Go for a walk. Just enjoy what god has made for you and go outside. Don’t even bother knowing where you’re going, just relax and walk. Most I’ve done is two hours. Trust me, it helps clear the mind.
Hey some advice from someone who has battled lust since the age of basically birth don't think of it as something that you've become quit it and when the depression hits pray and cry and don't be ashamed and don't listen to the deceit the devil throws into your eyes ears and mind he'll brain fog you into thinking all kinds of lies to make you fall into the cycle of hurt again don't be ashamed of who you are despise evil and do not listen to your urges it'll he so worth it in the end I promise it gets better everyday if you restore your phone or even get a flip phone people will make fun of you but you will be so brave for giving it up God will show you the true colors of life you'll be so happy I promise you this if you struggle reading the Bible pray for that as well you can pray for anything that you know is not evil and will bring you a non evil positive effect spiritually
Lust is also a lack of love we would never lust for our Mothers or Sisters but other strangers because we do not love and see them as material and object
Sorry you’ve never reached to depth of lust, it’s good for you man But please don’t judge me Im sinking a lot deeper and deeper I lust for everything and I’m into twisted darkest things, you could never even imagine 😔, it all started slowly but now I’m beginning to realise how far I’ve fallen, but I can’t help myself I just don’t know how to stop them the forces of devil just seems tooo strong for me I want to be helped but I don’t know who will I pray but feels like I don’t know what to say I still can’t turn back.
if you think this is the only action you struggle with, your going to fibd when and if you refuse this action- that it was only the top layer masking so many other problems you need help from Jesus in. i share this out of personal experience. May the Lord bless you and me as we seek our lord Jesus Christ.
"But I say, Walk in Spirit, and ye shall no way fulfil flesh's lust. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire;" (Gal 5:16-17)
@@bobjed7889 it is a lie. As long as we are in this body of flesh we will suffer from this, the solution is to read the Bible and have a focused and singular look to see more of Jesus, do not tire of learning from Him. This will make you busy with Christ, and the flesh? Well, ignore it, walk in Spirit (busy with good things -like reading the bible and so on- and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh) But we all sin, to a greater or lesser extent, your salvation is in Christ, who paid for all your sins. And in the end, being occupied with Christ will free you a little more each day from the evils that sadden us. Look to Christ and read your bible. Phil 3:13-14,20-21: "¹³ … forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, ¹⁴ I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. … ²⁰ For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: ²¹ Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."
My brother in Christ, im watching this video in another country, and i can say, that you have been a great tool, in the hands of ouro Lord. Jesus be with you, God bless you
I've been heavily addicted to porn since 10 years old. it has changed over the past decade and a half. Not just any porn, animated snuff and rape. Taking the idea of a woman and reducing her to a tool for my pleasure. I have a girlfriend who I've never once wanted to come to harm and I couldn't imagine treating her with anything except love. Loving her and coming to God has made me realize that my lustful desires are a different kind of pleasure, a sick pleasure. I have something sickening inside my heart that I need God to heal. I don't want my sick porn tendencies to ever bleed into reality, and I don't want to ever desire a woman to come to harm. I have seen things done to (animated) women that would make a normal person's stomach flip. What I have seen I cannot fathom. Please pray for my deliverance. Please pray that God grants me repentance from masturbation. I don't want to be this person anymore. I haven't told anyone this. That's going to change today. I wish to be a man of God.
The animated/produced stuff is especially insidious, thank you for saying so. My excuse for so many years has been "Its not a real person so I'm not denigrating anybody by watching it." But that isn't true. You're denigrating yourself and your partner in your relationship. Not to mention real source material may have been used to inspire that animated or drawn pornography. Pray every day brother. 10 minutes in the morning and before bed. An easy cheat code for me was putting icons of the Theotokos and Christ right under my monitor as well.
I'm 28 and have been struggling with lust essentially all my life. But it ends today. It ends once and for all today, on my little sister's birthday. The timing is so incredibly important here; this video in front of my eyes a year ago would have given me NOTHING. But with some deeply personal experiences and feeling The Heavenly Father's presence these past three weeks (I started praying about a week ago! Speaking his high vibrational words out loud into the Universe praying for strength, focus, persistence, clatity, intuition and momentum, completely surrendering this ego-driven flesh that is susceptible to self-doubt and self-sabotage, and flowing with the Holy Spirit) and what happened TODAY, this message hits me deep and I know exactly what to do with it. I will be back in one year and I will make *SURE* that I can write that I've kept my promise to myself so far, keeping my self-integrity strong, and that I will continue walking the path He has laid out for me with my heart close to Him. I *WILL* be a father one beautiful day like He has been for me, and I will be so with my soul free from lust. May this conviction keep me going strong. Purpose over pleasure! God is good 🙌❤
Thank you so much.... I struggle with this every single day...Nearly the worst of it you could imagine.... I dare not describe how putrid the actions are... But the shame and self hatred I feel when I give in, is becoming unbearable.... You could not be more right... I cannot do this alone..... I feel overwhelming ashamed of my actions and I turns me inward into hatred of myself, but end up doing it again.... I am disgusted with myself. I am so grateful I was brought to this video, I pray that it grants me the strength and mindset, as you describe... It is a literal battle over our souls..... I am so unworthy of forgiveness.... I have become a wicked wretch.... Because of giving into lust. Lord have mercy on my wicked soul!
"Such a thought-provoking video! The way you broke down how to overcome lust and take control of your desires is both refreshing and empowering. It’s not about denying ourselves, but about finding balance and focus. Definitely going to apply these insights to build healthier habits and a stronger mindset."
Thankyou so much for bringing this topic 😢bcs many youths including me are facing these .. god please help me im not able to escape from the desire,lust by myself please help me to overcome 😭😭
The more you fall into lust is the more you take away from your God given purpose. Hmm 🤔 never thought of it that way but makes total sense. I can’t remember how many times I’ve put off events because of it or procrastinated and felt the lack of motivation afterwards because of it makes a very valid point.
I will make up for it through God's grace. By the end of my life I will have fulfilled my purpose just as much as if I had not fallen to this sin for 2 years.
Over 3 months clean everytime it try’s to creep back I go look into the mirror and tell myself I am worthy I am worthy for with the power of Jesus Christ my lord and savior anything is possible thank you God for giving me strength for your power is greater than anything of this world including lust 🙏🏽
I was just watching a movie,then I felt the temptation.I didn’t even saw an attractive girl on a movie or something.Its just appeared.I need to stop.I have on year until I turn 18.I need to end this for the rest of my life.
That’s my same mission man. I want to be completely clean this entire year not only because I turn 18, but I have more I want from life and lust stands in the way of it all.
I honestly struggle with lust. The sin that bothers me most. I praise the lord Jesus christ as my savior and since I’m a teen i feel even worse for committing sin. i have stopped for months and been happy then fell back in, this video gave me a new perspective i have so much to fight for! PRAISE THE LORD❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you, I remembered the video and type the title and I was able to over come. Eveyrone I have to use the bathroom that’s when I release and then I feel the desire. I remeber this one verse talking about how the flesh is weak but the spirit is willingly so feed your spirit not the flesh by taking action epically going outside without the phone
Please i need help, i cannot stop thinking about it, thats the first thing i think about in the morning and the Last before sleeping, i fell like i cannot break free because its so strong, i keep fighting it relentlessly but it doesnt seem to get away from my mind, please help
@Sean-px6qq I understand you. My only advices that I can give is that you need to find hobbies or job or smth to preocuppy your mind or go to a psychiatrist. It obviously take alot of space in your mind, I hope I helped you
@@Sean-px6qq Keep fighting. Keep struggling. A sin you have been committing for the past years won't go away and end in a month, two or even in a year, but your commitment to God is noticed every single time, same goes for every time you sin. God is always there helping you, in big and small things. Small changes everyday is better than a sudden big change, and that's where God goes. Have temperance and enjoy your growth and journey.
Dude this video is amazing thank you so much this motivated me brothers and sisters who have messed up and gave in to lust let’s fight to let our true purpose shine through
I believe lust has a broad definition, and in my case, 'lust' is my ambition. It's a daily battle for me to fight my ambition for perfection, but it's getting better tho. I pray for everyone for whatever you're going through, keep trusting in Him. God bless.
The key is replacing with something better. If you leave that void empty, you will return to lust. I’m trying to focus on love instead and I think that’s the only way.
Focus on God. Don’t fight lust for that is Gods battle. Rather you should flee from it by reading the Bible, praying, fasting. Once you realize that it is not your battle is when you are free from this secret sin. God is the only way. James 4:7 “Submit yourself, therefore to God, resist the devil and he shall flee from you” through the power of scripture those chains can be broken for Gods words are more powerful than any weapon.
It’s not easy that’s why the path isn’t for the weak. It’s a discipline, to abstain from self pleasure. Think about it every time you indulge in this act, remember who you’re crucifying on the cross again. This is why we don’t wrestle with lust because we will fail we must flee and lean on Christ. It’s a non negotiable to engage in this act. God bless.
It may not be easy until you fully acquire this perspective, because depending on how you develop your faith, some situations become easier to overcome than they were before, and so on.
yes it is not easy but rn I’m fighting it right now everyday with gods power and you will know your getting away from lust if you don’t feel like doing it at certain times and you think about it before you do it and trust me it’s worth it to stop lusting trust me you will feel so much better without satan trying to make you lust, good luck bro 🙏🏻
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important. Luke 5:31-32 31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."* Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you. Job 28:28 [...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding. You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that. James 4:6-8 6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control. James 1:21-22 21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Hebrews 5:9 And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...]. Please ask if you have any questions.
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important. Luke 5:31-32 31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."* Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you. Job 28:28 [...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding. You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that. James 4:6-8 6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control. James 1:21-22 21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Hebrews 5:9 And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...]. Please ask if you have any questions.
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important. Luke 5:31-32 31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."* Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you. Job 28:28 [...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding. You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that. James 4:6-8 6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control. James 1:21-22 21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Hebrews 5:9 And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...]. Please ask if you have any questions.
praise the lord.... forgive me lord for i have sinned... i overthing and lust.... i have a purpose that u gave me.. to help other ppl.... but hear i am watching a video after falling down....today is 22/10/24 i had to study bst but here i am...... pls redeem me and have mercy
Hey David! I just want you to remember that no matter what you do, God still loves you! Believe me, I have struggled with lust for the past 2 years, and I feel like I’m finally making ground. The best thing that’s helped me, is as soon as I wake up, I pray and devote myself to God while reading the Bible. Just like Jesus did. My brother do not be discouraged, but find joy in the Lord and repentance! Gos loves you!
Amen!!!❤ I have been fighting with lust from 7 years old and now im 17 this year and still didn't overcome it....please Jesus my Lord help me get throught this please❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hello@Child of God. How are you doing? Lust is one of the things that is in the world,be it lust of the flesh or lust of the eyes. So what does this mean? It means that as children of God that we are,we ought to fight it tirelessly until we become Warriors and when fighting don't rely on your own strength because the Scriptures say "By strength shall no man prevail".Trust in the Lord that He will help you remember that our God is "Man of War" I personally have struggled with lust,but many times it comes as an attack and also many times we are the ones that expose ourselves to what opens the door to lust especially by what we watch with our eyes and listen to these are gateways to our body, whatever we take in, it's what and also you become what you feed your spirit with . Spend more reading God's word and listening to sound doctrines and the Lord will help you. Also my candid advice is to be mindful of the things you watch and listen to. Let me pray for you Father we thank you for @Child of God _our Lord.Thank you because we know that the plans that you have for him are of good and not of evil and to give him an expected end,Lord we ask that you show him and give the grace to fight in Jesus name Amen. You can reach out to me by tapping on my profile.
Hello,@ Child of God_our Lord, How are you doing? Lust is one of the things in the world, be it lust of the flesh or lust of the eyes. So, what does this mean? It means that, as children of God, we ought to fight it tirelessly until we become warriors. And when fighting, don't rely on your own strength, because the Scriptures say, "By strength shall no man prevail." Trust in the Lord, that He will help you. Remember, our God is a "Man of War." I personally have struggled with lust, but many times it comes as an attack, and many times we are the ones who expose ourselves to what opens the door to lust, especially by what we watch with our eyes and listen to. These are gateways to our body; whatever we take in is what we become. Spend more time reading God's Word and listening to sound doctrines, and the Lord will help you. Also, my candid advice is to be mindful of the things you watch and listen to. Let me pray for you: Father, we thank you for @Child of God_our Lord. Thank you because we know that the plans you have for him are of good and not of evil, and to give him an expected end. Lord, we ask that you show him and give him the grace to fight, in Jesus' name. Amen. You can reach out to me by tapping on my profile.
The last time that I did it, I felt a deep regret and a sense of loneliness, one that I haven’t felt before. In that moment, I realized that I would never again trade a moment of temporary pleasure for a life of fulfilled eternity. In that moment, my biggest fear was being unable to walk with God and be denied at the gates of Heaven because I consciously denied him in that moment, even when I felt the Holy Spirit tell me not to. Never Again
To fight lust you have to surrender and give your struggle to Jesus,you don’t have the power to deliver yourself instead have a daily praying habit and ask Jesus to deliver you.Pray without ceasing.
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important. Luke 5:31-32 31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."* Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you. Job 28:28 [...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding. You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that. James 4:6-8 6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control. James 1:21-22 21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves. Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Hebrews 5:9 And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...]. Please ask if you have any questions.
Hello I fall so often... I don't really want to... But I do it anyway... But when I do the sin, songs of praise come into my head. But sadly I don't care at that moment.... Please pray for me. For me to read more Bible and learn more...
I desperately try to run away from Lust and flee from my youthful passions. Lord, have mercy on me in my youthful urges
I shall pray for you my brother in Christ. Keep fighting.
Go for a walk. Just enjoy what god has made for you and go outside. Don’t even bother knowing where you’re going, just relax and walk. Most I’ve done is two hours. Trust me, it helps clear the mind.
Hey some advice from someone who has battled lust since the age of basically birth don't think of it as something that you've become quit it and when the depression hits pray and cry and don't be ashamed and don't listen to the deceit the devil throws into your eyes ears and mind he'll brain fog you into thinking all kinds of lies to make you fall into the cycle of hurt again don't be ashamed of who you are despise evil and do not listen to your urges it'll he so worth it in the end I promise it gets better everyday if you restore your phone or even get a flip phone people will make fun of you but you will be so brave for giving it up God will show you the true colors of life you'll be so happy I promise you this if you struggle reading the Bible pray for that as well you can pray for anything that you know is not evil and will bring you a non evil positive effect spiritually
Amen, I understand exactly how you feel, but stay strong, that’s what He wants you to do
When devil cant reach you he will fill ur mind with lust
this was real
For real
Lust is also a lack of love we would never lust for our Mothers or Sisters but other strangers because we do not love and see them as material and object
So are you saying we must love each other so we do not lust
@@Mango8200FN yes, if you objectify someone so much that you see them only for your pleasure. You do not love them.
Sorry you’ve never reached to depth of lust, it’s good for you man
But please don’t judge me Im sinking a lot deeper and deeper
I lust for everything and I’m into twisted darkest things, you could never even imagine 😔, it all started slowly but now I’m beginning to realise how far I’ve fallen, but I can’t help myself
I just don’t know how to stop them the forces of devil just seems tooo strong for me
I want to be helped but I don’t know who will
I pray but feels like I don’t know what to say I still can’t turn back.
@@Worldfootballhub30 pray your heart to God, and don't leave anything out
@@Worldfootballhub30they are too strong for you, but Jesus is stronger. Fall upon Jesus and cry out for deliverance, and you will be saved
This is all true, except that it's easy. This truly is the only action I struggle with. But thank you. This gave me courage
God Bless.
if you think this is the only action you struggle with, your going to fibd when and if you refuse this action- that it was only the top layer masking so many other problems you need help from Jesus in. i share this out of personal experience. May the Lord bless you and me as we seek our lord Jesus Christ.
"But I say, Walk in Spirit, and ye shall no way fulfil flesh's lust. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire;" (Gal 5:16-17)
See you next month with "I relapsed"
AMEN! 🙌🙏
@@bobjed7889 it is a lie. As long as we are in this body of flesh we will suffer from this, the solution is to read the Bible and have a focused and singular look to see more of Jesus, do not tire of learning from Him.
This will make you busy with Christ, and the flesh? Well, ignore it, walk in Spirit (busy with good things -like reading the bible and so on- and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh)
But we all sin, to a greater or lesser extent, your salvation is in Christ, who paid for all your sins.
And in the end, being occupied with Christ will free you a little more each day from the evils that sadden us.
Look to Christ and read your bible.
Phil 3:13-14,20-21:
"¹³ … forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
¹⁴ I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
²⁰ For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ:
²¹ Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself."
My brother in Christ, im watching this video in another country, and i can say, that you have been a great tool, in the hands of ouro Lord.
Jesus be with you, God bless you
Thanks so much. God Bless
I've been heavily addicted to porn since 10 years old. it has changed over the past decade and a half. Not just any porn, animated snuff and rape. Taking the idea of a woman and reducing her to a tool for my pleasure. I have a girlfriend who I've never once wanted to come to harm and I couldn't imagine treating her with anything except love. Loving her and coming to God has made me realize that my lustful desires are a different kind of pleasure, a sick pleasure. I have something sickening inside my heart that I need God to heal. I don't want my sick porn tendencies to ever bleed into reality, and I don't want to ever desire a woman to come to harm. I have seen things done to (animated) women that would make a normal person's stomach flip. What I have seen I cannot fathom. Please pray for my deliverance. Please pray that God grants me repentance from masturbation. I don't want to be this person anymore. I haven't told anyone this. That's going to change today. I wish to be a man of God.
I pray for you my brother! God is on your side
The animated/produced stuff is especially insidious, thank you for saying so. My excuse for so many years has been "Its not a real person so I'm not denigrating anybody by watching it." But that isn't true. You're denigrating yourself and your partner in your relationship. Not to mention real source material may have been used to inspire that animated or drawn pornography. Pray every day brother. 10 minutes in the morning and before bed. An easy cheat code for me was putting icons of the Theotokos and Christ right under my monitor as well.
Im prayin for u 🙏
How's the going?
Praying for you bro ❤️
I will comit myself to quitting and fully stopping lust from controlling my life and so I shall let God lead my life AMEN.
Ok bro do whatever helps you gng
Love this. The worst part about Lust is you never get that time back you wasted on it. Crucify the flesh and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Finally, a video that talks about sin in a way that's headstrong and honest, but doesn't guilt trip or condescendingly teach.
8 days clean almost lost 🙏🏾
God is proud of you! God bless you!!
2 days clean
Won't work this way guys
@@lemillion5980 I pray to God to help me battle lust
How you today?
I'm 28 and have been struggling with lust essentially all my life. But it ends today. It ends once and for all today, on my little sister's birthday. The timing is so incredibly important here; this video in front of my eyes a year ago would have given me NOTHING. But with some deeply personal experiences and feeling The Heavenly Father's presence these past three weeks (I started praying about a week ago! Speaking his high vibrational words out loud into the Universe praying for strength, focus, persistence, clatity, intuition and momentum, completely surrendering this ego-driven flesh that is susceptible to self-doubt and self-sabotage, and flowing with the Holy Spirit) and what happened TODAY, this message hits me deep and I know exactly what to do with it. I will be back in one year and I will make *SURE* that I can write that I've kept my promise to myself so far, keeping my self-integrity strong, and that I will continue walking the path He has laid out for me with my heart close to Him. I *WILL* be a father one beautiful day like He has been for me, and I will be so with my soul free from lust. May this conviction keep me going strong. Purpose over pleasure! God is good 🙌❤
How’s it going?
I pray for you brother
This video is so incredibly Powerful, thank you so much.
Thank you so much.... I struggle with this every single day...Nearly the worst of it you could imagine.... I dare not describe how putrid the actions are... But the shame and self hatred I feel when I give in, is becoming unbearable.... You could not be more right... I cannot do this alone..... I feel overwhelming ashamed of my actions and I turns me inward into hatred of myself, but end up doing it again.... I am disgusted with myself.
I am so grateful I was brought to this video, I pray that it grants me the strength and mindset, as you describe... It is a literal battle over our souls.....
I am so unworthy of forgiveness.... I have become a wicked wretch.... Because of giving into lust. Lord have mercy on my wicked soul!
I have the same situation my brother in Christ!!!, I pray that we will get over it and get back up to walk with God!!! , love you brother!!!❤️✝️😊🙏🙏
His mercy is greater than any of our sins. I struggle with the same problem. Take care bud
If you need somebody to talk, just say the word
@@Benjohn-cd7sj Amen brother, if we continue to seek him he will help us always. Love you too brother, stay strong.
@@vitz9352 Amen . I figure it is like the most common thing men face today.
Thank you, I really do appreciate that. And likewise.
God bless.
thanks for this video, this really help me but im still fight with this.
God bless you❤✝️🙏
Can people like this so I can always come back to this video?
Amen, man. Your video only said truths. God bless you.
Listening to this every morning so I can be reminded ❤️
This video helped me so much. Thank you brother. Amen, In Jesus Name
Amen. God Bless🤍
i've officially hit the jackpot of yt recommendations
Amen! Thank you fir this video 💙✝️
Is true, this what I am going through... But I no all will be over soon one day.. AMEN.. ADOM NYAME please have mercy on my soul 😢
God bless you my brother 🙏💗
"Such a thought-provoking video! The way you broke down how to overcome lust and take control of your desires is both refreshing and empowering. It’s not about denying ourselves, but about finding balance and focus. Definitely going to apply these insights to build healthier habits and a stronger mindset."
thank you brother. thank you for your high quality videos. God bless you and thankyou for helping us.
Thankyou so much for bringing this topic 😢bcs many youths including me are facing these .. god please help me im not able to escape from the desire,lust by myself please help me to overcome 😭😭
Woke the fuck out of me,such a powerful video bro ty🙏🔥
I’m 16 going through a hard with this this video helped me to see how bad what I’m doing thank you god bless ❤
You have p addiction as a girl?
The more you fall into lust is the more you take away from your God given purpose. Hmm 🤔 never thought of it that way but makes total sense. I can’t remember how many times I’ve put off events because of it or procrastinated and felt the lack of motivation afterwards because of it makes a very valid point.
I will make up for it through God's grace. By the end of my life I will have fulfilled my purpose just as much as if I had not fallen to this sin for 2 years.
Amen brother - powerful video. God bless you!
Over 3 months clean everytime it try’s to creep back I go look into the mirror and tell myself I am worthy I am worthy for with the power of Jesus Christ my lord and savior anything is possible thank you God for giving me strength for your power is greater than anything of this world including lust 🙏🏽
I was just watching a movie,then I felt the temptation.I didn’t even saw an attractive girl on a movie or something.Its just appeared.I need to stop.I have on year until I turn 18.I need to end this for the rest of my life.
That’s my same mission man. I want to be completely clean this entire year not only because I turn 18, but I have more I want from life and lust stands in the way of it all.
Saving this video, it is really helpful
I honestly struggle with lust. The sin that bothers me most. I praise the lord Jesus christ as my savior and since I’m a teen i feel even worse for committing sin. i have stopped for months and been happy then fell back in, this video gave me a new perspective i have so much to fight for! PRAISE THE LORD❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is the most "fr" video I have watched in a while
I can do this! I need to change my life for me and my loved ones. Amen 🙏
2 Timothy 2:22
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Amen thank you
Thank you, I remembered the video and type the title and I was able to over come. Eveyrone I have to use the bathroom that’s when I release and then I feel the desire. I remeber this one verse talking about how the flesh is weak but the spirit is willingly so feed your spirit not the flesh by taking action epically going outside without the phone
I see lust as a sort of pain. That way, it's easier for me to ignore it and I know that it WILL go away
That’s a good idea 🙌
Please i need help, i cannot stop thinking about it, thats the first thing i think about in the morning and the Last before sleeping, i fell like i cannot break free because its so strong, i keep fighting it relentlessly but it doesnt seem to get away from my mind, please help
@Sean-px6qq I understand you. My only advices that I can give is that you need to find hobbies or job or smth to preocuppy your mind or go to a psychiatrist. It obviously take alot of space in your mind, I hope I helped you
@@Sean-px6qq Keep fighting. Keep struggling. A sin you have been committing for the past years won't go away and end in a month, two or even in a year, but your commitment to God is noticed every single time, same goes for every time you sin. God is always there helping you, in big and small things. Small changes everyday is better than a sudden big change, and that's where God goes. Have temperance and enjoy your growth and journey.
This guy just hit the nail on the head. Thank you so much
This is a blessing!!! I do believe this video used the same audio from Nick Jones’ video (because this video has the same words piece by piece).
I love the passion and conviction with which you dictate your videos.
Amen! Thank you for this!
This video is so true.
Dude this video is amazing thank you so much this motivated me brothers and sisters who have messed up and gave in to lust let’s fight to let our true purpose shine through
I believe lust has a broad definition, and in my case, 'lust' is my ambition. It's a daily battle for me to fight my ambition for perfection, but it's getting better tho. I pray for everyone for whatever you're going through, keep trusting in Him. God bless.
Thank you you really made me trust god and want he can do
Thank you i needed this
Amen brother, with god we can win this war! ✝️🙌
thank you bro 🙏
You’re welcome
Thank you. Amen!
Extremely well said great work!
This hits hard in me.
You don’t ever defeat lust you have to fight it every day
The key is replacing with something better. If you leave that void empty, you will return to lust. I’m trying to focus on love instead and I think that’s the only way.
@@oneshotprestigeyes but we can never truly ever overcome lust. We have to pray everyday and ask for forgiveness
Focus on God. Don’t fight lust for that is Gods battle. Rather you should flee from it by reading the Bible, praying, fasting. Once you realize that it is not your battle is when you are free from this secret sin. God is the only way. James 4:7 “Submit yourself, therefore to God, resist the devil and he shall flee from you” through the power of scripture those chains can be broken for Gods words are more powerful than any weapon.
@ thank you dude I really needed this. It’s been two years and lust is still destroying me
This make sense
Stop saying it's easy because it's not easy because we travel through the narrow path and that narrow path we walk on is not easy.
It’s not easy that’s why the path isn’t for the weak. It’s a discipline, to abstain from self pleasure. Think about it every time you indulge in this act, remember who you’re crucifying on the cross again. This is why we don’t wrestle with lust because we will fail we must flee and lean on Christ. It’s a non negotiable to engage in this act. God bless.
It may not be easy until you fully acquire this perspective, because depending on how you develop your faith, some situations become easier to overcome than they were before, and so on.
That narrow path for me is like walking while balancing on a thin piece of rope
yes it is not easy but rn I’m fighting it right now everyday with gods power and you will know your getting away from lust if you don’t feel like doing it at certain times and you think about it before you do it and trust me it’s worth it to stop lusting trust me you will feel so much better without satan trying to make you lust, good luck bro 🙏🏻
Thank you Lord Jesus Amen ❤
Please pray for me and my journey brothers…
Will do 🙏
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important.
Luke 5:31-32
31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."*
Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you.
Job 28:28
[...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.
You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that.
James 4:6-8
6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control.
James 1:21-22
21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Hebrews 5:9
And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...].
Please ask if you have any questions.
I’ve been struggling with this too but I know I can be better with God me helping escape it.
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important.
Luke 5:31-32
31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."*
Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you.
Job 28:28
[...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.
You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that.
James 4:6-8
6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control.
James 1:21-22
21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Hebrews 5:9
And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...].
Please ask if you have any questions.
God Is Great You've Inspired Another Soul
God and I can’t even make it past a week. 😢
Same 😢 praying for you
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important.
Luke 5:31-32
31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."*
Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you.
Job 28:28
[...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.
You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that.
James 4:6-8
6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control.
James 1:21-22
21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Hebrews 5:9
And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...].
Please ask if you have any questions.
Great video man, I really needed to hear this again 🙏
praise the lord.... forgive me lord for i have sinned... i overthing and lust.... i have a purpose that u gave me.. to help other ppl.... but hear i am watching a video after falling down....today is 22/10/24 i had to study bst but here i am...... pls redeem me and have mercy
Hey David! I just want you to remember that no matter what you do, God still loves you! Believe me, I have struggled with lust for the past 2 years, and I feel like I’m finally making ground. The best thing that’s helped me, is as soon as I wake up, I pray and devote myself to God while reading the Bible. Just like Jesus did.
My brother do not be discouraged, but find joy in the Lord and repentance!
Gos loves you!
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us and save us. Lead us in the way everlasting, Amen 🙏🏻
Thank you so much for this inspiring Video and God bless you❤
Shifts happen to us life hounds to wherever you're at in our paths...
have mercy on me LORD
Defeating lust *IS* that hard. These are unbelievably tremendous urges we’re dealing with.
Oh lord, how I love you-but how I love the sin.. I need to let go
Bro I agree with you 100% I will just going and not give in to lust
The lord is my shepherd, I must do better to stay by his side
Lord save me
Please Lord mighty God save me from myself
God bless all of you❤️🙏🏽
Thank you Jesus👑❤️
Sidebar, thats footage of Yosemite:)
Lived there in the valley for work for a while
Holy spirit enlighten,empower and direct towards my life decision on this earth. Amen 😢
please pray for me im suffering with this again and again its ruined my life
Praying bro 🙏
@Jpryor7 thanks bro
thank you man this really helped me💙💙
Amen!!!❤ I have been fighting with lust from 7 years old and now im 17 this year and still didn't overcome it....please Jesus my Lord help me get throught this please❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I will pray for you my brother do not worry for god shall heal you soon.
God bless. I will pray for you
Hello@Child of God.
How are you doing?
Lust is one of the things that is in the world,be it lust of the flesh or lust of the eyes.
So what does this mean?
It means that as children of God that we are,we ought to fight it tirelessly until we become Warriors and when fighting don't rely on your own strength because the Scriptures say "By strength shall no man prevail".Trust in the Lord that He will help you remember that our God is "Man of War"
I personally have struggled with lust,but many times it comes as an attack and also many times we are the ones that expose ourselves to what opens the door to lust especially by what we watch with our eyes and listen to these are gateways to our body, whatever we take in, it's what and also you become what you feed your spirit with .
Spend more reading God's word and listening to sound doctrines and the Lord will help you.
Also my candid advice is to be mindful of the things you watch and listen to.
Let me pray for you Father we thank you for @Child of God _our Lord.Thank you because we know that the plans that you have for him are of good and not of evil and to give him an expected end,Lord we ask that you show him and give the grace to fight in Jesus name Amen.
You can reach out to me by tapping on my profile.
Hello,@ Child of God_our Lord, How are you doing?
Lust is one of the things in the world, be it lust of the flesh or lust of the eyes. So, what does this mean? It means that, as children of God, we ought to fight it tirelessly until we become warriors. And when fighting, don't rely on your own strength, because the Scriptures say, "By strength shall no man prevail." Trust in the Lord, that He will help you. Remember, our God is a "Man of War."
I personally have struggled with lust, but many times it comes as an attack, and many times we are the ones who expose ourselves to what opens the door to lust, especially by what we watch with our eyes and listen to. These are gateways to our body; whatever we take in is what we become.
Spend more time reading God's Word and listening to sound doctrines, and the Lord will help you. Also, my candid advice is to be mindful of the things you watch and listen to.
Let me pray for you:
Father, we thank you for @Child of God_our Lord. Thank you because we know that the plans you have for him are of good and not of evil, and to give him an expected end. Lord, we ask that you show him and give him the grace to fight, in Jesus' name. Amen.
You can reach out to me by tapping on my profile.
Good word, thanks.
"We can have many men, Whatever you're into." 😂🧍♂️
Most important message
Christ is king have mercy on me oh lord for I am a weak sinner and without you im just dust
The greatest weakness of lust is that it is only temporary, but pleasing God is eternal.
V sad 😢 lord please have mercy on us all 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😭 me too battling spiritually so many many many of us Jesus please help me Jesus please help us all 🙏🏽
It ends today. December 11 2024 the lust of life has been killed by Christ Jesus. Thankyou Jesus ❤🎉
thank you man
The last time that I did it, I felt a deep regret and a sense of loneliness, one that I haven’t felt before. In that moment, I realized that I would never again trade a moment of temporary pleasure for a life of fulfilled eternity. In that moment, my biggest fear was being unable to walk with God and be denied at the gates of Heaven because I consciously denied him in that moment, even when I felt the Holy Spirit tell me not to. Never Again
God bless 🙏
To fight lust you have to surrender and give your struggle to Jesus,you don’t have the power to deliver yourself instead have a daily praying habit and ask Jesus to deliver you.Pray without ceasing.
It's been maybe more than 3 years I've been struggling 😢
When you repent, that's when you agree to be obedient to God for the rest of your life. It means heeding this word of Jesus: "Go, and don't sin anymore" (John 8:11). Sin is the opposite of obedience to God. So, you need to repent, and repentance (Acts 2:38) is necessary to receive God's forgiveness and healing as He restores you to start living a new life, freed from being a slave of sin (Romans 6:4-7). That can only happen if you sincerely regret having sinned against God and want his forgiveness to have peace in your heart once and for all. You have to take a stand where you sincerely want to please God in your life going forward and not please yourself with anything that is sinful and ultimately destructive. All that is important.
Luke 5:31-32
31 And Jesus answered them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick [that's sinners]. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to *repentance."*
Ask God for wisdom and understanding, and don't doubt that He will answer you.
Job 28:28
[...] Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.
You must agree to submit to God and not be double-minded about that.
James 4:6-8
6 ... “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
When you cry out to God from a place of humility (James 4:6-8), recognizing you are in a desperate situation and need a rescue from the grip of sin, God's grace will bring salvation/deliverance to you (Titus 2:11-14) so you start living a new life with a pure heart and self-control.
James 1:21-22
21 Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [that's repentance]. 22 But be doers of the word [that's faith, which implies obedience], and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.
Acts 2:38
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
Hebrews 5:9
And having been made perfect, He [Jesus] became the author of *eternal salvation to all those who obey Him* [...].
Please ask if you have any questions.
Thank you bro
God ...
I Will praise your name for all of my Life .. come in my Heart again i have sinned i am filty forgive me Jesus
i feel... f r e e
Thank you so much
I fall so often... I don't really want to... But I do it anyway... But when I do the sin, songs of praise come into my head. But sadly I don't care at that moment.... Please pray for me. For me to read more Bible and learn more...
Perspective is everything in the way you look positive or negative changes our mind