’s that were supposed to be on air cover duty
According to some sources, they were actually chasing the MiGs. It might be one of the reasons why they simply let themselves be shot down like that.
o7 . Drago mi je sta si ulozio tolko truda. jel ovo singl ili multyplayer ? vidio sam u priasnim videima da je bilo price oko discorda. Volio bi letjet sa nesima
Hvala na komentaru! Ovo je single player. Sva videa radim tako (barem zasad).
Discord je u planu, samo kad uhvatim malo vremena da se tome posvetim.
Jesi li razmišljao o tome da napraviš rekreaciju misije iz Domovinskog rata?
Jesam ali par stvari me još koči. Prvo, trebao bih imati izvor sa iznimno detaljnim podacima (što nemam). A drugo, nekako je lakše obrađivati teme gdje postoji neki odmak.
Can you do some more 1971 war?
India vs Pakistan? Probably yes. I'm waiting for someone to make a good Pakistani skin for F-104 :)
hallo dcs world you the best army in the world
Thanks for the comment!
you don't use track ir? you should do!
I have a head tracker, I just can't get used to that thing. I need to work on the proper setup but I can't make myself devote some time to it. But I will, hopefully :)
@@showtime112 oh man if you start to use it it will improve a lot your dcs experience. only the ability to look around in your cockpit or track a bandit/spot with your head movement it's a huge step up.i can't imagine flying without it now...take the time to set it up! your videos quality will improve a lot too!
@@alexspartan3842 I believe you. But first I need to go through the wall of frustration 😁
Kakva misija 👌💪⚓
U svakom slučaju je jedinstvena :)
Bosanski rat sa snagama stranima!
@@Patchman123 You mean NATO involvement in Bosnia? Yeah, I will probably cover some of that in the future.
I seem in this video that Russian made aircraft don't matches against the western aircraft
That's a way too general conclusion. F/A-18 is much more modern than MiG-21 and the MiGs might have simply found themselves between a rock and a hard place. This simply tells a story of a tactical combat.
@@showtime112 my country use to purchased a western aircraft like sabre, sky hawk, f5e before in early 1990 purchased Russian made aircraft like mig 29 then su30.. But we still operate fa18, bae hawk 108 and 208,su30.. Now we are in jeopardy to buy euro fighter typhoon or Su 35 or mig 35..
@@gothereds605 Malaysia? I guess you have the same approach as India. Let's buy from both East and West so whatever happens, some part of our Air Force will work :)
@@showtime112 exactly... Buy from West and East our government policy
Tako isto ima gdje je mig21 Oborio fa18 preko iraka
MiG-21 nije nikada oborio F/A-18. Bio je to MiG-25.
@@showtime112 jest raketa r40 sad se sjecam nju nosi mig25 I mig31
Not a fair fight. Even a mig 23 would have a better chance against the crap 18.
Irrelevant. History is not about fair fights. If you want to watch staged fights, there are channels that do this kind of stuff. As for the MiG-23, it had a chance to prove itself against Western fighters in no less than three wars. It failed quite miserably in all of them.