0:08 Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben? (Chor) 6:20 Was willst du dich, mein Geist (Arie) 10:13 Zwar fühlt mein schwaches Herz (Rezitativ) 11:18 Doch weichet, ihr tollen (Arie) 16:04 Behalte nur, o Welt (Rezitativ) 17:19 Herrscher über Tod und Leben (Choral)
The Netherlands Bach Society may not read this, but if anyone does, I want to share that this channel has saved my life: I liked studying at school because I learned new things no matter how difficult it was for me to learn. Thanks to My Lord, I managed to graduate with good grades. However, I felt a lot of pressure to have to study a career that I liked, such as mathematics, but it's very difficult to me. And for a long time, I was stressed, because I am a bit slow at learning, I reached a point where I wanted to give up. However, without any grace, it was when the Lord showed me this channel, the Netherlands Bach Society. Seeing them, seeing and hearing their Bach's works in such unique and truly played ways, made me remember why I have been a violist since I was 5 years old and why I like to tell my friends things like 'why baroque music is not boring': "The key (besides the fact that you have to like it) is to study the music historically to know how to interpret it well and give the listener the sensation of really feeling in the baroque era. It literally transports people to another dimension, for That's why people start to differentiate versions of music, even if they are not musicians. So, knowing things like that, people are attracted to it and like it on another level. This is what the Netherlands Bach Society does." When would I be able to know and say things like that? I was the most useless one in my classroom to say and teach others things like this. In a small music academy where I am, little by little I am teaching my friends that they can go beyond just reading the score, and that performing music would be even more interesting, beautiful and fun. I can see that little by little they feel more confident after showing them at the Netherlands Bach Society. At that moment, I realized Lord told me to start my career studying baroque music and finish learning my instrument, the Viola while I was slowly learning and enjoying the subjects that are difficult for me. I was on the verge of maybe going to a psychologist. But The Lord never abandons anyone. Blessed be Sato, Biermann, Henstra, Swartz, Van Veldhoven, Van Doesolaar and all the members who are and have been in this ensemble. Through all of you, God saved my life.
Thank you Sebastian for your kind words and for sharing your story. As we also explained in our background video, it is heartwarming for us to read the reactions on our channel. Especially comments like yours. It shows how powerful music can be. That is also why we started our recording project and why we keep sharing Bach as a gift to the world
Centuries ago, God used Bach to compose this music, so that people would be saved, not just to support and encourage physical difficulties. But also so that the content of the music provides a deeper content of comfort in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ for everyone who believes in Him, because they will have eternal life! Many thanks you told us your story Sebastiaan! Thanks be to God! I was present during the performance/recording of this concert. I have almost gone blind in recent years, but how Bach's music has often encouraged and comforted me! Grateful that God inspired Bach to write such music. That is why, after a difficult period, I brought out my musical talents again and started playing the piano and singing again. Soli Deo Gloria
@@christanjonker2410 Sometimes I feel sorry for myself because I can't afford to attend most concerts. But your comment made me realize that I have eyes to see and ears to hear and faith in the goodness of God. May you enjoy many more concerts and joys in the days to come!
Lebhafte und wunderschöne Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Kirchenkantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Originalinstrumente. Der intelligente und unvergleichliche Violinist-Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Barockorchester im veränderlichen Tempo und mit künstlerisch kontrollierter Dynamik. Erstaunlich, dass solch eine authentische Tradition der deutschen Barockmusik in den Niederlande so perfekt konserviert ist. Alles ist wunderbar!
This is absolutely sublime! The music, performances, recording, setting, editing, captioning ... what a great gift to Bach-lovers everywhere! Thanks to all. This cantata, along with 82, is probably the most immediately captivating of the lot.
Petit à petit naît et se fait la perception de J.S.Bach de Sato, au même titre que mûrissent de façon frappante les jeunes solistes qui l’accompagnent dans ces petits et très efficaces ensembles; c’est réjouissant de voir ce passage et cette transmission entre un ancien et jeune chef avec chaque fois et un approfondissement et une relecture, celle de chaque temps. Bravo ! Je crois que nous sommes très nombreux à admirer et aimer votre travail à tous !
It's incredible to feel uncertainty and reality while listening to the sweet notes of this cantata. Death is a reality; what can we do to avoid it? I find this answer clearly in Bach, leaving an immortal legacy and as he believed, "Erscheine mir, seliger, fröhlicher Morgen, verkläret und herrlich vor Jesu zu stehn." He believed that death was not an end, but the beginning of perfection, to be with Christ. Watching Sato conduct with such joy and passion in front of such a majestic church, I can see that Bach is not just music; he is community, love, faith. It is hope and joy that the Netherlands Bach Society conveys flawlessly... Infinite thanks for "All of Bach," a work that will endure alongside Bach beyond the barriers of language, places, genres, religions, even death, extending Bach's message regardless of his absence. Gary.M
Wat geweldig dat Shunske deze Cantate gekozen heeft als afscheid! Dit tempo met deze solisten, in het bijzonder Benny Aghassi op de blokfluit !! Heel lang geleden zong ik deze cantate in de Bachcantatediensten in de Geertekerk. Nu thuis bij het luisteren, ontroerend mooi !!
Farewell Shunske Sato. Your performances with the Netherlands Bach Society have been sublime, energetic and insightful. I especially liked BWV 97 Ich traue seiner Gnaden. Great tempo and rhythm. You really brought this to life.
On comprend tôt ou tard avec Jean-Sébastien Bach, comment grâce à sa musique, faire la différence, entre d'une part ...l'existence qu'on encombre tous de tant de "choses" superflues, de tant de plaisirs illusoires infructueux, histoire de chercher à la compenser de tout ou partie de ce dont elle nous frustre, et d'autre part ...la vie qui comme les oeuvres de JS Bach nous comble de plaisirs et de bonheurs essentiels. On réalise alors combien l'harmonie, est essentielle à la vie, combien, au contraire, notre existence est inharmonieuse. Lorsqu'on a enfin compris que rien ne sert de chercher à compenser nos frustrations existentielles autrement que par l'harmonie vitale des "choses" essentielles à la vie, on sait à n'en pas douter alors, que JS Bach est un des plus grand contributeur de cette harmonie vitale essentielle dont on a tous tant besoin pour vivre. A leur échelle et dans leur domaine ces interprètes de la Bach Society, sont eux aussi des contributeurs de tout premier ordre. Didier Belmondo.
While this music touches many people on a spiritual level... for me, it REALLY helps me focus while I'm working and writing articles. I can't stress enough how well this beautiful music puts me in the right headspace to actually focus and calm down. Love you, NBS!!
It's a beautiful recorder in A (aka third flute). The alto in F4 is the standard recorder of the Baroque, although there is a small repertoire written for other sizes. In seventeenth-century England, smaller recorders were named for their relationship to the alto and notated as transposing instruments with respect to it: third flute (A4), fifth flute (soprano; C5), sixth flute (D5), and octave flute (sopranino; F5). The term flute du quart, or fourth flute (B♭4), was used by Charles Dieupart.
Una vez, enhorabuena y muchas gracias. Es increíble la labor que hacéis llevando la música de Bach a todo el mundo a través de vuestros vídeos. Y siempre con interpretaciones de primerísimo nivel. Bravo.-
Dont ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. Wonderful music, and this music will stay forever, but we will soon be gone. Let us enjoy this music as long as we can! Bach knew something about life and death that seems to be forgotten today.
Bach non mi stanca dal 1992 e credo adesso a 56 anni che non mi stanchera' nemmeno a 90 anni di età 😊❤ Saluti da Lecce South Italy Baroque City 👑🎼🎹🎻🎻📯🎺🎺🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Terrific performance for this majestic cantata. Netherlands Bach Society, you perform the miracle of making me travel in time to the 18th century, right inside St Thomas church, side by side with Bach himself… Thanks for your meticulous work!❤
Qué maravilla esta Cantata oh Dios, me conmueve y llena de esperanza. Cuántas preguntas dolorosas que me hago, tienen su respuesta! J.S.Bach me acerca como nadie a Ti Jesús: "Haz que sea bueno mi final, y enseñame a entegar mi espiritu con coraje y valor" AMÉN
Man kann diese einzigartig schöne Baßarie nicht frischer, herzlicher und virtuoser singen als Felix Schwandtke. Ich verneige mich vor einem unglaublich lieben Kollegen - ja, und immer, immer, immer wieder vor meinem fratello nello spirito Shunske Sato. ❤🔥
Oh no, Shunsuke is leaving NBS? 😢 His interpretations of baroque music are among the best I've heard in my life, and his virtuosity as a string player is mind-blowing, particularly when it comes to improvizations and embellishments. I'll greatly miss him, and I hope to see him from time to time as a soloist! All the best.
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that." You can follow his activities at www.shunskesato.com
I swear Bach sometimes has every note of the 12 tones in a key sounding simultaneously--with the brilliant exploitation of chromatic passing notes--without a hint of dissonance.
Pure bliss with a twist. " wenn werd ich sterben" (first) means he´s longing to die and meet his master . Dont think many have expected this elevated trancended way of saying : I had enough
I didn't even know Shunske Sato was no longer director. I'm sad because I enjoyed his direction of the superb ensemble. I have only good wishes for him. Who is the current director?
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that." We are still in the process of searching a successor
Oh no, Ive been meaning to travel to NL to see NBS while under Sato, so you say I’ve missed it 😮😢. Well, I still hope it will be a nice new chapter for everyone ❤
The Netherlands Bach Society has been maintaining high standards for quite a long time, so I expect they'll be just as good under their next director. Go ahead and plan a trip!
I am surprised to hear this on recorder rather than traverso. I remember that there is more than one version of that part - is one of them actually designated for recorder?
The “flauto piccolo” part seems to only work on the third flute (as used here). It’s a bit of enigma given how uncommon such instruments were but then a small transverse flute in A is probably even less common. I can’t think of any originals, you may know better. I think it’s also common to prefer the later version as there’s the probable Buffardin connection with it.
Bach did perform this cantata several times. The flute part of the first version is for 'flauto piccolo oder flauto traverso': www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalWork_work_00000009
Ik heb "Wenn werd ich sterben" altijd vertaald als "Wanneer ik eenmaal zal sterven" in plaats van een vraag "Wanneer zal ik sterven?" Die laatste is ook helemaal geen Bach vraag! Een foute vertaling geeft toch een andere kleur aan dit een van het meest prachtige stuk van Bach
Amazing solution - my group performed is using a traverso (me) and it was so difficult to play those high notes - but you simply dropped them, quick solution if not a bit disappointing. Of course a soprano recorder would be the better choice!
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that." You can follow his activities at www.shunskesato.com
@@bbsunsun Yes, it is interesting you said that. There are certain players I love to see taking part for whom I have special names, such as Princess Anne, Bertha, and the Spanish one. They feel like members of a much loved family to me.
0:08 Liebster Gott, wenn werd ich sterben? (Chor)
6:20 Was willst du dich, mein Geist (Arie)
10:13 Zwar fühlt mein schwaches Herz (Rezitativ)
11:18 Doch weichet, ihr tollen (Arie)
16:04 Behalte nur, o Welt (Rezitativ)
17:19 Herrscher über Tod und Leben (Choral)
The Netherlands Bach Society may not read this, but if anyone does, I want to share that this channel has saved my life: I liked studying at school because I learned new things no matter how difficult it was for me to learn. Thanks to My Lord, I managed to graduate with good grades. However, I felt a lot of pressure to have to study a career that I liked, such as mathematics, but it's very difficult to me. And for a long time, I was stressed, because I am a bit slow at learning, I reached a point where I wanted to give up. However, without any grace, it was when the Lord showed me this channel, the Netherlands Bach Society. Seeing them, seeing and hearing their Bach's works in such unique and truly played ways, made me remember why I have been a violist since I was 5 years old and why I like to tell my friends things like 'why baroque music is not boring': "The key (besides the fact that you have to like it) is to study the music historically to know how to interpret it well and give the listener the sensation of really feeling in the baroque era. It literally transports people to another dimension, for That's why people start to differentiate versions of music, even if they are not musicians. So, knowing things like that, people are attracted to it and like it on another level. This is what the Netherlands Bach Society does."
When would I be able to know and say things like that? I was the most useless one in my classroom to say and teach others things like this. In a small music academy where I am, little by little I am teaching my friends that they can go beyond just reading the score, and that performing music would be even more interesting, beautiful and fun. I can see that little by little they feel more confident after showing them at the Netherlands Bach Society. At that moment, I realized Lord told me to start my career studying baroque music and finish learning my instrument, the Viola while I was slowly learning and enjoying the subjects that are difficult for me. I was on the verge of maybe going to a psychologist. But The Lord never abandons anyone. Blessed be Sato, Biermann, Henstra, Swartz, Van Veldhoven, Van Doesolaar and all the members who are and have been in this ensemble. Through all of you, God saved my life.
Thank you Sebastian for your kind words and for sharing your story. As we also explained in our background video, it is heartwarming for us to read the reactions on our channel. Especially comments like yours. It shows how powerful music can be. That is also why we started our recording project and why we keep sharing Bach as a gift to the world
Centuries ago, God used Bach to compose this music, so that people would be saved, not just to support and encourage physical difficulties. But also so that the content of the music provides a deeper content of comfort in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ for everyone who believes in Him, because they will have eternal life! Many thanks you told us your story Sebastiaan! Thanks be to God!
I was present during the performance/recording of this concert. I have almost gone blind in recent years, but how Bach's music has often encouraged and comforted me! Grateful that God inspired Bach to write such music.
That is why, after a difficult period, I brought out my musical talents again and started playing the piano and singing again.
Soli Deo Gloria
The ancient world had a phrase ‘all in keeping’…such as this…
@@christanjonker2410 Sometimes I feel sorry for myself because I can't afford to attend most concerts. But your comment made me realize that I have eyes to see and ears to hear and faith in the goodness of God. May you enjoy many more concerts and joys in the days to come!
This must be the most superb group of musicians performing some of the most sublime music ever written. A true gift to humanity!
Lebhafte und wunderschöne Aufführung dieser perfekt komponierten Kirchenkantate mit gut harmonisierten Stimmen des ausgezeichneten Chors und herrlichen Stimmen vierer genialen Solisten sowie gut vereinigten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen aller Originalinstrumente. Der intelligente und unvergleichliche Violinist-Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Barockorchester im veränderlichen Tempo und mit künstlerisch kontrollierter Dynamik. Erstaunlich, dass solch eine authentische Tradition der deutschen Barockmusik in den Niederlande so perfekt konserviert ist. Alles ist wunderbar!
This is absolutely sublime! The music, performances, recording, setting, editing, captioning ... what a great gift to Bach-lovers everywhere! Thanks to all.
This cantata, along with 82, is probably the most immediately captivating of the lot.
Petit à petit naît et se fait la perception de J.S.Bach de Sato, au même titre que mûrissent de façon frappante les jeunes solistes qui l’accompagnent dans ces petits et très efficaces ensembles; c’est réjouissant de voir ce passage et cette transmission entre un ancien et jeune chef avec chaque fois et un approfondissement et une relecture, celle de chaque temps. Bravo ! Je crois que nous sommes très nombreux à admirer et aimer votre travail à tous !
It's incredible to feel uncertainty and reality while listening to the sweet notes of this cantata. Death is a reality; what can we do to avoid it? I find this answer clearly in Bach, leaving an immortal legacy and as he believed, "Erscheine mir, seliger, fröhlicher Morgen, verkläret und herrlich vor Jesu zu stehn." He believed that death was not an end, but the beginning of perfection, to be with Christ.
Watching Sato conduct with such joy and passion in front of such a majestic church, I can see that Bach is not just music; he is community, love, faith. It is hope and joy that the Netherlands Bach Society conveys flawlessly...
Infinite thanks for "All of Bach," a work that will endure alongside Bach beyond the barriers of language, places, genres, religions, even death, extending Bach's message regardless of his absence.
Christ always with us! ❤
Well said, an open door to Bach's mind for me and others, TY.
@@alpinoalpini3849 quien dijo q hable por vos?
Wat geweldig dat Shunske deze Cantate gekozen heeft als afscheid! Dit tempo met deze solisten, in het bijzonder Benny Aghassi op de blokfluit !! Heel lang geleden zong ik deze cantate in de Bachcantatediensten in de Geertekerk. Nu thuis bij het luisteren, ontroerend mooi !!
Guy Cutting is amazing in this cantata. Incisive coloratura, exquisite line shaping and clarion tone top to bottom. My idol!
Farewell Shunske Sato. Your performances with the Netherlands Bach Society have been sublime, energetic and insightful. I especially liked BWV 97 Ich traue seiner Gnaden. Great tempo and rhythm. You really brought this to life.
I´m in love with Rodrigo Lopez Paz´s Oboe playing. Stunningly beautiful. *thx, NBS*
On comprend tôt ou tard avec Jean-Sébastien Bach, comment grâce à sa musique, faire la différence, entre d'une part ...l'existence qu'on encombre tous de tant de "choses" superflues, de tant de plaisirs illusoires infructueux, histoire de chercher à la compenser de tout ou partie de ce dont elle nous frustre, et d'autre part ...la vie qui comme les oeuvres de JS Bach nous comble de plaisirs et de bonheurs essentiels. On réalise alors combien l'harmonie, est essentielle à la vie, combien, au contraire, notre existence est inharmonieuse.
Lorsqu'on a enfin compris que rien ne sert de chercher à compenser nos frustrations existentielles autrement que par l'harmonie vitale des "choses" essentielles à la vie, on sait à n'en pas douter alors, que JS Bach est un des plus grand contributeur de cette harmonie vitale essentielle dont on a tous tant besoin pour vivre. A leur échelle et dans leur domaine ces interprètes de la Bach Society, sont eux aussi des contributeurs de tout premier ordre. Didier Belmondo.
While this music touches many people on a spiritual level... for me, it REALLY helps me focus while I'm working and writing articles. I can't stress enough how well this beautiful music puts me in the right headspace to actually focus and calm down. Love you, NBS!!
Weer zo'n prachtige cantate. Na dit concert heb ik de blaren op mijn handen geklapt, voor Shunske. Wat een gemis is dat toch.
wow the recorder in the first chorale is incredible
Thanks! Played by Benny Aghassi
It's a beautiful recorder in A (aka third flute).
The alto in F4 is the standard recorder of the Baroque, although there is a small repertoire written for other sizes. In seventeenth-century England, smaller recorders were named for their relationship to the alto and notated as transposing instruments with respect to it: third flute (A4), fifth flute (soprano; C5), sixth flute (D5), and octave flute (sopranino; F5). The term flute du quart, or fourth flute (B♭4), was used by Charles Dieupart.
A choral by Bach performed by the NBS never fails to sooth the soul.
És Bach
Joya de Bach, como siempre un placer escuchar a la NBS. Saludos desde Uruguay.
Cela dépasse tout ce que l 'on peut imaginer comme beauté !
Music to make the heart sing.
There is no way to feel sad when listening to this. Sublime!
What an absolute masterpiece.
Una vez, enhorabuena y muchas gracias. Es increíble la labor que hacéis llevando la música de Bach a todo el mundo a través de vuestros vídeos. Y siempre con interpretaciones de primerísimo nivel. Bravo.-
Beautiful, perfect music for a perfect weathered day
Beautiful music ~🧚♀️
OMG FINALLY! I love this cantata so much!
Thank you NBS and Mr. Sato😊
Dont ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. Wonderful music, and this music will stay forever, but we will soon be gone. Let us enjoy this music as long as we can! Bach knew something about life and death that seems to be forgotten today.
Thank you very much NBS. Everything you produce is exquisite. 💙🤗
Prachtige opname! Heel gave bassolo, en wat heerlijk om Griet weer te horen!❣
What a lovely Waltz in the first movement, and what a lovely Cantata on the whole !
Bach non mi stanca dal 1992 e credo adesso a 56 anni che non mi stanchera' nemmeno a 90 anni di età 😊❤ Saluti da Lecce South Italy Baroque City 👑🎼🎹🎻🎻📯🎺🎺🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
It was a wonderful performance, with the voices and the sounds of instruments such as recorders and violins coming together. Thank you.
Thank you. Utterly marvellous. An inspiration. 🙏🙏
Terrific performance for this majestic cantata. Netherlands Bach Society, you perform the miracle of making me travel in time to the 18th century, right inside St Thomas church, side by side with Bach himself… Thanks for your meticulous work!❤
Wonderful. This is such an amazing channel.
Qué maravilla esta Cantata oh Dios, me conmueve y llena de esperanza. Cuántas preguntas dolorosas que me hago, tienen su respuesta! J.S.Bach me acerca como nadie a Ti Jesús: "Haz que sea bueno mi final, y enseñame a entegar mi espiritu con coraje y valor" AMÉN
Wow, Guy Cutting - what a superb performance. So elegant and stylish, and also technically proficient. Impressive!
Восхищена исполнителями. Спасибо!
The dawn chorus/chirping birds motifs suggest to the listener, "Here is a new day, will it be my last?"
Interesting thought. I find this music too beautiful to contemplate on "Dearest God, when will I die". (And I'm at the far end).
Birds, that’s a romantic interpretation. Most Bach scholars agree that this an imitation of the death bell (as it was common in the 18th century)
The genius of Bach. He was truly a mouthpiece for God and composer of stunningly beautiful music.
You are all so beautiful.
日本語でおk(←ネタです) かも。
Is absolutely astonishing how NBS each performance is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing! Pure beauty.
Thank you so much!
Beautiful opening.
Lovely, and a wonderful warm ending.
i am such a hUge fan of this project
I love Bach.
Simply overwhelming... The application of the sixth flute(?) is absolutely convincing. The hautbois and singing are beautiful. Thank you very much!
Thanks! And it's a sixth flute indeed
gorgeousnesssss 💛🩷💜
The structure of your behind are different classic colors style been maybe long time past ❤❤❤❤
Man kann diese einzigartig schöne Baßarie nicht frischer, herzlicher und virtuoser singen als Felix Schwandtke. Ich verneige mich vor einem unglaublich lieben Kollegen - ja, und immer, immer, immer wieder vor meinem fratello nello spirito Shunske Sato.
Oh no, Shunsuke is leaving NBS? 😢 His interpretations of baroque music are among the best I've heard in my life, and his virtuosity as a string player is mind-blowing, particularly when it comes to improvizations and embellishments. I'll greatly miss him, and I hope to see him from time to time as a soloist! All the best.
We all miss Sato…. Nevertheless, he’s planning a recording of all of Beethoven’s violin sonatas, and I can’t wait to hear his interpretation !
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that."
You can follow his activities at www.shunskesato.com
@@bach will he appear as guest every now and then?
@@bach Has a new Musical Director of NBS been announced yet? I have been looking on your website, but could not find the answer.
Wonderful, topcast and orchestra and the bassoon player is very good on the recorder as well!
Danke schon
I swear Bach sometimes has every note of the 12 tones in a key sounding simultaneously--with the brilliant exploitation of chromatic passing notes--without a hint of dissonance.
Stunning duet tenor-oboe!!
Had to listen twice ❤
19 minutes of pure bliss!!
Pure bliss with a twist. " wenn werd ich sterben" (first) means he´s longing to die and meet his master . Dont think many have expected this elevated trancended way of saying : I had enough
I wish you would have performer the second version :( nice work!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Very beautifully performed thank you NBS🍃
Bravo Benny! :-)
Nur ein Wort. "Himmlisch".
Que alivio oir una cantata de Bach. Gracias :D
Felicitaciones al flautista
Love love love❤❤❤
long live the NBS!!!
Super Schön
This is not the Bach I knew! Captivating!
Obviamente un placer!
Wow, at 10:13, extraordinary tone!
Oh le 1er chorale est si beau❤...merci à tous ses musiciens...
Surtout que la Gloire revienne à Dieu Seul maitre de tous au nom de Jésus-Christ amen amen !
I didn't even know Shunske Sato was no longer director. I'm sad because I enjoyed his direction of the superb ensemble. I have only good wishes for him. Who is the current director?
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that."
We are still in the process of searching a successor
Oh no, Ive been meaning to travel to NL to see NBS while under Sato, so you say I’ve missed it 😮😢. Well, I still hope it will be a nice new chapter for everyone ❤
The Netherlands Bach Society has been maintaining high standards for quite a long time, so I expect they'll be just as good under their next director. Go ahead and plan a trip!
@@mwnyc3976 I sure will, that is out of the question :)
Nice to listen to Mr. Aghassi playing something other than his bassoon.
yes, his recorder playing is gorgeous, but his bassoon playing is also great to listen to
M'agrada la versió més antiga amb Harnoncourt/Herreweghe.
Sopranos nens, altos i tenors i baixos
Griet De Geyter + Sato >>>>
I am surprised to hear this on recorder rather than traverso. I remember that there is more than one version of that part - is one of them actually designated for recorder?
The “flauto piccolo” part seems to only work on the third flute (as used here). It’s a bit of enigma given how uncommon such instruments were but then a small transverse flute in A is probably even less common. I can’t think of any originals, you may know better. I think it’s also common to prefer the later version as there’s the probable Buffardin connection with it.
Bach did perform this cantata several times. The flute part of the first version is for 'flauto piccolo oder flauto traverso': www.bach-digital.de/receive/BachDigitalWork_work_00000009
@@bach Thanks, I will look that up.
@@baroquewinds I thought the "Buffardin version" was the first one. I need to lookup my notes on this again. Interesting to hear it like this.
15:15 diese Frische!
Wonderful, thank you very much! The conducting of the excellent solo violinist is a bit strange.
Ik heb "Wenn werd ich sterben" altijd vertaald als "Wanneer ik eenmaal zal sterven" in plaats van een vraag "Wanneer zal ik sterven?" Die laatste is ook helemaal geen Bach vraag! Een foute vertaling geeft toch een andere kleur aan dit een van het meest prachtige stuk van Bach
Toch is wanneer zal ik sterven een correcte vertaling. Wanneer ik eenmaal zal sterven is wel de tekst van het bekende koraal uit de Matthäus-Passion
SATO :💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa! 🪈❤
Du du dddduuuuppppaaaa😂
Amazing solution - my group performed is using a traverso (me) and it was so difficult to play those high notes - but you simply dropped them, quick solution if not a bit disappointing. Of course a soprano recorder would be the better choice!
0:53 🎉
What is the town shown in the opening shot? ❤😍
Naarden Vesting
@@guidotichelman8597 It's lovely, at least from above!
Beautiful!❤ Is Sato coming back? If not what is he doing now?
Shunske Sato left the Netherlands Bach Society at the end of the 2023-2024 season to be able to perform more diverse repertoire: "I know I would have to live thirty lifetimes to know, perform and really digest and understand all the beautiful music. And yet I want to keep trying. The desire for other music than with the Netherlands Bach Society, other repertoire, always played at the edges. I couldn't really develop that further. Now there will be room for that."
You can follow his activities at www.shunskesato.com
@@bach Thank you for the reply. So sad as I loved watching him here with those wonderful musicians whose faces became so familiar.
@@bbsunsun Yes, it is interesting you said that. There are certain players I love to see taking part for whom I have special names, such as Princess Anne, Bertha, and the Spanish one. They feel like members of a much loved family to me.