Martin Luther described repentance as the "joyous business of the Christian" because turning away from and rejecting sin in my life leads to the true joy of being in undisturbed community with Christ. As it was said in this interview: As soon as I've vomited out 🤢 the ghastly stuff I'll feel better immediately.
Im so grateful for this . I have many sinful thoughts. I have told myself that its temptation. I full into the sin by practicing it. It gives me a good feeling at first, but then aferwards im feeling bad about it because i know it to be wrong. I no longer want to continue . Thanks for this .
10 minutes in…. I needed to hear this today from Rosaria. My struggle is discontentment ,fear, worry, and anxiety. The evil one keeps telling me that I’m not saved because of these sins. I struggle every single day. Rosaria just encouraged me greatly that I am heading in the right direction by staying in God‘s word, every single day, and crying out to him. And pursuing the renewal of my mind. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, that He will use my life for my good, and for His glory. Amen.
Cast down every thought that's sets itself against the knowledge of God , let the sword of the word of the Spirit come out of your mouth and know you are accepted in the beloved of God , you were sealed with his seal of approval the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Oh Amen. Not familiar w S DeYoung and normally wouldn't listen to a women's issue PhD as the current culture so full in university of deception and support for abberrance. This was so excellent that I see all our struggle the same. I was reg sex active till reborn and it was a process a was a fight. I won big battle and lost bigly and won big battle and lost shorter battle and finally won over 4 years. Then a short fall off the back of the wagon 3 yrs later and quicky got back on. Beware of the periferals that surround the sin. So often its the people we come around. Satan sends just what looks perfect sometimes too. (SURPRISE ~ SURPRISE). Now 30 yrs after that one conquered I have resentment from having lived in low income housing for 18 yrs due to becoming disabled. This place has very toxic aggressive ppl. And Satan hates me.... & you. He'll use your flesh and tell you lies. Whisper in your mind to think such and such. In the at times physical amd emotional abuse here I of course know its wrong and nit deserved. In my pain and subsequent anger, resentment and I am trying to hold off bitterness. Gid keeps bringing me to the idea of forgiveneess. Of my pride as I am not their way but am I doing better in God's eyes, really? So I am seeing preaching and Bible verses about being judgemental and forgiveness and to concentrate on MY walk, my study (which was lacking so I got weaker and just hurt myself really). I am very sensitive and to others feelings also. So I have my uphill climb cut out for me. I saw from previous years how much more at peace and strong I was. Noe the fleshly battle to get really into study again. Read regularly (need daily) and praying (which I used to write after reading, which resukted in good real prayer). I kray for you and I to make time for the word and quality time with God. I oray the Lord will strengthen your flesh and send Angel to minister to you. Be blessed, Jesus is near and He dies deliver and walk with us. He is our Shepard and redeeming God. He is with you. I know hiw crummy it can feel at times. I kray He send you good teaching via utube and radio and his word for a breakthrough to more strength and a curting if lies and feelings if unworthiness. Love from a Sister in Jesus .♡ 🕊
I have great news for you- The Gospel is not good advice it is Good news. Even while we were dead in sin Christ loved us and raised us up. No amount of law keeping and rule keeping can impart Life- Only Jesus gives life. Religion teaches man saves himself - gospel teaches Mans effort is filthy rags and can't save. Gospel teaches those who believe in Christ have eternal life apart from works lest any shall boast. Salvation is of God and IS the power of God.
@@LuckyEucalyptusTree- I hope you aren’t encouraging this fellow believer to not battle sin. I’m perceiving that your words sound like someone from The Gospel Coalition. Do you follow that organization or any pastors who are associated with it? I am curious to know. As a side question, if I may ask: Do you believe in luck?
This voice from Rosaria Butterfield is like a voice from the desert bringing good news to the lost , thanks be to our Savior Jesus Christ The Son of The Living God who has raised up Rosaria Butterfield at such a time as now.
What a fearless woman of God! What an example to many Christians to speak truth in love! I watched few of her videos! What a blessing and a gift she is to America! Praise God for his obedient daughter!❤
Oh this was so profound for me! My grandson is trans. I dont want to lose him, so its hard to stand up with my beliefs. He was a very atrong christian! The school in his juniir year helped him to believe that he was trans. The lord definately led me here, with no looking for this! I have struggled with my thoughts on this all day! Blessings to you!
I am praying for you, your grandchild, and all of us. Keep loving your grandchild, keep him close to you, or stay as close as you can to him. Keep loving him. I’m sorry for your struggle and for his. Evil is real.
These prayers will take you out of these cycles of guilt and shame. I am a practicing Catholic and to join efforts is what it is all about. Jesus I trust in you, take care of everything . Amen
This ontology from Romans 7 is most significant. "Hate sin without hating/condemning Self, because of Christ in us, the Hope of Glory (hidden In Christ).
So many words of wisdom shared by these two. I praise the Lord for your willingness to share so freely and openly. The reach of this will go far beyond those 11,000 in attendance. All glory to the risen Christ.
Thank you, I needed to hear this as my son is trans and despite all my family (except my husband, his step dad) call my son Margo, they/them, I refuse...he is Tom, darling, sweetheart when I am with him. It is hard navigating the language sometimes but I will not give in as a Christian I can not. But I love him and pray for him and his sister who is gay and in a false marriage everyday as God can do anything and in that I trust. He loves them more than I do ❤🙏. I have repented of going to my daughters ceremony. Thank you for this interview, I believe God wanted me to hear it today 🙏
thank you for sharing. Our story is so similar. We are forgiven and free. May our LORD JESUS be pleased to redeem and save our children and bless them to be a lighthouse for many others. LORD, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
Just finished her book "Five Lies." Everyone believer should read this wonderful book. Thank you for the marvelous truth going forth in this interview.
Rosaria, I fight the same battle you do. The battle against my lust for women , other than my wife, and men. I have figured out that it is a lust for selfish pleasure. every time I hear one of your lectures or read, or reread one of your books I get more ammunition for the fight. God bless you. keep up the good fight.
Kevin, I'm glad you agree with Rosaria, and I could be wrong about this, but you used to teach that SSA was not a sin and have not acknowledged that. For your soul and ministry, you must acknowledge what you used to do, like Rosaria did here.
Some pastors may exhibit manipulative behaviors, such as controlling power, silencing critics, and avoiding accountability. These behaviors can include: Micromanaging: Controlling all aspects of church life Refusing input: Not listening to staff or congregants Removing checks on authority: Eliminating any systems that could hold them accountable Surrounding themselves with yes people: Only associating with people who agree with them Distancing themselves from challengers: Avoiding people who ask difficult questions or challenge their decisions Abusive behavior: Belittling, blaming, or shaming those under their care Narcissistic behavior: Spending more time promoting themselves than caring for their congregants
This is very very good. With a son who claims he is gay this resonates well with me. I appreciate these two. And honestly I am surprised the comments are not disabled…
Great! I love Rosaria Butterfield. You known John Owen: "The Mortification of Sin". We both hate sin and we are risen with Christ and we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God.
The question that keeps coming to mind for me is, "Am I a sinner because I sin? Or (for the purpose of this discussion), do I sin because I'm a sinner?" Because I believe that any sin I commit is the expression of my sinful nature, I am not sure that I agree that being tempted is equivalent with sinning. Because I have immense respect for Rosaria, I will consider her words here, but at this point in time, I can't bring myself to say I agree that being tempted is the same as committing the sin.
The life cycle of sin (James 1), if we LET it live, if we let it dwell, permeate, letting it grow to the point it's overwhelming. That temptation has more become something we're indulging in our minds, having sinful thoughts let to hang around... That has turned from temptation to our constantly entertaining it. I think that's what she was trying to say.
I think you’re also missing the reality that we sin not only in our actions, but even in our thoughts. If we have a lustful thought, that is sin. Sin is not only sin when a temptation is acted upon, but rather because we have a sinful, fallen nature inherited from our first father Adam, any bubbling up, so to speak, of a sinful idea or affection is itself to be put to death and repented of. Sin has a life cycle similar to a weed. It begins as something that looks very similar to a flower of righteousness. However, in further consideration, both have different roots. Sin stems from the root of Adam’s imputed sin which all men have, known as original sin, where from all actual transgressions flow from. Righteousness stems from the image of God within man (in the sense of civic righteousness), and in a renewed way from the seed of God within the believer. Temptation internally is a result of being a fallen, sinful human being. Think of the discourse in the Garden of Eden between the serpent and Eve. The fall of man into sin began with Eve hypothesizing that the words of the serpent and of God were of equal authority. Indeed, Eve (and Adam after her) lusted after that which the Lord commanded not to be eaten. Indeed, the very thought and desire of sin in the heart is forbidden in the 10th commandment (Thou shalt not covet), which really is the root cause of all other sin. Lust in the heart is a sin (Matthew 5:27) to be repented of, and even idle thoughts and words are thoughts and words which make the person whose thoughts and words they are, liable to the torments of hell forever as they lead one down the path of destruction (Ecclesiastes 10:18; Matthew 12:36; 2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Timothy 5:13).
Side B is a strong deception in the church. Coveting is idolatry (Col. 3:5). Unrighteous anger is murder (Matt. 5:21-22, 1 Jn 3:15). Fornicational lust is adultery (Matt. 5:28). None of us is innocent (Rom. 3:10-12). Desiring sin is sin. But repent and believe in Christ as God in flesh and Lamb of God, and you will be accepted by Him. May God bless everyone who had anything to do with this event. 🙏
It's the results that come from sin that should make you not want to do it. Sin eventually brings pain and suffering. Sin does not bring Peace and Joy. God Bless you all
Why are we being pressed to treat Homosexuality as a special category of disobedience, It’s listed with all the other sins in the Bible. It’s never treated as some separate special sin exempt from correction or condemnation.
They're addressing all concupiscence, not just homosexuality. But homosexuality is being singled out at various points because it's a reigning idol of our day.
Let us not be fooled! We do not want to be one of those who will be turned away on that day when men stand before God. The way is narrow, and the road is straight, and FEW be that find it. Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Verse 22 MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Verse 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it. Our sin has set us all on the road to hell and no amount of good will fix the sin we have done. We have ALL sinned. It is not about the type of sin or how much sin. It is about the fact that we have sinned. For that reason we all need a Savior.
If we want forgiveness for our sin and peace with God. If we want to escape eternal hell. If we want to go to heaven we must understand the following. We DO NOT get saved (go to heaven), get right with God, forgiven, by being good, by being religious, by just believing in God, by praying a prayer, being baptized, asking or accepting Jesus into our hearts, accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour, confessing our sins, joining a church, cleaning up our lives, doing penance, taking the bread and the wine, or doing all these things accumulative. Salvation is a gift that is given to those who repent and come to faith. Eph. 2:8,9
Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Make no mistake. We cannot be a friend of Christ and remain a rebel against God and unless we repent we remain a rebel. The word repent, from the Greek word “metanoia”, means a change of mind or direction. God is not receiving those who almost or kind of repents. It is like the word About-face which is a 180 degree turn. We turn from not wanting God fully in our lives to willfully surrendering to Him to lead our lives.
When any person comes to the place where they are broken over their sin toward God to the point that they want to get right with God no matter what it will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God. Luke 14:33 Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. The repentant heart would walk away from anything or any one to get right with God. We then take that willing repentant heart we have towards God and place it on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Master, because He paid the price for our sin, and that becomes faith. At that moment God’s grace through Christ is freely applied to us and we are born again, saved from eternal hell and sealed by the Spirit so that we will never again return to the practice of sinning. 1John 3:9,10.
Our first command after salvation is to be baptized. Repentance of sin is the result of the new birth/salvation and will be part of the sanctification process and our new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 2:10. While we may sin from time to time after salvation it will never again be our practice 2Cor. 5:17, 1John 3:9,10.
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
REV. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. It all boils down to are we sorry/broken enough over our sins against God and do we want to get our hearts right with Him or not. Let us be sure that tomorrow does not belong to us.
The LGBT community has a history of events that have impacted the community. Social movements for the acceptance and rights of LGBT people began as responses to centuries of persecution. Here are some milestones in LGBT history: 1979: The first National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights took place, with an estimated 75,000 to 125,000 people marching. 1982: Wisconsin became the first state to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation. 1970: The first “Gay Liberation Day March” was held in New York City. The term "transgender" only came into being in the 1960s, though trans people have existed throughout history. The general term "gay" was not used to describe sexual orientation until the mid 20th century. LGBT stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender". It may refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender. A popular variant, LGBTQ, adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer.
God has brought this woman into my life (albeit via books and videos) for this season. My in dwelling sin isn’t homosexuality but a sudden awareness of my deep greed. Ouch
Godly repentance unto life. Repent and believe is the gospel beginning. repent of any desire that God hates. Sexual sin including trans is the idol of today in USA.
If I go to the gym or the the mall and I see an attractive girl and I have a biological reaction that I hate, how is that sin? How can I live as a christian know thing that every 3 seconds I think or desire something sinful, and those desires I don't even want to have. If this is christianity this is the most depressing, heavy burdened life ever. I cannot live a single second without feeling something that's sinful...
Do you have a Bible? Tempatation is not sin. It is only the first stage of the trial, according to James 1:15. See Joseph at Genesis 39:12 also. What you do after that is where sin comes in. Job said it best. He said he determined to stop at the one unintended look, and not to go farther, Job 31:1. Find a good Bible teaching church.
Hi - there are 2 parts. Both involve looking to Jesus ... first is repentance, and trust in Him for forgiveness, cleansing and help. With the new nature, then it is a matter of looking to Him again, as it says in Hebrews where it is saying to consider Jesus who endured such treatment for the joy that was set before Him. Looking to Him throughout the day, learning to turn our hearts to Him through the day, fills the heart with good, not evil. It says in the Book, desire the pure milk of the Word that you may grow thereby. Feeding on God in the Book is also what strengthens the soul to desire Him and not sin. It says that "you turned to God from idols/images to serve the true and living God" (Thess) - so we need Something bigger than our sin to enable us to let go of the sin and turn to the Person Who is everything we have desired and more ... Wherever we are, whether struggling with faith, or struggling with sin (and therefore faith), the best thing is to always ask Him to help, because He knows us completely, and knows we need help - this is why He came down to us, and died for us, and rose again for us. It says, as a Father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame, He remembers we are dust ... (Psalm 103) He also says, Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound (Paul, Bunyan). We need to ask Him to do this in us ... Have I achieved this? By no means, I am having to fight my way. Has He granted some progress? I would say, Surely, and it gives me a little more hope out of a very dark place.
Brother don't loose yourself on those philosophy non sense that doesn't help to gain or or go on your way to have or keep your faith. If something like that, happens to you , swape it and move on After We are all men and those réactions happen
This is a a wonderful talk however don't you think a true practising Catholic does not begin to entertain the suggestions Satin puts forward forward and I don't think what the Cathecism explains is any different to what you described
The thing is as you are speaking in the first person a lot “I came to believe” I saw” “I believed” the truth is you were dead Rosaria and God awoke you and brought you to life. Your situation was a lot more dire than you imagine. God saved Rosaria and God is using Rosaria to witness you didn’t come to this volitionally ) there’s something amazing about God not so much you ) no disrespect.
Were is God infinite Mercy ??? His precious blood sheeded for our iniquities and our sins and sinful tendencies. You are a good preacher and I am grateful that you are helping others to turn around and to get into the narrow path to their salvation, but you need to teach your audience how to pray into temptations. How can you live day after day without serious prayers and think that your battelings and living under suppressive temptations on your own. Simple prayers : Jesus I trust in you, help my unbelief, In The Name of Jesus I command this evil spirit to leave right now in Jesus name and precious blood, Depart from me satan you have no room in my life right now, in Jesus name I pray, even better the Surrender prayer from Father Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Other the Divine Mercy chaplet. This
This indwelling sin theology just brings bondage. Let’s look outside of same sex attractions-every heterosexual man would have to repent constantly for every attraction he has of a women outside of marriage. No one could even be in public or near people. In fact, following this logic to completion, it would be a sin to even be around women because you are stirring up sin or “temptation” and would have a hint of sexual sin. No instead, scripture says I am no longer a sinner! I am a saint, I am a child, and more than anything A NEW CREATION! Sin was killed in me, as I am in Christ. At the very least, there is no indwelling sin now.
@nathanellenwood1 Not only did Paul express his indwelling sin in Romans 7, but also consider this: 1 John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us. Yes, positionally, Christians have been cleansed. But we are still in earthly bodies. We need to battle sin for now, but that will make glory all the sweeter. Shalom.
In light of this being a mission conference let's hope she learns about radical Two Kingdoms theology being pushed by Westminster seminaries. This theology and dispensational theology have both led to a lawless and impotent church. This is not what we want to be exporting to other nations. If she is seeking truth, she will need to address these issues eventually.
She could not be more right. And you WILL KNOW THAT YOU KNOW when, when you decide to embark on that sinful desire. You WILL know THAT. you about to ruin your walk with Jesus
Lost all respect for her after she went around on a heresy hunt, calling orthodox creed affirming believers like Preston Sprinkle heretics. Sick of people platforming such a divisive personality. Calling someone a heretic should be saved for actual heresy, not a difference of opinion on a debatable theological issue.
It's not "a debatable theological issue" if God's word is the authority. It doesn't matter how many or what creeds one subscribes to, God's word is the only authority one must abide by - and Preston does not (nor do you, apparently...🧐).
Some lose respect for calling out sin. Some lose respect for empathizing with the sin that once bound them because they want people to be actually…free.
Have you read his book? In what way does Preston not call it out? He writes multiple pages about why both homosexuality and transitioning is sin and against God's design and unsupported by scripture. I am very skeptical you've actually taken the time to even read what he has to say on the matter. @@NikkiSchumacherOfficial
It really saddens me to see Butterfield up there teaching and exercising authority over the people like this. In this BigEva mega conference. It seems like she's teaching correctly. But all these BigEva fools (DeYoung, Platt, Shai Linne, Piper) have failed us big time! I've seen the Lord do a mighty work in Butterfield, and I believe she knows better than to be up there doing what women ought not be doing, but at least she's speaking truth... Butterfield is the only one in this whole conference that has any credibility left. And only because of her genuine repentance. The rest have none. DeYoung needs to resign along with all the others.
I would like to understand the context of your comment..I note you have shared a history of the LGBTQ movement, thanks- interesring that Rosario claims she was a key instigator of the movement...are you in disagreement with what the Bible says about sexuality and gender, or is your contention with how Rosario has communicated/spoken about what the Bible says?
My friend, pls consider. If you do not agree with the content of the video, just swipe out. It seems to me the only hatred displayed here is on your part. Sadly, it appears you have chosen the losing side of the discussion; using an emotional attack rather than theological support.
If it was harmful and dangerous, she would not be free and blessed. It's apparent to anyone she is free and blessed, and the only reason she is doing this, is to show others they too could be free and blessed. That is not despicable, that is very loving thing to do.❤
Thank you. Repentance has not been preached in our generation like it’s supposed to be. Repentance leads to life!
Martin Luther described repentance as the "joyous business of the Christian" because turning away from and rejecting sin in my life leads to the true joy of being in undisturbed community with Christ. As it was said in this interview: As soon as I've vomited out 🤢 the ghastly stuff I'll feel better immediately.
Im so grateful for this . I have many sinful thoughts. I have told myself that its temptation. I full into the sin by practicing it. It gives me a good feeling at first, but then aferwards im feeling bad about it because i know it to be wrong. I no longer want to continue . Thanks for this .
Praying for you now! ✝️
@@mystrength5640 Thank you
Our will is in Bondage and depraved.
10 minutes in…. I needed to hear this today from Rosaria. My struggle is discontentment ,fear, worry, and anxiety. The evil one keeps telling me that I’m not saved because of these sins. I struggle every single day. Rosaria just encouraged me greatly that I am heading in the right direction by staying in God‘s word, every single day, and crying out to him. And pursuing the renewal of my mind. Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, that He will use my life for my good, and for His glory. Amen.
Cast down every thought that's sets itself against the knowledge of God , let the sword of the word of the Spirit come out of your mouth and know you are accepted in the beloved of God , you were sealed with his seal of approval the promise of the Holy Spirit.
I encourage you to watch Andrew Coloney - The new mankind - Be free
Oh Amen. Not familiar w S
DeYoung and normally wouldn't listen to a women's issue PhD as the current culture so full in university of deception and support for abberrance. This was so excellent that I see all our struggle the same. I was reg sex active till reborn and it was a process a was a fight. I won big battle and lost bigly and won big battle and lost shorter battle and finally won over 4 years. Then a short fall off the back of the wagon 3 yrs later and quicky got back on. Beware of the periferals that surround the sin. So often its the people we come around. Satan sends just what looks perfect sometimes too. (SURPRISE ~ SURPRISE). Now 30 yrs after that one conquered I have resentment from having lived in low income housing for 18 yrs due to becoming disabled. This place has very toxic aggressive ppl. And Satan hates me.... & you. He'll use your flesh and tell you lies. Whisper in your mind to think such and such. In the at times physical amd emotional abuse here I of course know its wrong and nit deserved. In my pain and subsequent anger, resentment and I am trying to hold off bitterness. Gid keeps bringing me to the idea of forgiveneess. Of my pride as I am not their way but am I doing better in God's eyes, really? So I am seeing preaching and Bible verses about being judgemental and forgiveness and to concentrate on MY walk, my study (which was lacking so I got weaker and just hurt myself really). I am very sensitive and to others feelings also. So I have my uphill climb cut out for me. I saw from previous years how much more at peace and strong I was. Noe the fleshly battle to get really into study again. Read regularly (need daily) and praying (which I used to write after reading, which resukted in good real prayer). I kray for you and I to make time for the word and quality time with God. I oray the Lord will strengthen your flesh and send Angel to minister to you. Be blessed, Jesus is near and He dies deliver and walk with us. He is our Shepard and redeeming God. He is with you. I know hiw crummy it can feel at times. I kray He send you good teaching via utube and radio and his word for a breakthrough to more strength and a curting if lies and feelings if unworthiness. Love from a Sister in Jesus .♡ 🕊
I have great news for you- The Gospel is not good advice it is Good news. Even while we were dead in sin Christ loved us and raised us up. No amount of law keeping and rule keeping can impart Life- Only Jesus gives life. Religion teaches man saves himself - gospel teaches Mans effort is filthy rags and can't save. Gospel teaches those who believe in Christ have eternal life apart from works lest any shall boast. Salvation is of God and IS the power of God.
I hope you aren’t encouraging this fellow believer to not battle sin.
I’m perceiving that your words sound like someone from The Gospel Coalition. Do you follow that organization or any pastors who are associated with it? I am curious to know.
As a side question, if I may ask:
Do you believe in luck?
Rosaria Butterfield is a divine gift to the world !!!
This voice from Rosaria Butterfield is like a voice from the desert bringing good news to the lost , thanks be to our Savior Jesus Christ The Son of The Living God who has raised up Rosaria Butterfield at such a time as now.
What a fearless woman of God! What an example to many Christians to speak truth in love!
I watched few of her videos! What a blessing and a gift she is to America! Praise God for his obedient daughter!❤
Oh this was so profound for me! My grandson is trans. I dont want to lose him, so its hard to stand up with my beliefs. He was a very atrong christian! The school in his juniir year helped him to believe that he was trans. The lord definately led me here, with no looking for this! I have struggled with my thoughts on this all day! Blessings to you!
I am praying for you, your grandchild, and all of us. Keep loving your grandchild, keep him close to you, or stay as close as you can to him. Keep loving him.
I’m sorry for your struggle and for his.
Evil is real.
".. fight sin at the first moment.. "❤️🙏❤️
Just love listening and learning from Rosaria!
These prayers will take you out of these cycles of guilt and shame. I am a practicing Catholic and to join efforts is what it is all about. Jesus I trust in you, take care of everything . Amen
Thank you both for this huge encouragement 🙏 ❤️
This ontology from Romans 7 is most significant. "Hate sin without hating/condemning Self, because of Christ in us, the Hope of Glory (hidden In Christ).
Glory to God for your testimony!!
So many words of wisdom shared by these two. I praise the Lord for your willingness to share so freely and openly. The reach of this will go far beyond those 11,000 in attendance. All glory to the risen Christ.
Thank you, I needed to hear this as my son is trans and despite all my family (except my husband, his step dad) call my son Margo, they/them, I refuse...he is Tom, darling, sweetheart when I am with him. It is hard navigating the language sometimes but I will not give in as a Christian I can not. But I love him and pray for him and his sister who is gay and in a false marriage everyday as God can do anything and in that I trust. He loves them more than I do ❤🙏. I have repented of going to my daughters ceremony. Thank you for this interview, I believe God wanted me to hear it today 🙏
thank you for sharing. Our story is so similar. We are forgiven and free. May our LORD JESUS be pleased to redeem and save our children and bless them to be a lighthouse for many others. LORD, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
God bless you!
This is such a wonderful presentation, thank you Pastor Kevin and Rosaria. Lord bless.
Just finished her book "Five Lies." Everyone believer should read this wonderful book. Thank you for the marvelous truth going forth in this interview.
Rosaria, I fight the same battle you do. The battle against my lust for women , other than my wife, and men. I have figured out that it is a lust for selfish pleasure. every time I hear one of your lectures or read, or reread one of your books I get more ammunition for the fight. God bless you. keep up the good fight.
So good I plan to listen to this again with my notepad and share with my husband too!
Thank you, Rosaria
Thanks Rosario
Thank you for this message, both of you.
So grateful for your witness, Rosaria!
Kevin, I'm glad you agree with Rosaria, and I could be wrong about this, but you used to teach that SSA was not a sin and have not acknowledged that. For your soul and ministry, you must acknowledge what you used to do, like Rosaria did here.
He got caught so he flipped
need to go to one of these! time to pray about it! ❤️❤️
Some pastors may exhibit manipulative behaviors, such as controlling power, silencing critics, and avoiding accountability. These behaviors can include:
Micromanaging: Controlling all aspects of church life
Refusing input: Not listening to staff or congregants
Removing checks on authority: Eliminating any systems that could hold them accountable
Surrounding themselves with yes people: Only associating with people who agree with them
Distancing themselves from challengers: Avoiding people who ask difficult questions or challenge their decisions
Abusive behavior: Belittling, blaming, or shaming those under their care
Narcissistic behavior: Spending more time promoting themselves than caring for their congregants
This is very very good. With a son who claims he is gay this resonates well with me. I appreciate these two. And honestly I am surprised the comments are not disabled…
Take heart! God does miracles, I was a son who was gay for 40 years and He broke the chains!!
@@timyoder2541 Wish I could have an honest convo with you for many reasons but I appreciate the reply.
@@SeanLawn71I hope you and Tim connect. Sounds like a great conversation could happen.
@@timyoder2541praise Jesus! The God who can and does!
@@timyoder2541Me too! Gay about 30 years and set free in Christ! Nothing is impossible with our God! ❤
Please pray for my daughter Kacie that the Lord will deliver her from this sinful act. Thank you ❤️
Praying for Kacie and my nephew Bill.
Have hope! Prayed for her! Bless you.
Thank you for the prayers 🙏❤️
Please watch Andrew Coloney - The new mankind - be encouraged
Amen and Amen ✝️
This was Mind blowing helpful!!
Amen, thank you Lord for grace and mercy🔥To God be the glory 🙏❤️
I love Rosaria Butterfield.
You known John Owen:
"The Mortification of Sin".
We both hate sin and
we are risen with Christ and we are dead, and
our life is hid with Christ in God.
Great interview!😊
I love Rosaria Butterfield, man. What a Godly woman.
"I really do love you." Brava!
She is right on 👍🙏✝️
If you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the flesh you will live. Rom. 8
Love is not a doormat.
How did you come to that conclusion?
The question that keeps coming to mind for me is, "Am I a sinner because I sin? Or (for the purpose of this discussion), do I sin because I'm a sinner?" Because I believe that any sin I commit is the expression of my sinful nature, I am not sure that I agree that being tempted is equivalent with sinning. Because I have immense respect for Rosaria, I will consider her words here, but at this point in time, I can't bring myself to say I agree that being tempted is the same as committing the sin.
The life cycle of sin (James 1), if we LET it live, if we let it dwell, permeate, letting it grow to the point it's overwhelming. That temptation has more become something we're indulging in our minds, having sinful thoughts let to hang around... That has turned from temptation to our constantly entertaining it. I think that's what she was trying to say.
I think you’re also missing the reality that we sin not only in our actions, but even in our thoughts. If we have a lustful thought, that is sin. Sin is not only sin when a temptation is acted upon, but rather because we have a sinful, fallen nature inherited from our first father Adam, any bubbling up, so to speak, of a sinful idea or affection is itself to be put to death and repented of. Sin has a life cycle similar to a weed. It begins as something that looks very similar to a flower of righteousness. However, in further consideration, both have different roots. Sin stems from the root of Adam’s imputed sin which all men have, known as original sin, where from all actual transgressions flow from. Righteousness stems from the image of God within man (in the sense of civic righteousness), and in a renewed way from the seed of God within the believer.
Temptation internally is a result of being a fallen, sinful human being. Think of the discourse in the Garden of Eden between the serpent and Eve. The fall of man into sin began with Eve hypothesizing that the words of the serpent and of God were of equal authority. Indeed, Eve (and Adam after her) lusted after that which the Lord commanded not to be eaten.
Indeed, the very thought and desire of sin in the heart is forbidden in the 10th commandment (Thou shalt not covet), which really is the root cause of all other sin. Lust in the heart is a sin (Matthew 5:27) to be repented of, and even idle thoughts and words are thoughts and words which make the person whose thoughts and words they are, liable to the torments of hell forever as they lead one down the path of destruction (Ecclesiastes 10:18; Matthew 12:36; 2 Thessalonians 3:11; 1 Timothy 5:13).
@@kevinroll8299I encourage you to watch Andrew Coloney the new mankind and reply back to here with your thoughts?
Alastair Begg needs to hear that part of not going to the wedding
Side B is a strong deception in the church.
Coveting is idolatry (Col. 3:5).
Unrighteous anger is murder (Matt. 5:21-22, 1 Jn 3:15).
Fornicational lust is adultery (Matt. 5:28).
None of us is innocent (Rom. 3:10-12).
Desiring sin is sin.
But repent and believe in Christ as God in flesh and Lamb of God, and you will be accepted by Him.
May God bless everyone who had anything to do with this event. 🙏
It's the results that come from sin that should make you not want to do it.
Sin eventually brings pain and suffering.
Sin does not bring Peace and Joy.
God Bless you all
Why are we being pressed to treat Homosexuality as a special category of disobedience, It’s listed with all the other sins in the Bible. It’s never treated as some separate special sin exempt from correction or condemnation.
They're addressing all concupiscence, not just homosexuality. But homosexuality is being singled out at various points because it's a reigning idol of our day.
@@gummylens5465well said
@@gummylens5465please watch Andrew Coloney The new mankind - be encouraged
In another talk, Rosario, makes this very point: sin is sin.
Let us not be fooled! We do not want to be one of those who will be turned away on that day when men stand before God. The way is narrow, and the road is straight, and FEW be that find it.
Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Verse 22 MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Verse 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it.
Our sin has set us all on the road to hell and no amount of good will fix the sin we have done. We have ALL sinned. It is not about the type of sin or how much sin. It is about the fact that we have sinned. For that reason we all need a Savior.
If we want forgiveness for our sin and peace with God. If we want to escape eternal hell. If we want to go to heaven we must understand the following. We DO NOT get saved (go to heaven), get right with God, forgiven, by being good, by being religious, by just believing in God, by praying a prayer, being baptized, asking or accepting Jesus into our hearts, accepting Jesus as our personal Saviour, confessing our sins, joining a church, cleaning up our lives, doing penance, taking the bread and the wine, or doing all these things accumulative.
Salvation is a gift that is given to those who repent and come to faith. Eph. 2:8,9
Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Make no mistake. We cannot be a friend of Christ and remain a rebel against God and unless we repent we remain a rebel. The word repent, from the Greek word “metanoia”, means a change of mind or direction.
God is not receiving those who almost or kind of repents. It is like the word About-face which is a 180 degree turn. We turn from not wanting God fully in our lives to willfully surrendering to Him to lead our lives.
When any person comes to the place where they are broken over their sin toward God to the point that they want to get right with God no matter what it will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God. Luke 14:33 Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. The repentant heart would walk away from anything or any one to get right with God.
We then take that willing repentant heart we have towards God and place it on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Master, because He paid the price for our sin, and that becomes faith. At that moment God’s grace through Christ is freely applied to us and we are born again, saved from eternal hell and sealed by the Spirit so that we will never again return to the practice of sinning. 1John 3:9,10.
Our first command after salvation is to be baptized.
Repentance of sin is the result of the new birth/salvation and will be part of the sanctification process and our new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 2:10. While we may sin from time to time after salvation it will never again be our practice 2Cor. 5:17, 1John 3:9,10.
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
REV. 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
It all boils down to are we sorry/broken enough over our sins against God and do we want to get our hearts right with Him or not. Let us be sure that tomorrow does not belong to us.
Lord help me to fully surrender Amen
And if it belong to Christ to give repentance, then it followeth that it is not a thing which is in man's power.
The LGBT community has a history of events that have impacted the community. Social movements for the acceptance and rights of LGBT people began as responses to centuries of persecution.
Here are some milestones in LGBT history:
1979: The first National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights took place, with an estimated 75,000 to 125,000 people marching.
1982: Wisconsin became the first state to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation.
1970: The first “Gay Liberation Day March” was held in New York City.
The term "transgender" only came into being in the 1960s, though trans people have existed throughout history. The general term "gay" was not used to describe sexual orientation until the mid 20th century.
LGBT stands for "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender". It may refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender. A popular variant, LGBTQ, adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer.
God has brought this woman into my life (albeit via books and videos) for this season. My in dwelling sin isn’t homosexuality but a sudden awareness of my deep greed. Ouch
Godly repentance unto life. Repent and believe is the gospel beginning. repent of any desire that God hates. Sexual sin including trans is the idol of today in USA.
If I go to the gym or the the mall and I see an attractive girl and I have a biological reaction that I hate, how is that sin? How can I live as a christian know thing that every 3 seconds I think or desire something sinful, and those desires I don't even want to have. If this is christianity this is the most depressing, heavy burdened life ever. I cannot live a single second without feeling something that's sinful...
I guess it would take something divine to set that right...
Do you have a Bible? Tempatation is not sin. It is only the first stage of the trial, according to James 1:15. See Joseph at Genesis 39:12 also. What you do after that is where sin comes in. Job said it best. He said he determined to stop at the one unintended look, and not to go farther, Job 31:1. Find a good Bible teaching church.
Hi - there are 2 parts. Both involve looking to Jesus ... first is repentance, and trust in Him for forgiveness, cleansing and help. With the new nature, then it is a matter of looking to Him again, as it says in Hebrews where it is saying to consider Jesus who endured such treatment for the joy that was set before Him. Looking to Him throughout the day, learning to turn our hearts to Him through the day, fills the heart with good, not evil. It says in the Book, desire the pure milk of the Word that you may grow thereby. Feeding on God in the Book is also what strengthens the soul to desire Him and not sin.
It says that "you turned to God from idols/images to serve the true and living God" (Thess) - so we need Something bigger than our sin to enable us to let go of the sin and turn to the Person Who is everything we have desired and more ...
Wherever we are, whether struggling with faith, or struggling with sin (and therefore faith), the best thing is to always ask Him to help, because He knows us completely, and knows we need help - this is why He came down to us, and died for us, and rose again for us. It says, as a Father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame, He remembers we are dust ... (Psalm 103)
He also says, Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound (Paul, Bunyan). We need to ask Him to do this in us ...
Have I achieved this? By no means, I am having to fight my way. Has He granted some progress? I would say, Surely, and it gives me a little more hope out of a very dark place.
Welcome to the battle, brother. 💪
Brother don't loose yourself on those philosophy non sense that doesn't help to gain or or go on your way to have or keep your faith. If something like that, happens to you , swape it and move on After We are all men and those réactions happen
Amen Colossians 3:3 keeps us under Satans radar!
But, but, but, there is no "satan!" We relativists say so so it's correct. (Right?) Sarcasm intended!
The flashing back board! Sorry, I can’t watch. 🤷♀️
This is a a wonderful talk however don't you think a true practising Catholic does not begin to entertain the suggestions Satin puts forward forward and I don't think what the Cathecism explains is any different to what you described
But now it is no longer I who do it but sin that lives in me. Rom. 7:17,20.
The thing is as you are speaking in the first person a lot “I came to believe” I saw” “I believed” the truth is you were dead Rosaria and God awoke you and brought you to life. Your situation was a lot more dire than you imagine. God saved Rosaria and God is using Rosaria to witness you didn’t come to this volitionally ) there’s something amazing about God not so much you ) no disrespect.
Español español porfavor
Oh...minute 30...
Were is God infinite Mercy ??? His precious blood sheeded for our iniquities and our sins and sinful tendencies. You are a good preacher and I am grateful that you are helping others to turn around and to get into the narrow path to their salvation, but you need to teach your audience how to pray into temptations. How can you live day after day without serious prayers and think that your battelings and living under suppressive temptations on your own. Simple prayers : Jesus I trust in you, help my unbelief,
In The Name of Jesus I command this evil spirit to leave right now in Jesus name and precious blood,
Depart from me satan you have no room in my life right now, in Jesus name I pray, even better the Surrender prayer from Father Don Dolindo Ruotolo. Other the Divine Mercy chaplet. This
Prosperity Gospel 😂
This indwelling sin theology just brings bondage. Let’s look outside of same sex attractions-every heterosexual man would have to repent constantly for every attraction he has of a women outside of marriage. No one could even be in public or near people. In fact, following this logic to completion, it would be a sin to even be around women because you are stirring up sin or “temptation” and would have a hint of sexual sin.
No instead, scripture says I am no longer a sinner! I am a saint, I am a child, and more than anything A NEW CREATION! Sin was killed in me, as I am in Christ. At the very least, there is no indwelling sin now.
Not only did Paul express his indwelling sin in Romans 7, but also consider this:
1 John 1:8-10
If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.
Yes, positionally, Christians have been cleansed. But we are still in earthly bodies. We need to battle sin for now, but that will make glory all the sweeter.
God's not really very interested in sin. People are. It's big business.
How do you now this?
How do WE Come clean to God if he'sno interested by our sin
In light of this being a mission conference let's hope she learns about radical Two Kingdoms theology being pushed by Westminster seminaries. This theology and dispensational theology have both led to a lawless and impotent church. This is not what we want to be exporting to other nations. If she is seeking truth, she will need to address these issues eventually.
She could not be more right. And you WILL KNOW THAT YOU KNOW when, when you decide to embark on that sinful desire. You WILL know THAT. you about to ruin your walk with Jesus
Lost all respect for her after she went around on a heresy hunt, calling orthodox creed affirming believers like Preston Sprinkle heretics. Sick of people platforming such a divisive personality. Calling someone a heretic should be saved for actual heresy, not a difference of opinion on a debatable theological issue.
It's not "a debatable theological issue" if God's word is the authority. It doesn't matter how many or what creeds one subscribes to, God's word is the only authority one must abide by - and Preston does not (nor do you, apparently...🧐).
I'd love for you to point out where Preston is going against scripture on this issue. @@arclemons1967
Some lose respect for calling out sin. Some lose respect for empathizing with the sin that once bound them because they want people to be actually…free.
Have you read his book? In what way does Preston not call it out? He writes multiple pages about why both homosexuality and transitioning is sin and against God's design and unsupported by scripture. I am very skeptical you've actually taken the time to even read what he has to say on the matter. @@NikkiSchumacherOfficial
Show me a sources as to where Preston isn't holding himself accountable to God's word on this issue? I'd love to see them! @@arclemons1967
It really saddens me to see Butterfield up there teaching and exercising authority over the people like this. In this BigEva mega conference. It seems like she's teaching correctly. But all these BigEva fools (DeYoung, Platt, Shai Linne, Piper) have failed us big time! I've seen the Lord do a mighty work in Butterfield, and I believe she knows better than to be up there doing what women ought not be doing, but at least she's speaking truth...
Butterfield is the only one in this whole conference that has any credibility left. And only because of her genuine repentance. The rest have none. DeYoung needs to resign along with all the others.
Why should they resign?
@@josephbrack4603 because they are hired hands. Always have been.
Junia was an apostle imprisoned for speaking the gospel.
I’m curious. Why is she not to speak truth? She is not in authority over them in a ministerial role ? Should she not express her repentance journey?
She's telling about her own conversion. I'm not sure why that would be forbidden.
The bible say to come out of her.The Roman Catholic church.
She's very despicable and the thing she says is downright harmful and dangerous. 🏳️🌈😇🙏
I would like to understand the context of your comment..I note you have shared a history of the LGBTQ movement, thanks- interesring that Rosario claims she was a key instigator of the movement...are you in disagreement with what the Bible says about sexuality and gender, or is your contention with how Rosario has communicated/spoken about what the Bible says?
My friend, pls consider. If you do not agree with the content of the video, just swipe out. It seems to me the only hatred displayed here is on your part.
Sadly, it appears you have chosen the losing side of the discussion; using an emotional attack rather than theological support.
If it was harmful and dangerous, she would not be free and blessed. It's apparent to anyone she is free and blessed, and the only reason she is doing this, is to show others they too could be free and blessed.
That is not despicable, that is very loving thing to do.❤
harmful and dangerous to sin and idolatry. That's what the truth does.