My Uncle Vic had this record that Bill Dana released that had his jose jimenez character on the cover. My cousins and I used to listen to it a thousand times and crack up laughing every time. This was in the 60's and we were about ten years old.
Bill Dana deserves a LOT of credit for giving up the Jose Jiminez character in 1970 because hispanics thought it offensive -- that was his bread and butter. How many of us would do the same?
My Uncle Vic had this record that Bill Dana released that had his jose jimenez character on the cover. My cousins and I used to listen to it a thousand times and crack up laughing every time. This was in the 60's and we were about ten years old.
Thanks so much for producing and posting.
Bill Dana deserves a LOT of credit for giving up the Jose Jiminez character in 1970 because hispanics thought it offensive -- that was his bread and butter. How many of us would do the same?