She wasn't forgotten but what does that have to do with Knox's and Sollecito's guilt or innocence? I think Sollecito was just as "forgotten" by many people as Kercher. You can blame the media for that. It's the Brit tabloids like The Sun and Daily Mail and the Italian papers that made this about Knox because that's what sold.
We've got a couple of books from the Old Palace School library my sister never gave back that have a record in their checkout log of Meredith borrowing them. Quite spooky really. I have no idea how we ended up having them, when Meredith was killed my sister had already left the school, must've been dumb luck.
@@katec9893 She's been interviewed in person by both a prison psychiatrist and Dr. S. Kaufman (psychologist) and neither found her to have any kind of mental disorder. Kaufman gave her a psychopath test and she scored "very, very low" on it. But who to believe? Two doctors or internet armchair psychologists who haven't got a clue?
@@Sam-pie You are right, I assume that person is one of her paid PR team, they've written 1000s of comments defending her and relentlessly harass people in the comments who can see through the lies.
@@monicanath4859 I agree with you about the murder case, but hate to tell you that Tang is a bot not a real person, RUclips is getting plagued with them at the mo.
I remember how much clamor this story had in Italy. I was just a boy at the time and didn't really understand what had happened, but it must have been one of the most famous cases of my generation. And here I am now, scared by the fact that, through all those spotlights, I have never heard this girl speak.
It goes to show just how powerful the media is. From propaganda to speculation to embedding thoughts and emotions you wouldn't otherwise have... it's really really scary actually. I shouldn't just say media but government actors in society etc. There's been huge atrocities committed by group think. (Found the word/ answer I was really looking for through rambling lol) GROUP THINK... IT IS dangerous!
@@LordBruuh No. lol You new here? They've had so many issues with YT, from demonetization, copyright claims, and straight up taking down certain episodes because "reasons." Some old JRE eps were controversial. Like Rogan and plenty of his friends has said countless ridiculous things, and some are incredibly incriminating. It was a different time. A lot of those were clipped so you can find it yourself. Joe himself agreed to take it down to avoid useless heat. It was his decision. Spotify didn't just give him an ultimatum. They've an actual contract. Whereas in YT, Joe has no say in the matter. Big difference.
For people that are not trained to resist interrogation after 24 hours of constant interrogation you won’t even remember the truth once the hunger fatigue fear and delirium sets in
That’s true except she willingly was interrogated for a short time. Like 4 hours. I’ve had a 14 hour work day in the Chicago winter outside and it never caused me to hallucinate
You have to be trained so as to only answer with truth or information that you are aware of. You cannot answer speculative questions and for most questions your answer is just going to be no comment as you truly are not going to be able to answer the question.
Hmmm... I suggest you go back to 8:40 when he asks her that question and listen again. She goes into great detail for several minutes of what it was like. Claiming she dodged the question is absurd.
hard to call it out for sure, but she hid so many things and changed versions so many times that her self-proclaimed complete innocence is hard to believe
As a former officer trust me when I say, NEVER talk to the police without an attorney. Especially, if they say you are not a suspect they just want to gather some information. I’ll never forget day one on the job our police union president explained, if we ever get in trouble on the job (arrested,etc.) we should never speak to the investigating brass without FIRST calling our union-provided attorney . I remember that moment distinctly. I thought to myself, damn, if the POLICE themselves want an attorney present when they being interviewed by their fellow officers---- you better bet a citizen needs an attorney as well 🤷♀️. Also, never blow if being pulled over for a DUI.
Really I learned that lesson by chance. I watched cops and always saw the people who never said shit and didn’t do shit get out. I got pulled over , did not do an FST , did not blow, didn’t consent to blood, I spent the night in jail and the next day my lawyer had to get me my license back but I didn’t get a DWI! My lawyer gave me props and I even showed her how one can order new licenses online
@brandihillcom I can tell you must have been a good cop, because the only difference between a good cop and a bad cop - a good cop knows their job isn’t supposed to be easy. Thank you for your service to your community 🇺🇸👮
Can I ask you to elaborate on what you meant by "never blow it being pulled over for DUI". I was under the impression that if you refuse a blow test when you've been pulled over due to suspicion of driving under the influence, that they'll just draw your blood when you get to the police stanytion...? Am I wrong about that? Thanks in advance!
@@KelleyBroussardMackaig @AnthonyGonzales sometimes they do pull a warrant for blood draw. which takes time (which is a good thing), generally it is only done when a fatality or significant bodily harm has occurred or say you yourself are too injured, unconscious to do the breath test. There is a video on RUclips of a nurse who they arrested because she Rightfully refused to draw blood of suspect without a warrant. The video is horrific to watch but I think she sued agency for incredible amount of money. Taking someone’s body fluids is pretty fucking serious overreach-- asking hospital to do it without a warrant is insanity.. Generally speaking if you are respectful and easy going and just politely say something like “ respectfully, my aunt is an attorney she has advised me it’s in my best interest to not do the breathalyzer.” They will be cool. You are also telling them in a polite way you have representation (this is something most people they deal with can’t afford so it’s kinda like what’s the point she has an attorney that’s gonna get her off and I’m gonna be forced to sit in court over this- maybe they’ll juat be cool abd not make a big deal. Every officer will be different obviously. A lot of states (Florida where I live ) will automatically suspend your drivers license when you refuse to take a breathalyzer. Sometimes officers will tell you this to “encourage” you to take the test. Juat know if you blow over the limit your license is gonna get suspended anyways 🤷♀️-- keep in mind if you remain respectful in courtroom too most judges will give you hardship license so you can atleast do your basic task such as take kids to school and go to work…. But it you blew some crazy high number and say you have a past dui or some other past traffic record they may be less likely to be as flexible. Essentially by not blowing you are giving the prosecutor less evidence to work with . Always being nice and respectful to officers and courts “yes mame no sir” etc helps alot!!!
I'm from Italy and I was 10 when this case happened. I remember very clearly the 4 to 5 years that followed the fact, all the news and the media talked exclusively about Amanda and the whole case, at least 4 times a week. It was exhausting to say the least.
It goes to show just how powerful the media is. From propaganda to speculation to embedding thoughts and emotions you wouldn't otherwise have... it's really really scary actually. I shouldn't just say media but government actors in society etc. There's been huge atrocities committed by group think. (Found the word/ answer I was really looking for through rambling lol) GROUP THINK... IT IS dangerous!
I was hoping that we would take Italy to war for imprisoning one of our citizens. I still think we should've and sent a message to the world that America will not tolerate that type of barbaric mistreatment of our people.
@@mattrutledge6840 dumbest comment ever. Italy is an ally genius, just because they made a mistake doesn't mean any other innocent should get hurt. It's not teaching anyone a lesson but how much of a bully ppl like you are
According to the FINAL VERDICT of the Italian courts: 1) Knox was guilty of and did 4 years for falsely accusing her boss for the murder of Meredith Kercher. 2) Knox and Sollecito were in the cottage at the time of the murder. 3) Due to the lack of defensive wounds and the use of 2 different sized blades to kill Meredith at least 2 persons were involved in the murder. 4) Rudy Guede was found guilty of murder and did not act alone. Knox even admitted this to Joe Rogan. 5) The other assailant/s identities remain a mystery. 6) Sollecito's and Meredith's DNA were found on one of the alleged murder weapons: a kitchen knife found in Sollecito's apartment cutlery drawer. It had been disinfected with bleach. But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because hey their respective DNA could have gotten there any random way. 7) Sollecito's DNA was found on Meredith's bra clasp which had been sliced from her bra. But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because the bra clasp had been hidden on Meredith's floor for weeks after the murder and Sollecito's DNA could have landed on the bra clasp any other way. Even though Sollecito didn't live in the cottage and supposedly never went in to Meredith's room. But ok. 8) Amanda's DNA was also found in Meredith's room and Filomena's room. Even though she denied being in either the room of the murder or the room of the staged burglary......but that was also seen as inconclusive. So a lot of interesting coincidences. But that's all they are my friends.
1) "Knox was guilty of and did 4 years for falsely accusing her boss for the murder of Meredith Kercher." Nope. She was finally sentenced to THREE years, not four. Marasca MR, pg 56: "Recalculates the sentence imposed upon appellant Amanda Maria Knox for the crime of calumny in three years of confinement." 2) "Knox and Sollecito were in the cottage at the time of the murder." Based on solely on her calunnia false confession, which, curiously, never mentions Sollecito being there. 3) "Due to the lack of defensive wounds" Kercher had 3 defensive wounds on her hands. The same knife could have made all the knife wounds on Kercher. "b. That detected at the level of the palm of the right hand and the II and III fingers of the left hand can be traced back to possible "defensive injuries" occurred in an invalid attempt to oppose the knife." (Lalli autopsy report, pg. 68_ 4) "...and the use of 2 different sized blades to kill Meredith at least 2 persons were involved in the murder" Prof. F. Vinci's assessment of the wounds completely disagreed: " All the stab wounds reported by Meredith Kercher are perfectly compatible with the use of a single knife whose dimensions are comparable to the traces found on the mattress cover in the room of the victim and referred to in frames n.171, 173 and 174 (progressive numbering of the images collected on the DVD prepared by the Scientific Police." (Vinci Report, June 30, 2009, pg 31_) 5)"4) Rudy Guede was found guilty of murder and did not act alone. Knox even admitted this to Joe Rogan." LOL! Knox agreed that is what Guede was convicted of, not that he did not, in fact, 'act alone'. 6) "5) The other assailant/s identities remain a mystery." There were no other assailants which is why zero evidence of any person except Guede and Kercher was found in her bedroom. 7) "6) Sollecito's and Meredith's DNA were found on one of the alleged murder weapons: a kitchen knife found in Sollecito's apartment cutlery drawer." LOL! Are you freaking kidding me? Sollecito's DNA was NEVER claimed to be on the knife, not even by the prosecution or Police Scientifc Officr Stefanoni who did the analysis. Amanda's was found...because she used the knife to cook with. 8) "It had been disinfected with bleach." Again, LOL! If it was cleaned with bleach, then how the hell could Stefanoni claim Kercher's DNA was on the blade? BLEACH DESTROYS DNA. That's why it's used to clean lab. Your claims just get more and more stupid. 9) "7) Sollecito's DNA was found on Meredith's bra clasp which had been sliced from her bra. " Nope. The conclusion of the two independent, court appointed forensic experts: " we do not accept the conclusions regarding the certain attribution of the profile found on trace B (blade of knife) to the victim Meredith Susanna Cara Kercher, since the genetic profile, as obtained, appears unreliable insofar as it is not supported by scientifically validated analysis" (Conti & Vecchiotti report, ITEM 36 (KNIFE)) 10)..."But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because the bra clasp had been hidden on Meredith's floor for weeks after the murder and Sollecito's DNA could have landed on the bra clasp any other way. Even though Sollecito didn't live in the cottage and supposedly never went in to Meredith's room. But ok." It wasn't non-conclusive at all and the clasp wasn't 'hidden'; it was found across the room in a pile of dust and dirt 6 WEEKS LATER. But how was it likely contaminated? Gee...maybe because the police video shows the incompetent scientific police Stefanoni TOUCHING IT WITH HER DIRTY GLOVE THAT SHE ADMITTED SHE HAD NOT CHANGED AFTER TOUCHING OTHER OBJECTS, DROPPING IT ON THE FLOOR, AND THEN PASSING IT AROUND TO OTHER OFFICERS WITH THEIR DIRTY GLOVES? But, OK 11) "8) Amanda's DNA was also found in Meredith's room and Filomena's room. Even though she denied being in either the room of the murder or the room of the staged burglary......but that was also seen as inconclusive." Oh, dear. NONE of Amanda's DNA was found in Meredith's room! No DNA, no fingerprints, not foot-shoe prints...nada: "However, a matter of undoubted significance in favour of the appellants, in the sense that it excludes their material participation in the murder, even if it is hypothesised that they were present in the house on via della Pergola, CONSISTS OF THE ABSOLUTE LACK OF BIOLOGICAL TRACES ATTRIBUTABLE TO THEM (except the clasp which will be dealt with further on) IN THE MURDER ROOM OR ON THE VICTIM'S BODY, where instead numerous traces attributable to Guede were found. It is indisputably IMPOSSIBLE that traces attributable to the appellants would not have been found at the crime scene had they taken part in Kercher’s murder (the room was of small dimensions: 2.91 x 3.36 m, as shown in the plan reproduced in f: 76)." (Marasca-Bruno Report, pg 47-48) Try again.
@@mytrip6991 Jeez they really are paying you by the word. Good luck affording those rising bills. I'm feel bad for you that soon the McCann case will be aired for all to see and such trolling won't work anymore. Not that you are convincing anyone anyway haha
That’s a different story, and it’s her families place to tell that. There’s no way a person who knew her only a couple weeks can be expected to do her justice.
Why did she accuse her Black boss of the murder? He was easily cleared, he was catering to his patrons when the crime occurred. She also lied about being in her apartment that night and seeing Lumumba there, when in fact she was with Solecito. This is a web of lies, and she only has herself to blame for what happened after. It was obvious she though Italy would be like the USA where it's enough to blame some black guy to walk free.
1). She didn't bring up her boss, Patrick Lumumba; the police did. The police misinterpreted her text to him acknowledging his text telling her not to come to work that night. She said "Ok, see you later. Good night". The police insisted that meant she planned a meeting with him "later" that night. She denied repeatedly that she had met him or taken him to the cottage but the police calling her a liar. The interpreter told her she had 'traumatic amnesia" and that she'd remember "the truth" if she just kept trying. She had no lawyer which was legally required and the interrogation was not audio or video recorded. The police wrote up the "confession" and she signed it after being worn down. That confession was ruled to be inadmissible in the murder trial due to her right to a lawyer being violated. This is all in the court records. Your need to resort to allegations of racism just shows you have little knowledge of the facts of the case. You do know the actual, convicted, just released from prison murderer--Rudy Guede-- is black? If she were involved she'd know that and, according to you, just have named him if all she wanted was to blame a black guy.
@The Hand 1) "She had the opportunity to say her statement was false. She let him stay in jail. To this day, she has not apologized." False. She said in her written statement, aka First Memorial" given to the police the very same day that "In regards to this "confession" that I made last night, I want to make clear that I'm very doubtful of the veritity [sic] of my statements because they were made under the pressures of stress, shock and extreme exhaustion. Not only was I told I would be arrested and put in jail for 30 years, but I was also hit in the head when I didn't remember a fact correctly. I understand that the police are under a lot of stress, so I understand the treatment I received," and "However, it was under this pressure and after many hours of confusion that my mind came up with these answers. In my mind I saw Patrik in flashes of blurred images. I saw him near the basketball court. I saw him at my front door. I saw myself cowering in the kitchen with my hands over my ears because in my head I could hear Meredith screaming. But I've said this many times so as to make myself clear: these things seem unreal to me, like a dream, and I am convinced that they unsure if they are real things that happened or are just dreams my mind has made to try to answer the questions in my head and the questions I am being asked. But the truth is, I'm unsure about the truth and here's why: " In these flashbacks that I'm having I see Patrik as the murderer, but the way the truth feels in my mind, there is no way for me to have known, because I don't remember FOR SURE if I was at my house that night." She is clearly stating that what she said in her 'confession' isn't reliable, including about Patrick. Yet the police kept him in jail with ZERO evidence against him for two weeks. She had no lawyer which was against both Italian and EU law and the interrogation had no audio or video recording. 2) She also DID apologize to Lumumba in court November 30, 2007: “I want to tell the truth. I’m sorry about Patrick. I’m sorry about the whole situation. I’m innocent.” She apologized to him again in her Dec. 11, 2010 appeal statement in court: "Patrick? I don’t see you. But I’m sorry. I’m sorry because I didn’t mean to do wrong to do you. I was very naïve and not courageous at all; I should have been able to withstand the pressures that caused me to do harm to you. I didn’t mean to contribute to what you have suffered. You know what it means to have unjust accusations imposed on your skin. You didn’t deserve what you experienced and I hope you will be able to find peace.” 3) "The court said that she is guilty of defamation, but you blame the police. Concerning the judgement of the court, you want it both ways." Not the same Supreme Court, that was the Chieffi SC that also sent the case back again to Nencini basically with instructions to convict the pair. Which they did. The ECHR has ruled that her defamtion conviction is 'unfair' as her statements were made during an illegal interrogation without a lawyer or a neutral translator. Italy had to pay her $21,000 in compensation and must present a plan on how they will rectify it. 4) "The monster in this murder is not the black guy Guede. The monster in this murder is the white woman Knox. Racism is why people are interested in this incident and why white people defend her." What a load of crap. GUEDE killed Kercher. It was HIS DNA inside her, on her jacket, on her bra and in her blood on her purse. It's HIS fingerprints in her blood. It's HIS bloody shoeprints under and around her body. You just need an excuse NOT to blame a black man for your own agenda. ALL the evidence points directly to him. 5) " It is a pitiable denial of guilt and a hideous appeal to racist tendencies." I've got news for you: sometimes black people ARE guilty just like people of any other color, ethnicity or religion. You clearly are the one with a race problem. It's not we who look at the evidence and not the color of Guede's skin.
@The Hand LOL! They smoked some weed like everyone else, including Kercher, the Italian roommates, and the boys who lived downstairs. Weed doesn't turn you into homicidal maniacs; it's a depressant. You get the munchies and relaxed..mellow. Their hair tests taken upon their arrests showed NO NARCOTICS of any kind in their systems. Unlike blood and urine, hair does not lose its traces of drugs over time. The prosecution's many unproven and bizarre motives that were changed more often than underwear were insulting. Y So tell me what EVIDENCE puts them in Kercher's bedroom where the murder took place.
@The Hand I did read your statement and your use of "high on drugs" instead of "marijuana" was, I believe, intentional. You do have 'knowledge of their ingestion' now thanks to me: they had no narcotics in their system. As I said, weed makes you relaxed and with a hazy memory; it does not lead to suddenly and without motive killing someone. Their alibi before the illegal and coercive interrogation of Nov. 5/6 was that they spent the evening at RS's apartment watching a movie, eating dinner, and going to bed. It was still their alibie after retracting their coerced and illegally obtained statements during the interrogation. "It allows multiple possibilities and it allows denial." What a silly statement. " The LAPD framed OJ but he still murdered his wife." At least we agree to that. But there was also sufficient evidence of his guilty without the disputed evidence of Mark Fuhrman. That jury was not going to convict him if they had a video of the murder in front of them. Speaking of dishonest cops, Science Officer Stefanoni failed to reveal in court the fact that ALL the luminol revealed 'footprints' assigned to Knox in the cottage tested NEGATIVE for blood with TMB. It took a defense expert witness to find and present in court the negative tests that Stefanoni had run. Yet Stefanoni repeatedly used the term "luminol revealed' suggesting they were, indeed, made in Kercher's blood. So much so that Judge Massei, even after acknowledging that the blood tests were negative, claimed they were in Kercher's blood!
What would her family know about facts to the case the families view is emotional only emotions arent facts if you wanted the other sides story that lays witu the prosecutor my take anyways
@@castlerock58 No, Rudy Guede did. That's why ONLY his DNA was found in her blood on her purse and under her body. It's why ONLY his bloody shoeprints were found in her bedroom. It's why ONLY he can be placed there the night of the murder.
@xman559 I just don’t understand how people whose job it is to uncover the truth can hold on so firmly to a discredited hypothesis. Is it just ego, or are they afraid admitting they were wrong would hurt their careers?
Don't forget in Italy you're Guilty until Proven Innocent , so the stakes are a lot higher and you have no freedom you are stuck in Jail till your trial, they can hold you as long as they want.
@@rottierumbles9451 In Italy they can hold you in jail without formally bringing charges for up to one year. In the US, depending on the state, they have 48-72 hours to bring charges or they must let you go.
Yeah, police are allowed to lie to get confessions. You think it's bad, but remember all people committing crimes lie when caught. At least 99 percent of them do. You wouldn't think it was so bad if police lied to get a confession of your mom's murderer.
One of the first cases I learned about that was just solid "The media don't care what the truth is, if it bleeds it leads" Easy to see how we've gotten here when journalistic integrity is completely butchered
The only weapon that will never fall to technology is propaganda. It’s actually much easier to control the herd these days considering everyone has a small computer in their possession 24/7. All one needs to do is look at the Trump coverage from 2016 to now. It’s absolutely absurd the lengths MSM/Social media goes to twist, gaslight and manipulate.
A serious of unfortunate coincidences lead people to think she’s guilty. 1. Meredith had cut her finger on Raffaele’s vegetable knife, leaving her blood on it. 2. Raffaele spilt some water in the early hours of the morning following the murder, which meant Amanda had to buy two tubs of bleach and fetch her mop first thing in the morning. 3. The next morning blood from Amanda’s ear bled into Meredith’s blood in the sink area making it look like their was a struggle between the two. 4. Amanda has this whacky zaney personality than makes her display all the traits of a liar but actually she’s just neurodivergent. 5. Amanda and Raffaele turned their phones of that night for the first time making them look suspicious. I could list more. The poor girl is just couldn’t get a break when it came to all these coincidences piling up.
"1) Meredith had cut her finger on Raffaele’s vegetable knife, leaving her blood on it.' Repeated tests found no blood on the knife. (Forensic reports Stefanoni and Conti/Vecchiotti) "2. Raffaele spilt some water in the early hours of the morning following the murder, which meant Amanda had to buy two tubs of bleach and fetch her mop first thing in the morning." Knox never bought any bleach. (Testimony Quintavalle store owner, no bottles found in cottage, no evidence of a clean up per court records) "3. The next morning blood from Amanda’s ear bled into Meredith’s blood in the sink area making it look like their was a struggle between the two." No wounds were found on Knox per doctor examination Nov. 6, 2007. No evidence of a struggle between Knox and Kercher. "4. Amanda has this whacky zaney personality than makes her display all the traits of a liar but actually she’s just neurodivergent." What are 'all the traits of a liar'? Those things that you believe are lies because you see everything through guilt colored glasses? "5. Amanda and Raffaele turned their phones of that night for the first time making them look suspicious" Yeah, having a new romantic relationship and not wanting to be disturbed or called into work when being unexpectedly given the night off due to slow business is just New lovers would never do that! "I could list more. The poor girl is just couldn’t get a break when it came to all these coincidences piling up." Yeah. Like what are the chances that not a single piece of forensic evidence could place Knox in the room where Kercher was violently sexually assaulted and stabbed to death with a knife? But Guede left bloody shoeprints under and around the body, fingerprint/palm print in blood under the body, and his DNA in her body, on her clothes, and in blood on her purse? Go figure.
@@mytrip6991 “No evidence of Meredith’s blood on the knife”. And yet we know it had been there because Rafa told us she’d had a vegetable chopping accident. Likewise, for Amanda’s ears. She told us they were all leaky. How unfortunate in both cases. All that blood getting spread around. I’ve seen you replying to every comment on every knox video. Literally thousands of comments in total. I can only asssume you’re employed by her team.
@@petelovatt8357 amanda knox's team is on the offence. I think that they are trying to win people over to their cause,because in 2024 rudy guede also might write a book.
@@Hangar.18 Unfortunately, Rudy has changed his story a few times just like Amanda and Raf., so he has no credibility either. However, I think if you wade through the lies there are a few truths in there. He said he knew Raf and they’d smoked weed together. He also said an argument broke out between the girls because Meredith accused Amanda of stealing her money. I can see this being true as well. If Rudy gives us the same chit about “it all happened while I was on the toilet” then his book won’t count for much. However, if he decides to own up AND include Amanda and Raf’s involvement, then he’s probably hovering closer to the truth than any version of the story yet. I wouldn’t count on it though. He’s a turd.
@MR IV DNA doesn't lie, the Italian authorities aren't well known for their police work. The prosecutor has become a national joke. People who think Amanda Knox is guilty are just a little slow. Seriously. The guilty guys DNA everywhere. Italian authorities are like, "witchcraft". Better be glad that didn't happen to you in another country.
@@drwerwolfenstein7124 they are so ridiculous, it’s honestly concerning watching so many people who can’t seem to grasp common sense, they prefer fantasy, these are the jury of your peers …. Yikes 😳
@@kng3785 yeah she did. Look at the case. The only reason she skipped on it is cause authorities mis handled evidence. Just cause you say doesn’t make it true you weeb.
Read "the Monster of Florence" Mignini was the same prosecuter in Amanda's case. Mignini prosecuted 20 different innocent people ,(all acquitted) alot of them spent years in prison over Mignini's false allegations. He was also charged and convicted after that case for abuse of office.
Yes most of these posters are joe Biden voters. They have no clue who she is or what happened. Still don't understand why the British girls family are still blaming Amanda. DNA don't lie.
@@drwerwolfenstein7124 wtf lmao it's a trumpster so we know he eats his own poop. makes sense, right? such a bizarre and irrational connection you have with reality
not a chance. They needed someone to blame and the Italian police used her as a scape goat. There is zero motivation for her to commit this crime. The headlines sensationalized this case when it is pretty cut and dry. They found Guede's DNA inside Meredith.
@@Goldussst Why because they have a differing opinion? I think she is guilty. I have always thought she was involved, and I have the freedom to have that opinion without you getting angered. I'd bet my last dollar she participated in the murder.
Yeah, that's so true. I have been a liar in my past and always noticed I would slow down whilst Lying and speed up when recalling real memories. Unfortunately, Amanda slows down when she is talking about the murder and how she didn't have anything to do with it. She knows much more, I have no doubt about it.
@PowerfulJRE Forget the media forget that she's American for a moment and make a timeline of all the events in detail of both her version and Rudy Guede's, then make your own opinion. The very few people who really did their homework know that she and Sollecito know more than they let out.
I have and it supports she's telling the truth. Even Guede's timeline supports Kercher was attacked shortly after arriving home and just about 30-40 minutes after the cartoon playing on Sollecito's computer stops. But in that short time, they go from watching a cartoon to deciding to go to her apartment for some unknown reason, picking up a guy that Sollecito has never met and Knox has met briefly, to sexually assaulting and murdering a girl for no reason. Yeah, right. How do you explain the complete and total absence of any forensic evidence of Knox or Sollecito in that room while there is varied and copious forensic evidence of Guede? Guede who had a very clear motive and a history of theft?
@@mytrip6991 In order to believe that Knox and Sollecito are innocent, you have to overlook the following: Knox's accusation against her employer, a claim she made after less than TWO HOURS of being interviewed (not 40, like Team Knox would have you believe - this is a proven fact) and stuck to for 3 weeks, letting her innocent boss rot in jail all the while. The fact that Meredith Kercher’s blood was found mixed inside Knox’s fresh DNA in 5 different spots in the bathroom. The fact the Knox was bleeding on the day of the murder, and left blood smeared in the bathroom, blood which she herself admits was not there the day before. Sollecito’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp - with a 16 loci match, the probability that the DNA belongs to someone else is one in a trillion, and with only ONE other DNA trace of him in the cottage (cigarette butt) the idea of contamination is near impossible. Knox’s DNA on the handle of the murder weapon and Meredith’s on the blade. Sollectio tried to explain this by saying he had accidentally pricked Meredith with his knife while she had been at his house. She had never been there. The THREE sets of bloody footprints, one a match for Guede, one a match for Sollecito, and one in Knox’s size, in her own DNA, mixed with Meredith’s. The single bloody footprint on the bathmat, which is a perfect match for Sollecito, and also, being the only bloody footprint with no others around it, is undisputed proof a clean up happened. The blatantly staged crime scene, with glass on TOP of the clothes strewn around, a near impossible window entry point, and not a single trace of Guede anywhere in that room, not to mention the fact Knox and Sollecito ‘knew’ nothing had been taken before anyone had even looked. The fact that Guede’s footprints lead right out Meredith’s room out the front door and he has an alibi for the rest of the night, meaning we KNOW it wasn’t Guede who returned to the scene hours later, staged a burglary, cleaned up and moved the body. The fact that Knox’s lamp was found in Meredith’s room with no fingerprints whatsoever - more proof of a clean up. The incredible amount of changes in her account before, during, and after she was arrested. Total lack of alibi after multiple attempts, and then Sollecito withdrawing his alibi for her. Her dubious account of her activity the morning after the murder, including her lies about Meredith’s locked door, her reaction to the blood, and the contradictions to this she makes in her testimony, email home, and in her book. The fact Knox knew several details about her murder she could not possibly have known: cause of death, position of body, that there had been more than one attacker, that Meredith had been assaulted etc. The frantic call she made to her mother in the middle of the night that she ‘forgets’ making. The witness who saw her and Sollecito by the cottage on the murder night. The shopkeeper who saw her when she claimed to be in her bed sleeping. And I can go on, and on, and on. My point is that, whatever opinion people have as to their guilty or innocence, there is enough evidence to convict, and however many times those claims of “no evidence" are repeated, it doesn't make it true
@@RYANTHEORY_ When you need to copy and paste Troll Les Grossman's misleading post, that tells me a lot. I've addressed this particular one before. I'll post it here. I suggest you read it and learn: " The fact that Meredith Kercher’s blood was found mixed inside Knox’s fresh DNA in 5 different spots in the bathroom." When DNA is deposited cannot be dated. That is a scientific fact. Finding the mixed DNA of people who live together and share the same bathroom is common and expected. The DNA does not have to be left at the same time and can be day, weeks or months apart. They become mixed when the sample swab wipes up both sets of DNA. It's like taking a yellow crayon and coloring over a red crayon marking; you'll get orange. "less than TWO HOURS of being interviewed "? The official beginning time of that interrogation was 11:00 but questioning actually began closer to 10:30 per the testimony of Ficarra who was the interrogator. The first statement was at 1:45. Unless "Mike Hunt" uses different math than the rest of us, that is not 'under TWO HOURS". "The fact the Knox was bleeding on the day of the murder, and left blood smeared in the bathroom, blood which she herself admits was not there the day before." Two small drops on the faucet were not proved to be deposited on the day of the murder. Just because Knox says she didn't see it on Nov. 1 is not proof it wasn't there. Logic says if she had seen it, she'd have cleaned it up. At the very least, she'd have lied and said she saw it but forgot to clean it. No wounds or cuts were found on Knox. "Sollecito’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp"....along with the DNA of at least two other unidentified men. Did those two men also touch MK's bra hook? Two independent, court appointed...not police...forensic experts (Conti and Vecchiotti) determined that DNA was not reliable evidence and most likely due to contamination resulting from the egregious failure to follow anti-contamination protocols by the police. "the idea of contamination is near impossible". Not according to the police video which shows the hook being touched by a visibly dirty glove, handed around to several officers also wearing gloves that Stefanoni admitted were not changed between handling evidence. "Knox’s DNA on the handle of the murder weapon and Meredith’s on the blade" Meredith's DNA was not on the blade as concluded by two independent, court assigned forensic experts. Experts who had more advanced degrees in forensics and more experience then Stefanoni who claimed MK's DNA was on the blade. Nor was any blood found on the knife after repeated testing. The only way to remove all traces was by soaking in bleach...which would have destroyed any existing DNA. "The single bloody footprint on the bathmat, which is a perfect match for Sollecito" Not according to Prof. Vinci who used Crimescope, a forensic lighting tool used to make photos more visible, and who also examined the mat in person, neither of which the prosecution expert did. He excluded Sollecito. "and also, being the only bloody footprint with no others around it, is undisputed proof a clean up happened." There is no forensic evidence of a clean up. None. Logic says that, if that were Sollecito's print, the pair would have removed the rug or at least washed it. Instead, they pointed it out to the police. i could continue with the rest of his lies, but i think I've proved what a liar he is.
@@realMaverickBuckley people claimed they were friends and ''why didn't she give a single care meredith died?? she was was your friend and your making out with your boyfriend all happy!'' This was a very big part of the case and people always bring up how cold she is. so she's probably trying to be clear.. It seems she probably disliked meredith. They weren't real friends and she just didn't care at all. Too busy sucking face with her new boy toy alphonso de credenza or w/e,,,,
@@mytrip6991 yes I know, Amanda wasn't involved in the loss of Meridith, but her family still suffered the most out of all involved and more than Amanda's family .. The victims often get forgotten in horrific situations like this. We never speak of the actual killer.... Rudy and the actual victim . Just the sensationalised Amanda
Your refusal to address the fact that not a single trace of Knox was found in Kercher's bedroom and attempt to redirect is duly noted. Also noted: your failure to acknowledge that only FIVE samples were taken in Romanelli's room while 160 were taken in Kercher's room.
How does a PR group affect the forensic evidence in a trial? Did it remove all traces of Knox's and Sollecito's invisible DNA and invisible fingerprints or their bloody foot/shoe prints?
@The hand Yes, we've gone over it and you continue to be intellectually dishonest. You dishonestly try to equate not finding a trace of Guede in Filomena's room WHERE NO STRUGGLE TOOK PLACE and where ONLY 5 SAMPLES WERE TAKEN to a room where allegedly 3 PEOPLE VIOLENTLY ASSAULTED AND HELD DOWN A FOURTH PERSON AND WHERE 160 SAMPLES WERE TAKEN. Again, you fail to mention that TWO forensic experts not paid by either the defense or the prosecution found the LCN DNA trace of Sollecito on one tiny hook to be the product of contamination by a third party due to the videotaped failure of the police scientific officers to collect the bra clasp until 6 weeks later after numerous people were in and out of that room and where objects had been tossed around AND where Stefanoni is taped touching that exact tiny bra hook with a visibly dirty and admittedly unchanged glove. How do you account for the DNA of at least 2 other men on that same tiny hook? Are you going to claim two other men touched that bra hook? WHERE are Sollecito's bloody shoe prints in Kercher's room? Where are his fingerprints? NOWHERE. Do you want to claim that he cleaned up all his other invisible DNA and fingerprints and only HIS bloody shoe prints? If so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying. There is ZERO evidence either Knox or Sollecito left her lamp in Kercher's bedroom. Since Knox had NO OTHER SOURCE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT in her bedroom other than that lamp, logic says one of them would have noticed she had no light in her own bedroom during the multiple hours of darkness between the murder and dawn. Or do you think they just fumbled around in the dark? Use your brain.
Its really disturbing how being accused of something over and over again, can cause you to question your own sanity and reality. Im a woman and as a 12 year old girl I was accused of "trying to seduce" my stepfather by the newly converted to islam-mother. She wanted me to convert to Islam and I wouldn't so she started accusing me of seducing the men in the family. It took me years to understand that she was insane and a decade to undo the damage she did to me. Never JUST BELIEVE. People will lie, to get whatever they want and there is no limit on the lies people will tell to win.
@@katherinepoltoratzky6068 but there's also people who don't want to hear the truth and when you tell them it they say "no no no it didn't happen like that, you're wrong"...
Irrefutable PROOF of Knox' lies and involvement, directly from her own mouth! 12:10 "When I was on my way back to Raffaele's THE FIRST TIME".видео.html Knox has always claimed to have left Raffaele's house the morning of November 2nd to go home, take a shower, and fetch a mop. She has always claimed to have then returned to his place specifically to get him, and upon their arrival together at the cottage everything commenced. Clearly, based on her own words in the footage linked above, she went to and from Raffaele's more than once that morning. This incriminating slip contradicts the narrative she has been feeding the public for over a decade, and proves that she has been lying about the most pertinent facts surrounding Meredith's death.
Imagine 4 years of your life was taken away from you now try pretending that you are going to be calm and reasonable about it. You are all pretending that you would do this or that when you full well know you would be a deer in headlights as well.
@D @bexlyspeed Here’s what I don’t understand: If she was there, she’d have known Rudy’s DNA would be found. If she’d wanted to save herself, she’d have told the same story - except with Rudy taking the place of Patrick. Why accuse Patrick, willingly, if she knew his DNA wouldn’t match the DNA found in Meredith? If she really is this evil genius the prosecution made her out to be, she’d have thought of that.
4:28 He asks her "How long did that take before you think you started questioning your sanity"? Her initial reply implies that it was well into the last session of the interrogation when she was exhausted. Then it seems that it was at the start of the interrogation. Just doesn't answer the question properly. Seemed misleading to me.
At 4:28, in response to when she was asked when she started to question her own sanity, she said, "It was a few hours into that final interrogation". The interrogation started at 11:00 and the first statement was made at 1:45. That's almost 3 hours. She didn't have her watch nor was there a clock for her to know how much time had passed. You are making an assumption that " it was well into the last session of the interrogation when she was exhausted. She had been exhausted well before that interrogation as even an interpreter, Ada Colantane testified. She described Amanda's condition when she saw her at around 3 pm the day before the interrogation (Nov. 4): "I realized that this girl was really tried, exhausted, she was tired because I found her practically, she was leaning on the chair with her head tilted against the wall, white in face, eyes closed, white, I was struck by this pallor and I realized that this girl was sick." Amanda had also sent an email to her friends in Seattle on Nov. 4 at 3:25 in the morning because she couldn't sleep.
@@elderlemon8020 From the court records. Rita Ficarra (Knox's chief interrogator) testimony of Feb. 28, 2009: Ficarra says she encountered Amanda about 23:00 by the elevator and, after speaking with her for a minutes, she took Amanda into a room and started asking her to think of any other men Meredith might have known or who came to the cottage. This is when Amanda starts looking in her phone contacts. Ficarra takes the phone from her and scrolls through it where she finds the text to Amanda's boss "Ok, see you later. Good night. She testifies that "See you later" suggests to her that she was meeting Lumumba later that night. The first statement at 1:45 and the second statement at 5:45 from Ficarra's deposition of 11-6-07. Ada Colantone's testimony from March 13, 2009. Email from the court records "Writings and Letters" related to Amanda.
@@elderlemon8020 I answered this yesterday in detail, but YT has a habit of posting a reply and then it just disappears. Sometimes it reappears a day or more later. Hopefully, it will reappear as I listed the exact court documents (court testimonies and depositions).
Following Gabby Petito case. Many on YT are screaming to give the entire Laundrie family the electric chair. This podcast is exactly the kind of content that needs to out there every week of every year forever.
Not even in the same damn ballpark. There is police cam video-more than an hour and a half- documenting the abusive relationship in the Petito case. The guy that called 911 called it in because Brian Laundrie was hitting Gabby.
@@kateb6893 let me stop you. yes it’s the same damn ball park. it’s the same mound. Speculators jumping to conclusions on the internet before any legal discovery is released. People screaming for a pound of flesh from their ikea fall collection with their thumbs- Mother-in-laws galore.
I was backpacking through europe when this was going, It was everywhere. The details being printed seemed so twisted and absurd it was impossible to figure out what the hell had actually happened.
Yeah Ive seen this case many times, even tried watching documentaries and timelines about it, but it is such a clusterfuck that Im still confused as hell.
I get a weird vibe from her she could be 100% innocent but the words she chooses and the way she talks/looks while explaining certain things is off I wouldn’t be surprised if she was complicit in the murder.
I don’t think her choosing her words carefully shows she’s complicit. I think it’s more that she wants to ensure that she’s not misrepresenting herself, which is smart, all things considering.
What's strange is that the supposed break, the rock is smaller than the hole on the window, suggesting it was staged. Now, why would someone fake their own break-in? Furthermore, the black dude knew Meredith. I think Amanda staged the break-in after the fact. Also, body language and how she keeps latching on to what joe is saying is a lying technique. She is super sus either way.
Guilty people are acquitted and/or released far more often due to high paid attorney's, media pressure, and political interference. It is extremely rare that a truly innocent person is convicted of a violent crime.
@@alabama.worley maybe in your social circles Alabama... but Black people and POC are often innocent on death row... its not a rarity. Our justice system is extremely corrupt and its a privilege to not see that
@@cassie4965 "Often innocent on death row"? In order to receive the death penalty, there must be SUBSTANTIAL evidence implicating the defendant. There are very few TRULY INNOCENT people on death row. This is based on statistics.
It’s not fair that we live in a society with both telemarketing AND social media ads. We may as well have one, just because life isn’t supposed to be fair. But having BOTH is a socially-constructed injustice.
I grew up 20 mins from where that happened, used to see Avery and his wild man beard on the tv in the background every morning before grade school and had no idea what it was about. So weird being older and watching it and finding out what it all was
The whole thing stinks. They convicted Brendan on an entirely different set of circumstances than Steven, for the same murder. Anyone who thinks Making a Murderer is a whodunnit murder mystery is missing the point entirely.
She's absolutely weird but that doesn't make her a murderer. And she really didn't know meredith that well so she may not have been really torn up about her death.
@@joewestau she doesn't come off "weird" in this interview but in some of her older ones she does. But I agree with you, she barely knew her. I'd honestly probably be labeled as weird in this situation too
@@AmberKelly82 Yes I understand. I just think if I was in that situation and people kept saying I wasn't acting how they thought I should act so they are charging me with murder that would be pretty awful. And what is "weird" anyway? What is "normal"? All humans are kinda weird in some way or another. But I totally get your point.
I miss the days when I could watch joe rogan on youtube. Now I just listen on spotify. I know I can watch on spotify, but that's now how I use that app. I used to just stumble upon Joe's podcasts here and randomly find one interesting in the moment and wind up watching for 2 or 3 hours.
@Raindropsonroses - I’ve read her book and seen the interviews she conducted called “The Scarlet Letter Reports.” They show that she is very caring and thoughtful.
@@TheWchurchill4pm Which is how her friends describe her; friends she's had since childhood. Friends who not only stood by her throughout this decade long ordeal forming a group "Friends of Amanda" to help her, but who flew to Perugia to testify to her character and one, Madison Paxton, who moved to Perugia to be there for her. 'Narcissistic psychopaths' don't have friends like that. But these armchair psychologists who know virtually nothing about her except for the tabloid nonsense they and the prosecution created, feel entitled to declare they know she's a psychotic narcissist. Dunning -Kruger at its finest!
@@beachboy13600 a podcast of two people who are claiming to be innocent, idk anything about the case so I have no horse in this race but op is implying that they think Amanda Knox did in fact commit the murder
Unless you're an expert in human behaviour you ain't in a position to say how someone should act when being accused of murder and possibly facing 25 years in prison. Some people fucking laugh when they're literally shitting their pants before they get killed. That's their way.
@@TheWchurchill4pm My focus was on Meredith, whom the interviewer called "this Meredith girl" why call her "this ... girl" Lumumba never got an apology from Amanda, which is pretty sad and extremely unfortunate.
@@baizawaiвидео.html That's a link to a police interrogation where the narrator breaks down the behavior of someone who is lying. I think there is similarities in Amanda's behavior when she is questioned about her murdered roommate
Ry thank goodness these things get decided based on actual evidence and not hand wavy stuff like body language. Leave that stuff to the armchair detectives.
I was a 22 year old exchange student the year before this happened. I completely understand at the time how Amanda was caught up in the language and cultural barriers. I was like a child totally at the whims of the people around me- literally everything you think is true is shifted in a foreign country. I was in so many stupid situations thinking back because I had gone from this very sheltered American life to a completely different reality. I think far too many Americans overestimate how you would act in the face of the language and cultural barriers surrounding this crime. I feel for her and for the true victim- poor Meredith and her family.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Italians found her behavior strange. Just consider how we as Americans have assumptions about people from foreign countries. While there was much human error involved in what happened to her, I think we also have to consider the cultural factors. Specifically, the universal human tendency not to challenge our individual assumptions.
@@TheWchurchill4pm I've often wondered if Amanda may be on the autism spectrum. I am certainly not saying she is because, unlike many here I don't diagnose someone when I have no professional training, but she has a lot of behaviors that remind me of a person who is mildly autistic. I have a family member in her late 20's who does not emote facially as Amanda sometimes doesn't, can act slightly "off" in situations... especially when she stressed,.and can sometimes say things that seem out of the 'norm'. Yet she is extremely smart and kind, especially to anyone she thinks is being bullied or an underdog. Amanda reminds me very much of her sometimes.
She had an interpreter at the police station toilet breaks water and food etc. she was treated fairly. The lies told to police were not due to the police treatment of her. A lot of evidence says she guilty as fk. Read the court judgement for yourself - massei report . It is thorough and fair and she was found guilty
There was substantial evidence implicating both Knox and Sollecito; luminol-revealed traces found in the hallway, in Knox’ bedroom, and in Filomena's bedroom where the staged burglary took place, as well as Sollecito’s fingerprints on Kercher’s bedroom door, and on the inside face of Laura's door. Five Luminol-revealed footprints were found in the hallway and in Knox’ bedroom. One was compatible with Sollecito’s right foot, and two were compatible with Knox’ right foot. The electropherogram peaks in most of the mixed Knox/Kercher samples were equally high, within a range consistent with blood and/or where blood was confirmed to have been, and in some samples Knox' peaks were exceedingly higher than Meredith's. Applying basic logic to the above evidence leads to only one conclusion - Knox and Meredith were bleeding at the same time. However, Knox testified that there was no blood anywhere in the cottage/bathroom on November 1st, so by her own admission her blood is dated sometime between the evening of November 1st and the morning of November 2nd. Knox testified at trial to having seen, spoken with, and/or hung out with Guede nearly half a dozen times, and other testimony confirms that he was a frequent guest of the villa, and did visit the upstairs space where the girls lived. Knox and her groupies notoriously fail to account for her Calunnia conviction, of which she's still a CONVICTED FELON to this day as a result of. She accused an innocent man of rape and murder, all in just over an hour of questioning, immediately after being informed that Rafaelle had pulled her alibi. Furthermore, Sollecito refuted the knife evidence by claiming that Meredith had cut herself with his knife while cooking at his home although she'd never been there, along with never having confirmed Knox' alibi that she was with him the entire night. Again, the evidence in its totality is overwhelming, hence the two guilty convictions. Also, note that no blood traces were found near, leading to, or in the large bathroom Guede used. Given the above, and the substantial amount of blood at the scene and what should have been on his person, it is impossible that Guede could have used said bathroom after 'attacking' Meredith. No traces of his were found in the small bathroom either, where multiple traces of Knox' DNA, Meredith's blood, and Sollecito's bloody footprint were located.. So, are we to believe that he took a crap, failed to flush, then proceeded to rape and murder Meredith, in that order? Here's an interesting fact - burglars generally burglarize; the statistics of burglars with no history of violence suddenly deciding to escalate a simple burglary into rape and homicide are nill to nonexistent. The theory of him being startled by Meredith has absolutely no effect on these statistics, because the behaviors necessary for such an escalation simply don't coincide with the facts of the case. If Guede was in the process of burglarizing the home, what did he steal? Why was nothing prepared and set aside? Why was everything of value left untouched? Remember, his shoe prints were found leading straight OUT of the cottage, yet someone had to turn and face Meredith's door in order to lock it. Blood traces on the floor indicate objects were shifted or removed after Kercher was fatally wounded, as was her body as can be seen from the blood smears in the crime scene photos. There is CCTV footage capturing Guede at various nightclubs for the majority of the evening until early morning. It was physically impossible for him to have moved Meredith's body and stage the scene, and he had absolutely no reason or motive to do so, therefore it's impossible that he acted alone. Finally, the literature on these types of crimes indicate that staging is performed in an effort to conceal one's identity due to a direct relationship with the location and/or victim - both apply to Knox, and Knox alone. JUDGE MICHELI: "Who came back, cut off Meredith’s bra and moved her body some time later? It wasn’t Guede. He went home, cleaned himself up, and went out on the town with his friends. Someone rearranged things." The only person with a motive to do so is Knox. Certainly, no stranger later entered the cottage that night, found a dead woman inside, and decided to move and stage the body and scene, bring Knox' lamp into the bloody room, selectively clean the home - going back and forth into the small bathroom, stage a break-in in another bedroom, and finally retrieve Meredith's keys (which common sense would have that they would already have been gone, along with her phone's by this time), and somehow lock her door, leaving absolutely no trace of themselves. Guede certainly did not move Meredith, as evidence shows that she did not die immediately after the fatal blow and subsequent scream. She sadly lay there for quite some time, suffocating on her own blood, and leaving an imprint in said blood on the floor with her bra strap, which required ample time to create. As mentioned above, Guede's movements can be documented well into the early morning, whereas Knox and Sollecito have absolutely no alibi for this period of time, which is undisputed, and they both had their phone's conveniently shut off.
Italy's Supreme Court let her go for her "utter and complete lack of evidence". And she sued the country in one of Europe's highest judicial courts for unlawful imprisonment and won. So, get over it!!! BTW, I zoned out after the first paragraph of your rambling.
It sounds like it was a terrible interview. Did he ask any questions around why she was the main suspect: her diary, behaviour in the police when they took her, insensitive comments witnesses spoke about? I don't see any of it being asked here
@@shonebx I think Joe did ask some of the questions. You shld watch it again. However, I'm more interested to know Amanda as a person than anything else in this interview. And she projected herself as a well centered person. I like her personality.
@@mytrip6991 Complete cognitive dissonance, people will believe in what they feel regardless of facts, it's sad that people like this can vote but it's the reality.
@@ChristopherGray00 As the saying goes: "It's easier to fool people than for people to admit they've been fooled." Even when confronted with indisputable evidence they are wrong, they'd rather continue being wrong than admit they are. It reveals a very insecure ego.
This case was fascinating because eventually, it made us question what the media tells us. 2021 - nobody believes the media anymore. I think case started it.
Yeah but the lawyers were responsible of taking advantage of that confusion and also claiming that the investigators were incompetent. That was the base of their defense.
The media was only reporting the information they received from people involved. It’s the media’s fault the government fucked Knox over? I guess this case was the point that society got so lazy that they rely on the media to dictate what reality is while being upset that it doesn’t
Nope. AZT, the "aids crisis", and anthony fauci being responsible for both was rhe start and our short term memories from constant brainwashing propaganda is not entirely perfect. There are echos from old memories and thats one that wont go away. If you were alive and old enough to think in the late 80's you know what AZT is
Imagine if I think you did something incriminating and led a hound of media and corrupt justice system to convince that you are. I bet you’d believe in it too.
Do you know the worst part of all of this? Nobody can even remember the name of the victim who was raped and murdered. All of a sudden Amanda Knox is now the victim. She still knew about it and didn't tell the full truth to the police.
You mean Meredith Kercher? You know, there can be more than one victim in a crime: the victim of the actual crime and the person/people wrongfully imprisoned and vilified for years for something they never did. People who have to deal with being insulted, called horrible names including 'psychopath', 'slut', and 'narcissist and who have to deal with every other consequence that results from being branded a killer for the rest of their lives. People who are judged by ignorant people who know virtually nothing about the actual facts of the case except for what they read in tabloids and on RUclips. Meredith was a victim of Rudy Guede and Knox and Sollecito who were his victims as well. She had nothing to do with the murder.
I can dispute that. The victim was Meredith Kercher. So, at least one person knows. Honestly, if you're going to blame someone for "no one" knowing the victim's name, blame the media and the prosecutor. They were the ones who sensationalized and rhapsodized over Amanda Knox.
I read 3 three books on this case and all I can say is the evidence on this tells me she was 100 percent guilty. Read books on the case. Examine the evidence presented in these books. Take her word for nothing.
Which books? I've read Follain, Burleigh, Knox, Sollecito, Dempsey and forensic articles on the evidence. If the evidence tell you she's 100% guilty, then you can discuss exactly what that evidence is. If not, then it's a worthless opinion. Why should we take YOUR word for anything when you make claims you've not supported with any evidence?
@@Helenwheels370 I cannot retry the case here and I cannot convince someone against their will. I read these books years ago and got them from the local library so they are no longer in my possession. Sorry. She was caught in numerous lies not to mention she stated she new the victims throat before anyone else informed her of fact. She claimed one of the investigators told her when he had not. When police brought this to her attention she stated, " well maybe It was one of her other investigators" Yeah, right!+ No one gave her that information. She had it before anyone else because she slit Miss Kercher's throat!! She also stated that just before the murder took place she was watching a movie with her boyfriend on her computer. Another lie!! Computer experts proved scientifically that that same computer was not even turned on at that time!! People only lie to cover up things they don't want others to know about. U must know at least some of this if u read all those books. There is much more incriminating evidence than I have time here. Again, I cannot retry the case. Hope we will all come to God's Truth, not our own.
@@calemcqueen The case has already been tried and the 2015 Marasca- Bruno SC ruled "the judgment under appeal annulled" ... "for the applicants not having committed the crime" (annulla senza rinvio la sentenza impugnata...per non avere i ricorrenti commesso il fatto). Your three claims are disproved by court testimony: 1) " She was caught in numerous lies not to mention she stated she new the victims throat before anyone else informed her of fact. She claimed one of the investigators told her when he had not. When police brought this to her attention she stated, " well maybe It was one of her other investigators" Yeah, right!+ " False. The reason she knew that Meredith's throat had been cut was because Luca Altieri, who broke down the bedroom door, told her in his car on the way to the police station on Nov. 2 per his Feb. 6, 2009 testimony in court. Altieri's testimony on what was happening after the medical first responders arrived on at the cottage: Altieri:...."one of the Carabinieri who was out there described what had happened, saying that her throat had been slit and the fact that she had also struggled, let's say, and so I learned this from that." Altieri - "Look, the only exchange was when we were going to the police station in my car, say, when he asked if she was dead. I was a little shocked by the question, I told him "yes". And then after he asked, if I’m not mistaken, how she died, you know, something like that, and then I explained what I had heard..." "(Defense)LAWYER -... You said to Amanda: I heard that there is a girl... she was killed because her throat was slit and she started crying as a result. WITNESS - yes." 2) "She also stated that just before the murder took place she was watching a movie with her boyfriend on her computer. Another lie!! False again: It was Raffaele's computer, not Knox's, they watched the movie Amelie on. And it was proven that the movie, DID play. From the court records: "RELAZIONE PERIZIA COMPUTER DI RAFFAELE SOLLECITO" (Expert Report on Raffaele Sollecito’s computer) Prof.Alfredo MILANI "There is detected only an activity until 9.10.32 pm [on November 1] related to the Amélie movie 'From the analysis it was possible to state that there was interactivity on the machine in the late afternoon of November 1, when, between 6.27.15 pm and 9.10.32 pm the movie Amélie was watched with the VLC software' such information is said to have been also verified through an “Apple laptop with technical characteristics similar to those of [the pc belonging to] the person under investigation" 3) "Computer experts proved scientifically that that same computer was not even turned on at that time!! " False yet again. Knox's computer hard drive was so badly fried by the police when they were attempting to copy it, that it was impossible to retrieve any data from it. In fact, they fried not only Knox's laptop hard drive, but Meredith's and one of Sollecito's, too, rendering them useless for evidence. Only Sollecito's MacBook Pro was partially retrieved showing interactivity when they watched Amelie between 6:27 pm and 9:10 pm but also a Naruto cartoon between 9:26 pm and 9:46 pm as reported by Prof. Alfredo Milani in his report: "the viewing of the “Naruto Ep.101.avi” file started at 9.26 pm (the video lasts for about 20 minutes)" Prof. Milani proved there was activity from about 6:30 until almost 10:00 pm. Kercher was attacked when she arrived home at 9:00. I guess the pair killed Kercher in the 16 minutes between 9:10 and 9:26? And that includes the 6-7 minutes needed to walk to the cottage and back.
only rudis DNA was in the just have to say you made a mistake and now have the right man but the Italian police did the opposite....keystone kops
I've lived in Italy, off-and-on, for the past 38 years beginning in 1982. Everything she claims is perfectly reasonable, and believable, with regard to their justice system. My wife and I have followed this case closely given the coverage by the Italian media and the fact that I am American ... it changed, to some degree, how some Italians viewed us. Also, this was a bigger story than the Cavalese deaths caused by the Marine pilot's negligence (for which he was wrongly acquitted and allowed to walk Scott free when he was guilty of criminal negligence and mass manslaughter at the very least imho) .... many Italians vowed that America would not escape due punishment this time, in Knox's case - Amanda Knox became the scapegoat to some degree for the ski lift deaths of which they were still angry. However, guilty or innocent, (I personally believe she was/is innocent) Amanda's west coast liberal demeanor contributed to her predicament if by nothing more than perception in the eyes pf most Italians ... body language, facial expressions, flippant remarks and lack of outwardly remorseful emotions (which is neither here-nor-there imho but this is how things were viewed by many Italians at the time) cost her dearly. In the end there are several lessons to be learned. Few actually comprehend what these lessons actually are and why it is so important to consider them as the gospel in today's world.
I think a big problem is that we don’t tend to consider people’s actions from their own point of view. If the police/media had looked at Knox’s behavior in the context of what was going on, they may have seen that there was more than one possible explanation for the things she was doing.
@@TheWchurchill4pm That is absolutely true. People also tend to forget that when it's actually happening, the person doesn't have the benefit of knowing what we know later. For example, when Sollecito called the police and said it didn't look like anything had been stolen, he only knew that things a thief would normally take like a laptop and camera were still there in plain view. He did not know that, behind her locked door, Kercher had been murdered or that things had been stolen from her purse.
@fastguitar Guede had/has mental problems. His friend, Victor Oleinikov, said that Guede would go into "fugue states" where he would black out and not remember anything: " Rudy never wanted to go home and was always happy to sleep on the floor of the apartment Victor shared with roommates. This only became a problem when Rudy started displaying very strange sleeping disorders. His eyes were normally droopy and during these attacks one couldn’t tell if he was awake or asleep. Rudy would rise in the middle of the night and, using a dresser as a black board, teach a lesson as though he was a professor, moving seamlessly between Italian and English. The students found this particularly unsettling. When he awoke in the morning he had no memory of the event. He told his friends that at home he had to hide his keys from himself because he tended to get up in this state and wander the streets, only to awaken miles from his home. He also had periods of crawling on the floor and barking like a dog."
i knew this case and read a lot, but not at its entirety. But with how it was played in the press, there is benefit of the doubt, that she might be guilty. But how she is in Joe Roggan's she seems to be in control, rekax and no emotion at all. If it were me, i will still be feeling vindictive of being incarcerated when i was innoscent. Sometimes, too much freedom, and less moral constraint, especially for a young woman just by herself in a foreign land, trouble is just around.
@@barrybergisch1 DNA evidence being in the same place, it looked like a struggle. Moreover, staged break-in would seem pointless if the black guy did it; why would he go through the trouble to make it look staged? The rock is smaller than the hole in the window. Which suggests that it was directed. Moreover, she blamed another person because she claimed she was "tired." and lastly, overall lying and lack of remorse.
In the UK we just feel like Meredith was completely forgotten in the story.
She didn’t kill her.
She wasn't forgotten but what does that have to do with Knox's and Sollecito's guilt or innocence?
I think Sollecito was just as "forgotten" by many people as Kercher. You can blame the media for that. It's the Brit tabloids like The Sun and Daily Mail and the Italian papers that made this about Knox because that's what sold.
We've got a couple of books from the Old Palace School library my sister never gave back that have a record in their checkout log of Meredith borrowing them. Quite spooky really. I have no idea how we ended up having them, when Meredith was killed my sister had already left the school, must've been dumb luck.
Unfortunately the most forgotten person is Rudy Guede.
@@TangoNevada Yes, the sole killer of Meredith who left his copious forensic evidence around, in, and on her body.
I wanna see Joe interview OJ
You just did lol
Yea this is basically the same thing
Ray Lewis
Haha implying you think she’s guilty ?
@@JusaMediocreHuman hahah seriously ?
RIP Meredith, what a horrific story.
"how well did you know this girl Meredith"? Is anyone ever going to show respect for Meredith Kercher? Rest in peace Meredith.
Well said
The only person not showing Meredith respect is Guede who has never, ever taken responsibility for sexually assaulting and murdering her.
@@mytrip6991 What?
@@breakfast917 Perhaps I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Do you mean Rogan was not showing respect to Meredith?
How was that disrespectful?
Amanda Knox? That was one I didn't see coming Joe.
FOR REAL!!!!!!!!
Just wait next he’s going to do a video call with Chris Watts lol
Yeah, I was rlly surprised.
@@tommyoneill9761 greetings it is i
Wow, she's killing it.
she's killed it already
Sometimes you just gotta take a stab at it
Underrated Comment
Joe exhales heavily into the microphone to show how serious this episode is
Or to show how horse worm medicines stole his ability to nayyyyy
yo its 4 d radio peeps
I love when he does that.
@@icanfartloud Hysterical
DMT side effect
Serious lack of empathy for Merideth
Really? How so?
@@Sam-pie One: I'm not a 'bro'. Two: My posting history and interest in the case is my business, not yours. No one is forcing you to read anything.
That's because she's a sociopath who got away with murder.
@@katec9893 She's been interviewed in person by both a prison psychiatrist and Dr. S. Kaufman (psychologist) and neither found her to have any kind of mental disorder. Kaufman gave her a psychopath test and she scored "very, very low" on it. But who to believe? Two doctors or internet armchair psychologists who haven't got a clue?
@@Sam-pie You are right, I assume that person is one of her paid PR team, they've written 1000s of comments defending her and relentlessly harass people in the comments who can see through the lies.
RIP Meredith 🙏💜
We Brit's and Italians all know the truth.
Which is…? (Serious question, curious to hear the general sentiment on the other side of the globe)
Yankee dollars don't just talk - they lie.
Please don't take that as a trite statement. Would OJ Simpson have got off if he had been poor, would Micheal Jackson ?
R.I.P Meredith ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
R.I.P Meredith.
@Nik Palmira I was laughing at the bot, they get worse and worse every time
Absolutely Tang-may our lovely English beauty be at peace finally 💖💖💖!
@@monicanath4859 I agree with you about the murder case, but hate to tell you that Tang is a bot not a real person, RUclips is getting plagued with them at the mo.
I remember how much clamor this story had in Italy. I was just a boy at the time and didn't really understand what had happened, but it must have been one of the most famous cases of my generation. And here I am now, scared by the fact that, through all those spotlights, I have never heard this girl speak.
Interesting note. This is an example of tyranny.
The allergy of tyranny
It goes to show just how powerful the media is. From propaganda to speculation to embedding thoughts and emotions you wouldn't otherwise have... it's really really scary actually. I shouldn't just say media but government actors in society etc. There's been huge atrocities committed by group think.
(Found the word/ answer I was really looking for through rambling lol) GROUP THINK... IT IS dangerous!
This is the most authentic I've ever seen her.
We need JRE back on RUclips
Why, so YT can censor the hell out of it?
X3MA right .. what we really need is more places where uncensored conversations can take place
@@LordBruuh No. lol You new here?
They've had so many issues with YT, from demonetization, copyright claims, and straight up taking down certain episodes because "reasons." Some old JRE eps were controversial. Like Rogan and plenty of his friends has said countless ridiculous things, and some are incredibly incriminating. It was a different time. A lot of those were clipped so you can find it yourself. Joe himself agreed to take it down to avoid useless heat. It was his decision. Spotify didn't just give him an ultimatum. They've an actual contract. Whereas in YT, Joe has no say in the matter. Big difference.
Joe Rogan gets mad at Alex Jones
It’s hilarious! 😡 😂 😆
@@LordBruuh no they havent.
For people that are not trained to resist interrogation after 24 hours of constant interrogation you won’t even remember the truth once the hunger fatigue fear and delirium sets in
yup thats true af
But she didn't experience 24 hours of constant interrogation. That claim, like much of what Knox claims about the trial, is an outright fabrication
That’s true except she willingly was interrogated for a short time. Like 4 hours. I’ve had a 14 hour work day in the Chicago winter outside and it never caused me to hallucinate
You have to be trained so as to only answer with truth or information that you are aware of. You cannot answer speculative questions and for most questions your answer is just going to be no comment as you truly are not going to be able to answer the question.
Hunger fatigue?
Do you even know where Italy is? It is not Afghanistan…’s the western world. She was not tortured.
Get Joosey Smooulayyy next on the show!
You know who I'm talking about...Very French actor....
😭🤣 classicвидео.html
Juicy Smallest
Justice for juicy.
Joe asks her what it was like when she found out Meredith died, and she completely dodges the question 😳😳
Hmmm... I suggest you go back to 8:40 when he asks her that question and listen again. She goes into great detail for several minutes of what it was like.
Claiming she dodged the question is absurd.
I remember looking into this years ago and being left with the idea that this girl knows way more than she claims.
Ahhh. Guilty it is then!
And now?
hard to call it out for sure, but she hid so many things and changed versions so many times that her self-proclaimed complete innocence is hard to believe
No one innocent would be doing cartwheels in court being accused of murdering her best friend
@@4500KneeGrow her best friend...what
Damien from Mean girls: "Say crack again."
Joe: "Crack."
Azz crack.
As a former officer trust me when I say, NEVER talk to the police without an attorney. Especially, if they say you are not a suspect they just want to gather some information. I’ll never forget day one on the job our police union president explained, if we ever get in trouble on the job (arrested,etc.) we should never speak to the investigating brass without FIRST calling our union-provided attorney . I remember that moment distinctly. I thought to myself, damn, if the POLICE themselves want an attorney present when they being interviewed by their fellow officers---- you better bet a citizen needs an attorney as well 🤷♀️. Also, never blow if being pulled over for a DUI.
Really I learned that lesson by chance. I watched cops and always saw the people who never said shit and didn’t do shit get out. I got pulled over , did not do an FST , did not blow, didn’t consent to blood, I spent the night in jail and the next day my lawyer had to get me my license back but I didn’t get a DWI! My lawyer gave me props and I even showed her how one can order new licenses online
@brandihillcom I can tell you must have been a good cop, because the only difference between a good cop and a bad cop - a good cop knows their job isn’t supposed to be easy.
Thank you for your service to your community 🇺🇸👮
@@utubedestroysmytime Cant they obtain a search warrant to draw blood if under suspicion of DUI?
Can I ask you to elaborate on what you meant by "never blow it being pulled over for DUI". I was under the impression that if you refuse a blow test when you've been pulled over due to suspicion of driving under the influence, that they'll just draw your blood when you get to the police stanytion...? Am I wrong about that? Thanks in advance!
@@KelleyBroussardMackaig @AnthonyGonzales sometimes they do pull a warrant for blood draw. which takes time (which is a good thing), generally it is only done when a fatality or significant bodily harm has occurred or say you yourself are too injured, unconscious to do the breath test.
There is a video on RUclips of a nurse who they arrested because she Rightfully refused to draw blood of suspect without a warrant. The video is horrific to watch but I think she sued agency for incredible amount of money.
Taking someone’s body fluids is pretty fucking serious overreach-- asking hospital to do it without a warrant is insanity..
Generally speaking if you are respectful and easy going and just politely say something like “ respectfully, my aunt is an attorney she has advised me it’s in my best interest to not do the breathalyzer.” They will be cool. You are also telling them in a polite way you have representation (this is something most people they deal with can’t afford so it’s kinda like what’s the point she has an attorney that’s gonna get her off and I’m gonna be forced to sit in court over this- maybe they’ll juat be cool abd not make a big deal. Every officer will be different obviously.
A lot of states (Florida where I live ) will automatically suspend your drivers license when you refuse to take a breathalyzer. Sometimes officers will tell you this to “encourage” you to take the test. Juat know if you blow over the limit your license is gonna get suspended anyways 🤷♀️-- keep in mind if you remain respectful in courtroom too most judges will give you hardship license so you can atleast do your basic task such as take kids to school and go to work…. But it you blew some crazy high number and say you have a past dui or some other past traffic record they may be less likely to be as flexible. Essentially by not blowing you are giving the prosecutor less evidence to work with . Always being nice and respectful to officers and courts “yes mame no sir” etc helps alot!!!
What an amazingly wise, knowledgeable, and patient interviewer!! He’s humble and allows the interviewees to speak as they wish.
Best format ever to find what his guests are all about
They sound like old friends.
New here lol?
One thing I will say is I hope Merediths family find peace one day.
Her family thinks she is guilty and helped murder their daughter.видео.html
@@kayhawkins5925 and some people think the world is flat, just because someone thinks something, doesn’t make it true.
@@travislee9396 You don't know the truth, actually NONE of us do.
@@travislee9396 You are talking about the murdered girls parents who followed every single shred of evidence of the case and the investigation.
To quote the Italian comedian Normo McDonaldio, "It's official, murder is now legal in the country of Italy."
Nailed it 🏅
well done 😆
I guess it’s legal if you’re in the mobster
I'm from Italy and I was 10 when this case happened. I remember very clearly the 4 to 5 years that followed the fact, all the news and the media talked exclusively about Amanda and the whole case, at least 4 times a week. It was exhausting to say the least.
It goes to show just how powerful the media is. From propaganda to speculation to embedding thoughts and emotions you wouldn't otherwise have... it's really really scary actually. I shouldn't just say media but government actors in society etc. There's been huge atrocities committed by group think.
(Found the word/ answer I was really looking for through rambling lol) GROUP THINK... IT IS dangerous!
Same happens in Greece , they talk about it on the news and on the before and after shows non stop for months.. soooo annoying 😩
I was hoping that we would take Italy to war for imprisoning one of our citizens. I still think we should've and sent a message to the world that America will not tolerate that type of barbaric mistreatment of our people.
@@mattrutledge6840 dumbest comment ever. Italy is an ally genius, just because they made a mistake doesn't mean any other innocent should get hurt. It's not teaching anyone a lesson but how much of a bully ppl like you are
@@antidoteforlife9460 “Made a mistake” That’s a bit of an understatement.
According to the FINAL VERDICT of the Italian courts:
1) Knox was guilty of and did 4 years for falsely accusing her boss for the murder of Meredith Kercher.
2) Knox and Sollecito were in the cottage at the time of the murder.
3) Due to the lack of defensive wounds and the use of 2 different sized blades to kill Meredith at least 2 persons were involved in the murder.
4) Rudy Guede was found guilty of murder and did not act alone. Knox even admitted this to Joe Rogan.
5) The other assailant/s identities remain a mystery.
6) Sollecito's and Meredith's DNA were found on one of the alleged murder weapons: a kitchen knife found in Sollecito's apartment cutlery drawer. It had been disinfected with bleach.
But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because hey their respective DNA could have gotten there any random way.
7) Sollecito's DNA was found on Meredith's bra clasp which had been sliced from her bra. But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because the bra clasp had been hidden on Meredith's floor for weeks after the murder and Sollecito's DNA could have landed on the bra clasp any other way. Even though Sollecito didn't live in the cottage and supposedly never went in to Meredith's room. But ok.
8) Amanda's DNA was also found in Meredith's room and Filomena's room. Even though she denied being in either the room of the murder or the room of the staged burglary......but that was also seen as inconclusive.
So a lot of interesting coincidences. But that's all they are my friends.
Guilty! And the bill is overdue. The 'collector' is coming soon. :)
@@lesgrossman1274 I am the 'collector'.
1) "Knox was guilty of and did 4 years for falsely accusing her boss for the murder of Meredith Kercher."
Nope. She was finally sentenced to THREE years, not four.
Marasca MR, pg 56: "Recalculates the sentence imposed upon appellant Amanda Maria Knox for the crime of calumny in three years of confinement."
2) "Knox and Sollecito were in the cottage at the time of the murder."
Based on solely on her calunnia false confession, which, curiously, never mentions Sollecito being there.
3) "Due to the lack of defensive wounds"
Kercher had 3 defensive wounds on her hands. The same knife could have made all the knife wounds on Kercher.
"b. That detected at the level of the palm of the right hand and the II and III fingers of the left hand can be traced back to possible "defensive injuries" occurred in an invalid attempt to oppose the knife."
(Lalli autopsy report, pg. 68_
4) "...and the use of 2 different sized blades to kill Meredith at least 2 persons were involved in the murder"
Prof. F. Vinci's assessment of the wounds completely disagreed:
" All the stab wounds reported by Meredith Kercher are
perfectly compatible with the use of a single knife whose dimensions are comparable to the traces found on the mattress cover in the room of the victim and referred to in frames n.171, 173 and 174 (progressive numbering of the images collected on the DVD prepared by the Scientific Police."
(Vinci Report, June 30, 2009, pg 31_)
5)"4) Rudy Guede was found guilty of murder and did not act alone. Knox even admitted this to Joe Rogan."
LOL! Knox agreed that is what Guede was convicted of, not that he did not, in fact, 'act alone'.
6) "5) The other assailant/s identities remain a mystery."
There were no other assailants which is why zero evidence of any person except Guede and Kercher was found in her bedroom.
7) "6) Sollecito's and Meredith's DNA were found on one of the alleged murder weapons: a kitchen knife found in Sollecito's apartment cutlery drawer."
LOL! Are you freaking kidding me? Sollecito's DNA was NEVER claimed to be on the knife, not even by the prosecution or Police Scientifc Officr Stefanoni who did the analysis. Amanda's was found...because she used the knife to cook with.
8) "It had been disinfected with bleach."
Again, LOL! If it was cleaned with bleach, then how the hell could Stefanoni claim Kercher's DNA was on the blade? BLEACH DESTROYS DNA. That's why it's used to clean lab. Your claims just get more and more stupid.
9) "7) Sollecito's DNA was found on Meredith's bra clasp which had been sliced from her bra. "
Nope. The conclusion of the two independent, court appointed forensic experts:
" we do not accept the conclusions regarding the certain attribution of the profile found on trace B (blade of knife) to the victim Meredith Susanna Cara Kercher, since the genetic profile, as obtained, appears unreliable insofar as it is not supported by scientifically validated analysis" (Conti & Vecchiotti report, ITEM 36 (KNIFE))
10)..."But that evidence was seen as non conclusive because the bra clasp had been hidden on Meredith's floor for weeks after the murder and Sollecito's DNA could have landed on the bra clasp any other way. Even though Sollecito didn't live in the cottage and supposedly never went in to Meredith's room. But ok."
It wasn't non-conclusive at all and the clasp wasn't 'hidden'; it was found across the room in a pile of dust and dirt 6 WEEKS LATER. But how was it likely contaminated? Gee...maybe because the police video shows the incompetent scientific police Stefanoni TOUCHING IT WITH HER DIRTY GLOVE THAT SHE ADMITTED SHE HAD NOT CHANGED AFTER TOUCHING OTHER OBJECTS, DROPPING IT ON THE FLOOR, AND THEN PASSING IT AROUND TO OTHER OFFICERS WITH THEIR DIRTY GLOVES? But, OK
11) "8) Amanda's DNA was also found in Meredith's room and Filomena's room. Even though she denied being in either the room of the murder or the room of the staged burglary......but that was also seen as inconclusive."
Oh, dear. NONE of Amanda's DNA was found in Meredith's room! No DNA, no fingerprints, not foot-shoe prints...nada:
"However, a matter of undoubted significance in favour of the appellants, in the sense that it excludes their material participation in the murder, even if it is
hypothesised that they were present in the house on via della Pergola, CONSISTS OF THE ABSOLUTE LACK OF BIOLOGICAL TRACES ATTRIBUTABLE TO THEM (except the clasp which will be
dealt with further on) IN THE MURDER ROOM OR ON THE VICTIM'S BODY, where instead numerous traces attributable to Guede were found.
It is indisputably IMPOSSIBLE that traces attributable to the appellants would not have been found at the crime scene had they taken part in Kercher’s murder (the room was of small dimensions: 2.91 x 3.36 m, as shown in the plan reproduced in f: 76)."
(Marasca-Bruno Report, pg 47-48)
Try again.
@@mytrip6991 She did four years in prison. You may leave now.
@@mytrip6991 Jeez they really are paying you by the word. Good luck affording those rising bills. I'm feel bad for you that soon the McCann case will be aired for all to see and such trolling won't work anymore. Not that you are convincing anyone anyway haha
I wish Meredith Kercher wasn't a background detail to this story.
Right?! 🙁
Thank you for this comment 🙏💜
That’s a different story, and it’s her families place to tell that. There’s no way a person who knew her only a couple weeks can be expected to do her justice.
She is guilty to me....
@Paul sansonetti super guilty saved by us 🇺🇸 powerful diplomatic efforts...
Back to the old days with this iconic background. I miss the comment section. I MISS US 😩😭😭
Spotify is scared of the comment section sadly...... 😢
This is his new background
This is his current background
@CastAirLead You are clueless.
@CastAirLead Then you should do what everybody else does in the world, and stop taking opinions as facts. Give an example.
Joe is Low-key interrogating her
That’s VladTV’s job 🤣
Who doesn't he do that with?
Joe knows she did it.
How mad would everyone be If he didnt
@@jibril2473 ….ok.
Why did she accuse her Black boss of the murder? He was easily cleared, he was catering to his patrons when the crime occurred. She also lied about being in her apartment that night and seeing Lumumba there, when in fact she was with Solecito.
This is a web of lies, and she only has herself to blame for what happened after. It was obvious she though Italy would be like the USA where it's enough to blame some black guy to walk free.
1). She didn't bring up her boss, Patrick Lumumba; the police did. The police misinterpreted her text to him acknowledging his text telling her not to come to work that night. She said "Ok, see you later. Good night". The police insisted that meant she planned a meeting with him "later" that night. She denied repeatedly that she had met him or taken him to the cottage but the police calling her a liar. The interpreter told her she had 'traumatic amnesia" and that she'd remember "the truth" if she just kept trying. She had no lawyer which was legally required and the interrogation was not audio or video recorded. The police wrote up the "confession" and she signed it after being worn down. That confession was ruled to be inadmissible in the murder trial due to her right to a lawyer being violated. This is all in the court records.
Your need to resort to allegations of racism just shows you have little knowledge of the facts of the case. You do know the actual, convicted, just released from prison murderer--Rudy Guede-- is black? If she were involved she'd know that and, according to you, just have named him if all she wanted was to blame a black guy.
@The Hand 1) "She had the opportunity to say her statement was false. She let him stay in jail. To this day, she has not apologized."
False. She said in her written statement, aka First Memorial" given to the police the very same day that "In regards to this "confession" that I made last night, I want to make clear that I'm very doubtful of the veritity [sic] of my statements because they were made under the pressures of stress, shock and extreme exhaustion. Not only was I told I would be arrested and put in jail for 30 years, but I was also hit in the head when I didn't remember a fact correctly. I understand that the police are under a lot of stress, so I understand the treatment I received," and "However, it was under this pressure and after many hours of confusion that my mind came up with these answers. In my mind I saw Patrik in flashes of blurred images. I saw him near the basketball court. I saw him at my front door. I saw myself cowering in the kitchen with my hands over my ears because in my head I could hear Meredith screaming. But I've said this many times so as to make myself clear: these things seem unreal to me, like a dream, and I am convinced that they unsure if they are real things that happened or are just dreams my mind has made to try to answer the questions in my head and the questions I am being asked. But the truth is, I'm unsure about the truth and here's why: " In these flashbacks that I'm having I see Patrik as the murderer, but the way the truth feels in my mind, there is no way for me to have known, because I don't remember FOR SURE if I was at my house that night."
She is clearly stating that what she said in her 'confession' isn't reliable, including about Patrick. Yet the police kept him in jail with ZERO evidence against him for two weeks.
She had no lawyer which was against both Italian and EU law and the interrogation had no audio or video recording.
2) She also DID apologize to Lumumba in court November 30, 2007:
“I want to tell the truth. I’m sorry about Patrick. I’m sorry about the whole situation. I’m innocent.”
She apologized to him again in her Dec. 11, 2010 appeal statement in court:
"Patrick? I don’t see you. But I’m sorry. I’m sorry because I didn’t mean to do wrong to do you. I was very naïve and not courageous at all; I should have been able to withstand the pressures that caused me to do harm to you. I didn’t mean to contribute to what you have suffered. You know what it means to have unjust accusations imposed on your skin. You didn’t deserve what you experienced and I hope you will be able to find peace.”
3) "The court said that she is guilty of defamation, but you blame the police. Concerning the judgement of the court, you want it both ways."
Not the same Supreme Court, that was the Chieffi SC that also sent the case back again to Nencini basically with instructions to convict the pair. Which they did.
The ECHR has ruled that her defamtion conviction is 'unfair' as her statements were made during an illegal interrogation without a lawyer or a neutral translator. Italy had to pay her $21,000 in compensation and must present a plan on how they will rectify it.
4) "The monster in this murder is not the black guy Guede. The monster in this murder is the white woman Knox. Racism is why people are interested in this incident and why white people defend her."
What a load of crap. GUEDE killed Kercher. It was HIS DNA inside her, on her jacket, on her bra and in her blood on her purse. It's HIS fingerprints in her blood. It's HIS bloody shoeprints under and around her body. You just need an excuse NOT to blame a black man for your own agenda. ALL the evidence points directly to him.
5) " It is a pitiable denial of guilt and a hideous appeal to racist tendencies."
I've got news for you: sometimes black people ARE guilty just like people of any other color, ethnicity or religion. You clearly are the one with a race problem. It's not we who look at the evidence and not the color of Guede's skin.
@The Hand LOL! They smoked some weed like everyone else, including Kercher, the Italian roommates, and the boys who lived downstairs. Weed doesn't turn you into homicidal maniacs; it's a depressant. You get the munchies and relaxed..mellow. Their hair tests taken upon their arrests showed NO NARCOTICS of any kind in their systems. Unlike blood and urine, hair does not lose its traces of drugs over time.
The prosecution's many unproven and bizarre motives that were changed more often than underwear were insulting. Y
So tell me what EVIDENCE puts them in Kercher's bedroom where the murder took place.
@The Hand I did read your statement and your use of "high on drugs" instead of "marijuana" was, I believe, intentional. You do have 'knowledge of their ingestion' now thanks to me: they had no narcotics in their system. As I said, weed makes you relaxed and with a hazy memory; it does not lead to suddenly and without motive killing someone.
Their alibi before the illegal and coercive interrogation of Nov. 5/6 was that they spent the evening at RS's apartment watching a movie, eating dinner, and going to bed. It was still their alibie after retracting their coerced and illegally obtained statements during the interrogation.
"It allows multiple possibilities and it allows denial."
What a silly statement.
" The LAPD framed OJ but he still murdered his wife."
At least we agree to that. But there was also sufficient evidence of his guilty without the disputed evidence of Mark Fuhrman. That jury was not going to convict him if they had a video of the murder in front of them.
Speaking of dishonest cops, Science Officer Stefanoni failed to reveal in court the fact that ALL the luminol revealed 'footprints' assigned to Knox in the cottage tested NEGATIVE for blood with TMB. It took a defense expert witness to find and present in court the negative tests that Stefanoni had run. Yet Stefanoni repeatedly used the term "luminol revealed' suggesting they were, indeed, made in Kercher's blood. So much so that Judge Massei, even after acknowledging that the blood tests were negative, claimed they were in Kercher's blood!
RIP Meredith Kercher. Joe Rogan should interview her family for balance.
Nah, Joe is just a quasi mainstream media member now. He wouldn't try to be fair. That Spotify money visibly changed him. Fucking sad
He won’t. Joe has a list of “Celebrities” that are doing new projects and need promotion. She’s either got a book or a Netflix show coming out soon.
@@Shiny101 just going for the views yeah… I jumped from JRE to Lex as soon as Joe went to Spotify. He had all the money anyway so why sell out…?
What would her family know about facts to the case the families view is emotional only emotions arent facts if you wanted the other sides story that lays witu the prosecutor my take anyways
One agrees
Podcast guest : Wrongfully imprisoned female
Joe: Somehow manages to bring up Saunas and that dude that faked being an MMA fighter.
Look up
Prison Stories - Gassing A CO
💩 💩 😂
Yeah... people can have conversations on just about anything. Its pretty neat.
Maybe correctly imprisoned female. But hey she's American so must be innocent. Drone strikes anyone?
Correctly imprisoned and incorrectly released*
This was such a big story in Italy, I was just a kid when it happened but it was on the news every single day, stuck in my memory now
@becibooable1 how can you be certain lol?
Yep it's Italy OJ Simpson trail
Well, as someone who lived through the whirlwind trial... Do you think she’s innocent, Ousmane?
@becibooable1 you are cappin bro. 😂😂
Amanda Knox is as innocent as OJ Simpson
She's as innocent as Lindy Chamberlain.
A dingo didn't eat her roommate.
@@castlerock58 No, Rudy Guede did. That's why ONLY his DNA was found in her blood on her purse and under her body. It's why ONLY his bloody shoeprints were found in her bedroom. It's why ONLY he can be placed there the night of the murder.
Perfect point when he says that they double down when they are shown to be wrong. Case in point Richard Jewel and the Atlanta bombing.
@xman559 I just don’t understand how people whose job it is to uncover the truth can hold on so firmly to a discredited hypothesis. Is it just ego, or are they afraid admitting they were wrong would hurt their careers?
@@TheWchurchill4pm both.
@@TheWchurchill4pm It's about time that society start introducing consequences for such belligerent incompetence.
Don't forget in Italy you're Guilty until Proven Innocent , so the stakes are a lot higher and you have no freedom you are stuck in Jail till your trial, they can hold you as long as they want.
@@rottierumbles9451 In Italy they can hold you in jail without formally bringing charges for up to one year. In the US, depending on the state, they have 48-72 hours to bring charges or they must let you go.
"Gaslighting is bad"
"But how do we solve crimes then?"
ThTs brilliant 🤣
Yeah, police are allowed to lie to get confessions. You think it's bad, but remember all people committing crimes lie when caught. At least 99 percent of them do. You wouldn't think it was so bad if police lied to get a confession of your mom's murderer.
@@lenehan06 good point I suppose it’s down to where do you stand morally with breaking/bending the rules
One of the first cases I learned about that was just solid "The media don't care what the truth is, if it bleeds it leads"
Easy to see how we've gotten here when journalistic integrity is completely butchered
That's not what the saying means.
It just means that violence always gets (and should get) top headlines, nothing dishonest about that. Nothing to do with journalistic integrity.
Media is dead.
Today we need to pass the actual truth out selfs we have the power Joe Rogan showed us all how.
The only weapon that will never fall to technology is propaganda. It’s actually much easier to control the herd these days considering everyone has a small computer in their possession 24/7. All one needs to do is look at the Trump coverage from 2016 to now. It’s absolutely absurd the lengths MSM/Social media goes to twist, gaslight and manipulate.
A serious of unfortunate coincidences lead people to think she’s guilty.
1. Meredith had cut her finger on Raffaele’s vegetable knife, leaving her blood on it.
2. Raffaele spilt some water in the early hours of the morning following the murder, which meant Amanda had to buy two tubs of bleach and fetch her mop first thing in the morning.
3. The next morning blood from Amanda’s ear bled into Meredith’s blood in the sink area making it look like their was a struggle between the two.
4. Amanda has this whacky zaney personality than makes her display all the traits of a liar but actually she’s just neurodivergent.
5. Amanda and Raffaele turned their phones of that night for the first time making them look suspicious.
I could list more. The poor girl is just couldn’t get a break when it came to all these coincidences piling up.
"1) Meredith had cut her finger on Raffaele’s vegetable knife, leaving her blood on it.'
Repeated tests found no blood on the knife. (Forensic reports Stefanoni and Conti/Vecchiotti)
"2. Raffaele spilt some water in the early hours of the morning following the murder, which meant Amanda had to buy two tubs of bleach and fetch her mop first thing in the morning."
Knox never bought any bleach. (Testimony Quintavalle store owner, no bottles found in cottage, no evidence of a clean up per court records)
"3. The next morning blood from Amanda’s ear bled into Meredith’s blood in the sink area making it look like their was a struggle between the two."
No wounds were found on Knox per doctor examination Nov. 6, 2007. No evidence of a struggle between Knox and Kercher.
"4. Amanda has this whacky zaney personality than makes her display all the traits of a liar but actually she’s just neurodivergent."
What are 'all the traits of a liar'? Those things that you believe are lies because you see everything through guilt colored glasses?
"5. Amanda and Raffaele turned their phones of that night for the first time making them look suspicious"
Yeah, having a new romantic relationship and not wanting to be disturbed or called into work when being unexpectedly given the night off due to slow business is just New lovers would never do that!
"I could list more. The poor girl is just couldn’t get a break when it came to all these coincidences piling up."
Yeah. Like what are the chances that not a single piece of forensic evidence could place Knox in the room where Kercher was violently sexually assaulted and stabbed to death with a knife? But Guede left bloody shoeprints under and around the body, fingerprint/palm print in blood under the body, and his DNA in her body, on her clothes, and in blood on her purse? Go figure.
@@mytrip6991 “No evidence of Meredith’s blood on the knife”. And yet we know it had been there because Rafa told us she’d had a vegetable chopping accident. Likewise, for Amanda’s ears. She told us they were all leaky. How unfortunate in both cases. All that blood getting spread around.
I’ve seen you replying to every comment on every knox video. Literally thousands of comments in total. I can only asssume you’re employed by her team.
@@petelovatt8357 LOL! Sure. Whatever.
@@petelovatt8357 amanda knox's team is on the offence. I think that they are trying to win people over to their cause,because in 2024 rudy guede also might write a book.
@@Hangar.18 Unfortunately, Rudy has changed his story a few times just like Amanda and Raf., so he has no credibility either. However, I think if you wade through the lies there are a few truths in there. He said he knew Raf and they’d smoked weed together. He also said an argument broke out between the girls because Meredith accused Amanda of stealing her money. I can see this being true as well.
If Rudy gives us the same chit about “it all happened while I was on the toilet” then his book won’t count for much. However, if he decides to own up AND include Amanda and Raf’s involvement, then he’s probably hovering closer to the truth than any version of the story yet. I wouldn’t count on it though. He’s a turd.
Man I couldn't believe this when I first heard about the Amanda Knox story. It's so absolutely insane.
@Miki Miyazaki i have returned
Amanda will kill again
@MR IV DNA doesn't lie, the Italian authorities aren't well known for their police work. The prosecutor has become a national joke. People who think Amanda Knox is guilty are just a little slow. Seriously. The guilty guys DNA everywhere. Italian authorities are like, "witchcraft". Better be glad that didn't happen to you in another country.
She's a literal murderer lmao
@@drwerwolfenstein7124 they are so ridiculous, it’s honestly concerning watching so many people who can’t seem to grasp common sense, they prefer fantasy, these are the jury of your peers …. Yikes 😳
The probability that we are listening to a cold hearted murderer is not 0%
"Good thing it wasn't me." Not a response of a sociopath at all.
Then what is it??
@@alexnutcasio936 50/50
Nearer 100% than 0
one of the most interesting podcasts I have heard in a long time. Great Stuff Joe.
How many Joe's are there?
He needs more content like this!!!!! I’m kinda bored with some of his more recent guests.
@@jimparsons4312 yeah I kind of get bored with the MMA fighters to be honest but he gets some amazing guests
Just how many cold blooded murderers are there walking around free ?
I agree. Very eyeopening and inspiring.
my intuition tells me she’s guilty
Intuition? Yeah...and my intuition tells me that some people should never sit on a jury.
I'll go by the evidence, or in this case the lack of evidence, which obviously shows she's innocent.
@@TheHaratashi Evidence? When we have body language, our 'guts', and her eyes? What are you? A traditionalist? 😁
@@TheHaratashi cap
@@mytrip6991 ha ha xx
The eyes chico, they never lie
Bro she did it
@@MrFeeny911 No she didn't. Take your fantasies elsewhere.
@@kng3785 yeah she did. Look at the case. The only reason she skipped on it is cause authorities mis handled evidence. Just cause you say doesn’t make it true you weeb.
@@MrFeeny911 You are not believing things as they are reported?
Thais not Joe Rogan audience i know.
Read "the Monster of Florence" Mignini was the same prosecuter in Amanda's case. Mignini prosecuted 20 different innocent people ,(all acquitted) alot of them spent years in prison over Mignini's false allegations. He was also charged and convicted after that case for abuse of office.
That poor office 😪
Yes most of these posters are joe Biden voters. They have no clue who she is or what happened. Still don't understand why the British girls family are still blaming Amanda. DNA don't lie.
@@drwerwolfenstein7124 wtf lmao it's a trumpster so we know he eats his own poop. makes sense, right? such a bizarre and irrational connection you have with reality
There was no DNA evidence.
JCS needs to break this whole thing down
Break what down? He informs on interrogation techniques and light psychology of the same.
Why? Why do you put so much stock in murder porn masquerading as clinical analysis?
@@NxDoyle he doesn’t exclusively talk about murder cases, nor does he discuss the pathology. He studies mainly the interrogation…
This girl did something change my mind.
She absolutely did
not a chance. They needed someone to blame and the Italian police used her as a scape goat. There is zero motivation for her to commit this crime. The headlines sensationalized this case when it is pretty cut and dry. They found Guede's DNA inside Meredith.
She is guilty as fk
0 evidence, and evidence someone else did it
@ you haven’t looked at the case if you think that. Raffaele and Amanda are definitely guilty
I've never cared about this story when it happened now I want to look at the case only coz of all the profesional detectives in the comments
Most people in comments are absolute morons though
@@Goldussst like u
😂 seriously….
@@Goldussst Why because they have a differing opinion? I think she is guilty. I have always thought she was involved, and I have the freedom to have that opinion without you getting angered. I'd bet my last dollar she participated in the murder.
@@chrisgullett4332 no, not because difference of opinion. Because lack of critical thought, empirical evidence, and expertise.
Lies never flow as smoothly as the truth.
Yeah, that's so true. I have been a liar in my past and always noticed I would slow down whilst Lying and speed up when recalling real memories.
Unfortunately, Amanda slows down when she is talking about the murder and how she didn't have anything to do with it. She knows much more, I have no doubt about it.
Wow! What a killer guest!!
Spot on ! spot on ! Love to Meredith and her family
Good one
@@redsquirrel5501 cringe
lol dude
@PowerfulJRE Forget the media forget that she's American for a moment and make a timeline of all the events in detail of both her version and Rudy Guede's, then make your own opinion. The very few people who really did their homework know that she and Sollecito know more than they let out.
I have and it supports she's telling the truth. Even Guede's timeline supports Kercher was attacked shortly after arriving home and just about 30-40 minutes after the cartoon playing on Sollecito's computer stops. But in that short time, they go from watching a cartoon to deciding to go to her apartment for some unknown reason, picking up a guy that Sollecito has never met and Knox has met briefly, to sexually assaulting and murdering a girl for no reason. Yeah, right.
How do you explain the complete and total absence of any forensic evidence of Knox or Sollecito in that room while there is varied and copious forensic evidence of Guede? Guede who had a very clear motive and a history of theft?
@@mytrip6991 In order to believe that Knox and Sollecito are innocent, you have to overlook the following:
Knox's accusation against her employer, a claim she made after less than TWO HOURS of being interviewed (not 40, like Team Knox would have you believe - this is a proven fact) and stuck to for 3 weeks, letting her innocent boss rot in jail all the while.
The fact that Meredith Kercher’s blood was found mixed inside Knox’s fresh DNA in 5 different spots in the bathroom.
The fact the Knox was bleeding on the day of the murder, and left blood smeared in the bathroom, blood which she herself admits was not there the day before.
Sollecito’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp - with a 16 loci match, the probability that the DNA belongs to someone else is one in a trillion, and with only ONE other DNA trace of him in the cottage (cigarette butt) the idea of contamination is near impossible.
Knox’s DNA on the handle of the murder weapon and Meredith’s on the blade. Sollectio tried to explain this by saying he had accidentally pricked Meredith with his knife while she had been at his house. She had never been there.
The THREE sets of bloody footprints, one a match for Guede, one a match for Sollecito, and one in Knox’s size, in her own DNA, mixed with Meredith’s.
The single bloody footprint on the bathmat, which is a perfect match for Sollecito, and also, being the only bloody footprint with no others around it, is undisputed proof a clean up happened.
The blatantly staged crime scene, with glass on TOP of the clothes strewn around, a near impossible window entry point, and not a single trace of Guede anywhere in that room, not to mention the fact Knox and Sollecito ‘knew’ nothing had been taken before anyone had even looked.
The fact that Guede’s footprints lead right out Meredith’s room out the front door and he has an alibi for the rest of the night, meaning we KNOW it wasn’t Guede who returned to the scene hours later, staged a burglary, cleaned up and moved the body.
The fact that Knox’s lamp was found in Meredith’s room with no fingerprints whatsoever - more proof of a clean up.
The incredible amount of changes in her account before, during, and after she was arrested.
Total lack of alibi after multiple attempts, and then Sollecito withdrawing his alibi for her.
Her dubious account of her activity the morning after the murder, including her lies about Meredith’s locked door, her reaction to the blood, and the contradictions to this she makes in her testimony, email home, and in her book.
The fact Knox knew several details about her murder she could not possibly have known: cause of death, position of body, that there had been more than one attacker, that Meredith had been assaulted etc.
The frantic call she made to her mother in the middle of the night that she ‘forgets’ making.
The witness who saw her and Sollecito by the cottage on the murder night.
The shopkeeper who saw her when she claimed to be in her bed sleeping.
And I can go on, and on, and on. My point is that, whatever opinion people have as to their guilty or innocence, there is enough evidence to convict, and however many times those claims of “no evidence" are repeated, it doesn't make it true
@@RYANTHEORY_ When you need to copy and paste Troll Les Grossman's misleading post, that tells me a lot. I've addressed this particular one before. I'll post it here. I suggest you read it and learn:
" The fact that Meredith Kercher’s blood was found mixed inside Knox’s fresh DNA in 5 different spots in the bathroom."
When DNA is deposited cannot be dated. That is a scientific fact. Finding the mixed DNA of people who live together and share the same bathroom is common and expected. The DNA does not have to be left at the same time and can be day, weeks or months apart. They become mixed when the sample swab wipes up both sets of DNA. It's like taking a yellow crayon and coloring over a red crayon marking; you'll get orange.
"less than TWO HOURS of being interviewed "?
The official beginning time of that interrogation was 11:00 but questioning actually began closer to 10:30 per the testimony of Ficarra who was the interrogator. The first statement was at 1:45. Unless "Mike Hunt" uses different math than the rest of us, that is not 'under TWO HOURS".
"The fact the Knox was bleeding on the day of the murder, and left blood smeared in the bathroom, blood which she herself admits was not there the day before."
Two small drops on the faucet were not proved to be deposited on the day of the murder. Just because Knox says she didn't see it on Nov. 1 is not proof it wasn't there. Logic says if she had seen it, she'd have cleaned it up. At the very least, she'd have lied and said she saw it but forgot to clean it. No wounds or cuts were found on Knox.
"Sollecito’s DNA on Meredith’s bra clasp"....along with the DNA of at least two other unidentified men. Did those two men also touch MK's bra hook? Two independent, court appointed...not police...forensic experts (Conti and Vecchiotti) determined that DNA was not reliable evidence and most likely due to contamination resulting from the egregious failure to follow anti-contamination protocols by the police.
"the idea of contamination is near impossible". Not according to the police video which shows the hook being touched by a visibly dirty glove, handed around to several officers also wearing gloves that Stefanoni admitted were not changed between handling evidence.
"Knox’s DNA on the handle of the murder weapon and Meredith’s on the blade"
Meredith's DNA was not on the blade as concluded by two independent, court assigned forensic experts. Experts who had more advanced degrees in forensics and more experience then Stefanoni who claimed MK's DNA was on the blade. Nor was any blood found on the knife after repeated testing. The only way to remove all traces was by soaking in bleach...which would have destroyed any existing DNA.
"The single bloody footprint on the bathmat, which is a perfect match for Sollecito"
Not according to Prof. Vinci who used Crimescope, a forensic lighting tool used to make photos more visible, and who also examined the mat in person, neither of which the prosecution expert did. He excluded Sollecito.
"and also, being the only bloody footprint with no others around it, is undisputed proof a clean up happened."
There is no forensic evidence of a clean up. None. Logic says that, if that were Sollecito's print, the pair would have removed the rug or at least washed it. Instead, they pointed it out to the police.
i could continue with the rest of his lies, but i think I've proved what a liar he is.
This girl is completely innocent or a master manipulator.
She Guilty
@@Contact_Info The prosecutor said: "She cleaned up her own DNA & left the other guys (killer) there". #idiot
Everyones suspicious of everyone now.Idiot
the second one
@@alexinico9608 You can't see DNA, so how could she clean it up?
I’ve never been more convinced that Amanda is guilty tbh...
Go to Steve Moore's website.
Can someone please tell me what she said in this interview that was so self-incriminating?
@@TheWchurchill4pm here comes another bot 🤖
@Marchello it’s a legitimate question: what does she say in the interview that makes one think she is lying?
Joe is moving up in the world, finally getting Theo's old guests 😂
Nah she moved up in the world, although it is suspicious if Joe gets a plumber and a coroner next lolвидео.html
Who is Theo?
First of all Joe died of Covid and Tim Dillon is now the biggest podcaster in the world.
See this Joe Rogan at his best. Interesting podcast a guest we have mostly forgotten about. This is why I listen.
This is just like old Joe Rogan on RUclips
I agree, together they're killing it!
Theo did it first
Joe on UFC : " I know a killer when I see one "
Also Joe :
OJ is going to come on 1 day. After joe gets a larger desk.
So Joe has Arya Stark's ability???
Ugh that was so cringe
@@Dark_AbsoI it was the worst quote in the entire show which helped cap off the worst ending in TV history. It kinda just sticks with you.
Everyone should know that taking you someplace for your own protection is always jail.
I cant believe she berating her murder victim... on a Podcast!!
@@realMaverickBuckley so she did it because of sex ? You people are dense
Joe Rogan gets mad at Alex Jones
It’s hilarious! 😡 😂 😆
@@realMaverickBuckley people claimed they were friends and ''why didn't she give a single care meredith died?? she was was your friend and your making out with your boyfriend all happy!'' This was a very big part of the case and people always bring up how cold she is. so she's probably trying to be clear.. It seems she probably disliked meredith. They weren't real friends and she just didn't care at all. Too busy sucking face with her new boy toy alphonso de credenza or w/e,,,,видео.html
🗽👑 King of New York
2022 is going to be amazing. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thoughts go out to Meridith and her family.. Rip
And to Amanda’s family
They suffered as well
@@catarinabridges9358 yeah they did but not the same way Meridith's family did. Amanda is still alive, they still have their daughter.
@@rickysmom809 The fact the Kercher's suffered the loss of Meredith has nothing to do with Amanda. They can thank Rudy Guede for that.
@@mytrip6991 yes I know, Amanda wasn't involved in the loss of Meridith, but her family still suffered the most out of all involved and more than Amanda's family .. The victims often get forgotten in horrific situations like this. We never speak of the actual killer.... Rudy and the actual victim
. Just the sensationalised Amanda
Wow, this interview looks so interesting I almost downloaded Spotify, but then didn't 🙂
I almost considered it when Joe left youtube but nah
Get a life
Boohoo whaaaa no one cares lmao find something constructive to do with your time instead of whining like babies
I hope the family of the victims family are able to find peace 🙏🏼 least they can buy her book or watch her film
"The family of the victim's family" 😆 🤣
I’m hoping they’ll agree to meet with Amanda some day
Thanks for sharing this in a RUclips comment, it really makes a difference
@@ServantofGod07 yeah I really hope the victims aunts 3rd cousin is okay 🙏🏼
She did it, you lemmings. She has a million dollar PR campaign behind her. Ffs.
Then explain why not a trace of Knox is found in Kercher's bedroom. Go on, explain that, FFS.
Your refusal to address the fact that not a single trace of Knox was found in Kercher's bedroom and attempt to redirect is duly noted.
Also noted: your failure to acknowledge that only FIVE samples were taken in Romanelli's room while 160 were taken in Kercher's room.
How does a PR group affect the forensic evidence in a trial? Did it remove all traces of Knox's and Sollecito's invisible DNA and invisible fingerprints or their bloody foot/shoe prints?
@The hand Yes, we've gone over it and you continue to be intellectually dishonest.
You dishonestly try to equate not finding a trace of Guede in Filomena's room WHERE NO STRUGGLE TOOK PLACE and where ONLY 5 SAMPLES WERE TAKEN to a room where allegedly 3 PEOPLE VIOLENTLY ASSAULTED AND HELD DOWN A FOURTH PERSON AND WHERE 160 SAMPLES WERE TAKEN.
Again, you fail to mention that TWO forensic experts not paid by either the defense or the prosecution found the LCN DNA trace of Sollecito on one tiny hook to be the product of contamination by a third party due to the videotaped failure of the police scientific officers to collect the bra clasp until 6 weeks later after numerous people were in and out of that room and where objects had been tossed around AND where Stefanoni is taped touching that exact tiny bra hook with a visibly dirty and admittedly unchanged glove.
How do you account for the DNA of at least 2 other men on that same tiny hook? Are you going to claim two other men touched that bra hook?
WHERE are Sollecito's bloody shoe prints in Kercher's room? Where are his fingerprints? NOWHERE. Do you want to claim that he cleaned up all his other invisible DNA and fingerprints and only HIS bloody shoe prints? If so, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying.
There is ZERO evidence either Knox or Sollecito left her lamp in Kercher's bedroom. Since Knox had NO OTHER SOURCE OF ARTIFICIAL LIGHT in her bedroom other than that lamp, logic says one of them would have noticed she had no light in her own bedroom during the multiple hours of darkness between the murder and dawn. Or do you think they just fumbled around in the dark? Use your brain.
Dude are you stupid? Its always the random black guy. You must not understand statistics.
Its really disturbing how being accused of something over and over again, can cause you to question your own sanity and reality. Im a woman and as a 12 year old girl I was accused of "trying to seduce" my stepfather by the newly converted to islam-mother. She wanted me to convert to Islam and I wouldn't so she started accusing me of seducing the men in the family. It took me years to understand that she was insane and a decade to undo the damage she did to me. Never JUST BELIEVE. People will lie, to get whatever they want and there is no limit on the lies people will tell to win.
It's called gaslighting and it's a narcissistic trait.
@@katherinepoltoratzky6068 but there's also people who don't want to hear the truth and when you tell them it they say "no no no it didn't happen like that, you're wrong"...
Irrefutable PROOF of Knox' lies and involvement, directly from her own mouth!
12:10 "When I was on my way back to Raffaele's THE FIRST TIME".видео.html
Knox has always claimed to have left Raffaele's house the morning of November 2nd to go home, take a shower, and fetch a mop. She has always claimed to have then returned to his place specifically to get him, and upon their arrival together at the cottage everything commenced. Clearly, based on her own words in the footage linked above, she went to and from Raffaele's more than once that morning. This incriminating slip contradicts the narrative she has been feeding the public for over a decade, and proves that she has been lying about the most pertinent facts surrounding Meredith's death.
kind of like the Democrats constantly accusing Trump and his supporters of being white supremacist insurrectionists.
@@alabama.worley Yup. Kinda like the way Amanda slipped up, and forgot to leave any of her DNA in the murder room. Getta grip.
- Gets asked how she felt about hearing Meredith had been murdered.
- Spends several minutes explaining why she had no emotion about it.
You got it. I wonder why so many don‘t.
Imagine 4 years of your life was taken away from you now try pretending that you are going to be calm and reasonable about it.
You are all pretending that you would do this or that when you full well know you would be a deer in headlights as well.
@@bighands69 I don't care about the emotions of the case, but the truth of the case.
@Heffe She's probably not entirely innocent. However, I agree with the last clause of your sentence.
This woman falsely accused Patrick Lumumba and totally destroyed his life.
The Central Park Five accused one another. It's called a coerced statement
@FredHall thank you!
@D @bexlyspeed Here’s what I don’t understand:
If she was there, she’d have known Rudy’s DNA would be found. If she’d wanted to save herself, she’d have told the same story - except with Rudy taking the place of Patrick. Why accuse Patrick, willingly, if she knew his DNA wouldn’t match the DNA found in Meredith? If she really is this evil genius the prosecution made her out to be, she’d have thought of that.
yes and yet she is the victim and don't anyone forget that!
4:28 He asks her "How long did that take before you think you started questioning your sanity"? Her initial reply implies that it was well into the last session of the interrogation when she was exhausted. Then it seems that it was at the start of the interrogation. Just doesn't answer the question properly. Seemed misleading to me.
At 4:28, in response to when she was asked when she started to question her own sanity, she said, "It was a few hours into that final interrogation". The interrogation started at 11:00 and the first statement was made at 1:45. That's almost 3 hours. She didn't have her watch nor was there a clock for her to know how much time had passed. You are making an assumption that " it was well into the last session of the interrogation when she was exhausted. She had been exhausted well before that interrogation as even an interpreter, Ada Colantane testified. She described Amanda's condition when she saw her at around 3 pm the day before the interrogation (Nov. 4):
"I realized that this girl was really tried, exhausted, she was tired because I found her practically, she was leaning on the chair with her head tilted against the wall, white in face, eyes closed, white, I was struck by this pallor and I realized that this girl was sick."
Amanda had also sent an email to her friends in Seattle on Nov. 4 at 3:25 in the morning because she couldn't sleep.
@@mytrip6991 Thanks for replying. She didn't mention any of what you have stated. Where did you get your information?
@@elderlemon8020 From the court records.
Rita Ficarra (Knox's chief interrogator) testimony of Feb. 28, 2009: Ficarra says she encountered Amanda about 23:00 by the elevator and, after speaking with her for a minutes, she took Amanda into a room and started asking her to think of any other men Meredith might have known or who came to the cottage. This is when Amanda starts looking in her phone contacts. Ficarra takes the phone from her and scrolls through it where she finds the text to Amanda's boss "Ok, see you later. Good night. She testifies that "See you later" suggests to her that she was meeting Lumumba later that night.
The first statement at 1:45 and the second statement at 5:45 from Ficarra's deposition of 11-6-07.
Ada Colantone's testimony from March 13, 2009.
Email from the court records "Writings and Letters" related to Amanda.
@@elderlemon8020 I answered this yesterday in detail, but YT has a habit of posting a reply and then it just disappears. Sometimes it reappears a day or more later. Hopefully, it will reappear as I listed the exact court documents (court testimonies and depositions).
@@mytrip6991 I doubt it.
Following Gabby Petito case. Many on YT are screaming to give the entire Laundrie family the electric chair.
This podcast is exactly the kind of content that needs to out there every week of every year forever.
Not even in the same damn ballpark. There is police cam video-more than an hour and a half- documenting the abusive relationship in the Petito case. The guy that called 911 called it in because Brian Laundrie was hitting Gabby.
@@kateb6893 let me stop you.
yes it’s the same damn ball park. it’s the same mound.
Speculators jumping to conclusions on the internet before any legal discovery is released.
People screaming for a pound of flesh from their ikea fall collection with their thumbs-
Mother-in-laws galore.
The Laundries should definitely face some sort of repercussion for pervading the course of justice.
Brian laudrie was witnessed "hitting the girl in the face" multiple times even after she ran away.
How do they know? Brian was an adult. @@Thelittlemommashow
I was backpacking through europe when this was going, It was everywhere. The details being printed seemed so twisted and absurd it was impossible to figure out what the hell had actually happened.
She did it dummy with her psycho boyfriend
I lived with a girl who was friends with Meredith whilst on my year abroad in Madrid...was big news at the time. Poor girl
Yeah Ive seen this case many times, even tried watching documentaries and timelines about it, but it is such a clusterfuck that Im still confused as hell.
I’m waiting for Pingtrip’s edition of this, it’s going to be hilarious
Joe Rogan gets mad at Alex Jones
It’s hilarious! 😡 😂 😆
Knox's personality is repellent.
Theo gonna be jealous that Joe's talking to his girl.
@Fax wtf is that shit lol
@@Cweets thats quran have some respect
@@ali-mk4of but why post it here?
@@Cweets lol,I listened to it as well. I thought the same thing. I was like WTF is this shit.
sippin on that soysauce in the driveway working on that sound system ganggang
I get a weird vibe from her she could be 100% innocent but the words she chooses and the way she talks/looks while explaining certain things is off I wouldn’t be surprised if she was complicit in the murder.
I don’t think her choosing her words carefully shows she’s complicit. I think it’s more that she wants to ensure that she’s not misrepresenting herself, which is smart, all things considering.
she is just akward
I think it was Rudy and her and her boyfriend all together
She's being replaying the story in her head for years now. There's definitely more to that. But no one will know I'm afraid.
What's strange is that the supposed break, the rock is smaller than the hole on the window, suggesting it was staged. Now, why would someone fake their own break-in? Furthermore, the black dude knew Meredith. I think Amanda staged the break-in after the fact. Also, body language and how she keeps latching on to what joe is saying is a lying technique. She is super sus either way.
Just think, innocent people are regularly imprisoned here in the USA by overzealous police, prosecutors and judges.
What - like OJ ?
Guilty people are acquitted and/or released far more often due to high paid attorney's, media pressure, and political interference. It is extremely rare that a truly innocent person is convicted of a violent crime.
@@alabama.worley maybe in your social circles Alabama... but Black people and POC are often innocent on death row... its not a rarity. Our justice system is extremely corrupt and its a privilege to not see that
Knox murdered a Woman of Colour !
@@cassie4965 "Often innocent on death row"?
In order to receive the death penalty, there must be SUBSTANTIAL evidence implicating the defendant. There are very few TRULY INNOCENT people on death row. This is based on statistics.
I had 3 ads interrupt your podcast on Spotify.
Go complain to the manager
buy a subscription its like 10 dollars
oh how tragic, did you survive scotty boy?
It’s not fair that we live in a society with both telemarketing AND social media ads. We may as well have one, just because life isn’t supposed to be fair. But having BOTH is a socially-constructed injustice.
Awww babes xx
never forget Brendan Dassey confessed to murder so he could watch Wrestlemania
I grew up 20 mins from where that happened, used to see Avery and his wild man beard on the tv in the background every morning before grade school and had no idea what it was about. So weird being older and watching it and finding out what it all was
I mean it's Wrestlemania...
The whole thing stinks. They convicted Brendan on an entirely different set of circumstances than Steven, for the same murder. Anyone who thinks Making a Murderer is a whodunnit murder mystery is missing the point entirely.
Well then he did it
He wanted to PLAY wrestlemania on his Playstation.
Get Randy from Lamb of God on here to talk about his situation in Europe.
Dude fuck yes!
what happed??
@@mrvapor4791 what this guy said. What's going on? Related to his charge from pushing the guy off stage years ago?
hell yes, great idea
Huh? What happened
Rest in peace, Meredith Kercher.
Killer podcast bro !!!
I see what you did there 🤣👏🏽
clever :D
There’s something about Amanda that seems a bit off. I think she knows a little more than she’s disclosed 🤷🏽♂️
It was probably another "OJ" or "scopes" trial.
She’s really strange. She also never really seemed to care about this dead girl.
She's absolutely weird but that doesn't make her a murderer. And she really didn't know meredith that well so she may not have been really torn up about her death.
@@joewestau she doesn't come off "weird" in this interview but in some of her older ones she does. But I agree with you, she barely knew her. I'd honestly probably be labeled as weird in this situation too
@@AmberKelly82 Yes I understand. I just think if I was in that situation and people kept saying I wasn't acting how they thought I should act so they are charging me with murder that would be pretty awful. And what is "weird" anyway? What is "normal"? All humans are kinda weird in some way or another. But I totally get your point.
I miss the days when I could watch joe rogan on youtube. Now I just listen on spotify. I know I can watch on spotify, but that's now how I use that app. I used to just stumble upon Joe's podcasts here and randomly find one interesting in the moment and wind up watching for 2 or 3 hours.
The good ol days!
Whether she did or didn’t murder Meredith she’s very obviously a narcissist 🙄no sympathy for the victim , all about herself
Thank you for your professional input, Dr Raindroponroses.
@Raindropsonroses - I’ve read her book and seen the interviews she conducted called “The Scarlet Letter Reports.” They show that she is very caring and thoughtful.
@@TheWchurchill4pm Which is how her friends describe her; friends she's had since childhood. Friends who not only stood by her throughout this decade long ordeal forming a group "Friends of Amanda" to help her, but who flew to Perugia to testify to her character and one, Madison Paxton, who moved to Perugia to be there for her. 'Narcissistic psychopaths' don't have friends like that. But these armchair psychologists who know virtually nothing about her except for the tabloid nonsense they and the prosecution created, feel entitled to declare they know she's a psychotic narcissist. Dunning -Kruger at its finest!
She should do a podcast with OJ Simpson.
@@beachboy13600 a podcast of two people who are claiming to be innocent, idk anything about the case so I have no horse in this race but op is implying that they think Amanda Knox did in fact commit the murder
the DNA showed she was innocent....all the DNA was of the one guy rudi
Can’t believe Joe has Amanda Knox on his podcast
Yeah its kind of fucked.
Why can't you believe it?
@@joevines3428 ??
Yea it’s insane, I will leave JRE to be if this shit continues.
@David Goliath who gives a shit?
So scared for her life she was caught doing cartwheels in a parking lot the night “a murderer was on the loose”.
Unless you're an expert in human behaviour you ain't in a position to say how someone should act when being accused of murder and possibly facing 25 years in prison. Some people fucking laugh when they're literally shitting their pants before they get killed. That's their way.
@@Boylo2492 True that
Why did she constantly lie?
@@Stantheman848 and how did she clean up her own DNA? I agree with you she must be a powerful sorceress
@@dkennedy1 the evidence against her is overwhelming.
Why call her "this Meredith girl" Meredith is the only victim in this crime.
@JeanKanengoni - Meredith is THE victim. But Amanda is A victim. So are Raffaele and Patrick Lumumba, and all of their families.
@@TheWchurchill4pm My focus was on Meredith, whom the interviewer called "this Meredith girl" why call her "this ... girl" Lumumba never got an apology from Amanda, which is pretty sad and extremely unfortunate.
Even if she didn't kill Meredith, she's still an absolute psychopath
How so
Says the guy with Patric Batman pic.
Go return some video tapes bruh
@@Jarrodmontelius 😂 I bet she knows where Paul Allen is!
And you know this… She comes across as a perfectly normal human being, wrongly accused of murder.
@@thorabaker7995 yea I really want to know how OP came to this conclusion based on this video?
Do OJ next.
I might actually listen to joe on Spotify for that
OJ: "Well Joe, I didn't do it, but if I did, here's how I'd do it..."
Yeah yeah yeah...
Amanda shows signs of someone lying when she starts talking about the murder
What signs
You're seeing things.
@@ryanwagner7980Here's a linkвидео.html
That's a link to a police interrogation where the narrator breaks down the behavior of someone who is lying. I think there is similarities in Amanda's behavior when she is questioned about her murdered roommate
Ry thank goodness these things get decided based on actual evidence and not hand wavy stuff like body language. Leave that stuff to the armchair detectives.
I was a 22 year old exchange student the year before this happened. I completely understand at the time how Amanda was caught up in the language and cultural barriers. I was like a child totally at the whims of the people around me- literally everything you think is true is shifted in a foreign country. I was in so many stupid situations thinking back because I had gone from this very sheltered American life to a completely different reality. I think far too many Americans overestimate how you would act in the face of the language and cultural barriers surrounding this crime. I feel for her and for the true victim- poor Meredith and her family.
It shouldn’t be surprising that Italians found her behavior strange. Just consider how we as Americans have assumptions about people from foreign countries. While there was much human error involved in what happened to her, I think we also have to consider the cultural factors. Specifically, the universal human tendency not to challenge our individual assumptions.
@@TheWchurchill4pm I've often wondered if Amanda may be on the autism spectrum. I am certainly not saying she is because, unlike many here I don't diagnose someone when I have no professional training, but she has a lot of behaviors that remind me of a person who is mildly autistic. I have a family member in her late 20's who does not emote facially as Amanda sometimes doesn't, can act slightly "off" in situations... especially when she stressed,.and can sometimes say things that seem out of the 'norm'. Yet she is extremely smart and kind, especially to anyone she thinks is being bullied or an underdog. Amanda reminds me very much of her sometimes.
She had an interpreter at the police station toilet breaks water and food etc. she was treated fairly. The lies told to police were not due to the police treatment of her. A lot of evidence says she guilty as fk. Read the court judgement for yourself - massei report . It is thorough and fair and she was found guilty
There was substantial evidence implicating both Knox and Sollecito; luminol-revealed traces found in the hallway, in Knox’ bedroom, and in Filomena's bedroom where the staged burglary took place, as well as Sollecito’s fingerprints on Kercher’s bedroom door, and on the inside face of Laura's door. Five Luminol-revealed footprints were found in the hallway and in Knox’ bedroom. One was compatible with Sollecito’s right foot, and two were compatible with Knox’ right foot. The electropherogram peaks in most of the mixed Knox/Kercher samples were equally high, within a range consistent with blood and/or where blood was confirmed to have been, and in some samples Knox' peaks were exceedingly higher than Meredith's. Applying basic logic to the above evidence leads to only one conclusion - Knox and Meredith were bleeding at the same time.
However, Knox testified that there was no blood anywhere in the cottage/bathroom on November 1st, so by her own admission her blood is dated sometime between the evening of November 1st and the morning of November 2nd. Knox testified at trial to having seen, spoken with, and/or hung out with Guede nearly half a dozen times, and other testimony confirms that he was a frequent guest of the villa, and did visit the upstairs space where the girls lived. Knox and her groupies notoriously fail to account for her Calunnia conviction, of which she's still a CONVICTED FELON to this day as a result of. She accused an innocent man of rape and murder, all in just over an hour of questioning, immediately after being informed that Rafaelle had pulled her alibi. Furthermore, Sollecito refuted the knife evidence by claiming that Meredith had cut herself with his knife while cooking at his home although she'd never been there, along with never having confirmed Knox' alibi that she was with him the entire night. Again, the evidence in its totality is overwhelming, hence the two guilty convictions.
Also, note that no blood traces were found near, leading to, or in the large bathroom Guede used. Given the above, and the substantial amount of blood at the scene and what should have been on his person, it is impossible that Guede could have used said bathroom after 'attacking' Meredith. No traces of his were found in the small bathroom either, where multiple traces of Knox' DNA, Meredith's blood, and Sollecito's bloody footprint were located.. So, are we to believe that he took a crap, failed to flush, then proceeded to rape and murder Meredith, in that order? Here's an interesting fact - burglars generally burglarize; the statistics of burglars with no history of violence suddenly deciding to escalate a simple burglary into rape and homicide are nill to nonexistent.
The theory of him being startled by Meredith has absolutely no effect on these statistics, because the behaviors necessary for such an escalation simply don't coincide with the facts of the case. If Guede was in the process of burglarizing the home, what did he steal? Why was nothing prepared and set aside? Why was everything of value left untouched? Remember, his shoe prints were found leading straight OUT of the cottage, yet someone had to turn and face Meredith's door in order to lock it.
Blood traces on the floor indicate objects were shifted or removed after Kercher was fatally wounded, as was her body as can be seen from the blood smears in the crime scene photos. There is CCTV footage capturing Guede at various nightclubs for the majority of the evening until early morning. It was physically impossible for him to have moved Meredith's body and stage the scene, and he had absolutely no reason or motive to do so, therefore it's impossible that he acted alone. Finally, the literature on these types of crimes indicate that staging is performed in an effort to conceal one's identity due to a direct relationship with the location and/or victim - both apply to Knox, and Knox alone.
JUDGE MICHELI: "Who came back, cut off Meredith’s bra and moved her body some time later? It wasn’t Guede. He went home, cleaned himself up, and went out on the town with his friends. Someone rearranged things."
The only person with a motive to do so is Knox. Certainly, no stranger later entered the cottage that night, found a dead woman inside, and decided to move and stage the body and scene, bring Knox' lamp into the bloody room, selectively clean the home - going back and forth into the small bathroom, stage a break-in in another bedroom, and finally retrieve Meredith's keys (which common sense would have that they would already have been gone, along with her phone's by this time), and somehow lock her door, leaving absolutely no trace of themselves. Guede certainly did not move Meredith, as evidence shows that she did not die immediately after the fatal blow and subsequent scream. She sadly lay there for quite some time, suffocating on her own blood, and leaving an imprint in said blood on the floor with her bra strap, which required ample time to create. As mentioned above, Guede's movements can be documented well into the early morning, whereas Knox and Sollecito have absolutely no alibi for this period of time, which is undisputed, and they both had their phone's conveniently shut off.
Yup. From the comments you’d think that Italy was Afghanistan. It’s not, I’ve lived there.
Thank you for this. The only lesson is that rich psychos have impunity
@@pasqualealbertosergi7863 True
Always believed she was involved, thank you for putting this side of things.
Italy's Supreme Court let her go for her "utter and complete lack of evidence". And she sued the country in one of Europe's highest judicial courts for unlawful imprisonment and won. So, get over it!!! BTW, I zoned out after the first paragraph of your rambling.
One of the best interview in JRE. 3 hours just flew by.
Hopefully she had to turn in knives at the front door.
@@ontherunjg No worries. Joe got bigger knives and skill to use 'em.
It sounds like it was a terrible interview. Did he ask any questions around why she was the main suspect: her diary, behaviour in the police when they took her, insensitive comments witnesses spoke about? I don't see any of it being asked here
@@shonebx because this is just 17min out of 3 hours 🤦🏽♂️lmaooo duh
@@shonebx I think Joe did ask some of the questions. You shld watch it again. However, I'm more interested to know Amanda as a person than anything else in this interview. And she projected herself as a well centered person. I like her personality.
Some people would kill to go on the JRE.
-Norm McDonald
She did it. She did it. She did it.
Based on what evidence? Based on what evidence? Based on what evidence?
@@mytrip6991 Complete cognitive dissonance, people will believe in what they feel regardless of facts, it's sad that people like this can vote but it's the reality.
@@ChristopherGray00 As the saying goes: "It's easier to fool people than for people to admit they've been fooled." Even when confronted with indisputable evidence they are wrong, they'd rather continue being wrong than admit they are. It reveals a very insecure ego.
No cuts on her body, no DNA evidence etc and Rudy was obviously guilty
This case was fascinating because eventually, it made us question what the media tells us. 2021 - nobody believes the media anymore. I think case started it.
Yeah but the lawyers were responsible of taking advantage of that confusion and also claiming that the investigators were incompetent. That was the base of their defense.
The media was only reporting the information they received from people involved. It’s the media’s fault the government fucked Knox over? I guess this case was the point that society got so lazy that they rely on the media to dictate what reality is while being upset that it doesn’t
Nope. AZT, the "aids crisis", and anthony fauci being responsible for both was rhe start and our short term memories from constant brainwashing propaganda is not entirely perfect. There are echos from old memories and thats one that wont go away.
If you were alive and old enough to think in the late 80's you know what AZT is
@@Bhubnipz No on "fucked Knox over." She murdered Meredith Kercher. She got off lightly.
@@sandman7849 and you know this how?? Intuition?? You don't know, so quit assuming things that were not proved
I think she did it.
Imagine if I think you did something incriminating and led a hound of media and corrupt justice system to convince that you are. I bet you’d believe in it too.
As an Italian dude, this conversation feels like unreal. I had never heard of Americans talking about this crime
Living under a rock there bud? it was a massive story in the States and everyone was talking about it. Lots of documentaries and even a movie or 2
Guarda che è un giallo irrisolto, casi come questi hanno risonanza in tutto il mondo, specialmente in america
Yup, it was a huge deal in the States
to the OPs point, I've never heard of this.
What’s the consensus in Italy? Do Italians think it was her?
Do you know the worst part of all of this? Nobody can even remember the name of the victim who was raped and murdered. All of a sudden Amanda Knox is now the victim. She still knew about it and didn't tell the full truth to the police.
You mean Meredith Kercher? You know, there can be more than one victim in a crime: the victim of the actual crime and the person/people wrongfully imprisoned and vilified for years for something they never did. People who have to deal with being insulted, called horrible names including 'psychopath', 'slut', and 'narcissist and who have to deal with every other consequence that results from being branded a killer for the rest of their lives. People who are judged by ignorant people who know virtually nothing about the actual facts of the case except for what they read in tabloids and on RUclips. Meredith was a victim of Rudy Guede and Knox and Sollecito who were his victims as well.
She had nothing to do with the murder.
I can dispute that. The victim was Meredith Kercher. So, at least one person knows.
Honestly, if you're going to blame someone for "no one" knowing the victim's name, blame the media and the prosecutor. They were the ones who sensationalized and rhapsodized over Amanda Knox.
I bet Amanda never thought she’d be discussing jujitsu 😅 Joe on the other hand 🤷🏻♂️
@Fax WTF is that link bro?
I can’t stop watching Seven Hunnid on RUclips, he a real n*gga
@@e3IZrZ the link showing that he is a taliban member
@@e3IZrZ lol don't click it. It's spam. He's liking his own comments 🤣🤣🤣
Do you think they......rolled?😏
'Hearts can deceive. Words can deceive. But eyes we should trust.' - Cesare Borgia
"The eyes chico, they never lie..."-Scarface
Omg guys..fkn cringe
@@Tero92 are you questioning my mind reading capabilities?
When you were in prison did you ever try DMT?
That's hilarious 😂
Absolutely hilarious. If u get it then you're a long term JRE viewer
I watched the whole thing; Joe actually offered her psychedelic mushrooms. Like, right there.
I read 3 three books on this case and all I can say is the evidence on this tells me she was 100 percent guilty. Read books on the case. Examine the evidence presented in these books. Take her word for nothing.
Which books? I've read Follain, Burleigh, Knox, Sollecito, Dempsey and forensic articles on the evidence.
If the evidence tell you she's 100% guilty, then you can discuss exactly what that evidence is. If not, then it's a worthless opinion.
Why should we take YOUR word for anything when you make claims you've not supported with any evidence?
@@Helenwheels370 I cannot retry the case here and I cannot convince someone against their will. I read these books years ago and got them from the local library so they are no longer in my possession. Sorry. She was caught in numerous lies not to mention she stated she new the victims throat before anyone else informed her of fact. She claimed one of the investigators told her when he had not. When police brought this to her attention she stated, " well maybe It was one of her other investigators" Yeah, right!+ No one gave her that information. She had it before anyone else because she slit Miss Kercher's throat!! She also stated that just before the murder took place she was watching a movie with her boyfriend on her computer. Another lie!! Computer experts proved scientifically that that same computer was not even turned on at that time!! People only lie to cover up things they don't want others to know about. U must know at least some of this if u read all those books. There is much more incriminating evidence than I have time here. Again, I cannot retry the case. Hope we will all come to God's Truth, not our own.
I apologise for grammatical or other mistakes. Should have proof-read better.
@@calemcqueen The case has already been tried and the 2015 Marasca- Bruno SC ruled "the judgment under appeal annulled" ... "for the applicants not having committed the crime" (annulla senza rinvio la sentenza impugnata...per non avere i ricorrenti commesso il fatto).
Your three claims are disproved by court testimony:
1) " She was caught in numerous lies not to mention she stated she new the victims throat before anyone else informed her of fact. She claimed one of the investigators told her when he had not. When police brought this to her attention she stated, " well maybe It was one of her other investigators" Yeah, right!+ "
False. The reason she knew that Meredith's throat had been cut was because Luca Altieri, who broke down the bedroom door, told her in his car on the way to the police station on Nov. 2 per his Feb. 6, 2009 testimony in court.
Altieri's testimony on what was happening after the medical first responders arrived on at the cottage:
Altieri:...."one of the Carabinieri who was out there described what had happened, saying that her throat had been slit and the fact that she had also struggled, let's say, and so I learned this from that."
Altieri - "Look, the only exchange was when we were going to the police station in my car, say, when he asked if she was dead. I was a little shocked by the question, I told him "yes". And then after he asked, if I’m not mistaken, how she died, you know, something like that, and then I explained what I had heard..."
"(Defense)LAWYER -... You said to Amanda: I heard that there is a girl... she was killed because her throat was slit and she started crying as a result.
WITNESS - yes."
2) "She also stated that just before the murder took place she was watching a movie with her boyfriend on her computer. Another lie!!
False again: It was Raffaele's computer, not Knox's, they watched the movie Amelie on. And it was proven that the movie, DID play. From the court records:
(Expert Report on Raffaele Sollecito’s computer)
Prof.Alfredo MILANI
"There is detected only an activity until 9.10.32 pm [on November 1] related to the Amélie movie
'From the analysis it was possible to state that there was interactivity on the machine in the late afternoon of November 1, when, between 6.27.15 pm and 9.10.32 pm the movie Amélie was watched with the VLC software'
such information is said to have been also verified through an “Apple laptop with technical characteristics similar to those of [the pc belonging to] the person under investigation"
3) "Computer experts proved scientifically that that same computer was not even turned on at that time!! "
False yet again. Knox's computer hard drive was so badly fried by the police when they were attempting to copy it, that it was impossible to retrieve any data from it. In fact, they fried not only Knox's laptop hard drive, but Meredith's and one of Sollecito's, too, rendering them useless for evidence. Only Sollecito's MacBook Pro was partially retrieved showing interactivity when they watched Amelie between 6:27 pm and 9:10 pm but also a Naruto cartoon between 9:26 pm and 9:46 pm as reported by Prof. Alfredo Milani in his report:
"the viewing of the “Naruto Ep.101.avi” file started at 9.26 pm (the video lasts for about 20 minutes)"
Prof. Milani proved there was activity from about 6:30 until almost 10:00 pm. Kercher was attacked when she arrived home at 9:00. I guess the pair killed Kercher in the 16 minutes between 9:10 and 9:26? And that includes the 6-7 minutes needed to walk to the cottage and back.
Detectives have PHDs in gas lighting people in interviews. Speaking from personal experience.
@Fleece would you like to share your experience? I’d be interested to hear your perspective
Yes and it leads to many people giving false confessions
Depends on the country
God bless ya Fleece. Hopefully your well❤️🙏🏻
only rudis DNA was in the just have to say you made a mistake and now have the right man but the Italian police did the opposite....keystone kops
I've lived in Italy, off-and-on, for the past 38 years beginning in 1982. Everything she claims is perfectly reasonable, and believable, with regard to their justice system. My wife and I have followed this case closely given the coverage by the Italian media and the fact that I am American ... it changed, to some degree, how some Italians viewed us. Also, this was a bigger story than the Cavalese deaths caused by the Marine pilot's negligence (for which he was wrongly acquitted and allowed to walk Scott free when he was guilty of criminal negligence and mass manslaughter at the very least imho) .... many Italians vowed that America would not escape due punishment this time, in Knox's case - Amanda Knox became the scapegoat to some degree for the ski lift deaths of which they were still angry. However, guilty or innocent, (I personally believe she was/is innocent) Amanda's west coast liberal demeanor contributed to her predicament if by nothing more than perception in the eyes pf most Italians ... body language, facial expressions, flippant remarks and lack of outwardly remorseful emotions (which is neither here-nor-there imho but this is how things were viewed by many Italians at the time) cost her dearly. In the end there are several lessons to be learned. Few actually comprehend what these lessons actually are and why it is so important to consider them as the gospel in today's world.
I think a big problem is that we don’t tend to consider people’s actions from their own point of view. If the police/media had looked at Knox’s behavior in the context of what was going on, they may have seen that there was more than one possible explanation for the things she was doing.
Notoriously one of the worst law enforcement in the world.
@@TheWchurchill4pm That is absolutely true. People also tend to forget that when it's actually happening, the person doesn't have the benefit of knowing what we know later. For example, when Sollecito called the police and said it didn't look like anything had been stolen, he only knew that things a thief would normally take like a laptop and camera were still there in plain view. He did not know that, behind her locked door, Kercher had been murdered or that things had been stolen from her purse.
@fastguitar Guede had/has mental problems. His friend, Victor Oleinikov, said that Guede would go into "fugue states" where he would black out and not remember anything:
" Rudy never wanted to go home and was always happy to sleep on the floor of the apartment Victor shared with roommates. This only became a problem when Rudy started displaying very strange sleeping disorders. His eyes were normally droopy and during these attacks one couldn’t tell if he was awake or asleep. Rudy would rise in the middle of the night and, using a dresser as a black board, teach a lesson as though he was a professor, moving seamlessly between Italian and English. The students found this particularly unsettling. When he awoke in the morning he had no memory of the event. He told his friends that at home he had to hide his keys from himself because he tended to get up in this state and wander the streets, only to awaken miles from his home.
He also had periods of crawling on the floor and barking like a dog."
i knew this case and read a lot, but not at its entirety. But with how it was played in the press, there is benefit of the doubt, that she might be guilty.
But how she is in Joe Roggan's
she seems to be in control,
rekax and no emotion at all.
If it were me, i will still be feeling
vindictive of being incarcerated
when i was innoscent. Sometimes,
too much freedom, and less moral
constraint, especially for a young woman just by herself in a foreign land, trouble
is just around.
Getting away with murder is a pretty lucrative career choice.
@@barrybergisch1 DNA evidence being in the same place, it looked like a struggle. Moreover, staged break-in would seem pointless if the black guy did it; why would he go through the trouble to make it look staged? The rock is smaller than the hole in the window. Which suggests that it was directed. Moreover, she blamed another person because she claimed she was "tired." and lastly, overall lying and lack of remorse.