Wow, You're Still Here!

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
    Ygg Studio is an archive/shitpost/music/streaming/whatever I want channel now!

Комментарии • 188

  • @hansmaus2169
    @hansmaus2169 4 месяца назад +151

    Yeah, the ship is sinking and all the life boats have already taken of and I can't swim and the captain has started rapping

    • @UraniumCoffee
      @UraniumCoffee 4 месяца назад +3

      it's dave strider isn't it, dave strider is the captain of the boat that is sinking and is refusing to use his time powers to save the remaining passengers

  • @EnzoDraws
    @EnzoDraws 4 месяца назад +67

    We stuck around here for so long that we found the post-credits scene

  • @dfmrcv862
    @dfmrcv862 4 месяца назад +45

    Look, your "Asterisk War Sucks" series helped me get into writing, so... I'll just stay here if that's okay.

    • @LateNightTableCo
      @LateNightTableCo 4 месяца назад +2

      Every time I get ready to write, I watch that series as a refresher of what not to do with my stories

  • @Gagneto
    @Gagneto 4 месяца назад +64

    I have a 15 year old dead cellphone inside a drawer, you think this is high priority on the "getting rid of stuff I don't use anymore" list? nah fam, you stayin here right where you should be lol

  • @elbowpastatime
    @elbowpastatime 4 месяца назад +92

    I'm nostalgic for this place, what can I say?

  • @unbiasedfanboy5792
    @unbiasedfanboy5792 4 месяца назад +32

    This is the first time that youbtube has pushed this or affiliated channel videos to my home page in a looong time and it's pretty funny that it is this video.

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +16

      I had a feeling it would happen haha, there is a level of weird and off topic that can’t help but draw attention

  • @reyaz8531
    @reyaz8531 4 месяца назад +25

    This is the first video my push notifications worked on in months

  • @brony4869
    @brony4869 4 месяца назад +34

    Bold of you to assume i don't like shitposting

  • @shyguypro9876
    @shyguypro9876 4 месяца назад +33

    Alright there Ferris Bueller.

  • @ryan-oo3lh
    @ryan-oo3lh 4 месяца назад +10

    Ive been here so long, i forgot where the exit is

  • @--.--.--.--.--.--
    @--.--.--.--.--.-- 4 месяца назад +5

    It's certainly interesting, how RUclips works nowadays. You see all those channels that put interaction reminders, like "did you know 99% of my viewers are not subscribed?" That's actually a good thing, because it means all of their views from from recommendations and homepage feeds. Most people don't use subscriptions anymore, because the homepage already recommends the newest videos from their most-watched channels, even if they're not subscribed. A lot of older creators talk about "videos not hitting the sub feed", but I think a big part of it is that nobody even USES the sub feed nowadays. Subscriptions are not longer important to success. Recommendations are.
    Maybe you are just cursed, but maybe it's the overall RUclips culture shift. Or maybe it's both! Either way, I'm still along for the ride.

  • @shadowpriest3359
    @shadowpriest3359 4 месяца назад +11

    Bea I hope you read this. This will be a long comment but it has good information and will be worthwhile if you ever want to try and seriously come back to RUclips for a career.
    The way you describe your career when you were the Digibro character is slightly off. To be clear, your experiences from your perspective living that character are totally valid. I get that you were depressed in 2015-17 and hated the daily life you lived. I get that it wasn't fun being the human content machine. I'm not here to disagree or argue with your perspective of what **living** that content production cycle was like. Where I take issue is where you retroactively analyzing why **viewers** loved your channel.
    To be successful on RUclips a person just needs to do two big things: Firstly, make interesting content that nobody else is making (or alternatively present ideas in a way nobody else has presented them). And secondly, tell a story. That's really it. Emplemon creates massively successful videos because he tells stories about subjects nobody else does (like Nascaar) or he makes videos talking about common stories **in a way** unlike anyone else does (his Simpsons videos with his unique editing, takes, and style). Even formulaic RUclips content like Let's Play channels are unique and tell stories in some way. I'm sure you gravitated toward the Game Grumps because Arin and Jon/Danny were unique compared to other let's players and told the stories of their character from episode to episode.
    YOU found success on RUclips with the Digibro character because you fulfilled those requirements. You were making content that nobody else on this website was making - both the anime videos and the after dark vlogs - AND you were leading an interesting life unlike what anyone else was doing. In other words, you were telling YOUR story.
    As Casey Neistat says, story is king, everything else is in service of the story. Through that lens, all of your videos were in service of YOUR story. You originally started expressing yourself so that you could, as you said, "show the world that this kind of person exists." You may have not realized it at the time, but by slowly revealing your opinions, thoughts, and dreams in each video, you were building a story that viewers could follow. No one vlog or anime video on it's own was ever that important, but in your words, it built a "meta-narrative." I would argue the video Shinbo in the 90s wasn't necessarily a work of art on its own. But the buildup to it in the Digi Does Life episodes and After Dark vlogs discussing its production, and then the Decompression Chambers and other podcasts discussing it in an autopsy afterword... all of that **together** made it art. And it was damn good art. You crafted a beautiful story out of your life that viewers loved following.
    Your channel began to fail when you stopped telling the story.
    To be clear, your channel DID NOT start struggling because of content ID strikes, it was always getting those. It DID NOT begin struggling because of view-to-subscriber ratio, that doesn't matter on RUclips. Your channel DID NOT struggle because your audience wanted you to be a lonely raging otaku. Your channel didn't even fall because of your transition or your inability to relate to your audience when going through that. You can tell this is true because you **still** had occasional videos popping off in views after your transition, like your "I Hate Digibro" video or your retirement announcement. You know why those videos popped off in views? Because they opened the window back up to your story!!
    The reason your channel began to fail was because you stopped telling your story, or at least you stopped doing it well. You may feel like you were telling your story with the voidgazers travelogues and other videos on this channel, but viewers never saw it. A 19 min rant about objectivity in art not existing is a quick clear chapter. It's building your value-set that can be seen in future videos. It's a personal vlog with just me and you talking into the camera. It's a window into your world as viewers see your outfit, your room, your lighting, and everything else. It's a nice clean chapter in your story. By comparison... A 2 hour travelogue titled "VOIDGAZERS, DO YOU LIKE POKEMON" is unbelievably less clear. I have no idea how this relates to you or your story. It's a bloated video filled with lots of side characters who I don't care nearly as much about. Whatever "you" that existed in that video was murky, completely out of context with no clear message or editing to slot you into a broader narrative. It wasn't a particularly spectacular or thrilling video on its own, but worse than that - it was im-personal.
    There's a lot of problems with the way you packaged your content over these past 4 years. Not just titles and thumbnails... subject material, editing, and what you chose to point a camera at... so many elements of the video making process failed to capture anything resembling an interesting story.
    What's so frustrating about this is you've STILL BEEN LIVING AN INCREDIBLY INTERESTING LIFE! You've traveled the country, transitioned, moved from one place to another seemingly every year or two... but I have no idea about any of it. You gave one quick vlog when you were living in Corbin, but that's about it. If I want to follow your story now... I have to click on a video titled "WE WATCH ANIME" and know clairvoyantly that the first however-many minutes will discuss what you've been doing in recent weeks.
    You seemed to take the wrong message from the drop in viewership. It wasn't because you weren't talking about anime. If you just post a random anime video, it's going to get the same 5-10k views you were getting with voidgazers stuff. We followed you because we loved seeing the evolution of you as a person. A transition to a music career, a transition to ghostwriting, or a transition into transitioning could have all been apart of that and most of us would have still been along for the ride. I wont say all, because yeah, some idiots may lash out angrily at the change. But you didn't need to completely throw away everything in service of your new direction.
    If you want to give up telling your story on RUclips for money, that's understandable. But you won't find a career on RUclips with music or writing or even making anime videos on their own. You need to keep telling your story and revealing a vulnerable personal side of yourself. If you've ever read a writing book, like Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird, you know that writing can only ever be good if it's revealing, a personal and vulnerable sharing from writer to reader. That's one of the first pieces of advice any writer tells prospectives.
    You haven't done that in a long, long time, and that's the core at where your fall began.

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +3

      I agree with your conclusion, even if I think you're misguided in a lot of your logic. Some stories simply cannot be told, especially not while they're happening.

  • @RbDaP
    @RbDaP 4 месяца назад +9

    jokes on you I was aware of all those videos, watched, subbed etc but im still here since prime shitpost is still content lmao

  • @icompilehitogatatrainpsas7639
    @icompilehitogatatrainpsas7639 4 месяца назад +15

    I am a digital parasite on the back of this channel, you'll have to kill me if you want me gone.

  • @zoidsfan12
    @zoidsfan12 4 месяца назад +13

    To be honest it's wild the ride this channel has been on. I love that you still have the same manic sense of humor for getting across any message.
    I was there in the early pony days, was there for some of the best anime video essays on the platform, religously consumed after dark content, listened to PCP for a while, and went through the transition of all the old videos being deleted.
    You as a person gave me guidance when I was younger. You were someone that was similar to me but further in your life than me.
    I'm now how old you were during some of your peak content. I'm now 25 going on 26. And I find myself thinking about a bunch of the stuff you used to make videos about but in my own words.
    Heck when I found out I had adhd and was a bit on the autism spectrum I thought about your video about the anime you watch being indicative of your level of autism. A lot of things just made sense.
    When I was younger I needed constant guidance. I'm now at the age where I find I'm giving said guidance to others. There are a bunch of topics where I'm the old veteran in the room.
    Anime for instance, I find I only watch a show or 2 a year and mainly read manga. But instead of me consuming these things and going "wow pretty", I'm writing about how much intention went behind certain scenes, how tight the pacing is. I'm looking at these things from the perspective of a creator rather than a consumer.
    I can't consume things for the sake of it anymore. Everything either makes me feel as though I could have made something better or is studied as a reference to the sort of works I want to do.
    Like it's so bad I nearly cried at how perfect of a movie the good the bad and the ugly was. Because it felt like something that couldn't be matched, something which left no cracks or vulnerabilities to exploit.
    This channel has been a constant in my life. You taught me that it was ok to be me. Just seeing that you are still doing creative stuff online is enough for me, it fills me heart with joy. Even just the glimpse of your environment in this video betrays a constant creative fervor nestled in your bossom.
    Glad to see you are still at it fam. I wish you well on your journey.

  • @JudeIsnotthere
    @JudeIsnotthere 4 месяца назад +17

    I think its a sense of not letting things go, even if youtube has destroyed this channel. Ive subscribed to you since like my high school days back in the digi bro days i dont like getting rid of subscribed channels, they are like their own time capsules

    • @SC16239
      @SC16239 4 месяца назад +1

      RUclips didnt destroy this channel, digibro did 😢

  • @nathagar9251
    @nathagar9251 Месяц назад +1

    Don’t mind me staying subbed, I just remember the channel exists every couple of years and come back to binge your videos.
    You basically made little teenage me realize that media had “meaning” and “quality” - that I could form genuine personal opinions beyond the bare minimum of the text being directly presented to me. I fell off naturally over time as my interest in anime faded and was replaced by other things but I still really value your channel and content.

  • @0hate9
    @0hate9 4 месяца назад +7

    out of curiosity, why did you make We Watch Anime a new channel? I'd've assumed the best move would be to use the channel with way more (particularly, anime-based) subscribers, and make a different channel for shitposts.
    like, no shade at all, idgaf: I just don't get the decision-making process there.
    EDIT: oh nvm you showed the other video answering that question. that makes a ton of sense!

    • @Damoney125
      @Damoney125 4 месяца назад

      Yeah its my first time seeing that clip too, that pretty much explains it all now.

  • @jujuyarn
    @jujuyarn 4 месяца назад +12

    "Don't forget you're here forever."

  • @Eira_99
    @Eira_99 4 месяца назад +9

    I've never personally not had a video show up in my sub box, they're always all there. Even if I never watch the channel. I think people confused sub box with the recommendations section of the main page. Since you can find pretty much everything there the day it's out.

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +1

      I think it depends on how youtube treats you as a user. People have told me I am outright not in their sub feed many times, but it almost never happens to me. It did for some reason happen with Red Letter Media for a while which made me turn on the bell, problem corrected before long but it cracks me up getting the notification usually after I’ve already seen the video.

  • @shadowpriest3359
    @shadowpriest3359 4 месяца назад +11

    it's amazing after all these years bea still doesn't know how RUclips's algorithm works lol. Ygg is not a 'dead channel' because of copyright stuff. sigh

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +4

      You must be an expert! Lay the facts on me!

    • @shadowpriest3359
      @shadowpriest3359 4 месяца назад +21

      @@Trixiethegoldenwitch RUclips stopped promoting your channel because you stopped making the kind of content people came here for. The algorithm correctly identified people weren't interested in those videos and stopped showing them to viewers who weren't interested. Every video you upload still comes through sub-boxes but people don't use the internet that way anymore. Copyright strikes and total subscribers to a channel have nothing to do with whether new videos are promoted or not. If they did matter, your channel would have tanked years ago when you first started getting strikes.
      Hope this helps :)

  • @bobthebuilder609
    @bobthebuilder609 4 месяца назад +2

    I was still here because I was rewatching some of your old content. I've got nostalgia for some of the older stuff(like the asterisk wars videos, the SAO ones, etc. etc.). If you've got similar content on the other channel, you'll see me over there, because I've got a fetish for anime analysis and video essays.
    big 'prec for the content.

  • @patbortz4677
    @patbortz4677 4 месяца назад +3

    OK, You've convinced me, I'll go subscribe to Khantehnt! then. Looking forward to you all finishing the Attack on Titan reviews.

  • @dgh0yt
    @dgh0yt 3 месяца назад +3

    Because I don't know how to let go of anything...

  • @pyrored5212
    @pyrored5212 4 месяца назад +3

    I've been re listening to the old ass anime cast and a lot of your old anime analysis and even now there's a lot to learn about anime from those. I've been following your work since about 2014 and I feel like I learned a lot abut not just anime, but all kinds of things at a time when I really needed it. Even If "Digibro" was just a made up caricature, I'm glad it existed and it's probably impossible to untangle all the subtle influences they had on the person I am now.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is: thank you for creating Digibro. I don't know how you feel about them now, but I'm so grateful I got to experience it. Even if I only look at the occasional new anime related stuff I'll probably always stick around on what ever your new channel is.
    I had avoided watching your "I hate Digibro" vid because I just couldn't bring my self to see something that I got so much from thrown in the trash by the person who created it, but I think I'm finally ready.
    I hope this poorly written stream of conciseness was able to convey what I wanted it to, and at least in my own heart: Digibro forever.

  • @KnifeChampion
    @KnifeChampion 2 месяца назад +1

    You cant tell me what to watch
    Ill stay here till yt shuts down

  • @mar15115
    @mar15115 4 месяца назад +6

    im not sure why im still here tbh

  • @ThePhantomTomo
    @ThePhantomTomo 4 месяца назад +1

    This channel has had shitposts for as long as ive been here so nothing but shitposts won't make me unsubscribe.
    I don't usually like seeing indepth analysis of anime that I haven't seen yet, unless I don't plan on watching them. I'll check your new anime videos on the we watch anime channel when i catch up with anime I want to see

  • @Mary97574
    @Mary97574 4 месяца назад +3

    i did in fact get this on my front page
    that poor guitar

  • @otakubullfrog1665
    @otakubullfrog1665 4 месяца назад +2

    It's been awhile, so I think everyone clicked just to see if there was anything going on here and it was very considerate to lead with: No. I'd unsubscribe, but I don't think that would even affect how many recommendations for videos on this channel I get.

  • @jnes3736
    @jnes3736 4 месяца назад +3

    Funny that I saw this video pop up on my notifications. Reason why is because I want to see the shitposts, it's reminiscent of the After Dark short videos.

  • @Kodamair
    @Kodamair 4 месяца назад +20

    Appropriate to post this on my birthday lol

    • @AnonYmous-np6jn
      @AnonYmous-np6jn 4 месяца назад +5

      Happy birthday you got to be serenaded by the queen ☺️

  • @garavonhoiwkenzoiber
    @garavonhoiwkenzoiber 4 месяца назад +3

    joined for digibro, and when digibro was phased out I kinda lost interest. Kept subscribed incase you ever brought him back

  • @yakuman5622
    @yakuman5622 4 месяца назад +12

    I've been subbed since "TWO CANTERLOT PONIES STUCK ON THE MOON. STUCK ON THE MOON" and I'll be damned if I unsub now!

  • @jadesprite
    @jadesprite 3 месяца назад +1

    I haven't been subscribed for eons but this video got pushed in my recommended regardless, wtf

  • @mrtangelo885
    @mrtangelo885 4 месяца назад +9


  • @megamcee
    @megamcee 4 месяца назад +1

    You wonder how am I watching this? It's gotta be some cosmic shit. I was going through my subs to find the Don Jolly channel (cause I forgot its name) and it got associated with this channel in my head, so I decided to check here to see "what's up", and somefuckinghow you uploaded this literally yesterday. Kuinqidinc galore.

  • @haosmagnaingram6992
    @haosmagnaingram6992 4 месяца назад +2

    This video made me decide to renew my subscription with Ygg studio

  • @MrBulbasaurlover
    @MrBulbasaurlover 4 месяца назад +3

    💪🏻 been here since 2012 not going anywhere I get every video to my sub feed, never missed one, don't know what people are talking about when they say they don't get videos to their sub feed, have NEVER clicked any bell on youtube, maybe people need to look on their sub feed harder. 100% of the time when something "doesn't show on my sub feed" it's because the thumbnail was trash. Again I have never clicked a bell, the only time I did was just to see what it did. It does nothing. The bell in the top right of the screen has never done anything. I'd like it to tell me when someone replies to my comment but whatever. Again the one time I clicked the bell was for CGPGrey, of whom I know you're a fan, and it never did anything. I don't even know what the bell is supposed to do. If they upload does it like put a badge number on the bell and it's like notifications for your phone? I don't have phone notifications either. If you aren't family or best friends your text isn't showing up on my lock screen, sorry! But yes, when Grey uploaded nothing happened to the bell. I think people need to stop complaining and look harder! But yes I have been following you since 2012 or 13. I was an innocent little child back then (12 or 13) and preferred you to BronyCurious because you swore less. Well was I in for a surprise. Eventually once your season 4 finale vid dropped I dropped you because you said you'd only be doing anime from then on. I hated anime at the time, as was the fashion, and time went on. Bronyism died. I saw one of your big anime vids and watched it. I watched a lot of the vids of you shitting on random shows because I hated anime and you hated those animes! Eventually I came around and from the time I was 16 to 18 I liked anime and watched nearly all of your videos. When I was 17 I found Mumkey Jones and my mind was blown when I found out you did a podcast with him. Was I in for a surprise. Well anyways I still watched you regularly and watched every episode of anime alphabet and etc. Right up to the very end, man. I liked your rants. I might've known about the new channel but when I found out about it there wasn't anything I liked on it. I'll check it out now. Crazy to think you've been in my life for at least 10 years. You replied to a comment I made on the Iron Will episode of MLP. I got my opinion straight from MysteriousMrEnter. Was I in for a surprise.

  • @Kuudere-Kun
    @Kuudere-Kun 4 месяца назад +6

    I'm gonna stay subbed no matter what.

  • @EmmanuelAniTheSchism
    @EmmanuelAniTheSchism 4 месяца назад +2

    Hey man, as long as I'm not looking into your mental breakdown, shit I'll keep watching 🤷🏾‍♂️

  • @jacksonallen5667
    @jacksonallen5667 4 месяца назад +2

    Been a fan of your stuff for years, including and especially the weird niche content and the shitposting.
    When you’re 86 years old, uploading rap music videos that nobody watches and the one hundredth “this channel is dead go away” post, I’ll still be here. I’m goin down with the ship unfortunately

  • @FafliXx
    @FafliXx 4 месяца назад +7

    You should add the We Watch Anime channel to the "associated channels" or whatever it's called for this channel.
    That way it shows up when someone clicks on the main channel, and the algorithm recognizes that they are related, and recommends it to the subs of this one more often.

    • @FafliXx
      @FafliXx 4 месяца назад +1

      btw I am getting this one because I still have notifications turned on for it

  • @SoulSilverCast
    @SoulSilverCast 3 месяца назад +1

    they don't come to my sub box any more, I just came looking to see if you where still alive. ;o

  • @swiggydswirl330
    @swiggydswirl330 4 месяца назад +1

    Silly of you to assume I dont religiously follow everything Trixie related (no matter what might I add 😤)

  • @nicolomanfrini8671
    @nicolomanfrini8671 4 месяца назад +5

    I've been here for like 8 years and I'm not going anywhere soon. I'm just in love with you as a creator, an artist. Everything I have ever watched from has been interesting at the very least and life changing at its best. I'm not an active commenter and I've even switched between a few accounts so you'll definitely not remember me, but you and this channel are way too important pieces of my life. I moved to japan five years ago and I'm currently studying at a professional animation school. I want to make anime. I want to change this industry. I want to change the world. Am I a bit of a dreamer? Totally. But I made it this far, from being just another awkward kid on the other side of the planet to studying to become a anime director. I am happy. I can finally see what I want to be and I'm making my way there. And I wouldn't be here without you. That's just a fact. I've learned so much from you, not just about anime, but about life. Even if I don't watch all of your content all the time like I used to, every time I do I'm always blown away but how much you have improved, and it motivates me so much to do better myself. I've always looked up to you, and I still do. I will always be grateful for the future you showed me. I hope one day I can pay you back. I hope one day I can sit down with you under a tree and talk, for hours, for days, for years. That's why I'm still here, and I think I always will. Don't know if you still read all the comments like you used to, but I hope you see this. Love, nico.

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +2

      Awesome that you found your way into the industry! Lemme know later on how it all goes!

    • @nicolomanfrini8671
      @nicolomanfrini8671 4 месяца назад +2

      @@Trixiethegoldenwitch I'll do my best. Would love to talk to you about it sometime. Any other way to contact you directly, like discord?

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +2

      We Watch Anime has a discord link on the about page

  • @Kissislove17
    @Kissislove17 4 месяца назад +1

    that time you mass removed ur videos, there was one I wanted to save or rewatch. it had something important (imo) u said about people not caring about u. like a topic on all the anxiety u can get but doesn't matter

  • @manty_monster
    @manty_monster 4 месяца назад +3

    subbed for the anime a long time ago, transitioned a little bit before you did, watched you get shit on by kiwifarm wannabe weebs for years, happy to see you making stuff

  • @DarkuuArmati
    @DarkuuArmati 2 месяца назад +1

    I literally just thought about you for the first time in a decade. Im in bed and contemplates S/hing and was like what happened to ___. And I forgot your name.

  • @Driskoll97
    @Driskoll97 3 месяца назад +1

    Won't ever unsubscribe and support you always. So glad you're making anime videos again, I'll go subscribe to where you're currently working

  • @Capslok23342
    @Capslok23342 4 месяца назад +2

    just taking my time on the ride

  • @Lexilulz
    @Lexilulz 4 месяца назад +3

    Old time's sake. I'm an incredibly sentimental person. That and I love sporadic shitposts.

  • @voices0000
    @voices0000 3 месяца назад +1

    Now that you declared the channel dead, yt has semi-regularly pushed it to my front page again, after what feels like years of invisibility

  • @Cheesechunkz
    @Cheesechunkz 4 месяца назад +2

    I don't really watch animals anymore but I'm all for whatever this is!

    • @Cheesechunkz
      @Cheesechunkz 4 месяца назад +1

      Lol I meant to say anime but apparently I watch to little anime my phone thinks it's more likely I'm actually trying to say that I don't watch animals

  • @KindredCorpus
    @KindredCorpus 4 месяца назад +3

    "And after a [21st] century of content, I remember that which matters most: We are still here!!!" [Cheers and roars]
    I guess the channel dying and becoming a place for weird after dark shit is the perfect time for the people who kept asking for that content to come back and bring the channel to life again lol.

  • @Levittchen4G
    @Levittchen4G 4 месяца назад +1

    maybe we like your shitposts lol
    and in case you randomly decide that this is your channel again
    I'm subscribed to your other stuff too

  • @choppalouie8883
    @choppalouie8883 4 месяца назад +3

    Never leaving, but i will also check out the amine videos

  • @pjdougherty6442
    @pjdougherty6442 4 месяца назад +2

    I can be subscribed to both.
    Besides, sometimes shit is fun.

  • @Tiara-jx6lx
    @Tiara-jx6lx 4 месяца назад

    *~ its a tombstone of dead memories that I visit often cause it has changed my life ~*

  • @Harrinsain
    @Harrinsain 4 месяца назад +8

    Imma lurk

  • @demonicanite
    @demonicanite 4 месяца назад +2

    how did you end up in jesse's furnace room?

  • @nmnhbgjhgjhhhghfgdfg
    @nmnhbgjhgjhhhghfgdfg 4 месяца назад +7

    Didn't know about any of this. I'm only here for the shit.

  • @Liravin
    @Liravin 25 дней назад +2

    at this point i feel like i'll always be here. i've been here since 2018, around the time of the upload of the Otaku Culture Oasis videoвидео.html which unironically hit me on a spiritual level, also throughout the 2020 stuff, the neurotyping; i cant stop rewatching and quoting the "death is my best friend" video since it was uploaded, etc.
    originally i just liked the anime analysis stuff and that also influenced me heavily, but i also got interested into the whole narrative of the person that you are and the personal and cultural karma i see in you and also in myself and that establishes this connection, i guess. it feels like family to me, like, it doesn't matter where you go, eventually, i will come back here. i dont even question it anymore at this point or worry i sound like a lunatic. i do honestly feel like you understand what i mean. btw i did change my name and avatar; it used to be Kobayashi from Dragon Maid (at the end of episode 9 of season 1) and my name used to be "Lira" and "Liravin" (currently is "Luna"). you made this rant for me about EmpLemon back in the day:видео.html
    but enough about that, maybe a thing or two about myself; i was really into anime and games back in the day and i still kinda am, but i've been shifting more and more to focusing on interacting with people and myself, learning about the psyche and eventually finding my way into buddhism, which helped me overcome my bipolar disorder practically in its entirety and accept that i am autistic, which was a big step for me. this was accompanied by some very extreme mood swings and psychoses in the middle of 2023, however at this point i am much more balanced and connected to myself. yoga helps as well. also, i think a LOT about how buddhism and autism relate to one another, because i see so much overlap in these two and also other stuff like yoga. i dont actually want to apply analysis to these things, but i cant help it, i just feel like i have to reconcile all of this into one bigger picture. so im still a bit of a crazy person, but more restrained and balanced, i guess. always trying to pick up new pieces of knowledge and trying my best to carefully mix them into this soup of knowledge in my brain, not always with a goal in mind. oh also a bit of a game changer for me was leaning about the COMT gene and the meaning of the AA mutation, which i have and which is related to autistic overstimulation and how it relates to neurotransmitters.
    so basically, i shifted from being obsessed with culture and my mind to being obsessed with what mind even is in the first place, based on psychological and spiritual traditions
    oh, also i shifted from not caring about gender at all to identifying as non-binary in 2021, later genderfluid, then agender, then a bunch of other stuff until right now, where i dont really care about labels anymore

  • @stevy9lives
    @stevy9lives 4 месяца назад +12

    Yeah, you kinda locked the door behind you :|

  • @random000098
    @random000098 4 месяца назад +1

    Where else do I go?

  • @dvoremay6683
    @dvoremay6683 4 месяца назад +3

    Jokes on you, im subbed to both! Inot getting rid of me ive been here since my horse days, and i am not letting it go because i don't like change!

  • @mikaela5938
    @mikaela5938 4 месяца назад +1

    i love shitposting

  • @HeroesLeftInMan
    @HeroesLeftInMan 4 месяца назад +2

    I've been subbed since you were Digibro. I ain't leaving

  • @relgukxilef
    @relgukxilef 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for telling me about the new channel. I somehow missed it, until this showed up on my feed.

  • @TheEpicPancake
    @TheEpicPancake 4 месяца назад +3

    I happen to like shitposting, music, and the archived material, so I will stay thanks.

  • @mariotriforce
    @mariotriforce 4 месяца назад +1

    The lain video on weird writer popped up in my feed 😅 so thats why im here 😂

  • @VerboseVindication
    @VerboseVindication 4 месяца назад +6

    I actually get all your vids to my sub feed, lol. Which is impressive cause I'm subbed to like 400 channels or some shit. Just don't care about the music because I'm old and jaded. Why am I not unsubbing? Idfk man, nostalgia's sake I guess. And see whatever this shit is for giggles I guess. Oh and who can predict what the fuck you do with it in future, you've done some Rando bullshit before so why not ride it out.

  • @jacobwagner9970
    @jacobwagner9970 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm still subbed to 10+ channels that you created/co owned.

  • @Westile
    @Westile 4 месяца назад +3

    Nah I'm still waiting for the new SAO vid that gets 10mil views.

  • @Sonamyfan92
    @Sonamyfan92 3 месяца назад +1

    Y’a know - i was gonna unsubscribe. But now imma stay outta spite. Also I see your vids come on my subscribed feed! I was just very confused about the vids 💀💀

  • @saltyfry4328
    @saltyfry4328 4 месяца назад +2

    YT always pushed Ygg videos to me and never wewatchanime XD XD XD I know i can press the bell but I have a bell alergy

  • @Jalae
    @Jalae 4 месяца назад +2

    weird, see I ain't subscribed to this channel. These videos just show up in my recommended and when I see B i can't help but click so here I am.
    do I care about seeing your anime reviews? eh? if its a 4 hour long manic fueled diatribe about doremi's character cels misaligning with the backgrounds constantly and how that's actually one of the best things about the show, maybe. somehow i don't think that would ever be on your "we watch anime" channel tho.

  • @KuroCartoonist
    @KuroCartoonist 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank digibro ( Im form the era of your beard saga) I'll go other there a sub, I bet there's good content here and maybe i will come back

  • @andrewprahst2529
    @andrewprahst2529 4 месяца назад +1

    Yeah i hit the bell like years ago just never click. Dont watch anime much now so i dont need to go there

  • @svenoswald2775
    @svenoswald2775 4 месяца назад +1

    There is this one quote outa Spartacus when Crixus shouts to an displeased audience that went smth like this(been over a decade I watched it):
    Wasn't I always there to entertain you? The blood I sweated for your entertainment?
    Did your forget about all that?
    Tho I am of the impression, that you always did content for yourself.
    Still, I did not forget about it at all. I think it's up to you what content you may or may not create.
    Throw the bone and I will always find myself smth to munch on.
    love yer 😘😘

  • @younggod5230
    @younggod5230 4 месяца назад +1

    this video popped in my feed, thought I saw a ghost for a second. It's really cool you still watch anime, but I do so far less nowadays

  • @0019329077
    @0019329077 4 месяца назад +5

    Still here
    Years and years later
    Despite everything I'm still here

  • @Zanador
    @Zanador 4 месяца назад +5

    I never unsubscribed from any of your other dead channels and this one will be no different 😤
    Also RUclips sent me a direct notification for this video within like 30 seconds

  • @nonostalgia
    @nonostalgia 4 месяца назад +2

    I am subscribed over there too! ❤ this was on the feed lol

  • @rohiogerv22
    @rohiogerv22 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm only here for the sick guitar improvs

  • @ducky953
    @ducky953 4 месяца назад +2

    so this is the new digi after dark?

  • @belcavendishny
    @belcavendishny 4 месяца назад +1

    where else would i be?? your "ideas for a better applejack episode" video was when i started watching anime
    thx for the update tho (and i'm very excited for any and all shitposting)

  • @lovebaltazar4610
    @lovebaltazar4610 4 месяца назад +2

    bring back Thom

  • @ariyellsalot8961
    @ariyellsalot8961 4 месяца назад +1

    Actually I have notifications on. I love the energy of your music.

  • @ZigaZagu
    @ZigaZagu 3 месяца назад +1

    You still make anime content? Didn't even know

  • @casltesos
    @casltesos 3 месяца назад +1

    i love to check in to old youtuber that i watch as kid

  • @iggyb368
    @iggyb368 4 месяца назад +1

    wow cant believe I got the notification for this in my sub box, Its been so long love the content

  • @nicolajp8756
    @nicolajp8756 4 месяца назад +6

    Thank you

  • @shadowmist9093
    @shadowmist9093 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh wow. Hi!!!!

  • @innvtr2487
    @innvtr2487 4 месяца назад +2

    now i'm just gonna stay here in protest >:-)

  • @Heatranoveryou
    @Heatranoveryou 4 месяца назад +1

    theres a subscriptions page that nobody knows exists for some reason that shows you every video posted from any channel youre subscribed to.

  • @saltyfry4328
    @saltyfry4328 4 месяца назад +1

    We both have the same guitar strap, I played like 2 songs over 10 years ago and its sat in closet ever since XD. Also Jokes on you this shitpost video is funny as shit

    • @Trixiethegoldenwitch
      @Trixiethegoldenwitch  4 месяца назад +1

      Haha, I recently got this guitar from a family member who was moving and couldn’t take it with them.

  • @kroIya
    @kroIya 4 месяца назад +1

    It does indeed get recommended. RUclips knows I like shit.

  • @bobbio100
    @bobbio100 4 месяца назад +1

    And yet this is exactly the content I crave

  • @KilledWithStyle
    @KilledWithStyle 4 месяца назад +2

    I mean.. I saw all the other music videos. I just didn't click them. My guess is other people are in that boat. And I am just too lazy to abandon the ship.