Jajajaj también queremos el libro en español!!. Yo lo leí y es bien bueno!!!. Una pena que no lo traduzca!! Tendría mucho público igual que La Travesía!! Gracias Meredith por tu esfuerzo por que el mundo hispano hablante tengamos acceso a esta información tan vital!!. Hace dos años q te sigo y tu canal sigue siendo el de mejor calidad y seriedad!!.
I'm 2years no contact out of an 8 year really bad NARC relationship... Everyday i still think about the narc.. I think about what could of been.. How much i loved them and how much they treated me like shit.. Still trying to heal... Can't wait for tbe day .... I wake and never think about the narc again.
Oh God, the loneliness of knowing that nobody believes you even when you're being truthful, and the person who is lying is so charming and appears so kind and nice that people never see there's an ulterior agenda.
YUP...lived that for nearly a year and a half...now i'm just LIVING...again. ...and studying narcissistic behaviours for the sheer hell of it....and the best bit of all. as soon as i know they are in front of me performing their quagmire of fake moves....i make a move...and LEAVE.
They have no empathy, its second nature for them to backstab you then be "charming" to your face. Honestly, they aren't as charming as they deem themselves to be. I think only gullible or love-deficit people view the narcissists "Charm" differently than other people. After I have healed my wounds and overcame my codependent thinking, I now see a narcissists "charm" as rather repugnant and slimy. When you stop doubting yourself, you'll see how gross they are, and how they have to slither through people to conquer/divide and all the other drama they hatch up in order to feel relevant
Yep, was born into with a covert narcissist older only sibling, 58 years of thinking it was me being jealous, insecure, overly sensitive. I was 30 when the veil lifted, but had no idea it had a name or how to detangle the damage. The patterns of fear based reaction were all that I knew and when the only other person (an elder ) who saw through them died, and after yrs of no contact and building a new life in another country, I went back for more. Finding Merediths work and all of the commenters who’ve experienced it has been profoundly life-changing for me. You are not alone.. we are not alone
fairtradenow im 33 now and just figuring why my entire life was such a living hell. Still nobody believes me about anything and im insanely isolated and desperate for some relationship and connection that I isolate to protect people from me to. I really have had nothing but unstable relationships my entire life everyone abandoning me. What hurts the most is how much i cared about all of them compared to how little i meant to all of them. Its so insanely overwhelming. To top that off i felt so bad about myself and hated myself so bad that i abused the ever living shit outta myself for years and years isolating myself and avoiding people everyone seemed to just either judge me, make fun of me, made me feel crazy and seriously question my sanity. I totally still struggle with getting triggered by certain people but i am actually finally starting to stick up for myself now. It feels so good when i do get to stand up for myself to it surprises me how good that feels. But anyways isolation has actually bin one of the most important parts of my self realization and discovery of all these terrible issues i’ve bin dealing with since grade 1.
It’s very helpful when she uses the term “reveal themselves.” I’ve never thought of it that way. But it is a reveal. Because they do wear masks and present themselves certain ways. They don’t change. They simply reveal their true self. Wow. She really understands narcissism.
Their change in personas can really destabilize your ability to discern if you were in an abusive relationship or not. Like he said, "if you have your alarms going all the time, its harder to recognize a problem". That constant sense "flight or fight" we get from narcissists exhausts us from our capacity to truly detect the red flags. Thing is the narcissist themselves sends our body into a state of shock and it causes us to get used to this state of distress which eventually makes us very tired, lethargic, or depressed, and it skews our critical thinking we need to safe ourselves from the madness. This is why narcs prey after more naïve "fresher" supply, because its easier to condition or brainwash impressionable people
It breaks my heart to see the number of kind souls who've been slaughtered by these monsters. Thank god for people like you Jackson and Meredith. More power to you.
I have changed....I used to think that everyone had some good in them but now i know otherwise...I know now that some people are rotten to the core.... I used to be the clown in the gym acting goofy and talking to everyone and sharing my empathy and now the old me in many ways is gone...I still act out and make people laugh but not nearly as much....My na·ive·té is gone....My radar is up more so and when i know i have one of these monsters present i end the conversation ASAP and just walk away cause i know what they are up to .. .....I am more alone now cause I find that those cluster B's were the ones who really listened to me or payed the most attention when i was acting Goofy .... I realize now that there are a lot more of these monsters then most might think.....I am trying now more then ever to make myself happy from with in and not relying on other people to do so...I am now identifying my childhood Traumas with my eyes wide open and seeing that these cluster B's are every where and are like packs of lions in the herd of elks praying off the weak......It sucks cause i really loved it when i was more of a free spirit and was always laughing and clowning more BUT I DO have a lot less stress cause most of the time i can identify these people With in minutes....... IT Really Really sucks that you have to have your force field ready at all times cause these jezabels are EVERYWHERE and they will hurt you if you allow it...
You're so spot on. I used to think everyone was inherently good too. Now when I hear one compliment from a female, my guard is up. It does suck in the sense that you def feel more lonely for a time, but it's def worth it because it does allow time for self healing, as well as a decreasing stress level in your life bc these toxic people aren't in the picture. You're right, the best thing to do is walk away when in the presence of any of these energy vampires...
I am also grieving the loss of my free spirit, loving and niave me. I completely hear you. I'm hoping for me to replace this with something else and I hope that for you too. With time, I believe we'll be much better for the realization that not everyone is good at heart....and recognizing these types of people will end up just being a part of who we are and so won't take so much effort and being on gaurd. Hope things get better for you and you realine with your free spirit in different ways.
I have certainly cherry-picked many folk to go NO-CONTACT with......it sure ain't hard to find them now. Good luck Shaveer Love....with those strong thoughts of yours...you are heading to a place of one thing...renewed strength....stay on that path.....on your journey of walking slowly as faraway from the town of NARCVILLE as possible.
Before narc abuse, targets can absorb lots of bullshit and excuses, which causes narcs to prey after them. After narc abuse, most people become aware and have zero tolerance for bullshit. Being with a narcissist feels like being a trashcan, where they dump all of their toxicity and insecurities into. You'll realize after you've healed, how awful they made you feel, and how you don't want to accept it from anyone else. That is where self-respect comes in.
Also what comes in is the need to refuse to harden your heart,and not become hyper vigilant,tolerating " bullshit" ,discern what is bullshit.Most people shouldn't go from tolerating it all,to anything that isn't what u want is bullshit and must go...
You two are magic together~~I didn't want the interview to end! Please do more!! He is just lovely and so are you, Meredith. I felt so calm listening. Thank you!!
I remember there was part in the book where he spoke about how insecure he felt about his looks at one point in his life...but seeing him now,I think He’s actually an extremely handsome guy,with a beautiful soul and spirit 😊
This book changed my life. my jaw dropped in the first 5 minutes. FINALLY I understood what the hell was happening to me. I never really understood the true depth of the term “narcissist” until reading Psychopath Free. The term Is just thrown around so lightheartedly. No one can truly 100% understand this type of personality & emotional abuse unless they’ve actually endured it. Regardless of education. Jackson gave me the knowledge, strategies, and strength to get out for good. No contact. He removed my rose colored glasses and now I can pick em out of a crowd. They’re everywhere !🙄 Thank you Jackson MacKenzie❤️ I’m no longer naive to the “narcissist”. I’ve told so many others about your book. I think it should be a prerequisite to life!!
same here ❤️ so very grateful to discover psychopathfree. the book and audiobook helped me go no contact with my narc ex. inner integration also helped reinforce my decision and understand these personality types that i was vulnerable to. thank you both
Jojanneke van den Bosch what he wrote about the „transitional target“ explained a situation I had always been confused about, the book is so great, I think everyone could benefit from the information, even people who have only met emotional abusers briefly, it explains so much about our world and people in general
Looking forward to unwounded love. I am seeing glimpses of it. Boundaries are so important, especially in the beginning. Narcissists really hate boundaries. They love instant, add-water relationships. Thanks for reminding me it's not my fault.
The very thing I have been feeling and thinking about is validated by this video. It is no longer OK with me to be treated in a hurtful way. How can someone say they love you, when they can't even bother to find out who you are. Words have become very hallow and meaningless when coming from these toxic people. I'm learning to become less reactionary and defensive and more introspective on what is really happening with my interaction with them. A true sign of self love. Thanks for all your great videos and information. It's been a tremendous help!
Yes exactly. I thought the same, how can someone proclaim they "love you" all day, but never bother to get acquainted with who you are. I know everyone has their own idea of what "love" is, but I think it requires knowing somebody as a whole, their entirety of mind, body and soul. And getting intimate with them on those levels to understand what fuels their being to be happy and healthy, and both parties being able to reciprocate that (edit)Narcissists are unable to truly do this, they are too spiteful and immature. If they try to, it'll always be limited to their level of empathy or compassion to be able to do so, something they lack.
I'm blown away. Thank You both of You. 😇😇 There is hope. I'm getting these books. This shit is so real and it has crippled me and stunted all of my potential. I will prevail. We all will. Keep the faith people 💕🙏😇💪😎
Just bought the book! Can’t wait to read it. Just wanna say how much you’ve helped me Meridith, your videos have quite possibly provided me with the tools to save my own life and create a happier, healthier, safer one 💖 Thank you
I've devoured his two books..the clarity gained is extremely helpful in moving forward..but still it takes time, meditation, prayer, friends, therapy and no contact to eventually free you from the power of a psychopath's grip..its an incredibly painful and yet enlightening experience to fall in love with someone so disordered, and truly a figment of your inagination.. Stephen Chute
A year later and this interview is 10x better to me....I got psychopath free and listened to it on audiobooks over 100 times at various parts of the book....That concept of the constant was so awesome and is so true....
Thank you Meredith for havingJackson on. I attribute Psychopath Free to saving my soul. I listened to it twice in one weekend holed up in bed 3 1/2 years ago and I pretty much spent an entire year in a puddle of tears on my floor afterward. It was a necessary awakening and I have boundless gratitude for Jackson for writing it. And for you for having him on. Can’t wait to read Whole Again.......not to mention actually feel it consistently. ✨❤️🌸✨
Jackson you are a hero. Your book and your work is saving lives and is an astonishing act of love. Can’t wait for the new one. Thank you and thanks Meredith for sharing with the world - it’s so needed!!
Such a wonderful interview. Thank you! Jackson- I came out of this 3 years ago and finally got my life back together. Your book changed my life and I’m starting to believe my gut. After the aftermath, life is beautiful.
What a beautiful interview between two deeply insightful, compassionate and wise people. I want to let Jackson MacKenzie know that it is because of Psychopath Free that that I am, in fact, psychopath free. Several months after my discard, still painfully heartbroken, (but still as he wished "good friends"--eye-rolling), clueless about what had really happened to me, I went to the bookstore for a completely other reason and found myself in the Psychology Section. Your book called to me from the shelf, deep inside I must have sensed something. I picked it up, and slowly my body slid down on to the floor as I took it all in. I could barely look up from what I was reading to take the moment needed to buy the book. This was my story, exactly. I had no idea. I finished the book in a day. And two days later blocked him and went NC. In March it will be two years. And it is because Meredith reviewed your book that I found Meredith who has subsequently been an awesome, and very important online guide for me. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. I cannot thank you enough. Were it not for Psychopath Free, exactly the book I needed, written exactly in the right way to reach me, I shudder to think where I'd be right now. I eagerly look forward to your upcoming book!
Hi Dandelion greens 👋💖 Beautiful recounting, thank you for sharing that. They both played a huge role in my awakening and healing too. Congrats on almost two years no contact! Much love my sister and God bless.
Meredith, I can not thank you enough for hosting Jackson Mackenzie, his book helped to literally save my life! Thank you to both of you, what a Holiday Gift! Thank You! ❤
I am a counselor and you are so right about not being able to heal trauma by just talking about it. That's why I felt so helpless as primarily a cognitive therapist. I knew I was limited in helping some clients and would refer them to people that could do trauma work. There has to be a deeper connection. Thanks for putting words to my frustration and explaining it.
Perfect timing! I just finished Psychopath Free last night. It is the best read so far (for me) on the subject. So compassionate and tender and very clear. Thank you, Jackson. It really helped my faith in human nature, and it gave me great information on the subject of these disordered people and what is going on in me that allowed it to happen.
This book woke me up to what was going on. To accept the reality of it and begin to seek a path out. I look forward to your new book.. I am now free of my narcissist wife, yet dealing with residual legal and divorce issues. However now that I am away, I am recovering and can feel it. Thank you for your contributions to this often ignored area. So many, including myself.. never really understood the topic. This can save others from the horror that we abused endure or have endured. This should be required high school reading IMO.
I thought he was a myth, a combination of people working under a pseudonym-because the book was so extremely on point and perfect! This is such a wonderful interview! THANKS!!
True Refugee! hahahahahaha Meredith, you've helped me so much, and I think that Jackson's books will too. It's helpful even to be able to look at the horrible crap I've been through as opportunities to learn. I'm with you, I want to pass this class. That simple change in perspective changed my life, and I was in despair when I found you. I've learned so much, but I now know how much I still have to learn. It's a life-long project.
Meredith I love you! I think your beautiful,strong and amazing!.I purchased Psychopath Free a few months ago after you had recommended it on a previous video! I've read it and it was absolutely spot on!.Jackson McKenzie is just as gorgeous as his picture which is in the book..Love you both from the UK..😘❤
Jackson's new book is brilliant, connecting his personal experiences and Western psychology with wisdom from Buddhist + Eastern traditions. Highly recommended.
I have been binge listening to books and videos on narcissists the past two years after my son got involved with one. This book is by far the best one I have listened to to help explain exactly how they make you feel. Thank you for your wonderful work and masterpiece of a book!!! After binge listening for the past two years, I have found out I am surrounded by these disordered, toxic personalities. The best advice is to not react to their craziness as this feeds their behavior and it makes you look like the crazy one. Ignore them and everything they do to try and provoke you. It's the only way you will get out with your sanity intact!
Almost finished reading Psychopath free, it's such a good book! I am in stage one of recovery and it helped me a lot. I am from the Netherlands, it would be great if Psychopath free can be translated for a lot of victims over here who cant read it in English. I didn't find any book in Dutch with this level of information, so it's needed!! Thanks for this vid. I would like to have the new book aswell.
I have psychopath free on audiobooks...I have listened and relistened a 100 times in the last year....you recomended it ...I fall asleep with it to my ear almost everynight or every other night for more then 8 months.....Thank you...It has really really helped me...........Yuppp I'm a slow learner and it takes a long long time for something to stick with me but when i get it i really get it...Often better then the people who learn something the first time around...There's no value i can put on all that i have learned with you meredith.....This time last year i was in rough rough shape...
I listened to this book on Audible and it gave me chills. It was my first bf to a tee, even down to the detailed examples that he gave. Even thought it’s sad that there are so many people in the world like this, I was glad that I wasn’t alone and other people had gone through similar if not the same situation as me. I definitely need to listen to it again.
I know of no other comprehensive guide for targets of narcissistic abuse. I've found that clinicians rarely understand these dynamics because they don't see psychopaths in an intimate environment. The best experts are those who have had those experiences, and the commonalities between them is so similar. Jackson, thank you for this book! And thank you to Meredith for your video resources. Your content is informed and objective, unlike a lot of other former "victims" who generate narc-bashing content. As much as I want to hate these people, I want to focus my energy on me, especially after almost everything (including my sense of self) was taken away. This book was truly lifechanging. I had so many questions, and was in such a state of confusion and stupor after my experience. I became completely alienated from my friends and family, had no support post discard from my sinister then husband, and was physically attacked by my best friend who became a flying monkey. There were 4 attempts to mentally institutionalize me and I was at a low that I feel like very few humans experience. I didn't need to be institutionalized because thanks to people like the two of you, I learned there was actually nothing wrong with me! I honestly don't know what I would have ever done without you two. Even with the assistance of mental health experts, I still was struggling to figure out certain dynamics - which are completely inexplicable to normal human beings. I've been treated for CPTSD for the past 2 years and fortunately did not have to end up in a mental institution because I was able to finally develop a construction for my profoundly traumatic and surreal experience. All I needed were answers and support and I found it in both of you two. I continue to watch videos on the topic and pleased to see a better awareness of psychological, emotional, and other abuse. I know that both of you don't like to separate the various disorders of the Cluster Bs, however there is a difference in the behavior amongst them - as I have lived with two different varieties. Dealing with a borderline or benign narcissist is very different from a psychopath, especially in regards to the potential risks involved. I don't like labeling or diagnosing, but these differences are important to targets/victims. The documentary movie, "I Psychopath," which is available on RUclips helped me to better understand psychopathy, and its diagnosis (which also involves the observations of others - which is important). In the film, Sam Vaknin, the "World's Most Famous Narcissist" is actually diagnosed as a psychopath. You can see some of the interactions between the filmmaker and the subject, and some of the sinister manipulation that goes on. I don't have much background on the film, but I think the filmmaker had to shut down production early because of Sam's abuse. Months after he was still traumatized. It's fascinating, and the only documentary where you can really witness narciscisstic abuse from an objective standpoint. I would encourage you to do a video on the film and also talk to the filmmaker. In addition, it really changed how I see Sam, and the prolific content he puts out. After watching this, I have a hard time believing anything he says. Don't want to bash him, as I think he's contributed much to the body of knowledge on manipulators and the Cluster Bs. However for those who follow him, it's important to know more about who he really is....
Miss E wow I completely agree with everything you wrote! Mental health professionals are so important to anyone struggling with mental illness, but I don’t think you can be an expert on this field if you have not experienced narcissistic abuse yourself. Most people don’t even want to acknowledge it exists because the topic is so dark and ugly. And I agree 100% with what you said about Sam Vaknin. I love Richard Grannons work but I don’t like how he blindly endorses Sam and his ideas, he said some things in his interviews on social media and other topics that were paranoid and not based on any facts. I appreciate that he „switched the sides“ but listening to him talk still makes me shiver 😬
@@IrinaCastilloMusic I agree with you 100% as well. I commented recently on one of Richard Grannon's videos (in which he does a whole serious with Sam) that it's like he's fallen into Sam's trap. I love Richard and believe he's done some great work and advocacy. But this demigogery and deification (hope I spelled those write, I mean right ;0) concerns me. Not just for his audience, but also for his own credibility on the subject. Did you have the chance to watch "I, Psychopath"? If not, please do! I would love to hear your thoughts on it after seeing it.
I soooooooo appreciate you saying it’s victim shaming when they say you’ve got a bad picker because I have a friend that says it over and over and it always hit my gut - yes I didn’t have boundaries but I hate getting blamed for this abuse
Wow! I'm reading this book in polish and thought, Jackson is about 70 years old. But you are both so young and so full of live! Great, thank you so much, you both brought so much light into my life after this horrible experience...
Great interview! Thank you for your book Psychopath Free Jackson. For me the seminal book on mind body that explained it all to me was The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van De Kolk. It is a science based book about trauma but explains all of the sensations in the body and navigates the mind body connection. I finally understood my C-PTSD, I will be checking out True Refuge by Tara Burch
Wow Meredith, this is a very exciting interview. I first discovered you on youtube through a review you did on his book a few years back. I remember reading the entire book in a day. It's really neat and feels almost full circle to see you interview him directly. I also love the focus of this discussion. I am in a new relationship, the first since my narc ex, and in the beginning of this new relationship I was so hungry for help about how to not get fooled again but also not let hyper-vigilance prevent me from welcoming healthy love into my life. I've definitely hit the wall with talk therapy and realize there's other work I need to do on myself in order to be free from the depression and anxiety that for me has always been there from a young age, that led me to the toxic relationship and that is damaging my current relationship. Looking forward to checking out Tara Brach's book and Jackson MacKenzie's new book. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you SO much for expressing that we, who have survived narcissistic relationships, didn't CHOOSE to bring another narcissist into our lives! The blame we hear so often is sometimes just as devastating as the trauma itself. OMG you get it! Thank you
Read it. Lived it. This book slapped me in the face, I had just started really understanding but I was at the stage where I thought he might be able to change. But when everything fit in my life from this book, it gave me a good shock. Jackson is a cutie btw☺️ I actually listened to the audiobook so I pictured someone very different, an older man.
My therapist got me to the point where I don’t care. Grandfather + Mother + Father + spouse of 41 years. I stayed because I knew I would lose my whole family. It took me a couple of hospital visits to accept complete aloneness. I had no choice because my psychopath ramped up the abuse, thinking I had to deal with it. With all my friends ghosting me over the years I no longer want any.
Wow. My two favorite people!!!! Meredith please get Jackson on again for his new book! You both have helped me very much. I'm 4 months in no contact and it's been beyond rough. There are no words to describe as you know. I just had 2 good days in a row which is A HUGE VICTORY for me. I literally left my whole life because I was dying inside from him. I was a shell of a woman. It was hard but I watched dirty john and it gave me triggers and the chills as there were so many of the same things I went through not to mention we were in California and went to the same places where the film took place. Just trying to get my life back and independence and not sure how but its baby steps. Thank you so much for being there for all of us in this fight. We need awareness and real understanding on this subject. So many of us have lost so much , families torn apart, jobs, our homes, finances even our belongings just to get away only to be hurt further by criticism and harsh judgment of others.
Exciting!!! Two of my absolute favs together!😍 Meredith I came across you about two years ago when I didn't even know what narcissism was! My ex's behaviors just couldn't be explained solely as sex addiction. I watched a lot of your videos not wanting to peg him in any hole until I hit upon covert narcissism! Then holy man, my life absolutely changed from that moment on! You have been such an integral part of my healing process and a million thank you's could never suffice! Jackson's book was 'the' book that solidified everything and there was absolutely no room left for any doubt as to what I had been dealing with for the better part of twenty years. Thank you both and I feel blessed to be a fellow empath and survivor and thriver in the company of the two of you!💓Much love and God bless!
Its sooo true what they are saying! It has taken years however, but when you get those hurt gaps handled, it is literally like a joke when another Narc tries to punk you emotionally.
Hola! qué bien por fin llega este video con subtítulos. Qué grato es ver una conversación tan profunda y simple a la vez, tiempo atrás jamás habría imaginado que podría ver algo así en los medios, de tanta franqueza e importancia. Por lo general lo que tiene que ver con los sentimientos ha sido el lugar de novelas rosas, o series cebollas para gusto de la mayoría y poder hablar de sentimientos a un nivel tan increíblemente serio y decente, no puedo más que agradecerlo, agradecerles...
Both you and Jackson have been my guides to healing after narcissistic abuse, as well as my nascent journey into recovery from codependency. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart! You give me hope that my pain has a purpose, and that's a purpose I can be passionate about. 🙏
Jackson Thanks for 'Psychopath Free'. I was unable to put it down, and felt so understood by you. You're a great writer, very engaging with your readers. Your experiences resonated with me. Thank you to Meredith and Jackson for this video. So much great wisdom and food for thought. You are both a pleasure to listen to, intelligent and articulate, your personalities and energy are similar and harmonious. Very satisfying for your empathetic viewers. The "broken picker thing", yeah, thanks for debunking that myth. It's NOT our fault.
Two brave and wonderful people. Education about this behavior is key to prevention and/or overcoming the devastation if you do fall prey to the Psychopath. Thank you for sharing this important work. It's not about changing - we can be our sweet and empathetic selves, we just must be very, very cautious that we do not let someone manipulate and take advantage of our sweetness. We can truly be STRONG & SWEET. Amen.
Wow, I can seriously relate to these experiences. I could feel his pain, and the trauma he went through yet he still helped millions, and still is. RIP, you may be gone but not forgotten.
Thank you Meredith for recommending (psychopath free) a long ago, it’s definitely as you described it a sanity saver. As for this interview it is amazing, what you both are doing is highly appreciated, and you always come across as such wonderful down to earth people. I have a little comment tho about the “how” to apply the knowledge, not just the “what” is it that you need to educate yourself about the abuse you survived, not only how to use your knowledge but also how to keep going, how not to give up, because I know from my experience that sometimes it’s easy to give up. Would be really great if other survivors also share their stories about what difficulties they faced on the healing journey and how did they overcome those difficulties to be able to continue this journey, which for some of us it might be a journey of a whole life of building up everything that’s been destroyed and sometime maybe gain things you didn’t have in the first place like maybe self confidence.
Thank you so much for having Jackson on, his book gave me so much strength and I look forward to the next book. Love you both and can not thank you enough
Jackson, I just want you to know that your book "whole again" has changed my life. It took a couple months after reading it, but... I have never felt this happy or free in my whole life. I dont ever remember feeling a warmth in my heart until now, after a life full of abuse by people I should have been able to trust the most. I am now so grateful for everything that I am blessed with, even if my situation hasnt changed. Along with what Ive learned from your book, I've been doing yoga and emdr therapy as well as growing in my relationship with God. The combination of these things has helped me more than you'd ever know. Thank you so much, I hope that you'll be able to see this. And thank you Meredith for doing this interview, so I could find some way to reach out to Jackson. You guys are doing a wonderful thing for this world, your compassion and advice are life changing for so many people :) sorry if this sounded corny! God bless
Thank you so much Meredith. Loved the interaction between you and Jackson. Lovely guy. So grateful to have access to your work, Meredith.xxxxx from Ireland
If you have enough self-esteem you would just walk away you said... Well, not if pregnancy is involved after the first 3 Month of an intense sexual affair and you would have wished for kids. This can bind you by your heart for several years. After 7 years I finally got out of this relationship. Thank you for your work, it helps a lot in retrospective. Wish you all the best.
Aww Meredith thank you so much for bringing this interview with Jackson it was very informative . I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the great work that you do it has totally changed my son and my life as we are both survivors from narcissist abuse. I believe that our healing came from sharing our stages of recovery and using your fantastic advice and tools through your videos and book. P.S. I now love to see people reactions when I say NO ....as you say Meredith "I have no more fucks to give. "
Great video!!!💙💙💙 Thats such a big point..."...people dont selectively treat some people poorly and others great" ( not exact quote but you know which point Im paraphasing). Its sooo true. In both narcs I encountered...I witnessed them treating other people terrible (some in their lives) but I was always pre-told a story that was negative to the person they were mistreating...so you almost dont even question them because you already "know" this person is "bad" based on the narcs previous storytelling. Smh. #TheStruggleIsReal
Ya hay subtítulos en español!
Jajajaj también queremos el libro en español!!. Yo lo leí y es bien bueno!!!.
Una pena que no lo traduzca!! Tendría mucho público igual que La Travesía!!
Gracias Meredith por tu esfuerzo por que el mundo hispano hablante tengamos acceso a esta información tan vital!!. Hace dos años q te sigo y tu canal sigue siendo el de mejor calidad y seriedad!!.
Síí! Le dije a Jackson que le dijera a su editorial que se deba publicar su libro en español. Se necesita y claro que va a se vender mucho!
@@InnerIntegration Hola me gustaría comprar el libro . Me ayudaría mucho
I'm 2years no contact out of an 8 year really bad NARC relationship... Everyday i still think about the narc.. I think about what could of been.. How much i loved them and how much they treated me like shit.. Still trying to heal... Can't wait for tbe day .... I wake and never think about the narc again.
Por favor en Amazon . El título del libro yo lo necesito . Gracias a los dos sois maravilloso.
R.I.P. Jackson MacKenzie
Oh God, the loneliness of knowing that nobody believes you even when you're being truthful, and the person who is lying is so charming and appears so kind and nice that people never see there's an ulterior agenda.
YUP...lived that for nearly a year and a half...now i'm just LIVING...again.
...and studying narcissistic behaviours for the sheer hell of it....and the best bit of all. as soon as i know they are in front of me performing their quagmire of fake moves....i make a move...and LEAVE.
They have no empathy, its second nature for them to backstab you then be "charming" to your face. Honestly, they aren't as charming as they deem themselves to be. I think only gullible or love-deficit people view the narcissists "Charm" differently than other people. After I have healed my wounds and overcame my codependent thinking, I now see a narcissists "charm" as rather repugnant and slimy. When you stop doubting yourself, you'll see how gross they are, and how they have to slither through people to conquer/divide and all the other drama they hatch up in order to feel relevant
SLITHER'S the word...SNAKES.
Yep, was born into with a covert narcissist older only sibling, 58 years of thinking it was me being jealous, insecure, overly sensitive. I was 30 when the veil lifted, but had no idea it had a name or how to detangle the damage. The patterns of fear based reaction were all that I knew and when the only other person (an elder ) who saw through them died, and after yrs of no contact and building a new life in another country, I went back for more. Finding Merediths work and all of the commenters who’ve experienced it has been profoundly life-changing for me. You are not alone.. we are not alone
fairtradenow im 33 now and just figuring why my entire life was such a living hell. Still nobody believes me about anything and im insanely isolated and desperate for some relationship and connection that I isolate to protect people from me to. I really have had nothing but unstable relationships my entire life everyone abandoning me. What hurts the most is how much i cared about all of them compared to how little i meant to all of them. Its so insanely overwhelming. To top that off i felt so bad about myself and hated myself so bad that i abused the ever living shit outta myself for years and years isolating myself and avoiding people everyone seemed to just either judge me, make fun of me, made me feel crazy and seriously question my sanity. I totally still struggle with getting triggered by certain people but i am actually finally starting to stick up for myself now. It feels so good when i do get to stand up for myself to it surprises me how good that feels. But anyways isolation has actually bin one of the most important parts of my self realization and discovery of all these terrible issues i’ve bin dealing with since grade 1.
Wow! I just found his books (I am beginning to read, Whole Again) and it is so heartbreaking to learn of his passing.
Rewatching in memory of Jackson. I was so excited when he was on your channel.
It’s very helpful when she uses the term “reveal themselves.” I’ve never thought of it that way. But it is a reveal. Because they do wear masks and present themselves certain ways. They don’t change. They simply reveal their true self. Wow. She really understands narcissism.
Their change in personas can really destabilize your ability to discern if you were in an abusive relationship or not. Like he said, "if you have your alarms going all the time, its harder to recognize a problem". That constant sense "flight or fight" we get from narcissists exhausts us from our capacity to truly detect the red flags. Thing is the narcissist themselves sends our body into a state of shock and it causes us to get used to this state of distress which eventually makes us very tired, lethargic, or depressed, and it skews our critical thinking we need to safe ourselves from the madness. This is why narcs prey after more naïve "fresher" supply, because its easier to condition or brainwash impressionable people
I am so excited to see this conversation between two people who bring so much light into our world!
Isn't it exciting? They are both so helpful and eloquent on the subject. It shows you how predators go after people who have a light within them.
Indeed, another great one. Thanks Meredith! And it was fun to "meet" Jackson as well.
It breaks my heart to see the number of kind souls who've been slaughtered by these monsters. Thank god for people like you Jackson and Meredith. More power to you.
I have changed....I used to think that everyone had some good in them but now i know otherwise...I know now that some people are rotten to the core.... I used to be the clown in the gym acting goofy and talking to everyone and sharing my empathy and now the old me in many ways is gone...I still act out and make people laugh but not nearly as much....My na·ive·té is gone....My radar is up more so and when i know i have one of these monsters present i end the conversation ASAP and just walk away cause i know what they are up to .. .....I am more alone now cause I find that those cluster B's were the ones who really listened to me or payed the most attention when i was acting Goofy .... I realize now that there are a lot more of these monsters then most might think.....I am trying now more then ever to make myself happy from with in and not relying on other people to do so...I am now identifying my childhood Traumas with my eyes wide open and seeing that these cluster B's are every where and are like packs of lions in the herd of elks praying off the weak......It sucks cause i really loved it when i was more of a free spirit and was always laughing and clowning more BUT I DO have a lot less stress cause most of the time i can identify these people With in minutes....... IT Really Really sucks that you have to have your force field ready at all times cause these jezabels are EVERYWHERE and they will hurt you if you allow it...
Well stated. Can so relate.
You're so spot on. I used to think everyone was inherently good too. Now when I hear one compliment from a female, my guard is up. It does suck in the sense that you def feel more lonely for a time, but it's def worth it because it does allow time for self healing, as well as a decreasing stress level in your life bc these toxic people aren't in the picture. You're right, the best thing to do is walk away when in the presence of any of these energy vampires...
@@NigelJ Definitely agree. Compliments make me skeptical.
I am also grieving the loss of my free spirit, loving and niave me. I completely hear you. I'm hoping for me to replace this with something else and I hope that for you too. With time, I believe we'll be much better for the realization that not everyone is good at heart....and recognizing these types of people will end up just being a part of who we are and so won't take so much effort and being on gaurd. Hope things get better for you and you realine with your free spirit in different ways.
I have certainly cherry-picked many folk to go NO-CONTACT with......it sure ain't hard to find them now.
Good luck Shaveer Love....with those strong thoughts of yours...you are heading to a place of one thing...renewed strength....stay on that path.....on your journey of walking slowly as faraway from the town of NARCVILLE as possible.
Before narc abuse, targets can absorb lots of bullshit and excuses, which causes narcs to prey after them. After narc abuse, most people become aware and have zero tolerance for bullshit. Being with a narcissist feels like being a trashcan, where they dump all of their toxicity and insecurities into. You'll realize after you've healed, how awful they made you feel, and how you don't want to accept it from anyone else. That is where self-respect comes in.
Also what comes in is the need to refuse to harden your heart,and not become hyper vigilant,tolerating " bullshit" ,discern what is bullshit.Most people shouldn't go from tolerating it all,to anything that isn't what u want is bullshit and must go...
The fast engagement =fast disengagement makes so much sense.
Jackson MacKenzie....The Man who saved my life.❤❤❤
Meredith you have played a big part in my healing.❤❤❤
So sad that Jackson MacKenzie committed suicide in mid June 2023 😢
No one can comprehend what's like to be involved with a Narcissist other than by someone who also been victimized by one!
He has such kindness in his face
You two are magic together~~I didn't want the interview to end! Please do more!! He is just lovely and so are you, Meredith. I felt so calm listening. Thank you!!
I remember there was part in the book where he spoke about how insecure he felt about his looks at one point in his life...but seeing him now,I think He’s actually an extremely handsome guy,with a beautiful soul and spirit 😊
He is gorgeous!!!! He could be a model
Jackson ❤️
This book changed my life. my jaw dropped in the first 5 minutes. FINALLY I understood what the hell was happening to me. I never really understood the true depth of the term “narcissist” until reading Psychopath Free. The term Is just thrown around so lightheartedly. No one can truly 100% understand this type of personality & emotional abuse unless they’ve actually endured it. Regardless of education. Jackson gave me the knowledge, strategies, and strength to get out for good. No contact. He removed my rose colored glasses and now I can pick em out of a crowd. They’re everywhere !🙄 Thank you Jackson MacKenzie❤️ I’m no longer naive to the “narcissist”. I’ve told so many others about your book. I think it should be a prerequisite to life!!
Me too! ❤️
same here ❤️ so very grateful to discover psychopathfree. the book and audiobook helped me go no contact with my narc ex. inner integration also helped reinforce my decision and understand these personality types that i was vulnerable to. thank you both
Had it not been for this book, I wouldn't have made it 😢❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jackson is super. His book helped me immensely in the early stages of recovery. The instant validation was amazingly helpful.
Jojanneke van den Bosch what he wrote about the „transitional target“ explained a situation I had always been confused about, the book is so great, I think everyone could benefit from the information, even people who have only met emotional abusers briefly, it explains so much about our world and people in general
Looking forward to unwounded love. I am seeing glimpses of it. Boundaries are so important, especially in the beginning. Narcissists really hate boundaries. They love instant, add-water relationships. Thanks for reminding me it's not my fault.
The very thing I have been feeling and thinking about is validated by this video. It is no longer OK with me to be treated in a hurtful way. How can someone say they love you, when they can't even bother to find out who you are. Words have become very hallow and meaningless when coming from these toxic people. I'm learning to become less reactionary and defensive and more introspective on what is really happening with my interaction with them. A true sign of self love. Thanks for all your great videos and information. It's been a tremendous help!
Yes exactly. I thought the same, how can someone proclaim they "love you" all day, but never bother to get acquainted with who you are. I know everyone has their own idea of what "love" is, but I think it requires knowing somebody as a whole, their entirety of mind, body and soul. And getting intimate with them on those levels to understand what fuels their being to be happy and healthy, and both parties being able to reciprocate that (edit)Narcissists are unable to truly do this, they are too spiteful and immature. If they try to, it'll always be limited to their level of empathy or compassion to be able to do so, something they lack.
Just wanted to say that this book changed my life. Overnight. Thank you.
I'm blown away. Thank You both of You. 😇😇 There is hope. I'm getting these books.
This shit is so real and it has crippled me and stunted all of my potential. I will prevail. We all will. Keep the faith people 💕🙏😇💪😎
Just bought the book! Can’t wait to read it. Just wanna say how much you’ve helped me Meridith, your videos have quite possibly provided me with the tools to save my own life and create a happier, healthier, safer one 💖 Thank you
Wow! Thank you soo much, you both are simply brilliant! Jacksons book was THE ultimate EYE OPENER, everybody should read it.
His book saved my life !!! CLARITY !! Whew ! Thank you Meredith for sending me to it and thank him for his sharing !!
I've devoured his two books..the clarity gained is extremely helpful in moving forward..but still it takes time, meditation, prayer, friends, therapy and no contact to eventually free you from the power of a psychopath's grip..its an incredibly painful and yet enlightening experience to fall in love with someone so disordered, and truly a figment of your inagination.. Stephen Chute
A year later and this interview is 10x better to me....I got psychopath free and listened to it on audiobooks over 100 times at various parts of the book....That concept of the constant was so awesome and is so true....
Thank you Meredith for havingJackson on. I attribute Psychopath Free to saving my soul. I listened to it twice in one weekend holed up in bed 3 1/2 years ago and I pretty much spent an entire year in a puddle of tears on my floor afterward. It was a necessary awakening and I have boundless gratitude for Jackson for writing it. And for you for having him on. Can’t wait to read Whole Again.......not to mention actually feel it consistently. ✨❤️🌸✨
Jackson you are a hero. Your book and your work is saving lives and is an astonishing act of love. Can’t wait for the new one. Thank you and thanks Meredith for sharing with the world - it’s so needed!!
Such a wonderful interview. Thank you! Jackson- I came out of this 3 years ago and finally got my life back together. Your book changed my life and I’m starting to believe my gut. After the aftermath, life is beautiful.
Recovering after 2 narcissist relationships one after the other for 3 years of tears and heartbreak. Thank you for your video
What a beautiful interview between two deeply insightful, compassionate and wise people. I want to let Jackson MacKenzie know that it is because of Psychopath Free that that I am, in fact, psychopath free. Several months after my discard, still painfully heartbroken, (but still as he wished "good friends"--eye-rolling), clueless about what had really happened to me, I went to the bookstore for a completely other reason and found myself in the Psychology Section. Your book called to me from the shelf, deep inside I must have sensed something. I picked it up, and slowly my body slid down on to the floor as I took it all in. I could barely look up from what I was reading to take the moment needed to buy the book. This was my story, exactly. I had no idea. I finished the book in a day. And two days later blocked him and went NC. In March it will be two years. And it is because Meredith reviewed your book that I found Meredith who has subsequently been an awesome, and very important online guide for me. Thankyouthankyouthankyou. I cannot thank you enough. Were it not for Psychopath Free, exactly the book I needed, written exactly in the right way to reach me, I shudder to think where I'd be right now. I eagerly look forward to your upcoming book!
Dandelion Greens what a beautiful story ☺️
@@IrinaCastilloMusic Thank you!
Hi Dandelion greens 👋💖 Beautiful recounting, thank you for sharing that. They both played a huge role in my awakening and healing too. Congrats on almost two years no contact! Much love my sister and God bless.
Thank you!@@crystaljean522 And much love to you too sister....hugs!
Meredith, I can not thank you enough for hosting Jackson Mackenzie, his book helped to literally save my life! Thank you to both of you, what a Holiday Gift! Thank You! ❤
I am a counselor and you are so right about not being able to heal trauma by just talking about it. That's why I felt so helpless as primarily a cognitive therapist. I knew I was limited in helping some clients and would refer them to people that could do trauma work. There has to be a deeper connection. Thanks for putting words to my frustration and explaining it.
Its so cool to see you two together in an interview !!!
Perfect timing! I just finished Psychopath Free last night. It is the best read so far (for me) on the subject. So compassionate and tender and very clear. Thank you, Jackson. It really helped my faith in human nature, and it gave me great information on the subject of these disordered people and what is going on in me that allowed it to happen.
This book woke me up to what was going on. To accept the reality of it and begin to seek a path out. I look forward to your new book.. I am now free of my narcissist wife, yet dealing with residual legal and divorce issues. However now that I am away, I am recovering and can feel it. Thank you for your contributions to this often ignored area. So many, including myself.. never really understood the topic. This can save others from the horror that we abused endure or have endured. This should be required high school reading IMO.
I thought he was a myth, a combination of people working under a pseudonym-because the book was so extremely on point and perfect! This is such a wonderful interview! THANKS!!
Hahaha when he contacted me a little over a month ago my first thought was OMG he’s a real person!
Dziękuję bardzo za książkę. Uratowała mi życie i ratuje.
True Refugee! hahahahahaha Meredith, you've helped me so much, and I think that Jackson's books will too. It's helpful even to be able to look at the horrible crap I've been through as opportunities to learn. I'm with you, I want to pass this class. That simple change in perspective changed my life, and I was in despair when I found you. I've learned so much, but I now know how much I still have to learn. It's a life-long project.
Meredith I love you! I think your beautiful,strong and amazing!.I purchased Psychopath Free a few months ago after you had recommended it on a previous video! I've read it and it was absolutely spot on!.Jackson McKenzie is just as gorgeous as his picture which is in the book..Love you both from the UK..😘❤
Jackson's new book is brilliant, connecting his personal experiences and Western psychology with wisdom from Buddhist + Eastern traditions. Highly recommended.
He has such a sweet presence. :)
He is such a sweetheart!
@@InnerIntegration he is lovely kind face and manner and very clever
So kind
I have been binge listening to books and videos on narcissists the past two years after my son got involved with one. This book is by far the best one I have listened to to help explain exactly how they make you feel. Thank you for your wonderful work and masterpiece of a book!!!
After binge listening for the past two years, I have found out I am surrounded by these disordered, toxic personalities. The best advice is to not react to their craziness as this feeds their behavior and it makes you look like the crazy one. Ignore them and everything they do to try and provoke you. It's the only way you will get out with your sanity intact!
Almost finished reading Psychopath free, it's such a good book! I am in stage one of recovery and it helped me a lot. I am from the Netherlands, it would be great if Psychopath free can be translated for a lot of victims over here who cant read it in English. I didn't find any book in Dutch with this level of information, so it's needed!! Thanks for this vid. I would like to have the new book aswell.
I have psychopath free on audiobooks...I have listened and relistened a 100 times in the last year....you recomended it ...I fall asleep with it to my ear almost everynight or every other night for more then 8 months.....Thank you...It has really really helped me...........Yuppp I'm a slow learner and it takes a long long time for something to stick with me but when i get it i really get it...Often better then the people who learn something the first time around...There's no value i can put on all that i have learned with you meredith.....This time last year i was in rough rough shape...
I listened to this book on Audible and it gave me chills. It was my first bf to a tee, even down to the detailed examples that he gave. Even thought it’s sad that there are so many people in the world like this, I was glad that I wasn’t alone and other people had gone through similar if not the same situation as me. I definitely need to listen to it again.
I know of no other comprehensive guide for targets of narcissistic abuse. I've found that clinicians rarely understand these dynamics because they don't see psychopaths in an intimate environment. The best experts are those who have had those experiences, and the commonalities between them is so similar. Jackson, thank you for this book! And thank you to Meredith for your video resources. Your content is informed and objective, unlike a lot of other former "victims" who generate narc-bashing content. As much as I want to hate these people, I want to focus my energy on me, especially after almost everything (including my sense of self) was taken away.
This book was truly lifechanging. I had so many questions, and was in such a state of confusion and stupor after my experience. I became completely alienated from my friends and family, had no support post discard from my sinister then husband, and was physically attacked by my best friend who became a flying monkey. There were 4 attempts to mentally institutionalize me and I was at a low that I feel like very few humans experience. I didn't need to be institutionalized because thanks to people like the two of you, I learned there was actually nothing wrong with me!
I honestly don't know what I would have ever done without you two. Even with the assistance of mental health experts, I still was struggling to figure out certain dynamics - which are completely inexplicable to normal human beings. I've been treated for CPTSD for the past 2 years and fortunately did not have to end up in a mental institution because I was able to finally develop a construction for my profoundly traumatic and surreal experience. All I needed were answers and support and I found it in both of you two. I continue to watch videos on the topic and pleased to see a better awareness of psychological, emotional, and other abuse.
I know that both of you don't like to separate the various disorders of the Cluster Bs, however there is a difference in the behavior amongst them - as I have lived with two different varieties. Dealing with a borderline or benign narcissist is very different from a psychopath, especially in regards to the potential risks involved. I don't like labeling or diagnosing, but these differences are important to targets/victims.
The documentary movie, "I Psychopath," which is available on RUclips helped me to better understand psychopathy, and its diagnosis (which also involves the observations of others - which is important). In the film, Sam Vaknin, the "World's Most Famous Narcissist" is actually diagnosed as a psychopath. You can see some of the interactions between the filmmaker and the subject, and some of the sinister manipulation that goes on. I don't have much background on the film, but I think the filmmaker had to shut down production early because of Sam's abuse. Months after he was still traumatized. It's fascinating, and the only documentary where you can really witness narciscisstic abuse from an objective standpoint. I would encourage you to do a video on the film and also talk to the filmmaker. In addition, it really changed how I see Sam, and the prolific content he puts out. After watching this, I have a hard time believing anything he says. Don't want to bash him, as I think he's contributed much to the body of knowledge on manipulators and the Cluster Bs. However for those who follow him, it's important to know more about who he really is....
Miss E wow I completely agree with everything you wrote! Mental health professionals are so important to anyone struggling with mental illness, but I don’t think you can be an expert on this field if you have not experienced narcissistic abuse yourself. Most people don’t even want to acknowledge it exists because the topic is so dark and ugly. And I agree 100% with what you said about Sam Vaknin. I love Richard Grannons work but I don’t like how he blindly endorses Sam and his ideas, he said some things in his interviews on social media and other topics that were paranoid and not based on any facts. I appreciate that he „switched the sides“ but listening to him talk still makes me shiver 😬
@@IrinaCastilloMusic I agree with you 100% as well. I commented recently on one of Richard Grannon's videos (in which he does a whole serious with Sam) that it's like he's fallen into Sam's trap. I love Richard and believe he's done some great work and advocacy. But this demigogery and deification (hope I spelled those write, I mean right ;0) concerns me. Not just for his audience, but also for his own credibility on the subject. Did you have the chance to watch "I, Psychopath"? If not, please do! I would love to hear your thoughts on it after seeing it.
Miss E I haven’t watched it but I definitely will ☺️
I soooooooo appreciate you saying it’s victim shaming when they say you’ve got a bad picker because I have a friend that says it over and over and it always hit my gut - yes I didn’t have boundaries but I hate getting blamed for this abuse
Wow! I'm reading this book in polish and thought, Jackson is about 70 years old. But you are both so young and so full of live! Great, thank you so much, you both brought so much light into my life after this horrible experience...
He is wise beyond his years!
I finished his book in 3 days; LIFE-CHANGING!!
That's the first book I read when I had went no contact with my ex
Figured out who I was dealing with RUN Forest RUN immediately went no contact without knowing what was required after a death scare!
Me too!
Great interview! Thank you for your book Psychopath Free Jackson. For me the seminal book on mind body that explained it all to me was The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van De Kolk. It is a science based book about trauma but explains all of the sensations in the body and navigates the mind body connection. I finally understood my C-PTSD, I will be checking out True Refuge by Tara Burch
Wow Meredith, this is a very exciting interview. I first discovered you on youtube through a review you did on his book a few years back. I remember reading the entire book in a day. It's really neat and feels almost full circle to see you interview him directly. I also love the focus of this discussion. I am in a new relationship, the first since my narc ex, and in the beginning of this new relationship I was so hungry for help about how to not get fooled again but also not let hyper-vigilance prevent me from welcoming healthy love into my life. I've definitely hit the wall with talk therapy and realize there's other work I need to do on myself in order to be free from the depression and anxiety that for me has always been there from a young age, that led me to the toxic relationship and that is damaging my current relationship. Looking forward to checking out Tara Brach's book and Jackson MacKenzie's new book. Thank you for all you do!
I'm in the same spot!
Thank you SO much for expressing that we, who have survived narcissistic relationships, didn't CHOOSE to bring another narcissist into our lives! The blame we hear so often is sometimes just as devastating as the trauma itself. OMG you get it! Thank you
The number of people Jackson has helped around the world ❤️
Read it. Lived it. This book slapped me in the face, I had just started really understanding but I was at the stage where I thought he might be able to change. But when everything fit in my life from this book, it gave me a good shock.
Jackson is a cutie btw☺️ I actually listened to the audiobook so I pictured someone very different, an older man.
I wish you would interview Dr. Les Carter I love his explanation and how to move on, he is on RUclips also, big hugs sending love and thank yous!
He is so calm and collected and funny! Gus is a plus.
That book is really, really good.
My therapist got me to the point where I don’t care. Grandfather + Mother + Father + spouse of 41 years. I stayed because I knew I would lose my whole family. It took me a couple of hospital visits to accept complete aloneness. I had no choice because my psychopath ramped up the abuse, thinking I had to deal with it. With all my friends ghosting me over the years I no longer want any.
How are you doing?
Wow. My two favorite people!!!! Meredith please get Jackson on again for his new book! You both have helped me very much. I'm 4 months in no contact and it's been beyond rough. There are no words to describe as you know. I just had 2 good days in a row which is A HUGE VICTORY for me. I literally left my whole life because I was dying inside from him. I was a shell of a woman. It was hard but I watched dirty john and it gave me triggers and the chills as there were so many of the same things I went through not to mention we were in California and went to the same places where the film took place. Just trying to get my life back and independence and not sure how but its baby steps. Thank you so much for being there for all of us in this fight. We need awareness and real understanding on this subject. So many of us have lost so much , families torn apart, jobs, our homes, finances even our belongings just to get away only to be hurt further by criticism and harsh judgment of others.
Great interview Meredith. Jackson has saved many people with his website and 1st book 🙌
He definitely did!!
Exciting!!! Two of my absolute favs together!😍 Meredith I came across you about two years ago when I didn't even know what narcissism was! My ex's behaviors just couldn't be explained solely as sex addiction. I watched a lot of your videos not wanting to peg him in any hole until I hit upon covert narcissism! Then holy man, my life absolutely changed from that moment on! You have been such an integral part of my healing process and a million thank you's could never suffice! Jackson's book was 'the' book that solidified everything and there was absolutely no room left for any doubt as to what I had been dealing with for the better part of twenty years. Thank you both and I feel blessed to be a fellow empath and survivor and thriver in the company of the two of you!💓Much love and God bless!
Love this interview. He seems like such a nice person.
He’s a sweetheart!
Its sooo true what they are saying! It has taken years however, but when you get those hurt gaps handled, it is literally like a joke when another Narc tries to punk you emotionally.
Thank goodness for Jackson! I can’t stop listening to your book. It’s given me so much hope.
Hola! qué bien por fin llega este video con subtítulos. Qué grato es ver una conversación tan profunda y simple a la vez, tiempo atrás jamás habría imaginado que podría ver algo así en los medios, de tanta franqueza e importancia. Por lo general lo que tiene que ver con los sentimientos ha sido el lugar de novelas rosas, o series cebollas para gusto de la mayoría y poder hablar de sentimientos a un nivel tan increíblemente serio y decente, no puedo más que agradecerlo, agradecerles...
Wow my very first book 3 yrs ago!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Oh my goodness...Both of you were the most help for me in the beginning. Thank you both 🤗😘😘😘
So true about your body giving signals. My blood pressure rises and I have limp in my throat from certain people!
Both you and Jackson have been my guides to healing after narcissistic abuse, as well as my nascent journey into recovery from codependency. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart! You give me hope that my pain has a purpose, and that's a purpose I can be passionate about. 🙏
Thanks for 'Psychopath Free'. I was unable to put it down, and felt so understood by you. You're a great writer, very engaging with your readers. Your experiences resonated with me.
Thank you to Meredith and Jackson for this video. So much great wisdom and food for thought. You are both a pleasure to listen to, intelligent and articulate, your personalities and energy are similar and harmonious. Very satisfying for your empathetic viewers.
The "broken picker thing", yeah, thanks for debunking that myth. It's NOT our fault.
Two brave and wonderful people. Education about this behavior is key to prevention and/or overcoming the devastation if you do fall prey to the Psychopath. Thank you for sharing this important work. It's not about changing - we can be our sweet and empathetic selves, we just must be very, very cautious that we do not let someone manipulate and take advantage of our sweetness. We can truly be STRONG & SWEET. Amen.
I’m reading Whole Again right now and it’s amazing. Highly recommend.
Wow, I can seriously relate to these experiences. I could feel his pain, and the trauma he went through yet he still helped millions, and still is. RIP, you may be gone but not forgotten.
Meredith your English is so clear, thanks! we can listen and have all the meaning you want to transmit. thanks. From France
Thank You! Jackson I've got your book in Polish. Very helpfull lecture. Greetings from Silesia :)
What a gift. Extreme fanboying happening right now. Thank you both SO much.
Thank you Meredith for recommending (psychopath free) a long ago, it’s definitely as you described it a sanity saver. As for this interview it is amazing, what you both are doing is highly appreciated, and you always come across as such wonderful down to earth people. I have a little comment tho about the “how” to apply the knowledge, not just the “what” is it that you need to educate yourself about the abuse you survived, not only how to use your knowledge but also how to keep going, how not to give up, because I know from my experience that sometimes it’s easy to give up. Would be really great if other survivors also share their stories about what difficulties they faced on the healing journey and how did they overcome those difficulties to be able to continue this journey, which for some of us it might be a journey of a whole life of building up everything that’s been destroyed and sometime maybe gain things you didn’t have in the first place like maybe self confidence.
Thank you so much for having Jackson on, his book gave me so much strength and I look forward to the next book. Love you both and can not thank you enough
It’s so cool you interviewed him
Jackson, I just want you to know that your book "whole again" has changed my life. It took a couple months after reading it, but... I have never felt this happy or free in my whole life. I dont ever remember feeling a warmth in my heart until now, after a life full of abuse by people I should have been able to trust the most. I am now so grateful for everything that I am blessed with, even if my situation hasnt changed. Along with what Ive learned from your book, I've been doing yoga and emdr therapy as well as growing in my relationship with God. The combination of these things has helped me more than you'd ever know. Thank you so much, I hope that you'll be able to see this. And thank you Meredith for doing this interview, so I could find some way to reach out to Jackson. You guys are doing a wonderful thing for this world, your compassion and advice are life changing for so many people :) sorry if this sounded corny! God bless
My two favorite people! Great talk!! :) And Jackson..what a handsome gent. His book has helped me so much! :)
I didn’t expect that!! What a great dialogue. Thank you both🙏
Jackson you have helped me so much with your book it’s so great to see you in this interview. I’ll definitely buy your new book- all the best to you 💓
Thank you so much Meredith. Loved the interaction between you and Jackson. Lovely guy. So grateful to have access to your work, Meredith.xxxxx from Ireland
Thank you, Meredith for the chance to hear watch and listen to Jackson. His book is amazing. Waiting for the new one. Great interview 💖
Such beautiful souls & beautiful people as well! Thanks for all y’all do for this cause. It’s extremely helpful to me & so many others. ❤️😘
If you have enough self-esteem you would just walk away you said...
Well, not if pregnancy is involved after the first 3 Month of an intense sexual affair and you would have wished for kids. This can bind you by your heart for several years.
After 7 years I finally got out of this relationship.
Thank you for your work, it helps a lot in retrospective.
Wish you all the best.
Wow. Excellent video. Thank you so much. You guys are so unbelievably intelligent and articulate the problem exactly to the core.
Aww Meredith thank you so much for bringing this interview with Jackson it was very informative . I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the great work that you do it has totally changed my son and my life as we are both survivors from narcissist abuse. I believe that our healing came from sharing our stages of recovery and using your fantastic advice and tools through your videos and book. P.S. I now love to see people reactions when I say NO ....as you say Meredith "I have no more fucks to give. "
The long lasting effects of childhood traumas is grossly misunderstood and understated.
Jackson is such a lovely person. His book helped me so much.
Thank you both for this interview. I have heard about this book and I intend to read it ASAP.
That was so great!! Thank you both!! ❤️🙏
I cannot wait to get Jackson's new book!! Thank you!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 👍👍❤️❤️‼️
You both are so adorable! Absolutely loved loved loved this interview!⭐
Great video!!!💙💙💙 Thats such a big point..."...people dont selectively treat some people poorly and others great" ( not exact quote but you know which point Im paraphasing). Its sooo true. In both narcs I encountered...I witnessed them treating other people terrible (some in their lives) but I was always pre-told a story that was negative to the person they were mistreating...so you almost dont even question them because you already "know" this person is "bad" based on the narcs previous storytelling. Smh. #TheStruggleIsReal
I love you Meredith & I love him! 😊❤ Such an amazing, informative interview. Thank you x