Thanks for catching my poor wording in this video, friends! Allowing me to clarify. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant He achieved perfect righteousness *_for us._* While Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us.I should have stated this idea it more clearly! The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22). Shalom! RLS
Confusing correction: In the video, you said Jesus “earned” righteousness not “achieved.” You didn’t mention the word “earned” in your correction. HaShem does not need to earn or achieve righteousness for Himself or anyone else. He forgives when we repent, as demonstrated throughout the Hebrew Bible. The idea “The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin,” is NOT found anyplace in the Hebrew Bible. Human sacrifice is an abomination to HaShem.
@the roots…Hi Rob , continuing on with Colossians 1:23. “ IF “ you continue in the faith ( remain faithful ) , you must remain firmly established and steadfast. In other words there is much required of YOU so you don’t move away from the hope of the gospel of hope. That gospel was about a kingdom and the same gospel was preached to those in the wilderness but many did not obey and did not benefit from the blood of the lamb. Got Torah Got Truth
I have a question. What did Paul mean in Col 1:24 where Paul talks about filling up in his flesh what was lacking in Christ suffering? that is confusing to me
@@leonaperdue8784 the simplest answer I can give is that the Messiah suffered for His congregation and so Paul was willing to suffer for God’s congregation also since Yeshua was the example that he was determined to follow. Got Torah Got Truth
Solberg: The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. *Well, if Lucifer had not been involved, Professor, God would have reconciled our fallen planet back to himself without shedding a single drop of Christ’s blood long ago. His love and holiness makes him extremely compassionate and willing to forgive and forget. His holiness and perfection isn’t out for sacrificial blood like you think. In fact, he points that out in the two sister verses Matthew 9:13 and Hosea 6:6. Our situation, however, is not a normal situation. The reason God has been having so much trouble reconciling us back to himself and ending this engagement with sin is because of Lucifer’s involvement as partly explained in Revelation 12 and throughout the various types and figures involved in the sacrificial system. We actually need Christ’s blood to protect us from the accuser of the brethren as John was shown there. Even though he was cast down back at the cross, he wasn’t completely knocked out. Nor were all his accusations against the Godhead and against us resolved. That is the larger entanglement, even greater than the sin we commit which God could easily forgive without needing any sacrifice under normal circumstances. God’s actual method of forgiving sins is discussed openly in Ezekiel 18 where he reveals how to creat in yourself a New heart and New Spirit. But, the trick is how does God get himself out of the entanglement Lucifer created? Christ’s death, resurrection and ascention was absolutely essential to help God out too, Professor, not just us. God is a victim being played by Lucifer as well. And soon the death, resurrection and ascention of the two prophets of Revelation 11 will be essential to securing God’s next victory, even further helping God and us to become even more disentangled from Lucifer’s grip on this planet.
Some people's concept of keeping the Law is based on their emotions. The reality is quite clear, because no one could keep the Law, Jesus suffered and died to free humanity from the Law's condemnation. Therefore, those who are insisting that believers must keep the Law are despising the death of Jesus Christ. They simply don't understand the Scripture.
Hebrew roots heretics diminish the complete and final atonement of Christ, and declare the sacrifice of Christ insufficient. Galatians 5:4 is crystal clear: “You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” The wannabe Jews will argue they are not trying to be justified by law, but everything they do proves otherwise.
Correct. One must be better than keeping or following the laws of God to even enter heaven. One must be reborn in the Holy Spirit(John 3:5, Romans8:9) which cleanses the heart of dead works, Hebrews 9:14. Christ lived a perfect life on earth, was tempted by the devil but overcame every sins; only through Christ, the Holy Spirit will guide us to live a holy life for the Father, John 16:13. Christ is love, which overcomes or defeats all laws, Galatians 5:14, Romans 13:8-10. Romans 11:6, you are either saved by works of the law or by grace. Lol, clearly we know no one can keep all laws, 613 of them, James 2:10; Galatians 3:10-12.Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5:17-18, if one is to keep the law and the Prophets until it is accomplished. Where and how it was fulfilled and accomplished? On the cross when He died to substitute on our behalf and has risen. It is finished, He says, meaning we are now able to build our relationships with the Father through faith in Him. John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. If one is to keep the laws, then when you sin with your eyes, the Bible says to tear it out, and cut your hands when you steal or murder, etc. Matthew 5:29-30.
@William36899 today is your fantasy Shabbat day. You need a Levitical priest to kill two male lambs one year old without blemish and present a grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, and a drink offering, as well as the daily burnt sin offering, to keep Shabbat. Penalty for failure to observe the appointed feast properly is death. Turns out you are really lousy at keeping Shabbat, your golden calf idol. Why continue with the charade- simply attend synagogue.
@William36899 If a true believer is not required to keep the Law, why do some believers encourage others to keep it? We are not required to keep the Law because, by the Law, no one can gain everlasting life. Jesus Christ is greater than the Law and by whom we get eternal life. The Law holds humanity in contempt of God's righteousness.
Thanks for all these great comments, friends! Let me clear up something regarding my citing of Isaiah 64. (Since a number of you have commented on it.) Isaiah said: "You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6). What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today. Blessings, RL
Christ be with you You do not seem to know what faith in Jesus Christ is. if you think you do can you please define it, You start of wrong and go further wrong. It Grace that saves us, it is received though Faith. Please turn to the bible and find out what faith is. Hebrews 11 would be a good place to start. Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek. seems we may need to do some works after all if we want eternal life. Come to Christ and live.
Robert Solberg, so according to you, all righteous works are filthy rags? Is that what you are stating according to your understanding of Isaiah 64:5, 6? By the way, you left out verse 7.
@@sundownsam3369 Christ be with you Nor did he look at the rest of the bible. Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous. (1 John 3:7) It just proof texting. In Isaiah 64 we see that it is those who have sinned and continued in them and not called apon the lord. But we have been washed in his blood our righteousness is like his as long as we do right. God bless you
The question that has to be ask is: Why did he imply that his righteousness is as filthy rags? The answer is in verse 7. When one is practicing or indulging in sin his righteousness adds up to nothing, just like what does it profit a man who gains the world but lose his soul, his wealth is worthless, but he still has it. A man of God at a funeral once said: If you have everything and do not have Christ you have nothing, but, if you have nothing but have Christ you have everything. A person who repents of his sin will depict himself as worthless, having nothing and they will even say there is nothing good in them. But we know that God gave us an attribute to do good. Yeshua said why call me good but tell me, would you dare to say the good in him is as filthy rags. I don't think you clearly understand this verse.
@TheBiblicalRoots 9 months ago Thanks for all these great comments, friends! Let me clear up something regarding my citing of Isaiah 64. (Since a number of you have commented on it.) Isaiah said: "You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6). What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags." *It is nice to know you understand this discussion begins in 63. But, you are missing the rest of this discussion. When this group of people speaking to God stops talking in the closing verses of 64, then God starts responding to them in Isaiah 65. And God is not happy with these people. He doesn’t except their “filthy rags” excuse. He accuses them of being rebellious, he says they provoke him to anger daily. He complains about their diet and eating swine’s flesh and he says he is going to number them to the sword to be slaughtered. So much for the “All our righteousnesses are filthy rags” defense.* Isa 65:1 - I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. Isa 65:2 - I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; Isa 65:3 - A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; Isa 65:4 - Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels; Isa 65:5 - Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Isa 65:11 - But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number. Isa 65:12 - Therefore will I number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter: because when I called, ye did not answer; when I spake, ye did not hear; but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I delighted not. Solberg: But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. *Good, you connected this with Paul so I didn’t have to put that idea in your head. But, you need to understand this more fully, because Romans 7 is the target here. That is where this idea of the “All our righteousnesses are filthy rags” truly spawns from. It is a fancy way of saying, “We are victims of a sin nature”. So, it is Paul’s lame excuse that he can’t obey God because he is sold under sin and that sin in him, not Paul himself, is why he does not obey God in any meaningful way. But, the problem with Paul’s argument is that God knows he gave man free will. And free will means that the decision controlling what you do belongs to you, not to some sin nature. So, when these people come before God and attempt to pull the wool over his eyes, he is fully ready for them in Isaiah 65. He says when he called, they didn’t answer. God says that to indicate he thinks their sin nature argument is full of crap. He expected them to answer, because he knows that he designed them to be moral agents, not puppets of nature. In fact, the very idea of a sin nature is a contradiction in terms. Sin is willful disobedience. A sin nature is disobedience forced on you due to no fault of your own. There is no moral consideration in a natural reaction. Nature is mechanical urges like the urge to urinate or hunger pangs, the moral domain is moral like your obligation to willingly obey the law, they are not the same thing. In fact, if nature controlled you like Paul suggests, you would be utterly incapable of love. If God thought for one second their transgressions of the law were due to no fault of their own, he wouldn’t have a beef with them. He would realize they are the victims of a defective nature, not of sin rebellion. A defective nature would require a mechanical fix, not forgiveness. God knows the difference. But, he knows they are not victims of a sin nature , because he is their Maker. He knows how he designed them, and he can read their heart and knows they are lying through their teeth to him. So, just like in Isaiah 14, where God reveals in prophecy Lucifer’s intentions, before responding unfavorably to Lucifer and his intentions there, Isaiah 63 and 64 is where God reveals the sly intentions of the wicked who got their ultimate doctrinal excuse for being disobedient from Paul. He again reveals that they have free will, contradicting Paul in Romans 7 completely, when he says in Isaiah 65 that they did not choose the things God delights in. Implying they are in control of their choices after all and not victims of sin in them taking control of their faculties as Paul tried and failed to argue for successfully in Romans 7. The things God delights in goes back to Isaiah 56, you know the Sabbath and God’s covenant? God is saying this group speaking to him is not his covenant people. Again, when he called they would not answer and they refused to choose the things he delights in, what they chose is an alternative named Paul and a lot of bad theology designed to make them God’s enemies. And this discussion is happening on the day of reckoning when God finally sets the record straight and these people learn just how grave an error it was to not exercise their will to overcome sin and depravity as Christ warned the seven churches to overcome in Revelation 1-3. Those who make no effort to overcome have been rejecting God and his teachings this entire time. God instructs them to do something, and they run to Ephesians 2:8-9 and scream grace, not works! Well, God let them have their way until this point, and now he says he will recompense their iniquities into their bosom. Isa 65:6 - Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom, Isa 65:7 - Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the LORD, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom. So, I don’t think you want to hide behind the filthy rags excuse, Professor. It’s a deadly mistake.
Love this, brother Rob! Your continuing in making the true gospel very clear is such beautiful gift to so many people! Such a gift of amazing grace from God ♥️ God bless you and Debra ♥️
Roads, you should do a study of imputed righteousness (which the speaker teaches) and infused righteousness (which is what Scripture teaches). Imputed righteousness lulls the hearer into disregarding all the passages that warn us that we were graphted into the vine and we can be cut off again if we do not hear fruit into righteousness. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. God bless
@@billlee2194 Thank you, I shall do a study of both types of righteousness, imputed and infused. This sounds very interesting as well as important. According to Proverbs 1:5, "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." Amen! Maranatha! Thank you for the scripture in Ephesians.
..this is an interesting video - this is what did the early church fathers (ad70 - 320ish) believe about salvation. the problem with calvin was that he went back to Augustine ad400 who was a little gnostic...видео.htmlsi=4TT1fMB7efasDfzn
What good is it, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but has no works? Can faith save him? And if a brother or sister is naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you tells them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled”; and yet you didn’t give them the things the body needs, what good is it? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself. Yes, a man will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder. But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead? Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected; and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness”; and he was called the friend of God. You see then that by works, a man is justified, and not only by faith. In the same way, wasn’t Rahab the prostitute also justified by works, in that she received the messengers, and sent them out another way? For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead. James 2:14-26
Yes, short of maligning all Hebrew Roots participates, it is a clear presentation of the scriptures that all prominent Hebrew Roots teachers actually teach. The HR teachers actually go onto teach the rest of scripture dealing with the reasonable life style of those who received this salvation. It is apparent the standard Christian narrative does not know how, or like Mr. Solberg, refuses to acknowledge, to separate the two.
@@lavieenrose5954 Thanks for your response, but you've got to understand there are specifics given in the scriptures for doing both. Maligning folks for recognizing and practicing a Biblical (NOT Jewish) observance is also not practicing either of the above.
@marcwasson. Isaiah 64:6. The context is that Isaiah is addressing the “ unclean “ those who pollute the Torah not those who keep it. The filthy rag is a “ menstrual cloth “ to show that show that a man made religion is like a shedding of blood that cannot produce life. The shed blood of Yehoshua does produce life,..something that the sacrifice of animals could not do. Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770 Good point. And our host gets a little confused when quoting Hebrews. The blood of bulls and goats never did take away sin, he'll then say, "but, now we the blood of Christ." NOW, nothing, His blood was always going to be the reckoning for sin. This is not NEW, now for the Christian church.
I heard someone differentiate once between the Root of Righteousness and the fruit of Righteousness. So helpful. Jesus is the Only Root of our gifted Righteousness. Unshakeable! Gives me such assurance and heart peace! Connects me to Him. He accepts me totally. Im robed in his Righteousness. 😊And from There....I look to the Lord and His Spirit inside me to help produce the Fruit of Righteousness. It's very variable!!....but my Root Righteousness is permanent. 🌳
I never had peace in my heart until I stopped trying to earn God's love and accepted his grace. The problem with legalism is that you never know when you've done enough, it's a spiritual hamster wheel, you run and run, but never get anywhere.
@joe1940 9 months ago I never had peace in my heart until I stopped trying to earn God's love and accepted his grace. *I think Lucifer felt the same way. He didn’t want to obey God either. He just wanted God to bend over and comply with his demands instead : the same free gift of grace all Christian anarchists want today. He was the first to flip God the middle finger and trash his law. And look at where that got him. All the peace he ever wanted, now that he is free from god’s law.* The problem with legalism is that you never know when you've done enough, it's a spiritual hamster wheel, you run and run, but never get anywhere. *Yes, you are right, it is a spiritual hamster wheel. You run and run and it never ends, because the love on which God built his legalistic hamster wheel is eternal, not finite. The two great commandments Christ quotes in the gospel from the Mosaic law begin with the words “Thou shalt love”. Who wants to be bogged down with the obligation to love god and their neighbor? Everything else in the law and prophets hangs on that love foundation to define what God means by love. And anarchistic Christians have done everything in their power to destroy that foundation, because it is love they tend to hate the most. If only they could be free of that legalistic obligation of love written in the law, they could finally find peace like Lucifer did. What is a little comical, and a lot tragic though, is that in Revelation 18:4, all those people who rejected God’s law ran straight into the arms of Babylon, and God finds himself in an “I told you so” moment, calling his bratty kids out of the mess they walked themselves into. Because they were so darn sure they had a much better plan than God spent centuries laying out for them. But, here is the bright side of this story. When God brings his people out of Babylon, he will return them to Zion in Isaiah 2:1-5 and Micah 4:1-5, and his law will once again go forth from Zion. Isn’t that beautiful news? He’s going to give his people the opportunity to hop right back on the eternal hamster wheel and learn from their mistakes why his law cannot be tossed out. And the result of this action of restoring his law will lead to a feat God will perform that Christians have utterly failed to achieve prior to this prophecies’ fulfillment. God will then prove, once his law is reestablished in its rightful place, that the nations of the world will beat their swords into plowshares and not learn war anymore. So, how is it the Christian anarchists who abandoned God’s law could never achieve that lofty feat? Because ultimately they were teaching the world how to commit anarchy against God and his law, not how to embrace the love foundation inherent in the two great commandments of his law.
Most HRM advocates think "good works" is taking it easy after the sun goes down on Friday and foregoing a nice rack of ribs at Tony Romas. And browbeating non-HRM Christians into doing such things. Good works are helping the poor, preaching the Gospel, living peaceably with all men and resting in Christ as our Sabbath.
HRM would justify sitting in their recliners on a Saturday afternoon, placidly munching on kosher noms, looking out their windows & harshly condemning a Presbyterian minister (or any denomination) for mowing the lawn of their elderly next-door neighbor who is not physically, nor financially able to do so for herself & proudly call their own complacency "keeping the law as Jesus kept it."
Yes true. They think good works is observing sabbath feasts and dietary law. But they neglect what Jesus called the greatest commands that have to do with faith mercy and justice and actually ministering to and helping others.
@@indo3052 Jesus repeated them in the NT so he included them in the law of Christ under the new covenant. But many torah keepers neglect the two greatest commands. To them its all about sabbath, feasts and tassels and telling Christians they are "lawless" and that their holidays are "pagan."
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Very informative as always. From my personal observation from what I noticed from the Torah Observant crowd like Hebrew roots or Hebrew Israelites, they treat putting their faith in Jesus as a stop gap measure. In other word, their righteousness is indeed based on following the Mosiac law, but it they fall short, then they said Jesus death on the cross covers what I could not.
@@joshuamelton9148 I believe I have it, yes. Jesus said, we need only ask the Father for it. People who crave the truth, where ever it leads, are guided by Gods spirit of truth. Most people defend what they are taught, not the truth.
Matthew 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Matthew 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Good lesson. All things in proper context, though. Just to be clear, Faith without works is dead. This is because Faith is a verb - a state of being (belief), and action (works). It is not enough to believe, as even demons do that, but we *must allow The Set Apart Spirit* to do a good work within us that shines through as a testament to others. Those "works" should show forth as internal qualities, such as separation from worldly things, not showing everyone how much you keep a weekly sabbath, or how you wear fringes or head coverings. If such were the case for 'proving' your justification, men would have to walk around with their pants down to prove to everyone how they're circumcised, and unmarried women would have to do the same to show their virginity. Love is the key, and it's not exercised by wearing it on your sleeve; it's exercised by wearing it on your heart. Men judge by actions, but YHWH judges the heart. We are judged by every idle word (thought), not every action. Actions are only reactions to what's inside. The glow must come from within, not without.
I agree brother in Christ. Love is viewed as a verb or action word as well. We show our love and honor for our lord through the actions that follow our faith. This doesn't equal a works based false theology by doing so. It's a reflection of your Faith and Love placed in our Messiah. Shalom
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@sundownsam3369 he said after? Um noo Christ is perfect without blemish which is why he was our Passover lamb for our sins. I'm going to have to go back and listen to this again that's disappointing 😞
@faithfullydreamingmysterio2522 Messiah was declared by John the Baptist as "The Lamb of YHWH Who takes away the sins of the world." He was pronounced 'The Messiah, The Son of The Living EL' by Nathaniel and Peter. He said at His betrayal, "Now is The Son of Man glorified." He replied to Caiaphas when asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of The Blessed - "I AM." and He announced before dying on the cross that "It is finished!" All of this was *before* His resurrection, which was Him conquering death and proving all of the previous statements.
I hope it is not exhausting having a popular channel on a topic that you are passionate about - getting responses (which online usually land coldly). I hope you are doing well spiritually my friend. God Bless you and yours.
What a kind comment, Dee. Thank you! It is challenging, yes, but God is generous in His grace and is using it all for my sanctification and more importantly for His glory. Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Amen brother. Challenges help us if we're humble to feel what God wants; then grow into that..into that life in the Spirit. God Bless, hope all is well.
The people that are keeping the sabbath only cherry pick. Otherwise, they would have chosen the path to be saved there is a law that says no bastard should enter into the congregation to their tenth generation. If the people that are observing or keeping the law check where they are in bastard they would know that lots of people wasting time
Have you encountered those in the HRM who teach that there are levels in the Kingdom? They agree that we are justified/saved by faith in Yeshua, basically by the "skim of our teeth", but that our place in the Kingdom is determined by our own righteousness earned by our works of the law. So, there's a running tally somewhere keeping track of our works that will result in high or low status within the Kingdom. They do use (a very literal interpretation) Scripture to support this teaching. I'd love it if you would address this, as I've been so shocked to see how well received it has been in some circles.
Yikes. Where do they get this stuff? So they think being a Christian is scratching & clawing over one another to earn the most badges, like Christianity is nothing more than a grownup version of Awana club?
Hi Anonymom! I actually think there is some truth to the idea of a hierarchy in heaven based on our earthly obedience. Not obedience to the Old Covenant law, of course, but to the law of Christ. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught: "Whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:19) Notice that those who "relax God’s commandments" and those who "do them" both make it into the kingdom of heaven. This passage suggests there will be, in some sense, lesser and greater citizens of heaven. And we’ll be called "lesser" or "greater" based on our obedience. But every single person who has genuinely placed their faith in Jesus will make it into heaven, bar none. Our works have no bearing on getting in. Jesus also says there are different degrees of rewards in heaven. "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done" (Matt. 16:27). Paul seems to teach the same thing in 1 Cor. 3:11-15. So in the process of our sanctification we don’t obey God and do good works in order to be justified, we do so because we have already been justified. And we strive to resist sin and grow more like Jesus because that is how genuine Spirit-filled believers who love Him ultimately want to live. And God rewards us for our faithfulness. Blessings! Rob
HRM twists it. They teach Christians will be least in the kingom(if they make it in some teach they wont) and "torah keepers" will be greatest in the kingdom.
As you have clearly stated here, faith in Christ is all that is required for salvation. Perhaps if one is predisposed to feeling a need to commit an act or work for salvation let that act/work be to believe that Christ settled all at the cross.
Solberg: And to sort of make 1:11 the idea more concrete by way of an analogy, let’s say Jesus’ perfect obedience earned Him 1:17 a certificate of Perfect Righteousness. Bear with me here. This is just an analogy, okay? 1:24 *We can easily move beyond the analogy to concrete evidence by pointing to the New Song that is sung in Revelation 5 declaring that Christ the Lamb is worthy. You can also look back to Daniel 9:24, because his victory on the cross is what brought in everlasting righteousness. That had to be established that Christ was righteous before the most holy place could be anointed to begin his ministry as a High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary after his resurrection and ascention back to his Father.*
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundayciscero Let me correct you here, Yeshua who knew no sin was made a sin sacrifice that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. But that is not what I am referring to. Start at the one-minute mark, which is about 15 seconds so you understand what I am bringing out and tell me if you agree with his statement or if you will denounce that statement. If you do not denounce his statement, that will be because you agree with his statement.
@@sundownsam3369 On it’s face I would disagree but I would need more context before I make a judgement so if you would like please put the time stamp. I get where you come from though so let’s make this clear now: we have the common ground that Yeshua’s righteousness is perfect and spotless on it’s own because He is divine. Agreed? Now please share the time stamp
Just tell him that there is a secret law that most people neglect when they try to keep the law, and Rob here revealed it and hopes that anyone with Hebrew Roots / Torah Adherence who thinks they follow the law will quickly follow this law before it's too late
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT): 8 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it
Yups, Now learn what those words Means. Reborn infants don't have the mental faculties to understand them there Words, now GO and grow into a man of Faith. Not your Faith, But the Fathers Faith!
@@billlee2194 well scripture clearly teaches you can lose your salvation Hebrews 10:26... On top of that the early church fathers (ad70-320 ish) taught the same. Calvin went back to Augustine ad400 who had some gnostic beliefs...видео.htmlsi=QNIyupAfWHVlj6Lz Also leighton flowers is interesting - he says that the early church fathers did not teach the concepts of calvanism... many of us read our bibles through that lense without even realising it...видео.htmlsi=dm7EajjezQQ1bhLR
Brother Rob, at minute mark 16 you mention the mission of Jesus. My hope and understanding of Jesus mission is reconciling humans back to God. Hallelujah! Romans 5:10 (& entire chp) also Ephesians 2:15,16 I especially like that Jesus abolished the enmity between humans and God which was caused by the law and ordinances. 😮Ooo also 2Corinthians 5:18 ❤ Shalom
I'm afraid the "Torah observant" do pile their filthy rags of "righteousness" on top of the perfect righteousness of Jesus, trampling Him underfoot 😥 "How much greater punishment do you think will be deserved by the one who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?" ~ Hebrews 10 : 29
As always thank you for your teaching could you also try to do a teaching on the scriptures that say fate without works is dead and the one that says you say you have faith without work but I'll show you my fate buy my work thank you
@@larry7781that's easy. Faith without works is dead means if your faith is genuine, then you should be able to produce fruits by the Holy Spirit, (Galatians5:22-23)which is the evidence to reflect your faith; the salt and light to show the world, Matthew 5:13-14. On the other hand, if you say you have faith, but shows no fruit bearing or obedience which is the evidence of faith, then your faith is a dead faith, which bears no works, fruit bearings from the Holy Spirit, just like the demons inJames 2:19. Abraham was justified by works of obedience and for fruit bearings through faith, James 2:21. It is not the works we do, but the works God do in us when we are saved or justified, righteous and sanctified, phillipians 2:12-13. The word of God does not contradict, but the problem is we lack understanding.
He will tell them, "Depart from Me you workers of lawlessness (hate)." They will claim to have done all kinds of things in His name, but He will say, "I *never* knew (shared love with) you." This is because they did things to be seen and praised by man, instead of reflecting the love of YHWH within them to please our Father & Husband. This is akin to a wife who is more interested in the latest gossip, 'keeping up with the Joneses' and 'keeping up appearances,' instead of pleasing her husband and taking care of her own house.
@@auh2o148and this Christ meant the unbelievers who have no faith, which produced no obedience in righteousness. He's not talking about following the laws of OT or His commandments in the OT. He's teaching about the lawlessness of wickedness. Lol
@@TheBiblicalRoots I thought that was what you meant, just wanted to know for sure. Someone challenged me to watch that time and call you out. Thanks for the clarification
@@justindarnellfpv Thank you for asking rather than passing instant judgement, Justin! I am far from perfect and always appreciate the opportunity to clarify. Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots it’s my pleasure, your channel and teaching have helped change my life and through me I have passed on some teachings to about 5 people who needed it. Your ministry is a very difficult road but a huge blessing
Solberg: But they just aren’t enough when we put them in perspective and view them in light 3:32 of God’s holiness. *But, if everyone’s righteousness is equally “filthy rags” and we are all helplessly and hopelessly wicked, being unable to measure up to God’s holiness, then how does God decide which wicked people to save and which equally wicked people to destroy? Either he must save all of us equally, or destroy all of us equally. Any other outcome would suggest God is an arbitrary and unfair judge. Yet, the Bible portrays God as saving those he calls righteous, but destroying the wicked. And that outcome paints God in a better light as a judge, but it calls the premise of all our righteousnesses are filthy rags into serious question in the process.
Solberg: Here’s an analogy that might help us better understand how we are saved by faith and not Works. And it’s also going to shed some light on the reason that most of our Hebrew Roots friends are completely missing the mark on this issue. *Would you include James as missing the mark, Professor? I think if James were here, he would openly disagree with you, seeing he raises the following question in James 2:14. Jas 2:14 - What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? What a perfectly appropriate question for the discussion at hand. It is as if James was just waiting to pounce on this one. As James progresses forward, he references examples in verses 15-16 from the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25. And his reason for doing that is because Christ sends the goats to their destruction in the firey furnace prepared for Satan and his angels over a list of works Christ argues the goats failed to perform. But, Christ spares the sheep who did that list of works; thus, implying that particular list of works, and maybe even other works not covered in that parable, are essential for our salvation. So, it would appear that both James and Christ believe doing works are actually essential to our salvation. Next James concludes that faith without works is dead in James 2:17 and 20. So, James would accuse you of teaching a doctrine of trying to be saved by dead faith, if you reject the need for works in your salvation equation, Professor. It’s a bit hard to ignore that reality here. And verse 18 argues that without works you can’t even demonstrate you have faith. So, what tangible evidence do those who have no works to speak of possess which ensures they even have faith in the first place? Verse 19 argues that faith without works is the kind of belief exhibited by devils, not God’s people. And isn’t it curious that Paul, who you constantly run to for verses like Romans 4:5 And Ephesians 2:8-9, revealing who taught you to reject works in the first place, is the same Paul who admits to having a “messenger of Satan” in 2Cor 12:7? So, is it any surprise that a man with a “messenger of Satan” taught you a doctrine of faith without works that James 2:19 argues is what the devils practice and believe? A faith alone doctrine whose outcome is eternal wickedness where no one is required to behave by producing good works to be saved? That sounds more like a Luciferian paradise, than a paradise designed by a loving, righteous God. Could it be that Paul and his “messenger of Satan” in 2Cor 12:7 came into Christianity to change the gospel narritive in subtle ways so that Christians would actually push for the outcome Lucifer wanted rather than the outcome God is trying to achieve in all of this? Or, would the faith alone crowd rather we not talk about Paul admitting to being compromised by a “messenger of Satan” in 2Corrinthians 12:7? And by verse 22, James explains how it is the works that makes our faith perfect. Oh, didn’t Christ tell us to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect? How are people going to do that with dead, imperfect faith which is faith devoid of works, Professor? In other words, it’s the works that demonstrates you have living, perfected faith. That means the works are more important to our salvation than the faith which depends on the works to become living, perfected faith. But, if Paul is correct and we do not need works to be justified in Romans 4:5 or saved in Ephesians 2:8-9, then consider the case that Lucifer doesn’t go out of his way to do any good works. And Lucifer is smart enough to give lip service to the words, “I believe”, if that is all it takes to get God off his back so he can continue in his sin rebellion without having anything to worry about, because remember, James 2:19 says that even the devils believe and tremble. And in Revelation 12:17, Lucifer is trying to help you and Paul get rid of those who keep the commandments of God. That’s why he is waging war against them in that verse. Funny how you, Paul, his messenger of Satan in 2Corrinthians 12:7 and Lucifer all end up having the same enemy and end goal there, but it's not as unexpected as you might hope.
Faith is both mental belief and also action (faithfulness). The scriptures seem to support obeying God, by obeying the commands of his Messiah and Apostles, as a requirement for your personal covenant stability in the New Testament. People want to take different extremes. "God demands you be perfect", "once saved always saved" or "permanent loss of salvation". However in the New Testament though obedience is required mistakes are allowed, this is clear. The closest thing we have to a potential permanent loss of salvation/covenant status is in 1st John (sin unto death), Hebrews (6:4, 10:28), and 1st Corinthians 5 (incestous-adulterous man). Even in these passages it is debatable that they teach permanent loss but perhaps. They do seem to give indication that covenant status, and therefore salvation, *is* something to be maintained and kept efficacious through not just God, but our own faithfulness. None of us did aything to be offered the New Covenant, it's rewards (life!), and forgiveness for past sins, that was solely done by the foreplan and grace of God and of the grace of Jesus. However once in the covenant, I think I would be incredibly dishonest and unedifying if I said the New Testament teaches once saved always saved or the idea that your personal works don't matter. To whom this may help if it is indeed helpful. I encourage you to read your New Testaments, which you probably are, with no pre-suppositions, and see if you still come to the conclusion that your own works play no part in your covenant status. Words from our authoratative teacher the Apostle Paul, our instructor from Jesus - Romans 2:4-8 NASB1995 "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?...who will render to each person according to his deeds: to those who by *perseverance* in *doing good* seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. but glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God." Of course, there is also James 2.
Looking back, I now see that I used to view the NT through either/or lens ie. If some verses seem to say I cannot lose my salvation, then I just rejected any that seemed to say I can lose my salvation. That is the danger I see with imputed righteousness. It pits some verses against others when the entire NT should be made one teaching which could be best described as faith working through doers of the word and not hearers only.
@billlee2194 Yes, i think the trap many of us find in life is thinking in extremes, when there is a middle ground instead. God graciously pre-planned and enacted his plan for humanity to be given immortality, however, it is conditionally maintained and based on our faith/faithfulness to it's stipulations until judgement day. Mistakes are allowable but grace is not to be purposefully taken advantage of for God sees all and who can fool him? It will be taken into account in the judgement. I think this is what Paul is saying in the ending of 1st Corinthians 9. He says, he can convert and help maintain all the people he wants, but the only thing that will save him is his own faithfulness toward serving Jesus, aka having genuine faith to him and his instructions.
I hear and accept all this but please can you do a similar video with both concepts combined to explain verses like the following in conjunction as they seem in contradiction. 2 Peter 2: 20 - 21 Mat 7:21-22 (ref also V23, v12, v24) XRef Mat 7 with Mat 25:11-12 Ref James 2:17, 24 There are more but the concepts are throughout the New Testament about us keeping the commandments and what iniquity and lawlessness is. Perhaps it is like this. - We all agree Jesus saved us and we believe in Him through Faith. Always. We are made righteous. - But once we are saved we can be unrighteous by evil deeds again. Then in order to be saved we must come to the cross and Jesus will make us righteous again. - How do we stay righteous? We dont act in unrighteous ways. We dont lie, steal, blaspheme, keep the sabbath, honour our parents (all 10) This is a serious quandry for me as scripture points to both ways.
Define works? What is a work? Is obeying the law works? Matthew 4:17 REPENT... Matthew 6:14-15 FORGIVE OR YOU AREN'T FORGIVEN? Can we neglect those commands of JESUS and be saved by faith alone through grace ❤?
Hi Rob ,..the context of Isaiah 64:6 is that he is addressing the “ unclean “, the polluters of the Torah not the faithful Torah keepers. The filthy rag is a menstrual cloth. This is showing that man made religion is filthy and is like the shedding of blood that cannot produce life. The shed blood of Yeshua does produce life..something that the sacrifice of animals could not do. Got Torah Got Truth
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 I don’t memorize everything Mr. Solberg says…I can only tell you how I understand the scriptures….Yeshua is always righteous…His righteousness is what He speaks…The instructions that come out of His mouth are His righteousness… and they are always perfect because He is God, and it’s the Torah that He spoke, so the Torah is His righteousness and He will make it great and glorious…Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770It is clear from the scriptures to test all spirits to see if what they are stating is of God; in other words, one needs to listen carefully to those who are ministering God's word. Start at the one-minute mark (is about 15 seconds) and tell me if you agree with that statement or denounce it. If you do not denounce his statement, you are no different than he is.
Hi, Harry! Isaiah said: "You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6). What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today. Blessings, RL
Christ be with you No in the Context of Isaiah he is speaking of our Garment of righteousness. It is cover with sin. It is not to show man-religion in particular is filthy, but that sin is filthy, defying what god has commanded is filthy. Thou meetest him that joyfully works righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways. Behold, thou wast angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. (Isaiah 64:5-6) when we are cleansed in the blood our righteousness is like Christs Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous. Come to Christ and Live
We are saved by faith in Christ and not by keeping the law, but does the law ends when it has brought us to Christ? Is the law still present? If yes, what is then her role now that I accepted Christ righteousness? Does the new believer have a law to obey (not to come to salvation of course, because he is saved by faith)?
Hello, Va lo! Here are a few short videos (0:60) we've put out that speak to your questions: *No Law, No Rules?* *Love outdoes the Law* *What is the Law of Christ?* *Let's be Sermon on the Mount Christians* I teach and believe that obedience is God’s “love language.” Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). And I'm sure you would agree that not every command that God has given applies to every person at all times. Some of His commands only apply to certain people (i.e., men, women, parents, Levitical priests) or for certain times (i.e., building an ark, gathering manna, while in exile). And I'm sure you would also agree that we are each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). So if we want to put a classification of "law" on it, Christians follow the Law of Christ. Blessings, Rob
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@sundownsam3369 Oh, ok, I get what you're saying, I think his perspective is because of what he reads in Philippians 2:9, but starting at verse 5 through 8 its going in depth on how Christ gave up His divine privileges verse 7-8 ( while He was in the flesh) and at verse 9 it's talking about Christ being elevated to the place of highest honor [9] Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, Therefore, though Christ was already Righteous and without sin before His death and resurrection, His "divine privileges" were not with Him until after Christ was resurrected. And the question is why? well, I think verse 6-8 can speak for themselves, [6] Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. [7] Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, [8] he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross Because Christ humble Himslef to take the position of a servent, in other words He was made a little lower than the angels, for us. But now (after His resurrection), Christ is exalted, Praise God 🙌 [9] Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. I think that's my answer, but I think it would be good to ask Robert Solberg why he thinks and said that Christ received perfect righteousness after His resurrection? Thank you for sending a message and thank you for pointing this out, but I must say I still liked the analogy used in this video, God Bless, I'm sure I might be hearing for you soon.
@@Dylan-wn7dm I appreciate you going back to the video to hear it from his own lips, lips that satan is borrowing and I say this because he has made many statements that are not scriptural but are false doctrines. He does not appreciate me pointing it out and calling him what he is, which is why he refuses to respond. Like most theologian do, they take the Epistles and make doctrines out of them. You are correct, it is good to ask Robert Solberg why he made such a statement that Christ achieved perfect righteousness after His resurrection when he is God's righteousness. The problem is that he will not respond to me, so why don't you ask him. Tell him that I brought it to your attention, and you need him to clear what he meant because that is a false statement according to the Scriptural.
Great video. Jesus lived a perfect life for (in the place of) all believers, accounting us worthy of heaven; and He suffered the Just Wrath of God against sinners, for ( in the place of) all believers so we don't have to. In Ephesians 2:8-10 we are saved by Grace ALONE through Faith ALONE in Christ ALONE. We are saved to do good works, not by good works. All to the Glory of God ALONE.
All of the references used for defending antinomianism from this video and in your reply came from Saul. You can not use Yeshua to honestly defend a stance of lawlessness. Most people reject the Messiah’s instructions to adhere to the Father’s commands. You referenced Ephesians 2. Saul in Ephesians 2:15 states that Jesus abolished the law of commandments and ordinances….makes similar statements in Roman’s 10:4 and gal 3…. …but what did Yeshua state? Matt 5:17 says He did NOT abolish the commandments or ordinances. Continued to state that nothing would be removed from the commandments. Luke 16:16 states it would be easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for anything to be removed even if it were a punctuation change. Matthew 19:17 states if you want eternal life keep the commandments. I realize this view is counter to the traditional teachings of both dispensationalists and the tradition torah adherent teachings but we aren’t called to follow traditions from man but instead instructed to follow what Yeshua teaches everywhere he went. We have to decide between traditions of man and the teachings of the Messiah. Study on your own without the eisegetical theology. Our cornerstone of understanding is supposed to come from Yeshua not Saul and not a RUclips theologian.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@kennethjacobs4824 Kenneth, you are incorrect. Start at the one-minute mark, it is about 15 seconds, then tell me if you agree with his statement or you will denounce it. Either you defend the word of God, or you defend one who speaks against God's word. It appears you will defend one who will speak against God's word.
Your use of 'alone' sounds anything but alone :). However, I do love the way you worded good works. You know, one strange thing that eludes me is, though I am also taught that we are saved by grace and not by our works, Scripture still seems to me to be clear that we will not be saved without good works. Perhaps it is a matter of faith AND obedience to Christ. Costs of the word and not hearers only.
Shalom Rob, As a Torah-observant Christian (Judeo-Christian) I wouldn't dare offer up my works at my time of judgment. You're correct in saying that would be shameful so I'm with you on that front. However, we are called to walk in the character of Jesus. What is Jesus' character....Its the law. The law describes every bit of Jesus' righteousness. That is how we are to walk. 1 John 2:1-6 (NLT) My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins-and not only our sins but the sins of all the world. And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments. If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did. Much love and respect, Aaron
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@justindarnellfpv start at the one-minute mark it is about 15 second. satan threw the diploma in to distract one from hearing what he through the lips of Robert Solberg.
@@justindarnellfpv It is extremely important to pay attention to those who post videos. Start at the one-minute mark; it is about 15 seconds. Notice that immediately after that statement, a diploma was shown to distract from the diabolical statement that was made. Once you hear it, you need to ask Robert Solberg why he made such a statement that is not Scriptural. He will not respond to my post because I called him out on his distorted doctrines. If you disagree with his statement and do not denounce it or question him on it, you are allowing him to mislead believers.
@@justindarnellfpvStart at the 1-minute mark; it is about 15 seconds. Once you hear it, send him a message that you disagree with his statement because that is not what the Scriptures teach.
With Hebrew Roots advocates, it starts to sound a lot like many of my Catholic friends who say, "You are saved by FAITH ALONE! BUT! You must also DO..."
@@William36899 Not even close... Good works are evidence OF a transformed heart and life (the fruit that results FROM salvation), not a requirement FOR salvation... or even a means of somehow maintaining it through your own effort.
You have set up a strawman fallacy. Hebrew Roots does not mean that there is a different way to be justified other than through God's sacrifice of the perfectly obedient Jesus. However, in your response 3 hours before this one, you admit that you will have evidence of your justification. I am using the term justification so that it is not conflated with sanctification. Justification is what most people call salvation, but salvation is a broader term that often ignores sanctification that is a part of it. Justification is the unmerited gift of eternal life. Sanctification is what happens through our cooperation after we are justified. If you agree with that, tell us how we are sanctified. This is a matter of debate to be sure. Some will say through being thankful to God for justifying us (i.e. loving God) and by loving our neighbor. My contention is that loving God goes beyond being thankful. It is complimentary to our loving our neighbor, but is in itself more substantial than merely being thankful. Blessings and I really do look forward to hearing your response.
@@KingdomCarrier9 No. I mean, the devils have intellectual assent, don't they? And for sure, if you profess with your mouth but do not live at all consistently, there is no good reason to believe what the claim, is there?
I don't think you have an idea what that verse is talking about. By the way, Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@agreyf Begin at the one-minute mark about 15 seconds and tell me if you agree or denounce Robert Solberg statement. Listen to it carefully. Because many look up to Robert Solberg, they assume that everything he says is according to the Scriptures.
@@agreyf I am not saying that you do not know what you are talking about, I am saying that you have no idea what that verse in Isaiah 64 is about. Tell me, is God stating that or is a person saying that, and why is he talking like that? Works is not a ticket to heaven but there are good works.
I think a key concept here is 'YOU', myself, yourself, us, thinking that by doing mission trips, and working in a soup kitchen, tithing, prayer, etc. Those things are us; thinking, believing, hoping that our good deeds will get us in. We forget that the Law is spiritual - 'do not commit adultery' (physical); we can physically not commit adultery, but that is OUR filthy rag. If we do not lust in our heart (spiritual) as Jesus instructed, now we may be getting somewhere. Remember in Matthew 7 when those believers said 'didn't we do all these good/great things in your name Jesus', and He sad "depart from Me you workers of Lawlessness". What law is Jesus referring to? What work is to be done? Is it the work of Spiritual Law?
We were held in custody under the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. Galatians 3:23-25 NIV
I love what you said , but Jesus said I did not come to do away with law. Can you take his gift of Grace and return to sin? It’s faith and obedience. He knows we can’t keep his commandments perfect on Christ did but we can try , that’s what Holy Spirit is for to help us .
Salvation is by faith alone, obedience will not bring salvation, because then salvation is earned and not a gift. Yet the law still stands, one can choose to go back into sin as you correctly said. Also the law is the moral standard of the character of Christ. We can achieve that by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, which we get also by faith. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..." Philippians 1:6 It is day by day surrendering of the will, to the will of Christ.
Some people pick a verse out and say this one verse is all you need. Making Jesus ministry mean absolutely nothing. He might as well have been born and died and said nothing or did nothing but not sin and die for us. But I dont believe that is "the gospel" as people say. I Believe his teachings mattered, his commands mattered, I believe we will all face judgment and we will be judged by our words and our actions. To those who followed Christ in his teachings...salvation. To those who confess him Lord but didnt, well may God have mercy.
As concerning the relationship between faith and works, we have faith in Jesus Christ. If we have faith in Christ then we do his will. What is his will? What is his will? Love God, love your neighbor, keep his commandments. He also said that you would know a tree by the fruit it bears. This usually means deeds. Works also means deeds. So if there is no fruit/deeds this would seem to point to a lack of faith.
In the beginning we are made alive who were once dead in trespasses and sin. God delivers us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son. That's just the beginning of our lifelong journey our walk our conversion. We are out of Egypt but not in promise land yet. Jesus said everyone in his kingdom will not enter the kingdom of God in the end.....the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear let him hear.....for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming......and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation......marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation........according to scripture when rightly divide all truth pertaining to salvation, there is a difference between being saved made alive our conversion in the beginning and being resurrected unto life when Christ returns judgement our resurrection eternal salvation. That's why it not only matters if we believe remain faithful to Christ. It also matters how we live our righteousness now in this lifetime. Has nothing to do with keeping Torah laws or trying to earn salvation......
This presumes that people who are saved by faith immediately desire/wish to do evil, which is nonsense, ironically proven so by the "Torah observant" who become saved & immediately desire/wish to "observe Torah."
"And this is his commandment: that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he gave us the commandment." ~ 1 John 3 : 23
So, tell me, Robert Solberg, are you removing my post to Simonskinner? If not, why are they being removed? I posted it about 7 times, and it shows then it is removed. Let me also mention what is happening: They show posted, then they are gone, and it continues show and not show, like if someone is playing a game and I do not think is you.
I am learning how I can be obedient to the parts of Torah that apply to me. I have never once felt or thought that anything I do affects the justification that was given to me without merit. It was entirely due to the sacrifice that God made through the death of the perfectly obedient Jesus. I think that Mr. Solberg has a vendetta against those of us who are trying to listen to the voice of God (shema) and to guard His word (shamar) and to be obedient (asah). I thank Him for doing what I could not do and love Him by being obedient to Him. That does not ensure my justification - much less attain it. I am a little dismayed at the disingenuousness or lack of understanding that he has about people who seek to be obedient to Torah.
I agree. Most of us whole Bible believers, Torah observant, whatever label is used, are the first to say we are saved by grace and the sacrifice of Jesus. I don't know any of us who believe we can perfectly follow the Lord's instructions (Torah means instruction not law). Yet we are somewhat persecuted by Church Christians for following God's instructions to the best of our ability. The average mainstream Christian will impress upon me that true faith is a matter of having the feels and loving God and my neighbor. Ok, but practically how does loving God and my neighbor work. If I had a husband who had the feels and continually said how much he loved me but cheated on me repeatedly, didn't speak respectfully to me and generally broke the vows of marriage it would tear our relationship apart. I need not only for him to feel love for me but to demonstrate it thru obedience of the vows we made. Yes he made those promises prior to our legal union at the wedding but I expect those vows to be kept after we are legally bound. It's fine to feel love but at some point we need to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Faith without works is pretty empty. In my case I am Torah observant because I love the Lord and wish to please Him. I have yet to figure out why that is so offensive to mainstream church Christians. I used to be one. My only conclusion is perhaps they feel a certain amount of conviction that makes them uncomfortable. If that is the case it is between them and God I am not intentionally trying to make them feel that conviction.
@@rustynails8756 I have heard the following analogy that seemed to fit quite well with respect to Sukkot versus Christmas. Imagine you go to your wife and tell her that her birthday is "inconvenient" and you would like to celebrate it on your old girlfriend's birthday because you remember it so much easier. This is what it must be like for Jesus to have His birthday celebrated on the day in which so many pagans celebrated the sun returning. I know we aren't giving gifts to our old girlfriend, but MY wife would knock me in the head.
@@nickylouse2 what a wonderful analogy. I really appreciate how if we think of all the modern church practices under a logical lens it is so easy to see how whole Bible believers are simply trying to apply common sense. Thank you.
@@kimartist Parts that do not apply include commands given to women, priests, and so on. I consider myself Jewish as Paul describes them in Romans 2:28-29 and Galatians 3:28-29 stating that there is no distinction. Furthermore, I am grafted into Christ as a wild branch so that there is no difference according to Romans 11:17. And therefore since there is one set of instructions for Israel and Gentile in Leviticus 24:22, I am compelled to guard that and obey as fitting. I do not simply dismiss a commandment because I don’t understand it or feel that times have changed. Deuteronomy 30:10-11 says that His commands are not too hard to do. We have the capability to do them perfectly - just not the inclination. Some commandments that I have repented about include: remembering the sabbath and refraining from work on them, observing the appointments (feasts) to the degree possible, eating meat that is clean, wearing tzitzot, et cetera. I am still learning as I mentioned. I know that I fail intentionally as well as unintentionally, but my heart’s desire is to obey Him.
I love your videos that I have seen. Seems to me that God's wisdom is seen in giving a moderate(?) Jew, Peter, as Apostle to the Jews while He gives a Super-Jew, Paul, as the Apostle to the Gentiles. His perspective as a Super-Jew gives such weight when he teaches us Gentiles about the Law.
Thanks, Warren! Yes, James 2 is an important text in this conversation. Here's the subsequent video we did: *Is Faith Without Works Dead? (James 2:14-26)*видео.html Blessings, Rob
HRM would justify sitting in their recliners on a Saturday afternoon, placidly munching on kosher noms, looking out their windows & harshly condemning a Presbyterian minister (or any denomination) for mowing the lawn of their elderly next-door neighbor who is not physically, nor financially able to do so for herself & proudly call their own complacency "keeping the law as Jesus kept it."
I am not involved in the HBM but I will say this, you have no understanding of scriptural truth. You not only mede a childish statement but you showed that you are ignorant of scriptural truth and cannot weigh a situation of help. Ask yourself the question, can the grass be cut the next day so that you do not violate God's law? By the way, looking for a lost lamb on the Sabbath is not working, mowing the grass is.
I thought the same thing. As a Baptist, we always misinterpreted that passage to mean ALL deeds are filthy rags. What it states, to parsphrase, is our deeds have become like filthy rags. Plus, in the previous verse, Isaiah states God is pleased with the righteous.
I love these videos! I shared this one with my husband because I think it teaches justification *so* thoroughly. However, he confused your message with Antinomianism because the video is short and addresses one point. I had to clarify that this is not what you teach. Hebrews 10:14 NKJV - For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being **sanctified** We know it's faith ----> that works ----> through love. Those who are justified are being sanctified and will bring forth good fruit. Just read the entire book of James to see what that looks like. It is only 5 short chapters! Jesus is LORD! Praise God! 🙏
its confused and tries to say one thing without admitting all the things that go with kind of like how Calvinism works People who say this have a problem because they maintain that obedience is NOT required in one sentence but in another it is a required evidence of having been saved They will say things like one can struggle with sin like pornography's, and still enter the kingdom, but if they struggle with rape or murder they never were saved to begin with it is a confused doctrine with no bases in the word what does the word say over and over again he who keeps his commandments is he who loves him he gives his holy spirit to those who Obey him He is the author of the salvation of those who OBEY him If you keep my commandments you will abide in me and i an you if you do not abide in me you will wither be cut off and thrown into the fire in fact there is a test in the bible to know IF you even know Jesus which is everything because they bible state that eternal life is to Know God And how do we know we know if IF IF IF we keep his commandments he who says they know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar 1 John 2:3-6 there is no bible section that teaches we can obey some of what he said about the big things murder rape and still struggle with pornography's lust lies and drunkenness and be in the kingdom
@@appointedaday We don't obey some and not others. We just think that when Christ came things changed. Hebrews 7:12 NKJV - For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law.
@@HopeUnknown Ok then you disagree with most who claim what you are claiming including this channel So you do agree then we have to Obey Jesus and keep his commandments and those who continue in sin will NOT enter the kingdom of heaven?
Hey Robert, can you expand on the idea when you mean that Christ was made in perfect righteousness after His resurrection Im not attacking you, someone has requested i asked this. Thank you
Hi Dylan! Thanks for allowing me to clarify. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant that, while Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us. I certainly could have worded it more clearly! The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22). Blessings, Rob
@@Dylan-wn7dm Good that he cleared it up with you, but he needs to make a 3-minute video to make it clear what he actually meant. Would he? I don't know.
You are correct and true faith will produce good works, this good works is not for salvation but for reward. Please note that this Good works is not works of the Law.
@@kimartistActually, I think I would have to disagree. A study of James shows he would defend the law as lived out in the spirit of this salvation teaching. And Paul did not rale against the law. He and James were on the exact same page.
@@rickblake3674 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." ~ James 1 : 27
Hi, Chris! It's important to interpret the verse you quoted in it's full context (James 2:14-26.) The point of this passage-which is expressed three times (in vv. 17, 20 and 26)-is not that works must be _added_ to faith but that genuine faith will _include_ works. That is the marker of a genuine faith. James is concerned about an attitude towards faith that sees it mainly as a verbal profession-such as the confession that "God is one" (v. 19). This is a faith that is "apart from" works (vv. 20, 26), and James views this faith as "dead" (vv. 17, 26), "useless" (v. 20); it does not have the power to save (v. 14) or to justify (v. 24). James assumes the necessity of faith and claims to have faith himself (v. 18). But he is stressing that *_real_* faith "has works" (vv. 14, 17), is "completed" by works (v. 22), is "active along with works" (v. 22). It's the kind of faith exhibited both by the father of faith, Abraham (vv. 21-23), and Rahab, the prostitute (v. 25). Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots he is saying you have to have works No you cannot obey Jesus and bless those that curse you and count it all Joy without faith, You cannot do things hiding to the left hand what the right does to seek the honor that comes from God without faith Its just impossible this faith alone argument it really silly it is not in truth and it serves no purpose except to mislead However it IS Possible to have faith without works, It IS possible to do as Hebrews 3 and 4 showed to see the miracles the parting of the seas the manna from heaven and yet perish because of unbelief Here is the thing They Believed the facts did they not? They could tell you who God was with more conviction then 95% of Americas church today could they not? Here is something else to think about Mr Faith Alone It is written Jesus did not do many miracles in places there was little faith Yet in the places many miracles were done did he not later condemn them for their lack of works? But I say to you that it will be more tolerable in that Day for Sodom than for that city. 13 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14 But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15 And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades.
@@TheBiblicalRoots In your above response you said "is not that works must be added to faith but that genuine faith will include works. That is the marker of a genuine faith." Seems you do understand why people say works are part of your walk.
@@placeofrest2860 Indeed, works are very much a part of our walk! Works are the natural fruit produced by a genuine faith. But our good works have nothing to do with our salvation. These are two different things. Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots Yup and pop that 'p' 😉. I find it amusing that as a Christian, I was taught works have no bearing on salvation. Yet since walking away from Christianity, it continues to be Christians who tell me I am doing works for my salvation. I have quit trying to show them we understand each other, as they do not hear my words.Christianity does not have the market cornered on genuine faith.
Here is a copy of a post that I just posted on Torah Life Ministries. They (Torah Life Ministries) just put out a video response to this video ( _Are we saved by faith alone? By keeping the Law? A little of each?_ ): Shalom, brothers and sisters. I have watched many of Mr. Solberg's videos and they all contain fundamental errors, and this one is no different. First of all, Mr. Solberg paints with a very broad-brush. Based on my observations, most of the people in the "Hebrew Roots Movement" don't believe that they are saved by their works. Thus, Mr. Solberg, for the most part, is knocking down strawmen by citing the exception as the rule. Moreover, his entire theatrical presentation is based on the false premise that our best works are as "filthy rags" before God, which is simply not true! Simply stated, Isaiah 64 - when read in context - does not suppose to tell us that our good works (keeping Yah's righteous Laws) are as filthy rags. No, on the contrary, it's telling us that the people had fallen is such depravity (sin), that the best of their best was still, in fact, filth! Be that as it may, Mr. Solberg also fails to recognize that there are two kinds of righteousness! There is an imperfect righteousness that comes by the works of the Law (it's imperfect only because no one, less One, can keep it perfectly); and a Perfect Righteousness (unto Justification) that only comes by our complete faith in Yeshua, and the Grace that He merited for us on the Stake (Cross). Romans 10:5-6 NRSV Moses writes concerning the righteousness that comes from the law, that "the person who does these things will live by them." (6) But the righteousness that comes from faith says, "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'" (that is, to bring Christ down) As or me (that is, as someone in the Hebrew Roots Movement)? I am saved 100% by my faith in Yeshua, and ZERO% by my works. However, as the Scriptures teach, if I have the former (faith in Yeshua), I will ultimately demonstrate that by the latter (obedience to Yah's perfect Laws). 1 John 2:3-6 NRSV Now by this we may be sure that we know him, if we obey his commandments. (4) Whoever says, "I have come to know him," but does not obey his commandments, is a liar, and in such a person the truth does not exist; (5) but whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has reached perfection. By this we may be sure that we are in him: (6) whoever says, "I abide in him," ought to walk just as he walked. 1 John 3:7 NRSV Little children, let no one (like Mr. Solberg) deceive you. Everyone who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. Psalms 119:160 NRSV The sum of your word is truth; and every one of your righteous ordinances endures forever. Praise Yah!
Thanks for giving me the chance to respond, SourMilk! 1. You said, "Based on my observations, most of the people in the 'Hebrew Roots Movement' don't believe that they are saved by their works. Thus, Mr. Solberg, for the most part, is knocking down a strawman by citing the exception as the rule." In this video, I made no claims about whether or not "Torah-observant" Christians believe we are saved by our works. I didn't even mention it. There is no strawman here. I did say this: "For my 'Torah-observant' friends, if you want to keep those things, go for it! But don’t deceive yourself into thinking it adds anything to your righteousness in God’s eyes." 2. You said, "Simply stated, Isaiah 64 - when read in context - does not suppose to tell us that our good works (keeping Yah's righteous Laws) are as filthy rags. No, on the contrary, it's telling us that the people had fallen in such depravity (sin), that the best of their best was still, in fact, filth!" I respectfully disagree. Isaiah wrote: "Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6). What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their צִדְקֹתֵ֑י (righteous deeds). That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these *_sinful_* things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today. Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Pray tell, how can you say that you didn't even mention it, when it was directly implied in the very beginning of your video? You began by saying, and I quote: _"Here’s an analogy that might help us better understand how we are saved by faith and not works. And it’s also going to shed some light on the reason that most of our Hebrew Roots friends are completely missing the mark on this issue."_ Moreover, the fact of the matter is that I've repeatedly watched you represent those in the Hebrew Roots Movement as generally believing that they are either saved by their works, or are saved by a combination of their works and faith. When, in fact, I would contend that such people actually make up a minority within the movement, and thankfully so. Hence, why it was not only correct for me to say that you cite the exception as the rule, but that it was also a strawman. Now, as for Isaiah? The fact that you pointed out how the word being used there represents righteous deeds only served to demonstrate that you missed my point. Of course the word means that. But, even so, that doesn't mean that they were doing those things (righteous deeds)! In fact, the context of the surrounding verses demonstrate that they were doing the exact opposite. Simply read the very next verse! Isaiah 64:7 BBE And there is no one who makes prayer to your name, or who is moved to keep true to you: for your face is veiled from us, and you have given us into the power of our sins. And, not to mention, simply look at the verse itself! Isaiah 64:6 BBE For we have all become like an unclean person, and all our good acts are like a dirty robe: and we have all become old like a dead leaf, and our sins, like the wind, take us away. Thus, there are your aforementioned (missing) "sins", Mr. Solberg. Yet, for some odd reason, you suppose that these same sinners were also performing righteous deeds. When, in fact, they were simply acknowledging that they had no "righteous deeds" (notice the quotes), whatsoever. Regardless, might I kindly suggest that you stop muddying the waters with the false notion that most people in the HRM reject salvation by faith alone, because that's simply not true. No, on the contrary, most people in the HRM have simply come to realize (via the Holy Spirt) that Yah's Laws are NOT "bondage", as they've been taught. But, rather, that Yah's Laws are in fact Holy, Just, and Good! And, moreover, that they are to be kept by His people as a sign of their faith. Again, there are two kinds of righteousness. One is a righteousness of following the Torah (which is the very thing that's supposed to be written in our minds and on our hearts), and the other is the Righteousness that only comes by our faith in Christ. And, unfortunately, Mr. Solberg, you've been conflating the two! Shalom
@@sourmilkministries9445 With all due, respect SourMilk, I think you're hearing what you want to hear, rather than what I actually said in this video. What you see as "directly implied" is not actually the case, as I previously demonstrated. Also, I have publicly acknowledged many times, including in my book _Torahism, _ that only a minority of "Torah keepers" claim that salvation comes by keeping the Torah. This is why in this video, I did not state or imply that they take the "salvation by faith plus works" position. This video was actually addressed to a much broader audience: those who hold to "works righteousness." Which is why I added the comment for my "Torah-observant" friends, "Don’t deceive yourself into thinking it adds anything to your righteousness in God’s eyes." As for your interpretation of Isaiah, I have to respectfully disagree. But what about the larger point I made on that issue? Do you deny that when compared to the perfect righteousness of Christ, the "righteous acts" of human beings are far inferior? And that they are not enough to merit salvation? RLS
@@TheBiblicalRootsShalom. I've already stated, and I quote: _"I am saved 100% by my faith in Yeshua, and ZERO% by my works."_ So then, I'm not sure why you would feel the need to ask me if the "righteous acts" of human beings were enough to merit salvation, when that clearly has no available place in my aforementioned: (Saved) "ZERO% by my works" position. And, as for your question comparing Christ's Righteousness to that of humans? Of course, as the names suggest, "imperfection" is almost always considered inferior to "perfection". But, even so, with all due respect to you, the question itself is flawed, as it demonstrates faulty reasoning. The issue at hand isn't actually with the "righteous acts" of humans, it's with their unrighteous acts. This is to say that a "righteous act" is always a "righteous act", regardless of who performs it. Now, of course, what sets Yeshua apart is that, unlike us, He never committed as much as a single act of unrighteousness. Thus, this is what enables Him to impute His perfect Righteousness to us (AKA: The GIFT of Righteousness). But, even so, contrary to your assertions (eisegesis) concerning Isaiah 64:6, that doesn't mean that our genuine acts of righteousness (which is NOT what Isaiah is referring to) are like "filthy rags" in the sight of God, even in direct comparison to Yeshua's perfect Righteousness. Because, as I've already mentioned, a righteous act is just that - a righteous act. And, mind you, Yah loves every single one of them! Psalms 45:7 NKJV You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.
You may say this is saying the same thing but the righteousness we receive is God's Righteousness. Yes of course Jesus was righteous but God in His Word says that it is His Righteousness that we receive through Christ
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Hallelujah, Amen. Great Message! Works based salvation would also be silly because of the monetary system of this world. Some are borne with more money and would be able to do so many more deeds than those less fortunate. Some folks pass away from accidents or other means, and would never have a chance to do as much as those that lived a long life. I don't believe a works based salvation is not what a fair and loving God would impose on His children. God wants it to be so simple, a child can understand it! Many Blessings!
Are you implying that a loving Father would not expect obedience from His children? What earthly father does not expect from obedience from their children for the child's own good?
Well of course not! God often chastises those that He loves when they continue to sin, or as you put it, are disobedient. This does not mean rejection from the family. Only Jesus knows the heart of man...let Him take care of that. Many Blessings!
1. John 3:7 - Yes, and in the whole letter John has written, what is righteous doing: abide in HIS Love! Let us love one another, for live is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 1. John 4, 7 and 8 (NASB) AND look at this: "In this is love, NOT that We loved God, but HE loved us and sent HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins. 1. John 4, Verse 10. We should abide in HIS love, that HE has poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We receive this through faith. That is a righteous deed. Or this: "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and hevin God." 1. John 4, 15. Or this: "We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement; because as HE is, so also are we in this world." 1. John 4, verses 16 - 17. It's all about loving God and people with God's own Love that He put in our hearts as a present like a child who his mom gives him some coints to buy a birthday present for her.😂 And verse 21 describes love as a commandment: "And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother." Loving is righteous. When you love, you do not steal from someone, in more cases you will give them who are needing out of love. If you love, you will not intentially hurt someone. But changing your mind is a process. The Holy Spirit is molding us, making us His Masterpiece. That is a word from Paul. We cannot make ourselves a Masterpiece. We cannot create us new, making us as a new species of human race. We cannot make us a new creation by ourselves. But God makes us perfect. We cannot see it now, but in God eyes we are now perfect, because He van see the end outcome, because He had it created. He himself will dwell in us witj all His Glory. And about eating and drinking: When Jesus came, he came to Israel who was under the law of Moses and this covenant from Mount Sinai. So they had to keep the law of Moses. And Jesus was under the Law, too. So he kept the law perfectly and put it onto a new level. But he did also something new. Because it was the beginning of a new Ära. A transitioning time. So even Jesus said to the pharisees, that what you eat makes you not unclean (what goes into your mouth), but what comes out of your mouth makes you unclean, what you speak of evil words, cursing words or seducing words, bevause they come out of an evil heart.
Hey there, your first statement of Isaiah Rob ? if God is working in us His righteousness ? are you to call it filthy rags ? is that serious error ? Philippians 2:12-13
Isaiah 64:6 King James Version 6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. Php 2:12 Therefore, my loved ones, just as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence-work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Php 2:13 For the One working in you is God-both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
1Jn 3:4 Everyone practicing sin also practices lawlessness-indeed, sin is lawlessness. 1Jn 3:5 You know that Yeshua appeared in order to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin. 1Jn 3:6 No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning; no one who sins has seen Him or known Him. 1Jn 3:7 Children, let no one mislead you! The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Yeshua is righteous. 1Jn 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. Ben-Elohim appeared for this purpose-to destroy the works of the devil. 1Jn 3:9 No one born of God practices sin, because God’s seed remains in him. He cannot sin, because he is born of God. 1Jn 3:10 It is clear who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil by this-anyone who does not act righteously or love his brother is not of God.
@@BiblersWayCottageyou should have kept going… ”For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment. Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.“ I John 3:11, 14, 16, 22-24 NKJV 🔥🔥🔥
@@BiblersWayCottage who is we all in this verse? and why are they saying it? Its not everyone but Israel, and why ?You are indeed angry, for we have sinned- In these ways we continue; And we need to be saved. its not even every person in Israel but the larger Israel its like the same as the larger Israel verse the 7 K who did not bow to Baal its like the NO NOT ONE verse the My people the NO NOT ONES EAT from the romans passage and the psalms its quotes
ANOTHER WARNING WHICH LUIS BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION... The statement that Robert Solberg made would imply that Yeshua worked for his righteousness. He said that Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection.
Christ be with you Jesus achieved was made perfect and had a perfect life of obedience. If we want eternal life we must obey him. Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek. (Heb 5:8-10) Come to Christ and Live.
@@MrKev1664 Either you are off the subject, or you have a problem with reading comprehension. Who is talking about obedience? I am quoting a false statement that Robert Solberg made. The Greek word for "obedience: in Hebrews 5:8 implies and refers to a "submission to what is heard, in other words, a response of obedience to what God was commanding him to say and do. The Greek says it this way: though being a Son, he learned from the things he suffered, obedience. We can safely state it this way: though being a Son, he learned from the things he suffered through his submission and response to what he heard from his Father. By the way, Yeshua already knew that he was going to suffer, he even spoke about it and remember he offered himself.
It's FRUIT inspection season: John 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. John 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Yes! ”But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.“ Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV Check the fruit and you’ll find the tree
Aren't we saved by grace? If we were saved by our faith wouldn't that give rise to boasting? Kinda like those who boast they are among the elect when it is God who does the electing. How can we make those determinations with our limited abilities? God reads the heart and judges accordingly but man cannot know a person's motives, thoughts, or standing. They cannot even know their own deceitfully wicked heart. And what about sanctification; being set apart for God our entire life? If a person is justified by the blood of Jesus but then continues to knowingly break God's law that puts them back under the law as a condemned sinner. If they continue to transgress God's law it would demonstrate that Christ, the Sinless One, is not dwelling in that person's life. We are to reckon ourselves dead to sin but alive unto righteousness (God). Godly love is righteousness which is shed abroad in our hearts through good works which glorify God before men. And that quality of love for God and others fulfills the law. God's law defines this love and cannot be broken apart to observe just those portions we consider important or convenient while rejecting those we consider to be insignificant, or least. And so James writes that if we break just one of God's laws we break them all. Human love can be partial in its application but Godly love is not.
Christ be with you St Paul tells us to be sanctified we must reject sin and live in righteousness as slaves to God and at its end receive eternal life. (Rom 6:15-23) You are correct that it is Grace that saves us but their is a lack of understanding on what Faith in Jesus Christ is, We must obey God to receive eternal life (Heb 5:8-10) God bless you
@@MrKev1664 I think the statement "We must obey God to receive eternal life" while true, can be confusing to those who believe they can merit something by their works. It needs a bit more qualification. Perhaps?-- a living faith is manifest in obedience which demonstrates we have eternal life. John 17 says knowing God is eternal life. And 1 John 2 says that we lie when we say we know Him yet keep not His commandments.
@@jefflogan3814 Chrit be with you *you say* I think the statement "We must obey God to receive eternal life" while true, can be confusing to those who believe they can merit something by their works. *response* I follow Jesus he is truth. A Christian would not ignore hide or play down truth. merit a praiseworthy quality : virtue character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem achievement For he will render to every man according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for every one who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality. (Rom 2:6-11) our works glorify the Father, how could that not have merit, *By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit,* and so prove to be my disciples (John 15:8) *you say* It needs a bit more qualification. Perhaps?-- a living faith is manifest in obedience which demonstrates we have eternal life. *response* you underestimate obedience. it is what make our faith alive. If some says the have faith in God and another says the Love God which is greater. While faith can Be dead Love of God always has faith. In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (John 14:20-21) Jesus answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.(John 14:23-24) Our Obedience for God is the manifestation of our Love. We cannot Love and disobey and cannot obey and not Love him. *You say* John 17 says knowing God is eternal life. And 1 John 2 says that we lie when we say we know Him yet keep not His commandments. *response* Exactly this is why obedience is absolutely necessary for our salvation. We are not saved by it but need to be save because we lacked it, we lacked love, We should never play down the need for it. for god to abide in us we must Love and obey him. Saving and active Faith is say one that is not alone but has obedience and through that Love. What is the greatest commandment? Come to Christ and Live
Solberg: We tend to look at these things horizontally, comparing our good deeds and accomplishments and efforts with other people around us. As Chad Bird says, we all have PhD’s in Comparative Righteousness. But when we look at these deeds vertically and compare them to God’s perfect requirement, we all come up a thousand miles short. *I see, so if God then resolves to argue that works are not part of the salvation equation, and he saves a bunch of people who mouth with their lips that they have faith, but have no obedient works to speak of, how is God going to ensure a safe future for all that is something other than a living, brutal hell where the exceedingly sinful opportunists who also claim to have faith decide to take advantage of others in society??? Oh wait, Paul must have anticipated this would be a problem. Because Paul has a brilliant idea in romans 9. God will just rape us of our will, turn us into mindless puppets, and jerk our puppet strings any time he wants us to comply. Remember, it is not of him that willeth or him that runneth, right? Predestination destroys man’s capacity to love and Paul’s foundation of faith from Romans 4, but that was no obstacle for Paul, destroying his own foundation with incompatible or even utterly contradictory ideas was his favorite past time. No really, Professor, what did Paul need love or faith for if he was going to resort to a doctrine of elective predestination in Romans 9? Predestined beings have no role in love or faith, they are forced or programmed to comply instead. Have you ever tried to express love to a puppet? Have you ever tried to get a puppet to express love back to you? Such a system is truly devoid of love, faith, justice, mercy and all the important factors that make the moral domain such a beautiful extention of genuine free will choice. If only Paul had had a modern course in basic robotics or AI development, he would have known how truly rediculous he was being in Romans 7-9.
Solberg: Because of the staggering grace of God, this is a gift that can 9:18 only be received by faith. We aren’t saved as a result of all these rags under here so that we can 9:24 brag about what we’ve done. *And what about those who brag about doing no works, and their blatant disobedience towards God in the name of Paul’s highly questionable grace entitlements, Professor? Here is a parable of Christ on this subject that you might want to review, because those who did works were preserved, but the man who did no works was screwed. Mat 25:14 - For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. Mat 25:15 - And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Mat 25:16 - Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. Mat 25:17 - And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. Mat 25:18 - But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money. Mat 25:19 - After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. Mat 25:20 - And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more. Mat 25:21 - His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. *Interesting, work is appreciated and rewarded here. Mat 25:22 - He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. Mat 25:23 - His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Again, the works done were rewarded, and notice this is why the master is calling his first two servants “both good and faithful”. He can discern their faith from their works, because they have the kind of living faith James 2:17 speaks of. Hence, they are good, not faithful only. Mat 25:24 - Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: Isn’t it interesting that when the day of reckoning comes, those who did no real works have to come up with some story to explain to their master why their disobedience and lack of work left them high and dry with nothing to show for their laziness? Mat 25:25 - And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine. But, the master will surely be gracious, and will probably reward this lazy guy with tons more benefits than the former two servants that did real works combined, right Professor? Because we all know those who refuse to do works and won’t lift a finger to obey their master are far more deserving and valuable than those who actually do works to obey their master, right? Let’s see what Christ has to say about that below. Mat 25:26 - His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: Oh, he didn’t give the favorable “Well done thou good and faithful servant” to this lazy fellow. This isn’t looking good for this guy at all. Maybe refusing to do works is a really bad idea after all. Mat 25:27 - Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. *Now, Christ is the master who is returning at the second coming in this parable. And he will take account of his servants, but this guy has no works. And Christ wasn’t expecting him to work hard enough to double his talent, just do enough to produce a small increase through the money exchangers. But, like most workafobic Christians, this guy didn’t want to be bothered with the idea of work and obedience. Like Paul, he thought he had a much better idea and chose to do no work to increase his master’s talent instead. Unfortunately, that supposed much better idea backfired in the worse possible way. Mat 25:28 - Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents. Notice, Christ put’s this man’s talent into the hands of someone who will do the work to produce a meaningful increase. Why not instead give it to another servant who refuses to do works in order to be saved by faith alone? Christ just isn’t complying with Paul’s approach here. He seems to rather appreciate real results from people who are willing to put in the work. How dare he! That doesn’t fit the narritive of the Paulites. Mat 25:29 - For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. That sounds ominous, but it underscores why God cannot trust people who do not love and respect him enough to even want to obey him with their works. So, God returns the favor by taking away from them what he has already blessed them with, leaving them with nothing to show for their laziness. Mat 25:30 - And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Ah, and this underscores the danger of following Paul’s gracer mantra and doing no works in order to be saved. It doesn’t take Christ long to figure out why those who refuse to do works are such an unprofitable servant and need to be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Didn’t Isaiah 8:20-22 say that would happen too, Professor?
When you dont keep the commandments, it's like taking the beautiful garments YHWH made out of your filthy rags and throwing them in the mud. Hebrews 10: 26¶For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries. 28Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
Isaiah 53:11b, Says, my righteous servant makes the many righteous. But Rob says, he had to die to become more Righteous. I don't know what bible Rob is using, but if I were him, I would find me another bible, or consult his theologian friends.
Allowing me to clarify, Luis. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant that, while Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us. I certainly could have worded it more clearly! The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22). Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Robert Solberg, in your response to Luis, if that is what you meant and that you could have worded it more clearly, then you need to make a quick 3-minute video explaining what you meant because what you meant and what you wrote are totally opposite, and what you wrote does not even insinuate what you meant. But the question that I have to ask is one that Luis pointed out, but that is not why you meant why a diplomat? I pointed this out to many, and they do not agree with your statement, so instead of answering per person, just post a quick video to clear up that statement. Many would appreciate that. The one thing I learned about theologians is that they do not like to correct themselves because of pride; most of them think they are God's teachers. It is your decision.
Hey professor Solberg! God Bless! I hope you have a moment to answer a question. These videos are excellent and I'm concerned at how many times I have to refer back to your videos to defend myself against other Christians who like to keep a Saturday Sabbath and Jewish holidays and who claim I'm not living right. It's been frustrating but enlightening to have to deal with. So Recently I was convicted to do some more research on the Sabbath. I came to the understanding that Sabbath in Hebrew is translated to Saturday in English. I was concerned briefly until I remembered Im saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Then found our Sunday being the first day of the week was established back in 321AD. So the question is: do we have any biblical backing in this regard as to what the day actually is because our world's calendar has been manipulated? I wonder what our Hebrew Roots friends would say about this as well.
Hi, Daniel. There is a whole lot of confusion about the Sabbath out there, that's for sure. Let me try to add a little clarity if I can. The Hebrew root behind שַׁבָּת (Shabbat) means "to cease, to stop, or rest." And, of course the word Shabbat (Sabbath) came to be used as the name of the seventh day rest that God commanded Israel through Moses. The Hebrew word שַׁבָּת (Shabbat) is etymologically connected to the Hebrew word for seven, שֶׁ֫בַע (shevah), but it has nothing to do with the English word "Saturday." Our weekday names actually come from Roman mythology, and Saturday is named after the Roman god Saturn. The Sabbath rest commanded in the Torah was never changed to Sunday. It was given to be celebrated on the seventh day of the week, and the Bible never changes that. So Sunday is not the "Christian Sabbath," as is often thought. For Christians, meeting on the first day of the week came about for two reasons. First, the Mosaic observance of the seventh day Sabbath ceased to be a requirement for Christians (Col. 2:16-17). It has never been prohibited, forbidden, or changed. It simply became _optional._ Christians are free in Christ to celebrate the seventh day Shabbat if they choose. Secondly, something far more important than Shabbat came along. God chose to resurrect Jesus on the first day of the week, Sunday. And that is the same day of the week on which Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to believers in Jerusalem to began His new church (Pentecost, see Acts 2). Because the first day of the week was blessed by God in these ways, it came to be referred to as "The Lords Day" (Rev. 1:10). And in the New Testament we see the disciples gathering, worshiping, and fellowshipping on the first day of the week (e.g., Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 16:2). And the early Christian writing called _The Didache_ confirms this was happening. So my position is that the moral principles behind the Mosaic Sabbath are still in effect-the necessity of rest and setting time aside for God both personally and communally, of remembering what He’s done in our lives, of remembering that He is the source of our salvation, that God is our ultimate provider and sustainer, that we are to tend to the needs of those around us, including those who work for us, foreigners, even animals. But they are no longer lived out in the context of a mandated seventh day rest. Sorry to ramble. Hope that helps a little! Blessings, Rob
@TheBiblicalRoots OH no rambling detected here! Lol! This is incredible information and I will be sharing this with my brothers and sisters. Thanks so much! God Bless!
To add to what Rob shared, the Sabbath was always a day of rest but not a designated day of worship. Worship requires sacrifice which, under the Mosaic law, occurred everyday. The NT sacrifice is offered everyday but, as Rob eluded to, primarily on Sunday, the Day of the Lord.
Oh dear. The first verse quoted from Isaiah is already taken out of context to make it support a doctrine that is completely off the mark. Here is the verse in context: Isaiah 64:4-6 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities. Clearly Isaiah is not speaking of good works of the kind Solberg was speaking. Isaiah speaks about a people that have committed iniquities, serious sins, so bad that God his his face from Israel. I’m ashamed for my fellow Christians who abuse Scriptures to make them support ideologies that are contrary to what it acutely says. Christians should really learn to read scripture in context and correctly. They don’t like it when New Testament quotes are taken out of context but don’t seem to care to constantly misquote Scriptures from the TeNaCh.
The NT doesn't "misquote" the OT, it interprets it through a proper Christological lens. Jesus illuminates the Tanakh and shows that it means even more than we thought! Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots you’re right, Christians interpret the TeNaCh using a Christological lens. But isn’t that a problem, you interpret things into the TeNaCh that aren’t actually there. Shouldn’t it rather be the other way round, to look at the New Testament through the lens of the TeNaCh. If something doesn’t agree with the Torah and the Prophets, shouldn’t we disregard it? For over three hundred years most Christians regarded only the TeNaCh as inspired scripture.
@@rightousliving I'd say it all depends on the resurrection of Jesus. If it's true, it means that God validated Him as a true prophet and everything He thought was true. And if everything He thought was true, then we need to interpret the Scriptures that pointed to him in light of this new revelation of God. By way of the analogy, did you ever see the movie The Sixth Sense? In it, a young boy is having scary visions of dead people and his mom hires a therapist help him. He tries all sorts of treatments, but the boy's visions persist. Near the end of the movie, we get the shocking revelation that the therapist (played by Bruce Willis) has been dead the entire time! It turns out that the boy can see dead people. This unexpected twist is what made the movie famous. If you re-watch the movie (like I did) you notice all kinds of clues that had been sitting in plain sight the whole time. You notice that no one other character in the movie ever interacts directly with the dead therapist; his only actual conversations are with the boy who can see him. And you realize, for example, that the therapist's wife wasn’t mad at him or being cold like we thought. She was acting like he didn’t exist because he was dead and she couldn’t see him. These clues were there for us all along, but it is not until the revelation later in the film that we fully understand what they mean. The same is true of the Bible. Once our eyes are opened to God’s new revelation through Yeshua, the Tanakh comes into sharper focus. We begin noticing clues left by the Author that were sitting in plain sight the whole time. We discover that Jesus is the promised Messiah who is referred to and foreshadowed and prophesied all throughout the Hebrew Bible! The Tanakh is not wrong and it is not to be thrown away. In fact, because of God’s later revelations, it means even more than we thought. And our new understanding makes it even more amazing. Shalom, Rob
Nearly 100% of the time that Paul, specifically, mentions “the Law”, he’s referring to the ritualistic and ceremonial parts of the Mosaic Law…He is, in NO WAY, negating following God’s MORAL law…Paul, nor Jesus or any of His chosen apostles for that matter, would have argued that a man who is drawn to sex outside of marriage, for instance, would, or could, expect to “inherit eternal life”…To argue anything else is just unbiblical and directly against the spirit of the Bible, and everything Jesus taught. I ask, what did Jesus Himself, and Paul for that matter, tell us that Jesus would be looking for on the day of Judgement?? How are we to be judged? I direct you to both John 5:28-29, and Romans 2:6-11…
Like the late brother David Pawson pointed out the only time the phrase "faith alone" is used in the Bible in James 2:24 it actually says "NOT by faith alone". But then not obeying the Old Testament Torah, but the new/royal law ratified by Christ. Our faithfulness after accepting salvation, only possible through accepting what Jesus did and not by anything we could do, will determine where we would ultimately end up. Sadly there would be many BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS in hell who didn't endure to the end and did not continue believing in and did not carry on abiding in Christ. These OSAS teachers, like Rob Solberg, are the most dangerous because they say so many true things but then the mix in this OSAS poison. God have mercy.
Hi Theuns. It doesn't make a difference whether the English phrase "faith alone" is found in the Bible. Even the word "Bible" isn't found in the Bible! What matters is whether the _concept_ of "salvation by faith alone" is found there. And it absolutely is. In fact, in this passage in Ephesians, we not only learn that salvation is by faith alone, we're also are shown the proper role of "good works" in the life of a believer. "For by grace you have been *saved through faith.* And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, *not a result of works,* so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:8-10) We are fully expected to walk in good works, but that is not where our salvation comes from. If it was, we would all go around bragging, "Look at me! I saved myself!" Good works are not the _source_ of our salvation, they are the _result_ of it. Blessings! Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots He did not say its not found but where it IS found it states the opposite We have to have the works according to the bible, We do NOT earn it the bible is clear But we have to KEEP his commandments, Read John 15 we do NOTHING to get attached to the vine We can do NOTHING of our own power, But we DO have the responsibility to KEEP his commandments WE DO have the ability to NOT keep his commandments IF we do NOT keep his commandments what does it say will happen, we will wither be cut off and then thrown into the fire This is why Jude said keep yourself in the love of God Or John in rev says the bride makes herself ready and the white robes are the righteous acts of the saints Jesus Blood brings us back into covenant with God and he gives us Power over sin and Satan this is what the scripture states But IF IF IF we do not want him to rule over us he will NOT force us he will weed out of HIS kingdom all those who practice lawlessness We have to endure to the end we have to obey to be saved in the end the scripture sates this over and over again we are INITIALLY SAVED like the Israelite are brought out of Egypt but most of them perished in the wilderness and were NOT SAVED IN THE END
@@TheBiblicalRoots I can't believe you are a professor. It's not so hard to understand, but you don't want to because of maybe other pressures like income or worrying what your peers might say, who knows? Of course we are saved through faith and not through our works, but you even quoted the rest THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. The implication of not abiding, not walking in, not enduring, not continuing is hell. It's got nothing to do with Torahism, we are under a New Covenant with a New Torah(instructions) the Law of Christ. This is serious and you are leading thousands astray.
Atonement being for past sins only for a profession of faith, after baptism we shall live by faith without sin, so what 'works' can you mean? Faith is proven by good works.
And Paul writes, that God has prepared for us works in which we should go. So He has for every believer created special deeds. This is our goal, that we should do what He had planned for us and has written them in a book in heaven. Did you know that failing a goal is sin? When you shoot an arrow and not meeting the goal, that is sin. And to believe, what God has promised, that is righteousness and a good deed.
@@biblischerMinnegesang888 God planned we do good works to prove our faith, all that is not of faith is sin. Not believe what God has promised is righteousness, that is belief, faith is righteousness because all unrighteousness is sin, so righteousness is faith.
Dear Professor, what you are saying here is so incredibly wrong, it deserves a proper treatement. What you say below is a perfect example of how folks like you completely misunderstand those who claim their works play a role in their salvation. Solberg: 2 Corinthians 10:17 says, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” *Sure, Paul was likely deriving that idea from Psalms 34:2. Psa 34:2 - My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. But, telling us it is okay to make our boast in the Lord doesn’t really tell us one way or another what role works and/or faith play in the plan of salvation. So, you are using Paul to introduce a distraction here that has nothing solid to do with the central point you are hoping to make.* Solberg: And that’s the problem with thinking that our works have anything to do with our salvation. *So, then you must believe Christ was desperately wrong in the parable of the sheep and goats of Matthew 25. Because he saved the sheep who did the list of works he mentions there, but he sent the goats to their destruction for failing to do that same list of works. The implication being that if the goats had done the works that the sheep did, they likely would have been saved, rather than cursed and destroyed. Thus, Christ is saying works are pretty much essential to our salvation in that parable whether Christians want to hear and believe what Christ is saying there or not. Mat 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: Mat 25:42 - For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: Mat 25:43 - I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. But, this is precisely the moment the goats should be kicking up a fuss and complaining to Christ and saying, “Hold on a moment, you are wrong, Paul says we don’t need works in order to be saved.” Let me guess, the goats were unfamiliar with the most important defense they could have raised, and Christ was equally unaware and forgot to remind them of the defense Paul left behind in Ephesians 2:8-9, right? Christ didn’t waste his time with it, because the goats had no defense, Professor. If you see others in desperate need and you refuse to help them whatsoever, your lack of works may cost you your salvation is the message of this parable. This isn’t simply a simple matter at the core of man’s salvation, but this is a matter on which the stability of societal existence itself utterly depends on. A society will never last for long if its members have no active love or compassion for others in need and you let negligence thrive in society instead which is precisely at the heart of most crimes against humanity. Love is not expressed by lip service, Professor, but by works. And if you don’t understand that fundamental truth, then you don’t know what love is or why the law contains the two love commandments as its foundation as Christ tried to teach you in the gospel. And so, the more you attack the law and the loving works it compels God’s people to do, the more you attack love itself. You have to read the parable from Matthew 25 with your eyes shut to miss the point. And the works listed here are not the only works essential for obtaining salvation, but this example is a particularly close issue to Christ’s heart, because these are works of sheer love and compassion. So, are loving, compassionate works essential to our salvation? Absolutely! And this was the parable James read before he called paul’s idea of being saved by faith without works into question in James 2:14. Verses 15 and 16 are examples James was borrowing from Christ’s parable, because he perfectly understood Christ’s point that it is the works that actually matter more than the faith. Without works, your faith is simply dead and imperfect, not really fit for much of anything.* Solberg: If I could earn this level of righteousness through my own works, I wouldn’t need Jesus. *You mean like the sheep in the parable of the sheep and goats who did the works Christ listed and were saved? Christ does not say anywhere that this means they no longer need Christ. He didn’t make that argument in the case of those he spared for doing the work of increasing their talents in the previous parable in Matthew 25 either. So, I tend to think Christ does not agree withyou on this particular front, Professor. It would appear that your notion of what it means to be saved by works is not properly understood. But, that seems to be a problem throughout the broader Christian faith as well. It suggests that people believe the thing God is offended by the most is people who love him enough to actually want to serve and obey him as he commands them to do, but genuine love for God will drive you to want to obey his law, not run from his law, because his law is where God defined what love is in the two great commandments.
So with the illustration you gave, the person with those given good deeds also confessed the sins that he committed to God, that would give him the righteousness from Jesus, wouldn't it?
May Yehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, rebuke you for teaching a doctrine of demons to those who confess Yeshua is lord. What you are stating is that Yeshua, who was brought forth from the Father, who is perfect and righteous in everything, had to receive a more perfect righteousness than he already had. Read Hebrews 10:14. It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. In that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process. You started with Philippines 2 and ignored what was stated in that verse. What you did was belittle the Yeshua deity with your stupid ideology. Like I mentioned in your deconstruction videos, deconstruction should begin with theologians teaching. He is called the Holy One, God-anointed, and the Righteous Branch. But for you, he had to achieve a more perfect righteousness. Anyone accepting this video as truth should examine themselves to see if they are being enlightened by the spirit or the so-called theologians.
Christ be with you you are correct that CChrist is mad perfect Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek. (Heb 5:8-9) however more is needed to be done for us to be sanctified. we must reject sin, and live in righteousness as slaves to God, What then? *Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!* Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to any one as obedient slaves, *you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death,* or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, *and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.* I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once yielded your members to impurity and to greater and greater iniquity, so now yield your members to righteousness for sanctification. When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. But then what return did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? The end of those things is death. *But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the return you get is sanctification and its end, eternal life.* For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (rom 6:15-23) God bless you
Unfortunately Rob neither declaring someone righteous, nor imputation of righteousness, is passing righteousness to us, it is declaring or accusing us of being righteous.
@@PutOnTheNewWineskin And all that is not of faith is sin, all unrighteousness is sin, righteousness is equivalent to faith as faith is proven by good works. Righteousness is judicial approval to the law of righteousness, in the trial of faith we need good works.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 Jesus sanctified himself for the truth of righteousness in his lifetime. Without remembering any point he was making, after his resurrection it was 40 before he was revealed as our judge.
@@simonskinner1450 You are not getting it. Start at the one-minute mark, which is about 15 seconds, and tell me if you agree with his statement or if you will denounce that statement. If you do not denounce his statement, that will be because you agree with his statement.
Thanks for catching my poor wording in this video, friends! Allowing me to clarify. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant He achieved perfect righteousness *_for us._* While Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us.I should have stated this idea it more clearly!
The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22).
Confusing correction: In the video, you said Jesus “earned” righteousness not “achieved.” You didn’t mention the word “earned” in your correction.
HaShem does not need to earn or achieve righteousness for Himself or anyone else. He forgives when we repent, as demonstrated throughout the Hebrew Bible.
The idea “The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin,” is NOT found anyplace in the Hebrew Bible.
Human sacrifice is an abomination to HaShem.
@the roots…Hi Rob , continuing on with Colossians 1:23. “ IF “ you continue in the faith ( remain faithful ) , you must remain firmly established and steadfast. In other words there is much required of YOU so you don’t move away from the hope of the gospel of hope. That gospel was about a kingdom and the same gospel was preached to those in the wilderness
but many did not obey and did not benefit from the blood of the lamb. Got Torah Got Truth
I have a question. What did Paul mean in Col 1:24 where Paul talks about filling up in his flesh what was lacking in Christ suffering? that is confusing to me
@@leonaperdue8784 the simplest answer I can give is that the Messiah suffered for His congregation and so Paul was willing to suffer for God’s congregation also since Yeshua was the example that he was determined to follow. Got Torah Got Truth
Solberg: The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin.
*Well, if Lucifer had not been involved, Professor, God would have reconciled our fallen planet back to himself without shedding a single drop of Christ’s blood long ago. His love and holiness makes him extremely compassionate and willing to forgive and forget. His holiness and perfection isn’t out for sacrificial blood like you think. In fact, he points that out in the two sister verses Matthew 9:13 and Hosea 6:6. Our situation, however, is not a normal situation.
The reason God has been having so much trouble reconciling us back to himself and ending this engagement with sin is because of Lucifer’s involvement as partly explained in Revelation 12 and throughout the various types and figures involved in the sacrificial system. We actually need Christ’s blood to protect us from the accuser of the brethren as John was shown there. Even though he was cast down back at the cross, he wasn’t completely knocked out. Nor were all his accusations against the Godhead and against us resolved. That is the larger entanglement, even greater than the sin we commit which God could easily forgive without needing any sacrifice under normal circumstances. God’s actual method of forgiving sins is discussed openly in Ezekiel 18 where he reveals how to creat in yourself a New heart and New Spirit.
But, the trick is how does God get himself out of the entanglement Lucifer created? Christ’s death, resurrection and ascention was absolutely essential to help God out too, Professor, not just us. God is a victim being played by Lucifer as well. And soon the death, resurrection and ascention of the two prophets of Revelation 11 will be essential to securing God’s next victory, even further helping God and us to become even more disentangled from Lucifer’s grip on this planet.
Some people's concept of keeping the Law is based on their emotions. The reality is quite clear, because no one could keep the Law, Jesus suffered and died to free humanity from the Law's condemnation. Therefore, those who are insisting that believers must keep the Law are despising the death of Jesus Christ. They simply don't understand the Scripture.
Hebrew roots heretics diminish the complete and final atonement of Christ, and declare the sacrifice of Christ insufficient. Galatians 5:4 is crystal clear: “You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.”
The wannabe Jews will argue they are not trying to be justified by law, but everything they do proves otherwise.
Correct. One must be better than keeping or following the laws of God to even enter heaven. One must be reborn in the Holy Spirit(John 3:5, Romans8:9) which cleanses the heart of dead works, Hebrews 9:14. Christ lived a perfect life on earth, was tempted by the devil but overcame every sins; only through Christ, the Holy Spirit will guide us to live a holy life for the Father, John 16:13. Christ is love, which overcomes or defeats all laws, Galatians 5:14, Romans 13:8-10. Romans 11:6, you are either saved by works of the law or by grace. Lol, clearly we know no one can keep all laws, 613 of them, James 2:10; Galatians 3:10-12.Jesus Christ says in Matthew 5:17-18, if one is to keep the law and the Prophets until it is accomplished. Where and how it was fulfilled and accomplished? On the cross when He died to substitute on our behalf and has risen. It is finished, He says, meaning we are now able to build our relationships with the Father through faith in Him. John 14:6, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me. If one is to keep the laws, then when you sin with your eyes, the Bible says to tear it out, and cut your hands when you steal or murder, etc. Matthew 5:29-30.
@William36899 today is your fantasy Shabbat day. You need a Levitical priest to kill two male lambs one year old without blemish and present a grain offering of fine flour mixed with oil, and a drink offering, as well as the daily burnt sin offering, to keep Shabbat. Penalty for failure to observe the appointed feast properly is death. Turns out you are really lousy at keeping Shabbat, your golden calf idol. Why continue with the charade- simply attend synagogue.
@@nenkuthao5534 You are correct.
@William36899 If a true believer is not required to keep the Law, why do some believers encourage others to keep it? We are not required to keep the Law because, by the Law, no one can gain everlasting life. Jesus Christ is greater than the Law and by whom we get eternal life. The Law holds humanity in contempt of God's righteousness.
Mr Solberg is doing great work. I hope you continue
Thanks for all these great comments, friends! Let me clear up something regarding my citing of Isaiah 64. (Since a number of you have commented on it.) Isaiah said:
"You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6).
What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today.
Blessings, RL
Christ be with you
You do not seem to know what faith in Jesus Christ is.
if you think you do can you please define it,
You start of wrong and go further wrong.
It Grace that saves us, it is received though Faith.
Please turn to the bible and find out what faith is.
Hebrews 11 would be a good place to start.
Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek.
seems we may need to do some works after all if we want eternal life.
Come to Christ and live.
Robert Solberg, so according to you, all righteous works are filthy rags? Is that what you are stating according to your understanding of Isaiah 64:5, 6? By the way, you left out verse 7.
Christ be with you
Nor did he look at the rest of the bible.
Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous. (1 John 3:7)
It just proof texting.
In Isaiah 64 we see that it is those who have sinned and continued in them and not called apon the lord.
But we have been washed in his blood our righteousness is like his as long as we do right.
God bless you
The question that has to be ask is: Why did he imply that his righteousness is as filthy rags? The answer is in verse 7.
When one is practicing or indulging in sin his righteousness adds up to nothing, just like what does it profit a man who gains the world but lose his soul, his wealth is worthless, but he still has it. A man of God at a funeral once said: If you have everything and do not have Christ you have nothing, but, if you have nothing but have Christ you have everything.
A person who repents of his sin will depict himself as worthless, having nothing and they will even say there is nothing good in them. But we know that God gave us an attribute to do good. Yeshua said why call me good but tell me, would you dare to say the good in him is as filthy rags.
I don't think you clearly understand this verse.
9 months ago
Thanks for all these great comments, friends! Let me clear up something regarding my citing of Isaiah 64. (Since a number of you have commented on it.) Isaiah said:
"You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6).
What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags."
*It is nice to know you understand this discussion begins in 63. But, you are missing the rest of this discussion. When this group of people speaking to God stops talking in the closing verses of 64, then God starts responding to them in Isaiah 65. And God is not happy with these people. He doesn’t except their “filthy rags” excuse. He accuses them of being rebellious, he says they provoke him to anger daily. He complains about their diet and eating swine’s flesh and he says he is going to number them to the sword to be slaughtered. So much for the “All our righteousnesses are filthy rags” defense.*
Isa 65:1 - I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.
Isa 65:2 - I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;
Isa 65:3 - A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick;
Isa 65:4 - Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels;
Isa 65:5 - Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.
Isa 65:11 - But ye are they that forsake the LORD, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furnish the drink offering unto that number.
Isa 65:12 - Therefore will I number you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down to the slaughter: because when I called, ye did not answer; when I spake, ye did not hear; but did evil before mine eyes, and did choose that wherein I delighted not.
Solberg: But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained.
*Good, you connected this with Paul so I didn’t have to put that idea in your head. But, you need to understand this more fully, because Romans 7 is the target here. That is where this idea of the “All our righteousnesses are filthy rags” truly spawns from. It is a fancy way of saying, “We are victims of a sin nature”. So, it is Paul’s lame excuse that he can’t obey God because he is sold under sin and that sin in him, not Paul himself, is why he does not obey God in any meaningful way. But, the problem with Paul’s argument is that God knows he gave man free will. And free will means that the decision controlling what you do belongs to you, not to some sin nature. So, when these people come before God and attempt to pull the wool over his eyes, he is fully ready for them in Isaiah 65. He says when he called, they didn’t answer. God says that to indicate he thinks their sin nature argument is full of crap. He expected them to answer, because he knows that he designed them to be moral agents, not puppets of nature. In fact, the very idea of a sin nature is a contradiction in terms. Sin is willful disobedience. A sin nature is disobedience forced on you due to no fault of your own. There is no moral consideration in a natural reaction. Nature is mechanical urges like the urge to urinate or hunger pangs, the moral domain is moral like your obligation to willingly obey the law, they are not the same thing. In fact, if nature controlled you like Paul suggests, you would be utterly incapable of love.
If God thought for one second their transgressions of the law were due to no fault of their own, he wouldn’t have a beef with them. He would realize they are the victims of a defective nature, not of sin rebellion. A defective nature would require a mechanical fix, not forgiveness. God knows the difference. But, he knows they are not victims of a sin nature , because he is their Maker. He knows how he designed them, and he can read their heart and knows they are lying through their teeth to him.
So, just like in Isaiah 14, where God reveals in prophecy Lucifer’s intentions, before responding unfavorably to Lucifer and his intentions there, Isaiah 63 and 64 is where God reveals the sly intentions of the wicked who got their ultimate doctrinal excuse for being disobedient from Paul. He again reveals that they have free will, contradicting Paul in Romans 7 completely, when he says in Isaiah 65 that they did not choose the things God delights in. Implying they are in control of their choices after all and not victims of sin in them taking control of their faculties as Paul tried and failed to argue for successfully in Romans 7. The things God delights in goes back to Isaiah 56, you know the Sabbath and God’s covenant? God is saying this group speaking to him is not his covenant people. Again, when he called they would not answer and they refused to choose the things he delights in, what they chose is an alternative named Paul and a lot of bad theology designed to make them God’s enemies. And this discussion is happening on the day of reckoning when God finally sets the record straight and these people learn just how grave an error it was to not exercise their will to overcome sin and depravity as Christ warned the seven churches to overcome in Revelation 1-3. Those who make no effort to overcome have been rejecting God and his teachings this entire time. God instructs them to do something, and they run to Ephesians 2:8-9 and scream grace, not works! Well, God let them have their way until this point, and now he says he will recompense their iniquities into their bosom.
Isa 65:6 - Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom,
Isa 65:7 - Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the LORD, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom.
So, I don’t think you want to hide behind the filthy rags excuse, Professor. It’s a deadly mistake.
Oh that wonderful gift of righteousness of Christ that we cannot comprehend fully - sooo outright LOVE from God - can we grasp it fully ?
Using this to help young Christians on my page IMMERSION!
Love this, brother Rob! Your continuing in making the true gospel very clear is such beautiful gift to so many people! Such a gift of amazing grace from God ♥️ God bless you and Debra ♥️
This helps me understand my salvation. Clear explanation is very important to me.
Roads, you should do a study of imputed righteousness (which the speaker teaches) and infused righteousness (which is what Scripture teaches). Imputed righteousness lulls the hearer into disregarding all the passages that warn us that we were graphted into the vine and we can be cut off again if we do not hear fruit into righteousness. Read Ephesians 2:8-10. God bless
Thank you, I shall do a study of both types of righteousness, imputed and infused.
This sounds very interesting as well as important. According to Proverbs 1:5, "A wise man will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels." Amen! Maranatha! Thank you for the scripture in Ephesians.
..this is an interesting video - this is what did the early church fathers (ad70 - 320ish) believe about salvation. the problem with calvin was that he went back to Augustine ad400 who was a little gnostic...видео.htmlsi=4TT1fMB7efasDfzn
Thanks Rob, Great explanation of our salvation through faith alone.
What good is it, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but has no works? Can faith save him? And if a brother or sister is naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you tells them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled”; and yet you didn’t give them the things the body needs, what good is it? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself. Yes, a man will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith. You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder. But do you want to know, vain man, that faith apart from works is dead? Wasn’t Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? You see that faith worked with his works, and by works faith was perfected; and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness”; and he was called the friend of God. You see then that by works, a man is justified, and not only by faith. In the same way, wasn’t Rahab the prostitute also justified by works, in that she received the messengers, and sent them out another way? For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.
James 2:14-26
That has got to be the best presentation and explanation of the gospel. Especially to my Hebrew roots buddies . Good job. Thanks.
Yes, short of maligning all Hebrew Roots participates, it is a clear presentation of the scriptures that all prominent Hebrew Roots teachers actually teach. The HR teachers actually go onto teach the rest of scripture dealing with the reasonable life style of those who received this salvation. It is apparent the standard Christian narrative does not know how, or like Mr. Solberg, refuses to acknowledge, to separate the two.
Chill. Love God and love your neighbor bro. God bless you ❤
@@lavieenrose5954 Thanks for your response, but you've got to understand there are specifics given in the scriptures for doing both. Maligning folks for recognizing and practicing a Biblical (NOT Jewish) observance is also not practicing either of the above.
@marcwasson. Isaiah 64:6. The context is that Isaiah is addressing the “ unclean “ those who pollute the Torah not those who keep it. The filthy rag is a “ menstrual cloth “ to show that show that a man made religion is like a shedding of blood that cannot produce life. The shed blood of Yehoshua does produce life,..something that the sacrifice of animals could not do. Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770 Good point. And our host gets a little confused when quoting Hebrews. The blood of bulls and goats never did take away sin, he'll then say, "but, now we the blood of Christ." NOW, nothing, His blood was always going to be the reckoning for sin. This is not NEW, now for the Christian church.
I heard someone differentiate once between the Root of Righteousness and the fruit of Righteousness. So helpful. Jesus is the Only Root of our gifted Righteousness. Unshakeable! Gives me such assurance and heart peace! Connects me to Him. He accepts me totally. Im robed in his Righteousness. 😊And from There....I look to the Lord and His Spirit inside me to help produce the Fruit of Righteousness. It's very variable!!....but my Root Righteousness is permanent. 🌳
I love the Gospel! God bless you brother.
Love the visual illustration😇😇 it really helps!😇😇
Indeed. I appreciated his visual interpretation as well.
I never had peace in my heart until I stopped trying to earn God's love and accepted his grace. The problem with legalism is that you never know when you've done enough, it's a spiritual hamster wheel, you run and run, but never get anywhere.
you don't really read the Bible, do you?
you listen to too many Calvinists, and you need to STUDY the Bible instead of listening to false teachers.
@joel God bless you ❤
9 months ago
I never had peace in my heart until I stopped trying to earn God's love and accepted his grace.
*I think Lucifer felt the same way. He didn’t want to obey God either. He just wanted God to bend over and comply with his demands instead : the same free gift of grace all Christian anarchists want today. He was the first to flip God the middle finger and trash his law. And look at where that got him. All the peace he ever wanted, now that he is free from god’s law.*
The problem with legalism is that you never know when you've done enough, it's a spiritual hamster wheel, you run and run, but never get anywhere.
*Yes, you are right, it is a spiritual hamster wheel. You run and run and it never ends, because the love on which God built his legalistic hamster wheel is eternal, not finite. The two great commandments Christ quotes in the gospel from the Mosaic law begin with the words “Thou shalt love”. Who wants to be bogged down with the obligation to love god and their neighbor? Everything else in the law and prophets hangs on that love foundation to define what God means by love. And anarchistic Christians have done everything in their power to destroy that foundation, because it is love they tend to hate the most. If only they could be free of that legalistic obligation of love written in the law, they could finally find peace like Lucifer did.
What is a little comical, and a lot tragic though, is that in Revelation 18:4, all those people who rejected God’s law ran straight into the arms of Babylon, and God finds himself in an “I told you so” moment, calling his bratty kids out of the mess they walked themselves into. Because they were so darn sure they had a much better plan than God spent centuries laying out for them.
But, here is the bright side of this story. When God brings his people out of Babylon, he will return them to Zion in Isaiah 2:1-5 and Micah 4:1-5, and his law will once again go forth from Zion. Isn’t that beautiful news? He’s going to give his people the opportunity to hop right back on the eternal hamster wheel and learn from their mistakes why his law cannot be tossed out. And the result of this action of restoring his law will lead to a feat God will perform that Christians have utterly failed to achieve prior to this prophecies’ fulfillment. God will then prove, once his law is reestablished in its rightful place, that the nations of the world will beat their swords into plowshares and not learn war anymore. So, how is it the Christian anarchists who abandoned God’s law could never achieve that lofty feat? Because ultimately they were teaching the world how to commit anarchy against God and his law, not how to embrace the love foundation inherent in the two great commandments of his law.
Shalom! Jesus be Magnified😇😇🙏🙏
Most HRM advocates think "good works" is taking it easy after the sun goes down on Friday and foregoing a nice rack of ribs at Tony Romas. And browbeating non-HRM Christians into doing such things. Good works are helping the poor, preaching the Gospel, living peaceably with all men and resting in Christ as our Sabbath.
HRM would justify sitting in their recliners on a Saturday afternoon, placidly munching on kosher noms, looking out their windows & harshly condemning a Presbyterian minister (or any denomination) for mowing the lawn of their elderly next-door neighbor who is not physically, nor financially able to do so for herself & proudly call their own complacency "keeping the law as Jesus kept it."
Mr. Solberg, could you support these conclusions. Your clearly, one -sided presentations seem to foster such bigotry.
Yes true. They think good works is observing sabbath feasts and dietary law. But they neglect what Jesus called the greatest commands that have to do with faith mercy and justice and actually ministering to and helping others.
@@freedominchrist444the greatest two are in the law. Lol.
@@indo3052 Jesus repeated them in the NT so he included them in the law of Christ under the new covenant. But many torah keepers neglect the two greatest commands. To them its all about sabbath, feasts and tassels and telling Christians they are "lawless" and that their holidays are "pagan."
Thank you so much for this teaching. God bless you Professor Solberg and have a wonderful day.🙏
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Thank you and be blessed ❤
Good word, brother. Would love to see you on Kingdom in Context again, you were perhaps his best guest to date. Thanks
Very informative as always. From my personal observation from what I noticed from the Torah Observant crowd like Hebrew roots or Hebrew Israelites, they treat putting their faith in Jesus as a stop gap measure. In other word, their righteousness is indeed based on following the Mosiac law, but it they fall short, then they said Jesus death on the cross covers what I could not.
@William36899 I prefer to do things behind the scenes, i don't brag about it so I can get praises from your ilk.
The new covenant is prophesied in Jeremiah 31.
Keeping Gods laws in the heart and mind.
Which laws are these??
@@astutik8909 Do you have the Holy Spirit? It's a simple yes or no question.
I believe I have it, yes.
Jesus said, we need only ask the Father for it.
People who crave the truth, where ever it leads, are guided by Gods spirit of truth.
Most people defend what they are taught, not the truth.
@@astutik8909 Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is God?
Matthew 7:17
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Matthew 7:18
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:19
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Matthew 7:20
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Good lesson. All things in proper context, though. Just to be clear, Faith without works is dead. This is because Faith is a verb - a state of being (belief), and action (works). It is not enough to believe, as even demons do that, but we *must allow The Set Apart Spirit* to do a good work within us that shines through as a testament to others. Those "works" should show forth as internal qualities, such as separation from worldly things, not showing everyone how much you keep a weekly sabbath, or how you wear fringes or head coverings. If such were the case for 'proving' your justification, men would have to walk around with their pants down to prove to everyone how they're circumcised, and unmarried women would have to do the same to show their virginity. Love is the key, and it's not exercised by wearing it on your sleeve; it's exercised by wearing it on your heart. Men judge by actions, but YHWH judges the heart. We are judged by every idle word (thought), not every action. Actions are only reactions to what's inside. The glow must come from within, not without.
I agree brother in Christ. Love is viewed as a verb or action word as well. We show our love and honor for our lord through the actions that follow our faith. This doesn't equal a works based false theology by doing so. It's a reflection of your Faith and Love placed in our Messiah.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@sundownsam3369 he said after? Um noo Christ is perfect without blemish which is why he was our Passover lamb for our sins. I'm going to have to go back and listen to this again that's disappointing 😞
@faithfullydreamingmysterio2522 Messiah was declared by John the Baptist as "The Lamb of YHWH Who takes away the sins of the world." He was pronounced 'The Messiah, The Son of The Living EL' by Nathaniel and Peter. He said at His betrayal, "Now is The Son of Man glorified." He replied to Caiaphas when asked if He was the Messiah, the Son of The Blessed - "I AM." and He announced before dying on the cross that "It is finished!" All of this was *before* His resurrection, which was Him conquering death and proving all of the previous statements.
@@auh2o148 I agree I wasn't saying christ said after was asking if that's what was said in the video
I hope it is not exhausting having a popular channel on a topic that you are passionate about - getting responses (which online usually land coldly). I hope you are doing well spiritually my friend. God Bless you and yours.
What a kind comment, Dee. Thank you! It is challenging, yes, but God is generous in His grace and is using it all for my sanctification and more importantly for His glory.
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Amen brother. Challenges help us if we're humble to feel what God wants; then grow into that..into that life in the Spirit. God Bless, hope all is well.
The people that are keeping the sabbath only cherry pick. Otherwise, they would have chosen the path to be saved there is a law that says no bastard should enter into the congregation to their tenth generation. If the people that are observing or keeping the law check where they are in bastard they would know that lots of people wasting time
Why is it, the 10 commandments, were written in stone, by God himself, but the rest of the laws of Moses were written in books????
@@nenkuthao5534 and then got another set.
@@astutik8909 interesting point...
Just curious, were you cleaning your coffee machine with those rags 😂 great message though, very helpful. May God bless your ministry 🙏🏽
it always has been always will be by FAITH ALONE!
Thank you sir for this wonderful and thoughtful video
Have you encountered those in the HRM who teach that there are levels in the Kingdom? They agree that we are justified/saved by faith in Yeshua, basically by the "skim of our teeth", but that our place in the Kingdom is determined by our own righteousness earned by our works of the law. So, there's a running tally somewhere keeping track of our works that will result in high or low status within the Kingdom. They do use (a very literal interpretation) Scripture to support this teaching. I'd love it if you would address this, as I've been so shocked to see how well received it has been in some circles.
"Skin of their teeth"
Yikes. Where do they get this stuff? So they think being a Christian is scratching & clawing over one another to earn the most badges, like Christianity is nothing more than a grownup version of Awana club?
Hi Anonymom! I actually think there is some truth to the idea of a hierarchy in heaven based on our earthly obedience. Not obedience to the Old Covenant law, of course, but to the law of Christ. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught:
"Whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 5:19)
Notice that those who "relax God’s commandments" and those who "do them" both make it into the kingdom of heaven. This passage suggests there will be, in some sense, lesser and greater citizens of heaven. And we’ll be called "lesser" or "greater" based on our obedience. But every single person who has genuinely placed their faith in Jesus will make it into heaven, bar none. Our works have no bearing on getting in.
Jesus also says there are different degrees of rewards in heaven. "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done" (Matt. 16:27). Paul seems to teach the same thing in 1 Cor. 3:11-15. So in the process of our sanctification we don’t obey God and do good works in order to be justified, we do so because we have already been justified. And we strive to resist sin and grow more like Jesus because that is how genuine Spirit-filled believers who love Him ultimately want to live. And God rewards us for our faithfulness.
Blessings! Rob
HRM twists it. They teach Christians will be least in the kingom(if they make it in some teach they wont) and "torah keepers" will be greatest in the kingdom.
Some teach Christians who do not keep sabbath and feasts and dietary laws will be least in the kingdom
As you have clearly stated here, faith in Christ is all that is required for salvation. Perhaps if one is predisposed to feeling a need to commit an act or work for salvation let that act/work be to believe that Christ settled all at the cross.
Solberg: And to sort of make
the idea more concrete by way of an analogy, let’s say Jesus’ perfect obedience earned Him
a certificate of Perfect Righteousness. Bear with me here. This is just an analogy, okay?
*We can easily move beyond the analogy to concrete evidence by pointing to the New Song that is sung in Revelation 5 declaring that Christ the Lamb is worthy. You can also look back to Daniel 9:24, because his victory on the cross is what brought in everlasting righteousness. That had to be established that Christ was righteous before the most holy place could be anointed to begin his ministry as a High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary after his resurrection and ascention back to his Father.*
Mr.Solberg posting graveyard time praise God, never too late for a new lesson!
😂 he’s gotta be a night owl lol
Could be a scheduled upload.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundayciscero Let me correct you here, Yeshua who knew no sin was made a sin sacrifice that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. But that is not what I am referring to.
Start at the one-minute mark, which is about 15 seconds so you understand what I am bringing out and tell me if you agree with his statement or if you will denounce that statement. If you do not denounce his statement, that will be because you agree with his statement.
@@sundownsam3369 On it’s face I would disagree but I would need more context before I make a judgement so if you would like please put the time stamp. I get where you come from though so let’s make this clear now: we have the common ground that Yeshua’s righteousness is perfect and spotless on it’s own because He is divine. Agreed? Now please share the time stamp
This was AMAZING! Thank you Professor!!!!! I wish our Hebrew roots buddy would watch this. But he won’t :(
Just tell him that there is a secret law that most people neglect when they try to keep the law, and Rob here revealed it and hopes that anyone with Hebrew Roots / Torah Adherence who thinks they follow the law will quickly follow this law before it's too late
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Ephesians 2:8-9 (NLT): 8 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it
You are saved by grace through faith
Yups, Now learn what those words Means.
Reborn infants don't have the mental faculties to understand them there Words, now GO and grow into a man of Faith. Not your Faith, But the Fathers Faith!
By Faith alone.
Especially at that time.
What’s is your take on the “once saved always saved” doctrine?
My response: Unless you were never saved in the first place.😬
@@billlee2194 well scripture clearly teaches you can lose your salvation Hebrews 10:26...
On top of that the early church fathers (ad70-320 ish) taught the same. Calvin went back to Augustine ad400 who had some gnostic beliefs...видео.htmlsi=QNIyupAfWHVlj6Lz
Also leighton flowers is interesting - he says that the early church fathers did not teach the concepts of calvanism... many of us read our bibles through that lense without even realising it...видео.htmlsi=dm7EajjezQQ1bhLR
Very clear and concjse. Love yiur videos
Brother Rob, at minute mark 16 you mention the mission of Jesus.
My hope and understanding of Jesus mission is reconciling humans back to God.
Romans 5:10
(& entire chp) also
Ephesians 2:15,16
I especially like that Jesus abolished the enmity between humans and God which was caused by the law and ordinances.
😮Ooo also
2Corinthians 5:18 ❤
I'm afraid the "Torah observant" do pile their filthy rags of "righteousness" on top of the perfect righteousness of Jesus, trampling Him underfoot 😥
"How much greater punishment do you think will be deserved by the one who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was made holy, and has insulted the Spirit of grace?"
~ Hebrews 10 : 29
As always thank you for your teaching could you also try to do a teaching on the scriptures that say fate without works is dead and the one that says you say you have faith without work but I'll show you my fate buy my work thank you
@@larry7781that's easy. Faith without works is dead means if your faith is genuine, then you should be able to produce fruits by the Holy Spirit, (Galatians5:22-23)which is the evidence to reflect your faith; the salt and light to show the world, Matthew 5:13-14. On the other hand, if you say you have faith, but shows no fruit bearing or obedience which is the evidence of faith, then your faith is a dead faith, which bears no works, fruit bearings from the Holy Spirit, just like the demons inJames 2:19. Abraham was justified by works of obedience and for fruit bearings through faith, James 2:21. It is not the works we do, but the works God do in us when we are saved or justified, righteous and sanctified, phillipians 2:12-13. The word of God does not contradict, but the problem is we lack understanding.
He will tell them, "Depart from Me you workers of lawlessness (hate)." They will claim to have done all kinds of things in His name, but He will say, "I *never* knew (shared love with) you." This is because they did things to be seen and praised by man, instead of reflecting the love of YHWH within them to please our Father & Husband.
This is akin to a wife who is more interested in the latest gossip, 'keeping up with the Joneses' and 'keeping up appearances,' instead of pleasing her husband and taking care of her own house.
@@auh2o148and this Christ meant the unbelievers who have no faith, which produced no obedience in righteousness. He's not talking about following the laws of OT or His commandments in the OT. He's teaching about the lawlessness of wickedness. Lol
@@nenkuthao5534 He's talking about Christians - people who claim to know Him.
1:00-1:10 what did you mean by Jesus achieved perfect righteousness? For us or for Him?
For us. Jesus has always been perfectly righteous!
Blessings, RL
@@TheBiblicalRoots I thought that was what you meant, just wanted to know for sure. Someone challenged me to watch that time and call you out. Thanks for the clarification
@@justindarnellfpv Thank you for asking rather than passing instant judgement, Justin! I am far from perfect and always appreciate the opportunity to clarify.
@@TheBiblicalRoots it’s my pleasure, your channel and teaching have helped change my life and through me I have passed on some teachings to about 5 people who needed it. Your ministry is a very difficult road but a huge blessing
Solberg: But they just aren’t enough when we put them in perspective and view them in light
of God’s holiness.
*But, if everyone’s righteousness is equally “filthy rags” and we are all helplessly and hopelessly wicked, being unable to measure up to God’s holiness, then how does God decide which wicked people to save and which equally wicked people to destroy? Either he must save all of us equally, or destroy all of us equally. Any other outcome would suggest God is an arbitrary and unfair judge. Yet, the Bible portrays God as saving those he calls righteous, but destroying the wicked. And that outcome paints God in a better light as a judge, but it calls the premise of all our righteousnesses are filthy rags into serious question in the process.
Solberg: Here’s an analogy that might help us better understand how we are saved by faith and not Works. And it’s also going to shed some light on the reason that most of our Hebrew Roots friends are completely missing the mark on this issue.
*Would you include James as missing the mark, Professor? I think if James were here, he would openly disagree with you, seeing he raises the following question in James 2:14.
Jas 2:14 - What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
What a perfectly appropriate question for the discussion at hand. It is as if James was just waiting to pounce on this one. As James progresses forward, he references examples in verses 15-16 from the parable of the sheep and goats in Matthew 25. And his reason for doing that is because Christ sends the goats to their destruction in the firey furnace prepared for Satan and his angels over a list of works Christ argues the goats failed to perform. But, Christ spares the sheep who did that list of works; thus, implying that particular list of works, and maybe even other works not covered in that parable, are essential for our salvation. So, it would appear that both James and Christ believe doing works are actually essential to our salvation.
Next James concludes that faith without works is dead in James 2:17 and 20. So, James would accuse you of teaching a doctrine of trying to be saved by dead faith, if you reject the need for works in your salvation equation, Professor. It’s a bit hard to ignore that reality here.
And verse 18 argues that without works you can’t even demonstrate you have faith. So, what tangible evidence do those who have no works to speak of possess which ensures they even have faith in the first place?
Verse 19 argues that faith without works is the kind of belief exhibited by devils, not God’s people. And isn’t it curious that Paul, who you constantly run to for verses like Romans 4:5 And Ephesians 2:8-9, revealing who taught you to reject works in the first place, is the same Paul who admits to having a “messenger of Satan” in 2Cor 12:7? So, is it any surprise that a man with a “messenger of Satan” taught you a doctrine of faith without works that James 2:19 argues is what the devils practice and believe? A faith alone doctrine whose outcome is eternal wickedness where no one is required to behave by producing good works to be saved? That sounds more like a Luciferian paradise, than a paradise designed by a loving, righteous God. Could it be that Paul and his “messenger of Satan” in 2Cor 12:7 came into Christianity to change the gospel narritive in subtle ways so that Christians would actually push for the outcome Lucifer wanted rather than the outcome God is trying to achieve in all of this? Or, would the faith alone crowd rather we not talk about Paul admitting to being compromised by a “messenger of Satan” in 2Corrinthians 12:7?
And by verse 22, James explains how it is the works that makes our faith perfect. Oh, didn’t Christ tell us to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect? How are people going to do that with dead, imperfect faith which is faith devoid of works, Professor? In other words, it’s the works that demonstrates you have living, perfected faith. That means the works are more important to our salvation than the faith which depends on the works to become living, perfected faith.
But, if Paul is correct and we do not need works to be justified in Romans 4:5 or saved in Ephesians 2:8-9, then consider the case that Lucifer doesn’t go out of his way to do any good works. And Lucifer is smart enough to give lip service to the words, “I believe”, if that is all it takes to get God off his back so he can continue in his sin rebellion without having anything to worry about, because remember, James 2:19 says that even the devils believe and tremble. And in Revelation 12:17, Lucifer is trying to help you and Paul get rid of those who keep the commandments of God. That’s why he is waging war against them in that verse. Funny how you, Paul, his messenger of Satan in 2Corrinthians 12:7 and Lucifer all end up having the same enemy and end goal there, but it's not as unexpected as you might hope.
Faith is both mental belief and also action (faithfulness). The scriptures seem to support obeying God, by obeying the commands of his Messiah and Apostles, as a requirement for your personal covenant stability in the New Testament.
People want to take different extremes. "God demands you be perfect", "once saved always saved" or "permanent loss of salvation". However in the New Testament though obedience is required mistakes are allowed, this is clear. The closest thing we have to a potential permanent loss of salvation/covenant status is in 1st John (sin unto death), Hebrews (6:4, 10:28), and 1st Corinthians 5 (incestous-adulterous man). Even in these passages it is debatable that they teach permanent loss but perhaps. They do seem to give indication that covenant status, and therefore salvation, *is* something to be maintained and kept efficacious through not just God, but our own faithfulness.
None of us did aything to be offered the New Covenant, it's rewards (life!), and forgiveness for past sins, that was solely done by the foreplan and grace of God and of the grace of Jesus. However once in the covenant, I think I would be incredibly dishonest and unedifying if I said the New Testament teaches once saved always saved or the idea that your personal works don't matter.
To whom this may help if it is indeed helpful. I encourage you to read your New Testaments, which you probably are, with no pre-suppositions, and see if you still come to the conclusion that your own works play no part in your covenant status.
Words from our authoratative teacher the Apostle Paul, our instructor from Jesus - Romans 2:4-8 NASB1995
"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?...who will render to each person according to his deeds: to those who by *perseverance* in *doing good* seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation. but glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God."
Of course, there is also James 2.
Very well stated.
Looking back, I now see that I used to view the NT through either/or lens ie. If some verses seem to say I cannot lose my salvation, then I just rejected any that seemed to say I can lose my salvation. That is the danger I see with imputed righteousness. It pits some verses against others when the entire NT should be made one teaching which could be best described as faith working through doers of the word and not hearers only.
@billlee2194 Yes, i think the trap many of us find in life is thinking in extremes, when there is a middle ground instead. God graciously pre-planned and enacted his plan for humanity to be given immortality, however, it is conditionally maintained and based on our faith/faithfulness to it's stipulations until judgement day. Mistakes are allowable but grace is not to be purposefully taken advantage of for God sees all and who can fool him? It will be taken into account in the judgement.
I think this is what Paul is saying in the ending of 1st Corinthians 9. He says, he can convert and help maintain all the people he wants, but the only thing that will save him is his own faithfulness toward serving Jesus, aka having genuine faith to him and his instructions.
I hear and accept all this but please can you do a similar video with both concepts combined to explain verses like the following in conjunction as they seem in contradiction.
2 Peter 2: 20 - 21
Mat 7:21-22 (ref also V23, v12, v24)
XRef Mat 7 with Mat 25:11-12
Ref James 2:17, 24
There are more but the concepts are throughout the New Testament about us keeping the commandments and what iniquity and lawlessness is.
Perhaps it is like this.
- We all agree Jesus saved us and we believe in Him through Faith. Always. We are made righteous.
- But once we are saved we can be unrighteous by evil deeds again. Then in order to be saved we must come to the cross and Jesus will make us righteous again.
- How do we stay righteous? We dont act in unrighteous ways. We dont lie, steal, blaspheme, keep the sabbath, honour our parents (all 10)
This is a serious quandry for me as scripture points to both ways.
Define works? What is a work? Is obeying the law works? Matthew 4:17 REPENT... Matthew 6:14-15 FORGIVE OR YOU AREN'T FORGIVEN? Can we neglect those commands of JESUS and be saved by faith alone through grace ❤?
The love of God😇😇
Hi Rob ,..the context of Isaiah 64:6 is that he is addressing the “ unclean “, the polluters of the Torah not the faithful Torah keepers. The filthy rag is a menstrual cloth. This is showing that man made religion is filthy and is like the shedding of blood that cannot produce life. The shed blood of Yeshua does produce life..something that the sacrifice of animals could not do. Got Torah Got Truth
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 I don’t memorize everything Mr. Solberg says…I can only tell you how I understand the scriptures….Yeshua is always righteous…His righteousness is what He speaks…The instructions that come out of His mouth are His righteousness…
and they are always perfect because He is God, and it’s the Torah that He spoke, so the Torah is His righteousness and He will make it great and glorious…Got Torah Got Truth
@@harryabrahams2770It is clear from the scriptures to test all spirits to see if what they are stating is of God; in other words, one needs to listen carefully to those who are ministering God's word. Start at the one-minute mark (is about 15 seconds) and tell me if you agree with that statement or denounce it. If you do not denounce his statement, you are no different than he is.
Hi, Harry! Isaiah said: "You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6).
What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their righteous acts. That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these sinful things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today.
Blessings, RL
Christ be with you
No in the Context of Isaiah he is speaking of our Garment of righteousness.
It is cover with sin.
It is not to show man-religion in particular is filthy, but that sin is filthy, defying what god has commanded is filthy.
Thou meetest him that joyfully works righteousness,
those that remember thee in thy ways.
Behold, thou wast angry, and we sinned;
in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved?
We have all become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.
We all fade like a leaf,
and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. (Isaiah 64:5-6)
when we are cleansed in the blood our righteousness is like Christs
Little children, let no one deceive you. He who does right is righteous, as he is righteous.
Come to Christ and Live
We are saved by faith in Christ and not by keeping the law, but does the law ends when it has brought us to Christ? Is the law still present? If yes, what is then her role now that I accepted Christ righteousness? Does the new believer have a law to obey (not to come to salvation of course, because he is saved by faith)?
Hello, Va lo! Here are a few short videos (0:60) we've put out that speak to your questions:
*No Law, No Rules?*
*Love outdoes the Law*
*What is the Law of Christ?*
*Let's be Sermon on the Mount Christians*
I teach and believe that obedience is God’s “love language.” Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). And I'm sure you would agree that not every command that God has given applies to every person at all times. Some of His commands only apply to certain people (i.e., men, women, parents, Levitical priests) or for certain times (i.e., building an ark, gathering manna, while in exile). And I'm sure you would also agree that we are each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. The NT expressly teaches that many of the commands given under the Old Covenant Law do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6). So if we want to put a classification of "law" on it, Christians follow the Law of Christ.
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Thank you very much for your reply. I will sure watch those videos and will let you know.
Love your analogy used in this video
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 can you show me where he made that statement, I wasn't aware he made that statement 😅
@@Dylan-wn7dm Start at the one-minute mark, it is about 15 seconds.
@sundownsam3369 Oh, ok, I get what you're saying, I think his perspective is because of what he reads in Philippians 2:9, but starting at verse 5 through 8 its going in depth on how Christ gave up His divine privileges verse 7-8 ( while He was in the flesh) and at verse 9 it's talking about Christ being elevated to the place of highest honor
[9] Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names,
Therefore, though Christ was already Righteous and without sin before His death and resurrection, His "divine privileges" were not with Him until after Christ was resurrected. And the question is why? well, I think verse 6-8 can speak for themselves,
[6] Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. [7] Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, [8] he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross
Because Christ humble Himslef to take the position of a servent, in other words He was made a little lower than the angels, for us. But now (after His resurrection), Christ is exalted, Praise God 🙌
[9] Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, [10] that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I think that's my answer, but I think it would be good to ask Robert Solberg why he thinks and said that Christ received perfect righteousness after His resurrection? Thank you for sending a message and thank you for pointing this out, but I must say I still liked the analogy used in this video, God Bless, I'm sure I might be hearing for you soon.
@@Dylan-wn7dm I appreciate you going back to the video to hear it from his own lips, lips that satan is borrowing and I say this because he has made many statements that are not scriptural but are false doctrines. He does not appreciate me pointing it out and calling him what he is, which is why he refuses to respond. Like most theologian do, they take the Epistles and make doctrines out of them.
You are correct, it is good to ask Robert Solberg why he made such a statement that Christ achieved perfect righteousness after His resurrection when he is God's righteousness. The problem is that he will not respond to me, so why don't you ask him. Tell him that I brought it to your attention, and you need him to clear what he meant because that is a false statement according to the Scriptural.
Would love to come on your platform and defend the point of Torah observant.
That would be great @thebiblicalroots
Great video. Jesus lived a perfect life for (in the place of) all believers, accounting us worthy of heaven; and He suffered the Just Wrath of God against sinners, for ( in the place of) all believers so we don't have to.
In Ephesians 2:8-10 we are saved by Grace ALONE through Faith ALONE in Christ ALONE. We are saved to do good works, not by good works. All to the Glory of God ALONE.
All of the references used for defending antinomianism from this video and in your reply came from Saul. You can not use Yeshua to honestly defend a stance of lawlessness. Most people reject the Messiah’s instructions to adhere to the Father’s commands. You referenced Ephesians 2. Saul in Ephesians 2:15 states that Jesus abolished the law of commandments and ordinances….makes similar statements in Roman’s 10:4 and gal 3….
…but what did Yeshua state?
Matt 5:17 says He did NOT abolish the commandments or ordinances. Continued to state that nothing would be removed from the commandments.
Luke 16:16 states it would be easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for anything to be removed even if it were a punctuation change.
Matthew 19:17 states if you want eternal life keep the commandments.
I realize this view is counter to the traditional teachings of both dispensationalists and the tradition torah adherent teachings but we aren’t called to follow traditions from man but instead instructed to follow what Yeshua teaches everywhere he went. We have to decide between traditions of man and the teachings of the Messiah. Study on your own without the eisegetical theology. Our cornerstone of understanding is supposed to come from Yeshua not Saul and not a RUclips theologian.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 I believe he is referring to Hebrews where the application of His perfect life was after His Ascension.
@@kennethjacobs4824 Kenneth, you are incorrect. Start at the one-minute mark, it is about 15 seconds, then tell me if you agree with his statement or you will denounce it. Either you defend the word of God, or you defend one who speaks against God's word. It appears you will defend one who will speak against God's word.
Your use of 'alone' sounds anything but alone :). However, I do love the way you worded good works. You know, one strange thing that eludes me is, though I am also taught that we are saved by grace and not by our works, Scripture still seems to me to be clear that we will not be saved without good works. Perhaps it is a matter of faith AND obedience to Christ. Costs of the word and not hearers only.
Shalom Rob,
As a Torah-observant Christian (Judeo-Christian) I wouldn't dare offer up my works at my time of judgment. You're correct in saying that would be shameful so I'm with you on that front. However, we are called to walk in the character of Jesus. What is Jesus' character....Its the law. The law describes every bit of Jesus' righteousness. That is how we are to walk.
1 John 2:1-6 (NLT)
My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins-and not only our sins but the sins of all the world. And we can be sure that we know him if we obey his commandments.
If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.
Much love and respect,
So if one puts their faith in Jesus but one murders our brothers and sisters each day for no is still accepted into the Kingdom?
Wow, powerful illustration 🔥🔥🔥
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 I didn’t hear him say that. I believe Jesus came righteous and exists uncreated
@@justindarnellfpv start at the one-minute mark it is about 15 second. satan threw the diploma in to distract one from hearing what he through the lips of Robert Solberg.
@@justindarnellfpv It is extremely important to pay attention to those who post videos. Start at the one-minute mark; it is about 15 seconds. Notice that immediately after that statement, a diploma was shown to distract from the diabolical statement that was made. Once you hear it, you need to ask Robert Solberg why he made such a statement that is not Scriptural. He will not respond to my post because I called him out on his distorted doctrines.
If you disagree with his statement and do not denounce it or question him on it, you are allowing him to mislead believers.
@@justindarnellfpvStart at the 1-minute mark; it is about 15 seconds. Once you hear it, send him a message that you disagree with his statement because that is not what the Scriptures teach.
With Hebrew Roots advocates, it starts to sound a lot like many of my Catholic friends who say, "You are saved by FAITH ALONE! BUT! You must also DO..."
Not even close... Good works are evidence OF a transformed heart and life (the fruit that results FROM salvation), not a requirement FOR salvation... or even a means of somehow maintaining it through your own effort.
You have set up a strawman fallacy. Hebrew Roots does not mean that there is a different way to be justified other than through God's sacrifice of the perfectly obedient Jesus. However, in your response 3 hours before this one, you admit that you will have evidence of your justification. I am using the term justification so that it is not conflated with sanctification. Justification is what most people call salvation, but salvation is a broader term that often ignores sanctification that is a part of it. Justification is the unmerited gift of eternal life. Sanctification is what happens through our cooperation after we are justified.
If you agree with that, tell us how we are sanctified. This is a matter of debate to be sure. Some will say through being thankful to God for justifying us (i.e. loving God) and by loving our neighbor. My contention is that loving God goes beyond being thankful. It is complimentary to our loving our neighbor, but is in itself more substantial than merely being thankful.
Blessings and I really do look forward to hearing your response.
Do you think faith is a mental assent only ? You show faith with works, a verbal confession without matching actions is a dead void faith
Well, not based upon what many HR folks have told me...
No. I mean, the devils have intellectual assent, don't they? And for sure, if you profess with your mouth but do not live at all consistently, there is no good reason to believe what the claim, is there?
By faith alone , through grace alone , in Christ alone. Our works are as filthy rags.
I don't think you have an idea what that verse is talking about.
By the way, Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 christ was always perfect
@@sundownsam3369 why would you think I don't know what I am talking about?
@@agreyf Begin at the one-minute mark about 15 seconds and tell me if you agree or denounce Robert Solberg statement. Listen to it carefully. Because many look up to Robert Solberg, they assume that everything he says is according to the Scriptures.
@@agreyf I am not saying that you do not know what you are talking about, I am saying that you have no idea what that verse in Isaiah 64 is about. Tell me, is God stating that or is a person saying that, and why is he talking like that?
Works is not a ticket to heaven but there are good works.
I think a key concept here is 'YOU', myself, yourself, us, thinking that by doing mission trips, and working in a soup kitchen, tithing, prayer, etc. Those things are us; thinking, believing, hoping that our good deeds will get us in.
We forget that the Law is spiritual - 'do not commit adultery' (physical); we can physically not commit adultery, but that is OUR filthy rag. If we do not lust in our heart (spiritual) as Jesus instructed, now we may be getting somewhere.
Remember in Matthew 7 when those believers said 'didn't we do all these good/great things in your name Jesus', and He sad "depart from Me you workers of Lawlessness". What law is Jesus referring to? What work is to be done? Is it the work of Spiritual Law?
We were held in custody under the law, locked up until faith should be revealed.
So the law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.
Galatians 3:23-25 NIV
I love what you said , but Jesus said I did not come to do away with law. Can you take his gift of Grace and return to sin? It’s faith and obedience. He knows we can’t keep his commandments perfect on Christ did but we can try , that’s what Holy Spirit is for to help us .
Salvation is by faith alone, obedience will not bring salvation, because then salvation is earned and not a gift. Yet the law still stands, one can choose to go back into sin as you correctly said. Also the law is the moral standard of the character of Christ. We can achieve that by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, which we get also by faith. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..." Philippians 1:6
It is day by day surrendering of the will, to the will of Christ.
Some people pick a verse out and say this one verse is all you need. Making Jesus ministry mean absolutely nothing. He might as well have been born and died and said nothing or did nothing but not sin and die for us. But I dont believe that is "the gospel" as people say. I Believe his teachings mattered, his commands mattered, I believe we will all face judgment and we will be judged by our words and our actions. To those who followed Christ in his teachings...salvation. To those who confess him Lord but didnt, well may God have mercy.
As concerning the relationship between faith and works, we have faith in Jesus Christ. If we have faith in Christ then we do his will. What is his will? What is his will? Love God, love your neighbor, keep his commandments. He also said that you would know a tree by the fruit it bears. This usually means deeds. Works also means deeds.
So if there is no fruit/deeds this would seem to point to a lack of faith.
Or a lack of obedience.
In the beginning we are made alive who were once dead in trespasses and sin. God delivers us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of his son. That's just the beginning of our lifelong journey our walk our conversion. We are out of Egypt but not in promise land yet. Jesus said everyone in his kingdom will not enter the kingdom of God in the end.....the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears to hear let him hear.....for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterwards those who are Christ at his coming......and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for him he will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation......marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all who are in the Graves will hear his voice and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation........according to scripture when rightly divide all truth pertaining to salvation, there is a difference between being saved made alive our conversion in the beginning and being resurrected unto life when Christ returns judgement our resurrection eternal salvation. That's why it not only matters if we believe remain faithful to Christ. It also matters how we live our righteousness now in this lifetime. Has nothing to do with keeping Torah laws or trying to earn salvation......
As you said " we are saved by grace through faith". We have faith and are saved, now what? Do we do as we wish or do we through faith do his will?
The second one 🥳 live by faith and let the love of Christ compel you
This presumes that people who are saved by faith immediately desire/wish to do evil, which is nonsense, ironically proven so by the "Torah observant" who become saved & immediately desire/wish to "observe Torah."
@@kimartist Let me put it another way. What does God expect from us after we're saved?
@@kimartist To be clear, I'm not talking about salvation.
"And this is his commandment: that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he gave us the commandment."
~ 1 John 3 : 23
So, tell me, Robert Solberg, are you removing my post to Simonskinner? If not, why are they being removed? I posted it about 7 times, and it shows then it is removed. Let me also mention what is happening: They show posted, then they are gone, and it continues show and not show, like if someone is playing a game and I do not think is you.
I am learning how I can be obedient to the parts of Torah that apply to me. I have never once felt or thought that anything I do affects the justification that was given to me without merit. It was entirely due to the sacrifice that God made through the death of the perfectly obedient Jesus. I think that Mr. Solberg has a vendetta against those of us who are trying to listen to the voice of God (shema) and to guard His word (shamar) and to be obedient (asah). I thank Him for doing what I could not do and love Him by being obedient to Him. That does not ensure my justification - much less attain it. I am a little dismayed at the disingenuousness or lack of understanding that he has about people who seek to be obedient to Torah.
I agree. Most of us whole Bible believers, Torah observant, whatever label is used, are the first to say we are saved by grace and the sacrifice of Jesus. I don't know any of us who believe we can perfectly follow the Lord's instructions (Torah means instruction not law). Yet we are somewhat persecuted by Church Christians for following God's instructions to the best of our ability. The average mainstream Christian will impress upon me that true faith is a matter of having the feels and loving God and my neighbor. Ok, but practically how does loving God and my neighbor work. If I had a husband who had the feels and continually said how much he loved me but cheated on me repeatedly, didn't speak respectfully to me and generally broke the vows of marriage it would tear our relationship apart. I need not only for him to feel love for me but to demonstrate it thru obedience of the vows we made. Yes he made those promises prior to our legal union at the wedding but I expect those vows to be kept after we are legally bound. It's fine to feel love but at some point we need to be doers of the word and not hearers only. Faith without works is pretty empty. In my case I am Torah observant because I love the Lord and wish to please Him. I have yet to figure out why that is so offensive to mainstream church Christians. I used to be one. My only conclusion is perhaps they feel a certain amount of conviction that makes them uncomfortable. If that is the case it is between them and God I am not intentionally trying to make them feel that conviction.
I have heard the following analogy that seemed to fit quite well with respect to Sukkot versus Christmas.
Imagine you go to your wife and tell her that her birthday is "inconvenient" and you would like to celebrate it on your old girlfriend's birthday because you remember it so much easier. This is what it must be like for Jesus to have His birthday celebrated on the day in which so many pagans celebrated the sun returning. I know we aren't giving gifts to our old girlfriend, but MY wife would knock me in the head.
@@nickylouse2 what a wonderful analogy. I really appreciate how if we think of all the modern church practices under a logical lens it is so easy to see how whole Bible believers are simply trying to apply common sense. Thank you.
What parts of the Torah apply to you?
Can you provide a list?
Parts that do not apply include commands given to women, priests, and so on. I consider myself Jewish as Paul describes them in Romans 2:28-29 and Galatians 3:28-29 stating that there is no distinction. Furthermore, I am grafted into Christ as a wild branch so that there is no difference according to Romans 11:17. And therefore since there is one set of instructions for Israel and Gentile in Leviticus 24:22, I am compelled to guard that and obey as fitting. I do not simply dismiss a commandment because I don’t understand it or feel that times have changed. Deuteronomy 30:10-11 says that His commands are not too hard to do. We have the capability to do them perfectly - just not the inclination.
Some commandments that I have repented about include:
remembering the sabbath and refraining from work on them, observing the appointments (feasts) to the degree possible, eating meat that is clean, wearing tzitzot, et cetera. I am still learning as I mentioned.
I know that I fail intentionally as well as unintentionally, but my heart’s desire is to obey Him.
You need to do a video with Answering Adventism please!
Answering Adventism doesn't represent Adventism honestly.
@@Jamie-Russell-CME I disagree
I love your videos that I have seen. Seems to me that God's wisdom is seen in giving a moderate(?) Jew, Peter, as Apostle to the Jews while He gives a Super-Jew, Paul, as the Apostle to the Gentiles. His perspective as a Super-Jew gives such weight when he teaches us Gentiles about the Law.
Good observation!
Enjoyed this video. Still wondering about James Chapter 2. 26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
Thanks, Warren! Yes, James 2 is an important text in this conversation. Here's the subsequent video we did:
*Is Faith Without Works Dead? (James 2:14-26)*видео.html
Blessings, Rob
HRM would justify sitting in their recliners on a Saturday afternoon, placidly munching on kosher noms, looking out their windows & harshly condemning a Presbyterian minister (or any denomination) for mowing the lawn of their elderly next-door neighbor who is not physically, nor financially able to do so for herself & proudly call their own complacency "keeping the law as Jesus kept it."
I am not involved in the HBM but I will say this, you have no understanding of scriptural truth.
You not only mede a childish statement but you showed that you are ignorant of scriptural truth and cannot weigh a situation of help.
Ask yourself the question, can the grass be cut the next day so that you do not violate God's law? By the way, looking for a lost lamb on the Sabbath is not working, mowing the grass is.
Wow, that is a misinterpretation of that verse in Isaiah.
I thought the same thing. As a Baptist, we always misinterpreted that passage to mean ALL deeds are filthy rags. What it states, to parsphrase, is our deeds have become like filthy rags. Plus, in the previous verse, Isaiah states God is pleased with the righteous.
I love these videos! I shared this one with my husband because I think it teaches justification *so* thoroughly. However, he confused your message with Antinomianism because the video is short and addresses one point. I had to clarify that this is not what you teach.
Hebrews 10:14 NKJV - For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being **sanctified**
We know it's faith ----> that works ----> through love.
Those who are justified are being sanctified and will bring forth good fruit. Just read the entire book of James to see what that looks like. It is only 5 short chapters!
Jesus is LORD! Praise God! 🙏
its confused and tries to say one thing without admitting all the things that go with kind of like how Calvinism works
People who say this have a problem because they maintain that obedience is NOT required in one sentence but in another it is a required evidence of having been saved
They will say things like one can struggle with sin like pornography's, and still enter the kingdom, but if they struggle with rape or murder they never were saved to begin with
it is a confused doctrine with no bases in the word
what does the word say over and over again he who keeps his commandments is he who loves him
he gives his holy spirit to those who Obey him
He is the author of the salvation of those who OBEY him
If you keep my commandments you will abide in me and i an you if you do not abide in me you will wither be cut off and thrown into the fire
in fact there is a test in the bible to know IF you even know Jesus
which is everything because they bible state that eternal life is to Know God
And how do we know we know if IF IF IF we keep his commandments he who says they know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar
1 John 2:3-6
there is no bible section that teaches we can obey some of what he said about the big things murder rape and still struggle with pornography's lust lies and drunkenness and be in the kingdom
@@appointedaday We don't obey some and not others. We just think that when Christ came things changed.
Hebrews 7:12 NKJV - For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a change of the law.
@@HopeUnknown Ok then you disagree with most who claim what you are claiming including this channel
So you do agree then we have to Obey Jesus and keep his commandments
and those who continue in sin will NOT enter the kingdom of heaven?
@@HopeUnknown You could verify what I last said yes or no?
So that you do not fall into the same noncommittal stance many like to fall into
@@appointedaday Do you disagree that the law changed?
Hey Robert, can you expand on the idea when you mean that Christ was made in perfect righteousness after His resurrection Im not attacking you, someone has requested i asked this.
Thank you
Hi Dylan! Thanks for allowing me to clarify. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant that, while Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us. I certainly could have worded it more clearly!
The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22).
Blessings, Rob
@TheBiblicalRoots thank you for clearing things up. I very much appreciate it. Blessings as well
@@Dylan-wn7dm Good that he cleared it up with you, but he needs to make a 3-minute video to make it clear what he actually meant. Would he? I don't know.
You are correct and true faith will produce good works, this good works is not for salvation but for reward.
Please note that this Good works is not works of the Law.
Here it is. Exactly what I referred to in my above comment. The teaching of earning status within the Kingdom. Rob, I hope you will address this.
Yes, good works are the works of faith James spoke of & not "works of the law" Paul railed against.
@@kimartistActually, I think I would have to disagree. A study of James shows he would defend the law as lived out in the spirit of this salvation teaching. And Paul did not rale against the law. He and James were on the exact same page.
@@rickblake3674 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
~ James 1 : 27
Also, man isn’t justified by faith ALONE, but by works. If a man has faith without works, can that faith save him?
Hi, Chris!
It's important to interpret the verse you quoted in it's full context (James 2:14-26.) The point of this passage-which is expressed three times (in vv. 17, 20 and 26)-is not that works must be _added_ to faith but that genuine faith will _include_ works. That is the marker of a genuine faith.
James is concerned about an attitude towards faith that sees it mainly as a verbal profession-such as the confession that "God is one" (v. 19). This is a faith that is "apart from" works (vv. 20, 26), and James views this faith as "dead" (vv. 17, 26), "useless" (v. 20); it does not have the power to save (v. 14) or to justify (v. 24). James assumes the necessity of faith and claims to have faith himself (v. 18). But he is stressing that *_real_* faith "has works" (vv. 14, 17), is "completed" by works (v. 22), is "active along with works" (v. 22). It's the kind of faith exhibited both by the father of faith, Abraham (vv. 21-23), and Rahab, the prostitute (v. 25).
@@TheBiblicalRoots he is saying you have to have works
No you cannot obey Jesus and bless those that curse you and count it all Joy without faith, You cannot do things hiding to the left hand what the right does to seek the honor that comes from God without faith
Its just impossible
this faith alone argument it really silly it is not in truth and it serves no purpose except to mislead
However it IS Possible to have faith without works, It IS possible to do as Hebrews 3 and 4 showed to see the miracles the parting of the seas the manna from heaven
and yet perish because of unbelief
Here is the thing They Believed the facts did they not? They could tell you who God was with more conviction then 95% of Americas church today could they not?
Here is something else to think about Mr Faith Alone
It is written Jesus did not do many miracles in places there was little faith
Yet in the places many miracles were done did he not later condemn them for their lack of works?
But I say to you that it will be more tolerable in that Day for Sodom than for that city.
13 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14 But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15 And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades.
@@TheBiblicalRoots In your above response you said "is not that works must be added to faith but that genuine faith will include works. That is the marker of a genuine faith." Seems you do understand why people say works are part of your walk.
@@placeofrest2860 Indeed, works are very much a part of our walk! Works are the natural fruit produced by a genuine faith. But our good works have nothing to do with our salvation. These are two different things.
Blessings, RLS
@@TheBiblicalRoots Yup and pop that 'p' 😉. I find it amusing that as a Christian, I was taught works have no bearing on salvation. Yet since walking away from Christianity, it continues to be Christians who tell me I am doing works for my salvation. I have quit trying to show them we understand each other, as they do not hear my words.Christianity does not have the market cornered on genuine faith.
How about Matthew 25:31-48 (sheep & goats judgment)?
Here is a copy of a post that I just posted on Torah Life Ministries. They (Torah Life Ministries) just put out a video response to this video ( _Are we saved by faith alone? By keeping the Law? A little of each?_ ):
Shalom, brothers and sisters. I have watched many of Mr. Solberg's videos and they all contain fundamental errors, and this one is no different. First of all, Mr. Solberg paints with a very broad-brush. Based on my observations, most of the people in the "Hebrew Roots Movement" don't believe that they are saved by their works. Thus, Mr. Solberg, for the most part, is knocking down strawmen by citing the exception as the rule. Moreover, his entire theatrical presentation is based on the false premise that our best works are as "filthy rags" before God, which is simply not true!
Simply stated, Isaiah 64 - when read in context - does not suppose to tell us that our good works (keeping Yah's righteous Laws) are as filthy rags. No, on the contrary, it's telling us that the people had fallen is such depravity (sin), that the best of their best was still, in fact, filth!
Be that as it may, Mr. Solberg also fails to recognize that there are two kinds of righteousness! There is an imperfect righteousness that comes by the works of the Law (it's imperfect only because no one, less One, can keep it perfectly); and a Perfect Righteousness (unto Justification) that only comes by our complete faith in Yeshua, and the Grace that He merited for us on the Stake (Cross).
Romans 10:5-6 NRSV Moses writes concerning the righteousness that comes from the law, that "the person who does these things will live by them." (6) But the righteousness that comes from faith says, "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'" (that is, to bring Christ down)
As or me (that is, as someone in the Hebrew Roots Movement)? I am saved 100% by my faith in Yeshua, and ZERO% by my works. However, as the Scriptures teach, if I have the former (faith in Yeshua), I will ultimately demonstrate that by the latter (obedience to Yah's perfect Laws).
1 John 2:3-6 NRSV Now by this we may be sure that we know him, if we obey his commandments. (4) Whoever says, "I have come to know him," but does not obey his commandments, is a liar, and in such a person the truth does not exist; (5) but whoever obeys his word, truly in this person the love of God has reached perfection. By this we may be sure that we are in him: (6) whoever says, "I abide in him," ought to walk just as he walked.
1 John 3:7 NRSV Little children, let no one (like Mr. Solberg) deceive you. Everyone who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous.
Psalms 119:160 NRSV The sum of your word is truth; and every one of your righteous ordinances endures forever.
Praise Yah!
Thanks for giving me the chance to respond, SourMilk!
1. You said, "Based on my observations, most of the people in the 'Hebrew Roots Movement' don't believe that they are saved by their works. Thus, Mr. Solberg, for the most part, is knocking down a strawman by citing the exception as the rule."
In this video, I made no claims about whether or not "Torah-observant" Christians believe we are saved by our works. I didn't even mention it. There is no strawman here. I did say this: "For my 'Torah-observant' friends, if you want to keep those things, go for it! But don’t deceive yourself into thinking it adds anything to your righteousness in God’s eyes."
2. You said, "Simply stated, Isaiah 64 - when read in context - does not suppose to tell us that our good works (keeping Yah's righteous Laws) are as filthy rags. No, on the contrary, it's telling us that the people had fallen in such depravity (sin), that the best of their best was still, in fact, filth!"
I respectfully disagree. Isaiah wrote: "Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away" (Isa 64:5-6). What kind of acts does he say "are like filthy rags"? Their sinful acts? No, their צִדְקֹתֵ֑י (righteous deeds). That's the startling thing about this verse! If you read the prayer of mercy that starts at 63:15, you would expect Isaiah to say "all these *_sinful_* things we've done are like filthy rags." But he says we've all sinned (Sounds like Rom. 3:10, 3:23!) so that even our righteous deeds are stained. And that is equally true today.
@@TheBiblicalRoots Pray tell, how can you say that you didn't even mention it, when it was directly implied in the very beginning of your video? You began by saying, and I quote:
_"Here’s an analogy that might help us better understand how we are saved by faith and not works. And it’s also going to shed some light on the reason that most of our Hebrew Roots friends are completely missing the mark on this issue."_
Moreover, the fact of the matter is that I've repeatedly watched you represent those in the Hebrew Roots Movement as generally believing that they are either saved by their works, or are saved by a combination of their works and faith. When, in fact, I would contend that such people actually make up a minority within the movement, and thankfully so. Hence, why it was not only correct for me to say that you cite the exception as the rule, but that it was also a strawman.
Now, as for Isaiah? The fact that you pointed out how the word being used there represents righteous deeds only served to demonstrate that you missed my point. Of course the word means that. But, even so, that doesn't mean that they were doing those things (righteous deeds)! In fact, the context of the surrounding verses demonstrate that they were doing the exact opposite. Simply read the very next verse!
Isaiah 64:7 BBE And there is no one who makes prayer to your name, or who is moved to keep true to you: for your face is veiled from us, and you have given us into the power of our sins.
And, not to mention, simply look at the verse itself!
Isaiah 64:6 BBE For we have all become like an unclean person, and all our good acts are like a dirty robe: and we have all become old like a dead leaf, and our sins, like the wind, take us away.
Thus, there are your aforementioned (missing) "sins", Mr. Solberg. Yet, for some odd reason, you suppose that these same sinners were also performing righteous deeds. When, in fact, they were simply acknowledging that they had no "righteous deeds" (notice the quotes), whatsoever.
Regardless, might I kindly suggest that you stop muddying the waters with the false notion that most people in the HRM reject salvation by faith alone, because that's simply not true. No, on the contrary, most people in the HRM have simply come to realize (via the Holy Spirt) that Yah's Laws are NOT "bondage", as they've been taught. But, rather, that Yah's Laws are in fact Holy, Just, and Good! And, moreover, that they are to be kept by His people as a sign of their faith.
Again, there are two kinds of righteousness. One is a righteousness of following the Torah (which is the very thing that's supposed to be written in our minds and on our hearts), and the other is the Righteousness that only comes by our faith in Christ. And, unfortunately, Mr. Solberg, you've been conflating the two!
@@sourmilkministries9445 With all due, respect SourMilk, I think you're hearing what you want to hear, rather than what I actually said in this video. What you see as "directly implied" is not actually the case, as I previously demonstrated. Also, I have publicly acknowledged many times, including in my book _Torahism, _ that only a minority of "Torah keepers" claim that salvation comes by keeping the Torah. This is why in this video, I did not state or imply that they take the "salvation by faith plus works" position. This video was actually addressed to a much broader audience: those who hold to "works righteousness." Which is why I added the comment for my "Torah-observant" friends, "Don’t deceive yourself into thinking it adds anything to your righteousness in God’s eyes."
As for your interpretation of Isaiah, I have to respectfully disagree. But what about the larger point I made on that issue? Do you deny that when compared to the perfect righteousness of Christ, the "righteous acts" of human beings are far inferior? And that they are not enough to merit salvation?
@@TheBiblicalRootsShalom. I've already stated, and I quote:
_"I am saved 100% by my faith in Yeshua, and ZERO% by my works."_
So then, I'm not sure why you would feel the need to ask me if the "righteous acts" of human beings were enough to merit salvation, when that clearly has no available place in my aforementioned: (Saved) "ZERO% by my works" position.
And, as for your question comparing Christ's Righteousness to that of humans? Of course, as the names suggest, "imperfection" is almost always considered inferior to "perfection". But, even so, with all due respect to you, the question itself is flawed, as it demonstrates faulty reasoning. The issue at hand isn't actually
with the "righteous acts" of humans, it's with their unrighteous acts. This is to say that a "righteous act" is always a "righteous act", regardless of who performs it.
Now, of course, what sets Yeshua apart is that, unlike us, He never committed as much as a single act of unrighteousness. Thus, this is what enables Him to impute His perfect Righteousness to us (AKA: The GIFT of Righteousness).
But, even so, contrary to your assertions (eisegesis) concerning Isaiah 64:6, that doesn't mean that our genuine acts of righteousness (which is NOT what Isaiah is referring to) are like "filthy rags" in the sight of God, even in direct comparison to Yeshua's perfect Righteousness. Because, as I've already mentioned, a righteous act is just that - a righteous act. And, mind you, Yah loves every single one of them!
Psalms 45:7 NKJV You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.
You may say this is saying the same thing but the righteousness we receive is God's Righteousness. Yes of course Jesus was righteous but God in His Word says that it is His Righteousness that we receive through Christ
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
Hallelujah, Amen. Great Message!
Works based salvation would also be silly because of the monetary system of this world. Some are borne with more money and would be able to do so many more deeds than those less fortunate. Some folks pass away from accidents or other means, and would never have a chance to do as much as those that lived a long life. I don't believe a works based salvation is not what a fair and loving God would impose on His children. God wants it to be so simple, a child can understand it!
Many Blessings!
Are you implying that a loving Father would not expect obedience from His children? What earthly father does not expect from obedience from their children for the child's own good?
Well of course not!
God often chastises those that He loves when they continue to sin, or as you put it, are disobedient. This does not mean rejection from the family.
Only Jesus knows the heart of man...let Him take care of that.
Many Blessings!
1 John 3:7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous.
1. John 3:7 - Yes, and in the whole letter John has written, what is righteous doing: abide in HIS Love! Let us love one another, for live is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
1. John 4, 7 and 8 (NASB)
AND look at this: "In this is love, NOT that We loved God, but HE loved us and sent HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins. 1. John 4, Verse 10.
We should abide in HIS love, that HE has poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We receive this through faith.
That is a righteous deed.
Or this: "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and hevin God." 1. John 4, 15.
Or this: "We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement; because as HE is, so also are we in this world."
1. John 4, verses 16 - 17.
It's all about loving God and people with God's own Love that He put in our hearts as a present like a child who his mom gives him some coints to buy a birthday present for her.😂
And verse 21 describes love as a commandment:
"And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother."
Loving is righteous. When you love, you do not steal from someone, in more cases you will give them who are needing out of love. If you love, you will not intentially hurt someone.
But changing your mind is a process. The Holy Spirit is molding us, making us His Masterpiece. That is a word from Paul. We cannot make ourselves a Masterpiece. We cannot create us new, making us as a new species of human race. We cannot make us a new creation by ourselves.
But God makes us perfect. We cannot see it now, but in God eyes we are now perfect, because He van see the end outcome, because He had it created. He himself will dwell in us witj all His Glory.
And about eating and drinking: When Jesus came, he came to Israel who was under the law of Moses and this covenant from Mount Sinai. So they had to keep the law of Moses. And Jesus was under the Law, too. So he kept the law perfectly and put it onto a new level.
But he did also something new. Because it was the beginning of a new Ära. A transitioning time.
So even Jesus said to the pharisees, that what you eat makes you not unclean (what goes into your mouth), but what comes out of your mouth makes you unclean, what you speak of evil words, cursing words or seducing words, bevause they come out of an evil heart.
Brother, could you remove the ads on your videos. i can see you are rich and can afford it. Please...
Hey there, your first statement of Isaiah Rob ?
if God is working in us His righteousness ? are you to call it filthy rags ? is that serious error ?
Philippians 2:12-13
Isaiah 64:6
King James Version
6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Php 2:12 Therefore, my loved ones, just as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now even more in my absence-work out your salvation with fear and trembling.
Php 2:13 For the One working in you is God-both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
1Jn 3:4 Everyone practicing sin also practices lawlessness-indeed, sin is lawlessness.
1Jn 3:5 You know that Yeshua appeared in order to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin.
1Jn 3:6 No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning; no one who sins has seen Him or known Him.
1Jn 3:7 Children, let no one mislead you! The one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Yeshua is righteous.
1Jn 3:8 The one who practices sin is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. Ben-Elohim appeared for this purpose-to destroy the works of the devil.
1Jn 3:9 No one born of God practices sin, because God’s seed remains in him. He cannot sin, because he is born of God.
1Jn 3:10 It is clear who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil by this-anyone who does not act righteously or love his brother is not of God.
@@BiblersWayCottageyou should have kept going…
”For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. He who does not love his brother abides in death. By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment. Now he who keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He abides in us, by the Spirit whom He has given us.“
I John 3:11, 14, 16, 22-24 NKJV
@@BiblersWayCottage who is we all in this verse? and why are they saying it?
Its not everyone but Israel, and why ?You are indeed angry, for we have sinned-
In these ways we continue;
And we need to be saved.
its not even every person in Israel but the larger Israel
its like the same as the larger Israel verse the 7 K who did not bow to Baal
its like the NO NOT ONE verse the My people the NO NOT ONES EAT
from the romans passage and the psalms its quotes
@@appointedaday What is your statement or question please, its hard to understand ?! shalom
The statement that Robert Solberg made would imply that Yeshua worked for his righteousness. He said that Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection.
Christ be with you
Jesus achieved was made perfect and had a perfect life of obedience.
If we want eternal life we must obey him.
Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek. (Heb 5:8-10)
Come to Christ and Live.
@@MrKev1664 Either you are off the subject, or you have a problem with reading comprehension. Who is talking about obedience? I am quoting a false statement that Robert Solberg made.
The Greek word for "obedience: in Hebrews 5:8 implies and refers to a "submission to what is heard, in other words, a response of obedience to what God was commanding him to say and do. The Greek says it this way: though being a Son, he learned from the things he suffered, obedience.
We can safely state it this way: though being a Son, he learned from the things he suffered through his submission and response to what he heard from his Father. By the way, Yeshua already knew that he was going to suffer, he even spoke about it and remember he offered himself.
It's FRUIT inspection season:
John 15:2
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
John 15:4
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
John 15:5
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
John 15:8
Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
John 15:16
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
”But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.“
Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV
Check the fruit and you’ll find the tree
Aren't we saved by grace? If we were saved by our faith wouldn't that give rise to boasting? Kinda like those who boast they are among the elect when it is God who does the electing. How can we make those determinations with our limited abilities? God reads the heart and judges accordingly but man cannot know a person's motives, thoughts, or standing. They cannot even know their own deceitfully wicked heart.
And what about sanctification; being set apart for God our entire life? If a person is justified by the blood of Jesus but then continues to knowingly break God's law that puts them back under the law as a condemned sinner. If they continue to transgress God's law it would demonstrate that Christ, the Sinless One, is not dwelling in that person's life. We are to reckon ourselves dead to sin but alive unto righteousness (God). Godly love is righteousness which is shed abroad in our hearts through good works which glorify God before men. And that quality of love for God and others fulfills the law.
God's law defines this love and cannot be broken apart to observe just those portions we consider important or convenient while rejecting those we consider to be insignificant, or least. And so James writes that if we break just one of God's laws we break them all. Human love can be partial in its application but Godly love is not.
Christ be with you
St Paul tells us to be sanctified we must reject sin and live in righteousness as slaves to God and at its end receive eternal life. (Rom 6:15-23)
You are correct that it is Grace that saves us but their is a lack of understanding on what Faith in Jesus Christ is,
We must obey God to receive eternal life (Heb 5:8-10)
God bless you
@@MrKev1664 I think the statement "We must obey God to receive eternal life" while true, can be confusing to those who believe they can merit something by their works. It needs a bit more qualification. Perhaps?-- a living faith is manifest in obedience which demonstrates we have eternal life. John 17 says knowing God is eternal life. And 1 John 2 says that we lie when we say we know Him yet keep not His commandments.
Chrit be with you
*you say*
I think the statement "We must obey God to receive eternal life" while true, can be confusing to those who believe they can merit something by their works.
I follow Jesus he is truth.
A Christian would not ignore hide or play down truth.
merit a praiseworthy quality : virtue
character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem achievement
For he will render to every man according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for every one who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality. (Rom 2:6-11)
our works glorify the Father, how could that not have merit,
*By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit,* and so prove to be my disciples (John 15:8)
*you say*
It needs a bit more qualification. Perhaps?-- a living faith is manifest in obedience which demonstrates we have eternal life.
you underestimate obedience.
it is what make our faith alive.
If some says the have faith in God and another says the Love God which is greater.
While faith can Be dead
Love of God always has faith.
In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.
He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” (John 14:20-21)
Jesus answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.(John 14:23-24)
Our Obedience for God is the manifestation of our Love.
We cannot Love and disobey and cannot obey and not Love him.
*You say*
John 17 says knowing God is eternal life. And 1 John 2 says that we lie when we say we know Him yet keep not His commandments.
Exactly this is why obedience is absolutely necessary for our salvation.
We are not saved by it but need to be save because we lacked it, we lacked love,
We should never play down the need for it.
for god to abide in us we must Love and obey him.
Saving and active Faith is say one that is not alone but has obedience and through that Love.
What is the greatest commandment?
Come to Christ and Live
Well said.
Solberg: We tend to look at these things horizontally, comparing our good deeds and accomplishments and efforts with other people around us. As Chad Bird says, we all have PhD’s in Comparative Righteousness. But when we look at these deeds vertically and compare them to God’s perfect requirement, we all come up a thousand miles short.
*I see, so if God then resolves to argue that works are not part of the salvation equation, and he saves a bunch of people who mouth with their lips that they have faith, but have no obedient works to speak of, how is God going to ensure a safe future for all that is something other than a living, brutal hell where the exceedingly sinful opportunists who also claim to have faith decide to take advantage of others in society???
Oh wait, Paul must have anticipated this would be a problem. Because Paul has a brilliant idea in romans 9. God will just rape us of our will, turn us into mindless puppets, and jerk our puppet strings any time he wants us to comply. Remember, it is not of him that willeth or him that runneth, right? Predestination destroys man’s capacity to love and Paul’s foundation of faith from Romans 4, but that was no obstacle for Paul, destroying his own foundation with incompatible or even utterly contradictory ideas was his favorite past time. No really, Professor, what did Paul need love or faith for if he was going to resort to a doctrine of elective predestination in Romans 9? Predestined beings have no role in love or faith, they are forced or programmed to comply instead. Have you ever tried to express love to a puppet? Have you ever tried to get a puppet to express love back to you? Such a system is truly devoid of love, faith, justice, mercy and all the important factors that make the moral domain such a beautiful extention of genuine free will choice. If only Paul had had a modern course in basic robotics or AI development, he would have known how truly rediculous he was being in Romans 7-9.
Solberg: Because of the staggering grace of God, this is a gift that can
only be received by faith. We aren’t saved as a result of all these rags under here so that we can
brag about what we’ve done.
*And what about those who brag about doing no works, and their blatant disobedience towards God in the name of Paul’s highly questionable grace entitlements, Professor? Here is a parable of Christ on this subject that you might want to review, because those who did works were preserved, but the man who did no works was screwed.
Mat 25:14 - For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
Mat 25:15 - And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
Mat 25:16 - Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
Mat 25:17 - And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
Mat 25:18 - But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
Mat 25:19 - After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
Mat 25:20 - And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
Mat 25:21 - His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
*Interesting, work is appreciated and rewarded here.
Mat 25:22 - He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
Mat 25:23 - His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Again, the works done were rewarded, and notice this is why the master is calling his first two servants “both good and faithful”. He can discern their faith from their works, because they have the kind of living faith James 2:17 speaks of. Hence, they are good, not faithful only.
Mat 25:24 - Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
Isn’t it interesting that when the day of reckoning comes, those who did no real works have to come up with some story to explain to their master why their disobedience and lack of work left them high and dry with nothing to show for their laziness?
Mat 25:25 - And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
But, the master will surely be gracious, and will probably reward this lazy guy with tons more benefits than the former two servants that did real works combined, right Professor? Because we all know those who refuse to do works and won’t lift a finger to obey their master are far more deserving and valuable than those who actually do works to obey their master, right? Let’s see what Christ has to say about that below.
Mat 25:26 - His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
Oh, he didn’t give the favorable “Well done thou good and faithful servant” to this lazy fellow. This isn’t looking good for this guy at all. Maybe refusing to do works is a really bad idea after all.
Mat 25:27 - Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
*Now, Christ is the master who is returning at the second coming in this parable. And he will take account of his servants, but this guy has no works. And Christ wasn’t expecting him to work hard enough to double his talent, just do enough to produce a small increase through the money exchangers. But, like most workafobic Christians, this guy didn’t want to be bothered with the idea of work and obedience. Like Paul, he thought he had a much better idea and chose to do no work to increase his master’s talent instead. Unfortunately, that supposed much better idea backfired in the worse possible way.
Mat 25:28 - Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
Notice, Christ put’s this man’s talent into the hands of someone who will do the work to produce a meaningful increase. Why not instead give it to another servant who refuses to do works in order to be saved by faith alone? Christ just isn’t complying with Paul’s approach here. He seems to rather appreciate real results from people who are willing to put in the work. How dare he! That doesn’t fit the narritive of the Paulites.
Mat 25:29 - For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
That sounds ominous, but it underscores why God cannot trust people who do not love and respect him enough to even want to obey him with their works. So, God returns the favor by taking away from them what he has already blessed them with, leaving them with nothing to show for their laziness.
Mat 25:30 - And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Ah, and this underscores the danger of following Paul’s gracer mantra and doing no works in order to be saved. It doesn’t take Christ long to figure out why those who refuse to do works are such an unprofitable servant and need to be cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Didn’t Isaiah 8:20-22 say that would happen too, Professor?
Very well said! Subscribed
Not really, completely 180 degrees upside down in context..
@@6969smurfy Nah... see: Isaiah 42; Luke 9:35; Romans 8:2
When you dont keep the commandments, it's like taking the beautiful garments YHWH made out of your filthy rags and throwing them in the mud.
Hebrews 10:
26¶For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
27but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.
28Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
29Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?
Isaiah 53:11b, Says, my righteous servant makes the many righteous. But Rob says, he had to die to become more Righteous. I don't know what bible Rob is using, but if I were him, I would find me another bible, or consult his theologian friends.
Allowing me to clarify, Luis. In the video I said that through Jesus' life, suffering, death, and resurrection He achieved perfect righteousness. By that I meant that, while Jesus was always perfectly righteous and without sin, it wasn't until after His resurrection that His perfect righteousness could be credited to us. I certainly could have worded it more clearly!
The only way we could be reconciled to a holy and perfect God was with a holy and perfect offering, which we would not have had if Jesus was not without sin. As Peter wrote, “For you know that it is not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed . . . but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect” (1 Pet. 1:18-19). It was the sinless blood of Christ alone that was able to bring peace between God and mankind (Col. 1:20). And with this reconciliation, we can be “holy in [God’s] sight, without blemish and free from accusation” (Col. 1:22).
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots Robert Solberg, in your response to Luis, if that is what you meant and that you could have worded it more clearly, then you need to make a quick 3-minute video explaining what you meant because what you meant and what you wrote are totally opposite, and what you wrote does not even insinuate what you meant. But the question that I have to ask is one that Luis pointed out, but that is not why you meant why a diplomat?
I pointed this out to many, and they do not agree with your statement, so instead of answering per person, just post a quick video to clear up that statement. Many would appreciate that.
The one thing I learned about theologians is that they do not like to correct themselves because of pride; most of them think they are God's teachers.
It is your decision.
@TheBiblicalRoots if you really meant it the way you explain it to me, then why the certificate of perfect righteousness?
Hey professor Solberg! God Bless! I hope you have a moment to answer a question.
These videos are excellent and I'm concerned at how many times I have to refer back to your videos to defend myself against other Christians who like to keep a Saturday Sabbath and Jewish holidays and who claim I'm not living right. It's been frustrating but enlightening to have to deal with.
So Recently I was convicted to do some more research on the Sabbath. I came to the understanding that Sabbath in Hebrew is translated to Saturday in English. I was concerned briefly until I remembered Im saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Then found our Sunday being the first day of the week was established back in 321AD. So the question is: do we have any biblical backing in this regard as to what the day actually is because our world's calendar has been manipulated? I wonder what our Hebrew Roots friends would say about this as well.
Hi, Daniel. There is a whole lot of confusion about the Sabbath out there, that's for sure. Let me try to add a little clarity if I can.
The Hebrew root behind שַׁבָּת (Shabbat) means "to cease, to stop, or rest." And, of course the word Shabbat (Sabbath) came to be used as the name of the seventh day rest that God commanded Israel through Moses. The Hebrew word שַׁבָּת (Shabbat) is etymologically connected to the Hebrew word for seven, שֶׁ֫בַע (shevah), but it has nothing to do with the English word "Saturday." Our weekday names actually come from Roman mythology, and Saturday is named after the Roman god Saturn. The Sabbath rest commanded in the Torah was never changed to Sunday. It was given to be celebrated on the seventh day of the week, and the Bible never changes that. So Sunday is not the "Christian Sabbath," as is often thought.
For Christians, meeting on the first day of the week came about for two reasons. First, the Mosaic observance of the seventh day Sabbath ceased to be a requirement for Christians (Col. 2:16-17). It has never been prohibited, forbidden, or changed. It simply became _optional._ Christians are free in Christ to celebrate the seventh day Shabbat if they choose.
Secondly, something far more important than Shabbat came along. God chose to resurrect Jesus on the first day of the week, Sunday. And that is the same day of the week on which Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to believers in Jerusalem to began His new church (Pentecost, see Acts 2). Because the first day of the week was blessed by God in these ways, it came to be referred to as "The Lords Day" (Rev. 1:10). And in the New Testament we see the disciples gathering, worshiping, and fellowshipping on the first day of the week (e.g., Acts 20:7, 1 Cor 16:2). And the early Christian writing called _The Didache_ confirms this was happening.
So my position is that the moral principles behind the Mosaic Sabbath are still in effect-the necessity of rest and setting time aside for God both personally and communally, of remembering what He’s done in our lives, of remembering that He is the source of our salvation, that God is our ultimate provider and sustainer, that we are to tend to the needs of those around us, including those who work for us, foreigners, even animals. But they are no longer lived out in the context of a mandated seventh day rest.
Sorry to ramble. Hope that helps a little!
@TheBiblicalRoots OH no rambling detected here! Lol! This is incredible information and I will be sharing this with my brothers and sisters. Thanks so much! God Bless!
To add to what Rob shared, the Sabbath was always a day of rest but not a designated day of worship. Worship requires sacrifice which, under the Mosaic law, occurred everyday. The NT sacrifice is offered everyday but, as Rob eluded to, primarily on Sunday, the Day of the Lord.
Oh dear. The first verse quoted from Isaiah is already taken out of context to make it support a doctrine that is completely off the mark. Here is the verse in context:
Isaiah 64:4-6 For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him. Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, those that remember thee in thy ways: behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved. But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.
Clearly Isaiah is not speaking of good works of the kind Solberg was speaking. Isaiah speaks about a people that have committed iniquities, serious sins, so bad that God his his face from Israel.
I’m ashamed for my fellow Christians who abuse Scriptures to make them support ideologies that are contrary to what it acutely says. Christians should really learn to read scripture in context and correctly. They don’t like it when New Testament quotes are taken out of context but don’t seem to care to constantly misquote Scriptures from the TeNaCh.
The NT doesn't "misquote" the OT, it interprets it through a proper Christological lens. Jesus illuminates the Tanakh and shows that it means even more than we thought!
Blessings, Rob
@@TheBiblicalRoots you’re right, Christians interpret the TeNaCh using a Christological lens. But isn’t that a problem, you interpret things into the TeNaCh that aren’t actually there. Shouldn’t it rather be the other way round, to look at the New Testament through the lens of the TeNaCh. If something doesn’t agree with the Torah and the Prophets, shouldn’t we disregard it? For over three hundred years most Christians regarded only the TeNaCh as inspired scripture.
@@rightousliving I'd say it all depends on the resurrection of Jesus. If it's true, it means that God validated Him as a true prophet and everything He thought was true. And if everything He thought was true, then we need to interpret the Scriptures that pointed to him in light of this new revelation of God.
By way of the analogy, did you ever see the movie The Sixth Sense? In it, a young boy is having scary visions of dead people and his mom hires a therapist help him. He tries all sorts of treatments, but the boy's visions persist. Near the end of the movie, we get the shocking revelation that the therapist (played by Bruce Willis) has been dead the entire time! It turns out that the boy can see dead people. This unexpected twist is what made the movie famous. If you re-watch the movie (like I did) you notice all kinds of clues that had been sitting in plain sight the whole time. You notice that no one other character in the movie ever interacts directly with the dead therapist; his only actual conversations are with the boy who can see him. And you realize, for example, that the therapist's wife wasn’t mad at him or being cold like we thought. She was acting like he didn’t exist because he was dead and she couldn’t see him. These clues were there for us all along, but it is not until the revelation later in the film that we fully understand what they mean.
The same is true of the Bible. Once our eyes are opened to God’s new revelation through Yeshua, the Tanakh comes into sharper focus. We begin noticing clues left by the Author that were sitting in plain sight the whole time. We discover that Jesus is the promised Messiah who is referred to and foreshadowed and prophesied all throughout the Hebrew Bible! The Tanakh is not wrong and it is not to be thrown away. In fact, because of God’s later revelations, it means even more than we thought. And our new understanding makes it even more amazing.
Shalom, Rob
Nearly 100% of the time that Paul, specifically, mentions “the Law”, he’s referring to the ritualistic and ceremonial parts of the Mosaic Law…He is, in NO WAY, negating following God’s MORAL law…Paul, nor Jesus or any of His chosen apostles for that matter, would have argued that a man who is drawn to sex outside of marriage, for instance, would, or could, expect to “inherit eternal life”…To argue anything else is just unbiblical and directly against the spirit of the Bible, and everything Jesus taught. I ask, what did Jesus Himself, and Paul for that matter, tell us that Jesus would be looking for on the day of Judgement?? How are we to be judged? I direct you to both John 5:28-29, and Romans 2:6-11…
Like the late brother David Pawson pointed out the only time the phrase "faith alone" is used in the Bible in James 2:24 it actually says "NOT by faith alone". But then not obeying the Old Testament Torah, but the new/royal law ratified by Christ. Our faithfulness after accepting salvation, only possible through accepting what Jesus did and not by anything we could do, will determine where we would ultimately end up. Sadly there would be many BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS in hell who didn't endure to the end and did not continue believing in and did not carry on abiding in Christ. These OSAS teachers, like Rob Solberg, are the most dangerous because they say so many true things but then the mix in this OSAS poison. God have mercy.
Hi Theuns. It doesn't make a difference whether the English phrase "faith alone" is found in the Bible. Even the word "Bible" isn't found in the Bible! What matters is whether the _concept_ of "salvation by faith alone" is found there. And it absolutely is. In fact, in this passage in Ephesians, we not only learn that salvation is by faith alone, we're also are shown the proper role of "good works" in the life of a believer.
"For by grace you have been *saved through faith.* And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, *not a result of works,* so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." (Eph 2:8-10)
We are fully expected to walk in good works, but that is not where our salvation comes from. If it was, we would all go around bragging, "Look at me! I saved myself!" Good works are not the _source_ of our salvation, they are the _result_ of it.
@@TheBiblicalRoots He did not say its not found but where it IS found it states the opposite
We have to have the works according to the bible, We do NOT earn it the bible is clear
But we have to KEEP his commandments,
Read John 15 we do NOTHING to get attached to the vine
We can do NOTHING of our own power,
But we DO have the responsibility to KEEP his commandments
WE DO have the ability to NOT keep his commandments
IF we do NOT keep his commandments what does it say will happen, we will wither be cut off and then thrown into the fire
This is why Jude said keep yourself in the love of God
Or John in rev says the bride makes herself ready and the white robes are the righteous acts of the saints
Jesus Blood brings us back into covenant with God and he gives us Power over sin and Satan this is what the scripture states
But IF IF IF we do not want him to rule over us he will NOT force us he will weed out of HIS kingdom all those who practice lawlessness
We have to endure to the end we have to obey to be saved in the end
the scripture sates this over and over again we are INITIALLY SAVED like the Israelite are brought out of Egypt but most of them perished in the wilderness and were NOT SAVED IN THE END
@@TheBiblicalRoots I can't believe you are a professor. It's not so hard to understand, but you don't want to because of maybe other pressures like income or worrying what your peers might say, who knows? Of course we are saved through faith and not through our works, but you even quoted the rest THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. The implication of not abiding, not walking in, not enduring, not continuing is hell. It's got nothing to do with Torahism, we are under a New Covenant with a New Torah(instructions) the Law of Christ. This is serious and you are leading thousands astray.
Atonement being for past sins only for a profession of faith, after baptism we shall live by faith without sin, so what 'works' can you mean? Faith is proven by good works.
And Paul writes, that God has prepared for us works in which we should go. So He has for every believer created special deeds. This is our goal, that we should do what He had planned for us and has written them in a book in heaven. Did you know that failing a goal is sin? When you shoot an arrow and not meeting the goal, that is sin.
And to believe, what God has promised, that is righteousness and a good deed.
@@biblischerMinnegesang888 God planned we do good works to prove our faith, all that is not of faith is sin. Not believe what God has promised is righteousness, that is belief, faith is righteousness because all unrighteousness is sin, so righteousness is faith.
@@simonskinner1450You said all that is of faith is sin?
@@simonskinner1450 please read what you write.
@@sundownsam Corrected. Thank you.
Dear Professor, what you are saying here is so incredibly wrong, it deserves a proper treatement. What you say below is a perfect example of how folks like you completely misunderstand those who claim their works play a role in their salvation.
Solberg: 2 Corinthians 10:17 says, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
*Sure, Paul was likely deriving that idea from Psalms 34:2.
Psa 34:2 - My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.
But, telling us it is okay to make our boast in the Lord doesn’t really tell us one way or another what role works and/or faith play in the plan of salvation. So, you are using Paul to introduce a distraction here that has nothing solid to do with the central point you are hoping to make.*
Solberg: And that’s the problem with thinking that our works have anything to do with our
*So, then you must believe Christ was desperately wrong in the parable of the sheep and goats of Matthew 25. Because he saved the sheep who did the list of works he mentions there, but he sent the goats to their destruction for failing to do that same list of works. The implication being that if the goats had done the works that the sheep did, they likely would have been saved, rather than cursed and destroyed. Thus, Christ is saying works are pretty much essential to our salvation in that parable whether Christians want to hear and believe what Christ is saying there or not.
Mat 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Mat 25:42 - For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
Mat 25:43 - I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
But, this is precisely the moment the goats should be kicking up a fuss and complaining to Christ and saying, “Hold on a moment, you are wrong, Paul says we don’t need works in order to be saved.” Let me guess, the goats were unfamiliar with the most important defense they could have raised, and Christ was equally unaware and forgot to remind them of the defense Paul left behind in Ephesians 2:8-9, right? Christ didn’t waste his time with it, because the goats had no defense, Professor. If you see others in desperate need and you refuse to help them whatsoever, your lack of works may cost you your salvation is the message of this parable. This isn’t simply a simple matter at the core of man’s salvation, but this is a matter on which the stability of societal existence itself utterly depends on. A society will never last for long if its members have no active love or compassion for others in need and you let negligence thrive in society instead which is precisely at the heart of most crimes against humanity. Love is not expressed by lip service, Professor, but by works. And if you don’t understand that fundamental truth, then you don’t know what love is or why the law contains the two love commandments as its foundation as Christ tried to teach you in the gospel. And so, the more you attack the law and the loving works it compels God’s people to do, the more you attack love itself.
You have to read the parable from Matthew 25 with your eyes shut to miss the point. And the works listed here are not the only works essential for obtaining salvation, but this example is a particularly close issue to Christ’s heart, because these are works of sheer love and compassion. So, are loving, compassionate works essential to our salvation? Absolutely! And this was the parable James read before he called paul’s idea of being saved by faith without works into question in James 2:14. Verses 15 and 16 are examples James was borrowing from Christ’s parable, because he perfectly understood Christ’s point that it is the works that actually matter more than the faith. Without works, your faith is simply dead and imperfect, not really fit for much of anything.*
Solberg: If I could earn this level of righteousness through my own works, I wouldn’t need Jesus.
*You mean like the sheep in the parable of the sheep and goats who did the works Christ listed and were saved? Christ does not say anywhere that this means they no longer need Christ. He didn’t make that argument in the case of those he spared for doing the work of increasing their talents in the previous parable in Matthew 25 either. So, I tend to think Christ does not agree withyou on this particular front, Professor. It would appear that your notion of what it means to be saved by works is not properly understood. But, that seems to be a problem throughout the broader Christian faith as well. It suggests that people believe the thing God is offended by the most is people who love him enough to actually want to serve and obey him as he commands them to do, but genuine love for God will drive you to want to obey his law, not run from his law, because his law is where God defined what love is in the two great commandments.
So with the illustration you gave, the person with those given good deeds also confessed the sins that he committed to God, that would give him the righteousness from Jesus, wouldn't it?
May Yehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, rebuke you for teaching a doctrine of demons to those who confess Yeshua is lord. What you are stating is that Yeshua, who was brought forth from the Father, who is perfect and righteous in everything, had to receive a more perfect righteousness than he already had. Read Hebrews 10:14. It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. In that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process. You started with Philippines 2 and ignored what was stated in that verse. What you did was belittle the Yeshua deity with your stupid ideology. Like I mentioned in your deconstruction videos, deconstruction should begin with theologians teaching. He is called the Holy One, God-anointed, and the Righteous Branch. But for you, he had to achieve a more perfect righteousness. Anyone accepting this video as truth should examine themselves to see if they are being enlightened by the spirit or the so-called theologians.
Just goes to show that he does not speak according to the Scriptures.
@@DefendingTheTruth I don't know what LGTV is. You would have to ask him that question, I cannot answer for him
Christ be with you
you are correct that CChrist is mad perfect
Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; *and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,* being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz′edek. (Heb 5:8-9)
however more is needed to be done for us to be sanctified.
we must reject sin, and live in righteousness as slaves to God,
What then? *Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!*
Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to any one as obedient slaves, *you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death,* or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, *and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.*
I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once yielded your members to impurity and to greater and greater iniquity, so now yield your members to righteousness for sanctification.
When you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
But then what return did you get from the things of which you are now ashamed? The end of those things is death.
*But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the return you get is sanctification and its end, eternal life.*
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (rom 6:15-23)
God bless you
@@MrKev1664 is not a matter being perfect was post about, but the rejection of what this infidel is regurgitating as truth to the believers.
@@DefendingTheTruth LGBT???
Unfortunately Rob neither declaring someone righteous, nor imputation of righteousness, is passing righteousness to us, it is declaring or accusing us of being righteous.
Abraham's faith in God was credited to him as righteousness.
@@PutOnTheNewWineskin And all that is not of faith is sin, all unrighteousness is sin, righteousness is equivalent to faith as faith is proven by good works. Righteousness is judicial approval to the law of righteousness, in the trial of faith we need good works.
Robert Solberg made the following statement: That Yeshua achieved perfect righteousness after his resurrection. Do you agree with that statement or would you verbally denounce that statement. If you are true to scriptures, you would denounce that statement. I challenge you.
@@sundownsam3369 Jesus sanctified himself for the truth of righteousness in his lifetime.
Without remembering any point he was making, after his resurrection it was 40 before he was revealed as our judge.
@@simonskinner1450 You are not getting it. Start at the one-minute mark, which is about 15 seconds, and tell me if you agree with his statement or if you will denounce that statement. If you do not denounce his statement, that will be because you agree with his statement.