7 ways to make better chord progressions!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 832

  • @imagiromusic
    @imagiromusic 3 года назад +1259

    Blew my mind seeing you using my piano plugin! I hope you're enjoying it

    • @aloeveria
      @aloeveria 3 года назад +45

      let's go imagiro!!!!!!

    • @andrewhuang
      @andrewhuang  3 года назад +363

      Wow I’m glad you’re watching my stuff hi! Great plugin

    • @serena_m_
      @serena_m_ 3 года назад +7

      I just checked out your plugin, and it looks really enticing from the demos! One question though: Is it compatible with macOS Big Sur and the new M1 Macs?

    • @byhorizon6155
      @byhorizon6155 3 года назад +2

      I was just about to comment that. So great to see the imagiro piano in an andrew huang vid. Getting the recognition it deserves!

    • @Leona656
      @Leona656 3 года назад +1

      @@andrewhuang hey it's Lim Doyeon, (clap) between 2031 to 2040, it released a future car called Manifesto.

  • @ethanjyoungmusic
    @ethanjyoungmusic 3 года назад +353

    I've gotten to the point where I just like Andrew's videos before watching it because I already know I'm going to like it

    • @musicbugbear
      @musicbugbear 3 года назад +1

      how are you verified with 8 subscribers? genuine question bc i wanna get verified

    • @ethanjyoungmusic
      @ethanjyoungmusic 3 года назад +5

      @@musicbugbear It's set up with my distributor. If you have your music going to a RUclips channel, you can link it with other uploads that are not music. It's called RUclips for artists

    • @titogotcoins
      @titogotcoins 3 года назад +1

      @@musicbugbear ayyo another "verified" boy here it's easy to do

    • @Itsanasmusic
      @Itsanasmusic 3 года назад +1


    • @musicbugbear
      @musicbugbear 3 года назад

      @@ethanjyoungmusic i dont have a distributor, but how do i set up RUclips for Artists?

  • @DopeSoundGroup
    @DopeSoundGroup 3 года назад +186

    1:19 Passing Chords
    2:45 Change the rhythm
    3:07 Lengthen and vary
    3:40 Re-voice
    5:57 Extensions
    6:50 Suspensions
    7:05 Non-Diatonic Chords

  • @perpetualgrimace
    @perpetualgrimace 3 года назад +1120

    Andrew, who is definitely in space, brings us an excellent video, which he definitely made while in space

    • @theoracle7463
      @theoracle7463 3 года назад +66

      It is amazing how he is able to use all the technology that not even nasa has

    • @ShaymonMizu
      @ShaymonMizu 3 года назад +24

      He is for sure in space 😉

    • @trextonhaldeman323
      @trextonhaldeman323 3 года назад +6

      So am i stupid or is he not in space currently? or is he and these are just all prerecorded?

    • @ShaymonMizu
      @ShaymonMizu 3 года назад +41

      @@trextonhaldeman323 He’s not in space, it’s for a show

    • @vlusky_husky
      @vlusky_husky 3 года назад +8

      @@trextonhaldeman323 i mean if you look reeeaaalllyy closely... thats not how you sleep in space but hey what do i know

  • @TheDarkMessiah
    @TheDarkMessiah 3 года назад +464

    Andrew announced that he was going to have a baby and then went to space. I never imagined he would be a deadbeat dad :'(

    • @Cyrribrae
      @Cyrribrae 3 года назад +78

      But one day we'll have the documentary where the baby grows up to be an astronaut to find an absentee father.. Like interstellar in reverse.

    • @koolcat1346
      @koolcat1346 3 года назад +14

      @@Cyrribrae so basically Ad Astra

    • @Vwlpe
      @Vwlpe 3 года назад +4

      @@Cyrribrae Soooo Howard from BBT?

  • @GreatFlamingEyebrows_
    @GreatFlamingEyebrows_ 3 года назад +1728

    2017: Andrew's time travelling arc
    2021: Andrew in space
    2025: Andrew goes interdimentional

    • @jonatandjurachkovitch460
      @jonatandjurachkovitch460 3 года назад +22


    • @aringrey
      @aringrey 3 года назад +16

      wait that was 2017?!?!

    • @rileyjames4952
      @rileyjames4952 3 года назад +9

      @@aringrey feels like yesterday bruh

    • @fattahrambe
      @fattahrambe 3 года назад

      Can you link the video?

    • @PebProductions46
      @PebProductions46 3 года назад +10

      2017: Andrew's time travelling arc
      Also 2017: Andrew mentions building a space ship when moving apartments
      2021: Andrew in space

  • @connert9320
    @connert9320 3 года назад +395

    5:11 Petition for Andrew to only play spaced out chords while he's in space

    • @Jabersson
      @Jabersson 3 года назад +3

      Lmao song challenge comeback

  • @treyfreeman5992
    @treyfreeman5992 3 года назад +139

    Andrew casually writing a song in the middle of a lesson because the chord progression is great, is such an Andrew thing to do. "We'll get right back to the lesson after I show you guys this absolute banger I wrote just now"

  • @somnaut
    @somnaut 3 года назад +51

    48 years old, i can still think Andrew is one of my heroes, right? You’re killing it. Thanks for helping people make music.

    • @TheBanana93
      @TheBanana93 3 года назад +2

      Oh hell yeah man, Andrew and Rob Scallon are my fukin heroes!

  • @corywithout
    @corywithout 3 года назад +85

    The production values on these are outta this world! Yet another thing that makes this channel one of my favorites.

    • @illestvillain1971
      @illestvillain1971 3 года назад +4

      I see what you did there. And I am not complaining

    • @zeynedriege9547
      @zeynedriege9547 3 года назад +2

      how the hell did u got verified while having only 7 subscribers?

  • @LoganGabriel
    @LoganGabriel 3 года назад +13

    this channel is without a doubt the most creative thing I watch on RUclips. the new space idea is quickly turning this into more of a show with educational components which is just awesome.

  • @melendroach6331
    @melendroach6331 3 года назад +22

    Two chords, doesn't get much plainer than that.
    Chainsmokers: hold my beer

  • @scrummyvision
    @scrummyvision 2 года назад +4

    SUPER cool to see a chord progression video that isn't just keyboard/piano roll.
    music theory really sticks in your head once you hear the concepts over multiple instruments!

  • @ChristianLoftusMusic
    @ChristianLoftusMusic 3 года назад +3

    Yo. First.. you're an excellent teacher. I love how your structured this and piece it together one bit at a time. Second... your voice is GORGEOUS in this song. So nice.

  • @zennixjoen8203
    @zennixjoen8203 3 года назад +289

    hey andrew how strong is the wifi connection in space? My room isn’t cutting it

    • @BeastlyAnteater
      @BeastlyAnteater 3 года назад +4

      He’s not in space

    • @zennixjoen8203
      @zennixjoen8203 3 года назад +17

      @@BeastlyAnteater ...

    • @JeremiahFernandez
      @JeremiahFernandez 3 года назад +38

      @@BeastlyAnteater what do you mean _He’s not in space_

    • @tomrabbani
      @tomrabbani 3 года назад +18

      @@BeastlyAnteater yeah, when you say "He's not in space" what exactly do you mean by that?

    • @BeastlyAnteater
      @BeastlyAnteater 3 года назад +1

      @@tomrabbani he’s not there

  • @AmbroseReed
    @AmbroseReed 3 года назад +2

    This is SUCH a clear explanation of how and why song chords can look so funky and have a ton of variation. Seeing you start with something basic and then add successive layers of tweaks is a really helpful example

  • @TGMinnieeMee
    @TGMinnieeMee 3 года назад +32

    For me, can't stress that enough, *for me* this video is a case of, "I knew all of this already." But damn, I needed to hear this again.

    • @Humr666
      @Humr666 3 года назад +2

      I've been struggling with writing new music. This didn't tell me a lot of new stuff, but it's very reassuring to hear that what I'm doing is correct and it's just a matter of finding the right chords for my song.

  • @bendavidson2677
    @bendavidson2677 3 года назад +7

    another way to spice up chord progressions is by adding on diminished inversions, its actually my favorite way to progress songs. for example, the chord progression, C - D - B7 - Em, in the key of G or E minor. What i do is i take that B7 chord and instead of dropping down to the B, I go up a half step to that D# and play D#dim7 - F#dim7 - Adim7 - Cdim7 back down to E minor, or you can do, D# - F# - A - F# - E, by voice leading the chords into the next phrase, it also creates a lot of tension and can sound really cool, i dont think i have written a piece recently that doesnt have some some sort of diminished climb. anyways use that as you will. :D

    • @jaedii7287
      @jaedii7287 3 года назад +1

      As I was reading this Andrew just played it wth lol @9:04

  • @Cityz3nn
    @Cityz3nn 3 года назад +4

    That chord progression and melody at 8:10 is really gorgeous !

  • @disphing
    @disphing 3 года назад +6

    the budget for whatever this channel has become just went through the roof all of a sudden
    i like it

    • @danix30001
      @danix30001 3 года назад

      Literally through the roof, since he’s in space.

  • @gooodels
    @gooodels 3 года назад +40

    Really love all of the space editing stuff, it’s so cool, also a lot of people still think it’s real lol

    • @illestvillain1971
      @illestvillain1971 3 года назад +6

      I don't think anyone does. Lol
      Maybe before he "went" to "space". But now it's so over the top.

    • @stineb
      @stineb 3 года назад +1

      @@illestvillain1971 I did ;-;
      I’m gullible lol

    • @johncaccioppo1142
      @johncaccioppo1142 3 года назад +1

      Edit: A lot of people think it isn't real.

  • @TheApostleofRock
    @TheApostleofRock 3 года назад +2

    That B section was BEAUTIFUL. Really nice progression

  • @spacejamgoliath
    @spacejamgoliath 3 года назад +3

    On days I'm feeling inspired I instinctively do some of this and others day I feel so stuck. It's nice to be aware of what I'm not doing. Really helpful stuff

  • @Pheonix0114
    @Pheonix0114 3 года назад +2

    I really love how your voice sounds in the demo

  • @chomantsang3906
    @chomantsang3906 3 года назад +1

    While we appreciate this RUclips channel like gold, it also hurts a bit that you are not recognized as one of the influential musicians in this generation. ( but you already are.)

  • @cagaming9724
    @cagaming9724 3 года назад +3

    That chord progression that starts at around 2:20 is so Young the Giant-ish and I absolutely adore that

  • @LOEVI
    @LOEVI 3 года назад +1

    love the imagiro piano plugin, would recommend

  • @jordanshelley3669
    @jordanshelley3669 3 года назад

    DUDE!!!! Why are you not happy with you voice it is absolutely sick!!!! last song I bumped it up to 1.5 speed and was kind of wishing for a complete song. Love your work as they are always educational and you give me tons of inspiration for my own music.

  • @The_Musical_Cartograph
    @The_Musical_Cartograph 3 года назад +19

    Thank you for targeting underrated simple tips which are not the go-to generic ways to spice up chord progressions, those simple tricks are lonely and need some love; and some like Voicing start giving endlessly diverse results once you start considering layering and orchestration in general ^^

  • @ithinkthistimeitsgoingtowork
    @ithinkthistimeitsgoingtowork 7 месяцев назад

    i love how simplicity is such a focus in this. definitely something I struggle with

  • @maedaeburning
    @maedaeburning 3 года назад +2

    I've got a lot of complicated feelings about watching monsieur Huang's videos because I've been pretty disabled the last handful of years and money is scarce, so between the two I've barely done as much music as I'd like or acquired the gear I want heh. On the flip side, his approach is so friendly and welcoming and he always makes a point of not gate-keeping music in terms of level of experience or gear or whatever while being informative and it's such a fresh reminder that anyone can do music and it has inherent value as what you want it to be or make of it, the only rule is to create.

  • @VivanteMixes
    @VivanteMixes 2 года назад

    after years of production, I've learned I do some of these subconsciously but having andrew put it into words is really insightful and solidifies what my mind kinda knows. great video for ppl trying to improve the sound of their repetitive/boring chords, wish i saw this years ago tbh

  • @iplaysdrums
    @iplaysdrums 3 года назад +1

    4:15 I love the sound of moving tenths like that!

  • @mattdyck9931
    @mattdyck9931 3 года назад +1

    For anyone wanting a better (or at least more ergonomic) way to play that E/G#, use a C-shape Barre chord at the 4th fret. If you're new to that shape, you can practice playing an open C chord without using your Index finger and then work on moving that up the neck while barring your index.

  • @JamieK_89
    @JamieK_89 3 года назад +1

    That last chord progression and melody was sooooo frickin' good!

  • @VidMCU
    @VidMCU 3 года назад +1

    My musical talent: 1 out of 100.
    My interest in music and music-related content: 3 out of 100.
    My interest in Andrew Huang in space: 100000000000 out of 100.

  • @GabeWilliams
    @GabeWilliams 3 года назад +8

    I totally heard that c#m before you suggested it to play between a and b, pat on the back for me

  • @coltonclement
    @coltonclement 3 года назад +2

    Love the space vids. Love when youtubers spice stuff up like this.

  • @sofiasnickers4934
    @sofiasnickers4934 3 года назад +4

    The last song was so so beautiful!

  • @markmallory2528
    @markmallory2528 3 года назад +2

    Absolutely loved the tutorial! Great song BTW, a serious emotional trip in chord progression and the vocals were definitely on point! Thank you Andrew!

  • @tislota_f
    @tislota_f 3 года назад +1

    Man that track sounds amazing! 🔥 Thank you for the tips, been def getting stale lately 🙏🙏🙏

  • @johannes7578
    @johannes7578 3 года назад

    That simple chord progression has been stuck in my head now. Played it myself, recorded and sounds so good. Thanks Andrew

  • @apeckx5090
    @apeckx5090 3 года назад +2

    all these space videos are totally awesome

  • @isa-te4ps
    @isa-te4ps 3 года назад +3

    "ask your bass player to do it" is going to be my answer for everything from now on

  • @pursuitofnatural
    @pursuitofnatural 3 года назад

    Between Andrew and Rick Beato, I feel like I'm getting a world class education in music here on RUclips. Super grateful for all your work! 🙏

  • @bobsmith12345
    @bobsmith12345 Год назад

    these simple tutorials are the best, thanks andrew!

  • @ilyahohenstein692
    @ilyahohenstein692 3 года назад

    thank you, I love videos that explore composition posibbilities in an easy to digest way

  • @TheNormalUniverse
    @TheNormalUniverse 3 года назад +1

    I'm loving the space vids!

  • @CodyCoates
    @CodyCoates 3 года назад

    Between your vids and my bud who is a complete theory nerd, I feel like I'm getting this... you open the box, he helps me sort through it more. Thanks!!

  • @grysndotwav
    @grysndotwav 3 года назад +1

    Legitimately the best music RUclips

  • @kevdude2234
    @kevdude2234 3 года назад +1

    Awesome video, this is really helpful. Also, that space life really suits you.

  • @matthewlarson3696
    @matthewlarson3696 3 года назад +1

    i funking love the space thing you're doing it's sick as heck :)!

  • @raoul355
    @raoul355 3 года назад

    a great way to work around that weird e shape with the g# in the bass would be to play the g# in the 11th fret on the a string (ring finger), then bar the d, g and b string with your index finger (9th fret). you can also play the open e string in the bass, with that 10th intervall between the e and the g# thats an amazing sounding chord. you can do a hammer on from the 7th to the 9th fret on th a string as a nice embelishment. its a simple major inversion but i really like it as a different sound for a major chord.

  • @lilmacgaming7221
    @lilmacgaming7221 3 года назад +5

    Dude, your voice was so good in that song holy shit 🤯

  • @MuseLeathercraft
    @MuseLeathercraft 3 года назад +2

    You ROCK Bro! Love you analytical and organic approach to songwriting/composition! Also, I can definitely see you in SPACE SOMEDAY! Thanks 🙏 G

  • @nicholaskahl2830
    @nicholaskahl2830 3 года назад +2

    Thanks Andrew for this video!

  • @SafetyCarrot
    @SafetyCarrot 3 года назад

    8:14 Instant Thom Yorke vibes. Thanks Andrew you are as ever, the greatest music teacher!

    • @zachpw
      @zachpw 3 года назад

      I was getting Chris Martin vibes

  • @koconut12
    @koconut12 3 года назад +1

    This song I need asap so I can binge it, blast it in my car, and fall asleep to it ❤ First vid of yours I watched. Subscribed so hard. That tune is epic. I haven't played my use since my Gmail died last summer. I played it for her while she rested. Youre ispiring me to go pick up my electric

  • @dipdong4673
    @dipdong4673 3 года назад

    A lot o good tips in this one. Playing bass I had to learn about passing note and how to step between chords early. It can be a lot of fun and add some interesting emotion to the song. Thanks for the video!! Peace.

  • @djsandy303
    @djsandy303 3 года назад

    that part at the end was really cool. choosing chords outside the key. I really wanna learn more about how you went about experimenting with that and selecting those weirder our of key chords.

  • @lvbboi9
    @lvbboi9 3 года назад +20

    When you wanted to write a song with this progression but Andrew already writes one that is instantly better.

  • @AcidMonkie
    @AcidMonkie 3 года назад

    That's a sick chord progression and melody at the end there, really digging it.

  • @rottingemptiness
    @rottingemptiness 3 года назад

    Thanks man , this will help a lot of people , including me !!!! I never had any lesson
    in playing music , no theory !!!! Years ago , I found an old guitar in our attic , and .... 😊

  • @ijobrien3
    @ijobrien3 3 года назад +104

    Lolll this is a very expensive April Fools joke, well played ❤
    EDIT: also, your music is fire as always

    • @theoracle7463
      @theoracle7463 3 года назад +6

      This could be his new studio

    • @ijobrien3
      @ijobrien3 3 года назад +9

      @@theoracle7463 true, but I prefer to think he invested thousands of dollars and many hours of labour into one joke

  • @luisito2997
    @luisito2997 3 года назад +55

    Basically how to turn a Harry Styles song into a Radioahead song, Awesome!!

  • @swiszcz93
    @swiszcz93 3 года назад

    That turned out great, beautiful song! Space vibes making magic!

  • @anisazzoug4172
    @anisazzoug4172 3 года назад +47

    RUclipsrs: make a tutorial
    Andrew: makes a baller tutorial, adds lyrics to his examples, arranges, records and mixes a great song.
    In space

  • @stiptreezy8481
    @stiptreezy8481 3 года назад

    Please tell me that song is going to be uploaded somewhere? 😳 such a vibe

  • @trente823
    @trente823 2 года назад

    this man is a lifesaver, love you andrew!!

  • @VillaNko
    @VillaNko 3 года назад +1

    the last song he wrote there was amazing. i loved it. i wish it was an existing song

  • @falazarte
    @falazarte 2 года назад

    This is *Super* useful. Thanks Andrew!

  • @andrewwunrow
    @andrewwunrow 3 года назад +1

    I always love Theory Thursday’s! Especially when they are coming from space!

  • @khalidjohnson8148
    @khalidjohnson8148 3 года назад

    My favorite video of yours really felt like I learned something

  • @Sh4dySam
    @Sh4dySam 3 года назад

    Super helpful video! Can't wait to share it with my music production class! Thanks for the Monthly course btw !

  • @AlexMoudgil
    @AlexMoudgil 3 года назад +1

    FINISH THIS SONG AND RELEASE IT- wow I'm going to listen to this every day

  • @eclectic_eel
    @eclectic_eel 3 года назад +16


  • @rain-tu9ds
    @rain-tu9ds 3 года назад

    Oh my land!! Is that your bedroom?! The all white is stunning! I am so inspired!!

  • @fdolbec123
    @fdolbec123 3 года назад

    Thanks for the tips! Learned a lot in this video!

  • @roryoconnor8959
    @roryoconnor8959 3 года назад +2

    Love your videos man

  • @shawnchin5147
    @shawnchin5147 3 года назад +1


  • @frankiewylde7649
    @frankiewylde7649 3 года назад

    its cool how you went to space to teach all this music theory. nobody else has shown that kind of commitment! good luck w the food :)

  • @majasobiech6913
    @majasobiech6913 3 года назад

    I missed this kind of videos so much!!! Thank you Andrew, I love theory thursdays, especially when the knowledge included can also help so much in songwriting in general. :)

  • @zumirelix
    @zumirelix 3 года назад +3

    I know people knock your vocals sometimes, but damn did it work really well in this song!
    Also, weird compliment but your eyebrow shape is really cool.

  • @Buson94
    @Buson94 3 года назад

    Most of the tips i subconciously do when i play with the band but was new to me is C9 and Csus2 for example are almost the same, just that sus2 replaces the third while 9 doesn't, noice!

  • @eross21
    @eross21 3 года назад +1

    even from space. you still teach us all how to write! thank you

  • @goobag123
    @goobag123 3 года назад +1

    that last bit sounded incredible

  • @ablackshedd
    @ablackshedd 3 года назад +1

    I love your videos, man. Great job. Like the off the cuff songs, too.

  • @Sean-Ax
    @Sean-Ax Год назад

    Coming back around from tip no.7 to tip no.1 brings us to the topic of things like secondary dominants which are good fun

  • @loganstaub8724
    @loganstaub8724 3 года назад

    A couple years ago this video wouldve completely confused me but I’m taking a music theory course right now and this stuff makes sense🤩 great video!

  • @emmafissinger7422
    @emmafissinger7422 3 года назад

    Your voice is unique and no one can do it like you 🥰

  • @markmallory2528
    @markmallory2528 3 года назад +1

    My GOD that song felt good! RadioHead would be proud of you! Ok, I’m going back to listen to it for the 10th time now!

  • @StepNN2Me
    @StepNN2Me 3 года назад

    You have such a Beautiful voice. And thanks for the tips!

  • @DevilishlyDutch
    @DevilishlyDutch 3 года назад +13

    Me, entirely expecting to be rickrolled: huh, this is actually just neat

  • @actually4660
    @actually4660 3 года назад

    Andrew you are my SUPER HERO!!

  • @zerobake
    @zerobake 3 года назад +1

    This space set is amazing

  • @loganpickrell8558
    @loganpickrell8558 3 года назад

    Thank you Andrew you help us all so much man!!

  • @ubermusli
    @ubermusli 3 года назад

    This was such an unexpectedly great video! This will really help me in my songwriting. Thank you!

  • @Avlis_music
    @Avlis_music Год назад

    You are great at content creation. Thanks for the sweet videos

  • @beziimusic
    @beziimusic 3 года назад +3

    god those drums are CLEAN

  • @midairbirdy
    @midairbirdy 3 года назад

    Amazing! You explained this really well. I think I’m mostly able to wrap my head around this! I knew about first, third, fifths, and also knew of sus and add but didn’t know what the latter 2 really meant. And I didn’t really know how to start playing around with chords in a structured way... I would play around with random chords until something stuck but now I’m in a rut where everything I improvise sounds the same so it’s not as fun to play anymore. I just want to be able to have fun playing my own stuff, not really feeling like learning songs rn... I will definitely have to revisit this video sometime. Would like to understand better why something sounds good/ practice making something sound better.