Learn Isaiah 53:4-6 in Hebrew

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
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    Learn Isaiah 53:4-6 in its original Hebrew language! Word-by-word pronunciation in Hebrew. Visit: TheWORDinHEBRE... to purchase this poster and many other inspiring Hebrew gifts. Learn Hebrew, spread The Word! And don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! Purchase this poster here: thewordinhebre...
    Isaiah 53 is one of the most powerful messianic prophecies in the Jewish Scriptures. Prophesied by the prophet Isaiah who lived in the seventh-eighth century BC. According to his prophecy in Isaiah 53, at the end of days, the leaders of Israel would recognize they had made a mistake when they rejected the Messiah.
    Isaiah 53 is also referred to as the “Forbidden Chapter”. A long time ago, the section apparently caused a lot of arguments and confusion among the rabbis, so they decided that the simplest solution would be to just take that prophecy out of the Haftarah readings in synagogues. That is why today, Jewish people read Isaiah 52, stop in the middle of the chapter and the week after they jump straight to Isaiah 54, completely skipping Isaiah 53! Therefore, many Jewish people all over the world today are not familiar with Isaiah 53.
    How share the Good News with Jewish people?:
    People often ask me how share the Good News with Jewish people? Isaiah 53 is a great place to start! Learn and recite these verses to your Jewish friend and ask them if they know where you are reading from? Most likely, they will think that you are reading from the New Testament, but when you show them it’s actually from their own Jewish Bible, a prophecy by the prophet Isaiah written more than a thousand years before Yeshua (Jesus) came to earth, a real conversation can start from there.
    Isaiah 53:4-6 Hebrew Poster, provide an easy way for learning these powerful, life-changing verses in their original Hebrew language. Complete transliteration and translation into English. You will be able to see, say and understand each Hebrew word, without having to learn the Hebrew language. Available on a beautiful ready-to-frame Hebrew poster.
    “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our pains.
    Yet we esteemed Him stricken, struck by God, and afflicted.
    But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities.
    The chastisement for our shalom was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.
    We all like sheep have gone astray. Each of us turned to his own way.
    So ADONAI has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:4-6)

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