What I found interesting was his impression on academic papers. He’s spot-on that “almost none are worth ALL of your time.” But many are! I wish there was a reliable compendium of genius papers that was widely published for general readers. I’ve read papers that are far greater works of art than the “great” works they analyze-and they are more often that not from undergraduates! Because they haven’t been pounded down (yet) by the drab and highly conventional demands of academic lecture and dissertation. In fact, it tends to be the most unimaginative and least creative that rise in the academic world-very much to its detriment.
I'm a user experience leader, not an engineer. But all these topics really interest me, and I listen as much as I can. It doesn't matter to me that sometimes the subject flies over my head. I am always learning something. I listen as much as possible.
Man I love the honesty and humility in these conversations. I just came the from the sea of arrogance and nastiness called Reddit and wow, what a difference.
What I found interesting was his impression on academic papers. He’s spot-on that “almost none are worth ALL of your time.” But many are! I wish there was a reliable compendium of genius papers that was widely published for general readers. I’ve read papers that are far greater works of art than the “great” works they analyze-and they are more often that not from undergraduates! Because they haven’t been pounded down (yet) by the drab and highly conventional demands of academic lecture and dissertation. In fact, it tends to be the most unimaginative and least creative that rise in the academic world-very much to its detriment.
Love the last point Lex is making. This is something Elon mentioned as well. We all want a future where it is easy to get out of bed in the morning. Where we are so excited to get to work every single day to pursue something that matters the most to us. We have to inspire ourselves and get inspired by things like this podcast. “I’m excited about the possibilities robotics brings.” Me too man.
I precisely watch your videos Lex because they are so well structured haha! Thats what truly characterise you, that you dealve deep into a topic and not just talk. I might like that more than Rogan. So it does matter "just a bit" the structure you follow :)
☝️advice (as if I am in a position to give any.. but will do it anyway) .. remain true to you, Joe is Joe and you are you...yes sure ..there is always room for improvement everywhere for everyone... but even the small things like looking at your notes makes it your interview style..I personally find your style near perfect enough...:)
I absolutely think the same. I love the structure of the interviews/talks and that the conversation is NOT jumping erratically from one thing to the next
The internet should be exploited by people like Russ to overcome technical issues. The Award could be an "Acknowledgement of achievement in Robotics from Boston Dynamics." Someone in the world will have what you need.
Jeez Lex.. about your cynicism regarding meaningful human 'student-teacher' contact in a remote learning scenario - THAT'S what my startup is attempting to enhance and overcome! I gotta run it by you.. seriously!
No intellectuals life will be complete without having read The Gulag Archipelago, Human Action, and The Story of Civilization by Solzhenitsyn, Mises, and Durant respectively.
If you want to "edit clips better for attention span" double speed your videos before uploading. Humans can listen and understand at double speed. Think eminem speed!
@@AlexPizzini Yes I understand that viewers can increase speed. How ever it could get done on a new channel (A duplicate channel) The android RUclips application can only double speed. If you have it at double already then could increase it more. By steps of 0.5 percent. Some people are slow talkers.
I want you to ask this question to every guest. Thank you Lex!
Yes get this comment on top so that hopefully lex sees this
I agree I'm always looking for book recommendations
give me a time to decide
0:35 AI Super Powers
0:45 Black Swan
1:20 How to Read a Book
4:10 I. Asimov A Memoir
You forgot Sapiens 0:47.
What I found interesting was his impression on academic papers. He’s spot-on that “almost none are worth ALL of your time.” But many are!
I wish there was a reliable compendium of genius papers that was widely published for general readers. I’ve read papers that are far greater works of art than the “great” works they analyze-and they are more often that not from undergraduates! Because they haven’t been pounded down (yet) by the drab and highly conventional demands of academic lecture and dissertation. In fact, it tends to be the most unimaginative and least creative that rise in the academic world-very much to its detriment.
I'm a user experience leader, not an engineer. But all these topics really interest me, and I listen as much as I can. It doesn't matter to me that sometimes the subject flies over my head. I am always learning something. I listen as much as possible.
"How to read a book" mhm
rather wait for the movie tbh
Chyrre I see what you did there..
"how to see the movie and pretend you read the book"
How to Read a Book, tough read for those who don't know how.
...and lots of fathers trying to figure out "what the hell can I do for my 12yr old" to get him ahead. Your a good man LEX!!
12? My 6 year old begs me to let him code and teach him more Javascript and Python
@@danm2756 you have à genius on your hands, make sure you do your best to keep him interested in that sort of thing for the sake of humanity.
@@gamercatsz5441 yeah, okay idiot. Maybe look up iCode..
They teach k-12 coding..its not farfetched, most people just don't motivate their kids
Man I love the honesty and humility in these conversations. I just came the from the sea of arrogance and nastiness called Reddit and wow, what a difference.
love these podcasts Lex, even though a lot of things go over my head but I like how they help me think in new ways
What I found interesting was his impression on academic papers. He’s spot-on that “almost none are worth ALL of your time.” But many are!
I wish there was a reliable compendium of genius papers that was widely published for general readers. I’ve read papers that are far greater works of art than the “great” works they analyze-and they are more often that not from undergraduates! Because they haven’t been pounded down (yet) by the drab and highly conventional demands of academic lecture and dissertation. In fact, it tends to be the most unimaginative and least creative that rise in the academic world-very much to its detriment.
Not a Russian, but a kid from Louisiana, toking up a little, not understanding half the stuff you all say, and enjoying all of this content
I just noticed Russ is missing his "pinky" finger on his right hand.
Love the last point Lex is making. This is something Elon mentioned as well. We all want a future where it is easy to get out of bed in the morning. Where we are so excited to get to work every single day to pursue something that matters the most to us. We have to inspire ourselves and get inspired by things like this podcast.
“I’m excited about the possibilities robotics brings.”
Me too man.
Family is reason enough to get out of bed every morning. Anything else is just icing on the cake.
I precisely watch your videos Lex because they are so well structured haha! Thats what truly characterise you, that you dealve deep into a topic and not just talk. I might like that more than Rogan. So it does matter "just a bit" the structure you follow :)
I am reading an Isimov book, the foundation series, which is awesomely explained by the author.
How nice and thoughtful was that last insight. I salute you from Chile mr. Friedman
... not in Russia, I’m right here in the US. Where my Russian peeps that enjoy all manner of intellectual expansion?
That russian kid = me
Thinking fast and slow
Enjoying the video from Chile.
Russ Tedrake is awesome! His lections are amazing!
Please make this standard protocol lex
Great suggestions! I personally recommend "Ismael" by Danniel Quinn!
Oh my Lex. That was close. I just smoked some weed and enjoying the hell out of this conversation. But I'm in Ghana not Russia and I'm 30. 😂
If forced to choose between breadth and depth, choose depth
"The power of habit" was a big one for me
@@jasonm9825 I've read both and don't regret it. There's of course some overlapping information, but they're both expansive in their own ways.
Atomic habits and the Clear Journal
Lex should interview himself :)
☝️advice (as if I am in a position to give any.. but will do it anyway) .. remain true to you, Joe is Joe and you are you...yes sure ..there is always room for improvement everywhere for everyone... but even the small things like looking at your notes makes it your interview style..I personally find your style near perfect enough...:)
I absolutely think the same. I love the structure of the interviews/talks and that the conversation is NOT jumping erratically from one thing to the next
very cool steampunk mug
The internet should be exploited by people like Russ to overcome technical issues. The Award could be an "Acknowledgement of achievement in Robotics from Boston Dynamics." Someone in the world will have what you need.
Спасибо за контент! Привет из Украины)
Привет из Казахстана.)
Funny he should mention both Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Yuval Noah Harari. Taleb loathes Harari, and calls him a quack.
I find myself replying with, yeah, great, of course. but we need to reply with, when, where, and how?
Jeez Lex.. about your cynicism regarding meaningful human 'student-teacher' contact in a remote learning scenario - THAT'S what my startup is attempting to enhance and overcome! I gotta run it by you.. seriously!
10:18 - улыбнуло))
I'm that guy, but from Kazakhstan) Amazing book recommendation, but how to find time to read them...)
Funny I read that book about how to read books a few years ago in high school.
8:33 Lex disses Russ's lectures and asks him if he has seen how boring and painful they are
he saluted ME!
We want to know whats in store for our futures lol
Oh man that's a nice mug
I am the high student.😂 Salute to you, love ya
Lex already knows millennials have the worst attention span to date so editing is a must. Haha.
I don't know how to read books, so a friend recommended me the book, How To Read A Book, but unfortunately I didn't know how to read it.
Salut from the stoner! Love u lex
This guy is the Roman Grosjean of talking.
I have no weed, but I am that kid
@Politically Incorrect Bender Your IQ.
комментарий в поддержку продвижения ролика.
Zoom is malware. Never forget that.
I live for Asimov! 😊
No intellectuals life will be complete without having read The Gulag Archipelago, Human Action, and The Story of Civilization by Solzhenitsyn, Mises, and Durant respectively.
Lex, how did you know I was smoking weed?
If you want to "edit clips better for attention span" double speed your videos before uploading.
Humans can listen and understand at double speed.
Think eminem speed!
I think that's a pretty awful suggestion. Viewers can increase playback speed on their.
@@AlexPizzini Yes I understand that viewers can increase speed.
How ever it could get done on a new channel (A duplicate channel)
The android RUclips application can only double speed.
If you have it at double already then could increase it more.
By steps of 0.5 percent.
Some people are slow talkers.