Something Else is Going On

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @pizzathough12
    @pizzathough12 7 лет назад +6

    Beautiful and honest. Christianity needs a lot more people like this!

    • @shawnkovac2029
      @shawnkovac2029 5 лет назад

      except he totally ignores the violent aspect of God, that is demonstrated to us in the Old Testament and when Yeshua walked this earth and in Revelation when He returns at His second coming.

  • @oghenerukevwekofi7976
    @oghenerukevwekofi7976 4 года назад

    Greg's painting of Levi should be placed in a museum :)

  • @poofcat3
    @poofcat3 6 лет назад +1

    Dear Greg Boyd. Thank you for being genuine and a conduit for our God. I believe also that God is ALL loving like the non-violent God that is presented on the cross. I believe (2Tim. 3:16) but first it says in the chapter before (2:15), to rightly divide the word of truth. I believe the Bible says God does NOT desire nor REQUIRE "burnt" sacrifice (Is. 1:11-15; Ps. 40:6), but there is 'one' who DOES love "blood sacrifice". He wants to be worshipped as God. He even promised Jesus the kingdoms of the world and power if He'd bow down to him. Jesus, showed us on the cross how to overcome death, which belongs to the devil (Heb. 2:14; 1Cor. 15:26, 54, 55) An all loving, non-violent God is so pure, He does not "destroy" His own creation, including Lucifer, the arch angel, whom I believe is Satan! He is the "destroyer"! I believe, Satan, at one time had a very high position in "high places". He was a dignity that the arch angel, Michael couldn't even accuse him (Jude 9). He's the "punisher, destoyer, blood thirsty, condemner" that had more power than people realize! My brother has written a manuscript (DOES NOT WANT MONEY or even recognition) that explains the "something going on there", explaining those violent, ugly portraits of god. My brother does not belong to a church ...he belongs to Jesus! I'd love for you to read his interpretation! I think it prooves that God is ALL LOVE and NO darkness in Him AT ALL! In it, he explains that violent part of the godhead like I've never heard before and it finally shows me a God I can believe in. The Father of Christ Jesus and creation! I know my brother has sent it to you. My hope is you'll find time to read it and possibly converse with him somehow. It's just over 200 pages. Thank you for your wonderful ministry! So glad I found you! God bless you and yours!

  • @humilulo
    @humilulo 5 лет назад

    Dear Greg Boyd, the Bible never says that God is absent of what you call ugly. i don't call this violence against wickedness 'ugly'. to me, it is beautiful that God removes wickedness. Yes, that removal was brutal at times in the past, and our Bible profesies that the future removal of wickedness will be even more brutal. i wud even say it will be like nothing we've ever seen or heard of yet. skin disolving, eyes disolving out of eye sockets. this is future violence that our God (and we) will do against physical armies that go up against Yeshua in the flesh. it is a drastic mistake to think that all violence is bad, or that all violence is ugly. God's violence is good, and He is altogether lovely, including that He removes wickedness, when the time is right to remove such wickedness. He is patient, but the end comes, judgement day comes. And violence is one manner God will use to slay most wicked people at that time. Our Bible shows us this.

  • @shawnkovac2029
    @shawnkovac2029 5 лет назад

    Greg errs in forgetting that God is a violent God. He puts God in a non-violent box, which the whole Bible teaches us is incorrect. Yeshua warns that He will use violence against Jezebel and those who practice adultery with her at the end of Rev 2. Abba and Yeshua definitely have their violent side of their personalities. Always did, and always will.