@@TypicallyWhat what nations are force religion to their people? its pure because people start to think logic than doctrine. science growing, better logic growing too, and the religion based on better logic will be embraced by people. try to learn it if you don't believe what i said, then your life will be shocked. mark my word.
Hello beautiful soul! It's amazing how our paths cross in different corners of the internet. ✨ I'm so grateful for your support, it really means the world to me.
God killed devil I remembered that from Ramayana of the domaniting relegion sanatan and will dominate again soon Sorry if it hurts I don't want to By the way brother where are you from ...
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@johnzuma4688 ok, can I ask you too? can you bring a different version of the Quran? just one? or you want to apply what happend to your bible on quran it's not the same bro ! i can give u different versions of the bible to the morning but can't do the same with quran that's why you speaking just to speak without proof! and if talked about the contradictions and the mistakes and removed texts or texts that has added to your book i will not finish! and you talk about aisha while there is a lil girl married at 3 years old in your book "rebecca", puberty age of girls is between 8-14 years old and in hot places and deserts it be earlier, and if woman get puberty and has enough science to marriage she can marry, aisha in age of 9 years old got puberty and had enough ability to be a wife, and in the same age she told hadiths the scientists of arabic can't understand it, so she was bigger enough in her mentality and got puberty so where is the problem? and another point is there was a man proposed to aisha to marry before muhammed (ﷺ) and another point is all Mecca's people were hating the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and they waiting anything to destroyed islam but they didn't insult muhammed by this marriage, so it was normal in his age and the girl god puberty and has enough mentality to marry, so what is your problem boy? but can you defend your book while it say that rebbeca married in 3 years old?
@aymeeeeeen You say >> ok, can I ask you too? > can you bring a different version of the Quran? just one? > or you want to apply what happend to your bible on quran it's not the same bro ! > i can give u different versions of the bible to the morning but can't do the same with quran that's why you speaking just to speak without proof! > and if talked about the contradictions and the mistakes and removed texts or texts that has added to your book i will not finish! > and you talk about aisha while there is a lil girl married at 3 years old in your book "rebecca", > and if woman get puberty and has enough science to marriage she can marry, aisha in age of 9 years old got puberty and had enough ability to be a wife, > and in the same age she told hadiths the scientists of arabic can't understand it, so she was bigger enough in her mentality and got puberty so where is the problem? > Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). > and another point is there was a man proposed to aisha to marry before muhammed > and another point is all Mecca's people were hating the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and they waiting anything to destroyed islam but they didn't insult muhammed by this marriage, > so it was normal in his age and the girl god puberty and has enough mentality to marry, so what is your problem boy? > but can you defend your book while it say that rebbeca married in 3 years old?
@@johnzuma4688 What we have today is not bible of Jesus(pbuh): Bible according to mark john and Mathew are not the same bible which is given to Jesus(pbuh). After that we have Paul who never met Jesus(pbuh). God words can't be changed because u don't have god word in a first place. Child marriage: how you now ayesha (ra) was child. Don't compare our time with them. Hadith doesn't tell us she was child. If you want go by number then: This was in 12th century consent for betrothal could not take place before the age of 7 years old for females and males. Consumate age was 12-14. In islam ther is no marriage age when girl or boy reach puberty they can marry that's why it's applicable for all time. Now let's talk about Christianity Can women divorce according to bible. Who give orders to kill amalekites: Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [1] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. Which god most merciful who Tell don't harm innocent people in battlefield or who tell kill infants.
Islam is one religion so don't divide it in shia and sunni.. As Both believe in "La ilaaha Illallah mohammadur rasullah saw."-"There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".
@@JesusRules3310 agree on the essentials? what is that? one says jesus is god, and the other says jesur not god only the prophet. and the other says marry is god. and the other says only the father is god not jesus. what the hell??? it is not same with islam bro... all of muslim people of the world believe that there is no god except Allah, and muhammad is a messenger of Allah.. this very fundamental matter about divinity. differentiates of Muslims are only small things that do not concern divinity at all
I believe each country separately counts it. All you have to do is aggregate the data. And even this part you don't need because there are other sources that would do it for you
@@IsmailTalebthe numbers don't add up. With both China and India having over 3 billion people each and very religious countries at that. The math don't jive.
@@dragonrider9051 How doesn't it add it? Did you actually do the math? I did, and at the end of the video, all the religions shown add up to around 6.1 or 6.2 billion. There is currently a little more than 8 billion people in the world. That leaves approximately 2 billion people without religion. The math adds up perfectly
Always great to get a new video and hear this iconic music again! 💖 I see you didn't include atheists on purpose, but are these numbers representing actively practicing / believing followers of each religion? Or do they include people who still identify as followers of a religion out of habit for familial or cultural reasons but are non-practicing / agnostic?
The cencus data includes people who are officially part of a religion, non-practicing included. Because that information is easy to gather. Gathering accurate data on practicing people could only be gathered by asking all the people if they practice. Some generalizations can be made with polls, but they only represent a fraction of a population.
This data isn't making sense to me. Can someone help explain it how the Jewish numbers went up during the holocaust? This is also suggesting that Hinduism was a more populous religion than Islam in the 1930-1940s, yet every historical reference states this is false. Maybe I'm not understanding the numbers correctly, but are they representative of worldwide followers?
You obviously haven't watched the videos closely - if you take a look at 1940 to 1945, you'll see the figures DECLINE - for a well known terrible, sad reason!
Look carefully, there are two sects of Muslims. The video divided them into Sunnis and Shiites. If you look at their combined numbers, they will be larger than Hinduism in the 1940s.
@@amazingvideosforyou7 🤣🤣🤣 hinduism is diamond lol🤣🤣it's a garbage of caste based religion with discrimination untouchability etc.....thwts why it's not present outside india
😅😂What is new in this, entire Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh are all ex-Hindu countries. But the difference is that those people were forced to change and you changed willingly, but whatever happens, Hinduism is not going to disappear. 😊❤One who reads Bhagwat Geeta can never leave Hinduism 😊
@@Daniele63 لقد أخبرنا النبي محمد صل الله عليه وسلم ان النبي عيسى عليه السلام سيعود في اخر الزمان وانه سيطهر الارض من المفسدين وعبدة الطاغوت ، اخي النبي عيسى صل الله عليه وسلم ليس إله ، بل هو نبي من انبياء الله عليهم السلام ، اسأل الله ان يهدينا ويهديك
Not saying I don't like this, this is AWESOME. But I wanted to tell you that Christian is the worlds most popular religion, with 31% of the worlds population. LOVE THIS VID, you got a new sub. :D
It is not true, and the percentage of Christians is much lower than the official statistics, because Christians in Europe, America, Russia, and Latin America are mostly atheists and without religion. If you compile statistics from many Christian countries about the number of Christians and exclude atheists, I swear to you, it is possible that the number of Christians does not exceed five hundred million Christian people, perhaps half of them are atheists
But it’s not fastest growing, Christianity is fading and losing bc so many people are just christian by name and don’t actually follow the rules and teachings of Jesus, now in most Christian countries you’ll see that most of them are actually atheists in their practice…. People need to wake up bc in few years Christianity will forgotten
As usual, fantastic chart,. Just a suggestion, in charts like this one, it will be beneficial to have the percentage of the global population together with the absolute number.
I like love this format for presenting trends the data over time. In this case, it would more informative if it also included atheist / non-religious numbers too.One suggestion on the UI (maybe when numbers are actually falling (like Judaism during the holocaust) is to add some type of indicator that an actual # is dropping or increasing. Maybe an arrow next to or in the bar but could be in many forms - this is just an idea. I ended up rewinding a couple times to see those numbers drop while just about all others went up.
In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as a prophet in several verses, including: 1. Luke 24:19 - "Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people." 2. Matthew 21:11 - "And the crowds said, 'This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.'" 3. John 6:14 - "When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, 'This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!'" 4. Acts 3:22-23 - "Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you.'" 5. Deuteronomy 18:15 - "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers-it is to him you shall listen." In these verses, Jesus is recognized as a prophet sent by God, and His teachings and actions are seen as fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. Additionally, Jesus Himself claimed to be a prophet in: 1. Luke 13:33 - "Nevertheless, I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following, for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem." These verses demonstrate that Jesus is considered a prophet in the Bible, sent by God to guide and teach humanity.
Ok, now I want to see it where all forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, are combined and facing off. Atheism isn't a religion but adding that in too might be fun. Overall, good job! I just found your page today and subbed.
It's impossible to keep track of Atheist population. The grand majority of Atheists worldwide are ex-religious. I'm an Atheist, but my ID says I'm Muslim.
Maybe they're counted as protestants. It doesn't matter how heretical mainstream Christianity views them as (or else you're opening a real can of worms) Or they were just forgotten about ... at the end of the day you can only put together numbers for so many religions 😅
This channel speaks about the data but does not give the sources. Its only source is 'Trust me bro'. If you dont reveal your sources, it would come across like you are spreading a certain narrative
@@voyager1977.2 it's the poor and radical muslim countries that boomed in terms of population. The rich/educated always do less kids. it's the islamic revolution taking roots , forcing religion and reducing the females into a kid production machine.
The media that was associated with the 8 years war between Iraq and Iran influenced Muslims to take sides although no big difference between both sectors of Muslims but political and media influence was deep and by the 90s after Iraq invasion of Kuwait it became so strong which led to immigration and stronger effort to make noise on media and in general.
è rispetto per le altre religioni uccidere i miscredenti , non fare amicizia con cristiani ed ebrei i quali devono cedere il passo e cambiare lato della strada se un mussulmano cammina?
The rise of Islam and the fear of radical extremists taking over and forcing conversion just because they have the numbers. As a woman it’s definitely something to worry a little about. Yeah many Muslims in the west are more modern and don’t restrict women but many do and even worse in some parts of the world. Iran had modernised decades ago and women had more rights then now with extremism they have none. Or very little. If it can happen to them it can happen to anyone. Although that would probably take another few decades.
Well the growth rate of atheist and agnostic are off the charts especially since people started socialising online via internet. Sometimes even I feel agnostic.
@@comradeadjie it’s not though it’s a lack of religion/belief in gods. Babies are born atheist and get indoctrinated as children if the parents teach them. A lot of atheists such as myself were raised in a religion but rejected it.
@@parabalani По том описању и је православна црква секта. Значи не разумијем вашу појнту. Они вјерују да је Исус Христ спаситељ и откупитељ свијета. Такођер вјерују да је и Библија и Мормонова Књига ријеч Божја. Како нису хришћанини када славе Христа као Бога?
Any cited sources for the data based on sect numbers? This is interesting… It would mean that Sunni Islam is the largest religion in regards to the form of a single monolithic thought amongst humanity
The religion with the most practitioners is the religion most hated by many countries. Despite all this, this religion continues to increase. I ask myself many questions. It's a paradox
Christianity? Because Christianity (Combining Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans and Oriental Orthodox) is the largest. If you're talking about Islam, the only reason it's growing is because the average Muslim family has a lot of kids. Christianity still has way, way more converts.
@@Glass-io9bq That is a bogus claim, the population of muslims wouldnt have grown so dramatically if it was just more kids being born muslim. The internet has made Islam more accessible and give people the tools to do their own research and in most cases revert to islam after simply reading and learning.
I was looking for this comment, wonder if they just grouped them in with another Christian group. Except most people don’t believe they are “Christians”
The "Pontifical Yearbook and the 2021 Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae", a.k.a. the Vatican Census, indicates that there are around 1.378 billion Roman Catholics.
I totally expected numbers to start going down around 1980... then 2000... then at least now. But sadly it's still going up. Maybe if it was percentage, it would go down, or maybe that I'm surrounded by civilised world where there are rarely any believers in such stuff, meanwhile population in uncivilised religious countries is still booming.
@@cjreek Not really, there is no atheist church, being atheist means absence of religion, not just another one. It might be confusing because of the suffix -ist. But person still can be one without knowing what atheism is. Of course for statistical purposes - atheists are "just another category", but it doesn't mean it's the same. :)
End of 90's internet spreads around the world, NORMAL PEOPLE choose the right thing after they know the difference in the amount of information they receive
How about the NARROW GATE of Mathew 13:24📜. HOW MANY SHALL GO THROUGH THE NARROW GATE? Few will find it!👀 Do you understand this concept statement? HalleluYah Amen. Glory be to YAH. 🙏🏿🔥❤️ Open 👀👂🏾
@@houssein4611 he means we don’t live in the dinosaur age anymore, but obviously based on that chart there are a lot of lost people who follow certain religions
Atheism is not a religion ... In fact it doesn't represent a singular community, just like you don't have a community of people that don't fish or don't birdwatch
@@parabalani Just China and Japan are athesit at around 90%, if it was counted it would definitely make it, the thing is it's a list of religions and atheism is not a religion, as such it wouldn't make sense to put it on a list about religions, saying that atheist are in a same religious group is the same as saying non-christians are in a same religious group, it makes no sense.
I find this a difficult thing to interpret because in a dozen muslim nations apostasy has the death penalty and many more have strict laws against it. It skews the data.
You are absent from the world. There is no Islamic country that applies Islamic law. They are all secular countries that govern with man-made laws. I have not heard a single case in the Arab world where the punishment for apostasy was applied to anyone. Many Muslims convert to other religions and the state does nothing for them, but he is a social outcast. I live in Saudi Arabia and know everything. Do not believe anyone who tells you that Saudi Arabia applies Islamic law. The Saudi regime is more secular than France
Here is the definition of religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods. Here is the definition of atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
@@akhsdenlew1861 true, but if you do a little math and research, you can find the estimated number of atheists at the time. Like there is a comment in here of someone doing the math. They went to 2024 and added them all together. They looked up the current population of the earth, which was around 8 billion. They found that the total is around 1.9 billion people are atheists.
@@agentewok146 they are probably WAYYY more. I live in a country that, as far as statistics go, 95% are orthodox christians. Why? Cus when we got baptised we couldn't really say no.. in fact we didn't even have the ability of speech. So, those baptised babies are now grown ups and they are.. Orthodox christians for the statistics and the state.. But in reality , a bunch of them are atheist. But since it doesn't really matter, noone bothers to change his religion formally.... you just go with the flow. Now imagine how many Muslims ( particularly women) are just pretending to be muslims just to keep their heads..
You need to correct some figures, Hindusim are not 1.24B, they are 30% less than this figure. Also Shia muslims are 30% less than this number. the differences are Sunna Islam.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@AsadKhan-r4f1g puri duniya tum logon se pareshaan hai.. uncultured 7th century cavemen who only knows of killing the people who don’t follow their perverted Momad and his evil teachings ! What there to be so proud of? You should be rather ashamed!
Bro you put Christians with their sects and muslims with their sects but hinduism as a whole 😂... Actually hinduism has the most number of castes/sects as a religion in the entire world, As a Hindu I'm saying this😂.
But the hole idiology is not different they are divided by cast but worship same god with same believe and if you can see Sia ,suni there believes are prity much different and Christianity have same please serch on google
Yes, but the ideology is not different, the scriptures are not different, the country is not different, the dress is not different, any Hindu can worship any god or goddess, there is no official sect, the caste system is based on work. 😊
Shut up you all 9 yo Replying Kids For every Human His/Her religion is best I am a Hindu and For me Hinduism is Best You are Christian so for you Christianity is Best For muslims Islam is best That's a simple thing you racist replying ones Can't understand
Buda Morreu Está no túmulo, Maomé também, confusio, e tantos Outros ,Mas o Túmulo de Jesus Está vazio Ele foi o Único que venceu a Morte ! Ressuscitou, Glória a Deus ! Abraços do Brasil Meus amigos ! 🇧🇷
Once again, he remembered his password
Hahaha, this channel has such a strong community considering his upload schedule. I will always come back for the nostalgia.
Good comment
I missed this melancholic music! Glad you’re back.
It makes me feels like a fast forward to the end of the universe 😂
Something 'never ending story' about it
It’s called Je Noublierai Jamais (I hope I’m spelling that correctly 😂). Thank me later 😉
@@DanielaBodoh thanks I was using it as my ringtone for a moment. (People called me crazy)
The song is Heaven Or Hell by Jeremy Blake
That Islam boom from 1985 to 2000 is CRAZY 😮
That’s what happens when nations force religion on you.
Pork r better
Islam boom. Nice phrasing
Ca fait peur
@@TypicallyWhat what nations are force religion to their people? its pure because people start to think logic than doctrine. science growing, better logic growing too, and the religion based on better logic will be embraced by people.
try to learn it if you don't believe what i said, then your life will be shocked. mark my word.
It is so good to see you back! I get excited each time you post a video. Hoping everything is going wonderfully for you. ✨
Heyyyyy! It's crazy to see you here! I'm a subscriber and I love your channel!
Hello beautiful soul! It's amazing how our paths cross in different corners of the internet. ✨ I'm so grateful for your support, it really means the world to me.
If you are going to separate Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Jews into different sects then you should do likewise for Hindus.
In the quran allah says do not divide the religion
I am only muslim no any sects
@@gamingwithff2823 Mashallah, the virgin of heaven will be your reward brother (surah alwaqiah 34-37)
U sure getting 72 hoors for that comment
Hindus dividing based on casts will ne a catastrophe
Kid, go play your coc 😂 @@onlineclashes2784
Assalamualaikum everyone Love from 🇮🇳
Jai shree Ram from 🇮🇳🚩
Walaikum assalam 🇧🇩
Уэ галяйкумуссалям.
Walikum assalam from us too brother 🇮🇳
Wallekun mohmed rapiest waale😂
﴿هُوَ الَّذي أَرسَلَ رَسولَهُ بِالهُدى وَدينِ الحَقِّ لِيُظهِرَهُ عَلَى الدّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَو كَرِهَ المُشرِكونَ﴾
God killed devil I remembered that from Ramayana of the domaniting relegion sanatan and will dominate again soon
Sorry if it hurts I don't want to
By the way brother where are you from ...
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
@@johnzuma4688 ok, can I ask you too? can you bring a different version of the Quran? just one?
or you want to apply what happend to your bible on quran it's not the same bro ! i can give u different versions of the bible to the morning but can't do the same with quran that's why you speaking just to speak without proof! and if talked about the contradictions and the mistakes and removed texts or texts that has added to your book i will not finish! and you talk about aisha while there is a lil girl married at 3 years old in your book "rebecca", puberty age of girls is between 8-14 years old and in hot places and deserts it be earlier, and if woman get puberty and has enough science to marriage she can marry, aisha in age of 9 years old got puberty and had enough ability to be a wife, and in the same age she told hadiths the scientists of arabic can't understand it, so she was bigger enough in her mentality and got puberty so where is the problem? and another point is there was a man proposed to aisha to marry before muhammed (ﷺ) and another point is all Mecca's people were hating the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and they waiting anything to destroyed islam but they didn't insult muhammed by this marriage, so it was normal in his age and the girl god puberty and has enough mentality to marry, so what is your problem boy? but can you defend your book while it say that rebbeca married in 3 years old?
@aymeeeeeen You say >> ok, can I ask you too? > can you bring a different version of the Quran? just one? > or you want to apply what happend to your bible on quran it's not the same bro ! > i can give u different versions of the bible to the morning but can't do the same with quran that's why you speaking just to speak without proof! > and if talked about the contradictions and the mistakes and removed texts or texts that has added to your book i will not finish! > and you talk about aisha while there is a lil girl married at 3 years old in your book "rebecca", > and if woman get puberty and has enough science to marriage she can marry, aisha in age of 9 years old got puberty and had enough ability to be a wife, > and in the same age she told hadiths the scientists of arabic can't understand it, so she was bigger enough in her mentality and got puberty so where is the problem? > Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). > and another point is there was a man proposed to aisha to marry before muhammed > and another point is all Mecca's people were hating the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and they waiting anything to destroyed islam but they didn't insult muhammed by this marriage, > so it was normal in his age and the girl god puberty and has enough mentality to marry, so what is your problem boy? > but can you defend your book while it say that rebbeca married in 3 years old?
What we have today is not bible of Jesus(pbuh): Bible according to mark john and Mathew are not the same bible which is given to Jesus(pbuh). After that we have Paul who never met Jesus(pbuh).
God words can't be changed because u don't have god word in a first place.
Child marriage: how you now ayesha (ra) was child. Don't compare our time with them.
Hadith doesn't tell us she was child.
If you want go by number then:
This was in 12th century consent for betrothal could not take place before the age of 7 years old for females
and males. Consumate age was 12-14.
In islam ther is no marriage age when girl or boy reach puberty they can marry that's why it's applicable for all time.
Now let's talk about Christianity
Can women divorce according to bible.
Who give orders to kill amalekites:
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy [1] everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
Which god most merciful who Tell don't harm innocent people in battlefield or who tell kill infants.
Proud to be a Hindu... Jai Sanatan Dharma 🙏
OK you fool 😂 🎉
@@Ishaan_927 You're the fool for insulting someone based on their religious choices
@@wrensreviews1125 don't tell me you fool
@@Ishaan_927 Ok, believe what you want to believe
Maybe We are both fools!
@@wrensreviews1125 Yeh you are fool, April Fool month is biggest sacred month for you
Would have been interesting if you had also added atheism/agnosticism there.
Agree to this!
They are not religions, but they are important for comparison.
And statism
@@AncapDude YES!!!! I'm a Libertarian, and the religion of statism deserves to be measured, observed, and fought!
And nazism/communism
Islam is one religion so don't divide it in shia and sunni.. As Both believe in "La ilaaha Illallah mohammadur rasullah saw."-"There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".
Bruh Its not one if no divide it
100% Correct👍💚🇸🇦
Christianity has different denominations, but they agree on the essentials, so Islam isn't quite unique in that way.
Siah people has their different blvs. They are Muslims but they have so many misconceptions. I hope they will solve thair problem soon.
@@JesusRules3310 agree on the essentials? what is that? one says jesus is god, and the other says jesur not god only the prophet. and the other says marry is god. and the other says only the father is god not jesus. what the hell??? it is not same with islam bro...
all of muslim people of the world believe that there is no god except Allah, and muhammad is a messenger of Allah.. this very fundamental matter about divinity. differentiates of Muslims are only small things that do not concern divinity at all
Good to see you back. How are you doing? I graduated since the last time you uploaded lol.
Congratulations on your graduating! 🎓
@@TheJourneyIntoYouChannel Thanks also got a job lol. Have a meeting in like 30 minutes haha
Wonderful! Good luck in your meeting, I'm sure you'll do great! ☺️
@@TheJourneyIntoYouChannelthanks for the kind words!! I hope you and your loved ones are also doing great 😊
I’m A Muslim From UK And I’m Proud Of My Religion Allhamdullilah
Are you safe now
@@muhamadfaizal2006 Others aren’t safe !
@@Truthsayer-sc9uqBecause Christians are their!
@@MDTariqulIslam-vy5ij no, because extremists are there
It is not your religion. It is you whom this religion owns.
Seing judaism numbers melt between 1940 and 1945 is actually kinda terrifying
Legendary channel, legendary music - day is great
Hinduism 🚩 🕉️ 🇲🇾
bro got deceived by the thumbnail
yea lol
Jai shree Ram 🚩🚩🚩
Indian immigrate, what ever😒
when the world needed him the most, he appeared
LOL yeah right
Not quite sure who you mean. If you meant God, you'd say "He" rather than "he". Perhaps you mean Bob Mortimer.
@@jamesdignanmusic2765they're talking about the owner of this RUclips channel
Bro @@jamesdignanmusic2765 he ain't religious rn, he is just saying that to tye creator of the vid
@@jamesdignanmusic2765who are you watching idiot
Glad to see you're back!!🥰🥰. Always enjoy your videos!!
I just wanna know how do you even collect numbers for something as broad as this
I believe each country separately counts it. All you have to do is aggregate the data. And even this part you don't need because there are other sources that would do it for you
@@IsmailTalebthe numbers don't add up. With both China and India having over 3 billion people each and very religious countries at that. The math don't jive.
@@dragonrider9051India and China are at 1.4 billion each, and China isnt that religious
@@dragonrider9051 How doesn't it add it? Did you actually do the math? I did, and at the end of the video, all the religions shown add up to around 6.1 or 6.2 billion. There is currently a little more than 8 billion people in the world. That leaves approximately 2 billion people without religion. The math adds up perfectly
@@IsmailTalebNot all of them without religion, there are thousands of smaller religions.
Thank you for your information.
I’m so proud to be a Muslim ❤ Alhamdulillah the Religion of peace( Salam) ❤
Not to be rude but what about Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, and Palestine? They don’t seem to be at peace
Maybe ask yourself what happened in those countries in the last 100 years...@@Christianboy00
Religion of unrest and terror
@@sermin1349Isn't that the point they were making?
Piss* 😂
I was born as Hindu
But now i am still Hindu🚩
I will never change my religion
@Seyam.2.0 you try pork
Pork is more tastier 😀
@Seyam.2.0bro please dont mock others religion. It will make others hate our religion
Lol what was this for? 😂
We Christian eat twice 😁
@Seyam.2.0 PORK 🥩 is tasty. Yummy 😋
I still love the little owl character. It's so cute
Always great to get a new video and hear this iconic music again! 💖 I see you didn't include atheists on purpose, but are these numbers representing actively practicing / believing followers of each religion? Or do they include people who still identify as followers of a religion out of habit for familial or cultural reasons but are non-practicing / agnostic?
The cencus data includes people who are officially part of a religion, non-practicing included. Because that information is easy to gather. Gathering accurate data on practicing people could only be gathered by asking all the people if they practice. Some generalizations can be made with polls, but they only represent a fraction of a population.
Shinto has more practitioners than the population of Japan??
I'm Hindu but I love islam ❤
Bro thinks he can fool us whats ur name 🤣🤣in Hindu religion nobody names arshad 🤡🤡
Ex hindu reverted muslim here bro😊😊
@@AtulRawat-sf2lwme too ex hindu reverted muslim......any problem 😊😊
@@AtulRawat-sf2lwex hindu are growing in india......by 2050 hinduism will end in India itself 😊😊
@@CRAZYSUBHO-f9e let see before 2050 yogi ji will make india hindu rastra🦁🦁
This data isn't making sense to me. Can someone help explain it how the Jewish numbers went up during the holocaust?
This is also suggesting that Hinduism was a more populous religion than Islam in the 1930-1940s, yet every historical reference states this is false.
Maybe I'm not understanding the numbers correctly, but are they representative of worldwide followers?
You obviously haven't watched the videos closely - if you take a look at 1940 to 1945, you'll see the figures DECLINE - for a well known terrible, sad reason!
Look carefully, there are two sects of Muslims. The video divided them into Sunnis and Shiites. If you look at their combined numbers, they will be larger than Hinduism in the 1940s.
Tried to share this on FB and got fact-checked lol
What were the facts
@@jhjhj2172 I ignored them. Looked like it was a news report with Asian font
@@JxBx80Try to find out about Islam
Ex hindu reverted muslim here 😊😊😊
bro went from diamond to trash
@@amazingvideosforyou7 🤣🤣🤣 hinduism is diamond lol🤣🤣it's a garbage of caste based religion with discrimination untouchability etc.....thwts why it's not present outside india
😅😂What is new in this, entire Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh are all ex-Hindu countries.
But the difference is that those people were forced to change and you changed willingly, but whatever happens, Hinduism is not going to disappear. 😊❤One who reads Bhagwat Geeta can never leave Hinduism 😊
Get lost don't give your gyan here
@@S-it5bf islam spread indonesia by trade ..have some knowledge....don't eat goooobar Whole day......same for rest of the country
Happy that you’re back!
Ex Sunni Muslim here
Now converted to world's oldest religion 🕉️🪷
Ex poop Eaters here
Now converted to islam
There is no other gods but God ☝️
Every Lindu is ex muslim 😂😂
My god you guys are funny😂
@@Aabzs_CrEaTioN let me correct you, every Muslim is ex sanatani
Happy ramadan everyone ❤️🌙
Arab =/= Muslim
Turn to jesus christ, God and savior as per the old testament prophecies
@@Daniele63 have a day off
Ameen 🤲🤲🤲
@@Daniele63 لقد أخبرنا النبي محمد صل الله عليه وسلم ان النبي عيسى عليه السلام سيعود في اخر الزمان وانه سيطهر الارض من المفسدين وعبدة الطاغوت ، اخي النبي عيسى صل الله عليه وسلم ليس إله ، بل هو نبي من انبياء الله عليهم السلام ، اسأل الله ان يهدينا ويهديك
Not saying I don't like this, this is AWESOME. But I wanted to tell you that Christian is the worlds most popular religion, with 31% of the worlds population. LOVE THIS VID, you got a new sub. :D
It is not true, and the percentage of Christians is much lower than the official statistics, because Christians in Europe, America, Russia, and Latin America are mostly atheists and without religion. If you compile statistics from many Christian countries about the number of Christians and exclude atheists, I swear to you, it is possible that the number of Christians does not exceed five hundred million Christian people, perhaps half of them are atheists
But it’s not fastest growing, Christianity is fading and losing bc so many people are just christian by name and don’t actually follow the rules and teachings of Jesus, now in most Christian countries you’ll see that most of them are actually atheists in their practice…. People need to wake up bc in few years Christianity will forgotten
As usual, fantastic chart,.
Just a suggestion, in charts like this one, it will be beneficial to have the percentage of the global population together with the absolute number.
I like love this format for presenting trends the data over time. In this case, it would more informative if it also included atheist / non-religious numbers too.One suggestion on the UI (maybe when numbers are actually falling (like Judaism during the holocaust) is to add some type of indicator that an actual # is dropping or increasing. Maybe an arrow next to or in the bar but could be in many forms - this is just an idea. I ended up rewinding a couple times to see those numbers drop while just about all others went up.
JW currently have more than the Judaism Orthodox, why they aren't on the list?
are you guys really pretending you dont know the reason
I am christian from America and I love my religion (Jesus)
But US people believes more in money than it believes in any religion.
Wars and conflicts with immigrants prove this.
In the Bible, Jesus is referred to as a prophet in several verses, including:
1. Luke 24:19 - "Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people."
2. Matthew 21:11 - "And the crowds said, 'This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.'"
3. John 6:14 - "When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, 'This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!'"
4. Acts 3:22-23 - "Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you.'"
5. Deuteronomy 18:15 - "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers-it is to him you shall listen."
In these verses, Jesus is recognized as a prophet sent by God, and His teachings and actions are seen as fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.
Additionally, Jesus Himself claimed to be a prophet in:
1. Luke 13:33 - "Nevertheless, I must go on my way today and tomorrow and the day following, for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem."
These verses demonstrate that Jesus is considered a prophet in the Bible, sent by God to guide and teach humanity.
Im from northeast India.. jehovah jireh.... hallelujah
You're right bro, I really love my religion, Catholic Christianity.😊❤
We all know why the graph started rising for Hinduism after 2014 🙂🙂🙂
Not really
😂😂😂 check the data plzz
Love the reason thou❤
The goat of data is back ❤
Hey there, great to see you back! What data was used for this? The PEW research stats seem quite different.
Ok, now I want to see it where all forms of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, are combined and facing off.
Atheism isn't a religion but adding that in too might be fun.
Overall, good job! I just found your page today and subbed.
It's impossible to keep track of Atheist population. The grand majority of Atheists worldwide are ex-religious. I'm an Atheist, but my ID says I'm Muslim.
Proud to be muslim 🕌🤍 from Bangladesh 🇧🇩 🥰
😂😂😂 poor bangaladesh😊
You should be ashamed
Me too I'm from Bangladesh too
how come the LDS chirch wasnt on there? It should be the 3rd to last one on the list at the end I think with > 17,000,000
Maybe they're counted as protestants. It doesn't matter how heretical mainstream Christianity views them as (or else you're opening a real can of worms)
Or they were just forgotten about
... at the end of the day you can only put together numbers for so many religions 😅
Wrong information We r ex-hindus, but not registred in senses, so many religion groups converted into Christianity
This channel speaks about the data but does not give the sources. Its only source is 'Trust me bro'. If you dont reveal your sources, it would come across like you are spreading a certain narrative
I mean why even include judaism on the chart? it's definitely a narrative
Any insight on why Sunni Islam surged starting 1985?
Immigration to Europe and high birth rates in these countries, some say that at this rate, in a few decades Europe will be Islamic
The whole world, Islam is coming for your hearts, will make the world pure@@daniel_lucio
Oil discovery led to some Arab states to prosperity. With their quality of life from oil income, they have resources to support a lot of kids.
@@voyager1977.2 it's the poor and radical muslim countries that boomed in terms of population.
The rich/educated always do less kids.
it's the islamic revolution taking roots , forcing religion and reducing the females into a kid production machine.
The media that was associated with the 8 years war between Iraq and Iran influenced Muslims to take sides although no big difference between both sectors of Muslims but political and media influence was deep and by the 90s after Iraq invasion of Kuwait it became so strong which led to immigration and stronger effort to make noise on media and in general.
My religion Islam teaches me to respect other religions and their followers hope that other religions also teaches that aswell.
@@ZaraZara-oh3fd But your people’s actions all over the world proves otherwise !
è rispetto per le altre religioni uccidere i miscredenti , non fare amicizia con cristiani ed ebrei i quali devono cedere il passo e cambiare lato della strada se un mussulmano cammina?
But who's kafir 🤣🤣
Yours too all over history@@Truthsayer-sc9uq
Halala and Jihad are pillars of islam.
Produces terrorist.
The region has grown due to forceful conversion of people.
Why did this video make me anxious 😳😮
The rise of Islam and the fear of radical extremists taking over and forcing conversion just because they have the numbers.
As a woman it’s definitely something to worry a little about.
Yeah many Muslims in the west are more modern and don’t restrict women but many do and even worse in some parts of the world.
Iran had modernised decades ago and women had more rights then now with extremism they have none. Or very little.
If it can happen to them it can happen to anyone.
Although that would probably take another few decades.
I'm a New Muslim ❤
Ex hindu reverted muslim here
Grave mistake. Hope you don't become a radical
Ma sha Allah🫶🏻❤️🩹
Enjoy 72 Hoors now. 😂😂
Pls dont kill us😢😢😢
My man is back
Well the growth rate of atheist and agnostic are off the charts especially since people started socialising online via internet.
Sometimes even I feel agnostic.
I find it hard to believe they should count as religions 🤔🤷♂️
I am not saying it should be included in the video.
Religion is not only a blief, it's also a culture that will never fade by changing your belief!
Religion is not only a blief, it's also a culture that will never fade by changing your belief!
All humans are, atleast secretly, agnostic.
Why is no one talking about the video
Do you mind sharing the data sources?? please
how about atheism ?
Proud atheist over here, but that’s a lack of belief in “gods” so not a religion.
@@DioneN 👀
@@DioneN for me atheism is a religion too
@@comradeadjie Well, now you know it's not
@@comradeadjie it’s not though it’s a lack of religion/belief in gods. Babies are born atheist and get indoctrinated as children if the parents teach them. A lot of atheists such as myself were raised in a religion but rejected it.
Meanwhile Atheism: Hold my beer...
Atheism isn't a Religion
Its a State of having no Religions.
And I'm gonna sleep because my counter isn't full and will never full 😭😭
You should add mormonism stats if youre going to break up Christianity
Yeah there are 17 million of them. So they should be on this chart
They are not Christian though. They have their own Bible, it's a sect
@@parabalani По том описању и је православна црква секта. Значи не разумијем вашу појнту. Они вјерују да је Исус Христ спаситељ и откупитељ свијета. Такођер вјерују да је и Библија и Мормонова Књига ријеч Божја. Како нису хришћанини када славе Христа као Бога?
@@parabalani they also believe in the Bible, the Book of Mormon is in addition to the Bible
@@parabalani They believe Christ is their Savior and their God. If that isn't Christian, I'm not sure what is.
Any cited sources for the data based on sect numbers?
This is interesting…
It would mean that Sunni Islam is the largest religion in regards to the form of a single monolithic thought amongst humanity
Welcome back ❤
The religion with the most practitioners is the religion most hated by many countries. Despite all this, this religion continues to increase. I ask myself many questions. It's a paradox
Christianity? Because Christianity (Combining Catholics, Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, Anglicans and Oriental Orthodox) is the largest.
If you're talking about Islam, the only reason it's growing is because the average Muslim family has a lot of kids. Christianity still has way, way more converts.
@@Glass-io9bq That is a bogus claim, the population of muslims wouldnt have grown so dramatically if it was just more kids being born muslim.
The internet has made Islam more accessible and give people the tools to do their own research and in most cases revert to islam after simply reading and learning.
Latter Day Saint church has over 16 million as of 2023.
I was looking for this comment, wonder if they just grouped them in with another Christian group. Except most people don’t believe they are “Christians”
Yes. There should be a Christian/Latter-day Saints category. This may have been included in Protestant but that would not be correct.
I Disliked the Latter-day Saints because Israel 🇮🇱 and 🇺🇸 Needs Judaism ✡️.
Source for this data?
My buddy at the pub
@@dansmith4984 i trust him
Wow, very interesting
Glad you think so!
The "Pontifical Yearbook and the 2021 Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae", a.k.a. the Vatican Census, indicates that there are around 1.378 billion Roman Catholics.
I totally expected numbers to start going down around 1980... then 2000... then at least now. But sadly it's still going up. Maybe if it was percentage, it would go down, or maybe that I'm surrounded by civilised world where there are rarely any believers in such stuff, meanwhile population in uncivilised religious countries is still booming.
You want it going down? So people who’s believe in tvs and phones as the almighty? 😆
Remember that a lot of people who are atheists are technically (on paper) still part of some religion/church
@@Enigmalake Nothing is almighty. And no one "believes in" tvs and phones
@@cjreek many worship celebs and tech so how are you speaking for everyone?
@@cjreek Not really, there is no atheist church, being atheist means absence of religion, not just another one. It might be confusing because of the suffix -ist. But person still can be one without knowing what atheism is. Of course for statistical purposes - atheists are "just another category", but it doesn't mean it's the same. :)
End of 90's internet spreads around the world, NORMAL PEOPLE choose the right thing after they know the difference in the amount of information they receive
Interesting comeback...
Timely indeed.
How about the NARROW GATE of Mathew 13:24📜.
HOW MANY SHALL GO THROUGH THE NARROW GATE? Few will find it!👀 Do you understand this concept statement? HalleluYah Amen. Glory be to YAH. 🙏🏿🔥❤️ Open 👀👂🏾
Hey yo you come back holy 😮
Proud to be Christian ✝️🤝🏻
Concerning that they are still going up in this day and age where we have so much information and education available to us.
What do you mean?
@@houssein4611 he means we don’t live in the dinosaur age anymore, but obviously based on that chart there are a lot of lost people who follow certain religions
@@houssein4611 they’re a bunch of triggered atheists that believe they are smarter than the entire human population because they don’t believe in God
Easy to spot the soy boy white boy
They mostly increase because the populations increase (for Islam and Hinduism at least). But yeah, such a rise of islam is concerning
Lacks a bar for non-religious self-identified for the perspective.
Great Video👏
Hey, glad that you are back to field...
What are latest tools you are using for such kind of visualisation.
Wheres # of atheists?
Atheism is not a religion, maybe that's why it's not there.
Atheism is not a religion ... In fact it doesn't represent a singular community, just like you don't have a community of people that don't fish or don't birdwatch
Atheists are at the very bottom, didn't make it to the video
@@parabalani Just China and Japan are athesit at around 90%, if it was counted it would definitely make it, the thing is it's a list of religions and atheism is not a religion, as such it wouldn't make sense to put it on a list about religions, saying that atheist are in a same religious group is the same as saying non-christians are in a same religious group, it makes no sense.
@@grandmanitou6563it would still be interesting to compare it with religions
Converted are everywhere. 👀
I am so proud to be Hindu🕉️Om nama shivay (Namaste)🇮🇳🕉️
poor guy
pupg mobile
@BorzBanda at least we dont say flat earth🤣🤣
I find this a difficult thing to interpret because in a dozen muslim nations apostasy has the death penalty and many more have strict laws against it. It skews the data.
Did you know that this limit is disabled? It only works in Afghanistan.
You are absent from the world. There is no Islamic country that applies Islamic law. They are all secular countries that govern with man-made laws. I have not heard a single case in the Arab world where the punishment for apostasy was applied to anyone. Many Muslims convert to other religions and the state does nothing for them, but he is a social outcast. I live in Saudi Arabia and know everything. Do not believe anyone who tells you that Saudi Arabia applies Islamic law. The Saudi regime is more secular than France
Why are atheists not included? What does leaving out a group have to do with balance? It only distorts the result.
Here is the definition of religion: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.
Here is the definition of atheism: disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
@@agentewok146 Atheism is not a religion, but it still deserves a spot on the list.. even if it's NOT a religion.
@@akhsdenlew1861 true, but if you do a little math and research, you can find the estimated number of atheists at the time.
Like there is a comment in here of someone doing the math. They went to 2024 and added them all together. They looked up the current population of the earth, which was around 8 billion. They found that the total is around 1.9 billion people are atheists.
@@agentewok146 they are probably WAYYY more.
I live in a country that, as far as statistics go, 95% are orthodox christians.
Why? Cus when we got baptised we couldn't really say no.. in fact we didn't even have the ability of speech.
So, those baptised babies are now grown ups and they are.. Orthodox christians for the statistics and the state.. But in reality , a bunch of them are atheist.
But since it doesn't really matter, noone bothers to change his religion formally.... you just go with the flow.
Now imagine how many Muslims ( particularly women) are just pretending to be muslims just to keep their heads..
Proud to be a Hindu ❤❤ jay shari karishna ❤
My dear relations Islam Always the best.. I'm from Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ARSA senior captain 🇲🇲🇲🇲
Salute u sir 🫡
From Bangladesh 🇧🇩🇧🇩
I'm Muslim sunny Alhamdulillah..
ما معني مسلم مشمس
it's haram to be divided into sects, just say you are muslim, not shia or sunni
@@zerta0075 There is a difference. Sunni is your Aqidah, meaning you follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa salam. Shias are a sect.
@@boennn I know but still even though I am a sunni it is better to say just that I am a muslim
@@zerta0075 The correct way would be to say your deen is Islam and your Aqidah is sunni salafi
am X Hindu from India and I have converted to Islam.____ And .Islam. fastest growing religion in the world.☪️💫🌙☀️🌟🕋🕌☪️🤝✝️💯🥰🔥😍☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Ex hindu reverted muslim here 😊😊
Yes me too ex hindu reverted muslim 😊😊
Do you hate women?
Why hindu burn women alive with husband why 48 percent hindu girl married under 18 ? Your religion is stupid😂👍@@againstthedyingofthelight
Literally you are Spamming 😂I know you are fake
False. This is purely denominational, not religious as a whole. I would change the title if I were you.
That music never gets old.
I'm proud to be Hindu🕉️🕉️🕉️ 🚩🚩🚩🛐🛐🛐🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
The spinning clock doesn't match the changing of the year and it drives my OCD nuts 😂
I live in Europe, many adults who have no religion eventually convert to Islam. every day. ( Italy )
You need to correct some figures, Hindusim are not 1.24B, they are 30% less than this figure. Also Shia muslims are 30% less than this number. the differences are Sunna Islam.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
Happy to see you again 👏👏
Proud moment for Muslims❤MashAllah❤
@@AsadKhan-r4f1g puri duniya tum logon se pareshaan hai.. uncultured 7th century cavemen who only knows of killing the people who don’t follow their perverted Momad and his evil teachings ! What there to be so proud of? You should be rather ashamed!
Bro you put Christians with their sects and muslims with their sects but hinduism as a whole 😂...
Actually hinduism has the most number of castes/sects as a religion in the entire world, As a Hindu I'm saying this😂.
But the hole idiology is not different they are divided by cast but worship same god with same believe and if you can see Sia ,suni there believes are prity much different and Christianity have same please serch on google
Cus it's so diverse it might not make it to the top if you were to divide it that much.
It all comes under the umbrella of Hinduism.
Hindu have only one country India
A lot of hides lives in India
No onevrevertingbhindu
Everyone no know ideology doesn't make any sence
Yes, but the ideology is not different, the scriptures are not different, the country is not different, the dress is not different, any Hindu can worship any god or goddess, there is no official sect, the caste system is based on work. 😊
Who noticed 4 types of Christian if they are merge 💀
I am a Shia Muslim But I have a question why you divided shia and sunni this is not good we all are muslims
shia sunni are over communities
Glad to see you back!!
Christian is the best ❤
Islam allohu akbar
Christianity is the most peaceful religion.
Shut up you all 9 yo Replying Kids
For every Human His/Her religion is best
I am a Hindu and For me Hinduism is Best
You are Christian so for you Christianity is Best
For muslims Islam is best
That's a simple thing you racist replying ones Can't understand
Islam is of the Devil.
@@Madi-g1k agree it is now.. but not before ! go and read history..
Where's satanism?
jewish orthodox is right there bro
It's obviously not anywhere popular enough to make it to this video
@@SceptonicCan you explain the joke to me?
@@thanos1000000fc its obvious?
thanks for starting to upload new videos 😍
finally you're back!
Buda Morreu Está no túmulo, Maomé também, confusio, e tantos Outros ,Mas o Túmulo de Jesus Está vazio Ele foi o Único que venceu a Morte ! Ressuscitou, Glória a Deus ! Abraços do Brasil Meus amigos ! 🇧🇷
I'm gay but there's too many comments so no one will ever know
I know
U comment early , i think it not hard to find :>
We know
hey gay
Everybody knows