Wishing you Dear Robert Reich, and your family, and colleagues, a Happy Holiday Season. Thank you for The Resistance Report and the dedication and invaluable information you impart on a weekly basis. With your help, we gain valuable information to clearly understand exactly what is going on in the Trump dictatorship, previously known as an administration. We all must now join together in Resistance against this Republican Coup takings place by a loathsome WH leadership and a majority Republican Congress and Senate administration.
Speaking of oligarchy in America, I'm surprised that no one has made the point of how the House/Senate members in reconciliation "negotiated" the top rate bracket in the tax law. The House bill kept the 39.6% rate on the top bracket (notwithstanding that they had a "bubble rate" that was even higher still) The Senate bill had 38.5% in their top bracket. Normally, one would think the reconciliation "negotiation" between the two would have resulted in a top tax rate somewhere between 38.5% and 39.6% but, no, the final bill (and law) has the top rate LOWERED below both of these at 37%. Nice "negotiation". Makes you wonder who was really at the table.The top 1/10 of 1% get even more wealthy.....at the expense of democracy AND capitalism. One person does not have the same voice as another (thank you Citizens United) - we are all ONLY equal in the ballot box (no where else) - vote every chance you get for whoever you think will make the country (and perhaps you too) better and make it count!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Can you do me a favor, hide cheeto's mask. I usually watch this during dinner and with it in the background, it makes it difficult to eat. haha. Take care and God Bless from Florida.
So, knowing and having said all this, what are we supposed to do about it? I mean, there isn't anything we can do to stop it all, we have no power at the moment. Nothing we can do #nothingwecando.
Not sure if you'll be able to answer this, but it's something I've wondered for a long time. I consider myself socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a large emphasis on states rights -- just so you know the lens through which I view your content. My question for you is this: To my knowledge, there has never been a democracy (even a fake one such as ours) that has grown to the current size/age of the United States. Do you think that as a society grows to this level, social programs (limited socialism) are necessary/required for that society to continue?
I like Reich's choice of music - as heard in the background. I am so glad to find out it is not country western music/songs. Not only does country music NOT fit with Reich, it is my least favorite genre of music. Reich turned off the music once he started speaking - which is a really good idea.!
Please, please, find a different kind of pen. I realize it is just me, but I can't listen anymore. because the sound imparts an instant intense discomfort and a lingering sense of unease even when you stop..
at 12:00 Question: "How can Senate pass tax bill with only 51% majority vote?" It's all in the Senate "Rules" that exist today. Maybe make better rules, requiring least a 60% majority on such an important issue as this. THEN .. it would have to include some votes from the opposite party, forcing the final Bill to be far more "balanced", reflecting more accurately the will of the majority of Americans.
Kathy, They have a disease called" Immoral Greed". If you gave them every penny, nickle , dime and dollar in the entire world it would still not be enough, they would want more.
Americans only pay attention to elections a few weeks before the voting date and forget everything that comes before august in election years. People actually believe the impossible promises candidates make. "The government is a broken mess and I alone can fix it" Next time you hear this from an outsider RUN!
You need to get more subscribers. What if you convinced Casey Neistat that if he really wants to help disadvantaged children (see his recent Christmas video), then the best thing he could do is to get young people engaged? What if? Doesn't hurt to try.
I like your channel but can you source some of the things you say. I'm sure some of it is right, but when you said Chris Collins: "Quote, get it done or don't call me again." Where is this "quote" from? I can't find this quote anywhere and this video is the first time I've heard it. If you want to be taken seriously you have to not only be honest, but be open about that honesty and back that shit up with facts and unedited snippets that prove what you're saying. Can I just say "Robert Reich quote 'hopes that America burns to rubble' endquote" without actually having some evidence? If I had a platform like you wouldn't that be called partisan fake news, and rightly so? Learn how to report so that the other side can't call you out on how terrible your supporting evidence is.
Thank you for sharing your intelligence and insight with all of us!! Your videos are full of facts and reason and that is why the ignorant trump supporters, brainwashed by fox, can't digest it! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Why do people vote against their own interests? It's not as simple as Mr Reich says, but it's also not that hard to understand once the pieces are laid out for you : ruclips.net/video/BsqGITb0W4A/видео.html
finance reform has to be pushed to the front center of political discussion and civil action, we need to work really hard in 2018 to get people to cast educated votes not based on Trumpist lies and propaganda
Robert, this super amassing of wealth by the few is prophetically inevitable...10 crownless criminal kings must be there to fund the Final Antichrist...stop doubting the Bible!!! You'll burn yourself out wishing for elite globalists to bow to grassroots resistance. Buddy, they ARE the MONEY!!! The people will NEVER turn against their only MONEY....the god of this world! In God I trust...all others are duped.
Factually wrong and deluded, as to be expected from Robert Reich. 80% of Americans will get a tax cut from this bill, including 90% of the middle class. Only 5% will see a tax increase, and most of these are the rich. There are several reasons why the middle class are not doing as well as the wealthy in the past 40 years, but it mostly has to do with the Federal Reserve inflating the money supply and depreciating the value of savings. The wealthy understand the system and have managed to preserve their wealth, but the middle class and poor have no way to save for the future. If they put their money in a bank account, the rate of inflation is higher than the rate of interest and they actually LOSE the value of their money. That is the chief reason why they can't get ahead. People like Reich have created incentives to keep them poor.
What are the benefits to the poor for a 21% corporate tax? 1) we will be more competitive to the world more companies will stay or move here creating jobs, 2) prices of items will drop, 3) employees will get higher wages, 4) corporations may take on less debt, 5) more money spent of R&D and Capital Expenditures, 6) the poor and rich people owning the stock will get higher dividends to buy more expensive and higher quality Christmas presents. pwned!
None of that is true. I don't know if you have ever had a business, but I have, and even if you have never had a business your common sense should let you understand this: *No* business expands because it has more money. Not one. That would be crazy to do.-- any business that did that would be guaranteed to lose money. If it was a business that made or sold things, it would end up with a pile of unsold and unsellable goods. If it was a business that provided services it would have a bored workforce, drinking coffee and surfing the net and, probably, posting resumes on Monster because they could see that the business that hired them was going to go belly up soon. Business hire *only* when there is more *demand* -- more *customers* for their products and services. The only way to generate more demand (outside of the very small market for luxury goods) is to put more money in the hands of the people who are at the base of the purchasing pyramid -- the consumers -- the very people who instead are getting a tax *hike* in this bill. Why would "business owners" support this bill? First of all, support for this bill does not come from "business owners." It certainly isn't coming from the small business owners who are getting a tax hike. The very small number of Republican donors who demanded this bill are not people engaged in business as most people understand it. Their wealth is no longer dependent on the normal business of producing goods and services for a market. These are people whose oversized wealth is dependent upon the movement of money and securities, in intrinsically non-productive activities that even many of the foundational thinkers of free markets called "rentiers" and disparaged as parasites on a healthy economy. This is, in a nutshell, the divide between "Wall Street" and "Main Street": Main Street businesses, like the kind I've had, purchase metal stock that we need in order to manufacture the widget we sell to consumers. Our fortunes rise and fall in tandem with the well being of the people who work for us, because if people like our workers can't buy, we can't sell. On the other hand Wall Street rent seekers speculate in metal futures -- pieces of paper that promise to buy or sell metal stock on some future date, though they neither own the metal, nor even intend to buy any -- as they strive to corner the market and force a rise in prices in things they will never own, do not want, and cannot use. They produce nothing of value even as their machinations can drive legitimate businesses that do own, want, and can make use of the metal stock inscribed onto their fanciful pieces of paper, into bankruptcy This tax bill is a rent-seekers bill. It will kill jobs, not create them. You can, by the way, stop thinking of the people who benefit as owning "American" businesses. Some of the winners are nominally American. Not all of them are. These people, however, think of themselves as citizens of the world, as jet-setters with assets, homes, aircraft, and yachts scattered around the world. They have no loyalty to America. They have no reason to want investment here even if this bill was not a big investment killer for Americans. No matter how low our country makes its taxes, if they manage any tangible businesses at all, they'd rather explore moving them to Burkina Faso where a few bribes could reduce their rate to zero and they could promise to pay their workers pennies a day, then find an excuse to dock them a dollar on payday. They see American markets as saturated, meaning there are few new customers here (and they're right, if only because they took the money and ran) and they see their future selves as making millions out of the not-yet-fully-ripped-off markets of China and India. Oh: that part about higher wages and lower prices? It also does not work the way you think it works. Wages, prices, and profits are interconnected. If you have higher wages, you need to have lower profits or higher prices or both. If you have lower prices, you have to have lower wages, or lower profits, or both. The only way you can have both lower prices and higher wages would be if you propose that this tax bill will somehow encourage the very wealthy to give up some of their profits, presumably out of the kindness of their heart and in defiance of their shareholders. And, presumably, if they do voluntarily surrender their profits, then you have yet another reason that there will not be any business expansion as a result of this bill (they won't so this won't be why you won't get investment, but if your fantasy about high wages and low prices were true, that's what must follow). I will tell you what this bill *will* actually get you: inflation, and plenty of it. That's what happens when you pour money in at the top of an economy at full employment, the way arsonists pour gasoline on kindling. Given that most of the real economy (as opposed to the Wall Street rentier fake economy) has not recovered from 2008, the resulting increase in interest rates will kill the real economy (yes, interest rates go up when inflation goes up, because nobody is going to take a loss on making a loan, and that's what happens when you get a loan paid back in dollars that are worth a lot less than they were when you loaned them out. And yes, real businesses depend on borrowing money in order to conduct day to day business, with or without "lower taxes".. I'd like to explain cash flow to you too, but really, you need to take an econ or business course, or to remember whatever econ or business course you took in the distant past, or to fess up that you know these are lies and that you don't care that they are lies. The Republican talking points you are reciting are cynically crafted economic nonsense, a babble of words that do not pass the smell test to anyone who has even a minimal acquaintance with economics or business). But can't we get back to the good old days? When white men were white men, and wages were high? Like the 1950's, you say? Oh, you mean the time when most white men were eligible for a government paid free education, government sponsored low interest housing loans, and free government-run health care, when science was taught in schools and the government took pride in listening to its scientific advisers, and when the top tax bracket of 90% insured that no one became excessively wealthy. If that's what you want, count me in! That's exactly the sort of thing progressives want (except, this time around, white men will have to share -- a small "price" to pay for a return to genuine economic security, not to mention, it's the only right thing to do). A final word on stocks being owned by rich and poor alike: how many stocks do you think regular Americans hold vs. the Wall Street rentiers? Ask yourself: if you (assuming you are a small stockholder) and someone holding a controlling interest were to simultaneously show up on the doorstep of a corporation you both "owned", would you be treated differently? If the two of you each wanted the company to go in another direction, and each of you picked up the phone and called that company, how would each of your calls be handled? If you wanted to manipulate the price of your stock, or of an associated commodity, which of you would be more successful at it? If both of you got your dividend checks, what could you buy yourself as a treat? What could he? There simply isn't any sort of equality of benefit here. You may as well argue that it is good for the homeless that this nation has extreme wealth and extreme poverty, because this way the poor can panhandle from people who have potentially plenty of money to give. ( Oh, one more finally: do you really think the savviest of investors are betting on this bill *improving* the economy? Remember, there's a whole class of securities, held almost exclusively by the rich, which are bets that the economy will *fail* in some manner or another. If I could peer into a lot of people's portfolios right now I'm guessing they've put their bets on the whole thing tanking. They don't care: they'll make a ton of money out of the collapse, and they'll get to keep every penny of it for themselves.)
A clarification: manufacturers call chunks of stuff they intend to turn into product "stock" or "feed stock", and that is the kind of stock I meant when I spoke of "metal stock": the heavy bars of copper I once took possession of, imagining what they would soon look like after we tortured them into a useful shape -- stuff bought and sold, fictitiously, on paper (electrons, really) in commodities markets, where almost no one who is wheeling and dealing will ever own actual copper, sell real physical copper, or want physical bars of copper. At one point anyway (I no longer follow this to know if it is still true) there were far more futures in copper being dealt (in fiction) than there were known copper reserves.
One last comment: You want R&D? I'll tell you exactly how to get R&D, and higher wages with better benefits too. Do the exact opposite of what this bill does. Hike the corporate tax rate as high as the economy will bear. Am I crazy? Absolutely not. I'm someone who has real world experience making decisions about whether business income became profit (i.e., money I or investors took home) or investment, or wages. Probably any real-world business owner knows that moment when it becomes clear that you are bumping into a higher tax bracket (or a similar limit, say for example, for what qualifies as a "small" business for loans or some other preferred status). If you take the money, you may as well be setting fire to it. So you don't. You turn it back into your business, or you give everyone a bonus or a raise. That makes the profit disappear from the ledger, yet you and your employees get to enjoy the value of that money. Lowering taxes means taking away that motive. If you are a rentier, it means you get another yacht, or two, or ten. But if you're in the real economy, it's a poisoned gift. If you don't have investors, or if you are fortunate enough to have investors who understand that businesses are not cows to be milked of every stray penny, you might be able to use the extra money on higher wages or to plow it back into the company. But even then, in the economy as a whole, that extra money is being taken as profit by rentiers (and people who think that the rentier way of doing business is the way it ought to be). Wages don't go up, your customers lose purchasing power, and you lose some portion of your customer base (unless, of course, if your business is manufacturing solid gold toilet seats for yachts). So if you want investment, if you want better wages, *raise* corporate taxes.
Suppose a company is earning $50 million profit, under the old system the tax was $20 million under the new system the tax is $10 million. R&D can be deducted like an expense. Thus many companies today have no profit and high R&D, however a company that never pays profits to shareholders is worthless to stockholders. Now with that $10 million they can give out $1000 bonuses that I think that AT&T did to its employees. But they also could do $10 million more in R&D and since it is tax deductible $11 million more. Today the company could hike the R&D to $50 million and pay no tax. But everyone should be able to figure why they don't do that? The reason is the company was originally bought by poor people putting their money together to create something big as owners. After working hours in fast food or digging holes, they figured it was hopeless will all these city regs, school taxes, and mandates to start a business themselves so they decided to buy a few shares, to make as much profit and dividends they can. You can increase corporate taxes to 100% if you want, but what you are really saying to the poor is you have the right to pursue happiness but you will never get there, you can make money, but the only thing you can spend it on is consumption. We the government and rich guys control the world and you are just a bunch of bums and we can give you some health care and education to think we (the democratic party) are helping you. This is why the first think dictators like Hitler do is privatize corporations or end their profits.
I don't even know where to begin. You are writing gibberish, or you are writing lies. Either way, you are writing nothing that makes any sense when it comes to wealth, business, or tax policy.
I have relatives who believe this garbage. How can they just back this bill without actually looking at it? I don't get it at ALL. I can't even mention it without them flipping out. They refuse to have a civil conversation. Everytime he screws up, I think "ok, NOW they'll get it", but they never do, they just dig in their heels further.
I found your book earlier this year, watched your documentary. I love your voice in politics. Keep doing this sir. Please.
Tony Desercey ...We are in agreement and need to act on what we are gaining information about present day WH politics. Best regards to you Sir.
The more people we tell about Robert and his Resistance Reports, the better off we will be. So thankful to and for this fine American.
Thank you for coming back to us week after week. Happy holidays to you and your whole team. I will absolutely watch for your report in the New Year.
Hope you'll tell everyone you know about these essential reports!
I do. Every chance I get. And share through social as much as possible. Hope others do the same.
Robbin Yay! I hope so, too.
Basically how to tax the workers and then blame them for working so the professors can sleep with their students and make all the money.
Wishing you Dear Robert Reich, and your family, and colleagues, a Happy Holiday Season. Thank you for The Resistance Report and the dedication and invaluable information you impart on a weekly basis. With your help, we gain valuable information to clearly understand exactly what is going on in the Trump dictatorship, previously known as an administration. We all must now join together in Resistance against this Republican Coup takings place by a loathsome WH leadership and a majority Republican Congress and Senate administration.
Lemmy: It must be hard to live with such hate in your heart. I hope you find peace.
Happy Holidays Robert Reich ...I love your station and videos......We are coming for them in 2018...Get'em Get'em Get'em...
Professor Reich. I wish you and yours a peaceful and joyful Holiday Season, Happy New Year and many blessings. 2018 see you next year.!
Thanks, Robert
Happy Holidays Professor!
And to you all who believe as I do that truth will be the winner of the day.
Wonderful update Mr. Reich. Thank you. Saving Capitalism is fantastic!
Thank you, Professor Reich!
Speaking of oligarchy in America, I'm surprised that no one has made the point of how the House/Senate members in reconciliation "negotiated" the top rate bracket in the tax law. The House bill kept the 39.6% rate on the top bracket (notwithstanding that they had a "bubble rate" that was even higher still) The Senate bill had 38.5% in their top bracket. Normally, one would think the reconciliation "negotiation" between the two would have resulted in a top tax rate somewhere between 38.5% and 39.6% but, no, the final bill (and law) has the top rate LOWERED below both of these at 37%. Nice "negotiation". Makes you wonder who was really at the table.The top 1/10 of 1% get even more wealthy.....at the expense of democracy AND capitalism. One person does not have the same voice as another (thank you Citizens United) - we are all ONLY equal in the ballot box (no where else) - vote every chance you get for whoever you think will make the country (and perhaps you too) better and make it count!
Another great lesson, thanks!
Thank you for making the mess today somewhat easier to understand. Been following you since I watched "Inequality for All." That was an eye opener.
Thank you Dr. Reich.
You are my hero!!! If there were more people like you in the world it would be a much better place!!
keep up good work prof reich --- yr fans r legion and i am BIG ONE
Awesome info.
A notable or stroke of luck coup. Ie, Tax Bill for rich only. Give to rich, take away from poor. A coup.
sheila sheehan think you need to read the tax plan again
So what can I do? I feel like this affects me, or it will at some point, but I’m a full time student. If I miss school, or work I can’t get ahead.
All signed up and ready to roll!🎁
Thanks Inequality Media Civic Action.:) Shazam,, watch that Marker Dance? Thanks again, Prof. Reich, Happiest of Holidays to You and Yours! :D
Now I'm more worried about war with North Korea!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Can you do me a favor, hide cheeto's mask. I usually watch this during dinner and with it in the background, it makes it difficult to eat. haha. Take care and God Bless from Florida.
So, knowing and having said all this, what are we supposed to do about it? I mean, there isn't anything we can do to stop it all, we have no power at the moment. Nothing we can do #nothingwecando.
Just a tip, draw the pictures before you start the camera, and then flip pages as you go, it will save you a lot of wasted time in the video.
As if the entire presentation isn't a waste of time.
You came to watch it...
You're a great cartoonist, too!
18??? the year has only 12 months where we live they got the date wrong... it is 18 december 2017...or for files: 2017.12.18..
Robert, you are the voice of the movement. My state rejected President Trump's endorsement of Judge Roy Moore. We join you!
Not sure if you'll be able to answer this, but it's something I've wondered for a long time. I consider myself socially liberal and fiscally conservative with a large emphasis on states rights -- just so you know the lens through which I view your content. My question for you is this: To my knowledge, there has never been a democracy (even a fake one such as ours) that has grown to the current size/age of the United States. Do you think that as a society grows to this level, social programs (limited socialism) are necessary/required for that society to continue?
Rober Riech, Joseph Stiglitz , where is Kieth Olberman when you need him? We need you back Kieth!!!
I like Reich's choice of music - as heard in the background. I am so glad to find out it is not country western music/songs. Not only does country music NOT fit with Reich, it is my least favorite genre of music. Reich turned off the music once he started speaking - which is a really good idea.!
I am curious is Robert standing on a pile of books???for such a wittle guy
Please, please, find a different kind of pen. I realize it is just me, but I can't listen anymore. because the sound imparts an instant intense discomfort and a lingering sense of unease even when you stop..
at 12:00 Question: "How can Senate pass tax bill with only 51% majority vote?"
It's all in the Senate "Rules" that exist today. Maybe make better rules,
requiring least a 60% majority on such an important issue as this.
THEN .. it would have to include some votes from the opposite party,
forcing the final Bill to be far more "balanced", reflecting more accurately the will
of the majority of Americans.
We've watched Congress be above the law time and again.
Why do the Oligarchs want even more money? How many homes and private planes can you want?
Kathy, They have a disease called" Immoral Greed". If you gave them every penny, nickle , dime and dollar in the entire world it would still not be enough, they would want more.
Kathie Brobeckb All of them,duh
Can you recommend progressive or balanced news ? I think PBS/NPR is so neutral that they're not reporting accurately.
Americans only pay attention to elections a few weeks before the voting date and forget everything that comes before august in election years. People actually believe the impossible promises candidates make. "The government is a broken mess and I alone can fix it" Next time you hear this from an outsider RUN!
say what you want about his politics you cant disagree though this guy would draw an excellent comic strip if he wanted to
You need to get more subscribers. What if you convinced Casey Neistat that if he really wants to help disadvantaged children (see his recent Christmas video), then the best thing he could do is to get young people engaged? What if? Doesn't hurt to try.
He ain't gonna get no more subscribers because he's telling fictional, DNC-suggested stories. It's over and he won't believe it.
More of these divisive programs flood out conception of constitutional laws
That photo of Trump behind you is damn creepy.
don't show for news bits here, just quote their text..if you have to... if you play their propaganda...you make them stronger...
Explain this to skeptical Bernie bros
Akaki Pappatacci Those mfers are Phoney
I like your channel but can you source some of the things you say. I'm sure some of it is right, but when you said Chris Collins: "Quote, get it done or don't call me again." Where is this "quote" from? I can't find this quote anywhere and this video is the first time I've heard it. If you want to be taken seriously you have to not only be honest, but be open about that honesty and back that shit up with facts and unedited snippets that prove what you're saying.
Can I just say "Robert Reich quote 'hopes that America burns to rubble' endquote" without actually having some evidence? If I had a platform like you wouldn't that be called partisan fake news, and rightly so? Learn how to report so that the other side can't call you out on how terrible your supporting evidence is.
(((( "DANNY" BURLEIGH for Senator of NV. (Dem) "We Need A Creative Genius!" ))))
Thank you for sharing your intelligence and insight with all of us!! Your videos are full of facts and reason and that is why the ignorant trump supporters, brainwashed by fox, can't digest it! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Please remove that face of Trump behind you, it makes it very hard to watch!!!
324,119,000 x 0.1% = 324,119 .
Reich 2020
Why do people vote against their own interests? It's not as simple as Mr Reich says, but it's also not that hard to understand once the pieces are laid out for you : ruclips.net/video/BsqGITb0W4A/видео.html
finance reform has to be pushed to the front center of political discussion and civil action, we need to work really hard in 2018 to get people to cast educated votes not based on Trumpist lies and propaganda
Yikes, is that Trump sneaking up behind him?
On Voting USA...
laugh about it
shout about it...
when youve got to choose,
every way u look at it u lose...
(except 4 elite oligarchs!)
Robert, this super amassing of wealth by the few is prophetically inevitable...10 crownless criminal kings must be there to fund the Final Antichrist...stop doubting the Bible!!!
You'll burn yourself out wishing for elite globalists to bow to grassroots resistance. Buddy, they ARE the MONEY!!! The people will NEVER turn against their only MONEY....the god of this world!
In God I trust...all others are duped.
+Bernard Popp
subed 👍
it's only going to get worse until Bernie throws his hat into the ring in the autumn of 2018 - #FeelTheBern2020 !
cannot get to Trump'snotabovethelaw.org
Factually wrong and deluded, as to be expected from Robert Reich. 80% of Americans will get a tax cut from this bill, including 90% of the middle class. Only 5% will see a tax increase, and most of these are the rich.
There are several reasons why the middle class are not doing as well as the wealthy in the past 40 years, but it mostly has to do with the Federal Reserve inflating the money supply and depreciating the value of savings. The wealthy understand the system and have managed to preserve their wealth, but the middle class and poor have no way to save for the future. If they put their money in a bank account, the rate of inflation is higher than the rate of interest and they actually LOSE the value of their money. That is the chief reason why they can't get ahead. People like Reich have created incentives to keep them poor.
What are the benefits to the poor for a 21% corporate tax? 1) we will be more competitive to the world more companies will stay or move here creating jobs, 2) prices of items will drop, 3) employees will get higher wages, 4) corporations may take on less debt, 5) more money spent of R&D and Capital Expenditures, 6) the poor and rich people owning the stock will get higher dividends to buy more expensive and higher quality Christmas presents. pwned!
None of that is true. I don't know if you have ever had a business, but I have, and even if you have never had a business your common sense should let you understand this: *No* business expands because it has more money. Not one. That would be crazy to do.-- any business that did that would be guaranteed to lose money. If it was a business that made or sold things, it would end up with a pile of unsold and unsellable goods. If it was a business that provided services it would have a bored workforce, drinking coffee and surfing the net and, probably, posting resumes on Monster because they could see that the business that hired them was going to go belly up soon.
Business hire *only* when there is more *demand* -- more *customers* for their products and services. The only way to generate more demand (outside of the very small market for luxury goods) is to put more money in the hands of the people who are at the base of the purchasing pyramid -- the consumers -- the very people who instead are getting a tax *hike* in this bill.
Why would "business owners" support this bill? First of all, support for this bill does not come from "business owners." It certainly isn't coming from the small business owners who are getting a tax hike. The very small number of Republican donors who demanded this bill are not people engaged in business as most people understand it. Their wealth is no longer dependent on the normal business of producing goods and services for a market. These are people whose oversized wealth is dependent upon the movement of money and securities, in intrinsically non-productive activities that even many of the foundational thinkers of free markets called "rentiers" and disparaged as parasites on a healthy economy. This is, in a nutshell, the divide between "Wall Street" and "Main Street": Main Street businesses, like the kind I've had, purchase metal stock that we need in order to manufacture the widget we sell to consumers. Our fortunes rise and fall in tandem with the well being of the people who work for us, because if people like our workers can't buy, we can't sell. On the other hand Wall Street rent seekers speculate in metal futures -- pieces of paper that promise to buy or sell metal stock on some future date, though they neither own the metal, nor even intend to buy any -- as they strive to corner the market and force a rise in prices in things they will never own, do not want, and cannot use. They produce nothing of value even as their machinations can drive legitimate businesses that do own, want, and can make use of the metal stock inscribed onto their fanciful pieces of paper, into bankruptcy
This tax bill is a rent-seekers bill. It will kill jobs, not create them.
You can, by the way, stop thinking of the people who benefit as owning "American" businesses. Some of the winners are nominally American. Not all of them are. These people, however, think of themselves as citizens of the world, as jet-setters with assets, homes, aircraft, and yachts scattered around the world. They have no loyalty to America. They have no reason to want investment here even if this bill was not a big investment killer for Americans. No matter how low our country makes its taxes, if they manage any tangible businesses at all, they'd rather explore moving them to Burkina Faso where a few bribes could reduce their rate to zero and they could promise to pay their workers pennies a day, then find an excuse to dock them a dollar on payday. They see American markets as saturated, meaning there are few new customers here (and they're right, if only because they took the money and ran) and they see their future selves as making millions out of the not-yet-fully-ripped-off markets of China and India.
Oh: that part about higher wages and lower prices? It also does not work the way you think it works. Wages, prices, and profits are interconnected. If you have higher wages, you need to have lower profits or higher prices or both. If you have lower prices, you have to have lower wages, or lower profits, or both. The only way you can have both lower prices and higher wages would be if you propose that this tax bill will somehow encourage the very wealthy to give up some of their profits, presumably out of the kindness of their heart and in defiance of their shareholders. And, presumably, if they do voluntarily surrender their profits, then you have yet another reason that there will not be any business expansion as a result of this bill (they won't so this won't be why you won't get investment, but if your fantasy about high wages and low prices were true, that's what must follow).
I will tell you what this bill *will* actually get you: inflation, and plenty of it. That's what happens when you pour money in at the top of an economy at full employment, the way arsonists pour gasoline on kindling. Given that most of the real economy (as opposed to the Wall Street rentier fake economy) has not recovered from 2008, the resulting increase in interest rates will kill the real economy (yes, interest rates go up when inflation goes up, because nobody is going to take a loss on making a loan, and that's what happens when you get a loan paid back in dollars that are worth a lot less than they were when you loaned them out. And yes, real businesses depend on borrowing money in order to conduct day to day business, with or without "lower taxes".. I'd like to explain cash flow to you too, but really, you need to take an econ or business course, or to remember whatever econ or business course you took in the distant past, or to fess up that you know these are lies and that you don't care that they are lies. The Republican talking points you are reciting are cynically crafted economic nonsense, a babble of words that do not pass the smell test to anyone who has even a minimal acquaintance with economics or business).
But can't we get back to the good old days? When white men were white men, and wages were high? Like the 1950's, you say? Oh, you mean the time when most white men were eligible for a government paid free education, government sponsored low interest housing loans, and free government-run health care, when science was taught in schools and the government took pride in listening to its scientific advisers, and when the top tax bracket of 90% insured that no one became excessively wealthy. If that's what you want, count me in! That's exactly the sort of thing progressives want (except, this time around, white men will have to share -- a small "price" to pay for a return to genuine economic security, not to mention, it's the only right thing to do).
A final word on stocks being owned by rich and poor alike: how many stocks do you think regular Americans hold vs. the Wall Street rentiers? Ask yourself: if you (assuming you are a small stockholder) and someone holding a controlling interest were to simultaneously show up on the doorstep of a corporation you both "owned", would you be treated differently? If the two of you each wanted the company to go in another direction, and each of you picked up the phone and called that company, how would each of your calls be handled? If you wanted to manipulate the price of your stock, or of an associated commodity, which of you would be more successful at it? If both of you got your dividend checks, what could you buy yourself as a treat? What could he? There simply isn't any sort of equality of benefit here. You may as well argue that it is good for the homeless that this nation has extreme wealth and extreme poverty, because this way the poor can panhandle from people who have potentially plenty of money to give.
( Oh, one more finally: do you really think the savviest of investors are betting on this bill *improving* the economy? Remember, there's a whole class of securities, held almost exclusively by the rich, which are bets that the economy will *fail* in some manner or another. If I could peer into a lot of people's portfolios right now I'm guessing they've put their bets on the whole thing tanking. They don't care: they'll make a ton of money out of the collapse, and they'll get to keep every penny of it for themselves.)
A clarification: manufacturers call chunks of stuff they intend to turn into product "stock" or "feed stock", and that is the kind of stock I meant when I spoke of "metal stock": the heavy bars of copper I once took possession of, imagining what they would soon look like after we tortured them into a useful shape -- stuff bought and sold, fictitiously, on paper (electrons, really) in commodities markets, where almost no one who is wheeling and dealing will ever own actual copper, sell real physical copper, or want physical bars of copper.
At one point anyway (I no longer follow this to know if it is still true) there were far more futures in copper being dealt (in fiction) than there were known copper reserves.
One last comment: You want R&D? I'll tell you exactly how to get R&D, and higher wages with better benefits too. Do the exact opposite of what this bill does. Hike the corporate tax rate as high as the economy will bear.
Am I crazy? Absolutely not. I'm someone who has real world experience making decisions about whether business income became profit (i.e., money I or investors took home) or investment, or wages. Probably any real-world business owner knows that moment when it becomes clear that you are bumping into a higher tax bracket (or a similar limit, say for example, for what qualifies as a "small" business for loans or some other preferred status). If you take the money, you may as well be setting fire to it. So you don't. You turn it back into your business, or you give everyone a bonus or a raise. That makes the profit disappear from the ledger, yet you and your employees get to enjoy the value of that money.
Lowering taxes means taking away that motive. If you are a rentier, it means you get another yacht, or two, or ten. But if you're in the real economy, it's a poisoned gift. If you don't have investors, or if you are fortunate enough to have investors who understand that businesses are not cows to be milked of every stray penny, you might be able to use the extra money on higher wages or to plow it back into the company. But even then, in the economy as a whole, that extra money is being taken as profit by rentiers (and people who think that the rentier way of doing business is the way it ought to be). Wages don't go up, your customers lose purchasing power, and you lose some portion of your customer base (unless, of course, if your business is manufacturing solid gold toilet seats for yachts).
So if you want investment, if you want better wages, *raise* corporate taxes.
Suppose a company is earning $50 million profit, under the old system the tax was $20 million under the new system the tax is $10 million. R&D can be deducted like an expense. Thus many companies today have no profit and high R&D, however a company that never pays profits to shareholders is worthless to stockholders. Now with that $10 million they can give out $1000 bonuses that I think that AT&T did to its employees. But they also could do $10 million more in R&D and since it is tax deductible $11 million more. Today the company could hike the R&D to $50 million and pay no tax. But everyone should be able to figure why they don't do that? The reason is the company was originally bought by poor people putting their money together to create something big as owners. After working hours in fast food or digging holes, they figured it was hopeless will all these city regs, school taxes, and mandates to start a business themselves so they decided to buy a few shares, to make as much profit and dividends they can. You can increase corporate taxes to 100% if you want, but what you are really saying to the poor is you have the right to pursue happiness but you will never get there, you can make money, but the only thing you can spend it on is consumption. We the government and rich guys control the world and you are just a bunch of bums and we can give you some health care and education to think we (the democratic party) are helping you. This is why the first think dictators like Hitler do is privatize corporations or end their profits.
I don't even know where to begin. You are writing gibberish, or you are writing lies. Either way, you are writing nothing that makes any sense when it comes to wealth, business, or tax policy.
"whats good for the goose is good for the gander" TRUMP 2020
stop yelling libtard
i know you are but what are we ?
"You don't want to grow up to be like trump, right? " President of the United States?
I have relatives who believe this garbage. How can they just back this bill without actually looking at it? I don't get it at ALL. I can't even mention it without them flipping out. They refuse to have a civil conversation. Everytime he screws up, I think "ok, NOW they'll get it", but they never do, they just dig in their heels further.