i was gold 1 in season 3 now im bronze 2 in s4,because i cant climb out of elo hell,every match only feeders thats all. thats why i dont play lol anymore, i play dota 2 thats more manlier game.
***** I would've included your comment in my video if I'd seen this last year :') Play for fun, and in lower quantities, and you'll find yourself getting better.
I remember how i felt when i first got into ranked and was placed in bronze dropping divisions until i hit bronze 5(beginning of S4). Now im at plat 2, peaked at diamond 5. If you want to get better 1. Study/watch streams and take notes(notes are very important and help you remember) 2. Make sure you have a main champion, one that you feel very confident in and have a page of runes and masteries that work very well for that specific champion. 3. Just keep playing the game and use the information you gather from watching others and improving on the little mistakes you make every game. Think about what you can do to improve those mistakes. After these 3 steps youll begin to notice that your climbing up the latter. Then After awhile everything will seem second nature and you wont have to focus on what decisions to make in game, and this is when you can really improve your skill. Just listen to these three tips and hang in there you get better faster than you ever thought.
30,000 views. Damn, just 3 months ago I was celebrating 10,000 views! According to the analytics, my video's getting a solid 2.5k views a week. And it's all thanks to you guys :) I've had people tell me they've felt a new motivation to be good at the game, and on the other hand, others tell me they've uninstalled. One guy even decided to *remortgage his house* to chase his dream job as a streamer! To all you guys watching right now (and my grand 21 subscribers), thank you :) I'm glad to have been able to influence so many people with something I made over half a year ago for fun. In a sort of conveniently-timed celebration, I released my first Android app today! A 100% sound-based jungle timer, complete with the wight camp. It's free for this weekend, so go grab it while you can! Love you all
I'm winning but I'm not leading the winning team, my assistance is great but is flawed, it could be better, so what I want is the confidence to be the winning champ even when I'm down or losing, to keep the winning mindset, the mindset of the shark. Keep trying don't give up.
Great motivational video, I always played league in troll style and yes, even in ranked, now I realise how hard some people try to succed for higher division and I was there to crush theyre dreams.
Porladean The Last If your actions are leading to unsatisfactory results, first identify what it is that you deem unsatisfactory, and then systematically decide what changes in strategy you need to implement to improve this. For example, you may be losing all your games. Why could this be? Forget your teammates, if Faker can carry 4 men, so can you, with time. What are YOU doing which is causing you to lose? Maybe you notice that you die a lot. Even if you have 30 kills, if you have 8 deaths, that's around half a dozen minutes spent off of the Fields of Justice. In 6 or so minutes, the enemy would be able to push down 2 towers and an inhibitor, which would then sway the game in their favour. Imagine if you were 30-0 instead of 30-8. Would you lose then? Almost certainly not. It's the principle of Cause and Effect. One doesn't spontaneously lose through bad luck, but through the actions they took. So if you identify the Effect (that you're dying too much), you need to identify the Cause of you dying. When you watch replays, you may note that you often over-extend when harassing the enemy, leaving you vulnerable to ganks. You may see that you often die to ganks also due to lack of vision. You may note that you take a lot of damage during exchanges, and hence that you need to buy more resistance items. All of these are the Causes (over-extending, not warding, buying no resistance/armour), and the Effect is an increased "probability" that you die. The more you die, the less time you are on the Fields of Justice, having an impact on the game. The less time you spend alive, the more likely you are to lose. Cause and Effect. Nothing is ever just bad luck, despite what the masses will try to tell you. Control your actions, change your decisions, change your life.
Then you deserve to be where you are. There is a lot of dedication, reading, and work that gold and plats put in to be better. If you can't win a game its cause you...YOU are not putting in the work. I was silver twice. then gold now plat. That came for dedication, work and focus. Watching the pros learning from them. Looking at where wards should be. where are there wards. what are their moves. How do they play. All of these things add up to winning. You can win, but as this video says.....what do you want!
That's much like saying you'd have the motivation to become rich, if only the banks gave you more interest., or you got taxed less, or you were lucky enough. Instead of focusing on factors outside of our control, we must instead become resolute in controlling those things which we can manipulate, most of all the thoughts we allow ourselves to think. The root cause of the problem in this case is not that players are toxic, but that you allow the toxic players to affect your state of mind. When Faker climbs to Challenger from Bronze V, he doesn't do it by focusing on how many negative people there are. Of course, they are definitely there, but to rise above the rank you share with them, you have to not focus of those who will help you none, but instead on how you may realise the ultimate outcome of reaching Diamond. Keep your mind on how you may improve your play, as well as how you approach your losses; failure is rarely punishment, but rather opportunity for learning. For a more direct approach to your initial qualms, if communication with your team does more harm than good, simply muting all players before the game begins will benefit you tremendously, by passively allowing you to focus on your own play, rather than letting the words of the narrow-minded affect your own growth. You could waltz your way to Platinum by simply focusing on where you want to be (Diamond/Challenger) rather than where you don't want (Bronze/with toxic players). As SivHD once said, whenever something bothers you, think to yourself: "How much will this matter one year from now?" Or, for greater relevance to your situation: "How much will this matter when I am Challenger?". The fact that you died 7 times in that game last year will not matter when you've passed your promos for Challenger, nor will the fact that nymphoYi89 berated you at every chance during your Silver promos. All that matters is the end goal. Everything thing in between is white noise.
TheDjinneZone That's some good advice for pursuing any goal in my book. " Keep your mind on how you may improve your play, as well as how you approach your losses; failure is rarely punishment, but rather opportunity for learning." That's the golden ticket. Thanks for commenting!
i uninstalled today for the LAST time. this video just secures my decision, i can't believe people need motivational videos for getting themselves out of bronze league
I watched this video in season 4 when i was bronze 5 0lp and thought I would never be good and was the worst palyer in league of legends history. Now I am currently plat 5 0lp just 2 years latter pushing for diamond and maybe even higher.
I want nothing more to go pro in league of legends. I love this game and I love esports. I know you guys hear that alot but I am going to make it. I will be playing nacs in 2016. This is my passion. esports may be a game to you but esports is life.
TEN THOUSAND VIEWS! Great to see my video getting some proper attention :) Thank you to *everyone* who enjoyed ^^ (and I suppose also everyone who didn't - All feed back is appreciated!)
those people complain about elo hell are the ones who complain and flame their teammates eventually ending up with an afk or a split push Lulu. Really important case, if you want to win you win but if all you want to do something else other than winning at first place then you lose.
Experiencing failure is inevitable on the road to success. Just persevere, don't lose sight of your vision, and success will come, even if it takes time :)
As I saw this video for the first time (october 2018) I was silver 2 with 30% winrate and deserved bronze. During Preseason 10 I made it to plat 4 with 70% winrate in the last week i played in (I played 20 or 30 games). This season I will reach challenger.
This video makes me feel so deep .... You destroy your placements , in my case i got level 30 right at the end of the season 3 , i destroyed my placements , a few days later was season 4 , were the placements again and i destroyed them as well ... you get flammed , everyone rages at you . You play hours and hours to get out of bronze . I did it *after playing 4 months non-stop* . I reached almost even gold , but right at the promotion for Gold 5 , after about 15 promotions lost , you start losing and losing and losing endless . You can't carry anymore every single match , the matchamaking stays the same ... once at 5 matches when you can't carry anymore still get flammed ... - and then you still wonder yourself why you became in the end a rager and a flammer , Why there are some positive people who are platinum and play so bad ? Then you get tipps and stuff , but when you actually play against a higher rank 1v1 ,you realise that you could or you can win against him easily . The only way to get a good rank after you became good in league , is to let off your original account and make a smurf account . One of my friend did it , he was like silver , and after a few months of playing on the new account , he got 30 and he made platinum . The problem is , there are a lot of people who spend over hundreds of euros on the original account , and then , they don't want to start a new one , like i do . Anyway ...sometimes , anything you do , you still get flammed or somebody is going to troll or do anything , and if it won't happen , the teammates will make you rage due the unskill .Maybe some ppl can tolerate because they don't lose that often , but the ones who lose almost every match , can't face it phisically anymore. Nice video , and good luck everyone in league c: better play it only for fun , playing seriously won't be worth :D
Oh , well , 6 months later - finally gold . Not always . For example , I didn't get bad players anymore . My skill level grew a little up as well indeed ,but sometimes , you just can't .
if u are a fresh 30lvl dont play ranks. play normals, try all the roles, find out whats fits you more and have some secondary roles (eg: top main>jungle>mid), find 3-5 champs for every role that you feel confident playing with. and without noticing it you will have about 400 wins and u will have played about 800 games. this is how u gain exp, by playing systematicaly. also spend time watching tutorials on utube and streams. this is the theoretical exp u need. last but not least try to avoid arguing, mute toxic players so they cant make you feel bad. do u have the patience? try and find out. good luck :)
All shall soon succumb to their road to victory their road to success! Rager and afks are the darkness that shroud your path to destiny to freedom! Now tell me, you wont succumb to those failures or those mistakes because they mock you! Always I say always have and aspiration for league, make goals and plans! Good luck!
You make this video like this is something of an achievment. In league of legends you only climb when you have solo mentality, you have to stop caring about other people in order to climb, which is sad. But real life is much much difference. There's no one winner, everyone gets to win if you create something good for you and for other people simultaneously.You can care about other people and still succeed in your life, even when you are surrounded by loosers, because you're not trying to defeat anyone, you're just trying to make your life better, and so you don't have to make other's lose in order to win. So I tell you, league is a poor comparisong to real life, it will always will be, and in the end, even world champions or "gods" as people call them, like faker, aren't very interesting in real life, and don't take much care of their physical body, lack socials skills frequently and have no real culture/knowledge about the world. I laugh at you guys. This game was created to be fun and entertaining and has become a desperate need for self approval for many people. Go outside and run a 4 minute mile, no one loses, everyone wins, you'll be happier and healthier and the world will improve. Stay indoors and watch your life waste away if you become obcessed by a computer game. Good luck.
...I have a feeling you dont know what real life is either...there are always losers in real life also, everywere, there can only be one 1# student, and that guy is gunna live a better life than everyone else..
333shyguy Nope, in real life, unless you compete in sports you can avoid the need to exist losers. Somethings, like cooperation, determine no losers. =) And in my high school class there we're always 5 of us who got top scores, like 99, or 98, one of us having 99 in an exam wouldnt stop another friend of ours of having 100. lol And no, that guy is not gonna live a better life then everyone else. Success is relative, if you build a world of competition instead a world of cooperation you will get less out of life. =) Peace!
the reason people are stuck in bronze is because they refuse to admit they're own mistakes let alone improve. They are too caught up with blaming teammates, they also claim that they're role always does great but then 10 min in its their teams fault for letting them die. But if they knew their role so well then they'd be carrying and heir teams skill wouldn't matter.
+Royal Bizbud Yeah a good friend that I'd play with daily won't admit his mistakes anymore. He just flames me and the whole team, enemy or ally, he doesn't care. If you try to help, he just gets so pissed off at you. He doesn't realize we are just trying to help him, he won't accept it, and he wonders why he's stuck in silver. He has the potential to be good at this game but all he does is flame and rage and ignore any advice my friends and I try to give to him so we give up, we don't queue up with him as often as we used to.
I made an app for finding people in your country to play league with :) Check it out: itunes.apple.com/us/app/duomatch-for-league-legends/id1053131255?ls=1&mt=8 I'd also like to thank you all for over 200,000 views. It's always lovely to return to this video and see it's still influencing so many people around the world. So thank you again :)
anyone looking for working lol hacks, this is the one i usee more thеn yeartwitter.com/19b01ff2d7a86867d/status/719100417246961665 discover it yyyourself WHAТ DO YOU WANT League of Legends Motivational Video
Bronze is easy. I played on a smurf and got Bronze 2, because I was trying to get Bronze. I won every single game from Bronze 2 to Silver 4, not dropping a single one. My main is Platinum 5. If you truly ARE good enough, than you WILL climb out of Bronze.
People forgot about the joy of life,of games.Humans forgot what is a joy they are tryng to be the best. we have to learn how to be the legeon of peacfules.We forgot how to interact with each other greedines took our lifes.im just sad all about this.
I play this game, and my best is Yasuo. The only reason why they stuck up in bronze because they don't have that confident and the fate to win the game. And also Bronze Gaming are Toxic... Beware...
GO CHASE YOUR DREAM NOW!!!... -in real life - -Yesterday's last game promote me to gold division V... it was my dream but after watching thit video i understand what my real dearms are so i just uninstalled LoL a few minutes ago to make them posible...
chris ThePro Wow man, congratulations! I personally haven't played LoL in several months as I pursue my own vision. Hopefully 2 weeks on you're still going strong :)
In reality, the only source of your stress is self-inflicted, through the habitual ways of thinking you've allowed yourself to engage in. The more one thinks on future events in a manner of anticipation, the more psychological weight is placed on it. That is to say, if you spend 1 hour every day for a year thinking about meeting your old school crush, and worrying about how it will go, what you will say, etc, when you actually get around to seeing her/him, you'll likely be TERRIFIED. On the other hand, if you think on it only on occasion, and then organise to meet up with them after a year has passed, you will feel much more at ease than you otherwise would have, if you had spent months prior in near-dread of the event. When it comes to points in our lives which appear to be determinant of our futures, it is often advisable to not build up the event in your mind. That is not to say one should not prepare beforehand for said event - For example, one can only succeed in a school, college or university exam by going over material and practicing papers before sitting it. However, when we consistently express emotions of uncertainty towards a future event ("what if", "will it", "can I", etc), this will eventually be how we feel when the time arrives. However, if we abstain from these negative thoughts, or are even capable of looking towards the same future event with a sense of certainty and confidence regarding its outcome, you will find yourself in a much more stable, calm and serene state of mind when the determinant hour should fall upon you.
May be a bit late, but think of it like this; You're put in matches to win or lose, to get a baseline. even if you're bronze V or IV, that means you have that much more room to improve. yes you may meet the majority of people who flame or don't like to work as a team, but be that one out of a few people that is playing to get better, and you'll probably get better. gg isn't just something to say after it's over, it means that was a good game. you made the right calls and you made the wrong calls, learn from the wrong ones by thinking it over after ranked games, try to see how you can improve on it.
Every Bronze player that watched this: "I can do this... I can do this!" *opens shop, buys first ward ever*
Warding totem*
Then they make it to Bronze 4 and buys 3 wards and so on they make it to Silver league.
i was gold 1 in season 3 now im bronze 2 in s4,because i cant climb out of elo hell,every match only feeders thats all. thats why i dont play lol anymore, i play dota 2 thats more manlier game.
***** ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
***** I would've included your comment in my video if I'd seen this last year :')
Play for fun, and in lower quantities, and you'll find yourself getting better.
I was bronze IV the first time I've watched this video
now I'm bronze V
いろは一色 ur welcome
"So what are you waiting for?" I'm waiting for frickin' EUW server which is offline.
I remember how i felt when i first got into ranked and was placed in bronze dropping divisions until i hit bronze 5(beginning of S4). Now im at plat 2, peaked at diamond 5. If you want to get better
1. Study/watch streams and take notes(notes are very important and help you remember)
2. Make sure you have a main champion, one that you feel very confident in and have a page of runes and masteries that work very well for that specific champion.
3. Just keep playing the game and use the information you gather from watching others and improving on the little mistakes you make every game. Think about what you can do to improve those mistakes.
After these 3 steps youll begin to notice that your climbing up the latter. Then After awhile everything will seem second nature and you wont have to focus on what decisions to make in game, and this is when you can really improve your skill.
Just listen to these three tips and hang in there you get better faster than you ever thought.
Wuju GiveMeThatLP
Thanks alot i was bronze now i am gold 5 :) i love u man
lmao your peak rank was silver 2
1: sees this
2:goes to play a game of silver mmr soloq
3:feeds the shit out of it
Damn, just 3 months ago I was celebrating 10,000 views! According to the analytics, my video's getting a solid 2.5k views a week. And it's all thanks to you guys :) I've had people tell me they've felt a new motivation to be good at the game, and on the other hand, others tell me they've uninstalled. One guy even decided to *remortgage his house* to chase his dream job as a streamer!
To all you guys watching right now (and my grand 21 subscribers), thank you :) I'm glad to have been able to influence so many people with something I made over half a year ago for fun.
In a sort of conveniently-timed celebration, I released my first Android app today! A 100% sound-based jungle timer, complete with the wight camp. It's free for this weekend, so go grab it while you can!
Love you all
now 130,000!
IonikOfficialBeats 150,000!!!
TheDjinneZone 170,000
+TheDjinneZone 200.000!
+Tom H. 230.000
I watch this video every day. Thank you man
Glad to be of service, buddy :)
I'm winning but I'm not leading the winning team, my assistance is great but is flawed, it could be better, so what I want is the confidence to be the winning champ even when I'm down or losing, to keep the winning mindset, the mindset of the shark. Keep trying don't give up.
seeing ocelote crying is always making my day
I like how it shows pro players, and the a random SivHD appears
i watch this every single morning before i sit down to play a good days worth of League xD i love this
Damn, that means so much to me man :') Thanks!
This video motivated me to go from Bronze IV and the beginning of the season to Gold V. Thank you!
Great motivational video, I always played league in troll style and yes, even in ranked, now I realise how hard some people try to succed for higher division and I was there to crush theyre dreams.
i watched this after losing 2 games and tilting myself. the next day i felt motivated because of this to win and then demoted myself 4 ranks...
+nabidiboy jones what i do is 1 lose? enough for today play with friends some normals
+Hi Im Seyf no, just keep playing and beat this fuking assholes
Faker got good because he didn't waste his time watching these
Very inspiring video! I am rewathcing this everytime before a game! Thank you so much!
its not working
i havent won a match in 3 days my entire match history is defeat
nvm its working
Porladean The Last If your actions are leading to unsatisfactory results, first identify what it is that you deem unsatisfactory, and then systematically decide what changes in strategy you need to implement to improve this.
For example, you may be losing all your games. Why could this be? Forget your teammates, if Faker can carry 4 men, so can you, with time. What are YOU doing which is causing you to lose? Maybe you notice that you die a lot. Even if you have 30 kills, if you have 8 deaths, that's around half a dozen minutes spent off of the Fields of Justice. In 6 or so minutes, the enemy would be able to push down 2 towers and an inhibitor, which would then sway the game in their favour. Imagine if you were 30-0 instead of 30-8. Would you lose then? Almost certainly not.
It's the principle of Cause and Effect. One doesn't spontaneously lose through bad luck, but through the actions they took. So if you identify the Effect (that you're dying too much), you need to identify the Cause of you dying.
When you watch replays, you may note that you often over-extend when harassing the enemy, leaving you vulnerable to ganks. You may see that you often die to ganks also due to lack of vision. You may note that you take a lot of damage during exchanges, and hence that you need to buy more resistance items. All of these are the Causes (over-extending, not warding, buying no resistance/armour), and the Effect is an increased "probability" that you die. The more you die, the less time you are on the Fields of Justice, having an impact on the game. The less time you spend alive, the more likely you are to lose.
Cause and Effect. Nothing is ever just bad luck, despite what the masses will try to tell you. Control your actions, change your decisions, change your life.
+Porladean The Last play some custom or co-op it will build up ur confidence and skill
+TheDjinneZone ur a god at motivation lol, i read this with the video music in the background. LEGENDARY!
Then you deserve to be where you are. There is a lot of dedication, reading, and work that gold and plats put in to be better. If you can't win a game its cause you...YOU are not putting in the work. I was silver twice. then gold now plat. That came for dedication, work and focus. Watching the pros learning from them. Looking at where wards should be. where are there wards. what are their moves. How do they play. All of these things add up to winning. You can win, but as this video says.....what do you want!
this is genius i have watch it like 10 times, and i saw it for the first time today
What I want is no more toxic players in games. That would improve everything.
That's much like saying you'd have the motivation to become rich, if only the banks gave you more interest., or you got taxed less, or you were lucky enough. Instead of focusing on factors outside of our control, we must instead become resolute in controlling those things which we can manipulate, most of all the thoughts we allow ourselves to think.
The root cause of the problem in this case is not that players are toxic, but that you allow the toxic players to affect your state of mind. When Faker climbs to Challenger from Bronze V, he doesn't do it by focusing on how many negative people there are. Of course, they are definitely there, but to rise above the rank you share with them, you have to not focus of those who will help you none, but instead on how you may realise the ultimate outcome of reaching Diamond.
Keep your mind on how you may improve your play, as well as how you approach your losses; failure is rarely punishment, but rather opportunity for learning.
For a more direct approach to your initial qualms, if communication with your team does more harm than good, simply muting all players before the game begins will benefit you tremendously, by passively allowing you to focus on your own play, rather than letting the words of the narrow-minded affect your own growth.
You could waltz your way to Platinum by simply focusing on where you want to be (Diamond/Challenger) rather than where you don't want (Bronze/with toxic players).
As SivHD once said, whenever something bothers you, think to yourself: "How much will this matter one year from now?" Or, for greater relevance to your situation: "How much will this matter when I am Challenger?". The fact that you died 7 times in that game last year will not matter when you've passed your promos for Challenger, nor will the fact that nymphoYi89 berated you at every chance during your Silver promos.
All that matters is the end goal. Everything thing in between is white noise.
So inspirational... :o
***** I'm just glad to be of service :)
TheDjinneZone That's some good advice for pursuing any goal in my book.
" Keep your mind on how you may improve your play, as well as how you approach your losses; failure is rarely punishment, but rather opportunity for learning."
That's the golden ticket. Thanks for commenting!
Jon Tolley You're welcome, Jon :) I often find myself coming back to this when I require reference for life's hardships!
i uninstalled today for the LAST time. this video just secures my decision, i can't believe people need motivational videos for getting themselves out of bronze league
I watched this video in season 4 when i was bronze 5 0lp and thought I would never be good and was the worst palyer in league of legends history. Now I am currently plat 5 0lp just 2 years latter pushing for diamond and maybe even higher.
i cried watching this
Watching this before my gold promos
+Tommey Tommy laddddddd
I just lost 2 Gold promos now :(
Time to queue up
I want nothing more to go pro in league of legends. I love this game and I love esports. I know you guys hear that alot but I am going to make it. I will be playing nacs in 2016. This is my passion. esports may be a game to you but esports is life.
Great to see my video getting some proper attention :) Thank you to *everyone* who enjoyed ^^ (and I suppose also everyone who didn't - All feed back is appreciated!)
those people complain about elo hell are the ones who complain and flame their teammates eventually ending up with an afk or a split push Lulu. Really important case, if you want to win you win but if all you want to do something else other than winning at first place then you lose.
i will.. chase my dreams Get ready guys you will see me in lcs after 10 years
i chased my dream , i dropped down 2 division thanx mate so motivational
Experiencing failure is inevitable on the road to success. Just persevere, don't lose sight of your vision, and success will come, even if it takes time :)
kolaa nims quitting a 'dream' because dropped 2 divisions LUL
With subtitles please! Nice job!!!
That Asgard themesong in the end :D
great job , this videos is sick
this is freaking awesome.. Great job!! *-*
nice motivation to play league ;)
I was stuck in Bronze 5 a long time... Now I am stuck in Silver 5 :)
made me get through bronze now i am silver 1 thank you sir! :D
I really enjoyed the motivational direction this video was going, and I must say I was really impressed......until I saw Ocelote.
Almost 300k views :) nice vid
As I saw this video for the first time (october 2018) I was silver 2 with 30% winrate and deserved bronze. During Preseason 10 I made it to plat 4 with 70% winrate in the last week i played in (I played 20 or 30 games). This season I will reach challenger.
hard stuck gold 1 got any tips for that final push
Dyrus needed this
Hey this is awesome! I'm gonna submit it on reddit!
what am i waiting for?
this video to end duh
wow... this video
is really fucking awesome!
well done dude ;D
Thanks so much, dude! Glad you enjoyed it :)
MegaZero.....hahaha that outplay tho...it was because of sickness wasn't it
This video makes me feel so deep ....
You destroy your placements , in my case i got level 30 right at the end of the season 3 , i destroyed my placements , a few days later was season 4 , were the placements again and i destroyed them as well ... you get flammed , everyone rages at you . You play hours and hours to get out of bronze . I did it *after playing 4 months non-stop* . I reached almost even gold , but right at the promotion for Gold 5 , after about 15 promotions lost , you start losing and losing and losing endless . You can't carry anymore every single match , the matchamaking stays the same ... once at 5 matches when you can't carry anymore still get flammed ... - and then you still wonder yourself why you became in the end a rager and a flammer , Why there are some positive people who are platinum and play so bad ? Then you get tipps and stuff , but when you actually play against a higher rank 1v1 ,you realise that you could or you can win against him easily .
The only way to get a good rank after you became good in league , is to let off your original account and make a smurf account . One of my friend did it , he was like silver , and after a few months of playing on the new account , he got 30 and he made platinum .
The problem is , there are a lot of people who spend over hundreds of euros on the original account , and then , they don't want to start a new one , like i do .
Anyway ...sometimes , anything you do , you still get flammed or somebody is going to troll or do anything , and if it won't happen , the teammates will make you rage due the unskill .Maybe some ppl can tolerate because they don't lose that often , but the ones who lose almost every match , can't face it phisically anymore.
Nice video , and good luck everyone in league c:
better play it only for fun , playing seriously won't be worth :D
Oh , well , 6 months later - finally gold .
Not always . For example , I didn't get bad players anymore . My skill level grew a little up as well indeed ,but sometimes , you just can't .
Since i quit lol life got so much better
Damjan Jagodič Well , I believe you . But , you know - it's addiction .
Xodo Huds It's only an addiction if you believe it's an addiction. Remove the psychological barriers you set yourself, and the whole world is yours.
I'm not even a ranked player jet. And i'm scared that i do anything wrong xD
if u are a fresh 30lvl dont play ranks. play normals, try all the roles, find out whats fits you more and have some secondary roles (eg: top main>jungle>mid), find 3-5 champs for every role that you feel confident playing with. and without noticing it you will have about 400 wins and u will have played about 800 games. this is how u gain exp, by playing systematicaly. also spend time watching tutorials on utube and streams. this is the theoretical exp u need. last but not least try to avoid arguing, mute toxic players so they cant make you feel bad. do u have the patience? try and find out. good luck :)
I want to be a firefighter!
All shall soon succumb to their road to victory their road to success! Rager and afks are the darkness that shroud your path to destiny to freedom! Now tell me, you wont succumb to those failures or those mistakes because they mock you! Always I say always have and aspiration for league, make goals and plans! Good luck!
yup,im going for s1 wish me luck boiz...
Just got into promos after a 20+ loss streak from S1 to S4 now i'm on my way to S3 Crying and shit
this doublelift's mechanichs :O
Yo tambien eh hecho un video y no tienen idea del trabajo que es editar, un aplauso a este señor!
GO CHASE YOUR DREAM! *buys final teemo skin*
OK, i'm ready for my plat 3 promos! lol
My toaster watched this now he is a challenger
You make this video like this is something of an achievment. In league of legends you only climb when you have solo mentality, you have to stop caring about other people in order to climb, which is sad. But real life is much much difference. There's no one winner, everyone gets to win if you create something good for you and for other people simultaneously.You can care about other people and still succeed in your life, even when you are surrounded by loosers, because you're not trying to defeat anyone, you're just trying to make your life better, and so you don't have to make other's lose in order to win.
So I tell you, league is a poor comparisong to real life, it will always will be, and in the end, even world champions or "gods" as people call them, like faker, aren't very interesting in real life, and don't take much care of their physical body, lack socials skills frequently and have no real culture/knowledge about the world.
I laugh at you guys. This game was created to be fun and entertaining and has become a desperate need for self approval for many people. Go outside and run a 4 minute mile, no one loses, everyone wins, you'll be happier and healthier and the world will improve. Stay indoors and watch your life waste away if you become obcessed by a computer game. Good luck.
...I have a feeling you dont know what real life is either...there are always losers in real life also, everywere, there can only be one 1# student, and that guy is gunna live a better life than everyone else..
333shyguy Nope, in real life, unless you compete in sports you can avoid the need to exist losers. Somethings, like cooperation, determine no losers. =) And in my high school class there we're always 5 of us who got top scores, like 99, or 98, one of us having 99 in an exam wouldnt stop another friend of ours of having 100. lol And no, that guy is not gonna live a better life then everyone else. Success is relative, if you build a world of competition instead a world of cooperation you will get less out of life. =) Peace!
So, CM Storm just shared this video on facebook
Thanks for letting me know! Feeling rather proud of my little video now :')
I like being in silver III but then I don't. I feel more comfortable in Silver II~
ok time to go feed my ass off
the reason people are stuck in bronze is because they refuse to admit they're own mistakes let alone improve. They are too caught up with blaming teammates, they also claim that they're role always does great but then 10 min in its their teams fault for letting them die. But if they knew their role so well then they'd be carrying and heir teams skill wouldn't matter.
+Royal Bizbud Yeah a good friend that I'd play with daily won't admit his mistakes anymore. He just flames me and the whole team, enemy or ally, he doesn't care. If you try to help, he just gets so pissed off at you. He doesn't realize we are just trying to help him, he won't accept it, and he wonders why he's stuck in silver. He has the potential to be good at this game but all he does is flame and rage and ignore any advice my friends and I try to give to him so we give up, we don't queue up with him as often as we used to.
Instructions unclear - Demoted to Iron 4
i fucking died laughing at the end 😂
2:21 cyanide got nice block by his chair XDD
I came since I lost my form and lost 10+ games...
After watching this video, i went from bronze I 55lp to silver V in just 1 night
irony, ocelote got banned from lcs for flaming xD
Hey bud!This video is absolutely great!Could i credit in on my channel?Or add more things to it from nowadays league?
dropped from plat 1 to gold v feels so fucking bad man
I made an app for finding people in your country to play league with :) Check it out: itunes.apple.com/us/app/duomatch-for-league-legends/id1053131255?ls=1&mt=8
I'd also like to thank you all for over 200,000 views. It's always lovely to return to this video and see it's still influencing so many people around the world. So thank you again :)
+TheDjinneZone Hey bud!This video is absolutely great!Could i credit in on my channel?Or add more things to it from nowadays league?
anyone looking for working lol hacks, this is the one i usee more thеn yeartwitter.com/19b01ff2d7a86867d/status/719100417246961665 discover it yyyourself WHAТ DO YOU WANT League of Legends Motivational Video
You Rock I Really liked your clip! I would love to be Friends Keep making Videos?
is so fucking awesome
I can't, after I was banned, there is no going back
All I can say is GG to you sir
Thanks, brother
Bronze is easy. I played on a smurf and got Bronze 2, because I was trying to get Bronze. I won every single game from Bronze 2 to Silver 4, not dropping a single one. My main is Platinum 5. If you truly ARE good enough, than you WILL climb out of Bronze.
People forgot about the joy of life,of games.Humans forgot what is a joy they are tryng to be the best. we have to learn how to be the legeon of peacfules.We forgot how to interact with each other greedines took our lifes.im just sad all about this.
hahahhaha this actually works i watched this when i was b5 now i am b3 bigg imporvement !!!!!!!!!!!
I play this game, and my best is Yasuo. The only reason why they stuck up in bronze because they don't have that confident and the fate to win the game. And also Bronze Gaming are Toxic... Beware...
good vidz
HAHAHAHA! A serious motivational video for a computer game.....
starts game . feeds and reported for torlling
LoL, after this video, I went to play a ranked game, and get my first penta as Vayne with 1/4/2.
Sweet! Good job buddy :P I still remember my first penta as Nocturne back in Season 2.
Can you Link the Music in the description? :)
Whats he game of the epic unstrumental song?
Posted in 2013
RUclips recommends it in 2019 wtf man
GO CHASE YOUR DREAM NOW!!!... -in real life -
-Yesterday's last game promote me to gold division V... it was my dream
but after watching thit video i understand what my real dearms are
so i just uninstalled LoL a few minutes ago to make them posible...
So thx for the motivation i'll chase my dearms!
chris ThePro Wow man, congratulations! I personally haven't played LoL in several months as I pursue my own vision. Hopefully 2 weeks on you're still going strong :)
go chase mah dream? i love LoL but my dream is bball pro
+The Patriot CHN get your grind on then!
I lost 8 games 1 Win! 2 more till rank, it may be too late for silver but I will try to win! For High Bronze!
i actually started the season with b5
now im silver 4 not a big change but.....
team sucks am i right?
got bronze gold 5 to gold 4 whule watching this :^)
juste hit lvl 30 today , im so stressed abour ranks
In reality, the only source of your stress is self-inflicted, through the habitual ways of thinking you've allowed yourself to engage in. The more one thinks on future events in a manner of anticipation, the more psychological weight is placed on it.
That is to say, if you spend 1 hour every day for a year thinking about meeting your old school crush, and worrying about how it will go, what you will say, etc, when you actually get around to seeing her/him, you'll likely be TERRIFIED. On the other hand, if you think on it only on occasion, and then organise to meet up with them after a year has passed, you will feel much more at ease than you otherwise would have, if you had spent months prior in near-dread of the event.
When it comes to points in our lives which appear to be determinant of our futures, it is often advisable to not build up the event in your mind. That is not to say one should not prepare beforehand for said event - For example, one can only succeed in a school, college or university exam by going over material and practicing papers before sitting it. However, when we consistently express emotions of uncertainty towards a future event ("what if", "will it", "can I", etc), this will eventually be how we feel when the time arrives.
However, if we abstain from these negative thoughts, or are even capable of looking towards the same future event with a sense of certainty and confidence regarding its outcome, you will find yourself in a much more stable, calm and serene state of mind when the determinant hour should fall upon you.
May be a bit late, but think of it like this; You're put in matches to win or lose, to get a baseline. even if you're bronze V or IV, that means you have that much more room to improve. yes you may meet the majority of people who flame or don't like to work as a team, but be that one out of a few people that is playing to get better, and you'll probably get better. gg isn't just something to say after it's over, it means that was a good game. you made the right calls and you made the wrong calls, learn from the wrong ones by thinking it over after ranked games, try to see how you can improve on it.
just watching thismade me tilt gg
1:22 Ocelote
League of Feels anyone? xD
what is the name of the first music?
/watch?v=BeEDQMLtyGY :)
Thanks for watching!
ET + LoL = GG WP
Damn right! ET's the man.
Idk i stopped giving a fuck about this game after running into a jayce in every game i've played recently...
siv hd is acctualy there