Canadian Forces - The After Action Review

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2020
  • Canadian Forces Training Video Series
    From the back of the VHS case:
    An AFTER ACTION REVIEW is a professional discussion of an operation or training event which focuses on what happened, why it happened and how to improve.
    This video will provide you with the information that you need to participate in and conduct an AFTER ACTION REVIEW.
    Video Duration: 58.56
    This is a two-part video with both parts on the same cassette.
    Part One - Doctrine and Conduct
    Part Two - Plan, Prepare and Follow-up
    Visit the AAR DIN Website at [internal web address] for the lecture notes supporting this video and a copy of the After Action Review and Observer Controller Aide-Memoire.
    CAF Catalogue # 07-0725F
    February 2003
    Letter attached from Land Forces Doctrine and Training Systems:
    21 February 2003
    1. The Chief of Land Staff has identified the requirement for the Army to become a learning organization. Achieving a learning environment based on the adoption of the After Action Review Process and the complete incorporation of the Army Learning Process have been established as two elements of Objective Four of the Army Strategy. In order for the Army to successfully adopt the After Action Review Process, a common understanding of what an After Action Review actually is and how to integrate it into training and other activities must exist.
    2. Enclosed you will find a copy of the After Action Review Instructional Video for your personal use and review. The video (available in both official languages [French copy not available]) is currently bein distributed to formations, units and training establishments across the Army. This video will be one of the key components in the Army's strategy to implement and institutionalize the After Action Review Process.
    3. The video is focused on the conduct of an After Action Review conducted by a dismounted infantry platoon supported by an Observer Controller and an OPFOR. The level of training represented in the video has been chosen deliberately as it represents the common level of training between the Regular Force and reserves and includes the basic soldier skills that are included in the Army's entry-level training. The video does not focus on infantry tactics but instead uses the tactical scenario as the basis upon which to conduct an After Action Review.
    4. The After Action Review video consists of two parts both located on the same cassette tape. Part One demonstrates the conduct of an After Action Review and is designed to provide all members and rank levels of the Army with the information necessary to participate in as well as conduct an After Action Review. Part Two is aimed at all Army leaders and Observer Controllers and is designed to provide the information required to plan, prepare and follow-up an After Action Review.
    5. The video is also designed to be an instructional tool to support the conduct of Observer Controller training and consequently features extensively the involvement of an Observer Controller in the After Action Review Process. While the video also makes the point that all leaders in the Army may be involved in the conduct of After Action Review, this is a point that must be further emphasized by commanders at all levels on a regular basis.
    6. The After Action Review Process is still a relatively new process within our Army. This video represents our current understanding of the process and its practice at lower levels. As the Army gains experience in the conduct of the After Action Reviews at all levels, updates or further versions of this video will be produced. In the meantime this video will become a major component in the Army's instructional and educational strategy on the subject.
    7. Adoption of the After Action Review Process will help the Army become a learning organization and this video will help to develop a common understanding of that process. I strongly encourage you to ensure that this video is viewed by as many of your leaders and soldier as possible.
    J. Arp

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