I had a lot depression when I was young and I was very sensitive. Now, I am noticing that I am more intuitive and I keep better people around me........
It isn’t a curse to have this placement unless you look at it that way. I have the conjunction in 12th and I thought I’d never be able to not be.. excessive. However, overtime I’ve found for me that looking towards God, focusing on bettering myself in every way, and realizing that I am in control of what’s around me and how I react to it.. I remember not to get too caught up because we are here to live our lives the way we were meant to and it’s not personal. I constantly build strength within myself and try to unattach where not needed because all that I need is within myself. I also take the time to evaluate what’s going on and try to be honest about whether I’m unhappy with my situations or whether I’m just feeling unhappy and I do what I have to do from there. I also stay off social media and certain things which I’d recommend to younger folks with this placement. I will say that astrology has been thee greatest tool for me. When you’re aware of something, you have the ability to change it. I still feel the affect but being my early 20’s, I feel that I’m learning this relatively young and know that things will get better and better as time goes on.
You’re super switched on considering you’re only in your 20s - I can confirm that this definitely does get better with age! Also make sure you check out your D9 if not already:) x keep on being awesome! ❤️
I have Rahu - Moon Conjunct in my 1st house in Sagittarius, both at 8.08 degrees, Scorpio rising 27 degrees. I have Ketu - Sun - 3 degrees, Mercury 5 degrees in my 7th house in Gemini. I have never had any problems with any depression or any decision making. I have never felt any depression. I am very patient and optimistic. I feel very balanced emotionally.. I trust myself.
Exactly. Thank you for giving your sun's position as well. You have a full moon, and Rahu's negative influence is calm down by Mercury, which is strong and aspecting it. You just solved my doubt. Looking at the brightness of the moon as well as ashtakvarga proves that most evil effects will be minimized
i have this in Aquarius in my 12th house My mother is an absolute psychopath but the best astrologer i know she has Rahu-Moon-Mercury-Sun in Virgo - wish she was out of jail :( she is so mad at astrology - she can't let it go though, she loves it too much it is so true what you said about diet. she keep saying that she is given bad food in jail that makes her so sad. i am so impatient to cook for her again when she gets out :) peace, love & blessings
Fantstic explanation. This is exactly how I feel every day. And double whammy is that lord of the sign of this conjunction is debilitated !!! Additionally, Venus is also there there
Hi Ryan... My brother has moon rahu combo in in his 8th house in Sagittarius. And your description fits him accurately. Your videos are spot on. You are gifted with this science Ryan. Stay blessed
I have this Saturn Moon Rahu conjunction in Capricorn. This is true. :) I'm very careful about with who I spent my time. Also I don't eat animal products about six months now. Clear mind because of that diet. Hm, not to trust myself, you say, but I don't trust anyone. :) I ll want you to be my guide, for sure, after I finish my studies, I ll contact you. You have calming effect on me. :)
Actually it is extremely true.. Currently RAHU is transiting my Moon and could feel the confusion around me. It is like the following things 1. Am I doing the right thing? 2. Am I completing all my work properly? 3. Is he trying to cheat me! All these things could be in any area which keeps you worried by constantly thinking and misinterpreting events and people around you. During this time you actually connect things one another which are not even practically possible but still your mind strongly believe your connections are existing and true.. In some cases RAHU will make you to do something secretly and finally you get a fear that everyone has come to know about it but actually they would have not known and this is how you go confused!
This explanation is one of the best I have read. It gave me additional knowledge to better understand this combinationand at the same time continue to connect my learning. Thank you very much for your interpretation and inspiration.🙏 Eva
YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO GIVES GOOD ADVICE. Thank you. I have Moon/Rahu/Jupiter in the fifth house of navamsa. My mother has Moon/Sun/Rahu in Scorpio in natal; I used to think she was the one who was batshit crazy, but it turns out I can get very imbalanced and go off the deep end myself. I am eternally grateful to your wisdom, Ryan. Thank you for sharing. PS: I try very hard to follow a good diet, but I worry sometimes that I am *too* focused on this aspect of life. I have spent an inordinate amount of money on supplements, for example. But it seems that I am in the end my own teacher, for I have learned from experience what works and doesn't work. Nevertheless I need help sometimes, and I often go to astrology gurus for such help. Thank you for being so stable and Saturnian. I learn from what you communicate.
Tom Fallon what I found was, at first it would be quite difficult to make a healthy step towards your well being, so it would require some focus, control and hard work for about 2-3 months, if you truly believe in its transformative positive affects on you, but after that you wouldn't even feel like going back to your old habits, and would be much easier to continue your healthy lifestyle and also very rewarding
Hi Ryan I have Moon and Rahu in 9th house in Capricorn .Rahu at a higher degree than moon . I am Taurus Ascendant . I am most of the times depressed and my mind is thinking over time . I always feel worried ,fear of unknown and there is hidden anger inside me . I am so confused in life and Yes I agree about Psychic and Mystic qualities -I do have curiosity towards -Psychology ,Astrology ,counselling ,occult ,different languages psychiatrist and life coaching kind of subjects . I am not able to concentrate for long time. I cannot sleep properly and i feel very lonely and empty . I keep running into negative people also . I do not trust people easily . I am confused with my career also . I have short concentration and i keep thinking about something . i feel i will never settle down and things wont be okay with me at all
Hey Saanch . I have been feeling depressed for almost 13 years of my life . I am confused what to do in life . I keep getting thoughts but not able to choose . I cannot sleep at night and feel very empty and lonely .I feel my issues will never get solved . no friends and social life . I feel lazy and not able to be active . Concentration issue and issue in focusing one thing at a time . Headaches /dark circles and unhealthy life style . 1st September 1990 23.08pm Hyderabad Career and education no idea where life is going . What to choose i am depressed most of the times and suicidal thoughts
ASHISH SINHA I'm sorry that you've been feeling this way, and I completely empathise with you. Do u feel the reason for your depression to be which career you should be choosing? Or is it unidentifiable?
Thanks Saanch for understanding . Depression due to not able to perform good in Education and lack of regularity , no social life and friends . Not able to concentrate and focus and past keeps haunting me . I have few things in mind but you can say it is unidentifiable . Not able to take a decision and when i take decision i doubt it . I feel world is against me . My Ascendant is Taurus /Moon Sign-Capricorn with Rahu on it in 9th house .
ASHISH SINHA I hope this helps you, but I think you should really forget about friends and social life.. they aren't anyway meant to last long and be truthful.. The best thing I learnt in life was never to give your sense of security and happiness to anyone or anything.. If you're stuck in life, that means that it is desperately, for many years, trying to teach you something greater. I discovered that when, even my friends betrayed me and I had no social life, to be an opportunity to work and focus completely upon myself. Life was closing all my outside distractions/ windows, so that I could focus on the inner me. That was the time when I no longer could be stuck at one place anymore, and decided to finally take action, it was difficult to take the first step, but a year later I thanked myself immensely for taking it. This is the time when you focus on your transformation, to build and discover your capabilities, improve yourself mentally, emotionally and physically and most importantly Love Yourself, by becoming the best version of you. Anything you're interested in, and topics that you're curious about, shows what your passion/ path should be. Discover yourself more, this is the best time to reinvent yourself and come as a new you. If you're into spirituality, then it is the greatest gift to you ever. I completely get why this is happening to you. Because those who are taking this spiritual journey, at this stage in their lives would feel 'depressed' because their higher self wants to regain its almighty power, but this could only happens if you focus on your transformation... Idk if you're aware of this, but the times are really shifting, causing many of us to 'awaken' and 'ascend' spiritually , only to shift us out of our comfort zones. You can look that up.. As the same thing happened with me, this is the best advise I could give you. Dare to follow your dreams without caring about anyone else. This is how you would respect your soul and higher calling. You already are a genius, a winner and a hero. You only need to realise that once again. You are not depressed. It is a signal, that you need to move on. Forget the past. End this cycle. Only remember the past in order to 'reflect' on what it has taught you, and really really imbibe that within you. You decide, if this day for you, is still 'One Day' or 'Day 1' Be a rebel. Dare to follow your heart. First take all your time to plan, adjust, aim and reflect (especially at this solar eclipse) in March After the energies of the eclipse stabilise, (about in April) only then take action 🔛 *RISE FROM THE ASHES LIKE PHOENIX IN YOUR TRUE POWER, LIGHTING THE WHOLE WORLD WITH YOUR GODDAMN FIRE 🔥*
Awesome sir. Im going through rahu mahadasa and moon antra. Most people give negative input. But i never noticed im becoming rebeliously creative giving outofbox ideas for the company i work for. Now im learning to focus on positives also. Thanks v.much 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Ryan. I got a series of your classes from a friend in Germany. I like your analysis. I do astrology consultations as well. Do you think that a bright waxing moon and high ashtakvarga can nullify evil effects like confusion and depression?
Have Rahu Moon in 8th house....Diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Borderline Personality...Suffer every day. Crying fits, Screaming, Shaking in Bed, Hearing Voices.
I have rahu and moon in my 8th house in pisces in birth chart..it denotes some sort of my heavy bad karma from past life n manifest in this life I have to correct that karma in this life...please give me some insight of what should I do about it?🙏
How do we keep our senses clean clear certain? Moon is also the mother i have an emotionally unstable mother it's scarred me almost feels cursed by her ...how bad can that be to be cursed by our parents who are sun and moon can we recover from it? Remedy video please
Still having emotional boundary issues. Its been the hardest issue in my life and i finally found a wonderful teachers-Lyssa&Lee and its been wonderful process. They've been also helping my spiritual growth❤️
i have moon rahu in libra in 7th house also sun conjunct pluto of im interesting in one thing im so obssessed,,, and i know how to interpret dreams of other people or friend and its happen but for me it so hard...
My moon rahu ex was the most logical person I've met, NASA work etc, but completely emotionally repressed. Doesn't quite fit this explanation but he was always a conundrum.
I have NN, MC and moon within 1° of each other conjunct pluto 9°away in Libra in the 11th. All that opposes my tightly conjunct SN, IC, Venus and Chiron in the 5th. Vedic astrology has given me a much deeper perspective on this configuration. Thanks for your info!!
im starting a job in psyche hospital soon, you guys need to get out the narrow world of astrology sometimes before you start telling people that they are unstable . Maybe its a job, you know. And rahu will be in the 5th house with my moon. ive read before that ketu in 5th means evil spirits(mental illness). Even though this is Rahu could be similiar no?
Ryan Kurczak 70+ old person is waiting for second head MRI due to serious health problem. I see moon with Rahu in 6th. Scorpio lGna and sun MDL started and it’s in 4th house.
hey ryan can you please re upload "how to rectify a chart " video for some reason every time I try to watch it freezes up ...I try reloading the page but it still happens and I tried through out the week as well ... yet all your others videos work??? help please.
I learned that my moon is the lonely moon according to Tropical astrology & I read lonely moon is good. No planets from 5th till 12th house, except moon 10th house in cancer. Now I'm drawn to Vedic because of its philosophy I'll have to read rahu, 11th house leo. They are in 20° apart but not in same sign so I guess it's ok. Btw I never have confusion, I might have internal itches but no confusion no obssession nothing like that. Oh, but I do have cap sun opposed cancer moon. Oftentime I'm like bunch of blades not a humanbeing but inside full of emotional bubbles which I try to freeze them to death, mostly when I was younger.. I saw one of your student's moon aspect video today but there wasn't about the moon opposed sun. Wish I could know more so I can relate to myself. But still I thank u 💫
Hey, I have it in the same nakshatra, diffrent house. Can you give me more information about your experiences with this placement. It will be much appreciated 🙏
Currently Rahu is transiting over my natel moon in cancer which is giving me a severe depression .. waiting for the nodes to change their axis in march
Hi Ryan , I am a Pisces Ascendant having Rahu-Moon Conjunction in 5th House(Cancer sign) and Mars-Ketu Conjunction in 11th House(Capricorn sign). What does it means? Ryan, Please help me.
It's not easy. Most people who try to tell you they can do it, are really just finding a way in and exploiting you. Basically, don't be a snowflake, stand up for yourself and learn to control your own thoughts and take responsibilty for your own emotions without getting pulled into the obligations of others.
I have Rahu and Moon in Jyeshta(3rd house) with Mars and Saturn aspect(4th and 10th asp accordingly). I understood that I am a man without boundaries, hence I try to limit myself within the imaginary boundary. This is how I overcome the high energy. Any chance that you provide consultation Ryan?
This was so interesting. I have moon mercury conjunct in Gemini conjunct ketu, the south node, well aspected, trine Mars and Chiron in aquarius. So opposition in stead of conjunction. It would interest me to hear about that.
Is a 7 degree difference considered a conjunction between Moon/Rahu (22.03/00.29)? Also if they are in different houses (8th / 9th) resp and in same Nakshatra.
Please help me! I’m so worried about my mom. I haven’t had this but it’s coming into. My future in D9 chart. Please message me about this in 7th house with Gemini.
I had Rahu moon conjunction in D9 chat in 12house in Aquarius sign. In my birth chart moon is in Taurus exalted in 7th house and Rahu and Venus in 9th house. What this mean ? Plz reply sometimes I experience lot a stress in my life. Rahu degree 23 Moon degree 5 Plz reply 🙏🏻
Really true sir Respected sir thanks for all you give to humanity।।।।।। Sir i hv rahu moon conjuction in saggi acsendent।।।।and i m virgo acsendent of d9 with rahu moon pluto conjuction।। Plzzzz respectfully i hv request plz make video on PLUTO।।।।।।CONJUCTION WITHRAHU MAR PLZZZZZ SIR।।।।।।।HUMBLE REQUESTED FROM INNERSOUL
Felt this happening with transit and it is really messing up my boundaries. Scorpio Rahu having moon transit over. It’s only a little while longer. I can’t even meditate.
Hi Ryan. Nice explanation 👍🏽 Can you tell me if Saturn, rahu and moon conjunction in Taurus in 11th house, gives a control over the mystic, chaotic emotions? And what else can it be doing if moon is exalted? I've seen that my moon and saturn fall at the exact same degrees, i.e 15 degrees in Rohini nakshatra and Rahu at 28 in Ardra according to Vedic astrology. I'm pretty confused about such a combination, and couldn't find its explanations on the net Cancer Asc, Pisces Sun ☀️ Any help would be appreciated *Thanks* 🙏🏽
Saanch Singhal i actually have a similar conjunction in terms of degrees but in different signs. Rahu is in 7th and saturn moon in the eigth. Im having a hard time with it tbh.
i hv moon rahu conjuction(9 degree apart)) in 8th house taurus, i do feel too emotional n emotionaly unbalanced in day to day life.. it ws worse in my childhood... nw in my 30s its bit better.. bt y i dnt feel effect of exalted moon n rahu.. is it because its in 8th house?
Hmmm......Moon, Rahu and Saturn (and Sun) are tightly conjunct.... must be Saturn because I’m not relating much to this. Even though this and more are in my 12th I think Saturn keeps me grounded.
Hey Mr. Kurczak! Thanks for this video. I have this conjunction, too. (moon:11 pisces, rahu:7 pisces, neptune: 9 capricorn sun:23 sagit. ac:3 aquarius) According to this, my moon is I guess in a good place, but neptune, lord of pisces is in capricorn is said in a bad place. So how will I know whether this conjunction is in poor dignity or not?
Thank you so much for helping us understand this very "occupying" conjunction. Meant in the sense that situations that touch you emotionally, can really suck you in. To an extension that one solves other peoples pains before taking time to direct the own life. Just because one feels the other like it is yourself often. I had to learn to conciesly find the line between what is me and the other. Since some actions would have me neglect my own affairs . One thinks there is strenght and space enough to sail through . (Mars, uranus, rahu, moon, pluto in Magha pada4, Sun in Mrigshira pad. 4) in 4 house. Like the the commenter below, i believe that it is important to find inner balance to be able to do as you said. But it is not merely about advisers. it is knowing yourself enough to choose your adviseres wisely. Thank you so much.! May good karma follow you for helping a young generation to find their way in life. It would have been invaluable for my life to acces this knowlege in my youth. But then there were no computers : )
This interpretation is extreme. There will be a small percentage of people who are this unstable. I have Rahu and Moon literally in my first house. I am a confident, sensible, hardworking and intelligent human being. I contribute mostly positively to the world around me, more than others who don’t have this combination. These kinds of sensational videos are misleading, Ryan. You might end up affecting people negatively - is your Moon conjunct with Rahu by any chance? 😉
I had a lot depression when I was young and I was very sensitive. Now, I am noticing that I am
more intuitive and I keep better people around me........
Life had been quite tough
It isn’t a curse to have this placement unless you look at it that way. I have the conjunction in 12th and I thought I’d never be able to not be.. excessive. However, overtime I’ve found for me that looking towards God, focusing on bettering myself in every way, and realizing that I am in control of what’s around me and how I react to it.. I remember not to get too caught up because we are here to live our lives the way we were meant to and it’s not personal. I constantly build strength within myself and try to unattach where not needed because all that I need is within myself. I also take the time to evaluate what’s going on and try to be honest about whether I’m unhappy with my situations or whether I’m just feeling unhappy and I do what I have to do from there. I also stay off social media and certain things which I’d recommend to younger folks with this placement. I will say that astrology has been thee greatest tool for me. When you’re aware of something, you have the ability to change it. I still feel the affect but being my early 20’s, I feel that I’m learning this relatively young and know that things will get better and better as time goes on.
Feels gopd to read this comment. Thanks for sharing it.
This gives me hope n positivity :)
You’re super switched on considering you’re only in your 20s - I can confirm that this definitely does get better with age! Also make sure you check out your D9 if not already:) x keep on being awesome! ❤️
Mine is Moon+Rahu+Pluto in 12
I have Rahu - Moon Conjunct in my 1st house in Sagittarius, both at 8.08 degrees, Scorpio rising 27 degrees. I have Ketu - Sun - 3 degrees, Mercury 5 degrees in my 7th house in Gemini. I have never had any problems with any depression or any decision making. I have never felt any depression. I am very patient and optimistic. I feel very balanced emotionally.. I trust myself.
Exactly. Thank you for giving your sun's position as well. You have a full moon, and Rahu's negative influence is calm down by Mercury, which is strong and aspecting it. You just solved my doubt. Looking at the brightness of the moon as well as ashtakvarga proves that most evil effects will be minimized
Mahatma Gandhi had this conjunction in 10th house (libra) and he led independence against British in a very innovative and novel way
Chandra Sekhar i’m always curious how time of birth is determined for public figures
You gave really good advice for this conjunction. :)
i have this in Aquarius in my 12th house
My mother is an absolute psychopath but the best astrologer i know
she has Rahu-Moon-Mercury-Sun in Virgo - wish she was out of jail :(
she is so mad at astrology - she can't let it go though, she loves it too much
it is so true what you said about diet. she keep saying that she is given bad food in jail
that makes her so sad. i am so impatient to cook for her again when she gets out :)
peace, love & blessings
This is truly amazing description..I feel blessed to have reached this video.. 🙏
Fantstic explanation. This is exactly how I feel every day. And double whammy is that lord of the sign of this conjunction is debilitated !!!
Additionally, Venus is also there there
Hi Ryan... My brother has moon rahu combo in in his 8th house in Sagittarius. And your description fits him accurately. Your videos are spot on. You are gifted with this science Ryan. Stay blessed
I have this Saturn Moon Rahu conjunction in Capricorn. This is true. :) I'm very careful about with who I spent my time. Also I don't eat animal products about six months now. Clear mind because of that diet. Hm, not to trust myself, you say, but I don't trust anyone. :) I ll want you to be my guide, for sure, after I finish my studies, I ll contact you. You have calming effect on me. :)
I have this exact conjunction with sun, venus and jupiter in libra (4th house), it's definitely explosive. thank you for the insight!
Actually it is extremely true.. Currently RAHU is transiting my Moon and could feel the confusion around me. It is like the following things
1. Am I doing the right thing?
2. Am I completing all my work properly?
3. Is he trying to cheat me!
All these things could be in any area which keeps you worried by constantly thinking and misinterpreting events and people around you.
During this time you actually connect things one another which are not even practically possible but still your mind strongly believe your connections are existing and true..
In some cases RAHU will make you to do something secretly and finally you get a fear that everyone has come to know about it but actually they would have not known and this is how you go confused!
This explanation is one of the best I have read. It gave me additional knowledge to better understand this combinationand at the same time continue to connect my learning. Thank you very much for your interpretation and inspiration.🙏 Eva
What about rahu-moon in Navamsa chart?
YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO GIVES GOOD ADVICE. Thank you. I have Moon/Rahu/Jupiter in the fifth house of navamsa. My mother has Moon/Sun/Rahu in Scorpio in natal; I used to think she was the one who was batshit crazy, but it turns out I can get very imbalanced and go off the deep end myself. I am eternally grateful to your wisdom, Ryan. Thank you for sharing.
PS: I try very hard to follow a good diet, but I worry sometimes that I am *too* focused on this aspect of life. I have spent an inordinate amount of money on supplements, for example. But it seems that I am in the end my own teacher, for I have learned from experience what works and doesn't work. Nevertheless I need help sometimes, and I often go to astrology gurus for such help. Thank you for being so stable and Saturnian. I learn from what you communicate.
Tom Fallon what I found was, at first it would be quite difficult to make a healthy step towards your well being, so it would require some focus, control and hard work for about 2-3 months, if you truly believe in its transformative positive affects on you, but after that you wouldn't even feel like going back to your old habits, and would be much easier to continue your healthy lifestyle and also very rewarding
Tom Fallon So well said Tom.
I do agree with every word you wrote and wished i could have stated it as eloquently !
That does not happen often : )
Hi Ryan
I have Moon and Rahu in 9th house in Capricorn .Rahu at a higher degree than moon .
I am Taurus Ascendant .
I am most of the times depressed and my mind is thinking over time .
I always feel worried ,fear of unknown and there is hidden anger inside me .
I am so confused in life and Yes I agree about Psychic and Mystic qualities -I do have curiosity towards -Psychology ,Astrology ,counselling ,occult ,different languages psychiatrist and life coaching kind of subjects .
I am not able to concentrate for long time. I cannot sleep properly and i feel very lonely and empty .
I keep running into negative people also . I do not trust people easily .
I am confused with my career also . I have short concentration and i keep thinking about something .
i feel i will never settle down and things wont be okay with me at all
ASHISH SINHA for how long have you been feeling this?
Hey Saanch . I have been feeling depressed for almost 13 years of my life .
I am confused what to do in life . I keep getting thoughts but not able to choose .
I cannot sleep at night and feel very empty and lonely .I feel my issues will never get solved .
no friends and social life . I feel lazy and not able to be active .
Concentration issue and issue in focusing one thing at a time .
Headaches /dark circles and unhealthy life style .
1st September 1990
Career and education no idea where life is going . What to choose
i am depressed most of the times and suicidal thoughts
ASHISH SINHA I'm sorry that you've been feeling this way, and I completely empathise with you. Do u feel the reason for your depression to be which career you should be choosing? Or is it unidentifiable?
Thanks Saanch for understanding . Depression due to not able to perform good in Education and lack of regularity , no social life and friends . Not able to concentrate and focus and past keeps haunting me .
I have few things in mind but you can say it is unidentifiable . Not able to take a decision and when i take decision i doubt it .
I feel world is against me . My Ascendant is Taurus /Moon Sign-Capricorn with Rahu on it in 9th house .
ASHISH SINHA I hope this helps you, but I think you should really forget about friends and social life.. they aren't anyway meant to last long and be truthful.. The best thing I learnt in life was never to give your sense of security and happiness to anyone or anything.. If you're stuck in life, that means that it is desperately, for many years, trying to teach you something greater. I discovered that when, even my friends betrayed me and I had no social life, to be an opportunity to work and focus completely upon myself. Life was closing all my outside distractions/ windows, so that I could focus on the inner me. That was the time when I no longer could be stuck at one place anymore, and decided to finally take action, it was difficult to take the first step, but a year later I thanked myself immensely for taking it. This is the time when you focus on your transformation, to build and discover your capabilities, improve yourself mentally, emotionally and physically and most importantly Love Yourself, by becoming the best version of you. Anything you're interested in, and topics that you're curious about, shows what your passion/ path should be. Discover yourself more, this is the best time to reinvent yourself and come as a new you. If you're into spirituality, then it is the greatest gift to you ever. I completely get why this is happening to you. Because those who are taking this spiritual journey, at this stage in their lives would feel 'depressed' because their higher self wants to regain its almighty power, but this could only happens if you focus on your transformation... Idk if you're aware of this, but the times are really shifting, causing many of us to 'awaken' and 'ascend' spiritually , only to shift us out of our comfort zones. You can look that up..
As the same thing happened with me, this is the best advise I could give you.
Dare to follow your dreams without caring about anyone else.
This is how you would respect your soul and higher calling.
You already are a genius, a winner and a hero. You only need to realise that once again.
You are not depressed. It is a signal, that you need to move on. Forget the past. End this cycle. Only remember the past in order to 'reflect' on what it has taught you, and really really imbibe that within you. You decide, if this day for you, is still 'One Day' or 'Day 1'
Be a rebel. Dare to follow your heart.
First take all your time to plan, adjust, aim and reflect (especially at this solar eclipse) in March
After the energies of the eclipse stabilise, (about in April) only then take action 🔛
Awesome sir. Im going through rahu mahadasa and moon antra. Most people give negative input. But i never noticed im becoming rebeliously creative giving outofbox ideas for the company i work for. Now im learning to focus on positives also. Thanks v.much 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you Ryan. I got a series of your classes from a friend in Germany. I like your analysis. I do astrology consultations as well. Do you think that a bright waxing moon and high ashtakvarga can nullify evil effects like confusion and depression?
Have Rahu Moon in 8th house....Diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder and Borderline Personality...Suffer every day. Crying fits, Screaming, Shaking in Bed, Hearing Voices.
ever precise 👌👌👌 out of all youtube videos❤
I have rahu and moon in my 8th house in pisces in birth chart..it denotes some sort of my heavy bad karma from past life n manifest in this life I have to correct that karma in this life...please give me some insight of what should I do about it?🙏
Ketu in first house Aquarius Rahu in seven house Leo connjection moon
Rahu and moon in 12th house. Just trying to understand all this... Thank you for your wisdom
Me too, Rahu and Moon in the 12th, Ketu and Sun in the 6th.
would this also apply to the navamsa......would explain a lot
How do we keep our senses clean clear certain? Moon is also the mother i have an emotionally unstable mother it's scarred me almost feels cursed by her ...how bad can that be to be cursed by our parents who are sun and moon can we recover from it? Remedy video please
how about exact chandra11/rahu9/plutoret12 in magha nakshatra, mithune lagna
My moon is in 5th house Virgo with Rahu. Thank you so very much for your analysis💝 So helpful❤️
Still having emotional boundary issues. Its been the hardest issue in my life and i finally found a wonderful teachers-Lyssa&Lee and its been wonderful process. They've been also helping my spiritual growth❤️
i have moon rahu in libra in 7th house also sun conjunct pluto of im interesting in one thing im so obssessed,,, and i know how to interpret dreams of other people or friend and its happen but for me it so hard...
Kris depaz how is your mother?
I could make this a re-play on and on.
My moon rahu ex was the most logical person I've met, NASA work etc, but completely emotionally repressed. Doesn't quite fit this explanation but he was always a conundrum.
I have in 8h
I have NN, MC and moon within 1° of each other conjunct pluto 9°away in Libra in the 11th. All that opposes my tightly conjunct SN, IC, Venus and Chiron in the 5th. Vedic astrology has given me a much deeper perspective on this configuration. Thanks for your info!!
im starting a job in psyche hospital soon, you guys need to get out the narrow world of astrology sometimes before you start telling people that they are unstable . Maybe its a job, you know. And rahu will be in the 5th house with my moon. ive read before that ketu in 5th means evil spirits(mental illness). Even though this is Rahu could be similiar no?
great video !!! i have moon and rahu in 10th house in pisces....i heard that this is some kind of yoga ? is that correct ?
Any planets together is a yoga... its not the name that is important but what they do, which is described in this video.
Ryan Kurczak 70+ old person is waiting for second head MRI due to serious health problem. I see moon with Rahu in 6th. Scorpio lGna and sun MDL started and it’s in 4th house.
Hi Ryanwhat does moon rahu conjunction mean in the 10th house of Dasamsa chart
Can you do a video on Moon/Saturn/Rahu conjunction?
Hii ...., I have rahu and moon in 7th house with no 4 in kark rashi. How my lifepartner will be?? Will be he faurd? Please reply.
I have Ketu with Rahu and the moon in Pisces of my 4th house in Vinshamsha chart. I need help with this.
I have this combination in 10th House cancer ascedent(kark lagna) mesh Rashi Jupiter in seventh house will I become scientists or actor
How would this conjunction play out in the 10 th house? Does it affect the persons work life and public image?
+Ryan Kurczak May i ask what is the blue points in the avasthas calculation charts?
hey ryan can you please re upload "how to rectify a chart " video for some reason every time I try to watch it freezes up ...I try reloading the page but it still happens and I tried through out the week as well ... yet all your others videos work??? help please.
I learned that my moon is the lonely moon according to Tropical astrology & I read lonely moon is good. No planets from 5th till 12th house, except moon 10th house in cancer. Now I'm drawn to Vedic because of its philosophy I'll have to read rahu, 11th house leo. They are in 20° apart but not in same sign so I guess it's ok. Btw I never have confusion, I might have internal itches but no confusion no obssession nothing like that. Oh, but I do have cap sun opposed cancer moon. Oftentime I'm like bunch of blades not a humanbeing but inside full of emotional bubbles which I try to freeze them to death, mostly when I was younger.. I saw one of your student's moon aspect video today but there wasn't about the moon opposed sun. Wish I could know more so I can relate to myself. But still I thank u 💫
😥😥😢😢😢😢 i have rahu shani moon conjunction please help
Find someone to talk to about your sorrows, counselors are very good for this conjunction
I have it on my navamsa chart, moon rahu in 8th house cancer, ashlesha nakshatra.
Great information,thanks!
Do you see your spouse's in-laws having some mental problems?
Hey, I have it in the same nakshatra, diffrent house. Can you give me more information about your experiences with this placement. It will be much appreciated 🙏
Meryl Strip has this combination
I have rahu and moon conjunction in Virgo in 7th house of navamsa. Please inform what will be the effects !!
Currently Rahu is transiting over my natel moon in cancer which is giving me a severe depression .. waiting for the nodes to change their axis in march
I havr raahu moon conjunction on 4 th place and im scorpian..can u explain
Hi Ryan , I am a Pisces Ascendant having Rahu-Moon Conjunction in 5th House(Cancer sign) and Mars-Ketu Conjunction in 11th House(Capricorn sign). What does it means? Ryan, Please help me.
Thank you so much 🎩🙏🤗
You are so welcome
How does this combo in a D-9 chart affect the individual?
thank you, greatly helpful video sir! I have Moon conjunct Rahu in house 8, Capricorn.
what happens if rahu and moon in 4th house will be good na
I have moon and rahu conjunction in 11th house in leo. I am Libra ascendant. What are it's effects on education and wealth ?
2:47 how to have such training??
It's not easy. Most people who try to tell you they can do it, are really just finding a way in and exploiting you. Basically, don't be a snowflake, stand up for yourself and learn to control your own thoughts and take responsibilty for your own emotions without getting pulled into the obligations of others.
@@RyansVedicAstrologyyes its hard but i know i hav to b v constant in trying that 🙏
Fair enough. What is the highest expression?
I have Rahu and Moon in Jyeshta(3rd house) with Mars and Saturn aspect(4th and 10th asp accordingly). I understood that I am a man without boundaries, hence I try to limit myself within the imaginary boundary. This is how I overcome the high energy.
Any chance that you provide consultation Ryan?
This was so interesting. I have moon mercury conjunct in Gemini conjunct ketu, the south node, well aspected, trine Mars and Chiron in aquarius. So opposition in stead of conjunction. It would interest me to hear about that.
Is a 7 degree difference considered a conjunction between Moon/Rahu (22.03/00.29)? Also if they are in different houses (8th / 9th) resp and in same Nakshatra.
Please help me! I’m so worried about my mom. I haven’t had this but it’s coming into. My future in D9 chart. Please message me about this in 7th house with Gemini.
I have same combination in D1 chart
I had Rahu moon conjunction in D9 chat in 12house in Aquarius sign. In my birth chart moon is in Taurus exalted in 7th house and Rahu and Venus in 9th house. What this mean ? Plz reply sometimes I experience lot a stress in my life.
Rahu degree 23
Moon degree 5
Plz reply 🙏🏻
Ryan, do you suggest any remedies??
Yes. Counsleing is the best for this combination.
Ryan Kurczak wat about pouring milk on a shivling?
Really true sir
Respected sir thanks for all you give to humanity।।।।।।
Sir i hv rahu moon conjuction in saggi acsendent।।।।and i m virgo acsendent of d9 with rahu moon pluto conjuction।।
Plzzzz respectfully i hv request plz make video on PLUTO।।।।।।CONJUCTION WITHRAHU MAR
Felt this happening with transit and it is really messing up my boundaries. Scorpio Rahu having moon transit over. It’s only a little while longer. I can’t even meditate.
Hi Ryan. Nice explanation 👍🏽
Can you tell me if Saturn, rahu and moon conjunction in Taurus in 11th house, gives a control over the mystic, chaotic emotions? And what else can it be doing if moon is exalted? I've seen that my moon and saturn fall at the exact same degrees, i.e 15 degrees in Rohini nakshatra and Rahu at 28 in Ardra according to Vedic astrology.
I'm pretty confused about such a combination, and couldn't find its explanations on the net
Cancer Asc, Pisces Sun ☀️
Any help would be appreciated
*Thanks* 🙏🏽
Saanch Singhal i actually have a similar conjunction in terms of degrees but in different signs. Rahu is in 7th and saturn moon in the eigth. Im having a hard time with it tbh.
I too am going through bad times in general
I have rahu and moon in 7th house with aires sign and mars in 6 house
Ryan, I have this conjunction in 1st house BOTH signs in Ardra. I’m not an angry, emotional wreck, but what else could this mean?
It means if you don't drink enough fluids you may become dehydrated
(Rahu Pisces cjnt. Moon 11th house) Eureka!☝🏼😄...finally a explanation to my crazy 😜
I have Rahu with Ketu and moon in Pisces of my 4th house. 12th house Scorpio, 8th house cancer.
super stuff... thanks!
i hv moon rahu conjuction(9 degree apart)) in 8th house taurus, i do feel too emotional n emotionaly unbalanced in day to day life.. it ws worse in my childhood... nw in my 30s its bit better.. bt y i dnt feel effect of exalted moon n rahu.. is it because its in 8th house?
Bhawana Kamle has this combination affected your married life?
Sachin Tendulkar has this in the fourth house
I have Rahu in 1st and 12th
1st moon in Capricorn.
12th Sagittarius
so appreciate this information
Hmmm......Moon, Rahu and Saturn (and Sun) are tightly conjunct.... must be Saturn because I’m not relating much to this. Even though this and more are in my 12th I think Saturn keeps me grounded.
Moon Rahu in Aquarius
Rahu conj moon in 10h scorpio
Never mind
6th house Gemini, moon & rahu
Hey Mr. Kurczak! Thanks for this video.
I have this conjunction, too. (moon:11 pisces, rahu:7 pisces, neptune: 9 capricorn sun:23 sagit. ac:3 aquarius) According to this, my moon is I guess in a good place, but neptune, lord of pisces is in capricorn is said in a bad place. So how will I know whether this conjunction is in poor dignity or not?
Thank you so much for helping us understand this very "occupying" conjunction.
Meant in the sense that situations that touch you emotionally, can really suck you in.
To an extension that one solves other peoples pains before taking time to direct the own life.
Just because one feels the other like it is yourself often. I had to learn to conciesly find the line between what is me and the other.
Since some actions would have me neglect my own affairs . One thinks there is strenght and space enough to sail through .
(Mars, uranus, rahu, moon, pluto in Magha pada4, Sun in Mrigshira pad. 4) in 4 house.
Like the the commenter below, i believe that it is important to find inner balance to be able to do as you said.
But it is not merely about advisers. it is knowing yourself enough to choose your adviseres wisely.
Thank you so much.!
May good karma follow you for helping a young generation to find their way in life.
It would have been invaluable for my life to acces this knowlege in my youth.
But then there were no computers : )
True about helping others & not realizing what is me nd what is other
eclipse dosha
This interpretation is extreme. There will be a small percentage of people who are this unstable. I have Rahu and Moon literally in my first house. I am a confident, sensible, hardworking and intelligent human being. I contribute mostly positively to the world around me, more than others who don’t have this combination. These kinds of sensational videos are misleading, Ryan. You might end up affecting people negatively - is your Moon conjunct with Rahu by any chance? 😉
Opinions are abounding.
This one is truly a curse to live with.