When I was in 7-12 grade, I went to private school. My mom had to pay the taxes for the public school, plus my tuition (which was tons less then what my district paid per student). Choice will create better educated people
Oddly enough before Government took over Public education, all education in the U.S. was private and generally run by the Catholic church among other non governmental entities. They produced Doctors, Engineers, and technicians of the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s that make our current society possible. They were better educated without Government run education. Now? These poor youth won't be able to get a job at Starbucks with their skill set
Your mom’s taxes paid for lots of services she may not have used either. If a parent wants to send you to a private school then do that. But you can’t take your tax dollars. Are you entitled to claw back your tax dollars when you don’t use welfare, roads, or emergency services or any other services that you don’t use but your taxes pay for?
competition > monopolies The only way to get amazing education is to give students and parents the ability to take their tuition money to a better school. Without competition, no industry would serve its customers well.
My wife was a middle school math teacher in Boston. The union hated her. Why? Because she had the nerve to set high expectations for behavior and academic performance in her class room. He student body was 98% minority. She got away with being disciplined in the class room because she is dark skinned Puerto Rican. A white teacher would have had hundreds of complaints filed by parents. By her second year teaching (actually teaching was her second career, former laboratory microbiology tech with degrees in chemistry, biology, laboratory science, and a masters in education) the director of instruction for the school was requiring all teachers to observe her methods, regardless the subject they were teaching. Her students were improving year over year at a higher rate than the rest of the city. The superintendents office sent observers to figure what she was doing differently. And the union? They tried to bump her out every year. Her students would come back and visit to thank her because they were now in honors math in high school. These are students that the union wants to just move along like cattle. My wife is retired from teaching now. But those were some of the best and most exhausting years of her adult life.
Puerto Rico's public school system is horrible. People stay in the same grade for years. Thanks to my parents, they put me in a private school and during those years that i was in private school i learned way way more than public when i moved to Miami. During my years at private school i was able to not only learn english but russian as well. School choice is the right thing.
I learned more when I was in Catholic school then I ever did when I went from Catholic school to public. I was in the 6th grade when I first went to public school. My 6th grade math class in public school was teaching math that I had already when I was in the 4th grade. I breezed right through public high school.
I just want to use my tax dollars to homeschool my kids. Hell, I’m a public school teacher who will be sacrificing for my family because public schools suck.
*_2:15_**_ "The Supreme Court has already decided that it's constitutional under the Establishment Clause ... that was in 2002 in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris and there the court said that school choice programs don't violate the Establishment Clause"_* No, in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) the court said that *_voucher programs_* didn't violate the Establishment Clause because _parents could choose_ whether to spend their vouchers on religious private schools or secular private schools. The "school choice" idea being pushed by Betsy DeVos proposes that the federal government directly fund private religious schools in lieu of secular public schools AND that these private religious schools wouldn't be held to the same standards (i.e. creationism out of the science classroom) as secular public schools. This idea was _not_ tested in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) and it appears to fail the Lemon test on all three counts: (1) DeVos is a devout Christian and has previously stated that her advocacy for school choice is to "advance God's kingdom", so the purpose clearly isn't secular. (2) There's hard data showing that private schools do not outperform public schools, so the principal effect would be to advance religion, not improve education. (3) The nature of aid is direct government funding as opposed to an indirect voucher program.
Antonia Nikolaj There have been studies that show that private schools generally outperform public schools on average with about 15% higher test scores.
It does follow the lemon test because part one is to have a secular purpose which is technically to provide equal treatment to allow more choices for education, one of those being private schools and by exempting the religious schools it hinders religion and fails the second part of the test. The third part is something that can be modified in order to fit the constitution however.
All I care about is education quality and there have been many examples of private charter schools delivering horrible quality education and existing only to make profit. I want all schools to be putting education first and money second and that doesn't happen anywhere it seems even in public schools.
Cite the examples and the report please because the only areas of Improvement in Public Education per the U.S. Dept of Education 2015 report? IS IN CHARTER SCHOOLS!
Picking out anecdotal examples of a few bad charter schools is not good evidence for or against the entire system. One could do the same with public schools with many more examples
This bill is about enabling parents to have choice. If parents choose bad school its bad for their children but still I believe that (even poor) parents schould have choice.
The REAL reason why people oppose school choice is because it creates differences in quality of education that are very hard to change. No one wants to choose to go to the "bad" school. Then that schools gets the troubled student's. It's a vicious cycle that hurts students.
That's right! No one want to go to school with teacher doesn't want to teach and student doesn't want to learn. It's both sides of the equation. Can't help people who don't need help.
a person...PERSON pays taxes if they get that money back to choose what school they use it is that PERSON using his/her money to buy services end of story stop acting like its the government giving us somthing...and if the public school stops getting funding because it sucks then maybe it should do a better job and btw if a person pulls the children for home schooling they are still forced to pay for public schools on top of doing it themselves
nightbyrd86 yup you gotta pay your public school subscription every month or your kid will get kicked out then they gotta learn from the critters in the woods
I can see how this might negatively affect poorer neighborhoods who might not have a lot of access to schooling. I think that is a reasonable argument too. I think school choice is ideal, and its up to the administrators of cities and towns to figure that out not at the expense of other people. It is hard, but I don't think this would be as much an argument of public schooling wasn't sub par in many areas.
@@artcasbah4218 Its largely political. The teachers unions. My understanding is that schools are funded in part due to the number of attendees. So the number of teachers might not be as high as one would think.
Than at the end all students will leave public schools in poor neighborhoods and get better private education. Kids will be better off and goverment spending will be better off.
@@paulinotou Im exactly not sure what do you mean by guarantee schooling. Like if students will leave public schools and some public schools will be closed than some kids wont find suitable private school for them?
I am an advocate of neither teachers unions or the school board structure. I am a fan of well educated students. The most successful schools in the world are Public, National and Secular. Why are we trying to re-invent education?
"The most successful schools in the world are Public, National and Secular. Why are we trying to re-invent education?" Blatant lies are probably not the best way to make your point.
Larry Burke There are always many reasons for something like ineffective education systems. But how do you know that being public, and thus part of a subsidized monopoly system, is not one of the causal factors?
Left out of the discussion is the part having father and mother at home have on outcomes. My kids went to a public middle and high school that are ranked very highly in the US for academics and a 100% graduation rate, 79% 4 year college acceptance rate. Yet the same school district has high schools with substantially lower outcomes. The factor that most closely correlates is not race but rather the percentage of single mother headed households for the students in the school. Voucher and charter schools are self selecting among those parents willing to put the effort into making sure their children have a better outcome. And that is more likely to happen in a two parent home.
A lot of long-time homeschoolers are not fans of school choice programs, either. We know that state funds will come with regulations under the banner of "accountability." Publicly funded private education will not be the same as privately funded private education. The strings will influence parents and private schools away from the freedom that makes those options what they are. I'm a conservative who is very concerned about "school choice" programs. I especially want homeschooling left out of it. We already have a choice without the government creating a program for it.
I have taught in public schools for 26 years and this video misses the biggest point why most teachers are against vouchers. The guest made the claim that we did not want "competition" and that is false. What we don't want is unequal competition. Private schools get to pick their students. If a student is low performing, they don't have to admit them. If a student has a learning disability, they don't have to admit them. If a student has mental issues or has behavior issues, they don't have to admit them.... Private schools also do not have to take the same tests that the public schools are forced to adhere to. Yes there are other reasons such as we shouldn't be subsidizing private companies or religions with public tax dollars. But be honest with people. The biggest thing is that it is unfair to pit private schools that can discriminate against public schools that teach ALL students!
Erica did a terrible job of explaining the source of funding for public schools and how it is that they are saving money when students elect to attend an alternative option school. So annoying.
I’m Republican and not for school choice. At least in general. Tax money school not be taken away from public schools and given to private schools. That’s an incentive for private schools to lower standards and give kids better grades. My wife is a teacher and we have seen it first hand. Also if a kid transfers to another school . They and their parents should be held to a very high standard. Good behavior and good grades should be a requirement to remain in that school. Lastly a lot of private schools pay their teachers crumbs. So they probably don’t retain good teachers.
The problem most often cited by opponents of "school choice" is the quality of education students receive and the possibility for abuse of the system by profiteers who imperil children's future and well-being. Religion is a minor factor and the threat to teachers' unions is a footnote in the public discourse. The focus on unions in the title ("Who Opposes It" comes before why? Way to signal that you don't like the people behind the idea and would prefer to attack their background instead of their argument) and in the video run-time plays to the base but is silly in reality. I'm subscribed to this channel to hear the Libertarian point of view on issues like this, but this video disappoints. Either it was poorly researched (in which case, wow - I'm not even American and I know more about this offhand than Smith, a lawyer who has worked cases in the field, does with preparation? Embarrassing) or deliberately misleading by omission (much more probable but even more troubling). The hackneyed fake interview format makes even the presentation seem deceptive.
End mandatory school. Have $15000 per year vouchers for kids for private or home school. Change the education system so it teaches individualized job skills for the job the kid wants instead of usless info. Dont require people learn info that is irrelevant to the job they want in order to get that job. End hsd and ged requirements. End gov mandated curriculums. End public schools. End one size fits all education. Tax money being spent on religious school is ok but as long as the funding is only going torward non religious education and any relgious stuff taught there is funded privately not tax funded. If the public school is scared of loosing money, that just prooves school choice is needed cuz they kno private schools can outcompete them cuz theyre better.
You're still waiting on "approval" from government. As a homeschooler, I don't want to have to wait for approval on the curriculum I choose. I don't want to have to be tested in a certain way either.
worried about separation of church and state? You mean like the Government mandated Church of Secularism we already have? the State has literally established one world view and one religious school of thought in their state institutions (Secular Churches)
All about $$$$$ to Public Education and its supporters. Nothing to do with the kids or poor schools, etc. It's all about $$$$$ and the monopoly that is Public Education
It’s not really expensive unless you talk about university. Public schools are tax funded/locally funded. The argument as to why America needs a school choice system is because if we have a school choice system it will eliminate some of the barriers poor people have in America (majority of the poor being minorities), allow for more students to get better education in different schools that are very well funded and very safe, and allow richer kids and poor kids to be around each other allowing them to become friends and the rich might care more about the poor. The argument that it will allow for religious schools to prosper is completely stupid and this is coming from an Atheist. If someone wants to prevent people from having an equal chance in life starting out just because a few religious schools people can choose to be apart of or not will get funding is stupid and shows they only want control over the public.
Public Schools see vouchers as competition? Really?! There have been Private and Parochial schools for a long time and Public Schools don't see them as competition. The problem is that vouchers take public tax money and give it to private and/or religious schools. You talk about school choice, well deciding to send your child to a private or parochial school is your choice and is done on your money. Not the taxpayers. It is a personal choice to send your child to a non-public school and it needs to be your money that does it. The whole bit about public schools not spending the money on a child who goes to a private school is B.S. That is because the money isn't allocated to the school that it can't spend the money on them. Do you understand how a Budget works. Nice hyperbolic logic on that one Erica. How about vouchers for public roads and Police & Fire services as well? Thought not.
So can you tell us these 7 reasons? Because in school they should have taught you to make an argument and have your point come across clearly you must state these opinions and back them up with evidence.
Agerix Official thehill.com - The ethics case against Betsy DeVos Most notably are the fact that her hearing was before her financial information was disclosed and her ethics review was processed, her effort has donated millions to Super PACs (and also knowingly funneled money to another political organization in Ohio 87 times the legal amount for political donations), to the charter school campaign in Michigan (which is failing students), and to the campaigns of several republican senators who ended up voting for her. She has stated that she does expect things in return for donating so much money to them and I guess she got what she wanted. You shouldn't be able to just pay to get what you want in politics and public offices should never go to the person who pays the most for it, are you kidding me? In addition, the things she's lobbied for in education have ruined schools in Michigan. Most charter schools are performing very poorly, many being among the lowest performing in the country. Yet the charter schools stay in business and keep getting money because Devos and the people around her just love charter schools and privatizing education that much and don't care about how it affects the students. If money keeps going to these failing schools, less money also goes to public schools (which perform better than the charter schools anyway). I'm not exactly opposed to charter schools, but what happened in Michigan and still is happening should not ever happen, and i certainly dont want it happening to more schools nationwide and to my family members who are still in school. www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/12/08/a-sobering-look-at-what-betsy-devos-did-to-education-in-michigan-and-what-she-might-do-as-secretary-of-education/?.2afcc89dba01
Agerix Official That's kinda sad if you mean other people are worse than her when she's already terrible. But the general consensus is that she's one of the worst? I can think of one other that I think is vehemently undeserving of his nomination, but I don't know too much about the other noninations.
Agerix Official I seriously doubt she'll be able to do much for common core since federal officials can't interfere with state education standards anymore. If you want to get rid of common core, you'd have to take it up with your state government. States already can do what they want in that regard. I'm actually graduating this year. Although no one liked common core, it didn't prevent me from doing anything... (Though looking at the ACT site I probably should have taken physics.) What exactly are you trying to do?
When I was in 7-12 grade, I went to private school. My mom had to pay the taxes for the public school, plus my tuition (which was tons less then what my district paid per student). Choice will create better educated people
Oddly enough before Government took over Public education, all education in the U.S. was private and generally run by the Catholic church among other non governmental entities. They produced Doctors, Engineers, and technicians of the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s that make our current society possible. They were better educated without Government run education. Now? These poor youth won't be able to get a job at Starbucks with their skill set
@@johnnyjames5948 As early as the 80s? wow, what the hell happened .
Sounds like you had a choice then.....
You should look at how schools get their cuts of cash. The system practically incentives and rewards wasteful spending.
Your mom’s taxes paid for lots of services she may not have used either. If a parent wants to send you to a private school then do that. But you can’t take your tax dollars. Are you entitled to claw back your tax dollars when you don’t use welfare, roads, or emergency services or any other services that you don’t use but your taxes pay for?
competition > monopolies
The only way to get amazing education is to give students and parents the ability to take their tuition money to a better school. Without competition, no industry would serve its customers well.
My wife was a middle school math teacher in Boston. The union hated her. Why? Because she had the nerve to set high expectations for behavior and academic performance in her class room. He student body was 98% minority. She got away with being disciplined in the class room because she is dark skinned Puerto Rican. A white teacher would have had hundreds of complaints filed by parents.
By her second year teaching (actually teaching was her second career, former laboratory microbiology tech with degrees in chemistry, biology, laboratory science, and a masters in education) the director of instruction for the school was requiring all teachers to observe her methods, regardless the subject they were teaching.
Her students were improving year over year at a higher rate than the rest of the city. The superintendents office sent observers to figure what she was doing differently.
And the union? They tried to bump her out every year.
Her students would come back and visit to thank her because they were now in honors math in high school. These are students that the union wants to just move along like cattle.
My wife is retired from teaching now. But those were some of the best and most exhausting years of her adult life.
"A white teacher would have had hundreds of complaints filed by parents."
Show proof or evidence for your wife's school.
Puerto Rico's public school system is horrible. People stay in the same grade for years. Thanks to my parents, they put me in a private school and during those years that i was in private school i learned way way more than public when i moved to Miami. During my years at private school i was able to not only learn english but russian as well. School choice is the right thing.
I learned more when I was in Catholic school then I ever did when I went from Catholic school to public. I was in the 6th grade when I first went to public school. My 6th grade math class in public school was teaching math that I had already when I was in the 4th grade. I breezed right through public high school.
@thepoofkid you clearly aren't 😆
@thepoofkid 😆 but to be fair you don't really need to be really smart to breeze through high school. Just better prepared.
@@InstiGator805 u a negative person. U probably ugly
@@Madeviets To some I guess. I am pretty negative thou.
Treat going to school like buying Your favorite Phone ( iphone , Flip phone , Android ... )
Voucher and charter programs get funded at half or less than the per pupil cost in a regular public school.
I just want to use my tax dollars to homeschool my kids. Hell, I’m a public school teacher who will be sacrificing for my family because public schools suck.
*_2:15_**_ "The Supreme Court has already decided that it's constitutional under the Establishment Clause ... that was in 2002 in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris and there the court said that school choice programs don't violate the Establishment Clause"_*
No, in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) the court said that *_voucher programs_* didn't violate the Establishment Clause because _parents could choose_ whether to spend their vouchers on religious private schools or secular private schools.
The "school choice" idea being pushed by Betsy DeVos proposes that the federal government directly fund private religious schools in lieu of secular public schools AND that these private religious schools wouldn't be held to the same standards (i.e. creationism out of the science classroom) as secular public schools.
This idea was _not_ tested in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002) and it appears to fail the Lemon test on all three counts: (1) DeVos is a devout Christian and has previously stated that her advocacy for school choice is to "advance God's kingdom", so the purpose clearly isn't secular. (2) There's hard data showing that private schools do not outperform public schools, so the principal effect would be to advance religion, not improve education. (3) The nature of aid is direct government funding as opposed to an indirect voucher program.
Antonia Nikolaj There have been studies that show that private schools generally outperform public schools on average with about 15% higher test scores.
It does follow the lemon test because part one is to have a secular purpose which is technically to provide equal treatment to allow more choices for education, one of those being private schools and by exempting the religious schools it hinders religion and fails the second part of the test. The third part is something that can be modified in order to fit the constitution however.
All I care about is education quality and there have been many examples of private charter schools delivering horrible quality education and existing only to make profit. I want all schools to be putting education first and money second and that doesn't happen anywhere it seems even in public schools.
Cite the examples and the report please because the only areas of Improvement in Public Education per the U.S. Dept of Education 2015 report? IS IN CHARTER SCHOOLS!
Picking out anecdotal examples of a few bad charter schools is not good evidence for or against the entire system. One could do the same with public schools with many more examples
This bill is about enabling parents to have choice. If parents choose bad school its bad for their children but still I believe that (even poor) parents schould have choice.
You can’t make something horrible and still turn a profit.
The REAL reason why people oppose school choice is because it creates differences in quality of education that are very hard to change. No one wants to choose to go to the "bad" school. Then that schools gets the troubled student's.
It's a vicious cycle that hurts students.
Not exactly, the struggling school would benefit from a better student to teacher ratio in classrooms. That's a good thing
That's right! No one want to go to school with teacher doesn't want to teach and student doesn't want to learn. It's both sides of the equation. Can't help people who don't need help.
a person...PERSON pays taxes if they get that money back to choose what school they use it is that PERSON using his/her money to buy services end of story stop acting like its the government giving us somthing...and if the public school stops getting funding because it sucks then maybe it should do a better job and btw if a person pulls the children for home schooling they are still forced to pay for public schools on top of doing it themselves
nightbyrd86 yup you gotta pay your public school subscription every month or your kid will get kicked out then they gotta learn from the critters in the woods
I can see how this might negatively affect poorer neighborhoods who might not have a lot of access to schooling. I think that is a reasonable argument too. I think school choice is ideal, and its up to the administrators of cities and towns to figure that out not at the expense of other people. It is hard, but I don't think this would be as much an argument of public schooling wasn't sub par in many areas.
So if more students leave the struggling public school they will have a better student to teacher ratio. What's bad about that?
@@artcasbah4218 Its largely political. The teachers unions. My understanding is that schools are funded in part due to the number of attendees. So the number of teachers might not be as high as one would think.
Than at the end all students will leave public schools in poor neighborhoods and get better private education. Kids will be better off and goverment spending will be better off.
@@djri2984 Umm maybe... If you don't guarantee schooling, its very possible a lot of people won't go to private schooling.
@@paulinotou Im exactly not sure what do you mean by guarantee schooling. Like if students will leave public schools and some public schools will be closed than some kids wont find suitable private school for them?
I have no children. I should get my taxes back too.
The 25 people who disliked this are part of the the teacher unions.
I am an advocate of neither teachers unions or the school board structure. I am a fan of well educated students.
The most successful schools in the world are Public, National and Secular. Why are we trying to re-invent education?
Larry Burke Monopolies are bad for customers. That's why American public schools are failing.
"The most successful schools in the world are Public, National and Secular. Why are we trying to re-invent education?"
Blatant lies are probably not the best way to make your point.
I agree we have a lot of bad schools. The reason is not because they are public.
Larry Burke There are always many reasons for something like ineffective education systems. But how do you know that being public, and thus part of a subsidized monopoly system, is not one of the causal factors?
Left out of the discussion is the part having father and mother at home have on outcomes.
My kids went to a public middle and high school that are ranked very highly in the US for academics and a 100% graduation rate, 79% 4 year college acceptance rate. Yet the same school district has high schools with substantially lower outcomes. The factor that most closely correlates is not race but rather the percentage of single mother headed households for the students in the school.
Voucher and charter schools are self selecting among those parents willing to put the effort into making sure their children have a better outcome. And that is more likely to happen in a two parent home.
A lot of long-time homeschoolers are not fans of school choice programs, either. We know that state funds will come with regulations under the banner of "accountability." Publicly funded private education will not be the same as privately funded private education. The strings will influence parents and private schools away from the freedom that makes those options what they are. I'm a conservative who is very concerned about "school choice" programs. I especially want homeschooling left out of it. We already have a choice without the government creating a program for it.
I have taught in public schools for 26 years and this video misses the biggest point why most teachers are against vouchers. The guest made the claim that we did not want "competition" and that is false. What we don't want is unequal competition. Private schools get to pick their students. If a student is low performing, they don't have to admit them. If a student has a learning disability, they don't have to admit them. If a student has mental issues or has behavior issues, they don't have to admit them.... Private schools also do not have to take the same tests that the public schools are forced to adhere to. Yes there are other reasons such as we shouldn't be subsidizing private companies or religions with public tax dollars. But be honest with people. The biggest thing is that it is unfair to pit private schools that can discriminate against public schools that teach ALL students!
If I want to send my kids to a private school that could help with their learning Problems then What’s the big deal
If an underperforming school closed, then all the other underperforming schools would all of a sudden start performing.
...or maybe after most underperforming and most unpopular school closes, the second worse school become most underperforming and most unpopular school
Erica did a terrible job of explaining the source of funding for public schools and how it is that they are saving money when students elect to attend an alternative option school. So annoying.
I’m Republican and not for school choice. At least in general. Tax money school not be taken away from public schools and given to private schools. That’s an incentive for private schools to lower standards and give kids better grades. My wife is a teacher and we have seen it first hand.
Also if a kid transfers to another school . They and their parents should be held to a very high standard. Good behavior and good grades should be a requirement to remain in that school.
Lastly a lot of private schools pay their teachers crumbs. So they probably don’t retain good teachers.
Because they are about to lose all their paychecks.
The problem most often cited by opponents of "school choice" is the quality of education students receive and the possibility for abuse of the system by profiteers who imperil children's future and well-being. Religion is a minor factor and the threat to teachers' unions is a footnote in the public discourse. The focus on unions in the title ("Who Opposes It" comes before why? Way to signal that you don't like the people behind the idea and would prefer to attack their background instead of their argument) and in the video run-time plays to the base but is silly in reality.
I'm subscribed to this channel to hear the Libertarian point of view on issues like this, but this video disappoints. Either it was poorly researched (in which case, wow - I'm not even American and I know more about this offhand than Smith, a lawyer who has worked cases in the field, does with preparation? Embarrassing) or deliberately misleading by omission (much more probable but even more troubling). The hackneyed fake interview format makes even the presentation seem deceptive.
Private schools outperform public schools the majority of the time. Why else do all the politicians NOT send their own kids to public schools?
End mandatory school. Have $15000 per year vouchers for kids for private or home school. Change the education system so it teaches individualized job skills for the job the kid wants instead of usless info. Dont require people learn info that is irrelevant to the job they want in order to get that job. End hsd and ged requirements. End gov mandated curriculums. End public schools. End one size fits all education.
Tax money being spent on religious school is ok but as long as the funding is only going torward non religious education and any relgious stuff taught there is funded privately not tax funded.
If the public school is scared of loosing money, that just prooves school choice is needed cuz they kno private schools can outcompete them cuz theyre better.
You're still waiting on "approval" from government. As a homeschooler, I don't want to have to wait for approval on the curriculum I choose. I don't want to have to be tested in a certain way either.
worried about separation of church and state? You mean like the Government mandated Church of Secularism we already have? the State has literally established one world view and one religious school of thought in their state institutions (Secular Churches)
Do you need a safe space from the government taking a neutral stance on religion?
All about $$$$$ to Public Education and its supporters. Nothing to do with the kids or poor schools, etc. It's all about $$$$$ and the monopoly that is Public Education
education in america seems so complicated and expensive lmao
It’s not really expensive unless you talk about university. Public schools are tax funded/locally funded. The argument as to why America needs a school choice system is because if we have a school choice system it will eliminate some of the barriers poor people have in America (majority of the poor being minorities), allow for more students to get better education in different schools that are very well funded and very safe, and allow richer kids and poor kids to be around each other allowing them to become friends and the rich might care more about the poor. The argument that it will allow for religious schools to prosper is completely stupid and this is coming from an Atheist. If someone wants to prevent people from having an equal chance in life starting out just because a few religious schools people can choose to be apart of or not will get funding is stupid and shows they only want control over the public.
@@David12754 Man, I can't read all that because of a comment I did 2 years ago.
I was talking about University
But why would parents know best for their children?
who opposes it? the teachers unions
Public Schools see vouchers as competition? Really?! There have been Private and Parochial schools for a long time and Public Schools don't see them as competition. The problem is that vouchers take public tax money and give it to private and/or religious schools. You talk about school choice, well deciding to send your child to a private or parochial school is your choice and is done on your money. Not the taxpayers. It is a personal choice to send your child to a non-public school and it needs to be your money that does it. The whole bit about public schools not spending the money on a child who goes to a private school is B.S. That is because the money isn't allocated to the school that it can't spend the money on them. Do you understand how a Budget works. Nice hyperbolic logic on that one Erica. How about vouchers for public roads and Police & Fire services as well? Thought not.
You think you understand how system work?
Parents are taxpayers m0r0n
there's like 7 reasons school choice will have problems especially in years to come
Like what
So can you tell us these 7 reasons? Because in school they should have taught you to make an argument and have your point come across clearly you must state these opinions and back them up with evidence.
School choice works in Canada that’s why their public education is better than ours
This presentation is very biased and staged to be so.
I hate Betsy Devos more for her lack of experience, the result of some of her campaigns, and especially how sketchy and corrupt she is.
hows she corrupt?
Agerix Official
thehill.com - The ethics case against Betsy DeVos
Most notably are the fact that her hearing was before her financial information was disclosed and her ethics review was processed, her effort has donated millions to Super PACs (and also knowingly funneled money to another political organization in Ohio 87 times the legal amount for political donations), to the charter school campaign in Michigan (which is failing students), and to the campaigns of several republican senators who ended up voting for her. She has stated that she does expect things in return for donating so much money to them and I guess she got what she wanted. You shouldn't be able to just pay to get what you want in politics and public offices should never go to the person who pays the most for it, are you kidding me?
In addition, the things she's lobbied for in education have ruined schools in Michigan. Most charter schools are performing very poorly, many being among the lowest performing in the country. Yet the charter schools stay in business and keep getting money because Devos and the people around her just love charter schools and privatizing education that much and don't care about how it affects the students. If money keeps going to these failing schools, less money also goes to public schools (which perform better than the charter schools anyway). I'm not exactly opposed to charter schools, but what happened in Michigan and still is happening should not ever happen, and i certainly dont want it happening to more schools nationwide and to my family members who are still in school. www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/12/08/a-sobering-look-at-what-betsy-devos-did-to-education-in-michigan-and-what-she-might-do-as-secretary-of-education/?.2afcc89dba01
UshioKiss shes still one of the better ones to have been chosen.
Agerix Official That's kinda sad if you mean other people are worse than her when she's already terrible. But the general consensus is that she's one of the worst? I can think of one other that I think is vehemently undeserving of his nomination, but I don't know too much about the other noninations.
Agerix Official I seriously doubt she'll be able to do much for common core since federal officials can't interfere with state education standards anymore. If you want to get rid of common core, you'd have to take it up with your state government. States already can do what they want in that regard.
I'm actually graduating this year. Although no one liked common core, it didn't prevent me from doing anything... (Though looking at the ACT site I probably should have taken physics.) What exactly are you trying to do?
Mo. Ron.