"if the divorce isnt final by september" - implies anniversary would be september "due in june" - means she conceived in september. not only is this man garbage, he's the whole landfill.
Good catch, there! There are no words…. I really hope this is an experience I never have to live firsthand. I can’t imagine my partner being unfaithful, but I bet a lot of people that get cheated on could’ve said that same thing at one point in their own relationships 😓
I don't get what you're saying, I'm guessing she's the one who filed for divorce because she explained she can't live with him. And I don't blame her of course but it might be hard on the kids.
@@sarahberkner He's saying based on what she said that their anniversary is in September based on saying they would be married for so many years by then. And if you go back nine months from June, which is when the other woman's baby is due, means that the conception happened in the previous September month. Which means, the dude slept with this girl around the time of he and his wife's anniversary
@@sarahberkner yeah ive read this back a few times and can see how its not clear. basically the full quote around her talking about if/when the divorce is finalised in sept talks about it being around their anniversary, which sucks, and then she mentions his mistress was/is due in june, and 9 months before then... is september. so, he got his mistress pregnant around the month of their anniversary. trash bag human being.
As someone who did ballet for fifteen years and has now switched to ballroom dancing in college, any pre-professional dance is a HUGE deal. It essentially means that you are training and performing at the professional level without being paid for that degree of effort. The tattoo girl is essentially going to med school and co-owning a business and managing another full-time job via dance. She’s clinically insane and I live for her
I was thinking the same! I have ballet dancer friends, and know how toxic that world can be as well. Having those tats there and being accepted is also relevant as heck, not only successful, but she likely crushed it
Reminds me of a friend/ex-partner of mine who is an accomplished writer and literature professor by day, but in a past life played semi-pro Rugby, then channeled her athleticism into poll dancing, is now a nationally ranked competitive poll dancer. She is an all-around kind and impressive human.
i'd guess pre-professsional ballet means she's in a classical ballet training program that prepares dancers for a professional career, as opposed to just dancing as a casual hobby
Yeah this is right. I dance ballet pre professionally, and it is typically learning from a specific repertoire (RAD, Veganova, etc) and completing leveled exams. It's all classical training before being signed on to a professional studio.
@@Toni_Snarkgenerally with creative types in med schools, the fall back is med school- and many succeed! My dentist was a Julliard degree-holding pianist
the first story is straight up betrayal and disappointment. she was friends with him for 4 years, the dated for 4 years and they have been married for 17 years. This shows that he clearly doesn't value her anymore and, in a way he is a coward. After 25 years of knowing somebody, you should be able to tell your actual real feelings and figure it out together. This husband ignored the value and importance of marriage and neglected their relationship.
He’s definitely a coward for not being honest about his feelings, I agree. Divorce hurts no matter how amicably the relationship ends. Cheating on someone is never okay. You talk it out like a goddamn adult. Maybe he just wanted to live a double life and fumbled really hard on managing it.
If someone doesn't want to be with their childhood sweetheart anymore and feels like they "missed out" on playing the field or something, then they should be a decent person and just end the relationship. And if they can't help but be an indecent person and instead be a cheater, the least they can do is take proper measures to not make a baby with their paramour in the process. The levels of failure here...thankfully OP is going to be able to take his lying, cheating a$$ to the cleaners in court.
Most guys like this all end up saying the same thing. They don't want to get "half their stuff taken" and they don't want to pay for child support. They all are selfish children who just want a wife to take care of them like their mothers did.
My friend filed for divorce and when her soon to be ex started crying, she asked what was wrong. He is not an emotional person. His reply? “Now I’ll have to pay for everything twice.”
Not even that, but for my 19th birthday, my mother OFFERED to pay for my leg sleeve. I haven't gotten it yet a year later, but that's entirely because I can't decide on the style/posing
@@solosynapse to a degree sure, it's a lot better/more accepted to have tattoos now but it wasn't always. Given the mum in 57, she comes from that generation where tattoos were not acceptable on .. pretty much anyone not in the armed forces or prison and certainly not on women. I'm not saying she's right, far from it. These days though, yes, tattoos are acceptable, cool, liked by the majority of the population - just with a few left-over-stick-in-the-mud folks still trying to hang on to their bigoted ways (like this poor girls mother).
Best advice I ever heard is that if it isn't something the person can change in 15 min, then keep your opinion to yourself. Even your children. My daughter has a ton of tattoos that are *very* visible. Not my thing. But she's a loving, functional adult. So, apparently, tattoos don't prevent people from living productive lives! Her body, her choice. I love her, no matter what.
As a fellow dancer I can confidently say that pre-professional ballet will mean they are in professional classes and training aka investing money into class based learning in the style hoping to join a company x
I feel like it'd be really difficult to balance professional ballet and medical school. They both take up an enormous amount of time and dedication. Not to mention, professional ballet is hell on the body. The horror stories I've heard of dancers basically being abused, deforming their bodies, dancing on broken toes, makes me avoid it like the plague. Ballet is an archaic art, I can't believe it's still something people encourage girls to do.
💯 single mothers trying to do it all are freaking superwomen. Working multiple jobs and juggling everything that the kids need 😮 I don't know that I could without going crazy. Single fathers are superhuman too, didn't mean to exclude anyone.
anybody who can take care of a child on their own is a god, my dad took care of me and my TWO siblings, thats three kids, he worked two jobs, and he kept us fed, he will always be my roll model
If there is a person who couldn't love/respect me because I have tattoos, then they aren't worth having in my life anyway. And that includes my own parents.
I'm from Missouri. We have SO MANY PEOPLE who come here from so many other places, states, and countries, and I always ask, "But _why?!"._ People in Missouri hate being in Missouri so much we name cities after other places (Mexico, California, Milan, etc). But then since we're from Missouri, we insist on pronouncing those names wrong, because Missouri turns you into a schmuck. We don't even wanna be here. Save yourselves!!
@WMDistraction Damn, that almost makes Misouri seem palatable. Then again, I hail from the dim-witted meth baby of the United States: Florida. So, a lot of places seem like a possible welcome reprieve from this dumpsterfire state
I visited my son who was stationed in Missouri. I detect no lies being told here. Every “local” I talked to made it a point to mention they “hate it here”. Very depressing. The shuttle drivers, however, were hilarious.
Hot tip for anyone that's needing food, beyond the food banks or coupons .... If you go to a non-chain store and tell them you're hungry & willing to work for some whatever... They will usually just give it to you & recommend a business that's looking for work. Hell, I got a dope job because I did this in rural FL.
Being born and raised in the US and having traveled to several countries in Europe...*I* miss Europe. Scandinavia in particular has better quality food, cleaner air, and significantly less crime and poverty. Though if I could move anywhere, I'd probably pick Dublin.
The best response to the old lady in the last story? "Ugh, there are so many of you foreigners coming here." ... "Well, you might want to consider that a good thing considering none of your precious Frenchmen bothered to stop to help a feeble old woman struggling with her groceries."
But she's not wrong. Have you seen how small France is? And yet it's more visited than any other country on Earth. For reference, France is 17.83 times smaller than the US and yet, according to statista and pretty much every other sources, France has double the amount of visitors each year. Paris is the most visited place in the world. It's more visited than Mount Fuji or any other paradisiac island currently turning into a wastland because of tourists. I mean, just look at the state of Paris, there are so many people over there that the city can't even keep up with all the trash piling up.
@@Cipher_Paul You do realise "visiting" and "immigrating" are two completely different words with different meanings, yes? "Immigration" is moving to another area with the intent to stay there permanently from then on. "Visiting" implies an intention to leave afterwards i.e. tourism. Even if Paris is the most visited city in the world, that does not say anything about the rate of people immigrating there.
@@Cipher_Paul Having an anti-immigrant rant at an immigrant who offered to help you out of the kindness of their heart is a c*nt move and there is no excuse for it. Sometimes I wonder when interactions like this happen, WHY people choose to make things like this the subject of their "small talk". Like...how deeply hateful of a person do you have to be that you can't have a brief interaction with a stranger *to their face* without bringing up a -phobic/-ist hot-button topic? Is it *that* hard to just talk about the weather, sports, work, or happy family stuff (graduations, grandkids, weddings?) ffs.
@@Cipher_Paul this is just not a true statement. Even with the Olympics this year, Bangkok is the top tourist city with Paris being second. Most years Paris is around 5 or 6th most popular (again because the Olympics were in Paris.) I live in a tourist city (New Orleans) and in general most of the city residents LIKE tourism because it brings in a lot of money. This is even though we are known as a party location (way more here than just that but its still a big draw).
As a former target employee: yeah some of us are paid to stalk you. I personally can’t remember faces but our AP department had a binder with people and what they stole
The one about the hot partner hits home! My partner is model hot but doesn't see it. No matter the compliments I give him, he brushes them off like “you only say that cuz you love me” but people ID him as the “hot guy with gorgeous salt n pepper hair” lol he's in his 30s but has the face of a guy in his 20s, with long dark lashes over very warm brown eyes and his hair is going salty in all the right places so he just looks unreal. Damn, I’m married to a babe ☺️
Yes! My husband is stupidly hot, but I don't think he realizes it at all. Even though I tell him. I'm the only person he's ever dated (and he's the only person I've ever dated.)
@@Qwertylol He is the love of my existence! We’re 7 years and counting and I think I fall more in love with him as time goes on and still get butterflies when I see him ☺️ I hope everyone can someday find that person that gives them that love-at-first-sight feeling everyday
First story so close to my own. Almost 17 years of marriage too. He had knocked up a girl he would visit on business trips. My sons don’t care much for their half-sister. Though I do try to convince them to not take out their anger on her, as I love my half siblings. Luckily I did/do have a good job, just that his paid more. And divorce was finaled just before baby was born. We didn’t realize until after he left, how miserable he made us, so much happier now.
I'm French and I don't understand why the French hate others so much. If someone doesn't speak French and speaks, for example, English, I will be so happy. I love it; the accent is cute and helping others is always a pleasure. I hate what we represent.
Uptown Parisians give the rest of the country a bad reputation. I had a boss from Sicily once who used to praise other countries with strong food cultures, but he always said people from Madrid & Paris were "uptight donkeys, an embarrassment to their countries."
I guess it depends on the City or things like that, my bil is french, once that my sister was visiting him( they are married now) she got discriminated for not speaking french instead English, she was buying groceries... 😶 Just for speaking English while shopping, he had to get out of work to be able of helping her 💁🏻♀️
@@Artemistopia parisians are mostly non parisians though, lets not say they're all bad, i doubt most of them are the rich brats we think of. But france has lots of foreigners so shes gonna find someone happy to talk with her im sure, its not like we're all racists.
Lol, back in my younger days before babies, i once asked my husband why he didn't get jealous when i got hit on (because i constantly got jealous) and he said "its hilarious watching you reject them and then grab my hand to finish your point". Apparently, my "fuck off dude " face makes my husband laugh.
I'm soon to be 62 yrs old. I have been married 16 yrs and with my hubs for 21 yrs. I have a ton of tattoos. The last few I got done just within the last couple years. I can't believe any parent would say such horrible things to their child....maybe it's time to go NC with mom.
Fun fact: Walmart also lets you steal little things until you’ve racked up a tab of $1000. They do this because any amount less is simply a misdemeanor, but 1000 dollars or more means they can charge you with a felony! They don’t play.
I dressed as a classic French Mime for Halloween at work and in addition to learning a lot of kids didn't know what mimes are their teacher was a real French person, I don't think she liked it
@@Anonymoew I was worried she would think my costume was a stereotype of a French person and not a mime. I was trying to use clothes I already had and could wear again. I had on my beret, striped shirt, suspenders, black pants, a red scarf and some face paint but not the white foundation just fun eyeliner and lil mustache. To her credit I have autism and I struggle to read social cues, she could've been fine with it. She was with her class so she was preoccupied, it's most likely a complete projection of my anxiety
People really need to talk more and be more honest with each other in their relationship. If you want to have s*ex with other people, you kind of need to adress that with your partner. It's always better to break up on these terms than cheating.
@@sarahberkner Can we also just point out that she wasn't taking anti-pregnancy precautions while having an affair with a married man? Extra scummy on top of all the rest of it.
Funniest part about Missouri is that once you enter, even if you leave, you'll find yourself there again someday. It's a weirdly common occurrence. I've met so many 50+ who left the state 25 or more years ago, never planning to return, only to wind up right back in the Gateway to the West for one reason or another. It's genuinely wild. Further proof that Missouri is the Feywild? I think so. I'll add it to my list.
More like Ravenloft. Nobody wants to be there, everyone is depressed, the few that can leave always get pulled back somehow, and I'm fairly sure it's ruled by an eldritch undead monstrosity.
@@solosynapse I thought something similar, once, but there are places better suited to the dreariness of the Demiplanes of Dread. Missouri is a location of chaos, change, bizarre rules, and stranger occurrences. A location where radioactive waste can be buried under concrete and then be turned into a tourist destination for bird watching. A place where pockets of natural desert dot the forests. It's a landscape rife with false monikers, homophones, and loopholes. (The "mountains" aren't mountains, to offer one example.) Why wouldn't the land of the Arch have an Arch Fey? I was not joking about having an entire list. This isn't even half of it. Did you know Missouri once elected a dead guy for Senate? Ah well, for all my teasing, it's actually a wonderful state. Absolutely gorgeous scenery with a lot of good people, a lively music and theatre scene, and plenty of places to visit. Doesn't mean I won't rag on it a little now and then though. But I enjoy it.
The reasons you leave a place at 25 often don't matter as much when you're 50+, and home is home and your roots are where they are I guess. I've known people who moved back to their (undesirable) hometowns to look after aging family members or because they were dealing with health issues of their own and needed care/support from their families. Which are good reasons to make that choice, even if it isn't the one that someone wants to make.
@@MorganMakesThings They are. Home is where the heart is and the heart is with the people you care most about. Many of the people I've met had circumstances that brought them back in spite of most of their connections lying elsewhere. Uniquely, on the more coincidental side of things. Regardless, home can be made anywhere you will it to be.
Haha “get ready for the demons in your mind” got me 😂 My husband received an actual “before you get married” dm from a girl he went on 1 date with 6 years ago. Her message was something along the lines of “you are the most handsome person I have ever met” (honestly can’t disagree with her there because he is). I love my husband so much because he had no idea what was going on. He thought she was fishing for a compliment, but just replied with “thanks for the compliment” and left it at that. She didn’t respond (his reply didn’t really give anything to go off of) and he forgot about the whole interaction. I know he loves me fully and doesn’t think about other women, but yes, when we first started dating I felt a little inadequate/that other women were more attractive and would probably hit on him. He was a bouncer at one time and his younger sister went out with friends to the bar he was working. Her friends were like “omg your brother is so hot” and wanted her to hook them up. He told me that on another occasion a drunk woman hit on him telling him he looks like Chris Hemsworth 😂😂 (which is very not accurate but I think it’s hilarious). So, yeah he is good looking and sometimes I feel like he could go out there and find a lot of potential partners, but he chose me and I’m working on being secure in that.
Just going to say that her daughter owns a small business, is a pre-professional dancer, and is in med-school on a scholarship...and her Mom is focused on whether or not she has or can get a partner. Right now. At age 21. Pretty screwed up and useless priorities, I'd say. Never mind the toxic a$$holery of harping on it right after a bad breakup.
i think miserable and scared can be more of a personality trait in a bigot, rather than an assumption about their actual quality of life. The old lady could be living as comfortably as she likes, but being bigoted always makes you a bit more miserable as a person in general.
I grew up in a rural area rife with bigots, and it is just easier to blame one or more minority groups for their have-nots rather than blaming the systemic/institutional power structures that are actually at fault, or (if failing to give them the benefit of the doubt) their own personal failings. My dad (love him, but damn) is textbook.
I lived in France for 3 months. Some people try to communicate with you but most people just won't. A lot of people stopped contacting me after i got home. That's so common to feel as a foreigner in France. Do what you can. That's it!
My grandma who traveled a lot taught me her trick for befriending the French. Them: "Parlez-vous francais?" (Do you speak French?) You: "oui!" (Yes!) Them: says something in French and waits for your response. You: "oeuf." (Egg.) Then they'd laugh till they couldn't breath, and she'd have a new French bestie. 😆
I have a lot of tattoos and “OH SHIT IS THAT A RASH?” Made me snort, I’ve definitely reacted that way internally when others have gotten tattoos 😂 French people do get really weird about foreigners they love it when you can speak fluently but if you can’t they feel like you’re not trying hard enough.
When my kids were really little, I accidentally on purpose stole hairclips. This is the story. My son is four and at preschool. It is late November. I take my 1 year old daughter to a little hole in the wall toy shop that sells bins of cheap stuff for goody bags etc and I go shopping for stocking stuffers. I put my toddler in a carrier on my back because if I stick her in the cart, she grabs stuff and throws it on the floor. So we are shopping and she decides ha ha fun to pull mom's hair, great game. To distract her, I gave her this zippered package of hair clips to hold. I am buying them for her stocking but she is a baby and will not remember. I shop for an hour and then go through the SLOWEST single check out line behind several other people, all paying cash because the debit machine is down. I finally get through, bag, pay, get my stuff out to my van, go to take baby off my back and snap her into her car seat and... hair clips. Well. There ain't no way I am going back in to pay. Sorry store. I felt bad when they went out of business a year later. Hope it was not because of rampant hair clip theft.
18:04, I stole something once: I stole six caramels because I thought they were free, I didn’t see the little sign the said “caramel, $1” and this is a local business that doesn’t have a lot of money. I felt so bad for stealing it apparently I cried on the car ride back to our house. I was 5.
I stole a bunch of stuff from a museum gift shop when I was maybe two. My mom was pushing me in my stroller and I was just grabbing things at my eye level. She didn't realize until we were already outside the building
14:22: Thanks for that Dan. I'm an international student here on the lookout for a job, and I've been having miserable luck and trying not to be too choosy about the location at this point, but this is one state I'm actively trying to avoid. I did think of this as me possibly being a little choosy after all, but you made me feel better, lol.
It’s crazy that people still think tattoos are always bad and don’t look good on your personality. There’s a massive difference between someone with a flower tattoo and a swastika. There’s a big gap. What the tattoo is matters more than having them vs not having them.
As someone that almost got a job as Wally World Loss Prevention (I this day and age of legal green and green alternatives that still test positive for THC I couldn't pass their drug screening for the job) I was told they DO in fact keep a tally of what you walk out with and wait until you hit the limit to be a federal felony. They will also send your picture to other area stores to keep an eye on you and add to the tally.
I gotta be honest with you, @@LeanAndMean44 - there is not one single place in the US that is anywhere near midnight right now 😂 it's almost midnight in madrid
Lmao ofc its Paris. Parisians do be like that. i can say, as an American who recently lived in France, but not Paris, it's not all the French, its mostly the Parisians. the people of Nantes were lovely and welcoming. Of course, I speak fluent French with a pretty good accent, so that might've been a factor lol, but I told them where I'm from so they knew and were still nice.
They just want people to try to speak French, which I get, but I have people living in my apartment building in Minnesota that can't speak English well and I can't imagine being rude to them about it
Makes total sense. Paris is FULL of tourists, you're going to sick of it. Random town in the countryside? Tourists are a rare thing! A special occasion!
To the 1st story. A woman also on r/offmychest confessed she contacted a woman a guy had been married to for 17 years(most likely her) and said he had an affair with a co-worker. And that they were having a child. Because she had the hots for him. When him and his wife, divorced she felt bad, but couldnt get herself to tell them, since the marriage couldn't be saved. Saying she doesn't know what to do, since she apparently likes him, but also feel guilty for creating the whole situation..... So yeah, in case you were wondering or think I'm lying. In one of Smosh reads reddit episodes, it is brought up.... My guess is that the husband(confessed). because he couldnt convince her to trust him again and just gave up.
My dad lived in Tahiti for two years in the 80's and he always talked about how kind and wonderful all the Tahitians were, they would give you the clothes off their backs. The French people on the island.... not so much....
As a french fan I feel seen 😁 also I love hearing people speaking french with accents, especially just random words, it's incredible to my fancy french ears
I can confirm that Missouri is terrible. We have people just as crazy as Florida, we’re just more secretive about it. In Florida, their Freedom of Information Act (AKA Sunshine Law) is super broad and makes things like arrest records public. In Missouri, we both have more restrictive Sunshine Law as well as our state government has a tendency to delay information until it no longer interests the public, leading to very few national stories from Missouri.
I think he forgot that you can’t just automatically move from another country to ours - both it’s kind of expensive to move from Europe and the immigration laws.
LA is one of the worst places to live in the USA. It's ABSURDLY expensive, the traffic is a nightmare, the taxes are very high, and so are the crime rates. People pay $3million for a small house just to have homeless people pooping on the sidewalk and leaving dirty needles everywhere in front of their house. Plus you can't park a car anywhere without it getting broken into. In the past 5 years there's been a mass immigration of Californians to other states because of those problems. You have to be rich to afford a house almost anywhere in California.
@@Dog_in_tree I own a house near LA, and I'm definitely nowhere near rich. You sound like someone been listening to anti-Cali propaganda, tbh. It's freaky what people who've never been to the state think of our cities. 🤣 Supposedly, the one I live in was on fire, recently. 🤣
17:48 Daniel’s stuff about Target is completely correct. I used to work the self checkouts there and would often chat with asset protection (aka security) and they told me the same stuff. If we catch you in the act we may ask you to stop but the bigger goal is building rep sheets on reoccurrences. There was someone who would “skip scan” basically scan most of her stuff and pay for it, but miss a couple big ticket items. AP told me to keep an eye on her. We had her name, address and knew the monetary total of merchandise stolen. One time I said “ *Her Name* have a nice day”. Freaked her out so much she stopped
I remember when I was a kid and we were out of toothpaste at home and I was really self-conscious about my breath smelling. Mom stopped by a store on the way to take me to school. I asked for Cinnamon Altoids (Before they were discontinued) and mom said no. I only pretended to put it back. She didn't find out until she saw it empty in the trash can. Mom took the can to the store and paid for it.
The accidental shoplifting story reminded me of a story of some not so accidental shoplifting by my aunt's best friend's husband, who I'll call G for short. So, when G was a kid, somewhere between 8 and 13 iirc, his mom sent him and his brother into a gamestop to look around and occupy themselves while she stopped at the store next door. His little brother was yapping w the cashier about some new game that had come out, and he decided to use this distraction as an opportunity to grab a game he wanted without getting caught, by holding it in the waistband of his pants under his shirt. His mom caught him with it when they got home and asked about it, and he couldn't come up with a good enough lie on the spot and she found out he stole it, so she drove him all the way back to the gamestop w it to return it and apologize to the chashier. She drags him into the store by his shirt and parks him right in front of the chashier and says "what do you have to say to him?" And little G, in one last attempt to do... something? goes "... I like your hat!" At which point his mom promptly swats him on the back of his head and gives the game back to the chashier lol
Oh yeah, the french story is very familiar. My school has an exchange program and partnered with a school from France, but when my class got there the translators were rude and the french students as well, because the only real option to communicate outside of the translators was english. Speaking english in France, Paris especially also seems to be just a public suicide at that point (highly exaggerating here)
In my state (Wisconsin), child support is based on birth order rather than filing order. But I do think it's really messed up that each "family" isn't paid equally.
This video auto played from another I had playing on another screen in the background while I was doing some art, finally took a break and glanced at the screen and almost had a heart attack. I have the exact same jacket, similar hair, similar headphones, a similar desk setup in a room with white walls and hardwood floors--for a moment I thought somehow there was a video of me on RUclips that I had no memory of making. Great video as always, this gave me some laughs when I realized.
I walked out of the post office with a roll of tape without paying for it. The lady was giving me such a hard time for coming in 15 minutes before closing that I got flustered.
OF COURSE it had to be France !!! I'm french by the way, ik my people. I would happily try chatting with someone trying to speak my language. Please do so, you're really brave because it's the hardest really
i went to France a year or two ago. I had been learning French for years. I used both English and French while there. I am also neurodivergent to the point where it is fairly visible if I am in loud places like restaurants, where I ate at lot of the time (obviously). I have never in my life gotten such dirty stares from literally EVERYBODY before. I'd be sitting there in a restaurant, trying to breath deeply and regulate myself bc again, noise in a restaurant, and someone from another table would look over, and give me a dirty look everytime. By the end of my trip i just stayed in the hotel room the whole day and ordered room service bc I was miserable.
Good to see you! 😁❤️ Ooh, I'm so excited to hear what you think of Our Wives Under the Sea. It was one of my faves of 2023, and I still think about it.
3:05 yes it is better it’s a boy as it’s easier not to compare relationships. Doesn’t mean boys are better. If they were boys and it was going to be a girl it would also be better
One time while working at a store I was helping an old lady to her car. She comments about how I needed a belt or to buy pants that fit. I'm thinking you should stop criticizing the person helping you, and my belt broke earlier in the shift. And I haven't had a chance to replace it yet.
17:56 yeah they wait til the value is over 1k so they can charge you with grand theft. I used to steal from target when I was homeless and living off pennies, but kept track of everything I stole. I have an outstanding balance of 999.99. This is something I am very proud of.
tried to ask an old lady if she needed help with her groceries (UPSTAIRS neighbor, and she's handicapped and cant drive, and her ride just dropped her and all her groceries outside and left) i tried to open the door for her and was like do you want some help? she SNAPPED at me. "NO!" so i just triple blinked and closed the front door and walked to my own apartment. like damn lady... just trying to be nice/ considerate
On the French thing - my first language is FRENCH and I went to Paris a few years ago. Because my accent is not French (canadian french has a big accent compared to france french) they would ALWAYS answer me in English, even when I kept going in French. They would get an attitude and butcher English so intensely I could not understand them. I was like: mate, I speak French, what are you doing? This is making everything more difficult for everyone involved 🤦♀️ I am not saying all French peope in France are like this. I only visited Paris and want to see the rest of the country, don’t come for me.
“We have two beautiful daughters” *a min and a half later* “our daughters are crushed- YOU HAVE KIDS???”
He tired
He was reading this stuff at midnight with a flight man, give him a break lol
Sunburns will do things to a person
I actually love things like that 😂 it's the more real side of RUclips. It endears the person to me when they're absent minded and silly like me.😅
"if the divorce isnt final by september" - implies anniversary would be september
"due in june" - means she conceived in september.
not only is this man garbage, he's the whole landfill.
Good catch, there! There are no words…. I really hope this is an experience I never have to live firsthand. I can’t imagine my partner being unfaithful, but I bet a lot of people that get cheated on could’ve said that same thing at one point in their own relationships 😓
I didn't think it could've gotten worse
I don't get what you're saying, I'm guessing she's the one who filed for divorce because she explained she can't live with him. And I don't blame her of course but it might be hard on the kids.
@@sarahberkner He's saying based on what she said that their anniversary is in September based on saying they would be married for so many years by then. And if you go back nine months from June, which is when the other woman's baby is due, means that the conception happened in the previous September month. Which means, the dude slept with this girl around the time of he and his wife's anniversary
@@sarahberkner yeah ive read this back a few times and can see how its not clear. basically the full quote around her talking about if/when the divorce is finalised in sept talks about it being around their anniversary, which sucks, and then she mentions his mistress was/is due in june, and 9 months before then... is september.
so, he got his mistress pregnant around the month of their anniversary. trash bag human being.
My husband heard me watching this video and he asked me, "Oh, are you watching the unhinged man?"
At least he's a boy lol
Tattoos can absolutely be used to tell sexual preferences, for example if a woman has a lesbian flag tattoo she is probably a lesbian.
And if a man has a 🍆 tattooed on his butt then he either lost a drunken bet, or he likes 🍆… probably the first one…
This is true ^^^^^
You can also explicitly state your preferences in writing with a tattoo, so yeah this indeed is true
Not necessarily- my mom got a US Marine tattoo when my brother joined the Marines. She herself is not a Marine.
As someone who did ballet for fifteen years and has now switched to ballroom dancing in college, any pre-professional dance is a HUGE deal. It essentially means that you are training and performing at the professional level without being paid for that degree of effort. The tattoo girl is essentially going to med school and co-owning a business and managing another full-time job via dance. She’s clinically insane and I live for her
I was thinking the same! I have ballet dancer friends, and know how toxic that world can be as well. Having those tats there and being accepted is also relevant as heck, not only successful, but she likely crushed it
Reminds me of a friend/ex-partner of mine who is an accomplished writer and literature professor by day, but in a past life played semi-pro Rugby, then channeled her athleticism into poll dancing, is now a nationally ranked competitive poll dancer. She is an all-around kind and impressive human.
i'd guess pre-professsional ballet means she's in a classical ballet training program that prepares dancers for a professional career, as opposed to just dancing as a casual hobby
Would she “fall back” into dancing if med school didn’t work out? 😎
Yeah this is right. I dance ballet pre professionally, and it is typically learning from a specific repertoire (RAD, Veganova, etc) and completing leveled exams. It's all classical training before being signed on to a professional studio.
@@Toni_Snarkgenerally with creative types in med schools, the fall back is med school- and many succeed! My dentist was a Julliard degree-holding pianist
@@ethnemillar6430 I'm guessing Yoga is necessary for the flexibility required to do Ballet?
@@MusketeerGwenethmany dancers do yoga, but no, its neither necessary nor required for ballet training
the first story is straight up betrayal and disappointment.
she was friends with him for 4 years, the dated for 4 years and they have been married for 17 years. This shows that he clearly doesn't value her anymore and, in a way he is a coward. After 25 years of knowing somebody, you should be able to tell your actual real feelings and figure it out together. This husband ignored the value and importance of marriage and neglected their relationship.
The husband is absolutely the ahole in this situation.
He’s definitely a coward for not being honest about his feelings, I agree. Divorce hurts no matter how amicably the relationship ends. Cheating on someone is never okay. You talk it out like a goddamn adult. Maybe he just wanted to live a double life and fumbled really hard on managing it.
If someone doesn't want to be with their childhood sweetheart anymore and feels like they "missed out" on playing the field or something, then they should be a decent person and just end the relationship. And if they can't help but be an indecent person and instead be a cheater, the least they can do is take proper measures to not make a baby with their paramour in the process. The levels of failure here...thankfully OP is going to be able to take his lying, cheating a$$ to the cleaners in court.
Most guys like this all end up saying the same thing. They don't want to get "half their stuff taken" and they don't want to pay for child support. They all are selfish children who just want a wife to take care of them like their mothers did.
My friend filed for divorce and when her soon to be ex started crying, she asked what was wrong. He is not an emotional person. His reply? “Now I’ll have to pay for everything twice.”
I’m from the UK and trust me, no decent mother would ever say this. Usually most people have at least one tattoo. Her mum just projecting
Not to mention the fact that tattoos are so mainstream, AND lots of guys (especially the under_35 bracket) are into tattoos now.
Not even that, but for my 19th birthday, my mother OFFERED to pay for my leg sleeve. I haven't gotten it yet a year later, but that's entirely because I can't decide on the style/posing
I looked it up, and in 2018, 40% of UK citizens had at least one tattoo.
@@solosynapse to a degree sure, it's a lot better/more accepted to have tattoos now but it wasn't always. Given the mum in 57, she comes from that generation where tattoos were not acceptable on .. pretty much anyone not in the armed forces or prison and certainly not on women. I'm not saying she's right, far from it. These days though, yes, tattoos are acceptable, cool, liked by the majority of the population - just with a few left-over-stick-in-the-mud folks still trying to hang on to their bigoted ways (like this poor girls mother).
Best advice I ever heard is that if it isn't something the person can change in 15 min, then keep your opinion to yourself. Even your children. My daughter has a ton of tattoos that are *very* visible. Not my thing. But she's a loving, functional adult. So, apparently, tattoos don't prevent people from living productive lives! Her body, her choice. I love her, no matter what.
As a fellow dancer I can confidently say that pre-professional ballet will mean they are in professional classes and training aka investing money into class based learning in the style hoping to join a company x
It is a very serious and often very intense choice to make, so may be why she mentioned it
I feel like it'd be really difficult to balance professional ballet and medical school. They both take up an enormous amount of time and dedication. Not to mention, professional ballet is hell on the body. The horror stories I've heard of dancers basically being abused, deforming their bodies, dancing on broken toes, makes me avoid it like the plague. Ballet is an archaic art, I can't believe it's still something people encourage girls to do.
Children are very expensive to raise. That's why money matters when splitting up
💯 single mothers trying to do it all are freaking superwomen. Working multiple jobs and juggling everything that the kids need 😮 I don't know that I could without going crazy. Single fathers are superhuman too, didn't mean to exclude anyone.
@ZiggaMau I definitely don't think I'd be able to make it as a single parent 😅
@@ZiggaMauthe way you worded the first few words, I thought you were a bot and allllmost reported you, I'm very tried sorry
@@JamesLeBuis 😧 a bot 😅 it's ok thanks for not being too quick with the report button 🫂
anybody who can take care of a child on their own is a god, my dad took care of me and my TWO siblings, thats three kids, he worked two jobs, and he kept us fed, he will always be my roll model
"No one will ever love you because of your tattoos." Are we in the middle ages? 😂😂😂
No, back then it was definitely sexy and masculine xD
@@loettu 🤣🤣🤣
That's not what she's saying.
She's saying she'll attract too many horny guys, thus making it difficult to find a real good one amongst all of those.
@@ZiggaMau I mean, thats not a joke. in the middle ages tattoos where a status symbol.
If there is a person who couldn't love/respect me because I have tattoos, then they aren't worth having in my life anyway. And that includes my own parents.
He got jump scared by a microphone 😂
That wasn't a jump scare... 😏
@@LaEmporoar "i'll put you back"
Bro, every musician have microphone related ptsd
@@joachimsrensen7666It's weird that you're right
I'm from Missouri. We have SO MANY PEOPLE who come here from so many other places, states, and countries, and I always ask, "But _why?!"._ People in Missouri hate being in Missouri so much we name cities after other places (Mexico, California, Milan, etc). But then since we're from Missouri, we insist on pronouncing those names wrong, because Missouri turns you into a schmuck. We don't even wanna be here. Save yourselves!!
My sister moved to Missouri and it's the high salary and low cost of living. She paid off her mortgage before her student loans lmao
@WMDistraction Damn, that almost makes Misouri seem palatable. Then again, I hail from the dim-witted meth baby of the United States: Florida. So, a lot of places seem like a possible welcome reprieve from this dumpsterfire state
The worst is the meth and fentanyl. It is everywhere. Lost my cousin to heroin and I can't find any sober friends. Missouri is broken.
I visited my son who was stationed in Missouri. I detect no lies being told here. Every “local” I talked to made it a point to mention they “hate it here”. Very depressing. The shuttle drivers, however, were hilarious.
I'm sure there's plenty to do in Missouri! Like, uh...
Well, there's... hm.
Hot tip for anyone that's needing food, beyond the food banks or coupons .... If you go to a non-chain store and tell them you're hungry & willing to work for some whatever... They will usually just give it to you & recommend a business that's looking for work. Hell, I got a dope job because I did this in rural FL.
I can confirm, as someone who lives in Missouri, I would like to leave.
same with ohio. only people who come here are camping or they came here to rot away and die
As a Floridian, get out but please don’t come here
Same bro
I went there to switch from NG to Active Duty, and it's always referred to as Misery
well someones gotta put you outa your missouri
"Of course you miss Europe, you went to Missouri " 😂😂😂
Being born and raised in the US and having traveled to several countries in Europe...*I* miss Europe. Scandinavia in particular has better quality food, cleaner air, and significantly less crime and poverty. Though if I could move anywhere, I'd probably pick Dublin.
The best response to the old lady in the last story? "Ugh, there are so many of you foreigners coming here." ...
"Well, you might want to consider that a good thing considering none of your precious Frenchmen bothered to stop to help a feeble old woman struggling with her groceries."
But she's not wrong.
Have you seen how small France is? And yet it's more visited than any other country on Earth.
For reference, France is 17.83 times smaller than the US and yet, according to statista and pretty much every other sources, France has double the amount of visitors each year.
Paris is the most visited place in the world. It's more visited than Mount Fuji or any other paradisiac island currently turning into a wastland because of tourists.
I mean, just look at the state of Paris, there are so many people over there that the city can't even keep up with all the trash piling up.
@@Cipher_Paul You do realise "visiting" and "immigrating" are two completely different words with different meanings, yes?
"Immigration" is moving to another area with the intent to stay there permanently from then on. "Visiting" implies an intention to leave afterwards i.e. tourism.
Even if Paris is the most visited city in the world, that does not say anything about the rate of people immigrating there.
@@Cipher_Paul Having an anti-immigrant rant at an immigrant who offered to help you out of the kindness of their heart is a c*nt move and there is no excuse for it. Sometimes I wonder when interactions like this happen, WHY people choose to make things like this the subject of their "small talk". Like...how deeply hateful of a person do you have to be that you can't have a brief interaction with a stranger *to their face* without bringing up a -phobic/-ist hot-button topic? Is it *that* hard to just talk about the weather, sports, work, or happy family stuff (graduations, grandkids, weddings?) ffs.
@@Cipher_Paul this is just not a true statement. Even with the Olympics this year, Bangkok is the top tourist city with Paris being second. Most years Paris is around 5 or 6th most popular (again because the Olympics were in Paris.) I live in a tourist city (New Orleans) and in general most of the city residents LIKE tourism because it brings in a lot of money. This is even though we are known as a party location (way more here than just that but its still a big draw).
As a former target employee: yeah some of us are paid to stalk you. I personally can’t remember faces but our AP department had a binder with people and what they stole
I work in AP and there’s web services to link people stealing from different stores.
As a former target seasonal employee: employees get stalked too and mostly for weird non-illegal things
The one about the hot partner hits home! My partner is model hot but doesn't see it. No matter the compliments I give him, he brushes them off like “you only say that cuz you love me” but people ID him as the “hot guy with gorgeous salt n pepper hair” lol he's in his 30s but has the face of a guy in his 20s, with long dark lashes over very warm brown eyes and his hair is going salty in all the right places so he just looks unreal. Damn, I’m married to a babe ☺️
Yes! My husband is stupidly hot, but I don't think he realizes it at all. Even though I tell him.
I'm the only person he's ever dated (and he's the only person I've ever dated.)
@@ceilinh6004cheers to our hot hubbies!
I can relate. My boyfriend is just gorgeous, and he didn't realize how beautiful he was until we got together.
Same! Husband is smokin' hot, he gets hit on all the time and is always a little oblivious to it. It's very charming 😍
@@Qwertylol He is the love of my existence! We’re 7 years and counting and I think I fall more in love with him as time goes on and still get butterflies when I see him ☺️ I hope everyone can someday find that person that gives them that love-at-first-sight feeling everyday
First story so close to my own. Almost 17 years of marriage too. He had knocked up a girl he would visit on business trips. My sons don’t care much for their half-sister. Though I do try to convince them to not take out their anger on her, as I love my half siblings.
Luckily I did/do have a good job, just that his paid more.
And divorce was finaled just before baby was born.
We didn’t realize until after he left, how miserable he made us, so much happier now.
I'm French and I don't understand why the French hate others so much. If someone doesn't speak French and speaks, for example, English, I will be so happy. I love it; the accent is cute and helping others is always a pleasure. I hate what we represent.
Uptown Parisians give the rest of the country a bad reputation.
I had a boss from Sicily once who used to praise other countries with strong food cultures, but he always said people from Madrid & Paris were "uptight donkeys, an embarrassment to their countries."
I guess it depends on the City or things like that, my bil is french, once that my sister was visiting him( they are married now) she got discriminated for not speaking french instead English, she was buying groceries... 😶 Just for speaking English while shopping, he had to get out of work to be able of helping her 💁🏻♀️
@@solosynapse Yeah, we don't like people in Paris either; they are so rude. It's so sad, the reputation they give us :(
@@Framokamc Oh God, I'm so sorry for her. I understand the hate toward us! We are so stupid.
@@Artemistopia parisians are mostly non parisians though, lets not say they're all bad, i doubt most of them are the rich brats we think of.
But france has lots of foreigners so shes gonna find someone happy to talk with her im sure, its not like we're all racists.
Lol, back in my younger days before babies, i once asked my husband why he didn't get jealous when i got hit on (because i constantly got jealous) and he said "its hilarious watching you reject them and then grab my hand to finish your point". Apparently, my "fuck off dude " face makes my husband laugh.
“Im not a relationship expert, but clearly he sucks and he’s stupid”😂❤
I'm soon to be 62 yrs old. I have been married 16 yrs and with my hubs for 21 yrs. I have a ton of tattoos. The last few I got done just within the last couple years. I can't believe any parent would say such horrible things to their child....maybe it's time to go NC with mom.
Fun fact: Walmart also lets you steal little things until you’ve racked up a tab of $1000. They do this because any amount less is simply a misdemeanor, but 1000 dollars or more means they can charge you with a felony! They don’t play.
Uh... yes. We watched the same video. Daniel showed this exact information on screen.
@@CaptainSweatpants90 He was talking about Target specifically, not Walmart.
I dressed as a classic French Mime for Halloween at work and in addition to learning a lot of kids didn't know what mimes are their teacher was a real French person, I don't think she liked it
Why wouldn't she ? We don't find mimes offensive... (depending on how you did it)
It could also be the natural irritation that people have for mimes 😂
"a real French person" makes the teacher sound like a cryptid
@@justaperson4656 Because France is a myth, we don't actually exist.
@@Anonymoew I was worried she would think my costume was a stereotype of a French person and not a mime. I was trying to use clothes I already had and could wear again. I had on my beret, striped shirt, suspenders, black pants, a red scarf and some face paint but not the white foundation just fun eyeliner and lil mustache. To her credit I have autism and I struggle to read social cues, she could've been fine with it. She was with her class so she was preoccupied, it's most likely a complete projection of my anxiety
I love that we get a glimpse into “too late to be awake” Daniel in this video, and that it’s just a slightly more unhinged version 😂
People really need to talk more and be more honest with each other in their relationship. If you want to have s*ex with other people, you kind of need to adress that with your partner. It's always better to break up on these terms than cheating.
Also, no one talks about the other lady being a scumbag (I'm calling her that) if she knew he was married.
@@sarahberkner She likely did know - she was his coworker and evidently his other coworkers knew he was married
@@sarahberkner Can we also just point out that she wasn't taking anti-pregnancy precautions while having an affair with a married man? Extra scummy on top of all the rest of it.
Missed the music this episode, but still great!
Funniest part about Missouri is that once you enter, even if you leave, you'll find yourself there again someday.
It's a weirdly common occurrence. I've met so many 50+ who left the state 25 or more years ago, never planning to return, only to wind up right back in the Gateway to the West for one reason or another. It's genuinely wild.
Further proof that Missouri is the Feywild? I think so. I'll add it to my list.
More like Ravenloft. Nobody wants to be there, everyone is depressed, the few that can leave always get pulled back somehow, and I'm fairly sure it's ruled by an eldritch undead monstrosity.
@@solosynapse I thought something similar, once, but there are places better suited to the dreariness of the Demiplanes of Dread. Missouri is a location of chaos, change, bizarre rules, and stranger occurrences.
A location where radioactive waste can be buried under concrete and then be turned into a tourist destination for bird watching. A place where pockets of natural desert dot the forests.
It's a landscape rife with false monikers, homophones, and loopholes. (The "mountains" aren't mountains, to offer one example.)
Why wouldn't the land of the Arch have an Arch Fey?
I was not joking about having an entire list. This isn't even half of it. Did you know Missouri once elected a dead guy for Senate?
Ah well, for all my teasing, it's actually a wonderful state. Absolutely gorgeous scenery with a lot of good people, a lively music and theatre scene, and plenty of places to visit. Doesn't mean I won't rag on it a little now and then though. But I enjoy it.
The reasons you leave a place at 25 often don't matter as much when you're 50+, and home is home and your roots are where they are I guess. I've known people who moved back to their (undesirable) hometowns to look after aging family members or because they were dealing with health issues of their own and needed care/support from their families. Which are good reasons to make that choice, even if it isn't the one that someone wants to make.
@@MorganMakesThings They are. Home is where the heart is and the heart is with the people you care most about.
Many of the people I've met had circumstances that brought them back in spite of most of their connections lying elsewhere. Uniquely, on the more coincidental side of things. Regardless, home can be made anywhere you will it to be.
This sounds to me a lot like Idaho 😂 that has been my knowledge about the state at least lol
14:37 as a Missouri resident, there’s a reason we call it Misery
FRANCE!!!!!! ITS FRANCE!!!!!!!!
I saw the title and immediately knew this would be a good video.
I'm Canadian, and my kids call me mum/mummy.
In comment sections, people often treat it like a mispelled word, but it isn't. 😂
Daniel: I'm tired 😩
Daniel: who cares?!? 😂😂
"People in missouri want to LEAVE." *sighs in stuck in missouri*
Welcome to the club 💀
Daniel’s super power is a surprise microphone that connects to all speakers in a 5 mile radius.
To cause mass hysteria/confusion.
Haha “get ready for the demons in your mind” got me 😂 My husband received an actual “before you get married” dm from a girl he went on 1 date with 6 years ago. Her message was something along the lines of “you are the most handsome person I have ever met” (honestly can’t disagree with her there because he is). I love my husband so much because he had no idea what was going on. He thought she was fishing for a compliment, but just replied with “thanks for the compliment” and left it at that. She didn’t respond (his reply didn’t really give anything to go off of) and he forgot about the whole interaction. I know he loves me fully and doesn’t think about other women, but yes, when we first started dating I felt a little inadequate/that other women were more attractive and would probably hit on him. He was a bouncer at one time and his younger sister went out with friends to the bar he was working. Her friends were like “omg your brother is so hot” and wanted her to hook them up. He told me that on another occasion a drunk woman hit on him telling him he looks like Chris Hemsworth 😂😂 (which is very not accurate but I think it’s hilarious). So, yeah he is good looking and sometimes I feel like he could go out there and find a lot of potential partners, but he chose me and I’m working on being secure in that.
that mom is so jealous of her daughter and her accomplishments. thats why she tries to tear her down and has never given her a "bravo" in her life
Just going to say that her daughter owns a small business, is a pre-professional dancer, and is in med-school on a scholarship...and her Mom is focused on whether or not she has or can get a partner. Right now. At age 21. Pretty screwed up and useless priorities, I'd say. Never mind the toxic a$$holery of harping on it right after a bad breakup.
"he's allergic to ink" that's HILARIOUS
Those daughters are gonna forever connect their own half-brother to their parents divorce.
i think miserable and scared can be more of a personality trait in a bigot, rather than an assumption about their actual quality of life. The old lady could be living as comfortably as she likes, but being bigoted always makes you a bit more miserable as a person in general.
Agreed. It seems to be an inherent trait of being a bigot.
I grew up in a rural area rife with bigots, and it is just easier to blame one or more minority groups for their have-nots rather than blaming the systemic/institutional power structures that are actually at fault, or (if failing to give them the benefit of the doubt) their own personal failings. My dad (love him, but damn) is textbook.
I'm binging your stuff today. It's like watching my brain on RUclips. It's strangely calming.
"surprise microphone" 💀🤣
I lived in France for 3 months. Some people try to communicate with you but most people just won't. A lot of people stopped contacting me after i got home. That's so common to feel as a foreigner in France. Do what you can. That's it!
My grandma who traveled a lot taught me her trick for befriending the French.
Them: "Parlez-vous francais?" (Do you speak French?)
You: "oui!" (Yes!)
Them: says something in French and waits for your response.
You: "oeuf." (Egg.)
Then they'd laugh till they couldn't breath, and she'd have a new French bestie. 😆
“Some of you watching this aren’t even 17 years old” - Yip, you caught me…
I'm not judging. But if you are not a furry you prolly should look up what yip means and see if that's actually what you meant to use here^^
@@BROOKEZ12 I just like his prank song and think it’s funny
@@sophiel787 okie dokie then, enjoy~
yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yippity yiiiiippppp
Yip yip yip-yip yip yip yip-yip yip yip yippity yiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
im about a minute into this video and its already wildin. this gonna be good💀
"He picked you for a reason" I needed to hear that today lol
I have a lot of tattoos and “OH SHIT IS THAT A RASH?” Made me snort, I’ve definitely reacted that way internally when others have gotten tattoos 😂
French people do get really weird about foreigners they love it when you can speak fluently but if you can’t they feel like you’re not trying hard enough.
When my kids were really little, I accidentally on purpose stole hairclips.
This is the story. My son is four and at preschool. It is late November. I take my 1 year old daughter to a little hole in the wall toy shop that sells bins of cheap stuff for goody bags etc and I go shopping for stocking stuffers.
I put my toddler in a carrier on my back because if I stick her in the cart, she grabs stuff and throws it on the floor. So we are shopping and she decides ha ha fun to pull mom's hair, great game.
To distract her, I gave her this zippered package of hair clips to hold. I am buying them for her stocking but she is a baby and will not remember.
I shop for an hour and then go through the SLOWEST single check out line behind several other people, all paying cash because the debit machine is down.
I finally get through, bag, pay, get my stuff out to my van, go to take baby off my back and snap her into her car seat and... hair clips.
Well. There ain't no way I am going back in to pay. Sorry store.
I felt bad when they went out of business a year later. Hope it was not because of rampant hair clip theft.
18:04, I stole something once: I stole six caramels because I thought they were free, I didn’t see the little sign the said “caramel, $1” and this is a local business that doesn’t have a lot of money. I felt so bad for stealing it apparently I cried on the car ride back to our house. I was 5.
I stole a bunch of stuff from a museum gift shop when I was maybe two. My mom was pushing me in my stroller and I was just grabbing things at my eye level. She didn't realize until we were already outside the building
14:22: Thanks for that Dan. I'm an international student here on the lookout for a job, and I've been having miserable luck and trying not to be too choosy about the location at this point, but this is one state I'm actively trying to avoid. I did think of this as me possibly being a little choosy after all, but you made me feel better, lol.
It’s crazy that people still think tattoos are always bad and don’t look good on your personality.
There’s a massive difference between someone with a flower tattoo and a swastika.
There’s a big gap. What the tattoo is matters more than having them vs not having them.
As someone that almost got a job as Wally World Loss Prevention (I this day and age of legal green and green alternatives that still test positive for THC I couldn't pass their drug screening for the job) I was told they DO in fact keep a tally of what you walk out with and wait until you hit the limit to be a federal felony. They will also send your picture to other area stores to keep an eye on you and add to the tally.
Wow a Daniel Thrasher video that didn't come iut at Midnight in the US.... Love ur vids Daniel.
It’s midnight somewhere in the US
@@LeanAndMean44 really omg!?! It's just not midnight in Texas for once.
@@Tuckerty-zb5knwell I just meant to say the us has more than one time zone
Oh aight bet. Thanks.
I gotta be honest with you, @@LeanAndMean44 - there is not one single place in the US that is anywhere near midnight right now 😂 it's almost midnight in madrid
By the way, I love the way you say "Croissant", even if it's WRONG (hehe), it's cute.
(Cap'tain French here)
(And it's easier than you think, just don't pronounce the final 't'. CROI - SSAN (t) )
Just “captain” or “cap’n”
@@Toni_Snark See ^^' Thanks !
Lmao ofc its Paris. Parisians do be like that. i can say, as an American who recently lived in France, but not Paris, it's not all the French, its mostly the Parisians. the people of Nantes were lovely and welcoming. Of course, I speak fluent French with a pretty good accent, so that might've been a factor lol, but I told them where I'm from so they knew and were still nice.
They just want people to try to speak French, which I get, but I have people living in my apartment building in Minnesota that can't speak English well and I can't imagine being rude to them about it
Makes total sense. Paris is FULL of tourists, you're going to sick of it. Random town in the countryside? Tourists are a rare thing! A special occasion!
To the 1st story.
A woman also on r/offmychest confessed she contacted a woman a guy had been married to for 17 years(most likely her) and said he had an affair with a co-worker. And that they were having a child. Because she had the hots for him.
When him and his wife, divorced she felt bad, but couldnt get herself to tell them, since the marriage couldn't be saved.
Saying she doesn't know what to do, since she apparently likes him, but also feel guilty for creating the whole situation.....
So yeah, in case you were wondering or think I'm lying. In one of Smosh reads reddit episodes, it is brought up....
My guess is that the husband(confessed). because he couldnt convince her to trust him again and just gave up.
Well the truth will come out one way or another eventually. Your kids' half-sibling doesn't just completely disappear.
@@rmb6037 Yeah
My dad lived in Tahiti for two years in the 80's and he always talked about how kind and wonderful all the Tahitians were, they would give you the clothes off their backs. The French people on the island.... not so much....
As a french fan I feel seen 😁 also I love hearing people speaking french with accents, especially just random words, it's incredible to my fancy french ears
Totally agree ;) "rendez-vous" always gets me, not in a mocking way but on the contrary it's charming
I can confirm that Missouri is terrible. We have people just as crazy as Florida, we’re just more secretive about it. In Florida, their Freedom of Information Act (AKA Sunshine Law) is super broad and makes things like arrest records public. In Missouri, we both have more restrictive Sunshine Law as well as our state government has a tendency to delay information until it no longer interests the public, leading to very few national stories from Missouri.
daniel you're missing the forest for the trees: you get an allowance of how much shit you can steal from target.
Dude really just said "move to LA" therefore you can't trust any of his advice lol
I think he forgot that you can’t just automatically move from another country to ours - both it’s kind of expensive to move from Europe and the immigration laws.
@@caseyjc5 the commenter was just joking abt LA they are not actually saying you cannot trust his advice
LA is one of the worst places to live in the USA. It's ABSURDLY expensive, the traffic is a nightmare, the taxes are very high, and so are the crime rates. People pay $3million for a small house just to have homeless people pooping on the sidewalk and leaving dirty needles everywhere in front of their house. Plus you can't park a car anywhere without it getting broken into. In the past 5 years there's been a mass immigration of Californians to other states because of those problems. You have to be rich to afford a house almost anywhere in California.
Seemed more like he was just making a comparison to the tatoo culture in the us than making a serious suggestion
@@Dog_in_tree I own a house near LA, and I'm definitely nowhere near rich.
You sound like someone been listening to anti-Cali propaganda, tbh. It's freaky what people who've never been to the state think of our cities. 🤣 Supposedly, the one I live in was on fire, recently. 🤣
0:05 “I have a sunburn. I have a pretty bad sunburn on my back.”
Instantly relatable. This’d make me subscribe if I hadn’t already.
The idea of hypnogogic imagery is so foreign to me. I go straight from conscious thought to fully asleep with no in-between.
I had to go back and listen to that part again because I was like excuse me I must hear this information again. I didn’t know that was a thing.
Funny thing is, I live in Arkansas and we have to go to Missouri for anything fun to do.
Arkansas is like hell on earth, tbf.
@@JaxonNobles-u1q I wouldn't say that, but it gets pretty boring sometimes.
At least yall got nice scenery 😭
PLOT TWIST: there is an old french lady who preys upon unsuspecting tourists to take her shopping back home EVERYDAY.
what an old french AH.
Knew each other for 25 years. I turned 26 this year. I can’t even imagine
17:48 Daniel’s stuff about Target is completely correct. I used to work the self checkouts there and would often chat with asset protection (aka security) and they told me the same stuff. If we catch you in the act we may ask you to stop but the bigger goal is building rep sheets on reoccurrences. There was someone who would “skip scan” basically scan most of her stuff and pay for it, but miss a couple big ticket items. AP told me to keep an eye on her. We had her name, address and knew the monetary total of merchandise stolen. One time I said “ *Her Name* have a nice day”. Freaked her out so much she stopped
I remember when I was a kid and we were out of toothpaste at home and I was really self-conscious about my breath smelling. Mom stopped by a store on the way to take me to school. I asked for Cinnamon Altoids (Before they were discontinued) and mom said no. I only pretended to put it back. She didn't find out until she saw it empty in the trash can.
Mom took the can to the store and paid for it.
The accidental shoplifting story reminded me of a story of some not so accidental shoplifting by my aunt's best friend's husband, who I'll call G for short. So, when G was a kid, somewhere between 8 and 13 iirc, his mom sent him and his brother into a gamestop to look around and occupy themselves while she stopped at the store next door. His little brother was yapping w the cashier about some new game that had come out, and he decided to use this distraction as an opportunity to grab a game he wanted without getting caught, by holding it in the waistband of his pants under his shirt. His mom caught him with it when they got home and asked about it, and he couldn't come up with a good enough lie on the spot and she found out he stole it, so she drove him all the way back to the gamestop w it to return it and apologize to the chashier. She drags him into the store by his shirt and parks him right in front of the chashier and says "what do you have to say to him?" And little G, in one last attempt to do... something? goes "... I like your hat!" At which point his mom promptly swats him on the back of his head and gives the game back to the chashier lol
the fact that daniel still got a sunburn despite hating the beach is wild, what did you do!
Oh yeah, the french story is very familiar. My school has an exchange program and partnered with a school from France, but when my class got there the translators were rude and the french students as well, because the only real option to communicate outside of the translators was english. Speaking english in France, Paris especially also seems to be just a public suicide at that point (highly exaggerating here)
Using Catfish for revenge is probably the only time it makes sense.
Hey D, have you been working out 😂 you look good friend!!! Have a nice flight!
2:04 "i really dislike the beach"
Because of all the SAND
Thank you for teaching me how to pronounce KHWOAHUO
In my state (Wisconsin), child support is based on birth order rather than filing order. But I do think it's really messed up that each "family" isn't paid equally.
This video auto played from another I had playing on another screen in the background while I was doing some art, finally took a break and glanced at the screen and almost had a heart attack. I have the exact same jacket, similar hair, similar headphones, a similar desk setup in a room with white walls and hardwood floors--for a moment I thought somehow there was a video of me on RUclips that I had no memory of making. Great video as always, this gave me some laughs when I realized.
“Give me your unsolicited opinion” sums up today’s average grammar level perfectly.
These videos feel like one-on-one therapy sessions,lol keep it up!!
Piano: 🎹😢
I walked out of the post office with a roll of tape without paying for it. The lady was giving me such a hard time for coming in 15 minutes before closing that I got flustered.
OF COURSE it had to be France !!! I'm french by the way, ik my people. I would happily try chatting with someone trying to speak my language. Please do so, you're really brave because it's the hardest really
When I saw French btw. I thought it was an arch btw joke. I use arch btw
i went to France a year or two ago. I had been learning French for years. I used both English and French while there. I am also neurodivergent to the point where it is fairly visible if I am in loud places like restaurants, where I ate at lot of the time (obviously). I have never in my life gotten such dirty stares from literally EVERYBODY before. I'd be sitting there in a restaurant, trying to breath deeply and regulate myself bc again, noise in a restaurant, and someone from another table would look over, and give me a dirty look everytime. By the end of my trip i just stayed in the hotel room the whole day and ordered room service bc I was miserable.
Good to see you! 😁❤️ Ooh, I'm so excited to hear what you think of Our Wives Under the Sea. It was one of my faves of 2023, and I still think about it.
3:05 yes it is better it’s a boy as it’s easier not to compare relationships. Doesn’t mean boys are better. If they were boys and it was going to be a girl it would also be better
I do not have the brain capacity to comprehend that monologue thingy at the end
More precisely, Paris.
"It's not interesting to be jealous." Words to live by!
One time while working at a store I was helping an old lady to her car. She comments about how I needed a belt or to buy pants that fit. I'm thinking you should stop criticizing the person helping you, and my belt broke earlier in the shift. And I haven't had a chance to replace it yet.
"get ready for the demons!!" is the funniest gd response to that person gushing abt their partner bc like its real! but we love a lover fr
“I love the beach”
-someone who made a whole video about how much they hate sand.
17:56 yeah they wait til the value is over 1k so they can charge you with grand theft. I used to steal from target when I was homeless and living off pennies, but kept track of everything I stole. I have an outstanding balance of 999.99. This is something I am very proud of.
Lady wut the fu-😂
Oh my gosh Daniel make more of these you are awesome!!! So hilarious I love watching your videos. 👍👍
am i the only one that gets stoked when he posts on this channel lol
I find a lot of the subjects to be triggering.
tried to ask an old lady if she needed help with her groceries (UPSTAIRS neighbor, and she's handicapped and cant drive, and her ride just dropped her and all her groceries outside and left) i tried to open the door for her and was like do you want some help? she SNAPPED at me. "NO!" so i just triple blinked and closed the front door and walked to my own apartment. like damn lady... just trying to be nice/ considerate
she doesn't want to connect, leave her alone
@@carlafuqua1685 thought me walking away was leaving her alone? never offered help since
On the French thing - my first language is FRENCH and I went to Paris a few years ago. Because my accent is not French (canadian french has a big accent compared to france french) they would ALWAYS answer me in English, even when I kept going in French. They would get an attitude and butcher English so intensely I could not understand them. I was like: mate, I speak French, what are you doing? This is making everything more difficult for everyone involved 🤦♀️ I am not saying all French peope in France are like this. I only visited Paris and want to see the rest of the country, don’t come for me.