I cut out a lot of content, too. The time lapse is set to snap a pic every 5 seconds. I render the final clip to have 12 frames a second. Then when I put it in my video program, I speed up the video to 2x. Maybe more than 38 hours now that I do the math. Whew!
Awesome! 9 minute video but how long did the whole thing take?
@@agindy86 why thank you! Took me a total of 38 hours 😵💫
I cut out a lot of content, too. The time lapse is set to snap a pic every 5 seconds. I render the final clip to have 12 frames a second. Then when I put it in my video program, I speed up the video to 2x. Maybe more than 38 hours now that I do the math. Whew!