The SCARIEST Horror Stories in Animal Crossing

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2024
  • The pumpkin king is back with two creepy horror stories in Animal Crossing.
    🎃 Narrated by Joe Landis:
    👾 Discord: / discord
    👾 Twitter: / evilimp_
    👾 Twitch: / evilimp_
    🎵 "The Order's Theme" by Myuu - • The Order's Theme - Myuu
    🎵 "K.K. Bossa (DJ KK Remix) - • K.K. Bossa (DJ KK Remi...
    🎵 "Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me" by Akira Yamaoka - • Never Forgive Me, Neve...
    🎵 "Anxiety" by Kevin MacLeod -
    🎵 "Echoes of Time" by Kevin MacLeod -
    🎵 "Right Behind You" by Kevin MacLeod -
    🎵 "The Backrooms" by Myuu - • The Backrooms (Origina...
    ✨ Black terrain: / doom_mori
    ✨ Café entrance and windows: / lilacliiies
    ✨ Oldtown building and flower shop: / acnh_miss
    ✨ Apartment building: / itsmlaw
    0:00 - Intro
    0:24 - The Department Store
    4:17 - The Flight
    7:06 - The Pumpkin King
    More ACNH horror shorts:
    💀 "Scary Stories in Animal Crossing": • Scary Stories to Tell ...
    💀 "Horror Home Paradise": • Horror Home Paradise
    💀 "Sasha's Nightmare": • Sasha's Nightmare | Ho...
    💀 "One Nights at Dom's": • One Night at Dom's | H...
    💀 "Dom Goes to College": • Dom Goes to College | ...
    💀 "New Friend": • New Friend | Horror Sh...
    💀 "Doctor Raymond": • Doctor Raymond | Horro...
    💀 "Judy's Game": • Judy's Game | Horror S...
    💀 "Dom's New Home": • Dom's New Home | Horro...
    #animalcrossing #newhorizons #どうぶつの森 #あつ森 #动物森林 #모동숲
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 134

  • @evilimp
    @evilimp  Год назад +91

    What's your Halloween costume this year? 🎃

  • @eyeflaps
    @eyeflaps Год назад +14

    2 things:
    1. The silent hill music in the background was a great touch.
    2. The human voices were a little weird with animal crossing. Lol

  • @santiy2081
    @santiy2081 Год назад +30

    I was literally at my edge of my seat this whole time, I was so scared of being jumpscared lmao.

  • @taylorsversion.x13x
    @taylorsversion.x13x Год назад +8

    6:08 I screamed 😮 Love these stories tho

    • @ErikACNH27405
      @ErikACNH27405 6 месяцев назад +2

      I made 3 horror stories so let me know which one is scarier.
      *The Man In The Hallway:*
      The storm howled outside, wind rattling the old Victorian like a skeletal hand against the panes. Dorothy, book abandoned in her lap, shivered despite the roaring fire. A sudden, unsettling silence fell, the wind’s fury replaced by an eerie hush. That's when she saw it.
      A tall, gaunt shadow stretched across the hallway doorway, a stark silhouette against the moonlit window. A man. Tall and thin, with a hat pulled low over his face, obscuring his features. Dorothy's breath caught in her throat. The house was empty, she was sure of it.
      Her heart hammered against her ribs as she slowly reached for the lamp on the table. Her fingers grazed the cool brass, then hesitated. What if turning on the light confirmed the nightmare? What if the shadow, revealed, was worse than her imagination?
      The silence pressed on, heavy and suffocating. Finally, with a desperate prayer, Dorothy flicked the lamp on. The room flooded with warm light, the shadows retreating to the corners. And for a blessed moment, the hallway stood empty.
      Relief washed over her, leaving her shaky and weak. But as her eyes adjusted, a new terror gripped her. The shadow wasn't gone. It was still there, clinging to the edge of the hallway, darker now, its edges sharper. The lamplight seemed to have no effect on it.
      Dorothy choked back a scream, her mind racing. She stumbled to her feet, backing towards the fire's comforting heat. The shadow stretched, growing longer, drawing closer. The man in the hat seemed to take form, his outline solidifying into a macabre portrait.
      Suddenly, a crash from upstairs sent a jolt through her. The man in the shadow froze, his head whipping towards the sound. Then, in an instant, he was gone, swallowed by the darkness beyond the hallway.
      Dorothy, paralyzed with fear, could only stare at the empty doorway. The eerie silence returned, broken only by the ticking clock on the mantelpiece and the dying embers of the fire.
      The storm resumed its fury outside, the wind howling like a banshee. But inside, a different kind of storm raged in Dorothy's heart. The man in the shadow wasn't just a figment of her imagination. He was real, and he was watching.
      That night, Dorothy slept with the light on, the shadows dancing mockingly on the walls. Every creak of the house, every rustle of leaves, sent shivers down her spine. Sleep, when it finally came, was a fitful nightmare, haunted by the chilling silhouette and the unanswered question: who was the man in the shadow, and what did he want?
      From that night on, the shadow became Dorothy's constant companion. It lurked in the corners of her vision, a silent reminder of the unseen menace that stalked her home. And although she never saw him again, the memory of that night, and the chilling knowledge that she wasn't alone, kept her awake, long after the storm had passed.
      *The Patchwork Bear Curse:*
      The bridge sagged over the creek like a spine bowed by age. Moss clung to its stone sides, whispering secrets to the wind that tugged at Dennis's hair. He stopped at the midpoint, his gaze drawn to a sight chilling enough to make him stutter his breath.
      Nailed to the bridge's railing, a patchwork bear hung like a grotesque talisman. Its mismatched fur, a kaleidoscope of faded scraps, seemed to writhe in the dying light. Button eyes, black and vacant, stared into Dennis's soul. A shiver ran down his spine, carrying with it a faint, metallic tang of blood.
      A weathered sign, painted in faded red, hung beneath the bear. It read: "Beware the Patchwork Curse. Touch the bear, and your life will tear."
      Dennis scoffed. A curse? In this age of smartphones and self-driving cars? He'd seen enough horror movies to know a good scare tactic when he saw one. Curiosity, sharp as a pin, pricked him. Was it real? Was it just some elaborate prank?
      He reached out, his fingers hovering over the bear's matted fur. A cold wind whipped past, rattling the bridge's metal supports. The bear's eyes seemed to glint, a malevolent spark in their inky depths. Dennis hesitated, a primal fear tugging at the edges of his bravado.
      But the lure of the unknown was too strong. He touched the bear, a coarse rasp against his skin. The moment his fingers brushed the patchwork, a jolt of icy dread shot through him. The bear's eyes flared, a red glow that pulsed with a sickening rhythm.
      The wind howled, a banshee's wail echoing through the skeletal trees. The bridge groaned, its timbers creaking like tortured bones. Dennis stumbled back, his heart hammering a frantic tattoo against his ribs. The air grew thick, choked with the smell of decay and something far worse - an ancient, bone-chilling evil.
      He turned to flee, but the path was gone. The bridge stretched before him, an endless expanse of rotting wood and moss-covered stone. The bear's red eyes burned in the darkness, its stitched grin widening into a macabre leer.
      And then, the whispers began. They slithered into his ears, cold and venomous, weaving tales of his deepest fears, his darkest secrets. They promised pain, promised oblivion, promised a fate worse than death.
      Dennis fell to his knees, screaming into the void. The patchwork bear, a monstrous parody of comfort, watched with its soulless eyes, the red glow intensifying. The whispers grew louder, drowning out his screams, filling his mind with a chilling certainty - the Patchwork Curse was real, and it was consuming him.
      His cries echoed through the night, a lonely sound swallowed by the darkness. The bridge, bathed in the baleful glow of the bear's eyes, stood as a grim monument to Dennis's folly, a testament to the power of a whispered warning and the horrifying consequences of ignoring it.
      The next morning, the bridge was empty. The patchwork bear, its fur matted with dew, hung silent in the sun's weak light. No trace of Dennis remained, only the lingering echo of his screams and the chilling reminder carved into the weathered sign: "Beware the Patchwork Curse."
      Let Dennis's fate be a lesson to all who scoff at the unseen, who dismiss warnings as mere superstition. For sometimes, the shadows hold secrets best left untouched, and the whispers on the wind carry more than just the rustle of leaves. They carry the promise of a terror beyond comprehension, a curse that will tear your life apart, stitch by horrifying stitch.
      *A Creepy Phone Number:*
      Rain lashed against the window, the wind howling a mournful dirge. Inside, huddled beneath a threadbare blanket, Sarah nursed a mug of lukewarm tea, her eyes glued to the worn flip phone in her hand. The number, etched into the screen like a brand, seemed to pulsate in the dim light: 666-666-666.
      It had appeared on her phone earlier that day, a phantom message with no sender. Curiosity gnawed at her, stronger than common sense. She knew the stories - whispers of demonic deals and cursed lines, of voices from beyond the veil. Yet, a morbid fascination pushed her.
      With a trembling finger, she pressed the call button. Static crackled, then a voice, like sandpaper on bone, rasped, "Who dares disturb the slumber?"
      Panic clawed at her throat, but she forced herself to speak. "Who...who are you?"
      A chilling laugh echoed through the receiver. "I am the Weaver of Fates, the Binder of Souls. You called, and now I answer. Speak your wish, mortal, but beware - every desire comes with a price."
      Sarah, her voice barely a whisper, poured her heart out. Loneliness gnawed at her, her life a barren wasteland. She wished for companionship, for someone to understand her.
      The Weaver chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down her spine. "A simple desire, yet fraught with peril. I shall grant it. But remember, your happiness will come at a cost. You will never be alone, but you will never be truly seen. Do you accept?"
      Desperation clouding her judgment, Sarah uttered a choked "yes." The line went dead, leaving only a chilling silence.
      The next day, a man appeared at her door. Tall, with eyes like pools of obsidian, he introduced himself as Gabriel. He was everything she had yearned for - kind, witty, understanding. Their connection was instant, an intoxicating blend of passion and comfort.
      But as their bond deepened, Sarah noticed a subtle shift. Gabriel never looked directly at her, his gaze always flitting just past her shoulder. He spoke of unseen presences, of whispers in the dark. A cold unease settled in Sarah's stomach.
      One night, she woke to a chilling scene. Gabriel stood in the moonlight, bathed in an unnatural silver glow, his eyes blazing with an unholy light. He turned, and for the first time, Sarah saw what lurked behind him - shadows, swirling and writhing, forming the grotesque shapes of unseen beings.
      She screamed, a primal terror tearing through her. Gabriel smiled, a cold, predatory grin. "I warned you, Sarah. You are never alone, but the shadows are my true companions. Now, your soul becomes my tapestry, forever bound to their whispers."
      Sarah's scream died on her lips as the shadows surged forward, engulfing her in their icy embrace. The phone on the nightstand buzzed, a silent witness to her tragedy. The screen flickered, displaying the familiar number: 666-666-666. Below it, a single, chilling message: "Beware the Weaver of Fates, for his gifts come at a price. And sometimes, loneliness is preferable to the company of demons."
      The next morning, the apartment was empty. Sarah was gone, swallowed by the shadows she had summoned. The phone lay abandoned, a chilling reminder of the night she traded her loneliness for a soul-shattering eternity.

  • @TreeBranchStudios
    @TreeBranchStudios Год назад +51

    Ah Halloween, the best time for Evil Imp to create something like this

    • @Chief-7ib6hc0
      @Chief-7ib6hc0 7 месяцев назад

      You want a story then I'll give you one.
      4L0N3 F0R3V3R:
      Susan had always been an avid gamer, but nothing had quite captured her heart like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The idyllic island setting, the charming animal villagers, and the endless possibilities for customization had provided her with an escape from the stresses of everyday life.
      One evening, as Susan was engrossed in her game, she noticed something odd. Her island, usually bustling with activity, was eerily silent. The once lively plaza was deserted, the shops were shuttered, and not a single villager was in sight.
      A chill ran down Susan's spine as she wandered through the empty streets, her footsteps echoing in the unnatural silence. The island, once a haven of tranquility, now exuded an unsettling aura of emptiness.
      As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the deserted landscape, Susan's unease grew. She tried to shake off the feeling of dread that was creeping over her, but the silence and solitude were too much to bear.
      Desperate to find some sign of life, Susan ventured into the depths of the island's forest. The trees, once vibrant and full of life, now seemed to twist and gnarl in an ominous manner. The air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves.
      Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the forest. Susan froze in terror, her heart pounding in her chest. The growl grew louder, closer, and then she saw it.
      Emerging from the shadows was a monstrous creature, its eyes glowing with an unnatural red light. It was unlike anything Susan had ever seen before, a grotesque parody of the adorable animal villagers that once populated her island.
      The creature lunged towards Susan, its fangs bared. She tried to run from it but only for the creature to catch her.
      As the creature's jaws closed around Susan's neck, a sense of despair washed over her when suddenly the game suddenly crashes. So when she noticed that the game crashed she decided that she would go to bed but only for her to wake up the next morning when she noticed that when she hoped back into her game, everything is now back to normal, and the glitch never happened again.

  • @Lizzy_Mermaid
    @Lizzy_Mermaid Год назад +36

    This was such a great Halloween short! Great job Impy boi! Also to the amazing voice actor who did props to him! Happy Spooky Season!

  • @suhaylahherrera6389
    @suhaylahherrera6389 Год назад +14

    4:07 the single most chilling line I've heard in a while you never fail to impress Imp!
    7:36 Wow I've never seen any type of staircase acnh mods just continue to get better.

  • @SeattleMariners23
    @SeattleMariners23 Год назад +26

    Joe has done it once again! Just when I thought last year was frightening enough this was even more spooky! I love how much effort and dedication you and Joe made!

  • @Raylongleg
    @Raylongleg Год назад +27

    I can’t wait to see what Spooky stories there are to share.

  • @TheRBCrosser
    @TheRBCrosser Год назад +50

    Can't wait to see what Evil Imp has for us in store this time! 👀

    • @bunzobunny1642
      @bunzobunny1642 10 месяцев назад +1

      I Have A Scary Fortnite Story/Creepypasta Installed.
      Fortnite Creepypasta: Death Match
      There Was A 21 Year Old Boy Named Austin From Los Angeles, He Loved Gaming So Much That He Decided That He Would Play Fortnite For A Long Time And This Is Where It All Starts. When Austin Went Into The Store He Decided To Buy A PS5 To Play Fortnite So When He Bought It He Hopped Into Fortnite Until Things Went Creepy While The Match Started When Suddenly A User Named AmberEye_666_996 Joined The Game So He Turned His Mic And Said *"Greetings Amber"* And AmberEye Said Into The Mic *"Hello To You Too"* And The Game Went Normal For A Sec Until While He Is Killing Players AmberEye Says *"You Look So Nice But Then Again You Smell Fresh"* And Austin Said *"Uhh, Okay"* And When He Killed All The Players It's Now A 1v1 Against AmberEye So He Decided To Pull His Weapon Of Choice And Eliminates AmberEye In The Process,.Causing Austin To Get A 1# Victory Royal But Things Got Creepy, While He Is Celebrating His Win, AmberEye Spoke To The Mic And Said *"You Won But Now You Are Gonna Die"* But That's When The Screen Flashed Red And Revealed A Text Saying *"The Match Isn't Over Yet"* But That's When He Gets A Notification With The Same Words *"The Match Isn't Over Yet"* But That's When Suddenly He Hears A Knock Through The Door Until The Person Says *"The Match Isn't Over Yet"* It's Somehow AmberEye, So When He Realized It's Him He Decided To Call The Police And Hides Under The Bed So While He's Hiding He Sees AmberEye Entering The Room With A Knife But While He Was Hiding AmberEye Finds Austin Until A The Police Showed Up The Next Day Where They Found Austin Lying On The Floored Dead Basically Judging By The 10 Stab Wounds Over His Chest And Back Including His Throat. So When You Hop Into Just Remember That If AmberEye_666_996 Joins The Game Then Quit The Game And Delete Fortnite Immediately.

  • @zumenlinn9
    @zumenlinn9 Год назад +7

    I read: '666 To Paradise'
    Me: O NO
    Mi head: *BUM*

  • @JustinexGaming
    @JustinexGaming Год назад +13

    These stories were dark and twisted! Nicely done and wishing you a happy Halloween, Imp! 🎃

  • @jontheartist5918
    @jontheartist5918 Год назад +7

    Sadly I have swimming at 11:00. But will definitely watch it when I get home!

  • @alejandragarcia3841
    @alejandragarcia3841 Год назад +9

    Yay! Another Halloween treat!

  • @gamergirl5098
    @gamergirl5098 Год назад +6

    When it said “ flight 666, I was like, OH NOOOO!!! The 666!!

  • @urbosasflurry4711
    @urbosasflurry4711 Год назад +4

    Ah, purgatory... I still remember the story of the little witch with the mask

  • @theblueking1008
    @theblueking1008 Год назад +6

    Fantastic job my friend! 🎃

  • @danielmaginationstudios5524
    @danielmaginationstudios5524 Год назад +7

    Chrissy and Francine will have a nightmare of this.

  • @hannahyamauchi839
    @hannahyamauchi839 Год назад +4

    I'm flying next month Imp you can't do this to me😭😭

  • @strongheart17
    @strongheart17 Год назад +5

    I literally screamed this was a great spooky video and helped with the vibes 💀👻🎃 Happy Halloween!

  • @StarEeveefangoyal
    @StarEeveefangoyal Год назад +1

    Evil Imp, I’m hoping to audition for any character in your series. I’m such an ACNH fan, and really love your content

  • @vanessa_istired5638
    @vanessa_istired5638 Год назад +5

    Oooo I love this video I wonder what’s going to be next! Halloween is perfect for evil imp!

  • @HazzyOffical
    @HazzyOffical Год назад +2

    I love these stories they are so good

  • @SingSingFarmsYohan11
    @SingSingFarmsYohan11 Год назад +2

    2:16: But why did he open the fridge to find his mom?

  • @kyllianroblox
    @kyllianroblox Год назад

    I know a lot worse in horror or a 12 year old girl who disappeared on her birthday she's still missing or the dark past of the amityville house

  • @AmyRubyMoon
    @AmyRubyMoon Год назад +5

    thank you for another amazing video ❤

  • @CroftSurvives4Ever
    @CroftSurvives4Ever Год назад +5

    This was awesome!!! Loved it! My fav og acnh story teller!

  • @charlenem1035
    @charlenem1035 Год назад +4

    Again, awesome video with such great production 👏🏻 I’m already in Halloween mood 🎃

  • @maxpowers6738
    @maxpowers6738 Год назад +8

    Are you going to be doing these every year? If so I'm all for it! ☺😍🎃

  • @mr.maxwell4955
    @mr.maxwell4955 Год назад +1

    These were excellent even I got a little scared

  • @dye_die
    @dye_die Год назад +2

    The music from Akira Yamaoka ♡

  • @DiodeMom
    @DiodeMom Год назад +2

    HOW DID I MISS THIS? If I had known, I would have played it on the projector on my garage door for the kiddies. Not sure why you didn’t pop up :/
    Amazing video, as always.
    PS: Being stuck on a plane for eternity is not purgatory. It’s HELL.

  • @arelygarcia3107
    @arelygarcia3107 11 месяцев назад

    Silent hill vibes , this is so amazing, also the silent hill music gives it an awesome atmosphere

  • @decotaariaga2156
    @decotaariaga2156 7 месяцев назад

    Dude I was high on thc and vraylar and this freaked me out a bit not gonna lie love these storries keep them up

  • @Nictyy
    @Nictyy Год назад +3

    it is time for the Stories yay

  • @user-lo1zs2yn1e
    @user-lo1zs2yn1e Год назад

    i loved the reference to the animal crossing movie in the flight

  • @user-qf2qj9vb9m
    @user-qf2qj9vb9m Год назад +4

    I reaiy love this. i feat like I'm watching eighties movies.

  • @amazingalexci3085
    @amazingalexci3085 Год назад

    I am so scared. Probably shouldn’t have watched this at night 😅

  • @eleanorfrog4712
    @eleanorfrog4712 Год назад +1

    happy halloween!!

  • @Mermaid_S
    @Mermaid_S Год назад

    This is creepy*shivers* You are good at creating scary stories.

  • @masterswordben9807
    @masterswordben9807 Год назад +2


  • @lipopcorne489
    @lipopcorne489 Год назад +3

    Oooh voice acting, fancy !

  • @coffeecat2812
    @coffeecat2812 Год назад

    Great voice acting! Loved the stories.

  • @CarLos-dx2dy
    @CarLos-dx2dy Год назад +2

    I can't wait more!!!!

  • @Brandon_Johnson04
    @Brandon_Johnson04 5 месяцев назад

    Oh shit tortimer be asking for photos from the kiddies again. Horrifying 😂

  • @MysteryEzekude
    @MysteryEzekude Год назад

    Excellent job on another frightfully atmospheric Halloween special! I got strong Tales from the Crypt vibes from both shorts which illustrate the dangers of being late. Also, because Purgatory is mentioned at the end of the second short, does that mean these tales are connected with your Animal Crossing movie?

  • @helloim0210
    @helloim0210 Год назад +3

    Love it ❤

  • @Kykai3212
    @Kykai3212 Год назад +3

    Gather around children

  • @marcoschoenteich7957
    @marcoschoenteich7957 Год назад

    Very nice. Happy Halloween to you.🎃👻

  • @darkmagicgaming6420
    @darkmagicgaming6420 Год назад

    This was great.

  • @enriquearias4305
    @enriquearias4305 Год назад +2

    Happy Halloween

  • @phromoon
    @phromoon Год назад

    happy halloween 🎃

  • @Amelia_Daughter_Of_Rosalina
    @Amelia_Daughter_Of_Rosalina Год назад

    Great video 😊

  • @KoleuxCrossing
    @KoleuxCrossing 2 месяца назад

    0:25 the IKEA story

  • @Businessman_Justin
    @Businessman_Justin Год назад +2

    Let’s gooo!!

  • @mckenziebate2949
    @mckenziebate2949 Год назад +2

    Only 3 minutes to go!

  • @LittlePurpleQBigJSAndDWTDFan
    @LittlePurpleQBigJSAndDWTDFan 5 месяцев назад

    Saw my villagers Francine and Chrissy

  • @ironwillACNH
    @ironwillACNH Год назад +2

    Happy Spooki Month!

  • @izmocesti
    @izmocesti Год назад

    0:27 whooaah that looks so realistic😳😳 are those official items or modded?

  • @sleepyslowhyrax
    @sleepyslowhyrax Год назад +1


  • @quenepacrossing4675
    @quenepacrossing4675 Год назад +1

    the mom calling and fake mom not turning around? NOPE. Thanks i hate it 🎃❤

  • @arelygarcia3107
    @arelygarcia3107 11 месяцев назад

    La música de silent hill lo es todo

  • @jontheartist5918
    @jontheartist5918 Год назад


  • @shayurikim
    @shayurikim Год назад

    That’s what you get for being late for a flight! 🎃

  • @socksisters9505
    @socksisters9505 Год назад


  • @Kykai3212
    @Kykai3212 Год назад +2

    Are you afraid of the dark?

  • @EternaMidnight
    @EternaMidnight Год назад

    I think you should have found a sound clip for the creepy girl laugh instead of doing it yourself 😂 overall still cool though

  • @nomaddie
    @nomaddie Год назад


  • @Equiiruna
    @Equiiruna Год назад

    What the fu- DUDUDUDUD

  • @anthrax5643
    @anthrax5643 Год назад

    Animal Royale 😃

  • @matatraore8985
    @matatraore8985 Год назад

    Sorry, I don't celebrate Halloween 😞

  • @lgr1215
    @lgr1215 Год назад

    Every time you outdo yourself . Thank you