Muhammad Taha Al-Junaid - Surah Ya-Sin (36) Verses 13-27 - Live 13/04/23

  • Опубликовано: 18 апр 2023
  • Surah Ya-Sin Verses 13-27

Комментарии • 3

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    Surah Ya-Sin Verses 13-27
    Wa Ađrib Lahum Mathalāan 'Aşĥāba Al-Qaryati 'Idh Jā'ahā Al-Mursalūna And put forward to them a similitude; the (story of the) dwellers of the town, [It is said that the town was Antioch (Antakiya)], when there came Messengers to them. (Ya-Sin 36:13) وَ‌اضْ‍‍‍رِبْ لَهُمْ مَثَلاً‌ ‌أَ‍صْ‍‍ح‍‍َ‍ابَ ‌الْ‍‍قَ‍‍رْيَةِ ‌إِ‌ذْ‌ ج‍‍َ‍ا‌ءَهَا‌ ‌الْمُرْسَلُونَ
    'Idh 'Arsalnā 'Ilayhimu Athnayni Fakadhdhabūhumā Fa`azzaznā Bithālithin Faqālū 'Innā 'Ilaykum Mursalūna When We sent to them two Messengers, they belied them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: "Verily! We have been sent to you as Messengers." (Ya-Sin 36:14) إِ‌ذْ‌ ‌أَ‌رْسَلْنَ‍‍ا‌ ‌إِلَيْهِمُ ‌اثْنَ‍‍يْ‍‍نِ فَكَذَّبُوهُمَا‌ فَعَزَّ‌زْنَا‌ بِثَالِث‌‍ٍ‌ فَ‍‍قَ‍‍الُ‍‍و‌ا‌ ‌إِنَّ‍‍‍ا‌ ‌إِلَيْكُمْ مُرْسَلُونَ
    Qālū Mā 'Antum 'Illā Basharun Mithlunā Wa Mā 'Anzala Ar-Raĥmānu Min Shay'in 'In 'Antum 'Illā Takdhibūna They (people of the town) said: "You are only human beings like ourselves, and the Most Beneficent (Allāh) has revealed nothing, you are only telling lies." (Ya-Sin 36:15) قَ‍‍الُو‌ا‌ مَ‍‍ا‌ ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمْ ‌إِلاَّ‌ بَشَر‌ٌ‌ مِثْلُنَا‌ ‌وَمَ‍‍ا‌ ‌أَ‌ن‍‍زَلَ ‌ال‍‍رَّحْمَنُ مِ‍‌‍نْ شَ‍‍يْء‌‌ٍ‌ ‌إِ‌نْ ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمْ ‌إِلاَّ‌ تَكْذِبُونَ
    Qālū Rabbunā Ya`lamu 'Innā 'Ilaykum Lamursalūna The Messengers said: "Our Lord knows that we have been sent as Messengers to you, (Ya-Sin 36:16) قَ‍‍الُو‌ا‌ ‌‍رَبُّنَا‌ يَعْلَمُ ‌إِنَّ‍‍‍ا‌ ‌إِلَيْكُمْ لَمُرْسَلُونَ
    Wa Mā `Alaynā 'Illā Al-Balāghu Al-Mubīnu "And our duty is only to convey plainly (the Message)." (Ya-Sin 36:17) وَمَا‌ عَلَيْنَ‍‍ا‌ ‌إِلاَّ‌ ‌الْبَلاَ‍‍غُ ‌الْمُبِينُ
    Qālū 'Innā Taţayyarnā Bikum ۖ La'in Lam Tantahū Lanarjumannakum Wa Layamassannakum Minnā `Adhābun 'Alīmun They (people) said: "For us, we see an evil omen from you, if you cease not, we will surely stone you, and a painful torment will touch you from us." (Ya-Sin 36:18) قَ‍‍الُ‍‍و‌ا‌ ‌إِنَّ‍‍ا‌ تَ‍‍طَ‍‍يَّرْنَا‌ بِكُمْ ۖ لَئِ‍‌‍نْ لَمْ تَ‍‌‍ن‍‍تَهُو‌ا‌ لَنَرْجُمَ‍‍نَّ‍‍كُمْ ‌وَلَيَمَسَّ‍‍نَّ‍‍كُمْ مِ‍‍نَّ‍‍ا‌ عَذ‍َ‍‌ابٌ ‌أَلِيمٌ
    Qālū Ţā'irukum Ma`akum ۚ 'A'in Dhukkirtum ۚ Bal 'Antum Qawmun Musrifūna They (Messengers) said: "Your evil omens be with you! (Do you call it "evil omen") because you are admonished? Nay, but you are a people Musrifûn (transgressing all bounds by committing all kinds of great sins, and by disobeying Allāh). (Ya-Sin 36:19) قَ‍‍الُو‌ا‌ طَ‍‍‍ائِرُكُمْ مَعَكُمْ ۚ ‌أَئِ‍‌‍نْ ‌ذُكِّ‍‍رْتُمْ ۚ بَلْ ‌أَ‌نْ‍‍تُمْ قَ‍‍‍وْمٌ‌ مُسْ‍‍رِفُونَ
    Wa Jā'a Min 'Aqşá Al-Madīnati Rajulun Yas`á Qāla Yā Qawmi Attabi`ū Al-Mursalīna And there came running from the farthest part of the town, a man, saying: "O my people! Obey the Messengers; (Ya-Sin 36:20) وَج‍‍َ‍ا‌ءَ‌ مِ‍‌‍نْ ‌أَ‍‍قْ‍‍‍‍‍صَ‍‍ى‌ ‌الْمَدِينَةِ ‌‍رَجُلٌ‌ يَسْعَى‌ قَ‍‍‍الَ يَاقَ‍‍‍وْمِ ‌اتَّبِعُو‌ا‌ ‌الْمُرْسَلِينَ
    Attabi`ū Man Lā Yas'alukum 'Ajrāan Wa Hum Muhtadūna "Obey those who ask no wages of you (for themselves), and who are rightly guided. (Ya-Sin 36:21) اتَّبِعُو‌ا‌ مَ‍‌‍نْ لاَ‌ يَسْأَلُكُمْ ‌أَجْ‍‍ر‌ا‌ ً‌ ‌وَهُمْ مُهْتَدُ‌ونَ
    Wa Mā Liya Lā 'A`budu Al-Ladhī Faţaranī Wa 'Ilayhi Turja`ūna "And why should I not worship Him (Allāh Alone) Who has created me and to Whom you shall be returned. (Ya-Sin 36:22) وَمَا‌ لِيَ لاَ‌ ‌أَعْبُدُ‌ ‌الَّذِي فَ‍‍طَ‍‍رَنِي ‌وَ‌إِلَ‍‍يْ‍‍هِ تُرْجَعُونَ
    'A'attakhidhu Min Dūnihi~ 'Ālihatan 'In Yuridni Ar-Raĥmānu Biđurrin Lā Tughni `Annī Shafā`atuhum Shay'āan Wa Lā Yunqidhūni "Shall I take besides Him āliha (gods), if the Most Beneficent (Allāh) intends me any harm, their intercession will be of no use for me whatsoever, nor can they save me? (Ya-Sin 36:23) أَ‌أَتَّ‍‍خِ‍‍ذُ‌ مِ‍‌‍نْ ‌دُ‌ونِهِ ‌آلِهَة‌ ً‌ ‌إِ‌نْ يُ‍‍رِ‌دْنِ ‌ال‍‍رَّحْمَنُ بِ‍‍ضُ‍‍رّ‌ٍ‌ لاَ‌ تُ‍‍غْ‍‍نِ عَ‍‍نِّ‍‍ي شَفَاعَتُهُمْ شَ‍‍يْ‍‍ئا‌ ً‌ ‌وَلاَ‌ يُ‍‌‍ن‍‍‍قِ‍‍ذُ‌ونِ
    'Innī 'Idhāan Lafī Đalālin Mubīnin "Then verily, I should be in plain error. (Ya-Sin 36:24) إِنِّ‍‍‍ي ‌إِ‌ذ‌ا‌ ً‌ لَفِي ضَ‍‍لاَلٍ‌ مُبِينٍ
    'Innī 'Āmantu Birabbikum Fāsma`ūni Verily! I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me!" (Ya-Sin 36:25) إِنِّ‍‍‍ي ‌آمَ‍‌‍نْ‍‍تُ بِ‍رَبِّكُمْ فَاسْمَعُونِ
    Qīla Adkhuli Al-Jannata ۖ Qāla Yā Layta Qawmī Ya`lamūna It was said (to him when the disbelievers killed him): "Enter Paradise." He said: "Would that my people knew! (Ya-Sin 36:26) قِ‍‍‍ي‍‍لَ ‌ا‌دْ‍‍خُ‍‍لِ ‌الْجَ‍‍نَّ‍‍ةَ ۖ قَ‍‍‍الَ يَالَ‍‍يْ‍‍تَ قَ‍‍وْمِي يَعْلَمُونَ
    Bimā Ghafara Lī Rabbī Wa Ja`alanī Mina Al-Mukramīna "That my Lord (Allāh) has forgiven me, and made me of the honoured ones!" (Ya-Sin 36:27) بِمَا‌ غَ‍‍فَ‍رَ‌ لِي ‌‍رَبِّي ‌وَجَعَلَنِي مِنَ ‌الْمُكْ‍رَمِينَ

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    Maasha allaah tabaaraka allaah