I know lots of Scotland people they are very friendly, when they meet stranger in town ask for direction or something else, Scotland people are very happy to help, always lovely sunshine smile on they're face, nice people
Just wanna say Thank you, Laura. I'm living in Edinburgh for now due to my study. I got lucky to have some chat with Laura in Busan last year and she gave me some advice about UK universities and living in Scotland. As it's half way through my study here in Edinburgh, I'm feeling grateful that I live in such a historical city with full of stories. I hope Laura can see this comment :) Thanks Laura for nudging me to come and study here in Scotland!
eric kim Oh my goodness Eric how are you? How's Scotland? I'll be visiting Edinburgh on Monday 2nd April, with my Korean family. Hope you are having a wonderful time over there ♡
Hi Laura, I am alright :) I just saw your reply and feel bad that I missed the chance to be seeing you here in Edinburgh. too bad. I still have your business card and hope to catch up with you in the near future :) Take care, Laura!
와 로라님 노력이랑 언어감각 실화인가... 외국인 투가 전혀 안 나는 깨끗한 한국어 구사하시네 퍄; 영어권 중에는 스코틀랜드, 아일랜드(여긴 심지어 분단됐다는 점까지 공유)랑 확실히 역사적으로 비슷한 부분이 많더라구요. 문화권은 전혀 다르지만 억압받고 침략당한 역사를 공유해서 그런지 기질도 비슷하다는 얘기나 경험담이 많고─ㅎㅎ 언어학 파다 보니까 접한 정보인데, 스코틀랜드 말 자체가 본래 영어와 가장 비슷한 친족 관계인 언어였고 지금도 마찬가지라 구분이 모호하다고 합니다. '스코트어' 로 따로 분류하기도 하고, '스코틀랜드식 방언or발음' 으로 보기도 한대요. 여느 사멸위기언어나 방언이 그렇듯 노인층과 청년층이 사용하는 걸쭉함, 구사력에도 차이가 있다고 하죠. 한국어로 빗대면 육진말 내지는 제주어/제주 방언이랑 비슷한 느낌이네요.
I had a Scottish friend living in Switzerland. She passed away last year, and i miss her a lot. It was nice listening to you! I am super impressed about your fluently speaking Korean, respect!
95년도에 호주로 갔다가 숙소에서 스코티쉬를 만났었어요. 그때 스코티쉬 억양으로 영어를 첨으로 들었죠. 충격이였고 그 분과 대화를 할라면 진짜 초 집중하면서 들으면서 대화해야 했어요. 그리고 그때 그분이 나는 브리티쉬가 아니다!!(버럭!) 스코티쉬다!! 라고 아주 강력하게 말하더군요. 그때 알았어요. 굉장히 자부심이 강하다는 것을 알았어요. 그때 생각나면서 Laura씨 무척 반갑네요.
Hi Laura and Billy. Enjoy watching your video as you have different hosts from time to time. I totally agreed with Laura as Scotland is the best place to go in the UK. I've just returned from Scotland. People there are super friendly, view was stunning, the whole environment is so vibrant and beautiful. This is the kind of place which I wish to live in. Hope I can visit Scotland soon. Take care you guys!
I moved for work to Edinburgh about 8 years ago. After the EU referendum my company moved to Holland and also opened an office in Bruxelles. I knew nothing about Scotland till I moved there. I immediately ran into a problem with language. People would change to standard English when they spoke directly to me but between each other spoke their own way. To avoid isolation I investigated the language and discovered that most people spoke a form of Scots. There is a language called Scots and outside the main cities this is what most spoke. In the cities they spoke something between Scots and English with a heavy accent. Though Scots was the main language of the country it was severely discouraged and it's existence is even denied. Strangely the dialect of Scots spoken in Northern Ireland is protected under the Peace Agreement and signs are required to appear in English and Scots as well when appropriate Irish Gaelic. But the UK government continues to deny the language in Scotland and people who use it are often derided and humiliated. Like here where it is called "slang". When learning the language I quickly discovered that my German, French and Dutch helped. Scots is from the same root as Early English with a large admixture of Gaelic and Medieval French. Much of the Germanic words it shares with English have remained unchanged to the point where it often sounds more like Danish and Dutch. Words such as Hoos, moos and kirk are original where as the modern English House, mouse and church are corrupted. In German, Dutch, Frisian and Danish you get huis, kirk, uit, kist, twae, ben, etc. All are similiar in pronunciation to Scots even though an alternative spellings are used. To highlight how different Scots is from English you should know that Norwegian, Swedish and Danish share 97% of the same vocabulary whereas Scots and English seem only to have about 70%. Most Scots though speak a fluid mixture between Scots and English. Even when Scots speak English they pepper it with Scots words grammar and phrasing. This is formally classified as Scottish Standard English and is in fact treated as the official legal language of Scotland NOT British English. For example the word estate in Scotland legally only refers to property NOT to a housing development as it does in England. Housing developments are legally termed "schemes". A "chairman" is called a "convener" as another example. It is like the difference between US English and English in England. But this Scottish Standard English is not Scots. A further complication comes in that what many Scots speak can be classified as dialects of the Scots Language but also as very extreme dialects of English. In my own case my language Kursios is considered a dialect of Lithuanian but others who speak it say they speak Latvian. These people are Kursenieki. If you are Catholic you say you are Lithuanian and if Lutheran you say you are a Latvian speaking Lithuanian. But it is the same language and is really just Latvian and not easily understood by most Lithuanians. This happens all over Europe such as Ukraine where if you are pro-Russian you say your language is Russian if not you say Ukrainian. There is a Ukrainian and a Russian language but most people in Ukraine speak something in between. If you go to live in Scotland you need to make an effort to understand Scots or the people will just talk around you, only speaking English when they speak to you directly.
Scots English is made all the more difficult in that you rarely see it written down, its mostly a lyrical vocal language, that makes more sense if you can tune your ear to it. Occasionally you will come across clever magically words that have trouble finding an English equivalent of. Written down though a lot of words are shortened with apostrophes which can make no sense to a reader with no reference points to make sense of it all. Interestingly when I was in the States for 5 years, I noticed the English language was different yet again. A lot of the English words there have a French pronunciation, probably going back to pre-independence when the Britain and France had an influence on the language.
축구팀을 좋아해서 잉글랜드만 가다가.. 한번 전체를 다 돌아보자 싶어서 에든버러와 더블린 벨파스트를 다녀왔는데.... 왜!!! 에든버러만 갔는지 후회중입니다. 솔직히 아일랜드를 더 기대했는데... 에든버러를 가보고 너무 좋았습니다. 에든버러 캐슬과 아서스 싯, 스콧 모뉴먼트와 올드타운까지.... 다시 에든버러와 글라스고 스카이섬까지 전부 돌아보려고 계획중이에요. 유럽간다는 사람들에게도 꼭!!! 에든버러를 가보라고 추천하고 다닙니다.. 한국인들이 잘 안가서 안알려졌지만... 개인적으로 유럽에서 가장 아름다운 도시중에 하나인 것 같습니다..
For anyone who is wondering what the Robert Burns quote is: Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the pudding-race! Aboon them a' yet tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm. Which is from his 1786 poem, Address To A Haggis.
We used to say the difference between Glasgow and Edinburgh is that Glasgow is the Factories and the Industries and the people that work in those Industries, Edinburgh is the people that OWN the Industries. I left Glasgow in 1966 but still can hear that Im Scots though not from Glasgow. We use to spell Glasgow like this... Granny Likes A Small Glass Of Whisky... G.L.A.S.G.O.W.
We're pretty much feel the same here in Northern Ireland... We're British but also Irish... But we're Northern Irish! Just like the Scottish folk & the Welsh folk! All us Celtic folk are the best!
I'm American, and have been lucky to have visited Scotland. She has the first Scottish (Scots?) accent I could understand. Also, went on a tour of the Scottish Highlands. The tour guide/bus driver (born and raised in the Scottish Highlands), never said just "highlands," it was always "Scottish Highlands."
AT LAST, Scotland gets a look in, however Scotland has it's own language, called Gaelic pronounced similar to garlic without the R, it is similar to a Irish Gaelic. Schools in Gkasgow are now beginning to teach in Gaelic. The reason we speak english is due to king Edward1,of England, his army invaded Scotland in the 13th century, he forbade anyone to speak Gaelic and made us speak english, he also banned our tartan and many atrocities towards the native peoples. I lived that you had a wonderful Scottish lady on with you to explain a few things and I want to reiterate that Scottish people are very friendly and would welcome wee korean billy with open arms. Love your yet page🏴🏴🏴🇰🇷🇰🇷
The original Scots lanuage and accent comes from old Northumbrian English which South East Scotland used to be part of, you should do a Vid on Scottish Gaelic too :)
영국하면 Oxford University랑 Cambridge University 그리고 타워 브리지 경기는 옥스퍼드 대학과 케임브리지 대학 간의 Boat Race이다 It is the Boat Race between Oxford University and Cambridge Universiry. Boat Race(조정 경기)
Scottish Celtic and Irish Celtic/Gaelic are beautiful I think 😊 (I'm scottish, Irish, British and Asian) I'm northern Irish so I have dual citizenship for Ireland and Britain but my Dad is Scottish and Asian.
지난 4월에 노엘 갤러거와 매닉스트릿프리처스 공연 보러 글래스고 SSE HYDRO ARENA로 2틀 연속 보러 갔던 기억이 나네요. 그런데 저에게 글래스고는 그거 외에는 딱히 할 것 없었던 동네 ㅠㅠ 4월은 또 UK 아일랜드 전부 우리 겨울날씨인데다가 바람 불면은 추워서 욕이 절로!! 나오지만 어쨌든 그래도 테넌터 브루어리 맥주 공장 투어 꼭 가보시길 추천. 맥주 엄청 맛나더군요.
as a korean originally and still having a penchant for american accents and neophyte of dabbling into various uk accents. in my personal conceit, she has a mild and yet sometimes distinctive scottish accent. hers is in somewher between us, uk and scots. I can't pin point which one but I think she deliberately mild it out to be better understood.
I'm American but my ansestors are from Scootland and Ireland, and I love my Irish and Scottish background they speak so cool !!! So Greetings from the United States my Brothers..... What does slam shah mean ? '......
I know lots of Scotland people they are very friendly, when they meet stranger in town ask for direction or something else, Scotland people are very happy to help, always lovely sunshine smile on they're face, nice people
Unless you're English lol
Their u mean
Just wanna say Thank you, Laura. I'm living in Edinburgh for now due to my study. I got lucky to have some chat with Laura in Busan last year and she gave me some advice about UK universities and living in Scotland. As it's half way through my study here in Edinburgh, I'm feeling grateful that I live in such a historical city with full of stories. I hope Laura can see this comment :) Thanks Laura for nudging me to come and study here in Scotland!
eric kim Oh my goodness Eric how are you? How's Scotland? I'll be visiting Edinburgh on Monday 2nd April, with my Korean family. Hope you are having a wonderful time over there ♡
Hi Laura, I am alright :) I just saw your reply and feel bad that I missed the chance to be seeing you here in Edinburgh. too bad. I still have your business card and hope to catch up with you in the near future :) Take care, Laura!
스코틀랜드사람들이 친근하다는거 인정요
에딘버러 여행할때 식당에서 처음 만났는데 동석 하자고 해서 식사도 같이하고 밥값도 대신 내주더라구. 영국여행때 같이 어울린 친구들도 모두 현지 스코티쉬였어요.
Haha what a great laugh we had ♡
laura! as a fellow scotsman i'd love to hear about your life in korea ! 💕
hi Laura, may I ask u bout ur country United Kingdom of Great Britain? I heard that scottish, welsh n irish are really hate english? is that true?
i just to know, that's it.. coz my english teacher, she s from one of part country of UK tell me that why they hate english so much....
@Go Go Screamer i wanna know coz i love united Kingdom when i was child... Coz they r one nation n why they hate english..
From laura's statment. She doesnt like engkish
“부산 살아있네”가 너무 찰져서 깜짝 놀랐어요! ㅋㅋㅋ 글라스고에 꼭 가보고 싶어진 영상이었어요! 감사합니다
Coffeecat 커피캣 글라스고도 상당히 좋지만 저는 에딘버러 한번 가보시는걸 강추드립니다
스코틀랜드 4년전에 유럽여행할적에 방문한적이 있습니다. 에딘버러랑 하이랜드 투어를 했는데 참 아름다운곳이죠 많은 추억을 남겼습니다!!!! 안가보신들은 꼭가보시길 강추합니다!!!!
she is so cool& cute.
I 'd like to meet her up.
이런 영상 좋아요.
진짜 기본인데, 영국과 스코틀랜드 자체에 대해 모르는건 우리 자신에게도 그들에게도 슬픈일이잖아요.
와 로라님 노력이랑 언어감각 실화인가... 외국인 투가 전혀 안 나는 깨끗한 한국어 구사하시네 퍄;
영어권 중에는 스코틀랜드, 아일랜드(여긴 심지어 분단됐다는 점까지 공유)랑 확실히 역사적으로 비슷한 부분이 많더라구요. 문화권은 전혀 다르지만 억압받고 침략당한 역사를 공유해서 그런지 기질도 비슷하다는 얘기나 경험담이 많고─ㅎㅎ
언어학 파다 보니까 접한 정보인데, 스코틀랜드 말 자체가 본래 영어와 가장 비슷한 친족 관계인 언어였고 지금도 마찬가지라 구분이 모호하다고 합니다. '스코트어' 로 따로 분류하기도 하고, '스코틀랜드식 방언or발음' 으로 보기도 한대요. 여느 사멸위기언어나 방언이 그렇듯 노인층과 청년층이 사용하는 걸쭉함, 구사력에도 차이가 있다고 하죠. 한국어로 빗대면 육진말 내지는 제주어/제주 방언이랑 비슷한 느낌이네요.
I’m from London and I went to Edinburgh a few weeks ago, it’s sooo beautiful more people should really go there
I had a Scottish friend living in Switzerland. She passed away last year, and i miss her a lot. It was nice listening to you! I am super impressed about your fluently speaking Korean, respect!
Sorry to hear that
I love Busan! Traveled over from Newcastle, England to spend a month in South Korea. the people are the nicest i've ever met!
이렇게 유머스럽고 유쾌한 분위기를 가진 스코클랜드 여성을 보게되니 어떤 곳인지 스코틀랜드에 더욱 여행가보고 싶어집니다.
OMG.... 외국인분을 성격 보고 반하기는 처음이네... 진짜 러블리하고 유머러스하다...
95년도에 호주로 갔다가 숙소에서 스코티쉬를 만났었어요. 그때 스코티쉬 억양으로 영어를 첨으로 들었죠. 충격이였고 그 분과 대화를 할라면 진짜 초 집중하면서 들으면서 대화해야 했어요. 그리고 그때 그분이 나는 브리티쉬가 아니다!!(버럭!) 스코티쉬다!! 라고 아주 강력하게 말하더군요. 그때 알았어요. 굉장히 자부심이 강하다는 것을 알았어요. 그때 생각나면서 Laura씨 무척 반갑네요.
브리티쉬가 맞을텐데요? 그러나 잉글리쉬라고 하면 틀리죠.
저도 텔레비젼으로 처음으로 스코티쉬 영어를 들었을때 엄청 충격이었어요~제가 아는 영어와 너무 다르게 느껴져서요ㅎ 근데 잉글랜드 사람들도 자기들도 잘 못알아듣는다고 얘기하더라고요ㅋㅋ;
스코티쉬 잉글리쉬 발음이 참 알아듣기 어렵던데 로라 씨 발음은 꽤 정확하시네요. 잘 들려요.
게다가 유머 감각까지... 너무 재밌게 보고 갑니다.
대단한 미인이십니다. 중간 중간 터지는 한국어가 당황스럽게 하네요.
한국을 많이 아시는 분 같네요.
I love scottish accent. It just sounds right....
Hi Laura and Billy. Enjoy watching your video as you have different hosts from time to time. I totally agreed with Laura as Scotland is the best place to go in the UK. I've just returned from Scotland. People there are super friendly, view was stunning, the whole environment is so vibrant and beautiful. This is the kind of place which I wish to live in. Hope I can visit Scotland soon. Take care you guys!
I moved for work to Edinburgh about 8 years ago. After the EU referendum my company moved to Holland and also opened an office in Bruxelles. I knew nothing about Scotland till I moved there. I immediately ran into a problem with language. People would change to standard English when they spoke directly to me but between each other spoke their own way. To avoid isolation I investigated the language and discovered that most people spoke a form of Scots. There is a language called Scots and outside the main cities this is what most spoke. In the cities they spoke something between Scots and English with a heavy accent.
Though Scots was the main language of the country it was severely discouraged and it's existence is even denied. Strangely the dialect of Scots spoken in Northern Ireland is protected under the Peace Agreement and signs are required to appear in English and Scots as well when appropriate Irish Gaelic. But the UK government continues to deny the language in Scotland and people who use it are often derided and humiliated. Like here where it is called "slang".
When learning the language I quickly discovered that my German, French and Dutch helped. Scots is from the same root as Early English with a large admixture of Gaelic and Medieval French. Much of the Germanic words it shares with English have remained unchanged to the point where it often sounds more like Danish and Dutch. Words such as Hoos, moos and kirk are original where as the modern English House, mouse and church are corrupted. In German, Dutch, Frisian and Danish you get huis, kirk, uit, kist, twae, ben, etc. All are similiar in pronunciation to Scots even though an alternative spellings are used.
To highlight how different Scots is from English you should know that Norwegian, Swedish and Danish share 97% of the same vocabulary whereas Scots and English seem only to have about 70%. Most Scots though speak a fluid mixture between Scots and English. Even when Scots speak English they pepper it with Scots words grammar and phrasing. This is formally classified as Scottish Standard English and is in fact treated as the official legal language of Scotland NOT British English. For example the word estate in Scotland legally only refers to property NOT to a housing development as it does in England. Housing developments are legally termed "schemes". A "chairman" is called a "convener" as another example. It is like the difference between US English and English in England. But this Scottish Standard English is not Scots.
A further complication comes in that what many Scots speak can be classified as dialects of the Scots Language but also as very extreme dialects of English. In my own case my language Kursios is considered a dialect of Lithuanian but others who speak it say they speak Latvian. These people are Kursenieki. If you are Catholic you say you are Lithuanian and if Lutheran you say you are a Latvian speaking Lithuanian. But it is the same language and is really just Latvian and not easily understood by most Lithuanians. This happens all over Europe such as Ukraine where if you are pro-Russian you say your language is Russian if not you say Ukrainian. There is a Ukrainian and a Russian language but most people in Ukraine speak something in between.
If you go to live in Scotland you need to make an effort to understand Scots or the people will just talk around you, only speaking English when they speak to you directly.
Scots English is made all the more difficult in that you rarely see it written down, its mostly a lyrical vocal language, that makes more sense if you can tune your ear to it. Occasionally you will come across clever magically words that have trouble finding an English equivalent of. Written down though a lot of words are shortened with apostrophes which can make no sense to a reader with no reference points to make sense of it all.
Interestingly when I was in the States for 5 years, I noticed the English language was different yet again. A lot of the English words there have a French pronunciation, probably going back to pre-independence when the Britain and France had an influence on the language.
로라님 영상 보고 한국인으로서 동질감 느끼는 게
아시아인 하면 해외에선 중국인 아니면 일본인으로만 떠올린다는 거죠...
한국인이라는 사실을 잘 모르고... 정말 로라님의 그 반응 보고 그 기분 이해가 가네요... ㅋㅋㅋ
Such a good video - very entertaining 👍
버밍험에서 기차타고 5시간 반 걸려
에딘버러에 갔어요. 너무 아름다운
도시고 런던과는 또 다른 매력이
있어요. 잊지못한 추억이 됐죠.
영국 가면 기차 타고 꼭 가보세요.
Laura is so funny! 😂
헐 나 스코틀랜드 몰랐어요ㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠ 덕분에 잘 배워갑니다ㅋㅋ 그나저나 여자분 넘무 매력적이심 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
와 한국어 발음봐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ스코티쉬 악센트 너무 매력적이에요
Omg she is so cute. love her personality:)
이번에 영국여행가면서 에딘버러도 가려고 계획중이에요 너무예쁘더라구요! 그나저나 여성분 한국어발음 완전좋으시네요....그냥한국인같음 ㅠㅜㅜ 여튼 !!! 스코티쉬에대한방송 재밌네용
스코틀랜드 정말 너무 매력있는 나라였음 ㅋㅋㅋ 또 가고 싶다
축구팀을 좋아해서 잉글랜드만 가다가.. 한번 전체를 다 돌아보자 싶어서 에든버러와 더블린 벨파스트를 다녀왔는데.... 왜!!! 에든버러만 갔는지 후회중입니다. 솔직히 아일랜드를 더 기대했는데... 에든버러를 가보고 너무 좋았습니다. 에든버러 캐슬과 아서스 싯, 스콧 모뉴먼트와 올드타운까지.... 다시 에든버러와 글라스고 스카이섬까지 전부 돌아보려고 계획중이에요. 유럽간다는 사람들에게도 꼭!!! 에든버러를 가보라고 추천하고 다닙니다.. 한국인들이 잘 안가서 안알려졌지만... 개인적으로 유럽에서 가장 아름다운 도시중에 하나인 것 같습니다..
For anyone who is wondering what the Robert Burns quote is:
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o' the pudding-race!
Aboon them a' yet tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm.
Which is from his 1786 poem, Address To A Haggis.
빌리~영상 너무 재밌어요^^
로라 덕분에 일어나자마자 웃었어요~
그립네요..어릴때 아버지 직업덕분에 1년간 살았는데..
스코틀랜드가 영국에서도 물이 좋은 곳 으로 꼽히는 곳이기도 하답니다^^
글라스고나 에딘버러 다 좋답니다^^
어릴때 살던 곳에 다시 가보고 싶네요..
Shes a great advert for Scotland..😁😁😁
영어로 토하라입니다! 정말 로라쌤~~ 미인이세요~~저도 영상자주올리는데.. 참고 많이하고있습니다 감사합니다!
Her accent is so hyundai. No, that is not the word.. It's amusing :)
I loved this girl. She's awesome!
지금 스코틀랜드 여행중인데 스코틀랜드사람들 다 정겹고 너무 좋아요>< 에든버러 진짜 멋있습니다!!!
1:30 really hard~ 부분 진짜 한국말 플로우같아요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뭔가 아 그러니까~같은ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
완전 재밌게 봤어요!!!!!!! 에딘버러 발음 저도 잘못 알고 있었다는 걸 알게 되었네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ보통 에딘버- 라고 하는 것만 많이 들어서 그게 맞는 줄 알았는데 한국이랑 비슷하네요! 이번에도 좋은 영상 감사합니다 ♡
Ha ha really enjoyed this video as a Scottish person who has been trying to learn Korean.
원주민과 침략민 등 아픈 과거 역사들을 딛고 여러 민족이 서로 조화롭게 사는 연합국 현재 영국발전의 가장 핵심 에너지인 것 같습니다.
첫 영국여행때 잉글랜드 스코틀랜드 웨일즈 다 갔었는데 가장 반한곳이 스코틀랜드라 두번은 더 갔었어요 런던보다 자주 간 곳. 사람드로 친절하고 짱
We used to say the difference between Glasgow and Edinburgh is that Glasgow is the Factories and the Industries and the people that work in those Industries, Edinburgh is the people that OWN the Industries.
I left Glasgow in 1966 but still can hear that Im Scots though not from Glasgow. We use to spell Glasgow like this... Granny Likes A Small Glass Of Whisky... G.L.A.S.G.O.W.
로라~ 반가워요~!^^
저희 고모부가 스코틀랜드 분이고, 지금 부산에 사세요. 부산에 스코틀랜드 분이 또 계시다니~ 넘넘 신기해요~!!
핵잼!!!이번 영상 특히나 너무 재밌어요! 다음영상에선 북아일랜드와 남아일랜드 이야기를 듣고싶어요!
말씀하신 남아일랜드는 공식명칭이 그냥 아일랜드(Republic of Ireland)예요! 복잡한 역사가 있어서 혹시 아이리쉬를 만나게 된다면 꼭 ‘아일랜드’라고 말하셔야해요ㅎㅎ 설명충은 이만 총총...!
로라 이분 되게 매력적이시네요~^^
We're pretty much feel the same here in Northern Ireland... We're British but also Irish... But we're Northern Irish! Just like the Scottish folk & the Welsh folk! All us Celtic folk are the best!
Scotland also has it's own language called Gaelic. It just isn't widely spoken now, except for some of the highlands and islands.
I'm American, and have been lucky to have visited Scotland. She has the first Scottish (Scots?) accent I could understand. Also, went on a tour of the Scottish Highlands. The tour guide/bus driver (born and raised in the Scottish Highlands), never said just "highlands," it was always "Scottish Highlands."
와 한국어 하는데 깜짝놀랐네요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ어떻게 저렇게 한국인처럼 발음하지ㅋㅋㅋㅋ토종한국인이잖아욧ㅋㅋㅋ대단하네요 저도 영어로 저렇게 원어민처럼 말할수있는날이 꼭 오기를
스코틀랜드는 사랑입니다♡ 스위스 다음으로 자연이 정말 아름답고 벅찬 곳... 스코티시 영어는 억양 너무 쎄서 알아듣기 힘들었지만 ㅠ.ㅠ 스♡코♡틀♡랜♡드
로라 사랑해요 ㅠㅠㅠ 앞으로 스코틀랜드 사랑하겠습니다 ㅠㅠㅠ 너무웃겨요 ㅋㅋ
스코틀랜드 아일랜드는 켈트족이고 잉글랜드는 로마시절 브라타니아세우고 들어온 이민자나 해적들 아님? 근데 이누나 ㄹㅇ개예쁘다 할리우드배우같아
두분다 발음이 왜이리 좋아요!!
스코틀랜드 부심 멋지고 재밌었어요
영연방 여자들이 제일 이쁘더라.당연히 같은 계열의 미국여자들 포함.그 다음이 독일여자...그냥 개인적 취향임^^
Wow hers korean is really really spontaneous...👍🏻
아웃랜더라는 스코틀랜드 배경의 드라마와 글래스고 출신 배우 제임스 맥어보이의 팬이라 저혼자 스코틀랜드 짝사랑 중이었는데 여기서 스코틀랜드 분을 보게 돼서 신기하네요! 내년에 유럽으로 교환학생을 가는데 스코틀랜드가 제1위 희망 여행국가입니다ㅎㅎ
와우... 스코틀랜드에 대해서 조금이나마 배우고 갑니다!!
로라님 덕분에 스코틀랜드 더 가고싶어용
이목구비가 뚜렷해서 그런지 예쁘네
I love you Lorrrra! You are so magicall! I live in Scotland and I love your country and people!!
It's like people not realizing that Gordon Ramsay is from Scotland because his family lives in London now.
That's not why, it's because he spent most of his childhood in England and has a southern English accent.
@@futurez12 Yeah, definitely his accent.
스코틀랜드에서 1박 하고 왔는데 정말 예쁘고 시원하고 재밌는 나라였어요! 또 가고 싶다 ㅋㅋ 감사해요
Been to Edinburgh and Glasgow both brilliant from Derbyshire /Yorkshire boarder love Scott and Welsh.
로라가 너무 웃기네요,,유머감각이 너무 좋아요,,ㅋㅋㅋ같이 놀면 아주 재미 있을것 같아요,,ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니 스코트랜드분 한국어 왤케 잘하세욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 눈감고 들으면 그냥 한국인이신데
2:26 I couldn’t agree more. So true i love being Scottish 🤪🤩
자막이 없네... 근데 다 들려서 유학갔다온걸 감사히 여긴다. 엘리자베스올슨 닮았어...
지금도 충분히 아름다우신데... 훨씬 어릴때 미모가 가늠이 안되네 ㅠ
AT LAST, Scotland gets a look in, however Scotland has it's own language, called Gaelic pronounced similar to garlic without the R, it is similar to a Irish Gaelic. Schools in Gkasgow are now beginning to teach in Gaelic. The reason we speak english is due to king Edward1,of England, his army invaded Scotland in the 13th century, he forbade anyone to speak Gaelic and made us speak english, he also banned our tartan and many atrocities towards the native peoples. I lived that you had a wonderful Scottish lady on with you to explain a few things and I want to reiterate that Scottish people are very friendly and would welcome wee korean billy with open arms. Love your yet page🏴🏴🏴🇰🇷🇰🇷
I love her.
Im Scott Love you too
Laura 한국어 쏴롸있눼(살아있네입니다 -한글 배우는 외국인분들께^^ㅋ)~~~~!!!!!!
제 6학년때 원어민 선생님 이름이 멜리사 선생님이셨는데 Melissa 매력적인 이라네요 뜻이
The original Scots lanuage and accent comes from old Northumbrian English which South East Scotland used to be part of, you should do a Vid on Scottish Gaelic too :)
I could watch her play with her beautiful hair all day.
Oxford University랑 Cambridge University 그리고 타워 브리지
경기는 옥스퍼드 대학과 케임브리지 대학 간의 Boat Race이다
It is the Boat Race between Oxford University and Cambridge Universiry.
Boat Race(조정 경기)
옥스포드 대학은 유명하죠 거기간 사람은 대박! 공부 엄청 마니해야되용
In Edinburgh you're not supposed be higher than the castle if your building is in the town (city centre).
한국어 정말 잘하시네요! 유럽여행 계획 세우고 있었는데 이 영상 보고 전혀 모르던 나라 스코틀랜드를 계획에 넣으려구요 ㅎ
멜 깁슨의 영화 Brave heart 보면 잉글랜드와 스코틀랜드의 대립에 대해 배울수 있지요
Scottish Celtic and Irish Celtic/Gaelic are beautiful I think 😊 (I'm scottish, Irish, British and Asian) I'm northern Irish so I have dual citizenship for Ireland and Britain but my Dad is Scottish and Asian.
She's so smart......
영상 재미있게 잘봤어요~~
When I was a wee boy in Glasgow a common greeting would be, " Hay yer lookin well, huv you bin ill ?"
or, if visiting, "yewl huv had ye tea"
지난 4월에 노엘 갤러거와 매닉스트릿프리처스 공연 보러 글래스고 SSE HYDRO ARENA로 2틀 연속 보러 갔던 기억이 나네요. 그런데 저에게 글래스고는 그거 외에는 딱히 할 것 없었던 동네 ㅠㅠ 4월은 또 UK 아일랜드 전부 우리 겨울날씨인데다가 바람 불면은 추워서 욕이 절로!! 나오지만 어쨌든 그래도 테넌터 브루어리 맥주 공장 투어 꼭 가보시길 추천. 맥주 엄청 맛나더군요.
woow we really have fun with you, you're so cute and freindlly.
화면 내려놓고 소리만 듣고있었는데 한국발음 너무 좋아서 잉 우리나라 여자분 중에 northern english를 저렇게 네이티브하게 사용하는 사람이 있었던가 하고 화면 올려봤어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chocolate milk두 먹고싶어욬 밤인뎈 가만히있어서 그런지 땡기네용
3:01 She becomes William Wallace
7:11 She becomes Hermione
I love the way she expresses her thinking
재밌게 잘봤습니다..^^
as a korean originally and still having a penchant for american accents and neophyte of dabbling into various uk accents. in my personal conceit, she has a mild and yet sometimes distinctive scottish accent. hers is in somewher between us, uk and scots. I can't pin point which one but I think she deliberately mild it out to be better understood.
England and Scotland are in One Kingdom.
Meanwhile in football match....
아!! 이분이 부산영어라디오방송에 그분이었나요! 자주 라디오로 듣는데
부산영어방송 라디오의 로라님 이실까요~? 너무너무 매력적이십니다^^ 영상 잘보고 갑니다!!
I like this woman. So nice but she was too possessive about her country😉😉
Hello from Busan, she is so cute ㅋㅋ
She is beautiful.
I'm American but my ansestors are from Scootland and Ireland, and I love my Irish and Scottish background they speak so cool !!! So Greetings from the United States my Brothers..... What does slam shah mean ? '......
its Gaelic Billy Scottish Irish people speak that that was there language its a form of Celtic Indo-European
나중에 기회가 된다면 스코틀랜드 영어에 대해 조금 더 알아보는 영상을 보고 싶네용!!