Jack, Thanks for the review. I used DxO Raw 4 for noise reduction/sharpness. This photo was taken during the first or second week that I starting using DxO software and I was adjusting settings within it. Thank you again for your videos and advice. You made a big difference in my photography this season. Bill
Sir, Thank you. Very nice.
Jack, Thanks for the review. I used DxO Raw 4 for noise reduction/sharpness. This photo was taken during the first or second week that I starting using DxO software and I was adjusting settings within it. Thank you again for your videos and advice. You made a big difference in my photography this season. Bill
I find after I use DxO Pure Raw 4, if I take it into Lightroom, I have to turn off the default sharpening or it over sharpens.
If they don't include the metadata I wouldn't include it in your reviews. It helps for people to see the results of the settings they choose.