Ben Shapiro realises he is Benough (becomes woke, enlightened, moves to Cuba)

  • Опубликовано: 23 авг 2023
  • -- Watch live at / sophie_frm_mars
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Комментарии • 91

  • @merepseu
    @merepseu 9 месяцев назад +60

    Everything Ben learned about movie critique, he blatantly learned from the Nostalgia Critic.

    • @cynicismIncarnate
      @cynicismIncarnate 9 месяцев назад +5

      This comment gave me an awful thought that Doug and Ben should do a collab movie

    • @merepseu
      @merepseu 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@cynicismIncarnate Working title: _Benny Madison._ Instead of speedrunning K-12 it's college all the way to post-doc - but in name only. Doug is the principal because of course he gets to screech through *that* speech.

    • @mxpants4884
      @mxpants4884 9 месяцев назад +1

      He really wanted to be a screenwriter.
      Which reminds me... The best way to understand what these professional bullshitters actually believe is to read their self-insert fiction.
      And by read I mean "listen to a podcast where people read it and dissect just how terrible it is".

    • @UnreasonableOpinions
      @UnreasonableOpinions 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@mxpants4884 It's amazing how much of the griftosphere is just people who desperately wanted into creative industries, completely failed because they had neither measurable talent nor any desire to actually improve until they'd developed talent, and just decided to be angry about it on a professional basis.

    • @merepseu
      @merepseu 9 месяцев назад

      @@mxpants4884 With Doug, it's definitely "watch". But obviously don't watch. I don't remember much - not even the title of one of his things - but I know for sure that's because of a distinct lack of substance.

  • @badpoet3043
    @badpoet3043 9 месяцев назад +23

    7:55 a wild Sophie appears!

  • @DrAnarchy69
    @DrAnarchy69 9 месяцев назад +35

    Streams start is around 8:04

    • @geniusface2640
      @geniusface2640 9 месяцев назад

      I clicked this & almost immediately Sophie read a chat message that said "shoutout to the VOD viewers that can't see this & clicked the helpful timestamp for when Sophie appears" surreal lmao I hope you left that chat

  • @AtomikNY
    @AtomikNY 9 месяцев назад +20

    Ben pretending to not understand all this stuff really underlines how unintelligent he thinks his audience is. Like, obviously he doesn't really believe death is too heavy of a theme for a kid's movie, he's just pretending, but he fully expects his audience to go along with the faux outrage, as if we live in a universe without Bambi and The Lion King.

    • @mxpants4884
      @mxpants4884 9 месяцев назад +5

      Or one where children never go to the funerals of family & or friends.

  • @UnreasonableOpinions
    @UnreasonableOpinions 9 месяцев назад +21

    Bennie is such a wild character, like someone created a parody of the entire Alpha Griftosphere and set it to life with some monkey-paw curse.

    • @savanahtiger
      @savanahtiger 9 месяцев назад

      He escaped from Benland!!!

  • @garrettlee9511
    @garrettlee9511 9 месяцев назад +8

    He better have personally inhaled every single molecule of pollution caused by all that burning plastic.

  • @smolderingtitan
    @smolderingtitan 9 месяцев назад +14

    This looks like fun. "Is he just playing into the aesthetics of being the least cool guy who has literally ever lived? Is setting fire to children's toys the most Oppenheimer thing he could do?"

  • @Raggles22
    @Raggles22 9 месяцев назад +9

    What a title hook

  • @AtomikNY
    @AtomikNY 9 месяцев назад +18

    I love hearing Ben attempt to criticize things like plot and character consistency, when I'm familiar with the contents of his novel (thanks Behind the Bastards). He is such a terrible writer. The plot meandered all over the place and changed character perspective at random. The main character is a Mary Sue, the guy Ben wishes he could be, and most of the other characters are just one-dimensional racist stereotypes (like, the Muslim characters are all terrorists, the BLM people are crack isn't subtle).

    • @mxpants4884
      @mxpants4884 9 месяцев назад +3

      Ben's movie opinions make so much more sense when you find out that he wanted to be a screen writer. (And presumably believes that the world was robbed of his genius by affirmative action quotas.)

    • @AtomikNY
      @AtomikNY 9 месяцев назад

      @@mxpants4884 His book also makes a lot more sense when you realize he really wants someone to make it into a blockbuster action film.

  • @victoriaborges6899
    @victoriaborges6899 9 месяцев назад +22

    Okay I have now seen the movie so I'm back with a galaxy brain essay comment where I show teacher what I have learned!
    Sophie and all my other leftpilled comrades are right that this is just Feminism For Kids. The politics could have been much stronger and better if it was honest about how the patriarchy was created, but ultimately it's cool how much it was able to say despite being such a mainstream, big-budget branded product. It probably couldn't have come out ten years ago, so I'm glad it's allowed to now. It's also why Ben is so mad about it.
    In a weird way it actually reminds me of Anita Sarkeesian. Her "women in video games" series was a lot like this movie: feminism 101 concepts in an easily digestible form, presented simply and accessibly to a broad audience that might not otherwise be exposed to them. And she used a lot of popular franchise games, which also helps the audience see something they already know through a different lens. The videos themselves were really kinda milquetoast and inoffensive.
    And some dudes just lost their damn minds!!!
    Because like, the accessibility of these concepts is what's so scary to them, right? They see that this might be some little kid's first taste of things that used to be forbidden until college, and they're terrified. They see that the mainstream is being led toward critique of unjust hierarchies, and they are so, so upset.
    So here's my other big brain take: what Ben is doing here is not simply Cinema Sins, it's more like an evil inversion of the liberal slop stream. "Hey class, today we'll do a close reading of something that you probably thought was normal and inoffensive. We'll look at this piece of media through the lens of my radical politics and see what it's REALLY trying to do."
    Except when Sophie does it, she teaches us to notice contradictions and try to always Wissen when we are Tun... and when Ben does it, he teaches his class to cover their ears and spit seething contempt. Sophie says "don't get distracted by the sloppiness, listen to what they're REALLY saying", while Ben says "never listen to these people for a moment, if they seem to make sense NO THEY DON'T!" Because he needs to inoculate his audience against even the most basic and child-friendly version of leftist politics, to stop them from getting infected (as in: realizing the logic is sound, actually, and then being more amenable to hearing out leftist ideas in the future).
    The goal of the Ben Shapiro character is that we all keep fighting on the beach, and his audience never realizes that *they* are Benough.

    • @robertborland5083
      @robertborland5083 9 месяцев назад +5

      Those are some solid takes! I especially agree with your latter take. What made the Benjamin Shapiro video truly off-putting - more off-putting than usual, that is - to me is the attempt to replicate this video essay "liberal slop stream" format. Rather than reaching that audience, it resembles some Bizzaro-Universe version.

  • @andromedarainlight
    @andromedarainlight 9 месяцев назад +10

    One thing I haven't seen anyone push back on that irks me is when he says that the only good thing about this movie is the set and costume design, but then completely undermines that by saying it's hard to get wrong anyway cause you just need to copy an aesthetic that already exists. I suppose in one sense it isn't as difficult to recreate an already existing look than it is to come up with one of your own, but it is still really disrespectful to an entire crew of hardworking people. It is not "hard to screw up", there are a ton of ways it could have gone wrong and yet the movie looks fucking great, and he clearly doesn't understand what goes into filmmaking if he genuinely believes that.
    It's a small thing in the face of everything else he says but it's just sort of really emblematic of the reductive, mean spirited style of criticism on display here even beneath the politics.

    • @SkyTurtle3
      @SkyTurtle3 9 месяцев назад

      I was thinking this too

    • @savanahtiger
      @savanahtiger 9 месяцев назад

      Specially when conservative movie makers keep making absolute garbage stuff

  • @will493
    @will493 9 месяцев назад +11

    Regarding Ben not believing what he says he believes, it's the thing you said about Maupin that I throw out when transphobes are being ludicrously absurdly cartoonish: he says these things because if you believe him, he thinks you are the dumbest person imaginable and if you buy this bullshit, you'll buy the rest of his bullshit.

  • @lolly9804
    @lolly9804 9 месяцев назад +4

    I think Ben should complete his tough guy denim look, with the earring magic Ken pendant...

  • @PocketDeerBoy
    @PocketDeerBoy 9 месяцев назад +4

    Sometimes, kids movies contain adult themes? because usually kids will grow up and get more out of the movie when they're an adult.

    • @ludo_narr
      @ludo_narr 9 месяцев назад +1

      My child is 8 and contemplating whether or not it's ok for her not to have children even though her mother would like grandchildren.
      These aren't really adult themes as much as they're just complicated themes and children can have opinions on complicated topics.

  • @LeoFieTv
    @LeoFieTv 9 месяцев назад +2

    Hey Meataumaton, I saw it, I didn't skip!

  • @frongychair
    @frongychair 9 месяцев назад +2

    thank you and nat for sharing that language of "feminised people", as a non binary person who's perceived as a woman most of the time due to my unfortunately fat tiddies and dumptruck ass, ive been struggling to articulate the sexism and other miscellaneous bullshit i face without invalidating my gender, hearing you talk about it like that was a real lightbulb moment and I'll definitely be using that framing in future 💖💖

  • @LeoFieTv
    @LeoFieTv 9 месяцев назад +3

    Aside from the 2001 style opening being hilarious and perfect opening for the Barbie movie, it also spoke to all the little girls who hated baby dolls and hated having to play house. It's a joke that worked for both audience groups.

  • @shreki2057
    @shreki2057 8 месяцев назад

    Lady Bird is a movie about familial abuse that doesn't realize how abusive a relationship its depicting as it ends with the abused teenager tearfully apologizing to their abuser.

  • @primitiverobot
    @primitiverobot 9 месяцев назад +6

    i fucking SCREAMED when he tried to casually slip a reference to the ring cycle into his rant, it felt like one of the more hamfisted pop culture references the writers had to cram into the big bang theory script. i could HEAR the canned laugh track playing in ben's head when he said it

  • @mageofmiind
    @mageofmiind 7 месяцев назад +1

    i had so fully bought in to the Pinko lore that i felt sad that the donation bar advertised a Pinko reward because the money was going to something else and couldn't really be used to pay Pinko to be on the stream. it was sad to me that Nat couldn't get birthday treats at the same time as Pinko got paid

  • @fanboyistransboy5089
    @fanboyistransboy5089 9 месяцев назад +4

    Missed the stream but back for the vod

    • @will493
      @will493 9 месяцев назад +1

      Missed the stream's very existence, was delighted and surprised by the vod

  • @theanarchistcook
    @theanarchistcook 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hurt Locker was directed by Kathryn Bigelow, director of Point Break and Detroit.

  • @Neris-of-the-other
    @Neris-of-the-other 6 месяцев назад

    I forgot how much i love TOTK sound design

  • @will493
    @will493 9 месяцев назад +2

    It really feels like he wrote a book report after reading the Spark Notes and not the actual book, so whether or not it's rejected outright or minimal pass depends largely on the mood of the person looking at it

  • @LizbetNene
    @LizbetNene 9 месяцев назад +3

    Woke = thinking is a framing I am beginning to like.

  • @greatcrab_0078
    @greatcrab_0078 9 месяцев назад +1

    Sophie please if you haven’t gone to lookout landing yet Please go there.

    • @sophiefrommarsstreams5920
      @sophiefrommarsstreams5920  9 месяцев назад

      I don't know what that is

    • @greatcrab_0078
      @greatcrab_0078 9 месяцев назад

      @@sophiefrommarsstreams5920 In Zelda. It’s part of the main quest after you leave the tutorial Island. Sorry for Back Seating.

  • @DJsackie.
    @DJsackie. 9 месяцев назад +1

    wow this thumbnail is very cool!

  • @tibot4228
    @tibot4228 8 месяцев назад

    For anyone reading, The World is Not Ending absolutely slaps. Do yourself a favor and go watch it, you owe it to yourself.

  • @will493
    @will493 9 месяцев назад +3

    Intermission ends at 2:29:50

  • @alliecat6281
    @alliecat6281 8 месяцев назад

    Ben, c. 5 min: "silly movie is silly for sillily having characters drink from empty cups and that's bad"
    Same Ben, c. 15 min: "the movie takes itself too seriously"

  • @Pander_To_Panda
    @Pander_To_Panda 9 месяцев назад

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr darn you, Sophie!

  • @IanNotChris
    @IanNotChris 9 месяцев назад +7

    sophie @7:55

  • @MrMyers758
    @MrMyers758 9 месяцев назад +2

    If you watch the video with the head canon that it is a parody of right wing movie reviewers it is actually quite funny. The editing and some moments which were intended to be funny are at times funny but only if you accept the video isn't serious (which of course in reality, it is). The whole closeup and shouting "TWIST!" and the closeup of him turning the page over made me laugh because its the kind of thing comedic reviewers do like RedLetterMedia, I just have to see him as a comedic character rather than the genuine dangerous hateful person responsible for inspiring multiple acts of violence that he is.

  • @McCurmudgeonify
    @McCurmudgeonify 8 месяцев назад

    As a well trained dog I'm offended to be compared to ben shapiro fans

  • @JuniperStarlight
    @JuniperStarlight 9 месяцев назад

    It's an amazing thumbnail and you should absolutely praise yourself for it.

  • @will493
    @will493 7 месяцев назад +1

    Ben is severely incapable of perceiving metaphor it really is just a character. He sees a woman simultaneously being at the gynecologist and happy and thinks the message of the film must be that going to the gynecologist is the absolute key to happiness.

  • @crystal4o681
    @crystal4o681 9 месяцев назад +2

    What a great thumbnail i sure hope it is what happens in the video

  • @jasmijnwellner6226
    @jasmijnwellner6226 9 месяцев назад

    44:34 when you look Endersophie in the eyes

  • @cynthmcgpoet
    @cynthmcgpoet 9 месяцев назад

    The bottom line is that Ben does not Ken.

  • @kaleigrogan7306
    @kaleigrogan7306 9 месяцев назад +1

    Complaining about the “trans barbie” in a movie that literally does not have a trans barbie, there’s a trans actress but she’s just playing a Barbie like all the other women that were hired to play Barbies. It reminds me of an old clip where brittany spears tells an interviewer asking her about a kiss in a movie something along the lines of “it’s a movie it’s pretend, you’re an adult you should know that”

  • @ravendreaming3966
    @ravendreaming3966 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hello Meatautomotom! (sorry for the mispelling). Thank you for your kind words. Didn't skip ahead too much this time.

    • @ravendreaming3966
      @ravendreaming3966 9 месяцев назад +2

      I still really feel uncomfortable with the term "feminized" as a trans masc. I feel like "gendered" is a much better term. Or experiencing gender.

  • @omgmoreryan
    @omgmoreryan 9 месяцев назад +3

    Sophie reviews movies: Barbie meh out of 10. Oppenheimer HARD meh out of 10.
    Also isn’t Little Woman essential reading for elementary students? 27:39

    • @DawningFrost
      @DawningFrost 9 месяцев назад

      I was encouraged to read it through a read-for-reward system, but never required. Everyone I know who read it for points had zero comprehension and retained no memory of it.

  • @dorianvale854
    @dorianvale854 9 месяцев назад

    this point about how "fascists don't believe what they say, the point is to make you believe that they do," is something that's been on my mind for years (definitely since "The Alt-Right Playbook" and Big Joel's video re: Blair White saying the same about them), but i've never quite had the words to explain it well. watching this stream was SO helpful for me in actually articulating and refining that understanding. It's like being stuck on a puzzle forever, and then someone comes up and points out that one detail you've been missing that makes everything else fall into place, lovely feeling. Bless 🙏
    also, fuckin crying at the weird zoom in on Ben's lip smack at 3:06:30 . were his editors trying to be funny? 🤣

  • @Wack.d
    @Wack.d 9 месяцев назад

    you ended ben's video nine seconds before the end! now we'll never know what he thought of 'oppenheimer'

  • @alliecat6281
    @alliecat6281 8 месяцев назад

    A charitable interpretation would be that he's saying the *wording* of "give us a smile blondie" is old fashioned. But that's still a stretch tbh

  • @DoctorDissonance
    @DoctorDissonance 9 месяцев назад

    Something about the tense, escalating zelda shrine combat music pairs so well with Ben's frantic gabble of bullshit. Really makes me feel like I'm in the most insufferable danger

  • @DawningFrost
    @DawningFrost 9 месяцев назад

    2:13:30 - Ben wrote a whole book misidentifying what fascism is, so it's not a surprise he pretending not to understand it here.

  • @xXxzAAa0aAAzxXx
    @xXxzAAa0aAAzxXx 9 месяцев назад

    oh no!! o.O !! .*

  • @maduinargentus5878
    @maduinargentus5878 9 месяцев назад

    When Sophie said Ben should name five female composers I realized I can off the top of my head only think of Yoko Shimomura
    Anyone wanna recommend me some cool lady composers?

    • @molliemicrobe
      @molliemicrobe 9 месяцев назад +4

      Classical music purists might not like this answer but Wendy Carlos is one of the greatest trans woman artists ever. She walked so every other trans electronic musician since could run

  • @OMEGA-362
    @OMEGA-362 9 месяцев назад

    I liked Oppenheimer a lot becuase i love science history so much

  • @hella_cool1312
    @hella_cool1312 9 месяцев назад


  • @ilovedeadkkkops
    @ilovedeadkkkops 9 месяцев назад

    What game is that

  • @greatcrab_0078
    @greatcrab_0078 9 месяцев назад

    8:24 hello, twitch chat.

  • @sorel7342
    @sorel7342 9 месяцев назад +2

    It's very funny to me that you chose the hurt locker as your example of boy movie director bc it was famously directed by Kathryn Bigelow and I think it was the first time a woman had won best director at the academies and I think she might still be the only woman to have won it ?? Just what that tells us about what we are prepared to praise women for like omg.. we love it when she make movie about me, about my little boy problems. And this is amusingly bens main problem with barbie. Like you could cut his review after where he says it's for mums and their 8yos and when he says "that's for the ladies" about the good costumes and design, because he's essentially having a tantrum that this movie wasn't made with him in mind when he's used to every movie being made with him in mind.
    Listening to material girls podcast recently (soooo good fr) and they were saying how boys won't see girl movies but girls will see boy movies, and teens won't see adult movies but adults might see teen movies so now every movie is aimed at teenage boys (like marvel movies). And Ben obviously has the mind of a teenage boy with very poor self-awareness, almost no ability to be introspective and terrible emotional control. Teenage boys I let off the hook somewhat, they need time to develop and grow, but Ben seems to have drunk some kind of non-learning potion to keep him chronically immature and maybe a side effect is that he sounds and looks like a little puppet?

    • @sophiefrommarsstreams5920
      @sophiefrommarsstreams5920  9 месяцев назад

      I'd just been listening to Blowback pod talking about Iraq war movies and I never cared much or paid much attention to any of them so I said a name off the top of my head. I didn't know it was directed by a woman

    • @sorel7342
      @sorel7342 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@sophiefrommarsstreams5920 I know and it's one of those movies people wouldn't assume was directed by a woman which probably helped her get all the Oscars. Like I do not blame you for not knowing that.. I only know it because it stuck in my brain as something you wouldn't really expect. It's one of the many movies that condemns hegemonic and toxic forms of masculinity pretty strongly but in that way that toxic men always miss and therefore it doesn't alienate them.. like how they all love fight club although it's so obviously not saying "look how cool Tyler durden is". I feel like you could title a film "guy alienates everyone in his life and becomes massively depressed attempting to fit into hegemonic masculinity" and so many guys would be like "it was so cool how he told his mum to fuck off and how he died in a ditch at the end"

  • @greatcrab_0078
    @greatcrab_0078 9 месяцев назад

    2:05:47 Sophie No! How could you! /lh

  • @ryanphillips7064
    @ryanphillips7064 9 месяцев назад

    Ben's gonna drop a reference to the Ring Cycle, but later adamantly refuse to call the three sections of a standard Hollywood movie "Acts." (He wanted to be a screenwriter, there's no way he hasn't read Syd Field) It's a mindbogglingly dissonant attempt to be both a member of the intelligentsia and a down home dumb dumb who doesn't understand movie.

  • @freddiet.rowlet525
    @freddiet.rowlet525 9 месяцев назад

    Ben trying to do the funny goofy youtuber thing of "look at this mistake I definitely did not make" and then the next shot is him unironically burning some children's toys with screaming voices edited in. Like are you trying to be my parasocial best friend or an edgy free speech warrior?

  • @victoriaborges6899
    @victoriaborges6899 9 месяцев назад

    Disclaimer that I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know the exact line, but "no natural immunity to smallpox" is like triple cringe when you think about how... europeans weren't immune either...... that's how they knew it was a deadly disease and so could be used to do murder..........
    Also every time I see a clip of Benny Shaps he really seems like he's about to burst into tears and start pounding his fists on the ground like a tiny baby lol

  • @untitledanarchistseagullch1237
    @untitledanarchistseagullch1237 9 месяцев назад

    1:27:55 I love this commenter's idea that Judaism can be reconciled, as Ben Shapiro reconciles it, with close and lucrative political and commercial alliances with massive antisemites, but there's just no way that a tradition that recognises six different genders could possibly be reconciled with the existence of trans people.

  • @pidgeonpatrol861
    @pidgeonpatrol861 9 месяцев назад

    1:06:16 Both of you are incorrect but Ben is, of course, more incorrect. One of the foundational rules of Barbie established by Ruth Handler is that Barbie and Ken will only ever be on again off again. Any instance of marriage or bridal barbies is canonically a photo shoot.

  • @alexandriatempest
    @alexandriatempest 9 месяцев назад

    too much wobble. Will try again later.

  • @gaymooshroom371
    @gaymooshroom371 9 месяцев назад

    Please find a word other than 'crippling' to describe fears🥲