16 of the 9th 2022 friday eve bells half muffled at Halifax minster

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2022
  • now this is Halifax minster bellringing on a friday eve half muffled for the queens death which will go on till monday the 19 of september then on monday morning i will be tolling A bell on its own in turns half muffled which i dont mind sharing i like to be the good stuart anyway thank you very very much for letting me go up Halifax minster bell tower to film the back 8 bells ringing half muffled now i hope i can go up again i will leave it About a couple of months before another visit not straight away no maby in november sometime around the middle or when theres A 12 bell 10 bell practice on yes the bells are a rich toned sound in them and are lovley to ring otherwise so this is my own home bellringing tower you can now see for your selfs that these bells are not taylors bells they came from croydon in 1951 stuarts the old 12 which were here were no good so they scrapped them i hope you like our bells we just had 1 hours practice this eve ready for the queens furnral death toll ok enjoye the halifax bells getting darker earlier now yes getting chillie on a evening yes huddersfield parish church on monday around 10 am morning for the queens funral service we are all going to miss here shes been a good queen to everybody yes

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