just a heads up, that tin covering in the direct sun turns that unit into a hot box. add some shade cloth during the hotter months to prevent this. love from down under.
To heavy and hard to move, had this style before easy to get chickens legs caught as you pull it. Best coops are light weight ones that push so chickens walk forward away from you.
Everything can be done from outside the coop. Only time we need to get in with them is to load out for market. We move them ahead to clean grass for that.
just a heads up, that tin covering in the direct sun turns that unit into a hot box.
add some shade cloth during the hotter months to prevent this.
love from down under.
The Amish in my area use them quite a bit but much taller
To heavy and hard to move, had this style before easy to get chickens legs caught as you pull it.
Best coops are light weight ones that push so chickens walk forward away from you.
How do you take care of the chickens without getting in chicken crap dont you ever have to crawl in there .
Everything can be done from outside the coop. Only time we need to get in with them is to load out for market. We move them ahead to clean grass for that.