As a retired CoC preacher, I say that your salvation does not depend on what others say or do, it depends on your individual relationship with Jesus. Why bind your salvation to men? You can be free and stand on your own. That being said, these are just people who are trying to do what is taught in the Bible. Remember that these are the hurt and wounded from the world who came to Jesus and are trying to find their way.
@abcdef7777 Amen!!! @paulday your presentation made me feel you want to be a leader in a church. You can. But, using US military as a metaphor, before you can become a general, you have to start as a private. Keep your faith in our Lord and Savior and trust in no man made religion or in the ways man has and willl always twist the only word of God, the holy bible. God bless you two!
US retired Church of Christ preacher have a dreadful Day of Judgement ahead of you unless God grant you repentance. You talk about detaching a person from men in their beliefs, but the Church of Christ is a supreme example carnal man entering the church and ruling and deceiving people. The Church of Christ denies every core Doctrine concerning man and concerning God in Salvation
@@Rbl7132 Without knowing all the details of your experiences with the CoC, I can't really say that you are right or wrong. But to judge all, by one, is not scriptural. The CoC is people, people are not perfect. I won't defend what others believe, I only defend what I believe, personally. I hope that you are still a Christian. Please feel free to continue the conversation. I am interested in what you have to say about this matter.
@@abcdef-kq2zg The Church of Christ denies: personal predestination unto salvation, Divine election, reprobation, salvation by faith alone through grace alone, they deny the saving faith is a gift that is obtained from God, and salvation by works. THOSE ARE THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. A SWEEPING DENIAL OF BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. DIE WITH THOSE BELIEFS AND END UP JUDGED BY GOD WITHOUT CHRIST.
@@Rbl7132Well, God's grace is able to save souls, even if they are not perfect in their teachings. Are souls judged as individuals, or saved or not saved, because they attend a certain congregation in worship? We are not saved because we attend a Baptist church or some other group. We are saved as an individual soul. Each congregation is supposed to be independent, which leaves room for some variations of doctrines. A CoC could teach as you say, and still be a CoC.
The problem is people look for the true church by their own standards but arent looking for Jesus. I did the samething and finally i heard the Gospel and Christ saved me.
i keep hearing Marshall Keebles words " can you imagine Peter being a baptist and John a catholic? Mathew an assembly of God member and Luke a presbyterian?" it is not about doctrine its always about the Bible. it's simple. and every challenge or argument is solved in the Church with the Biblical example of erring to the weaker brother " if eating unclean food offends your brother, spit it out" One Church. One Savior. One Way. Let's get back to the basics of winning lost souls to Christ!
@zyxwvut the church of Christ is not a denomination. Each church functions independently of every other. Sounds like you had a terrible experience I'm very very sorry💔🙏🏿 it's not that way at every church of Christ at all.
@zyxwvut agree to disagree. By definition a denomination has a central governing body. The church of Christ does not. My own eyes have seen the differences in the churches across the country. grouping all churches of Christ together is the simple mistake here. There is no central governing body. My initial statement was in reference to one church. The Lord did not intend for all this division and separation. One church one faith one God. The Bible does not teach Catholicism or Protestantism. We need to unite as one and get back to the basics of winning lost souls to Christ in my most humble of opinions. Nothing but peace and love be yours is my prayer for you and your family❤️
I also left the church of christ because I couldn't stand how they always kept looking down their noses at me. I tried to be open and honest with who was ever Discipling me but when I confessed my sins they would tell everyone else what I did. They all just kept giving up on me and thought I was never good enough to disciple anyone. So finally on one Sunday even before the sermon was over I just said "I quit just write me off as a fall away!" Then I walked out and went home.
Thank you for sharing your experience within the Church of Christ movement. My heart grieves for you in how you were treated, and I can say some of the ways you were treated are quite common in the CoC. I pray that you have found a true Biblical church that has embraced you and pointed you to Jesus who qualifies the ungodly to stand before a holy God and gives the righteousness that a sinner needs to be perfect in His sight. If you embrace the true Jesus in faith, He will never give up on you and will strengthen and establish you so that after having done everything you will stand victorious because of what He has done for you. I will pray for you my friend. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out anytime.
I made the mistake of going to CoC with a lifelong friend & then deciding it wasn't for me- CoC had turned him into a hypocrite and we are no longer friends. My main problems, after trying other churches over the years, was too much singing, not enough coverage of scripture & pushing missionary service to keep getting your money. My now ex-friend kept telling me I needed to be baptized and I kept telling him that I was baptized at the age of 21 (1969) in Atlanta & now I find out the church doesn't accept re-baptism anyway so my friend was a double-hypocrite. But to me the most significant thing was after years and years of hearing him & his wife push Christianity to me I also found it hypocritical that after the regular services and a lunch provided in the gym a bunch of black people would go to a room in the back and have a deep study and debate of scripture. My friends didn't go to them, none of the mostly white congregation went to them...I was always the only white person in the room and this not only pushed me away from CoC, but away from all organized religion & waiting for some proof of god other than an endorphin rush.
I was in the Church of Christ in junior high school through my mid twenties. I went to Freed-Hardeman College (now University). There are just 4-5 people from college that have remained my friends after I left the Church of Christ. It is so sad.
@@cathywestholt5324 I'm sorry you lost friends over it, although if you still have some, you're lucky. In my case, by the time there was something to tell, we had all drifted away from each other already. So no, they don't know, or don't know it from me. I think one may have got the news from a cousin of mine, but I haven't heard from her in nearly 30 years either. My cousin knew, because of course my immediate family of origin knew. They disfellowshipped me, and still do.
i really cant believe this. I was raised in the church of christ, everything you have said i relate to. That church really caused me many years of confusion. its a very hard church.
Hard? My God they are just telling you Denominationalism is wrong and that Baptism is required to complete all righteousness Or what you want to sit on sin and disobedience to God and claim you saved no matter what you believe and do? The Gospel is hard so hard , the Son of God died for the Gospel.
👏👏👏👏 you are brave and a true follower of Christ. I have great respect and love for you brother. The Spirit has truly done a work in you and your family and I am so happy for that.
I will gladly talk with you about your concerns. The biggest problem I keep hearing is your reference to Campbell. The Lord’s church is not Campbell’s church. Calvinism is false doctrine. Do not be misled.
Campbellism is literally one of the most notorious of sects that is wiling to deny the power and influence of its founders. Every criticism that you can level at denominations concerning their founding and history can be leveled right back at yourself. The difference is that we will acknowledge it; you do all in your power to erase it and cover it up. Deceit and hypocrisy are NOT fruits of the Spirit; neither are they signs of salvation.
@@ReformedOudeis your statement is actually redundant and shows just how confused you are. To say that you acknowledge the influence of man on "your" church and the fact your doctorine is heavily influenced by man's own ideals is almost laughable. Then to turn and accuse another church of having the same influence of man just because your doctorine is false and man made. Well let me ask you. If you through your own confession know that your church is influenced and man made and you accuse every other church of the same, then which church is the one of the Bible that Jesus made??? The Bible says it exists but by your reasoning it can't because you are applying a man's name/doctorine to every other church.
No, you are misunderstanding my objection. Churches of Christ are notorious in their assertion that they were founded in AD 33 by Jesus and are willing to ignore or cover up the significant details on exactly how their 19th Century “Restoration Movement” occurred in most cases. All churches that are criticized by the CoC would acknowledge that what they sought to do was exactly what the Campbells, etc. initial sought to do, go back to the Bible and reform what needed to be reformed. They had a history in doing this, and they bequeathed that to their successors just as much as the Churches of Christ did. If the CoC is able to criticize and “disqualify” other churches based on men being involved in their inception, surely if fairness will be applied, the CoC can be as well. The fact that they are unwilling to even entertain this is a sure sign of the bankruptcy of the intellectual honesty of their movement and even moves them into cult-like practices. Gone are the days where they cried “Christians Only, But Not the Only Christians.” Today it’s “Christians Only and We are the Only Christians.” At least in our day, most churches are able to recognize that we are for the most part Christians First and our differences are secondary, the very thing the Campbells initially set out to do and their successors have long abandoned.
I reciently left the COC. I was not raised in the COC and could buy into the "campbellite" doctrine that was being pushed. Whenever you have a sect like this teaching they are the only ones on the correct path to heaven that is a major red flag!
Explain Campbellite doctrine!? Alexander Campbell didn’t die for you! Christ did. It’s his Church, not any persons. Christ established HIS church. There is no salvation in any other.
I grew up in a fundamentalist church of Christ myself, lots of hell fire and brimstone preaching. At some point we all have to make the Christian faith our own. For me that was rejecting fundamental COC ideas of telling others their destination or arguing over one or multiple cups at communion. While I have visited some cocs that still teach like that the vast majority of cocs today are much different. I personally reject Calvinistic ideas myself because it eliminates free will, but I also acknowledge that an all powerful and knowing God will know my choices before I’m born. I have talked with several preachers from Florida college and think they are way to rigid in their thinking. If you don’t interpret the scriptures the way they they do then you’re wrong…. I have to say however that all churches are full of broken people with good intentions. For those with bad coc experiences forgive them and do not hold on to your bitterness, that is not who we are called to be. Peace to you all.
God gives us free will, and discernment. You are amazing!!! I know it feels like you lost your family at first, but you have grown, and have learned. Keep learning, and preaching!!!
I’m glad I ran across your channel. Im a preachers kid that was raised in the COC. The older I got the more I realized that something wasn’t adding up. I am a substance abuse counselor and seen hundreds of addicts that aren’t members of the COC get saved and turn there will and life over to God. It’s very hard for me to fathom that God is going to send certain people to hell because they are not a member of the church of Christ.
I was a student at Freed-Hardeman in the late '70s. I had recently discovered the writings of C.S. Lewis, who was an Anglican. I remember thinking, "This man's work is such a blessing to the world; I just can't believe God would send him to Hell just because he practiced his faith differently from us." It was the first disconnect for me, although it wasn't until six years after I graduated (and many other conflicts with CoC docrine) before I finally left for good. I became an Episcopalian and have now been that for 37 years, more than half my life. The anniversary of my confirmation is this month. I've never regretted my decision.
@@drcomma2001 Are the gospels legends? Another point is that on that view you would have to regard the accounts of the Man as being legends. Now, as a literary historian, I am perfectly convinced that whatever else the Gospels are they are not legends. I have read a great deal of legend and I am quite clear that they are not the same sort of thing. They are not artistic enough to be legends. From an imaginative point of view they are clumsy, they don’t work up to things properly. Most of the life of Jesus is totally unknown to us, as is the life of anyone else who lived at that time, and no people building up a legend would allow that to be so. Apart from bits of the Platonic dialogues, there are no conversations that I know of in ancient literature like the Fourth Gospel. There is nothing, even in modern literature, until about a hundred years ago when the realistic novel came into existence. In the story of the woman taken in adultery we are told Christ bent down and scribbled in the dust with His finger. Nothing comes of this. No one has ever based any doctrine on it. And the art of inventing little irrelevant details to make an imaginary scene more convincing is a purely modern art. Surely the only explanation of this passage is that the thing really happened? The author put it in simply because he had seen it. C.S. Lewis, "What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?" (1950)
"If you abide in my Word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:31-32 There was only one ark, and only 8 souls were saved in the ark through water. No one outside the ark survived. Yes, God has no problem destroying evil. People choose life or death.
It doesn’t matter how many cups you drink out of. Or if it’s one loaf of unleavened bread. You are missing the point. I’m a Christian and I well be happy to explain Alexander Campbell was just a member of the lords church. Not the founder. The lord is the founder
We call those non issues. We drink the contents of the cup, not the cup. Personally, I don't care to drink out of one cup with so many germs, but you are allowed to.
Church of Christ doesn't obey The Bible 100%! They use grape juice and not actually Wine and use indivdual cups instead of one cup or eat Bread from one loaf like Yeshua and His Disciples did.
God blesses you brother that God opened your heart and mind in reading His words. As a father to you go ahead for we are on the right track to His kingdom
I've studied predestination myself but came to a different conclusion. In short, I believe Paul was referring to God's plan from the beginning of time to give salvation through his Son rather than specifically answering who is being saved. Would you mind sharing the books you've read that changed your mind?
Thanks for watching and for your question. There are several good books I could recommend: Debating Calvinism, The Potter’s Freedom, Predestination, The Justification of God, and The Bondage of the Will. If you have questions, feel free to ask more.
Yes. It is not individuals. He didn' say you, you, and you are saved, and you and you are not. Christ died for everybody, but everybody did not answer His call. Those who followed Christ and were baptized, were added to the church. These are the people that are predestined.
Please don't read books from Calvinists on Calvinism. You can slice and dice the Bible to say anything you want it to. Take a Bible and open it up in Genesis and read through Revelation and make notes on anything that's closely related to the subject you're concerned about. If need be read it through again doing the same thing. Just be honest and note all pros and cons and you'll come to the right decision.
@@Over-for-now Thomas was dead, he refused to believe, until he saw the risen Christ and Jesus even says the reason for his belief was because he saw. You don't need to be regenerated to witness a miracle. Now being born again, that is an act of God, only God can do, that comes after a person has trusted in God. This is how it worked with Thomas.
hi, I'm Brazilian. I spent 23 years of my life among members of that sect as a member. I was a Baptist Christian before and now I am, getting back to my roots. Collecting material to learn more about the movement and its origins. to warn and teach my brothers about the evil indoctrination of this church. There I learned that it was the remnant church in direct succession from the early church. sorry for my english everything depends on google translator. but I'm glad you left this sect.
Jesus will never let you down. Salvation is our direct connection to Him. Men and churches will always fail us and disappoint us. The Bible is our main teacher. God told us in advance: "There is none righteous no not one." Romans 3:10. "The joy of the Lord is your strength."Neh. 8:10 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4
It was great at first. I was baptized in 1991 and stayed until 2003. My husband and I even became bible talk leaders. This is when I saw a little bit more of the control tactics used by the leaders towards the congregants. This did not sit well with me from the beginning. I remember crying so hard because I felt trapped. I felt I could not leave and still be right with God, let alone loose my friendships in the Church. It was such a part of our lives that to imagine our life without it was scary, but after a while I had to do it. It was ruining me and the lives of others. Boy! was this the best decision I've ever made lol My husband kept going because he thought I was a little off my rocker. Besides, they were the only people to get me back in line if he and I were to argue with one another lol! But thank God for the *"Henry Kreit letter"* and I was able to leave and be confident about it.
Your talking about International Churches of Christ not the Church of Christ which this individual Paul is talking about. ICOC branched off from COC in the 1980s, and yes there were and are some controlling practices in various congregations however it isn't uniform, just like the 7 churches in revelations were not uniform. The controlling practices are all based on a misunderstanding of Hebrews 11:17 and completely ignoring Mat 20:24-28. I've experienced it first hand, but I'm keeping my faith by studying carefully, praying for and asking God what his will is. I've heard that the ICOC is much worse in many parts of the USA then it is in were I was Sydney.
Predestination is a thing I will agree but it's not predestination of the individual but it is predestination of the group. You have a choice if you want to belong to the predestined group or not. Now if you choose to be in the group then you must follow the bible which is the only theology used in the Church of Christ. Best wishes and may God win your heart back the right way. Remember Roman's your account you love God but not out of knowledge.
That's funny. I also grew up in the church of Christ. I was never expected to be "perfect." The new testament talks constantly about becoming more Christlike. This is what the Holy Spirit desires. Of course we can't "gain" salvation, but it still requires belief, repentance, and baptism. That doesn't preclude the obvious constant New Testament command that baptism is required for salvation. See Acts 2. Its not an act of man, its an act of God (Jesus is the one who sacrificed himself on the cross).
The funny thing is the ICOC Has Cessationist view on the Holy Spirit they only even believe that it’s still active nor do they believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit being active as well
@@justlifewithzaria8429 I'm not part of the International church of Christ. I'm a Christian and a member of an autonomous local church of Christ. The New Testament is clear that those gifts will cease when the perfect has come (the complete Word of God). Secondly, each example in the New Testament of miraculous gifts were either performed by Jesus, the Apostles, or people who the Apostles laid hands on to transfer those miraculous gifts. When those men and women died, so did those miraculous gifts. They weren't needed anymore because we had the complete Word of God by then. Miraculous gifts were needed at the time to confirm the Word of God. Those gifts aren't needed now that we have the complete Word of God.
I'm a third generation Church of Christ member. I'll be the first to tell anyone we have been a very fractured and legalistic wing of the Restoration Movement but I have yet to give up on it because I believe there is more good than harm that comes from it.
Baptism today is mere symbolism - in Jesus's day it was a statement of life or death. You actually put your life on the line by being baptised and indicating you were one of "those people".
My wife has a hummingbird feeder and she makes the sugar water available by her own hands , she places it on the hook. The birds come freely to drink, however the birds chase one another away and many times none get a drink of the free water available to them because they fight over who has the right to the free gift. This is a picture of what religious institutions have done . Break free from religion and come to Christ freel. We are all sinners and deserve judgment but the price has been paid in full. Just come and to that you don't need a great big mind. You just simply believe. Now you guys can fight over that and who has a right to drink. Some of us are done with organized religious institutions that have all their doctrines laid out in anxiety order. But jesus says come freely . I'll choose jesus Christ every time over man-made doctrines that brings men into bondage. Or doesn't allow some to simply believe but attacks and keeps men from just receiving what is free for them. MMabry you have a degree in some college but that doesn't qualify you. You learned calvinism through someone. Now you can't even see that that's a doctrine made up by John calvin. That's what religion does it is the blind thinking they see leading those that they think are blind. Salvation is now only for those who follow a certain man made doctrine that claim salvation is in Christ alone and simply be living but exclusive as long as you staybin the reformed doctrineds. To lift up chauvinistic doctrines is blatant idolatry. Jesus is the only way truth and life. May calvinism decrease and jesus be lifted up for all to see and all to free choose to come or freely choose to walk away. God chooses no man to perish as calvinism teaches. No matter how they spin it just isn't found in the truth of Jesus own words. I used to be in the reformed circles they do teach and expose false teachings but calvinism is the idol of reformed theology and how an love their idols .
Actually God provides for the birds. They will continue to live because God takes care of them. Non inspired men can never changed what's in the Bible. I believe in obedience to the Word.
@@carolsmith18hrist decides who are members of HIS CHURCH and not people who put a sign out front of a building with his name on it. You worship and put your trust in a "church" of your making and you should be worshipping and trusting in the person of Christ. Remember Jesus said "I will build my church" and that's what he meant.
@b.a.e.7532 get out of the CoC... before it is too late.. it is a cult... 'Not as bad as the Mormons or Jehovah Witness.. but they are unbiblical.. Baptism does NOT save... and One cannot lose their salvation.. once they have received it.. Salvation is a gift from God... do you think God is an "Indian Giver"..?.. or do you think God is Not Omniscient?.. why would God grant salvation to any .. if they were capable of losing it .. gaining it... losing it.... over and over again... ad infinitum...?.. THAT IS NOT what the bible teaches... there Is No mention of salvation being "lost".. by anyone in the bible... ONLY mention of those who appeared to be saved but were NOT... such as Judas Iscariot...
God bless you, Paul. Thank you for sharing this. I knew nothing about the Church of Christ, but I'm going to visit one tomorrow morning at the request of a friend. I'm a member of a Reformed Baptist church and hold to the convictions of essentially what the 1689 LBCF says. I was looking at different things online to try to get a feel of what I'm gonna step into tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to open up some dialogues with my friend. Thank you for sharing your heart.
You are most welcome sir. There are several more videos on my channel dedicated to just this very issue. Particularly How to Witness to a Campbellite and Campbellism is a Reformed Baptist Issue. Feel free to listen and use as much as you’d like. Blessings!
I am sorry that you had such Abad experience,my family joined when I was nine, I think I was old enough where I could understand,that you should not shallow everything just because.I was baptised at thirteen and still faithful today, I still question presumptions to this day. If you don't question,you will not get answers and sometimes the person you question might be able too see a different point of view, as a brotherhood we should be able to agree to disagree,just remember that God doesn't want you there if don't want to be there so don't feel guilty about something you not feel guilty àbout. May God bless you in your future
.....see to it that no man misses the grace of God. St. Paul We are all sinners, and only by the grace God we are saved. Wish the best for you young man.
I completely agree. The question is are we correctly understanding the grace of God and salvation as is revealed in divine revelation? My contention is that the Churches of Christ in their zeal to initially bring Christian union have missed the mark on this issue.
Stay strong, brother. My journey has been a long one, finally ending up in the Reformed faith, where it's actually ok to say, "I was an idiot, am an idiot, and will be an idiot!" Through ongoing sanctification though, I hope to be less of an idiot tomorrow than I am today. I must say that I believe that anyone who believes in Christ is saved, but if it is at all expected of me to have much at all to with it, then I'm like Paul: "Oh wretched man that I am- the very thing that I should do, that I do not!" If I have to be dependent on personal willpower, it seems that I'm already defeated.
Amen brother idk I'm I believe in all points of Calvinism but I do know the holy spirit calls out to all those that hear the gospel not all will answer.
I love my friends in the Church of Christ and Christian church so much. There were several passages of scripture that challenged my belief in that particular theology. One was the conversion of Cornelius. He simply heard and was filled with the Holy Spirit BEFORE baptism. Secondly, the argument of Paul in Romans 4 and in Galatians… how Abraham was justified by faith alone… BEFORE he had any works to “prove” it. It all made sense that my faith and trust should be in Christ alone and not in myself or my works/obedience. When I placed my trust in Christ alone I immediately had assurance of my salvation. But to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness. Romans 4:5
Unfortunately, I had a bad experience with I guess an old school CoC member. I believe salvation comes first, usually by the preaching of the word and a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a command and a sign to show my new brothers and sisters in Christ what has happened to my inner man. However, the CoC gentlemen adamantly believed that you are only officially saved after baptism. I had been immersed in the baptist church but he did not recognize it as valid and offered to baptise me again at the Coc church under their witness. He explained to me that I was not a Christian without the proper baptism and that the new life I thought I had was a deception. This was funny because he openly confessed that he had been baptized 3 times in his life so that he could be sure he was saved. Odd, I had learned from the bible that it was the testimony of my mouth (confessing that Jesus is Lord and fulfilled all that was written) and that I would be known by my fruits. I did not know mortal men could see into the hearts of men and know if they are the Elect of God, but I guess this fellow could. He never could come to calling me a brother in Christ.
I’ve been a member of the church of Christ since ‘63. Long time missionary. Common for children baptized at 8 or 9 to be “rebaptized” around 16 or 17. These affectionally called “double dippers”. At three times you’re “was-n-wear”. (And in my experiences a little unhealthily consumed with past sin).
So sad, I had an uncle that was baptized as a Baptist church member when he was a teenager and latter married my aunt that went to the coc. He went to all the services for the next 65 years and but the church said he was not saved! That is one of the reasons I don't go there any more.
Read Acts 19:1-4. You're using what all people do when they dont want to believe something, they attack the person rather than the doctrine. What does the Bible teach? Forget the inadequacies of men. Baptism puts one in to Christ because that's what the Bible teaches, Romans 6:3-5, I Peter 3:19-21 and on and on.
@@Autofill1967 not "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" only adds to the confusion. People are lumping together things Paul taught with the things Jesus taught to Israel for Israel. 1 Corinthians 12:13 it is the Holy Spirit baptising us into the Body of Christ. It isn't a baptising of dunking in water by your pastor or elder. This is "THE ONE BAPTISM" that Paul only speaks of in Ephesians 4 to the Gentiles for this current Dispensation. Jesus and the 12 have a different baptism for a completely different reason for a completely different Dispensation for Israel. We are not Israel. Israel is Israel. They are a nation. We are a Body. Believers in Paul's Gospel are Spiritually baptised into this Body of Christ. Only Paul teaches this. The original Apostles taught no such thing because they were teaching Jews. They didn't teach that they were no longer under the law but under Grace. Only Paul Taught that. The Jews were absolutely still under the law, and when this current Dispensation is over they will be again under the law: that is their covenant with God until He gives them the new covenant, which doesn't happen until He returns to earth. Two different programs going on in New Testament Scriptures and the book of Acts shows the transition from Israel's prophecy program to the Gentiles mystery program that was never revealed before it was revealed to Paul first and foremost for the Gentiles. By not keeping these two programs separate, only confusion can set in and take hold. That is the only reason for the countless denominations out there.
I think the NASB is the best translation. If you study the new testament and accept everything it teaches you won't line up completely with any church and thats because very few people completely understand what the goal of Christianity actually is. It is far more than just being justified before God. It includes that but the primary goal is union with God. The truth that we are nothing apart from God and accepting predestination is part of that. When a persons eyes open to the truth they realize that absolutely everything goes back to God. God gives us faith, repentance, forgiveness, sanctification and has already seated us in the heavenly places in Christ and there is no sin in Christ we no longer have a consciousness of sin, and we are sealed in the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. I spent several years going to other churches and comparing what they teach to the bible and none of them line up completely so I just go to church and live according to the Bible as best I can according to how I understand it but I don't think any one group of people has everything figured out. We all fall short at some point therefore we are all on the same ground. In the end it will all be according to God's mercy.
You went from thinking baptism saves you to thinking that you're specifically chosen.(reformed)... Reformed twists God's character by saying that He predestined some for Heaven and some for Hell. I'll stick to Eph.2:8
@@Run8nova unfortunately this comment shows that you are giving a charicture of the position of Reformed theology on this subject. We do not believe or teach that if one wants to believe that they cannot or if they do believe that they will be refused because “they’re not on the list.” As long as you believe prayer can be used in conjunction with proclaiming the gospel, and it being effective to bringing about the salvation of souls, what I believe should not be an issue for you. The essential nature of prayer in conversion is solid proof that one’s free will decision alone is not the thing on which salvation turns. The grace of God is essential.
Indeed, I left the Church of Christ because of the lack of love. They are friendly inside the walls. I was unchurched for many years. I stumbled on a Bible Church in Fort Worth where for the first time I witness "love one another" put into play. We do fellowship everywhere in or outside the church walls. One secret to this is to work together, humans bond when performing a task together i.e. serving the widows and orphans and many other outreach programs.
I grew up Church of Christ also and went to a CoC Univ. This church is the most self-righteous one possible. I felt emotionally abused and shamed constantly. They are a sad group of Pharisees. They always get around to telling you that are going to hell. They insult you, shame you, verbally abuse you, and control you. I escaped! My story is very similar to yours. It has taken a long time to heal from the abuse. God bless you!
Thanks for watching! Thankful to hear how God brought you through this. I will pray for you! There are several more videos on my channel related to this topic. If they help, please like and share to help many others find their way home 🙏🏼
@@ReformedOudeis I will! Thanks so much for your prayers! Anne Ferguson just wrote a book on her terrible ordeal with the Church of Christ. It is the best book on Church of Christ abuse I have ever read and I have read several. Called: "Christ Rescued Me!.......from the Church of Christ" She is now Reformed. It is a WordPress publication and I heard it was on Amazon
Also, Thank you for your kind words and for watching! I also debated a CoC preacher on the topic “How Is One Saved?” Myself being a former CoC preacher, I wanted to give an encounter and show an example that one could leave the CoC and give an intelligent, respectful, and thorough defense for making that decision. I believe that was demonstrated quite clearly. The link for the debate is hereвидео.html
The Bible had never changed. The inspired writers interpret the Bible. No non inspired man will ever change the truth. I hope all will see. Keep the course. Never give up.
Thanks for your testimony brother. I left the church of Christ after having been raised in it and attending for nearly 30 years. When I 1st left I did not have clear scriptural answers for many of the church of Christ's talking points, I just knew in a broad thematic way that they were getting the gospel wrong. The difficult thing about groups like the COC is that it's not just 3 or 4 verses they have wrong. They have interpreted huge swaths of scripture in a slightly scared way and then woven all of their misunderstandings together to form what seems on the surface to be a very cohesive biblical view of things. It took several years for the Lord to unravel all of that to where I can see how everything actually fits together. I would love to chat with you some time.
Thanks for sharing your story! Please feel free to subscribe to my channel where I have several uploads dealing with common issues related to the Church of Christ. You may also reach me anytime at The goal of my channel is to equip believers with the knowledge that is necessary to have more fruitful interactions with our CoC friends and to also use good and accurate arguments when we do so. I hope my material will be helpful to you!
Send some problematic verses and I'll tell you what they mean. it seems like (and I'm not trying to be mean) many people that leave the church don't know their bibles very well. You have to let the bible interpret the bible. No personal interpretations. If two verses seem to conflict, keep reading. You will find another verse, actually chaper, that will straighten out what they meant.
COC is as important to me as my own children. My minister in Madill, Ok is an incredible mentor and teacher. They have brought my whole family in and welcomed us into the greatest congregation possible. All they do is teach the bible, nothing else but the bible.
Thanks so much for your watching and leaning your comment. In response I would say just read into their church history a bit and then compare that to what your particular congregation practices and teaches. Then ask a question…where did they get their particular interpretation of Scripture from? Only the Bible, or the Bible through the hands of series of interpreters?
Good on you Paul Day.... God opens your eyes to see the truth... Sometimes HE needs to break you before HE can build you up and restore you even better than before..... "they shall all be taught by GOD" Persue Truth, love GOD, cry for Christ.. He has done ALL for us. Amen.
It’s the only Church that teaches the Bible! I went from one denomination and another and finally found the one Church that follows what the Bible teaches! I’m sorry you feel the way you do!
The Apostle John in his gospel and his letters makes it so simple. It is a shame that folks get caught in doctrinal disputes from hundreds of years ago. The bible tells us what defines an anti-christ, i.e. one who denies that Jesus the Christ came in the flesh. It describe how people responded when they heard the gospel. Paul describes clearly how we should live our life as jars of clay, vessels of Christ, parts of the body of Christ. I know that we are born in a place and time, sometimes our family has it wrong, sometimes the people around us has it wrong, the culture for sure has is wrong, and we get it wrong. We must come to Christ as little children he is our all in all, our everything. We have to admit that we are not big enough to answer some of these questions. Do we believe that Scripture is the inspired word of God, then that is most of battle to understanding. John goes into all of this, but to Love God is to obey him and how we can we love God if we don't love our brother who we can see. At least twice it was said in so many words, by Jesus and then by Paul, If they preach Jesus, then let them be. Predestination, election, free will what have you all I know it says, For God so love the world that he sent his son. And later He doesn't want any one to be lost. Yet there is bad soil and good. Paul and Apollos plant/water, but God provides the increase. These things are all very straight forward just believe them on face value, instead of say "well so and so is saying something different than so and so and one had 5 verses and the other had 8." And "Well my whole family since my great grandad believed the first so and so, and it can't be that such good people had it wrong or missed something to their credit." We are called to do our part. It is like when Jesus told Peter at the end "feed my sheep" then Peter said "what about him" Peter points to John, Jesus said "what is that to you if he is alive until I return" Our relationship is first with Jesus, not Campbell, Stone, Calvin, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, husband, or wife, friends. I know we have to find relationship with those around us and everyone comes at this differently and they push against us, but that is when we find strength in Jesus, be slow to speak and quick to listen. Do we love God, love one another and obey His teachings that were written down. Also is the final chapters of the gospel of John, Jesus describes beautifully, "he knew where he came from and where he was going and he loved the Father" Perfect confidence and no fear what a glorious example.
Good Morning. I left that organization 21 years ago after being there for 6 years. I did meet come cool people there, but I got tired of being disrespected, seen members show favortism to bible talk leaders, and their assitants. I even had 3 physical altercations where 3 leaders had grabbed me during an arguement. Plus I had grown tired of the dating. Since leaving I've had ups and downs, but I'm doing better and I was blessed with 2 partial scholarships and was able to graduate from college. Karma got some people who did me wrong
Thank you for watching and for commenting. I am so sorry to hear about your experiences while being in the CoC. I hope things continue to improve for you and that you are able to use what you experienced to transform it into something that will have long term benefits to both yourself and others 🙏
I'm not COC, but I am an ex-Calvanist. Ephesians 1 is talking about Christians. Who is Paul writing to? The church in Ephesus. Who does God predestine? Believers. Does he predestin individuals to salvation or does he predestine the group of believers to have the benefits of being His children? We in the west tend to read ourselves into the Scriptures and take an individualistic view, where the culture in which they were written understood things in a community or group mindset. Try reading Ephesians 1 with that in mind and see if it is more in-line with the Bible as a whole, such as Colossians 2:12 (faith precedes regeneration) and 1 Timothy 2:4
I'm just very thankful that I am born again and that I don't need any teachers because I have the Holy Spirit in the word of God, I've been to many different types of churches and doctrines of men I am currently not attending a church because of the divisions of the denominations, everyone thinks they got it figured out but if you read the Bible they are so far away.
So sorry to hear about your experience. I hope you were or are able to find a good church instead. If you need material to help you deal with any future CoC experiences, please check out my channel for other resources that might prove helpful.
Growing up as a preacher’s kid in The Christian Church since 1965 I didn’t have much experience with what was going on in sister Stone-Campbell churches. My uncle preached at a merged church in Kansas called Church of Christ Christian. I always thought this redundant name strange, yet I suppose it was meant to show a sense of unity. Since then I’ve learned there are multiple groups named church of Christ and it is interesting how many are terrible controlling cults. Even the Mormon churches in Independence MO have multiple variants of the name now to seem more legitimate. In the Christian Church fellowship there is a phrase, “Not the only Christians, just Christians only”. Basically a take on what Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 1&3, not being “of any man”’s doctrine. This may be why I never really learned much, if anything about Stone or Campbell. Though there are colleges and seminaries, The Christian Churches are all independent, generally encouraging independence in thought. While at Ozark Christian College myself studying Acts, I decided against the idea of what might be called baptismal salvation. As encouraged by the brother above, I pray that you recognize an ability to be “in Christ” without men’s doctrines designed years after the apostles who were only followers of “the way”, which was Christ. It’s more important to be a part of the New Testament church by the Spirit of God than to be a member of any specific modern organization. There is no Gospel or grace in the dangerous eisogetical calvanistic false “doctrines of grace”. May the Lord bless your life.
It teaches the truth sir. Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38. You are just rationalizing , justifying, and minimizing May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reopen your mind. May God have mercy on your soul. The Lord's word never changes.
How exactly is God supposed to “reopen the mind” of someone with absolute, libertarian free will? Are you not toying with the thing that you despise, that is Calvinism?
Yes, welcome home! My youngest son and a dear friend want to get married but she is CoC and having a hard time seeing anything else. They will not marry if not the same faith. As they both study, he submitted to 18 hours of bible study. I went along and they were happy I came because hey said they would be very happy if our whole family converted, it would be less painful that way! We number in the 30s and still growing, 29 grandkids so far!! Anyway at the end of day one I said "So you don't think we are Christians?" That got sidestepped. Then figuring out they don't believe in the action of the Holy Spirit! and a lot of other things everyone else here would not be interested in! Her dad begged him to get baptized again! Her mom...we can't be friends with her anymore. So lots of prayers needed!🕯😇💝
Nobody studies Campbell and others like you did. Campbell wasnt flawless. Why did you do that? We study Christ and the word of God. You patterned yourself after the wrong man. You ended up doing the same thing with John Calvin(other writings). Shame. Put Calvins writings down, pick up the bible.
I don’t actively read John Calvin. In fact I regularly read through the Septuagent and my GreekNew Testament. Both say to stay far away from your religious organization.
@ReformedOudeis you admitted to following Campbell, Stone, and others. Then you admitted to reading and following John Calvin, James White, etc. Why follow and be influenced by man??
@@Run8nova Everything I believe and practice is grounded in the authority of Scripture. I do not consult creeds or theology to tell me what to believe. These things can be helpful in forming our beliefs as teachers are themselves to the church, but they are not determinative or possess any inherit authority above Scripture.
@@Jim_Van_Sage “Us” is a personal pronoun, not an indefinite or demonstrative pronoun which would be required in a view point that holds to corporate election. Corporate election by definition cannot be personal as only a class is in view. Additionally, the prepositional phrase “in him” does not modify us; rather it highlights the means the father used in choosing us. “In him” is not a statement of position or realm as indicated in the lack of a definite article prior to the prepositional phrase which would tie it to the “us.” The personal choice in salvation by the Father is never outside Him using the Son as the means to bring about salvation.
@Jim_Van_Sage The exact nature of how in/into is to be interpreted depends largely on the actual verb being used. For example with believe, in the NT the idea is putting one’s trust in or upon someone else, not trusting into or inside a person. With baptism and the preposition εις, there are several examples in the NT that clearly demonstrate that the action is done in deference to the existing authority of the one commanding it. The authors did not have in mind a cleansing rite that results in one being placed “into Christ.” Lastly, it has rightly been said the phrase “in Him/in Christ” is more like a mantra in the NT capable of multiple meanings depending on the exact context in which it is used including deference being made to grammar and syntactical input. It a gross over simplification to assert that all usages are positional.
I was born and raised in the Church of Christ . I was a Deacon and my Father an Elder. I now subscribe to The Reformed Doctrine as The Lord has shown me that it is the Truth of Scripture.
Wow! Thanks for sharing your story. Praise God for all that He has done for you! If you are interested in any resources on how to better interact with the CoC from a Reformed perspective, please check out the rest of my material on my channel. If you find them beneficial, please like, share, and subscribe 😊
I want to say that you should keep in mind that first, you are a "Christian" purchased by Jesus with his own blood; and that a denomination (which you have changed) is where you choose to fellowship. Bearing this in mind, anytime there is a conflict, you will remember that you will always belong to the Body of Christ and that some people and Christians (none of whom saved you) can sometimes fail to represent Him well. That is, never let any disappointments with "them" be anything that causes you to separate from "Him" who will never leave nor forsake you (betray nor turn His back on you). Your "relationship" with Him is most important and is what keeps you spiritually anchored. God Bless you.
Very rarely. The spirit of legalism prevailed heavily even over those who had a very limited understanding of the nature of the true gospel. Hatred and animosity toward outsiders and our own were common place.
@@lindahutchens8612 thank you for your thoughtful reply. I actually went to a Sunday service two weeks ago and it was very nice. There were many Sundays or Wednesdays I'd dive by and see a full turn out and I would always think to myself " one day I'm gonna go there and see what's going on. " I'm glad I finally went.
The holy spirt isn’t a feeling, getting goosebumps during praise and worship isn’t the holy spiritual. Don’t be deceived there’s a counterfeit Holy Spirit going around in a lot of churches across the country!
Calvin was a monster. They were burning 🔥 people (almost 70) at the stake for disagreeing with his recipe for Christianity in his city. He wasn't trying to save those people. TULIP is a nightmare. I just went to church of Christ for the first time this week. Let's see what happens.
Wow thank you I'm in a new town and been trying to get back into Church but the past 2 or 3 weeks I've been going to The Church Of Christ down the road and yeah I'm aware of their differences from other churches I went to independent Baptist and Southern Baptist Churches as well in heart and belief I still consider myself Baptist but I also like to try This Community Church up.further in town tomorrow for Sunday Service
I am big advocate of all of these issues. Accepting Reformed Theology does not negate or make any of these things obsolete or even unnecessary. This paradigm only heightens the need for them all as God uses these means to accomplish His will in all things.
"Upon this rock I will build MY church" (Mt 16:18; emp. added); what does that mean? People who have been brainwashed with denominationalism just don't get that the terms "church of Christ" or "churches of Christ" (Rom 16:16) are simply descriptions, NOT names of a particular group of believers. "Car of Mark" = "Mark's car", and neither is an attempt at naming a vehicle. Christ's true church is not only nondenominational, but anti-denominational. It is against dividing believers up with labels or names (1Cor 1:10-13), but instead preaches unity (Eph 4:3). I'm glad and grateful to God to be a member of Christ's church, the church/body that I was baptized into (1Cor 12:13; Eph 5:23). And based on six of the seven churches of Christ in Asia that Jesus wrote to (Rev 2 & 3), I will never be surprised that any church of Christ has some serious, potentially damnable problems. I'll never leave Christ's church simply because some people who also claim to be Christians are hypocrites or depart from scripture. Where I believe there is error in a local church, I do my best to teach against it when given the opportunity (ref Ac 18:25-26). Oh, and baptism? "Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the gospel about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, 'See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?'” (Ac 8:35-36). Now where did the eunuch get the idea to be baptized? It's obvious. That was part of the gospel message Philip preached to him (ref Mk 16:15-16). The eunuch understood the extreme importance of baptism and thus wanted to be immediately baptized (ref Ac 22:16). When churches other than Christ's true church preach the gospel, baptism is never mentioned, especially in terms of saving anyone (1Pet 3:20-21). These other churches preach a different gospel which does not include the command to be baptized for the forgiveness of one's sins in order to be saved (i.e., to enter God's kingdom)--and do so at their peril (Gal 1:6-9; ref Ac 2:38). Because baptism saves, it is so important that when I detect that a disciple has been improperly baptized, I immediately will bring it to their attention with the hope that they will immediately obey the command to be properly baptized with the one true baptism Jesus commanded--just like the apostle Paul did (Ac 19:1-5; 10:47-48; Mt 28:19-20; Eph 4:5; ). If you pro-denominational people won't believe the Bible when it comes to baptism, maybe you'll believe what the earliest members of the church of Christ believed on the matter, based on the scriptures. I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ; lest, if we omit this, we seem to be unfair in the explanation we are making. As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and to entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them. Then they are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. For Christ also said, “Unless you be born again, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (John 3:5) - Justin Martyr (ca. 150 AD). Why do I bring up the subject of baptism? Although not the only way, it's usually an easy way to determine if a church is a true church of Christ.
My letter below explains why I left the Church of Christ (non-instrumental). I realize not all non-instrumental Churches of Christ are sectarian and legalistic. However, when certain COC congregations argue and divide over non-essentials, and make these a test of fellowship, is where I draw the line! Examples would include "one cup vs. multiple cups for communion", Sunday Schools, sponsoring other non-instrumental Churches of Christ via monetary support, instrumental music vs. a Capello signing, and much more. Romans 16:17 states: "Now I beseech you brethren, mark those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them." Also, "Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." ---II Corinthians 3:6. My point: we are living under grace, not law!" as I already alluded to in the previous Bible verse. Ashland Daily Tidings: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010/Letters To The Editor Putting church abuse into perspective The Monday, March 1 Oregonian article via the Ashland Daily Tidings for same date ("Deceased priest who abused boys casts a shadow on the Northwest") was very disturbing indeed! As a Christian, I must be direct, forward and morally/intellectually honest: Our churches have both the best and worst of people. Of course too does other segments of society as well. But let's talk about churches and organized religion. Though I myself was never sexually abused as these boys described in article, I'm certainly aware such does indeed happen in our churches. And I'm also certain some churches are worse than others. Example: Prior to relocating to Ashland from Klamath Falls in 1986, I spent one year in a Church of Christ (non-instrumental) in Klamath Falls from 1982-83. Though there were some things I agreed with, there were other teachings I sharply disagreed and dissented with, including their sectarian/legalistic, dogmatic attitude of, "We are the only church and everyone else but us is wrong!" After leaving that congregation I was the target of judgmental gossip and slander! And get this: This judgmental jerk within the congregation told me it "would be damnable if I left the church," which I eventually did anyway. Later, this same jerk was arrested for sexual abuse of a girl under 12 years of age! Yes, he was a predatory pedophile, a real creep! This is just one example of sexual abuse in our churches that, more often that not, remains covered up, hidden and suppressed. And that is downright criminal! Another thing I find disturbing is the trend in our churches today of taking 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 out of context and using it against Christian singles. The dogmatic parroted, "It's better to remain single than marry," as preferred by the Apostle Paul, is an oppressive doctrine indeed! Most people who parrot this are religious elitists who are married anyway and have a significant other in their lives. Though I have never read the book "Churches That Abuse," by Ronald Enroth in 1992, it remains posted online via Google for reading. Yes, I have expressed my sentiments here. And furthermore I rightly feel that moral and intellectual honesty sees farther than does political and religious correctness. So what is the answer to this? I feel a place to start is with this Bible passage from 1 Peter 4:17: "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God." James A. Farmer Ashland, Oregon Now a resident of Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County)
Yes sir, by His grace I have been spared from long-lasting harm from these negative experiences. Instead the Lord has used them to only enhance my walk with Him.
As someone who goes to a Church of Christ I am saddened to hear this. I'm in the Denver Colorado area and I have noticed that not all Church of Christ's are the same .... at least here in this area. After visiting a few I did find one that was spot on in Castle Rock which is just south of Denver. They preach from the Bible with no modern day "Additions" added on. They are a great congregation and care about not only the people that go there but people who don't. They regularly do things to better the greater community here in Colorado , central/South America and Africa to name a few. I guess what I am saying is don't judge an entire group by the actions that took place at a particular place. There are some good Christians at some of these churches. May GOD bless you.
hello paul idk if you will see this, but i had a similar struggle, well at least in the theological sense, with the ICC, their doctrine seems on point w the way they explain & im young in the faith, i didn’t know how to refute it, & the more they explain it, the more right they seem yet something is holding me back in buying into their theology, any help?
One of the best resources on the ICC can be found at the RUclips Channels Christian Answers TV and also CARM. Just go to their channels and search for ICC. They have a wealth of material there that can address your specific questions. Thanks!
It is extremely hard. I’m 58 and have been in the church of Christ my entire life. I do not agree with all of their positions by any means. My wife is Anglican. Why do I remain in the coc? One will never find a church which fits perfectly with our own takes on scripture. You might be right about predestination. But the moment you establish a home church or join another sect, there will be differences in baptism, communion, end times, role of elders, music…on and on. While the coc is not perfect they seem to be right on the gospel and our response to being “in Christ.” I have also had run ins with bully elders and narrow minded hard heads. Not fun. My wife’s family hates the coc for good reasons. Someone was unloving with my mother in law and it left a scar. However these things happen in all churches. So, I remain in the coc because on most of the big issues such as the gospel, church leadership, autonomy and the like we match up. I guess a man must study the word and do what he believes is best. Hang in there.
Now, I see where you are coming from. I once thought I had been mistreated by "the church of Christ" and slowly went into the wilderness for 40 years, and attended and studied many doctrines. I have since returned and see the glorious truth and light iwithn the churches of Christ. It is worth it, to me, to support it and the spirit of restoration wholeheartedly. Are we there yet? No. But we are Christians who try to work out our own salvation, with a little fear and trembling, knowing that our Faith, without works, is dead. We walk in truth, knowing that being in Christ, loving Him by obeying His commandments, we are continually washed in His blood. We also know that we can depart from The Faith, and when we find ourselves in such a state, we repent as a prodigal son. The Way is narrow, and few there be that find it. In the end, at the judgment, we shall be judged by the Word. That judgment will be just. I will not be judged by John Calvin or Alexander Campbell. I will be judged by the Lamb of God on His throne who came to earth and died and was resurrected for me. I will be judged by my faith and my works therein. I will know that I obeyed him in baptism, had my sins forgiven and whether or not I chose to continue to live in Him. I've been harsh with you. Forgive me. But, like the prosperity gospel, the calvinist gospel is false. T = Totally free will; U = Under God's Will; L = Love of God; I = Internal call can be resisted; P = Perhaps I depart.видео.html
Thank you for watching and leaving a comment. It is much appreciated. For more on my scriptural reasons for leaving the CoC, please check out my channel where I have many videos that go into this at great length.
Hello Paul Day. You popped up in our feed this morning so we watched. What is 5 years ago to you is like 5 minutes ago to me. May I ramble a bit as I confess and admit that I am no authority. My bg was in the other branch of Cambellites so called, the First Christian Church. I was raised in that. Before I turned 20 I was completely bored with church and a bit later for about 15 years I couldn't go because of work. When I did return the thing had moved so far left that I didn't recognize it, so I was churchless for another 20. As I hit middle age the call to church became more pronounced and because of a chance (miraculous?) happening I got back into church. The church that I KNEW I'd never even visit was the Church of Christ. This, Paul, because of what I had seen growing up. The CoC's around here at that time were hard core. Some even said that if one did not go to THEIR particular church, hell awaited. That was complete frobish in my mind. And then there was a young man I worked with for 6 years. He was a sweet guy, but not all there. He got hooked up with a local COC and being receptive became in my estimation completely brainwashed. That church obviously took advantage of his weaker mind. I despised that viciously! And though I never danced when in school because I thought it was silly I rankled when the elders of a certain CoC forbade it to their members. Draconian in my view. They'd have spies at school functions to rat out offenders. Jeez. So the LAST place I was EVER going to visit was a CoC. Ever! Controlling rascals! Then one day a guy I grew up with stopped by the house....and I mean out of the blue! and said some church or the other was giving away free food. I hadn't seen him in decades! He saw me fooling around in my flower bed and turned into the house. We were up against it at the time and could use some but I felt like others needed it more and tried my best to talk him out of it. Failing, we loaded up in my truck and went and got our free groceries. So happened that I passingly knew the preacher, as our paths crossed at that job I mentioned years ago. So when I got home, grateful but embarrassed I called him to see if they needed any help with the food program. He told me to come on by to work on it the next month. (The food program give away was once a month.). I did. My need to get back into church was still growing. (I was mystified!)....and there was this church and the people were SOOO nice. And they kept pecking away. So after a year or so I asked my wife if she'd be interested in visiting. She yelped yep right away. That was a little surprising. (She's always been a better and way smarter Christian than me.) So the next Sunday we went. I frankly told the preacher that this was a test. He replied, "Hey, you're on probation too!" I kinda got a chuckle out of that. By and by I learned that the elders were not some kind of doom tribunal, their way or the highway like I had seen growing up. There were no hellfire and damnation sermons. To this day I have found no cliques in this church. Being a third gen Disciple of Christ, it was a BIG deal to me, changing churches. After a few weeks I formally had my letter moved. I guess this is kinda out of date today, but I did it because I was serious. Well, that was 10 years ago now and if you haven't guessed already I belong to an independent Church of Christ. I'm as happy as a pig in slop. Good people, good messaging, my kind of place. A positive place. Paul, you prolly wouldn't be happy there. Nor, I think would you be happy at another nearby CoC which still clings to many of the things that got you out of the church. We have all sorts of CoC's around for every taste, some more conservative and opinionated than others, but all enamored to the point that the operating manual is what the Bible says, and not the whims and inventions and trends of men. Don't take away. Don't add. What I'm hearing from you my friend is that your early experience (in your estimation) is of the old school argumentative to a fault, always ready to ruckus, more focused on comeuppance rather than salvation model. Really down in the weeds. Well, that way lies hurt feelings and badness. It also fundamentally skips the prime lesson and ignores the golden rule which is the essence of the example set by Christ. Heck, even Paul, the original Paul went to teach...not to debate. Thing is Paul, one can win the debate and still come off as an insufferable know-it-all. That is what happened for much of the Church of Christ history. Luckily in recent years many congregations discovered the amazing notion that one can catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar. Preaching and listening to the good news on the other hand yields pleasant fruit much unlike our way or the highway. My church works hard at being non-controversial while sticking to the essentials. Best thing I can tell anyone is read the Bible for yourself. The NIV is perfect for that. Using my handy Kindle I have been through the whole thing at least 5 times, and my favorite parts many more. I thought I knew the Bible before, having been raised in church, but in truth you don't know it at all if you don't go through it cover to cover. Many times...and even then you keep finding new things. From my study the CoC gets it the least when they aren't being lordly and fussy, pushy, and ready to judge and fight. That's the old way. Times and methods change even as the Bible stays the same. I'm glad you found something that makes sense to you and something you can stick with Paul Day. God bless.
Fifth generation coc here. I know some lovely and very intelligent members of the coc churches I attended. But on the whole, people in the church are dogmatic, unsophisticated, ignorant, arrogant, fantatical, and aggresive. No one is permitted to think for themselves. They know nothing about science, history, the arts, and they cherry pick scripture to "support" their ignorant beliefs. There is no room for the actual context of a cherry picked fragment of a verse, chapter, book, or the historical context within which the bible was written. The bible in inerrant and they ignore the inconsistencies, contradictions, and historical inaccuracies contained therein. It was "my way or the highway." I took the highway. The Bible is myth and literature, much of it borrowed from Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian, Greco Roman and Cannanite cultural beliefs. Jehovah began as a Bronze Age Mesopotamian storm and war deity. Nothing in religion has any GENUINE basis in reality, no more truth in it than in unicorns and elves. The many men who contributed to the formation of all religions were attempting explain the inexplicable. With the invention of the microscope and telescope, evidence based explanations about the nature of the universe became possible. Religion has been on the run from truth since the Enlightenment. Apologetics, dogma, sheer ignorance rule religions, and the coc is among the worst. Some of the worst sins committed by humanity have been, and still are, done in the name of religion. I've heard ALL the arguments put forward in defense, and it's all unadulterated ignorance and BS.
I believe you are being truthful about your experiences. It should be noted, as you’ve expressed, that the congregation you grew up in represented a minority belief system among churches of Christ. Less than 10% of the members hold to such teachings. There certainly is no security of the believer taught. Any and every sin committed immediately separates you from salvation and a confession of that prayer and a prayer specifically asking for forgiveness must be said. Thus those who believe this see themselves going in and out of salvation throughout the day-like a frog in a pond. I don’t see how anyone can live believing that. Calvinism leaves me feeling helpless as well. My eternal salvation or damnation was determined long before I was born and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change that. No need to have spent my life in Nigeria preaching the gospels to pagans-God had already determined all their actions. This way it seems as if creation is no different than watching a movie. Nothing I do will ever change one scene, much less the ending of the film. Knowing the end, why did God even start it. Maybe He should have just jumped all the way from the garden to eternity and prevented so much heartache? Keep up your battle for faith.
"There certainly is no security of the believer taught. Any and every sin committed immediately separates you from salvation and a confession of that prayer and a prayer specifically asking for forgiveness must be said. Thus those who believe this see themselves going in and out of salvation throughout the day-like a frog in a pond. I don’t see how anyone can live believing that." True, the coC I was raised in gave me that impression too so that I'd be feeling guilty all the time. But as one so heavily laden and seeking the truth, I did find rest in Jesus who revealed His Father and in turn, the Father did reveal to me His Son just as promised. This is still in effect as I continue to seek the truth about all things. The Holy Spirit is real and indwells us jars of clay leading our daily walk and assuring us of our salvation. This Holy Spirit takes the place of unclean spirits that used to control us until we repented in water baptism. Indeed baptism isn't a work on our part but a providence of God to drive out unclean spirits and usher in His Spirit to indwell us. Neither the coC nor the reformed churches seem to know this, hence all of the dogmatic disputes between them! Calvinism is a similar product of not knowing God for who He is.
I also am a member of the Church of Christ. It does get very disheartening to not have good in-depth Bible study where all intelligent questions can be asked, answered from scripture in a way that makes sense, and doesn't just leave you scratching your head confused. There are many places where the Church of Christ Campbellite movement is doctrinally wrong. But the pride and arrogance that they have acquired will not allow them to reconsider what they believe and teach. The way that they immediately want to shun and cold shoulder anyone who disagrees rather than sitting down and having real Bible study is the reason they have been deemed a modern-day cult. Often, they choose to accept the explanation of some teacher from Pepperdine, Sunset School of Preaching, or Harding over what the scriptures actually read. With explanations like well, this is what brother so-and-so taught in his lectureship, if you had attended, you would understand. Anyway, if we read the seven letters that John was dictated to pen to the seven churches in Revelation 2,3. You will notice that five of the churches had problems. They had problems with their doctrine, with their deeds, with their motivations, with their sincerity and focus. Still, Christ did not disown a single one of them .he challenged them to change. He appealed to the churches as a whole and even down to just any single believers who would still hear him. But he never to the members to forsake their assembly or to go somewhere else instead. Sometimes, being family hurts. Be patient, endure, and be humble when you disagree. Love and pray for your family, even when you know that they are dead wrong. Paul told Timothy to reprove in 2Tim 4:2. Which means just showing them again what the scriptures actually read. But pride doesn't allow some people to accept reproof. They see it as a challenge to their authority. It's very sad that they can't simply take the time to lovingly show you how you are mistaken from the scriptures if you are mistaken. If I am wrong, I want to know. I want to get it right, I want to teach it right, and I want to live it right. I would encourage you to stay with the KJV. That is a worthy study within itself. The translations that have been contaminated by Wescott and Hort should be avoided. If you are having difficulty reading and understanding the KJV. I would suggest that you consider bringing Alexander Scourby kjv up on RUclips and follow along as you listen to him read the scriptures. You can also buy his DVD very reasonable at I love you, brother, I respect your honesty and commitment and pray that I will see you on the other side. Consider watching Chuck Missler learn the Bible in 24 hours and also on RUclips.
I’m not defending church of Christ especially since Roman’s 8:1 there’s no condemnation for those in Christ. But as far as election I really believe the parable of the marriage supper sheds light on what the apostle Paul believed. Christ being the first born among many brethren and knowing that one must be born of the Spirit for salvation is a must for salvation. I’m not gonna say too much but many are called and few are chosen so the gospel is the call for me and the Lord prepared the gospel. Gentiles pre planned for many generations even from the beginning.
so did you leave a particular congregation or did you leave the coc entirely. If you were baptized according to the gospel then you are a member of chirsts church correct? I only just started watching your videos and it started with the muscle and a shovel. I have seen many coc split over the years all because of doctrine interpretations and it is sad. I have worshiped with many that have done things I disagreed with so left quietly and worshiped with another. I have seen some leave my current congregation saying we just aren't trying hard enough. Did you try another congregation? What was there opinion on your beliefs? What doctrine do you not agree with in the coc.
@@curdog4966 I didn't say paul owned it I said he started that church as in that specific group of people. But yes we all make up ' the church' as in the body of christ. My point was every ' church ' as in a smaller group of believers who commonly gather on Sunday at the same place will not always have the name church of Christ in the sign outside nor did they in the new testament
@@dc-ir3ow those who are add to the church make up the church. Very few believe that any more. But the N.T. is clear on it. Bible clearly states how to be added to Christ's body. And it's not hard.
I’m sorry you feel so badly about your experience. I have been in the church since birth. I am 39 just learning the term campbellite. I am a descendant of John M. Lemons who was critical in the restoration. You must remember there is no perfect church or members. Having a close relationship with God is key. This is what I am building.
I don't know how you can stand the acapella hymns. The Holy Spirit has revealed in the Word what pleases God, and it certainly isn't acapella hyms. "Play skillfully on the strings and shout for joy." Read Psalm 150. But now I know you ppl reject the Holy Spirit. Phew! Glad I left!!!
I have to say, first of all, all churches speak of the same thing. Living your life like christ to get to heaven, they all just have different processes on doing that. The Coc talks about nothing but what is in the bible and does what Jesus says to gain salvation. Second, I don't know what COC's yall have been attending where people are talking to y'all like that. I've attended 7, that I can remember, including one in Korea...and NO ONE has ever treated me or my family like that. The only problem we've ever had at church were people treating us like out cast because we didn't dress to the nines (a majority black Coc) and people were arguing about positions in the church, like in every church. I now attend a mixed congregation Coc and I'm loving my preacher and the congregation, they make me feel comfortable to come as I am. Coc or not, the devil is always lurking. So when people go about the wrong way of preaching the word, or judging you for anything thing and you get find another church... until you get one that you're comfortable being grounded in. You don't just toss the truth. Study to shew thyself approved and pray that God will guide you to the right church to get you some spiritual food, because we all need it. I will be praying for you.
Nearly every church of Christ I have visited has been loving and kind. I was raised in the church and am still a member. I do not see the problems that many of these people have commented on
Don’t let my name scare you. I’m not a Campbellite. My grandfather was CoC but didn’t approve of their doctrine with salvation by baptism. He always told me he read the right Bible and we’re all called by God and must have faith in Jesus to be saved. Man doesn’t have the right to approve someones salvation, only Jesus can. He was thinking of all his sheep like us while dying on the cross. Therefore corporate election is real. God bless you brother.
The church of Christ is not a Campbellite church. It’s based on Acts chapter two and the rest of the epistles. Alexander Campbell was a restoration preacher. Christ built the church, not man. Mat. 16:18.
Respectfully I disagree. Christ did not build an institution to which one is added like a club or a fraternity that can disappear from history due to death or a lack of interest. The church is a living organism that survives through time and even death itself. It is a spiritual edifice that is being built brick by brick from the First Century until this very day. There is not time in history where one can make the claim that the church that Jesus is building perished from the earth. It’s construction will be complete when the last living stone that God has appointed to be added will be placed and finished. The fact remains clear and incontrovertible among those who are seriously concerned about the study of church history and scriptural exegesis. There is no example anywhere in church history of a group that possesses the characteristics that the heirs of the Restoration Movement claim that a church must have in order to be the “true church.” No one in church history made such claims until the Campbells, Stone, Scott, and others. In fact their heirs even went on to repudiate some of their claims and to add more of their own, making the Restoration Movement even more unique. I greatly appreciate your watching my video and leaving a comment, but I completely disagree with your assertions for these reasons.
Brother.. respectfully your mistaken. I've spent 34yrs in 6 different states and 7 different congregations. They most certainly DO follow Campbell / Stone teachings. CoC's fancy them selves as "new testament" Christians. The basic problem is ignoring Laws of God. YES they do apply and just at Yeshua said... they will not pass until Heaven (Raquia) and Earth (eh'-rets) pass. I suggest you path start with command #4 (please see my playlist "sabbath")
I too am a recovering Campbellite. But my path would not have followed this course, because I also gave up biblical literalism. Paul, you seem to have kept that literalism, but used it to arrive at different conclusions. One foundation--perhaps THE foundation of the so-called "Restoration" movement is that the New Testament can be read like a blueprint to "restore" the New Testament Church in modern times. Nobody in the C of C ever seems to ask whether that's a good idea, or grounded in the Bible itself instead of being yet another manmade precept. More formally, I also attended a Church of Christ college, Freed-Hardeman. It was a senior-level Bible class there that really sowed the seed for my eventual departure. It's the intellectual underpinning of biblical literalism that the Bible is all of a single piece. That the New Testament in particular is a unified, internally consistent whole. Proof texts to that effect are among the most basic things taught (and memorized) in Church of Christ preaching and Sunday school. But this does not fit historical facts or even logic. Not logic, because the First Century church did not itself have the New Testament. In fact nobody did. The very first known list, by a Roman named Marcion, in the 2nd century, included only Luke from among the Gospels, for example. Our present canon (list) was not finally set until the Council of Nicea in 325-326. Up till then the list varied from place to place. Some works that were once considered scriptural (Gospel of Barnabas, 1 Clement, Shepherd of Hermas, etc.) were eventually rejected. Others that were long disputed (2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, etc.) were eventually let in. That's no way to make a blueprint! The other discipline that undermines the kind of microcopic, grammatical analysis you refer to is called "textual criticism." That is the study of what makes the most accurate wording, the closest to the original. Here too there is endless variation, although often not effecting the overall meaning. Sometimes a spelling is diffferent, a preposition, a whole word occasionally. At others, whole sections are found in some early copies and not others, such as most of Mark 16, John 8 ("the woman taken in adultery" section), two or three different endings for Romans, etc. You see footnotes in most modern editions of the Bible pointing out these things. It's not that truth cannot be found in these writings. It's that you can't nail down everything in an absolute way, making every point of faith what a Bible teacher of mine used to call "a bliss or torment" issue. But that's what the Church of Christ does, and did to you, when you came to different conclusions from its, ahem, oral tradition.
“Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.”” John 6:27
Sorry to hear this brother...if I can help in anyway let me know...its easy to get confused...the church is very important for its the body of in Mississippi if that helps..sincerely Brad
@@lindahutchens8612 so True Linda...there is only one Church and it's the one you read about in the New have their own ideas and concepts of what they think should be done, but we must only obey the Word of God...Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.
@@lindahutchens8612 We haven't got a whole lot lately...but when the rains come we get it alot it seems, then may not get any for lil bit...what about you in NC
Thank you Paul for your testimony. It's eerily similar to mine in certain ways lol. I grew up in it for 20 years and then left only to become full-blown Calvinist within the next couple years. God's Sovereign Grace is amazing!
Awesome! Thanks for watching and for the encouragement. My channel has several vlogs related to these issues, so I hope you will find these helpful as well. Blessings!
I don't understand how you find it a good thing to be called by another man's name (Calvinist) than Christ? Is it that you believe Calvin was the first to interpret the scripture correctly or do you just use that name so other people will understand where your beliefs lie (with John Calvin)?
@@MA-wb1xo Firstly I am a Christian, but when it comes to where I fall on questions concerning the in’s and out’s of salvation, I have no problem being up front that I generally side with Calvin on these issues. To me it is a question of honesty and integrity; anyone can hide behind the name Christian and use it to slip in all manner of concerning things in the Lord’s church. Being up front and forthright about where those of the “Church of Christ” got their beliefs has always been a matter of purposeful concealment or outright deceit. Whatever they chide the “denominational world” about in respect to origins of faith and practice, they are equally as guilty of the same origins while all the while refusing to be honest about it.
@@ReformedOudeis I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing Mr. Cole. But now that you answered I take it that you just use the name Calvinist to explain your belief on salvation rather than actually considering yourself a follower of John Calvin. Am I right?
@@MA-wb1xo Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification. Yes, it is just a short and convenient way of communicating where I stand on soteriological issues. I am by no means a follower of John Calvin; in fact I came to most of my conclusions on this matter before I read the first work by Calvin.
To me Church Service is one hour on Sunday Morning and one hour of bible class on Wednesday night bible class. I mean I love Jesus he is my best friend to me going to the Church Of Christ and going to the Baptist Church felt the same to me. The worship service tradition was almost the same. The person welcomes every body to church the morning. Then morning prayer, after that sing hymns. I love hymns by the way and Christian Music Ballads by the way. Then the minister speaks about the death, burial, resurrection of our beloved Jesus Christ. After the minister speaks, there is a song of invitation. Next one of one of the elders or deacan tells the congregation who is on the prayer list and annoucement of activities of what is going on out side worship. Last closing song and prayer and we are dismissed people talk to friends after church on their way to their Cars and SUV's So I do not see how the Church Of Christ or the Baptist Church are wrong or might be cults. They are almost like then seperate. When it comes to hymns of our Christian faith Church Of Christ and Baptist Church sings almost the same hymns every Sunday Morning. One of my ministers were about to retire. He did a whole Sunday Morning Sermon on the beloved song Because Of Lives written by Bill & Gloria Gaither. It was the most beautiful sermons I ever heard. Yes, I know the Church Of Christ sings acpella and the Baptist Church sing with instruments. To me that does not matter, because at the end of the day the lyrics that are in the hymns should be our main focous when we sing them. I grew up in the Church Of Christ then I left to go worship the Baptist Church then went back to The Church Of Christ both worship services are so similar that both churches felt the same to me. I admire the Church Of Christ for singing hymns only. I love the hymns of the Church. I tell people you need to find the church that feels comfortable to you and biblical based. It is not my job to tell some one where to worship. But I do explain out love that I tell people you need read the bible and you deicide where you need to worship. God Bless - Jason.
Mr. Day, In listening to your reasons for leaving, I was curious about your journey into reformed theology, the doctrine of restricted and limited access to salvation in Christ, by God's own sovereign choice of individuals as I understand it. Particularly in view of passages that speak of unlimited access for those who choose to come to faith("For God so loved the world..."). For example, in Revelation 22:17b..."Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely"; Verses such as II Peter 3:9b.."God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance"; I Tim. 2:4..."who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth". It seems to me, if totally left up to God, no soul would be reprobated. However, because of man's involvement(faith), the unbeliever who "opts out" of faith that does not obey God's commands is making his own free choice to not come to God.
The restoration movement started with a good idea. Restoring the church back to what we see in Acts in the early church. Getting back to teaching what the Bible teaches not the doctrines of man. Along the way many restoration leaders began to formulate their own teaching and have now become like Pharisees, creating new requirements for salvation that God never placed on man. I still go to a church that is loosely based on the restoration movement but we don’t hold to everything from that movement and we don’t call ourselves COC. As a result some COC leaders in the area have disassociated from us. It’s sad. We are instrumental and have a female worship leader. We do still hold that Baptism is essential for salvation. We try to be accepting and welcoming of all but yes there are still some in our church that would prefer to be exclusive. We are going through some changes that frankly may lead the congregation to closure. And that’s ok if it does. If a church isn’t evangelizing then they are a church. They’re just a country club and that doesn’t please Jesus.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Please read Romans clearly states that water baptism is essential.❤️ Our faith leads us to obey the command to have our sins washed away in baptism. Also: Do we have to repent of our sins to be saved?
@@jgard6280 1 Corinthians 1:17“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.”
I am a Christian. Simple. Let Jesus deal with the politics. Thank you Jesus
As a retired CoC preacher, I say that your salvation does not depend on what others say or do, it depends on your individual relationship with Jesus. Why bind your salvation to men? You can be free and stand on your own. That being said, these are just people who are trying to do what is taught in the Bible. Remember that these are the hurt and wounded from the world who came to Jesus and are trying to find their way.
@abcdef7777 Amen!!!
@paulday your presentation made me feel you want to be a leader in a church. You can. But, using US military as a metaphor, before you can become a general, you have to start as a private.
Keep your faith in our Lord and Savior and trust in no man made religion or in the ways man has and willl always twist the only word of God, the holy bible.
God bless you two!
US retired Church of Christ preacher have a dreadful Day of Judgement ahead of you unless God grant you repentance. You talk about detaching a person from men in their beliefs, but the Church of Christ is a supreme example carnal man entering the church and ruling and deceiving people. The Church of Christ denies every core Doctrine concerning man and concerning God in Salvation
@@Rbl7132 Without knowing all the details of your experiences with the CoC, I can't really say that you are right or wrong. But to judge all, by one, is not scriptural. The CoC is people, people are not perfect. I won't defend what others believe, I only defend what I believe, personally. I hope that you are still a Christian. Please feel free to continue the conversation. I am interested in what you have to say about this matter.
@@abcdef-kq2zg The Church of Christ denies: personal predestination unto salvation, Divine election, reprobation, salvation by faith alone through grace alone, they deny the saving faith is a gift that is obtained from God, and salvation by works. THOSE ARE THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST. A SWEEPING DENIAL OF BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY. DIE WITH THOSE BELIEFS AND END UP JUDGED BY GOD WITHOUT CHRIST.
@@Rbl7132Well, God's grace is able to save souls, even if they are not perfect in their teachings. Are souls judged as individuals, or saved or not saved, because they attend a certain congregation in worship? We are not saved because we attend a Baptist church or some other group. We are saved as an individual soul. Each congregation is supposed to be independent, which leaves room for some variations of doctrines. A CoC could teach as you say, and still be a CoC.
The problem is people look for the true church by their own standards but arent looking for Jesus. I did the samething and finally i heard the Gospel and Christ saved me.
i keep hearing Marshall Keebles words " can you imagine Peter being a baptist and John a catholic? Mathew an assembly of God member and Luke a presbyterian?" it is not about doctrine its always about the Bible. it's simple. and every challenge or argument is solved in the Church with the Biblical example of erring to the weaker brother " if eating unclean food offends your brother, spit it out" One Church. One Savior. One Way. Let's get back to the basics of winning lost souls to Christ!
@zyxwvut the church of Christ is not a denomination. Each church functions independently of every other. Sounds like you had a terrible experience I'm very very sorry💔🙏🏿 it's not that way at every church of Christ at all.
@zyxwvut agree to disagree. By definition a denomination has a central governing body. The church of Christ does not. My own eyes have seen the differences in the churches across the country. grouping all churches of Christ together is the simple mistake here. There is no central governing body. My initial statement was in reference to one church. The Lord did not intend for all this division and separation. One church one faith one God. The Bible does not teach Catholicism or Protestantism. We need to unite as one and get back to the basics of winning lost souls to Christ in my most humble of opinions. Nothing but peace and love be yours is my prayer for you and your family❤️
@zyxwvut I understand why you feel the way you do
I also left the church of christ because I couldn't stand how they always kept looking down their noses at me. I tried to be open and honest with who was ever Discipling me but when I confessed my sins they would tell everyone else what I did. They all just kept giving up on me and thought I was never good enough to disciple anyone. So finally on one Sunday even before the sermon was over I just said "I quit just write me off as a fall away!" Then I walked out and went home.
Thank you for sharing your experience within the Church of Christ movement. My heart grieves for you in how you were treated, and I can say some of the ways you were treated are quite common in the CoC.
I pray that you have found a true Biblical church that has embraced you and pointed you to Jesus who qualifies the ungodly to stand before a holy God and gives the righteousness that a sinner needs to be perfect in His sight.
If you embrace the true Jesus in faith, He will never give up on you and will strengthen and establish you so that after having done everything you will stand victorious because of what He has done for you. I will pray for you my friend.
If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out anytime.
@@ReformedOudeis Thank you!!😇
I made the mistake of going to CoC with a lifelong friend & then deciding it wasn't for me- CoC had turned him into a hypocrite and we are no longer friends. My main problems, after trying other churches over the years, was too much singing, not enough coverage of scripture & pushing missionary service to keep getting your money. My now ex-friend kept telling me I needed to be baptized and I kept telling him that I was baptized at the age of 21 (1969) in Atlanta & now I find out the church doesn't accept re-baptism anyway so my friend was a double-hypocrite. But to me the most significant thing was after years and years of hearing him & his wife push Christianity to me I also found it hypocritical that after the regular services and a lunch provided in the gym a bunch of black people would go to a room in the back and have a deep study and debate of scripture. My friends didn't go to them, none of the mostly white congregation went to them...I was always the only white person in the room and this not only pushed me away from CoC, but away from all organized religion & waiting for some proof of god other than an endorphin rush.
I was in the Church of Christ in junior high school through my mid twenties. I went to Freed-Hardeman College (now University). There are just 4-5 people from college that have remained my friends after I left the Church of Christ. It is so sad.
I know that feeling all too well myself.
I graduated from FHC in 1980. I became an Episcopalian in 1986.
@@drcomma2001 did your classmates turn away from you, or do they know?
@@cathywestholt5324 See my new comment directly to the posting if you're interested in why I left (at least how it began).
@@cathywestholt5324 I'm sorry you lost friends over it, although if you still have some, you're lucky. In my case, by the time there was something to tell, we had all drifted away from each other already. So no, they don't know, or don't know it from me. I think one may have got the news from a cousin of mine, but I haven't heard from her in nearly 30 years either. My cousin knew, because of course my immediate family of origin knew. They disfellowshipped me, and still do.
i really cant believe this. I was raised in the church of christ, everything you have said i relate to. That church really caused me many years of confusion. its a very hard church.
Likewise I went through so much heartache in the coc
Lots of deception through CoC.
Works based.
im presently working on leaving the CoC
Hard? My God they are just telling you Denominationalism is wrong and that Baptism is required to complete all righteousness Or what you want to sit on sin and disobedience to God and claim you saved no matter what you believe and do? The Gospel is hard so hard , the Son of God died for the Gospel.
👏👏👏👏 you are brave and a true follower of Christ. I have great respect and love for you brother. The Spirit has truly done a work in you and your family and I am so happy for that.
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I hope the Lord uses my time among them to have a lasting impact with our friends and neighbors in the CoC.
Your testimony is profound and courageous. Your position is scriptural. God bless you and your family.
I will gladly talk with you about your concerns.
The biggest problem I keep hearing is your reference to Campbell. The Lord’s church is not Campbell’s church.
Calvinism is false doctrine. Do not be misled.
Campbellism is literally one of the most notorious of sects that is wiling to deny the power and influence of its founders.
Every criticism that you can level at denominations concerning their founding and history can be leveled right back at yourself.
The difference is that we will acknowledge it; you do all in your power to erase it and cover it up.
Deceit and hypocrisy are NOT fruits of the Spirit; neither are they signs of salvation.
@@ReformedOudeis your statement is actually redundant and shows just how confused you are.
To say that you acknowledge the influence of man on "your" church and the fact your doctorine is heavily influenced by man's own ideals is almost laughable.
Then to turn and accuse another church of having the same influence of man just because your doctorine is false and man made.
Well let me ask you. If you through your own confession know that your church is influenced and man made and you accuse every other church of the same, then which church is the one of the Bible that Jesus made??? The Bible says it exists but by your reasoning it can't because you are applying a man's name/doctorine to every other church.
No, you are misunderstanding my objection.
Churches of Christ are notorious in their assertion that they were founded in AD 33 by Jesus and are willing to ignore or cover up the significant details on exactly how their 19th Century “Restoration Movement” occurred in most cases.
All churches that are criticized by the CoC would acknowledge that what they sought to do was exactly what the Campbells, etc. initial sought to do, go back to the Bible and reform what needed to be reformed.
They had a history in doing this, and they bequeathed that to their successors just as much as the Churches of Christ did. If the CoC is able to criticize and “disqualify” other churches based on men being involved in their inception, surely if fairness will be applied, the CoC can be as well.
The fact that they are unwilling to even entertain this is a sure sign of the bankruptcy of the intellectual honesty of their movement and even moves them into cult-like practices.
Gone are the days where they cried “Christians Only, But Not the Only Christians.” Today it’s “Christians Only and We are the Only Christians.”
At least in our day, most churches are able to recognize that we are for the most part Christians First and our differences are secondary, the very thing the Campbells initially set out to do and their successors have long abandoned.
James NHayner. Amen for those that
fr leave the COC does not want to follow the Lord's church created by the Lord but of their own making.
I reciently left the COC. I was not raised in the COC and could buy into the "campbellite" doctrine that was being pushed. Whenever you have a sect like this teaching they are the only ones on the correct path to heaven that is a major red flag!
Explain Campbellite doctrine!? Alexander Campbell didn’t die for you! Christ did. It’s his Church, not any persons. Christ established HIS church. There is no salvation in any other.
I grew up in a fundamentalist church of Christ myself, lots of hell fire and brimstone preaching. At some point we all have to make the Christian faith our own. For me that was rejecting fundamental COC ideas of telling others their destination or arguing over one or multiple cups at communion. While I have visited some cocs that still teach like that the vast majority of cocs today are much different. I personally reject Calvinistic ideas myself because it eliminates free will, but I also acknowledge that an all powerful and knowing God will know my choices before I’m born. I have talked with several preachers from Florida college and think they are way to rigid in their thinking. If you don’t interpret the scriptures the way they they do then you’re wrong…. I have to say however that all churches are full of broken people with good intentions. For those with bad coc experiences forgive them and do not hold on to your bitterness, that is not who we are called to be. Peace to you all.
God gives us free will, and discernment. You are amazing!!! I know it feels like you lost your family at first, but you have grown, and have learned. Keep learning, and preaching!!!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement; they are greatly appreciated 👍🏼
I’m glad I ran across your channel. Im a preachers kid that was raised in the COC. The older I got the more I realized that something wasn’t adding up. I am a substance abuse counselor and seen hundreds of addicts that aren’t members of the COC get saved and turn there will and life over to God. It’s very hard for me to fathom that God is going to send certain people to hell because they are not a member of the church of Christ.
Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement!
I hope you continue to find this channel to be helpful🙏
I was a student at Freed-Hardeman in the late '70s. I had recently discovered the writings of C.S. Lewis, who was an Anglican. I remember thinking, "This man's work is such a blessing to the world; I just can't believe God would send him to Hell just because he practiced his faith differently from us." It was the first disconnect for me, although it wasn't until six years after I graduated (and many other conflicts with CoC docrine) before I finally left for good. I became an Episcopalian and have now been that for 37 years, more than half my life. The anniversary of my confirmation is this month. I've never regretted my decision.
@@drcomma2001 Are the gospels legends?
Another point is that on that view you would have to regard the accounts of the Man as being legends. Now, as a literary historian, I am perfectly convinced that whatever else the Gospels are they are not legends. I have read a great deal of legend and I am quite clear that they are not the same sort of thing. They are not artistic enough to be legends. From an imaginative point of view they are clumsy, they don’t work up to things properly. Most of the life of Jesus is totally unknown to us, as is the life of anyone else who lived at that time, and no people building up a legend would allow that to be so. Apart from bits of the Platonic dialogues, there are no conversations that I know of in ancient literature like the Fourth Gospel. There is nothing, even in modern literature, until about a hundred years ago when the realistic novel came into existence. In the story of the woman taken in adultery we are told Christ bent down and scribbled in the dust with His finger. Nothing comes of this. No one has ever based any doctrine on it. And the art of inventing little irrelevant details to make an imaginary scene more convincing is a purely modern art. Surely the only explanation of this passage is that the thing really happened? The author put it in simply because he had seen it.
C.S. Lewis, "What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?" (1950)
Well get to fathoming, because your feelings arent going to prevent your judgment
"If you abide in my Word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." - John 8:31-32
There was only one ark, and only 8 souls were saved in the ark through water. No one outside the ark survived. Yes, God has no problem destroying evil. People choose life or death.
What you read in God’s word is what you should obey . Not by what people say or what your opinion is. Only what God says!!❤
It doesn’t matter how many cups you drink out of. Or if it’s one loaf of unleavened bread. You are missing the point. I’m a Christian and I well be happy to explain
Alexander Campbell was just a member of the lords church. Not the founder. The lord is the founder
We call those non issues. We drink the contents of the cup, not the cup. Personally, I don't care to drink out of one cup with so many germs, but you are allowed to.
Church of Christ doesn't obey The Bible 100%! They use grape juice and not actually Wine and use indivdual cups instead of one cup or eat Bread from one loaf like Yeshua and His Disciples did.
God blesses you brother that God opened your heart and mind in reading His words. As a father to you go ahead for we are on the right track to His kingdom
I've studied predestination myself but came to a different conclusion. In short, I believe Paul was referring to God's plan from the beginning of time to give salvation through his Son rather than specifically answering who is being saved. Would you mind sharing the books you've read that changed your mind?
Thanks for watching and for your question. There are several good books I could recommend: Debating Calvinism, The Potter’s Freedom, Predestination, The Justification of God, and The Bondage of the Will. If you have questions, feel free to ask more.
Yes. It is not individuals. He didn' say you, you, and you are saved, and you and you are not. Christ died for everybody, but everybody did not answer His call. Those who followed Christ and were baptized, were added to the church. These are the people that are predestined.
The Small but life changing book for me is "The Five Points of Calvinism." It's all based in Scripture.
Please don't read books from Calvinists on Calvinism. You can slice and dice the Bible to say anything you want it to. Take a Bible and open it up in Genesis and read through Revelation and make notes on anything that's closely related to the subject you're concerned about. If need be read it through again doing the same thing. Just be honest and note all pros and cons and you'll come to the right decision.
Thomas was dead, he refused to believe, until he saw the risen Christ and Jesus even says the reason for his belief was because he saw. You don't need to be regenerated to witness a miracle. Now being born again, that is an act of God, only God can do, that comes after a person has trusted in God. This is how it worked with Thomas.
hi, I'm Brazilian.
I spent 23 years of my life among members of that sect as a member.
I was a Baptist Christian before and now I am, getting back to my roots. Collecting material to learn more about the movement and its origins. to warn and teach my brothers about the evil indoctrination of this church. There I learned that it was the remnant church in direct succession from the early church.
sorry for my english everything depends on google translator.
but I'm glad you left this sect.
I congratulate you for your honest Berean attitude.
Thank you for your encouragement! I hope my experiences are helpful to you 👍
Jesus will never let you down. Salvation is our direct connection to Him. Men and churches will always fail us and disappoint us. The Bible is our main teacher. God told us in advance: "There is none righteous no not one." Romans 3:10.
"The joy of the Lord is your strength."Neh. 8:10
"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4
It was great at first. I was baptized in 1991 and stayed until 2003.
My husband and I even became bible talk leaders. This is when I saw a little
bit more of the control tactics used by the leaders towards the congregants. This did not sit well with me
from the beginning. I remember crying so hard because I felt trapped. I felt I could not leave and still be right
with God, let alone loose my friendships in the Church. It was such a part of our lives that to imagine our life without it
was scary, but after a while I had to do it. It was ruining me and the lives of others. Boy! was this the best decision I've ever made lol
My husband kept going because he thought I was a little off my rocker. Besides, they were the only people to get me back in line if he
and I were to argue with one another lol! But thank God for the *"Henry Kreit letter"* and I was able to leave and be confident about it.
May I ask are you a Primitive Baptist?
Your talking about International Churches of Christ not the Church of Christ which this individual Paul is talking about. ICOC branched off from COC in the 1980s, and yes there were and are some controlling practices in various congregations however it isn't uniform, just like the 7 churches in revelations were not uniform. The controlling practices are all based on a misunderstanding of Hebrews 11:17 and completely ignoring Mat 20:24-28. I've experienced it first hand, but I'm keeping my faith by studying carefully, praying for and asking God what his will is. I've heard that the ICOC is much worse in many parts of the USA then it is in were I was Sydney.
Predestination is a thing I will agree but it's not predestination of the individual but it is predestination of the group. You have a choice if you want to belong to the predestined group or not. Now if you choose to be in the group then you must follow the bible which is the only theology used in the Church of Christ. Best wishes and may God win your heart back the right way. Remember Roman's your account you love God but not out of knowledge.
No I am not.
im just sick of all the silly reasons of why the CoC has so many leagalistic splits , im leaving
That's funny. I also grew up in the church of Christ. I was never expected to be "perfect." The new testament talks constantly about becoming more Christlike. This is what the Holy Spirit desires. Of course we can't "gain" salvation, but it still requires belief, repentance, and baptism. That doesn't preclude the obvious constant New Testament command that baptism is required for salvation. See Acts 2. Its not an act of man, its an act of God (Jesus is the one who sacrificed himself on the cross).
Not all coc congregations are the same. This is his experience not yours.
The funny thing is the ICOC Has Cessationist view on the Holy Spirit they only even believe that it’s still active nor do they believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit being active as well
@@justlifewithzaria8429 I'm not part of the International church of Christ. I'm a Christian and a member of an autonomous local church of Christ. The New Testament is clear that those gifts will cease when the perfect has come (the complete Word of God). Secondly, each example in the New Testament of miraculous gifts were either performed by Jesus, the Apostles, or people who the Apostles laid hands on to transfer those miraculous gifts. When those men and women died, so did those miraculous gifts. They weren't needed anymore because we had the complete Word of God by then. Miraculous gifts were needed at the time to confirm the Word of God. Those gifts aren't needed now that we have the complete Word of God.
@@huskiefan06 it also said we are children of the prophets who god have all his secrets to
@@justlifewithzaria8429 If by "secrets," you mean the Gospel, then yes. It was delivered once and for all men & women.
I'm a third generation Church of Christ member. I'll be the first to tell anyone we have been a very fractured and legalistic wing of the Restoration Movement but I have yet to give up on it because I believe there is more good than harm that comes from it.
Baptism today is mere symbolism - in Jesus's day it was a statement of life or death. You actually put your life on the line by being baptised and indicating you were one of "those people".
If that is true, then why does the Bible say that baptism is where our sins are washed away?
My wife has a hummingbird feeder and she makes the sugar water available by her own hands , she places it on the hook. The birds come freely to drink, however the birds chase one another away and many times none get a drink of the free water available to them because they fight over who has the right to the free gift. This is a picture of what religious institutions have done . Break free from religion and come to Christ freel. We are all sinners and deserve judgment but the price has been paid in full. Just come and to that you don't need a great big mind. You just simply believe. Now you guys can fight over that and who has a right to drink. Some of us are done with organized religious institutions that have all their doctrines laid out in anxiety order. But jesus says come freely . I'll choose jesus Christ every time over man-made doctrines that brings men into bondage. Or doesn't allow some to simply believe but attacks and keeps men from just receiving what is free for them. MMabry you have a degree in some college but that doesn't qualify you. You learned calvinism through someone. Now you can't even see that that's a doctrine made up by John calvin. That's what religion does it is the blind thinking they see leading those that they think are blind. Salvation is now only for those who follow a certain man made doctrine that claim salvation is in Christ alone and simply be living but exclusive as long as you staybin the reformed doctrineds. To lift up chauvinistic doctrines is blatant idolatry. Jesus is the only way truth and life. May calvinism decrease and jesus be lifted up for all to see and all to free choose to come or freely choose to walk away. God chooses no man to perish as calvinism teaches. No matter how they spin it just isn't found in the truth of Jesus own words. I used to be in the reformed circles they do teach and expose false teachings but calvinism is the idol of reformed theology and how an love their idols .
Actually God provides for the birds. They will continue to live because God takes care of them. Non inspired men can never changed what's in the Bible. I believe in obedience to the Word.
Religion is the belief in and worship of God. But Christ built only one church. Compare where you worship with what the bible says about His church.
@@carolsmith18hrist decides who are members of HIS CHURCH and not people who put a sign out front of a building with his name on it. You worship and put your trust in a "church" of your making and you should be worshipping and trusting in the person of Christ. Remember Jesus said "I will build my church" and that's what he meant.
I'm a member of the CoC. I'm noticing that a lot of the churches are different. Leadership are allowing the world to infiltrate the body.
get out of the CoC... before it is too late.. it is a cult...
'Not as bad as the Mormons or Jehovah Witness.. but they are unbiblical..
Baptism does NOT save...
One cannot lose their salvation.. once they have received it..
Salvation is a gift from God... do you think God is an "Indian Giver"..?..
or do you think God is Not Omniscient?..
why would God grant salvation to any .. if they were capable of losing it .. gaining it... losing it.... over and over again... ad infinitum...?..
THAT IS NOT what the bible teaches...
there Is No mention of salvation being "lost".. by anyone in the bible...
ONLY mention of those who appeared to be saved but were NOT... such as Judas Iscariot...
God bless you, Paul. Thank you for sharing this. I knew nothing about the Church of Christ, but I'm going to visit one tomorrow morning at the request of a friend. I'm a member of a Reformed Baptist church and hold to the convictions of essentially what the 1689 LBCF says. I was looking at different things online to try to get a feel of what I'm gonna step into tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to open up some dialogues with my friend. Thank you for sharing your heart.
You are most welcome sir. There are several more videos on my channel dedicated to just this very issue. Particularly How to Witness to a Campbellite and Campbellism is a Reformed Baptist Issue. Feel free to listen and use as much as you’d like. Blessings!
@@ReformedOudeis checking those out now. Thanks!
Dont believe the weird stuff they are all different.
I am sorry that you had such Abad experience,my family joined when I was nine, I think I was old enough where I could understand,that you should not shallow everything just because.I was baptised at thirteen and still faithful today, I still question presumptions to this day. If you don't question,you will not get answers and sometimes the person you question might be able too see a different point of view, as a brotherhood we should be able to agree to disagree,just remember that God doesn't want you there if don't want to be there so don't feel guilty about something you not feel guilty àbout. May God bless you in your future
.....see to it that no man misses the grace of God. St. Paul We are all sinners, and only by the grace God we are saved.
Wish the best for you young man.
I completely agree.
The question is are we correctly understanding the grace of God and salvation as is revealed in divine revelation?
My contention is that the Churches of Christ in their zeal to initially bring Christian union have missed the mark on this issue.
Stay strong, brother. My journey has been a long one, finally ending up in the Reformed faith, where it's actually ok to say, "I was an idiot, am an idiot, and will be an idiot!" Through ongoing sanctification though, I hope to be less of an idiot tomorrow than I am today. I must say that I believe that anyone who believes in Christ is saved, but if it is at all expected of me to have much at all to with it, then I'm like Paul: "Oh wretched man that I am- the very thing that I should do, that I do not!" If I have to be dependent on personal willpower, it seems that I'm already defeated.
Thanks for watching and for your encouragement!
Amen brother idk I'm I believe in all points of Calvinism but I do know the holy spirit calls out to all those that hear the gospel not all will answer.
I love my friends in the Church of Christ and Christian church so much.
There were several passages of scripture that challenged my belief in that particular theology.
One was the conversion of Cornelius. He simply heard and was filled with the Holy Spirit BEFORE baptism.
Secondly, the argument of Paul in Romans 4 and in Galatians… how Abraham was justified by faith alone… BEFORE he had any works to “prove” it.
It all made sense that my faith and trust should be in Christ alone and not in myself or my works/obedience.
When I placed my trust in Christ alone I immediately had assurance of my salvation.
But to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness.
Romans 4:5
That is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing and watching 👍🏼
Unfortunately, I had a bad experience with I guess an old school CoC member. I believe salvation comes first, usually by the preaching of the word and a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. Baptism is a command and a sign to show my new brothers and sisters in Christ what has happened to my inner man. However, the CoC gentlemen adamantly believed that you are only officially saved after baptism. I had been immersed in the baptist church but he did not recognize it as valid and offered to baptise me again at the Coc church under their witness. He explained to me that I was not a Christian without the proper baptism and that the new life I thought I had was a deception. This was funny because he openly confessed that he had been baptized 3 times in his life so that he could be sure he was saved. Odd, I had learned from the bible that it was the testimony of my mouth (confessing that Jesus is Lord and fulfilled all that was written) and that I would be known by my fruits. I did not know mortal men could see into the hearts of men and know if they are the Elect of God, but I guess this fellow could. He never could come to calling me a brother in Christ.
He misunderstood the concept of baptism then...
I’ve been a member of the church of Christ since ‘63. Long time missionary. Common for children baptized at 8 or 9 to be “rebaptized” around 16 or 17. These affectionally called “double dippers”. At three times you’re “was-n-wear”. (And in my experiences a little unhealthily consumed with past sin).
So sad, I had an uncle that was baptized as a Baptist church member when he was a teenager and latter married my aunt that went to the coc. He went to all the services for the next 65 years and but the church said he was not saved! That is one of the reasons I don't go there any more.
Read Acts 19:1-4. You're using what all people do when they dont want to believe something, they attack the person rather than the doctrine. What does the Bible teach? Forget the inadequacies of men. Baptism puts one in to Christ because that's what the Bible teaches, Romans 6:3-5, I Peter 3:19-21 and on and on.
@@Autofill1967 not "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" only adds to the confusion. People are lumping together things Paul taught with the things Jesus taught to Israel for Israel. 1 Corinthians 12:13 it is the Holy Spirit baptising us into the Body of Christ. It isn't a baptising of dunking in water by your pastor or elder. This is "THE ONE BAPTISM" that Paul only speaks of in Ephesians 4 to the Gentiles for this current Dispensation. Jesus and the 12 have a different baptism for a completely different reason for a completely different Dispensation for Israel.
We are not Israel. Israel is Israel. They are a nation. We are a Body. Believers in Paul's Gospel are Spiritually baptised into this Body of Christ. Only Paul teaches this. The original Apostles taught no such thing because they were teaching Jews. They didn't teach that they were no longer under the law but under Grace. Only Paul Taught that. The Jews were absolutely still under the law, and when this current Dispensation is over they will be again under the law: that is their covenant with God until He gives them the new covenant, which doesn't happen until He returns to earth.
Two different programs going on in New Testament Scriptures and the book of Acts shows the transition from Israel's prophecy program to the Gentiles mystery program that was never revealed before it was revealed to Paul first and foremost for the Gentiles. By not keeping these two programs separate, only confusion can set in and take hold. That is the only reason for the countless denominations out there.
I think the NASB is the best translation. If you study the new testament and accept everything it teaches you won't line up completely with any church and thats because very few people completely understand what the goal of Christianity actually is. It is far more than just being justified before God. It includes that but the primary goal is union with God. The truth that we are nothing apart from God and accepting predestination is part of that. When a persons eyes open to the truth they realize that absolutely everything goes back to God. God gives us faith, repentance, forgiveness, sanctification and has already seated us in the heavenly places in Christ and there is no sin in Christ we no longer have a consciousness of sin, and we are sealed in the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. I spent several years going to other churches and comparing what they teach to the bible and none of them line up completely so I just go to church and live according to the Bible as best I can according to how I understand it but I don't think any one group of people has everything figured out. We all fall short at some point therefore we are all on the same ground. In the end it will all be according to God's mercy.
You went from thinking baptism saves you to thinking that you're specifically chosen.(reformed)... Reformed twists God's character by saying that He predestined some for Heaven and some for Hell. I'll stick to Eph.2:8
@@Run8nova unfortunately this comment shows that you are giving a charicture of the position of Reformed theology on this subject.
We do not believe or teach that if one wants to believe that they cannot or if they do believe that they will be refused because “they’re not on the list.”
As long as you believe prayer can be used in conjunction with proclaiming the gospel, and it being effective to bringing about the salvation of souls, what I believe should not be an issue for you. The essential nature of prayer in conversion is solid proof that one’s free will decision alone is not the thing on which salvation turns. The grace of God is essential.
For God so Loved the World, Period. Maybe you should study the Character of God. Also, children do Not go to hell under the age of accountability.
All Calvinist followers first comment is you just don't understand. Calvin Burned people at the stake if they didn't believe his heresy
Scripture interprets Scripture. Not what you or I want to twist it to say.
Indeed, I left the Church of Christ because of the lack of love. They are friendly inside the walls. I was unchurched for many years. I stumbled on a Bible Church in Fort Worth where for the first time I witness "love one another" put into play. We do fellowship everywhere in or outside the church walls. One secret to this is to work together, humans bond when performing a task together i.e. serving the widows and orphans and many other outreach programs.
I’m glad you found another church home!
If you find my material to be helpful, please like, share, and subscribe to help get this information out 😊
I grew up Church of Christ also and went to a CoC Univ. This church is the most self-righteous one possible. I felt emotionally abused and shamed constantly. They are a sad group of Pharisees.
They always get around to telling you that are going to hell. They insult you, shame you, verbally abuse you, and control you. I escaped! My story is very similar to yours. It has taken a long time to heal from the abuse. God bless you!
Thanks for watching! Thankful to hear how God brought you through this. I will pray for you! There are several more videos on my channel related to this topic. If they help, please like and share to help many others find their way home 🙏🏼
@@ReformedOudeis I will! Thanks so much for your prayers! Anne Ferguson just wrote a book on her terrible ordeal with the Church of Christ. It is the best book on Church of Christ abuse I have ever read and I have read several. Called: "Christ Rescued Me!.......from the Church of Christ" She is now Reformed.
It is a WordPress publication and I heard it was on Amazon
Joseph Daniel I will have to look that up. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
Also, Thank you for your kind words and for watching!
I also debated a CoC preacher on the topic “How Is One Saved?” Myself being a former CoC preacher, I wanted to give an encounter and show an example that one could leave the CoC and give an intelligent, respectful, and thorough defense for making that decision. I believe that was demonstrated quite clearly. The link for the debate is hereвидео.html
The Bible had never changed. The inspired writers interpret the Bible. No non inspired man will ever change the truth. I hope all will see. Keep the course. Never give up.
Thanks for your testimony brother. I left the church of Christ after having been raised in it and attending for nearly 30 years. When I 1st left I did not have clear scriptural answers for many of the church of Christ's talking points, I just knew in a broad thematic way that they were getting the gospel wrong. The difficult thing about groups like the COC is that it's not just 3 or 4 verses they have wrong. They have interpreted huge swaths of scripture in a slightly scared way and then woven all of their misunderstandings together to form what seems on the surface to be a very cohesive biblical view of things. It took several years for the Lord to unravel all of that to where I can see how everything actually fits together. I would love to chat with you some time.
Thanks for sharing your story! Please feel free to subscribe to my channel where I have several uploads dealing with common issues related to the Church of Christ. You may also reach me anytime at The goal of my channel is to equip believers with the knowledge that is necessary to have more fruitful interactions with our CoC friends and to also use good and accurate arguments when we do so. I hope my material will be helpful to you!
Send some problematic verses and I'll tell you what they mean. it seems like (and I'm not trying to be mean) many people that leave the church don't know their bibles very well. You have to let the bible interpret the bible. No personal interpretations. If two verses seem to conflict, keep reading. You will find another verse, actually chaper, that will straighten out what they meant.
This my testimony tell me what you think.видео.html
I was raised there and left years ago
I would like us to talk much of what you typed
COC is as important to me as my own children. My minister in Madill, Ok is an incredible mentor and teacher. They have brought my whole family in and welcomed us into the greatest congregation possible. All they do is teach the bible, nothing else but the bible.
Thanks so much for your watching and leaning your comment.
In response I would say just read into their church history a bit and then compare that to what your particular congregation practices and teaches.
Then ask a question…where did they get their particular interpretation of Scripture from? Only the Bible, or the Bible through the hands of series of interpreters?
Good on you Paul Day.... God opens your eyes to see the truth... Sometimes HE needs to break you before HE can build you up and restore you even better than before..... "they shall all be taught by GOD"
Persue Truth, love GOD, cry for Christ.. He has done ALL for us. Amen.
Thank you so much for the encouragement!
It’s the only Church that teaches the Bible! I went from one denomination and another and finally found the one Church that follows what the Bible teaches! I’m sorry you feel the way you do!
That’s a lie!! Typical of the Church of Christ!
The Apostle John in his gospel and his letters makes it so simple. It is a shame that folks get caught in doctrinal disputes from hundreds of years ago. The bible tells us what defines an anti-christ, i.e. one who denies that Jesus the Christ came in the flesh. It describe how people responded when they heard the gospel. Paul describes clearly how we should live our life as jars of clay, vessels of Christ, parts of the body of Christ. I know that we are born in a place and time, sometimes our family has it wrong, sometimes the people around us has it wrong, the culture for sure has is wrong, and we get it wrong. We must come to Christ as little children he is our all in all, our everything.
We have to admit that we are not big enough to answer some of these questions.
Do we believe that Scripture is the inspired word of God, then that is most of battle to understanding. John goes into all of this, but to Love God is to obey him and how we can we love God if we don't love our brother who we can see.
At least twice it was said in so many words, by Jesus and then by Paul, If they preach Jesus, then let them be.
Predestination, election, free will what have you all I know it says, For God so love the world that he sent his son. And later He doesn't want any one to be lost. Yet there is bad soil and good. Paul and Apollos plant/water, but God provides the increase. These things are all very straight forward just believe them on face value, instead of say "well so and so is saying something different than so and so and one had 5 verses and the other had 8." And "Well my whole family since my great grandad believed the first so and so, and it can't be that such good people had it wrong or missed something to their credit." We are called to do our part. It is like when Jesus told Peter at the end "feed my sheep" then Peter said "what about him" Peter points to John, Jesus said "what is that to you if he is alive until I return" Our relationship is first with Jesus, not Campbell, Stone, Calvin, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, husband, or wife, friends.
I know we have to find relationship with those around us and everyone comes at this differently and they push against us, but that is when we find strength in Jesus, be slow to speak and quick to listen.
Do we love God, love one another and obey His teachings that were written down. Also is the final chapters of the gospel of John, Jesus describes beautifully, "he knew where he came from and where he was going and he loved the Father" Perfect confidence and no fear what a glorious example.
As an outsider; CoC comes off as an Independent Fundamental Baptist off shoot that treats Baptism as efficacious
Good Morning. I left that organization 21 years ago after being there for 6 years. I did meet come cool people there, but I got tired of being disrespected, seen members show favortism to bible talk leaders, and their assitants. I even had 3 physical altercations where 3 leaders had grabbed me during an arguement. Plus I had grown tired of the dating. Since leaving I've had ups and downs, but I'm doing better and I was blessed with 2 partial scholarships and was able to graduate from college. Karma got some people who did me wrong
Thank you for watching and for commenting. I am so sorry to hear about your experiences while being in the CoC. I hope things continue to improve for you and that you are able to use what you experienced to transform it into something that will have long term benefits to both yourself and others 🙏
I'm not COC, but I am an ex-Calvanist. Ephesians 1 is talking about Christians. Who is Paul writing to? The church in Ephesus. Who does God predestine? Believers. Does he predestin individuals to salvation or does he predestine the group of believers to have the benefits of being His children? We in the west tend to read ourselves into the Scriptures and take an individualistic view, where the culture in which they were written understood things in a community or group mindset. Try reading Ephesians 1 with that in mind and see if it is more in-line with the Bible as a whole, such as Colossians 2:12 (faith precedes regeneration) and 1 Timothy 2:4
I want nothing to do with Calvinist Reformed theology. You left one cult and jojned another. Smh
God bless your efforts to follow Jesus in His word.
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement!
I'm just very thankful that I am born again and that I don't need any teachers because I have the Holy Spirit in the word of God, I've been to many different types of churches and doctrines of men I am currently not attending a church because of the divisions of the denominations, everyone thinks they got it figured out but if you read the Bible they are so far away.
Thank you for explaining. They kicked us out because we were divorced and remarried. Im so offended that I will never attend another Coc!
So sorry to hear about your experience.
I hope you were or are able to find a good church instead.
If you need material to help you deal with any future CoC experiences, please check out my channel for other resources that might prove helpful.
I know that God in his word what is ok for a divorce and remarriage and that is for adulterous behavior in your mate.
Growing up as a preacher’s kid in The Christian Church since 1965 I didn’t have much experience with what was going on in sister Stone-Campbell churches. My uncle preached at a merged church in Kansas called Church of Christ Christian. I always thought this redundant name strange, yet I suppose it was meant to show a sense of unity. Since then I’ve learned there are multiple groups named church of Christ and it is interesting how many are terrible controlling cults. Even the Mormon churches in Independence MO have multiple variants of the name now to seem more legitimate.
In the Christian Church fellowship there is a phrase, “Not the only Christians, just Christians only”. Basically a take on what Paul speaks of in 1 Corinthians 1&3, not being “of any man”’s doctrine. This may be why I never really learned much, if anything about Stone or Campbell. Though there are colleges and seminaries, The Christian Churches are all independent, generally encouraging independence in thought. While at Ozark Christian College myself studying Acts, I decided against the idea of what might be called baptismal salvation.
As encouraged by the brother above, I pray that you recognize an ability to be “in Christ” without men’s doctrines designed years after the apostles who were only followers of “the way”, which was Christ. It’s more important to be a part of the New Testament church by the Spirit of God than to be a member of any specific modern organization.
There is no Gospel or grace in the dangerous eisogetical calvanistic false “doctrines of grace”.
May the Lord bless your life.
It teaches the truth sir. Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38.
You are just rationalizing , justifying, and minimizing
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ reopen your mind.
May God have mercy on your soul.
The Lord's word never changes.
How exactly is God supposed to “reopen the mind” of someone with absolute, libertarian free will?
Are you not toying with the thing that you despise, that is Calvinism?
I became a Roman Catholic!
Welcome home!
Yes, welcome home! My youngest son and a dear friend want to get married but she is CoC and having a hard time seeing anything else. They will not marry if not the same faith. As they both study, he submitted to 18 hours of bible study. I went along and they were happy I came because hey said they would be very happy if our whole family converted, it would be less painful that way! We number in the 30s and still growing, 29 grandkids so far!!
Anyway at the end of day one I said "So you don't think we are Christians?" That got sidestepped. Then figuring out they don't believe in the action of the Holy Spirit! and a lot of other things everyone else here would not be interested in! Her dad begged him to get baptized again! Her mom...we can't be friends with her anymore.
So lots of prayers needed!🕯😇💝
Nobody studies Campbell and others like you did. Campbell wasnt flawless. Why did you do that? We study Christ and the word of God. You patterned yourself after the wrong man.
You ended up doing the same thing with John Calvin(other writings). Shame. Put Calvins writings down, pick up the bible.
I don’t actively read John Calvin. In fact I regularly read through the Septuagent and my GreekNew Testament. Both say to stay far away from your religious organization.
@ReformedOudeis you admitted to following Campbell, Stone, and others. Then you admitted to reading and following John Calvin, James White, etc. Why follow and be influenced by man??
@KentuckyLee24 Having read from them is not in any way shape or form “following them.”
Stick to Scripture. Doctrine also matters. Calvinism is a weed in the Church that twists the Character of God.
@@Run8nova Everything I believe and practice is grounded in the authority of Scripture. I do not consult creeds or theology to tell me what to believe. These things can be helpful in forming our beliefs as teachers are themselves to the church, but they are not determinative or possess any inherit authority above Scripture.
I was confused by your point about "chosen us" in Eph. 1:4 - "us" is still plural, not a reference to individual election. Or am I missing the point?
@@Jim_Van_Sage “Us” is a personal pronoun, not an indefinite or demonstrative pronoun which would be required in a view point that holds to corporate election. Corporate election by definition cannot be personal as only a class is in view.
Additionally, the prepositional phrase “in him” does not modify us; rather it highlights the means the father used in choosing us. “In him” is not a statement of position or realm as indicated in the lack of a definite article prior to the prepositional phrase which would tie it to the “us.”
The personal choice in salvation by the Father is never outside Him using the Son as the means to bring about salvation.
@@ReformedOudeisSurely in/into Christ IS positional in other passages at least?
@Jim_Van_Sage The exact nature of how in/into is to be interpreted depends largely on the actual verb being used. For example with believe, in the NT the idea is putting one’s trust in or upon someone else, not trusting into or inside a person.
With baptism and the preposition εις, there are several examples in the NT that clearly demonstrate that the action is done in deference to the existing authority of the one commanding it. The authors did not have in mind a cleansing rite that results in one being placed “into Christ.”
Lastly, it has rightly been said the phrase “in Him/in Christ” is more like a mantra in the NT capable of multiple meanings depending on the exact context in which it is used including deference being made to grammar and syntactical input. It a gross over simplification to assert that all usages are positional.
Basically, Calvinism. Some are chosen, some aren't. Distortion of the character of God. What Love is This??
I was born and raised in the Church of Christ . I was a Deacon and my Father an Elder. I now subscribe to The Reformed Doctrine as The Lord has shown me that it is the Truth of Scripture.
Wow! Thanks for sharing your story. Praise God for all that He has done for you!
If you are interested in any resources on how to better interact with the CoC from a Reformed perspective, please check out the rest of my material on my channel.
If you find them beneficial, please like, share, and subscribe 😊
I want to say that you should keep in mind that first, you are a "Christian" purchased by Jesus with his own blood; and that a denomination (which you have changed) is where you choose to fellowship. Bearing this in mind, anytime there is a conflict, you will remember that you will always belong to the Body of Christ and that some people and Christians (none of whom saved you) can sometimes fail to represent Him well. That is, never let any disappointments with "them" be anything that causes you to separate from "Him" who will never leave nor forsake you (betray nor turn His back on you). Your "relationship" with Him is most important and is what keeps you spiritually anchored. God Bless you.
Did you ever feel the holy spirit while in the church of christ?
Very rarely. The spirit of legalism prevailed heavily even over those who had a very limited understanding of the nature of the true gospel. Hatred and animosity toward outsiders and our own were common place.
@@ReformedOudeis ok thank you for the input.
@@lindahutchens8612 thank you for your thoughtful reply. I actually went to a Sunday service two weeks ago and it was very nice. There were many Sundays or Wednesdays I'd dive by and see a full turn out and I would always think to myself " one day I'm gonna go there and see what's going on. " I'm glad I finally went.
Yes. He is active in my life daily
The holy spirt isn’t a feeling, getting goosebumps during praise and worship isn’t the holy spiritual. Don’t be deceived there’s a counterfeit Holy Spirit going around in a lot of churches across the country!
I haven’t heard you say one word about Jesus Christ. You need to seek Him. He’s wonderful!✝️
Each church will be judged independently. Look at each church itself and see if it lines up with the bible.
The Bereans checked the scriptures daily to see if what they heard was true. That is exactly what we are supposed to do.
Calvin was a monster. They were burning 🔥 people (almost 70) at the stake for disagreeing with his recipe for Christianity in his city. He wasn't trying to save those people. TULIP is a nightmare. I just went to church of Christ for the first time this week. Let's see what happens.
Wow thank you I'm in a new town and been trying to get back into Church but the past 2 or 3 weeks I've been going to The Church Of Christ down the road and yeah I'm aware of their differences from other churches I went to independent Baptist and Southern Baptist Churches as well in heart and belief I still consider myself Baptist but I also like to try This Community Church up.further in town tomorrow for Sunday Service
I also left the COC cult.
What assembling do you attend now?
I left the church of Christ for the Orthodox Church.
Why the darkened room? Was there a local electric blackout ? What about personal evangelism and daily personal prayer time?😢
I am big advocate of all of these issues.
Accepting Reformed Theology does not negate or make any of these things obsolete or even unnecessary. This paradigm only heightens the need for them all as God uses these means to accomplish His will in all things.
"Upon this rock I will build MY church" (Mt 16:18; emp. added); what does that mean?
People who have been brainwashed with denominationalism just don't get that the terms "church of Christ" or "churches of Christ" (Rom 16:16) are simply descriptions, NOT names of a particular group of believers. "Car of Mark" = "Mark's car", and neither is an attempt at naming a vehicle. Christ's true church is not only nondenominational, but anti-denominational. It is against dividing believers up with labels or names (1Cor 1:10-13), but instead preaches unity (Eph 4:3).
I'm glad and grateful to God to be a member of Christ's church, the church/body that I was baptized into (1Cor 12:13; Eph 5:23). And based on six of the seven churches of Christ in Asia that Jesus wrote to (Rev 2 & 3), I will never be surprised that any church of Christ has some serious, potentially damnable problems. I'll never leave Christ's church simply because some people who also claim to be Christians are hypocrites or depart from scripture. Where I believe there is error in a local church, I do my best to teach against it when given the opportunity (ref Ac 18:25-26). Oh, and baptism?
"Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the gospel about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, 'See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?'” (Ac 8:35-36). Now where did the eunuch get the idea to be baptized? It's obvious. That was part of the gospel message Philip preached to him (ref Mk 16:15-16). The eunuch understood the extreme importance of baptism and thus wanted to be immediately baptized (ref Ac 22:16). When churches other than Christ's true church preach the gospel, baptism is never mentioned, especially in terms of saving anyone (1Pet 3:20-21). These other churches preach a different gospel which does not include the command to be baptized for the forgiveness of one's sins in order to be saved (i.e., to enter God's kingdom)--and do so at their peril (Gal 1:6-9; ref Ac 2:38).
Because baptism saves, it is so important that when I detect that a disciple has been improperly baptized, I immediately will bring it to their attention with the hope that they will immediately obey the command to be properly baptized with the one true baptism Jesus commanded--just like the apostle Paul did (Ac 19:1-5; 10:47-48; Mt 28:19-20; Eph 4:5; ). If you pro-denominational people won't believe the Bible when it comes to baptism, maybe you'll believe what the earliest members of the church of Christ believed on the matter, based on the scriptures.
I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ; lest, if we omit this, we seem to be unfair in the explanation we are making. As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and to entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them. Then they are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. For Christ also said, “Unless you be born again, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (John 3:5) - Justin Martyr (ca. 150 AD).
Why do I bring up the subject of baptism? Although not the only way, it's usually an easy way to determine if a church is a true church of Christ.
My letter below explains why I left the Church of Christ (non-instrumental). I realize not all non-instrumental Churches of Christ are sectarian and legalistic. However, when certain COC congregations argue and divide over non-essentials, and make these a test of fellowship, is where I draw the line! Examples would include "one cup vs. multiple cups for communion", Sunday Schools, sponsoring other non-instrumental Churches of Christ via monetary support, instrumental music vs. a Capello signing, and much more. Romans 16:17 states: "Now I beseech you brethren, mark those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them." Also, "Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." ---II Corinthians 3:6. My point: we are living under grace, not law!" as I already alluded to in the previous Bible verse.
Ashland Daily Tidings: Tuesday, March 9th, 2010/Letters To The Editor
Putting church abuse into perspective
The Monday, March 1 Oregonian article via the Ashland Daily Tidings for same date ("Deceased priest who abused boys casts a shadow on the Northwest") was very disturbing indeed! As a Christian, I must be direct, forward and morally/intellectually honest: Our churches have both the best and worst of people. Of course too does other segments of society as well. But let's talk about churches and organized religion.
Though I myself was never sexually abused as these boys described in article, I'm certainly aware such does indeed happen in our churches. And I'm also certain some churches are worse than others.
Example: Prior to relocating to Ashland from Klamath Falls in 1986, I spent one year in a Church of Christ (non-instrumental) in Klamath Falls from 1982-83. Though there were some things I agreed with, there were other teachings I sharply disagreed and dissented with, including their sectarian/legalistic, dogmatic attitude of, "We are the only church and everyone else but us is wrong!"
After leaving that congregation I was the target of judgmental gossip and slander! And get this: This judgmental jerk within the congregation told me it "would be damnable if I left the church," which I eventually did anyway. Later, this same jerk was arrested for sexual abuse of a girl under 12 years of age! Yes, he was a predatory pedophile, a real creep! This is just one example of sexual abuse in our churches that, more often that not, remains covered up, hidden and suppressed. And that is downright criminal!
Another thing I find disturbing is the trend in our churches today of taking 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 out of context and using it against Christian singles. The dogmatic parroted, "It's better to remain single than marry," as preferred by the Apostle Paul, is an oppressive doctrine indeed! Most people who parrot this are religious elitists who are married anyway and have a significant other in their lives. Though I have never read the book "Churches That Abuse," by Ronald Enroth in 1992, it remains posted online via Google for reading. Yes, I have expressed my sentiments here. And furthermore I rightly feel that moral and intellectual honesty sees farther than does political and religious correctness.
So what is the answer to this? I feel a place to start is with this Bible passage from 1 Peter 4:17: "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God."
James A. Farmer
Ashland, Oregon
Now a resident of Merrill, Oregon (Klamath County)
Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
Yes sir, by His grace I have been spared from long-lasting harm from these negative experiences. Instead the Lord has used them to only enhance my walk with Him.
As someone who goes to a Church of Christ I am saddened to hear this. I'm in the Denver Colorado area and I have noticed that not all Church of Christ's are the same .... at least here in this area. After visiting a few I did find one that was spot on in Castle Rock which is just south of Denver. They preach from the Bible with no modern day "Additions" added on. They are a great congregation and care about not only the people that go there but people who don't. They regularly do things to better the greater community here in Colorado , central/South America and Africa to name a few. I guess what I am saying is don't judge an entire group by the actions that took place at a particular place. There are some good Christians at some of these churches. May GOD bless you.
hello paul idk if you will see this, but i had a similar struggle, well at least in the theological sense, with the ICC, their doctrine seems on point w the way they explain & im young in the faith, i didn’t know how to refute it, & the more they explain it, the more right they seem yet something is holding me back in buying into their theology, any help?
One of the best resources on the ICC can be found at the RUclips Channels Christian Answers TV and also CARM. Just go to their channels and search for ICC. They have a wealth of material there that can address your specific questions. Thanks!
ICC is not the church. It is very controlling of it's people. You have to be in the church to be saved.
1 Cor. 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
It is extremely hard. I’m 58 and have been in the church of Christ my entire life. I do not agree with all of their positions by any means. My wife is Anglican. Why do I remain in the coc? One will never find a church which fits perfectly with our own takes on scripture. You might be right about predestination. But the moment you establish a home church or join another sect, there will be differences in baptism, communion, end times, role of elders, music…on and on. While the coc is not perfect they seem to be right on the gospel and our response to being “in Christ.” I have also had run ins with bully elders and narrow minded hard heads. Not fun. My wife’s family hates the coc for good reasons. Someone was unloving with my mother in law and it left a scar. However these things happen in all churches. So, I remain in the coc because on most of the big issues such as the gospel, church leadership, autonomy and the like we match up. I guess a man must study the word and do what he believes is best. Hang in there.
Now, I see where you are coming from. I once thought I had been mistreated by "the church of Christ" and slowly went into the wilderness for 40 years, and attended and studied many doctrines. I have since returned and see the glorious truth and light iwithn the churches of Christ. It is worth it, to me, to support it and the spirit of restoration wholeheartedly. Are we there yet? No. But we are Christians who try to work out our own salvation, with a little fear and trembling, knowing that our Faith, without works, is dead. We walk in truth, knowing that being in Christ, loving Him by obeying His commandments, we are continually washed in His blood. We also know that we can depart from The Faith, and when we find ourselves in such a state, we repent as a prodigal son. The Way is narrow, and few there be that find it. In the end, at the judgment, we shall be judged by the Word. That judgment will be just. I will not be judged by John Calvin or Alexander Campbell. I will be judged by the Lamb of God on His throne who came to earth and died and was resurrected for me. I will be judged by my faith and my works therein. I will know that I obeyed him in baptism, had my sins forgiven and whether or not I chose to continue to live in Him. I've been harsh with you. Forgive me. But, like the prosperity gospel, the calvinist gospel is false. T = Totally free will; U = Under God's Will; L = Love of God; I = Internal call can be resisted; P = Perhaps I depart.видео.html
I was converted to Christ's church from catholicism every question I had was answered with scripture. the church of Christ is the Church of Christ
Amen brother
Roman 16:16❤️
You need to do a little more reading there bro
CoC believes that baptism you need to be saved ,I texted that wrong from above
Because Baptism will not save you
You must be BORN AGAIN….
So far I've heard what you didn't like what is your scriptural reason for leaving 😢
Thank you for watching and leaving a comment. It is much appreciated.
For more on my scriptural reasons for leaving the CoC, please check out my channel where I have many videos that go into this at great length.
Hello Paul Day. You popped up in our feed this morning so we watched. What is 5 years ago to you is like 5 minutes ago to me. May I ramble a bit as I confess and admit that I am no authority.
My bg was in the other branch of Cambellites so called, the First Christian Church. I was raised in that. Before I turned 20 I was completely bored with church and a bit later for about 15 years I couldn't go because of work. When I did return the thing had moved so far left that I didn't recognize it, so I was churchless for another 20. As I hit middle age the call to church became more pronounced and because of a chance (miraculous?) happening I got back into church.
The church that I KNEW I'd never even visit was the Church of Christ. This, Paul, because of what I had seen growing up. The CoC's around here at that time were hard core. Some even said that if one did not go to THEIR particular church, hell awaited. That was complete frobish in my mind. And then there was a young man I worked with for 6 years. He was a sweet guy, but not all there. He got hooked up with a local COC and being receptive became in my estimation completely brainwashed. That church obviously took advantage of his weaker mind. I despised that viciously! And though I never danced when in school because I thought it was silly I rankled when the elders of a certain CoC forbade it to their members. Draconian in my view. They'd have spies at school functions to rat out offenders. Jeez. So the LAST place I was EVER going to visit was a CoC. Ever! Controlling rascals!
Then one day a guy I grew up with stopped by the house....and I mean out of the blue! and said some church or the other was giving away free food. I hadn't seen him in decades! He saw me fooling around in my flower bed and turned into the house. We were up against it at the time and could use some but I felt like others needed it more and tried my best to talk him out of it. Failing, we loaded up in my truck and went and got our free groceries.
So happened that I passingly knew the preacher, as our paths crossed at that job I mentioned years ago. So when I got home, grateful but embarrassed I called him to see if they needed any help with the food program. He told me to come on by to work on it the next month. (The food program give away was once a month.). I did.
My need to get back into church was still growing. (I was mystified!)....and there was this church and the people were SOOO nice. And they kept pecking away. So after a year or so I asked my wife if she'd be interested in visiting. She yelped yep right away. That was a little surprising. (She's always been a better and way smarter Christian than me.) So the next Sunday we went. I frankly told the preacher that this was a test. He replied, "Hey, you're on probation too!" I kinda got a chuckle out of that.
By and by I learned that the elders were not some kind of doom tribunal, their way or the highway like I had seen growing up. There were no hellfire and damnation sermons. To this day I have found no cliques in this church. Being a third gen Disciple of Christ, it was a BIG deal to me, changing churches. After a few weeks I formally had my letter moved. I guess this is kinda out of date today, but I did it because I was serious.
Well, that was 10 years ago now and if you haven't guessed already I belong to an independent Church of Christ. I'm as happy as a pig in slop. Good people, good messaging, my kind of place. A positive place. Paul, you prolly wouldn't be happy there. Nor, I think would you be happy at another nearby CoC which still clings to many of the things that got you out of the church. We have all sorts of CoC's around for every taste, some more conservative and opinionated than others, but all enamored to the point that the operating manual is what the Bible says, and not the whims and inventions and trends of men. Don't take away. Don't add.
What I'm hearing from you my friend is that your early experience (in your estimation) is of the old school argumentative to a fault, always ready to ruckus, more focused on comeuppance rather than salvation model. Really down in the weeds. Well, that way lies hurt feelings and badness. It also fundamentally skips the prime lesson and ignores the golden rule which is the essence of the example set by Christ. Heck, even Paul, the original Paul went to teach...not to debate. Thing is Paul, one can win the debate and still come off as an insufferable know-it-all. That is what happened for much of the Church of Christ history. Luckily in recent years many congregations discovered the amazing notion that one can catch more flies with honey rather than vinegar.
Preaching and listening to the good news on the other hand yields pleasant fruit much unlike our way or the highway. My church works hard at being non-controversial while sticking to the essentials.
Best thing I can tell anyone is read the Bible for yourself. The NIV is perfect for that. Using my handy Kindle I have been through the whole thing at least 5 times, and my favorite parts many more. I thought I knew the Bible before, having been raised in church, but in truth you don't know it at all if you don't go through it cover to cover. Many times...and even then you keep finding new things. From my study the CoC gets it the least when they aren't being lordly and fussy, pushy, and ready to judge and fight. That's the old way. Times and methods change even as the Bible stays the same.
I'm glad you found something that makes sense to you and something you can stick with Paul Day. God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences.
I appreciate your taking time out of your day to watch my video as well!
Fifth generation coc here. I know some lovely and very intelligent members of the coc churches I attended. But on the whole, people in the church are dogmatic, unsophisticated, ignorant, arrogant, fantatical, and aggresive. No one is permitted to think for themselves. They know nothing about science, history, the arts, and they cherry pick scripture to "support" their ignorant beliefs. There is no room for the actual context of a cherry picked fragment of a verse, chapter, book, or the historical context within which the bible was written. The bible in inerrant and they ignore the inconsistencies, contradictions, and historical inaccuracies contained therein. It was "my way or the highway." I took the highway. The Bible is myth and literature, much of it borrowed from Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Persian, Greco Roman and Cannanite cultural beliefs. Jehovah began as a Bronze Age Mesopotamian storm and war deity. Nothing in religion has any GENUINE basis in reality, no more truth in it than in unicorns and elves. The many men who contributed to the formation of all religions were attempting explain the inexplicable. With the invention of the microscope and telescope, evidence based explanations about the nature of the universe became possible. Religion has been on the run from truth since the Enlightenment. Apologetics, dogma, sheer ignorance rule religions, and the coc is among the worst. Some of the worst sins committed by humanity have been, and still are, done in the name of religion. I've heard ALL the arguments put forward in defense, and it's all unadulterated ignorance and BS.
I believe you are being truthful about your experiences. It should be noted, as you’ve expressed, that the congregation you grew up in represented a minority belief system among churches of Christ. Less than 10% of the members hold to such teachings. There certainly is no security of the believer taught. Any and every sin committed immediately separates you from salvation and a confession of that prayer and a prayer specifically asking for forgiveness must be said. Thus those who believe this see themselves going in and out of salvation throughout the day-like a frog in a pond. I don’t see how anyone can live believing that. Calvinism leaves me feeling helpless as well. My eternal salvation or damnation was determined long before I was born and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change that. No need to have spent my life in Nigeria preaching the gospels to pagans-God had already determined all their actions. This way it seems as if creation is no different than watching a movie. Nothing I do will ever change one scene, much less the ending of the film. Knowing the end, why did God even start it. Maybe He should have just jumped all the way from the garden to eternity and prevented so much heartache? Keep up your battle for faith.
"There certainly is no security of the believer taught. Any and every sin committed immediately separates you from salvation and a confession of that prayer and a prayer specifically asking for forgiveness must be said. Thus those who believe this see themselves going in and out of salvation throughout the day-like a frog in a pond. I don’t see how anyone can live believing that."
True, the coC I was raised in gave me that impression too so that I'd be feeling guilty all the time. But as one so heavily laden and seeking the truth, I did find rest in Jesus who revealed His Father and in turn, the Father did reveal to me His Son just as promised. This is still in effect as I continue to seek the truth about all things. The Holy Spirit is real and indwells us jars of clay leading our daily walk and assuring us of our salvation. This Holy Spirit takes the place of unclean spirits that used to control us until we repented in water baptism. Indeed baptism isn't a work on our part but a providence of God to drive out unclean spirits and usher in His Spirit to indwell us. Neither the coC nor the reformed churches seem to know this, hence all of the dogmatic disputes between them!
Calvinism is a similar product of not knowing God for who He is.
I also am a member of the Church of Christ. It does get very disheartening to not have good in-depth Bible study where all intelligent questions can be asked, answered from scripture in a way that makes sense, and doesn't just leave you scratching your head confused. There are many places where the Church of Christ Campbellite movement is doctrinally wrong. But the pride and arrogance that they have acquired will not allow them to reconsider what they believe and teach. The way that they immediately want to shun and cold shoulder anyone who disagrees rather than sitting down and having real Bible study is the reason they have been deemed a modern-day cult. Often, they choose to accept the explanation of some teacher from Pepperdine, Sunset School of Preaching, or Harding over what the scriptures actually read. With explanations like well, this is what brother so-and-so taught in his lectureship, if you had attended, you would understand. Anyway, if we read the seven letters that John was dictated to pen to the seven churches in Revelation 2,3. You will notice that five of the churches had problems. They had problems with their doctrine, with their deeds, with their motivations, with their sincerity and focus. Still, Christ did not disown a single one of them .he challenged them to change. He appealed to the churches as a whole and even down to just any single believers who would still hear him. But he never to the members to forsake their assembly or to go somewhere else instead. Sometimes, being family hurts. Be patient, endure, and be humble when you disagree. Love and pray for your family, even when you know that they are dead wrong. Paul told Timothy to reprove in 2Tim 4:2. Which means just showing them again what the scriptures actually read. But pride doesn't allow some people to accept reproof. They see it as a challenge to their authority. It's very sad that they can't simply take the time to lovingly show you how you are mistaken from the scriptures if you are mistaken. If I am wrong, I want to know. I want to get it right, I want to teach it right, and I want to live it right. I would encourage you to stay with the KJV. That is a worthy study within itself. The translations that have been contaminated by Wescott and Hort should be avoided. If you are having difficulty reading and understanding the KJV. I would suggest that you consider bringing Alexander Scourby kjv up on RUclips and follow along as you listen to him read the scriptures. You can also buy his DVD very reasonable at
I love you, brother, I respect your honesty and commitment and pray that I will see you on the other side. Consider watching Chuck Missler learn the Bible in 24 hours and also on RUclips.
I’m not defending church of Christ especially since Roman’s 8:1 there’s no condemnation for those in Christ. But as far as election I really believe the parable of the marriage supper sheds light on what the apostle Paul believed. Christ being the first born among many brethren and knowing that one must be born of the Spirit for salvation is a must for salvation. I’m not gonna say too much but many are called and few are chosen so the gospel is the call for me and the Lord prepared the gospel. Gentiles pre planned for many generations even from the beginning.
What verse tells us HOW to get INTO Christ? Galatians 3:27❤
so did you leave a particular congregation or did you leave the coc entirely. If you were baptized according to the gospel then you are a member of chirsts church correct? I only just started watching your videos and it started with the muscle and a shovel. I have seen many coc split over the years all because of doctrine interpretations and it is sad. I have worshiped with many that have done things I disagreed with so left quietly and worshiped with another. I have seen some leave my current congregation saying we just aren't trying hard enough.
Did you try another congregation?
What was there opinion on your beliefs?
What doctrine do you not agree with in the coc.
One problem people have is trying to make the church into what they believe. The only church doctrine/creed is the bible.
If God authorized another Church other than the Church of Christ I'd sincerely love for someone to point it out to me in scripture.
The church at Antioch paul started in the new testament the first none jew congregation?
Paul did not start a church. He went out to preach the gospel. Christ said I will build my church. Ownership goes to Jesus.
@@curdog4966 I didn't say paul owned it I said he started that church as in that specific group of people. But yes we all make up ' the church' as in the body of christ. My point was every ' church ' as in a smaller group of believers who commonly gather on Sunday at the same place will not always have the name church of Christ in the sign outside nor did they in the new testament
@@curdog4966 you also have people in each church who oversee the church.
@@dc-ir3ow those who are add to the church make up the church. Very few believe that any more. But the N.T. is clear on it. Bible clearly states how to be added to Christ's body. And it's not hard.
Out of the pan and into the fire?
I’m sorry you feel so badly about your experience. I have been in the church since birth. I am 39 just learning the term campbellite. I am a descendant of John M. Lemons who was critical in the restoration. You must remember there is no perfect church or members. Having a close relationship with God is key. This is what I am building.
I don't know how you can stand the acapella hymns. The Holy Spirit has revealed in the Word what pleases God, and it certainly isn't acapella hyms. "Play skillfully on the strings and shout for joy." Read Psalm 150. But now I know you ppl reject the Holy Spirit. Phew! Glad I left!!!
Ah yes. The denomination that claims not to be a denomination! Laughable if not sad.
I have to say, first of all, all churches speak of the same thing. Living your life like christ to get to heaven, they all just have different processes on doing that. The Coc talks about nothing but what is in the bible and does what Jesus says to gain salvation. Second, I don't know what COC's yall have been attending where people are talking to y'all like that. I've attended 7, that I can remember, including one in Korea...and NO ONE has ever treated me or my family like that. The only problem we've ever had at church were people treating us like out cast because we didn't dress to the nines (a majority black Coc) and people were arguing about positions in the church, like in every church. I now attend a mixed congregation Coc and I'm loving my preacher and the congregation, they make me feel comfortable to come as I am. Coc or not, the devil is always lurking. So when people go about the wrong way of preaching the word, or judging you for anything thing and you get find another church... until you get one that you're comfortable being grounded in. You don't just toss the truth. Study to shew thyself approved and pray that God will guide you to the right church to get you some spiritual food, because we all need it. I will be praying for you.
Well said!!!! I concur!!!
Nearly every church of Christ I have visited has been loving and kind. I was raised in the church and am still a member. I do not see the problems that many of these people have commented on
Don’t let my name scare you.
I’m not a Campbellite.
My grandfather was CoC but didn’t approve of their doctrine with salvation by baptism. He always told me he read the right Bible and we’re all called by God and must have faith in Jesus to be saved.
Man doesn’t have the right to approve someones salvation, only Jesus can. He was thinking of all his sheep like us while dying on the cross. Therefore corporate election is real. God bless you brother.
The church of Christ is not a Campbellite church. It’s based on Acts chapter two and the rest of the epistles. Alexander Campbell was a restoration preacher. Christ built the church, not man. Mat. 16:18.
Respectfully I disagree.
Christ did not build an institution to which one is added like a club or a fraternity that can disappear from history due to death or a lack of interest.
The church is a living organism that survives through time and even death itself. It is a spiritual edifice that is being built brick by brick from the First Century until this very day. There is not time in history where one can make the claim that the church that Jesus is building perished from the earth.
It’s construction will be complete when the last living stone that God has appointed to be added will be placed and finished.
The fact remains clear and incontrovertible among those who are seriously concerned about the study of church history and scriptural exegesis. There is no example anywhere in church history of a group that possesses the characteristics that the heirs of the Restoration Movement claim that a church must have in order to be the “true church.”
No one in church history made such claims until the Campbells, Stone, Scott, and others. In fact their heirs even went on to repudiate some of their claims and to add more of their own, making the Restoration Movement even more unique.
I greatly appreciate your watching my video and leaving a comment, but I completely disagree with your assertions for these reasons.
Brother.. respectfully your mistaken. I've spent 34yrs in 6 different states and 7 different congregations. They most certainly DO follow Campbell / Stone teachings.
CoC's fancy them selves as "new testament" Christians. The basic problem is ignoring Laws of God. YES they do apply and just at Yeshua said... they will not pass until Heaven (Raquia) and Earth (eh'-rets) pass.
I suggest you path start with command #4 (please see my playlist "sabbath")
I too am a recovering Campbellite. But my path would not have followed this course, because I also gave up biblical literalism. Paul, you seem to have kept that literalism, but used it to arrive at different conclusions. One foundation--perhaps THE foundation of the so-called "Restoration" movement is that the New Testament can be read like a blueprint to "restore" the New Testament Church in modern times. Nobody in the C of C ever seems to ask whether that's a good idea, or grounded in the Bible itself instead of being yet another manmade precept. More formally, I also attended a Church of Christ college, Freed-Hardeman. It was a senior-level Bible class there that really sowed the seed for my eventual departure. It's the intellectual underpinning of biblical literalism that the Bible is all of a single piece. That the New Testament in particular is a unified, internally consistent whole. Proof texts to that effect are among the most basic things taught (and memorized) in Church of Christ preaching and Sunday school. But this does not fit historical facts or even logic. Not logic, because the First Century church did not itself have the New Testament. In fact nobody did. The very first known list, by a Roman named Marcion, in the 2nd century, included only Luke from among the Gospels, for example. Our present canon (list) was not finally set until the Council of Nicea in 325-326. Up till then the list varied from place to place. Some works that were once considered scriptural (Gospel of Barnabas, 1 Clement, Shepherd of Hermas, etc.) were eventually rejected. Others that were long disputed (2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, etc.) were eventually let in. That's no way to make a blueprint! The other discipline that undermines the kind of microcopic, grammatical analysis you refer to is called "textual criticism." That is the study of what makes the most accurate wording, the closest to the original. Here too there is endless variation, although often not effecting the overall meaning. Sometimes a spelling is diffferent, a preposition, a whole word occasionally. At others, whole sections are found in some early copies and not others, such as most of Mark 16, John 8 ("the woman taken in adultery" section), two or three different endings for Romans, etc. You see footnotes in most modern editions of the Bible pointing out these things. It's not that truth cannot be found in these writings. It's that you can't nail down everything in an absolute way, making every point of faith what a Bible teacher of mine used to call "a bliss or torment" issue. But that's what the Church of Christ does, and did to you, when you came to different conclusions from its, ahem, oral tradition.
“Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal.””
John 6:27
That is a Jesus quote.
How about you read Dave Hunts " What love is this" and make video on the things you "learn" from that book.
The CHURCH is built by Christ,not Campbell.
Sorry to hear this brother...if I can help in anyway let me know...its easy to get confused...the church is very important for its the body of in Mississippi if that helps..sincerely Brad
@@lindahutchens8612 so True Linda...there is only one Church and it's the one you read about in the New have their own ideas and concepts of what they think should be done, but we must only obey the Word of God...Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.
@@lindahutchens8612 And this is how we should be, joined together in the same mind!! 😊❤
@@lindahutchens8612 I appreciate that!! It's a beautiful day here in Mississippi...Hope your having a great day as well!!
@@lindahutchens8612 Same here...humidity and temperature has finally dropped lil bit...loving it for sure!
@@lindahutchens8612 We haven't got a whole lot lately...but when the rains come we get it alot it seems, then may not get any for lil bit...what about you in NC
Thank you Paul for your testimony. It's eerily similar to mine in certain ways lol. I grew up in it for 20 years and then left only to become full-blown Calvinist within the next couple years. God's Sovereign Grace is amazing!
Awesome! Thanks for watching and for the encouragement.
My channel has several vlogs related to these issues, so I hope you will find these helpful as well.
I don't understand how you find it a good thing to be called by another man's name (Calvinist) than Christ? Is it that you believe Calvin was the first to interpret the scripture correctly or do you just use that name so other people will understand where your beliefs lie (with John Calvin)?
@@MA-wb1xo Firstly I am a Christian, but when it comes to where I fall on questions concerning the in’s and out’s of salvation, I have no problem being up front that I generally side with Calvin on these issues.
To me it is a question of honesty and integrity; anyone can hide behind the name Christian and use it to slip in all manner of concerning things in the Lord’s church.
Being up front and forthright about where those of the “Church of Christ” got their beliefs has always been a matter of purposeful concealment or outright deceit.
Whatever they chide the “denominational world” about in respect to origins of faith and practice, they are equally as guilty of the same origins while all the while refusing to be honest about it.
@@ReformedOudeis I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing Mr. Cole. But now that you answered I take it that you just use the name Calvinist to explain your belief on salvation rather than actually considering yourself a follower of John Calvin. Am I right?
@@MA-wb1xo Ah I see. Thanks for the clarification.
Yes, it is just a short and convenient way of communicating where I stand on soteriological issues.
I am by no means a follower of John Calvin; in fact I came to most of my conclusions on this matter before I read the first work by Calvin.
God bless you sir ❤️
Thank you for your encouragement!
what’s crazy is coc says the gospels are old covenant teachings
To me Church Service is one hour on Sunday Morning and one hour of bible class on Wednesday night bible class. I mean I love Jesus he is my best friend to me going to the Church Of Christ and going to the Baptist Church felt the same to me. The worship service tradition was almost the same. The person welcomes every body to church the morning. Then morning prayer, after that sing hymns. I love hymns by the way and Christian Music Ballads by the way. Then the minister speaks about the death, burial, resurrection of our beloved Jesus Christ. After the minister speaks, there is a song of invitation. Next one of one of the elders or deacan tells the congregation who is on the prayer list and annoucement of activities of what is going on out side worship. Last closing song and prayer and we are dismissed people talk to friends after church on their way to their Cars and SUV's So I do not see how the Church Of Christ or the Baptist Church are wrong or might be cults. They are almost like then seperate. When it comes to hymns of our Christian faith Church Of Christ and Baptist Church sings almost the same hymns every Sunday Morning. One of my ministers were about to retire. He did a whole Sunday Morning Sermon on the beloved song Because Of Lives written by Bill & Gloria Gaither. It was the most beautiful sermons I ever heard. Yes, I know the Church Of Christ sings acpella and the Baptist Church sing with instruments. To me that does not matter, because at the end of the day the lyrics that are in the hymns should be our main focous when we sing them. I grew up in the Church Of Christ then I left to go worship the Baptist Church then went back to The Church Of Christ both worship services are so similar that both churches felt the same to me. I admire the Church Of Christ for singing hymns only. I love the hymns of the Church. I tell people you need to find the church that feels comfortable to you and biblical based. It is not my job to tell some one where to worship. But I do explain out love that I tell people you need read the bible and you deicide where you need to worship. God Bless - Jason.
Mr. Day, In listening to your reasons for leaving, I was curious about your journey into reformed theology, the doctrine of restricted and limited access to salvation in Christ, by God's own sovereign choice of individuals as I understand it. Particularly in view of passages that speak of unlimited access for those who choose to come to faith("For God so loved the world..."). For example, in Revelation 22:17b..."Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely"; Verses such as II Peter 3:9b.."God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance"; I Tim. 2:4..."who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth". It seems to me, if totally left up to God, no soul would be reprobated. However, because of man's involvement(faith), the unbeliever who "opts out" of faith that does not obey God's commands is making his own free choice to not come to God.
The Holy Spirit...the Bible calls "The Spirit of Truth" b/c He will lead you into all truth.
The restoration movement started with a good idea. Restoring the church back to what we see in Acts in the early church. Getting back to teaching what the Bible teaches not the doctrines of man.
Along the way many restoration leaders began to formulate their own teaching and have now become like Pharisees, creating new requirements for salvation that God never placed on man. I still go to a church that is loosely based on the restoration movement but we don’t hold to everything from that movement and we don’t call ourselves COC. As a result some COC leaders in the area have disassociated from us. It’s sad. We are instrumental and have a female worship leader. We do still hold that Baptism is essential for salvation. We try to be accepting and welcoming of all but yes there are still some in our church that would prefer to be exclusive.
We are going through some changes that frankly may lead the congregation to closure. And that’s ok if it does. If a church isn’t evangelizing then they are a church. They’re just a country club and that doesn’t please Jesus.
Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Please read Romans clearly states that water baptism is essential.❤️ Our faith leads us to obey the command to have our sins washed away in baptism.
Also: Do we have to repent of our sins to be saved?
@@jgard6280 1 Corinthians 1:17“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.”