As a Costa Rican I'm grateful you chose a different country, we have way too many expats here, gentrification is out of control at this point, it's impossible for a local to own property, specially close to a beach. Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and other countries around have the same weather and are way cheaper to live in. Tourism advertisement worked a little too well for us, but we need tourists to LEAVE afterwards.
well and the results of that are the negatives about costa rica. it's a great country except for.... things caused by over tourism. nicaragua stuffers from under tourism. so it's a win / win / win.
Que pasa si en algún momento no te gusta alguna política del gobierno de Nicaragua, es un país seguro donde puedes hacer un video en contra del gobierno ? Puedes decir que es seguro, y respeto tu percepción, pero la verdad es que no es un país libre en el que te puedas expresar libremente, eso al final es una bomba de tiempo porque tarde o temprano el pueblo revienta, no hace muchos años mataban policías, militares y manifestantes simplemente por no estar de acuerdo con el gobierno…
You did the right choice, man. I leaved in CR sometime, and there is not comparison. Nicaragua is not that poor, as the ticos say. Nicaragua has the greatest potential in Central America for future development. It's a matter of time.
Thanks. There's a surprising amount of anti-Nica sentiment from people claiming to be in the CR. But none seem to be willing to claim to have ever ventured over. Just afraid to find out, lol
Well I’ll just say this…………hundreds of thousands people from NI came to CR and they still do, not the other way around, when the local run away from their country, it says it all, NI has beautiful places, but nope, not the best place for living.
truth is.... that's false. Nicaraguans hate leaving but american embargoes have left little job options. it's unfair and dishonest to claim nicaraguans want to leave. that's a colonial american narrative to belittle and disgrace latinos. and similarly things aren't the best in CR but that doesn't make ticas not want to retain their history and heritage. they just want it to improve. but there's a reason we talk constantly about all the people trying to move from CR to Nicaragua. outside of getting a job, never heard of someone actually wanting to go the other way. it's just not reality no matter how much the US and CR try to brow beat everyone into believing.
@ my friend then why are there hundreds of thousands Nicaraguans in CR, and many more from the last 40 years? I’m Latino, that’s the reality of the region, very corrupt and terrible governments, people run away looking for better life, and NI is the top most messed up countries, while CR is in the top 3 best countries to live in Latin America, not saying there aren’t any good things in NI, but definitely not the best destination.
You say it is not the best, but you point to something unrelated. Nicaraguans leave Nicaragua due to US intervention creating a lack of jobs to encourage them to move abroad and flood them with propaganda to make them believe that riches exist outside their boarders. No one is saying Nicaraguans aren't tricked or forced to move abroad, that's absolutely true, but to then connect that to Nicaragua having negative things (outside a lack of jobs created by the US and its allies) going on is false and THEN to make it sound like somehow that's a negative for expats is really extreme. If anything, and this is selfish and I'd never hope for this to happen, but the people moving out makes it better for expats because it makes housing cost less, labor cost less, etc. Expats are always looking to come to Nicaragua from CR, not the other way around. DId you watch my immigration paradox video from last week? Everything you are stating is refuted and explained in that video already. We've addressed why it is like it is from both directions. CR is a great place, but you can say good things about it directly without having to try to make it look good enough by tearing down Nicaragua, especially using misleading facts and by making it sound like being oppressed is their own fault.
I definitely covered a lot more, like safety and expats. THe overall theme is the expat cultural problem, certainly not cost of living. Watch the whole video. Safety is a BIG factor as well.
Im going to Costa Rica next. Was doing some research on where to go after leaving Nica. Playa Tamarindo is $30pn for a bed in a dorm. I don't think I'll be staying in CR for a particularly long time. Great video!
jaja thanks. yeah, i love CR but i never stay long. gets expensive quickly. where are you now? i'd offer to get a drink but im about to head to Texas for christmas.
Here's my personal take on CR: the hot spot is the capital, not the beaches. All the countries in teh region have similar beaches. They are nice, and if you have to pick just one place, sure CR is a good choice. But if you are traveling through Central America, beaches start to repeat, more or less. But the big cities, they are unique. That's where so much of the culture and activities are and what makes the country special. Chepetown (San Jose) is pretty different than any other city in CA, don't skip it.
@ScottAlanMillerVlog I'm in Las Peñitas! Well, just leaving. I'm good for beaches now after 11 days here (although may drop in on San Juan del Sur) so may zip straight through to San Jose.
Until this moment, I have not known a government that is not corrupt and whose health system is like that of the United States and other countries, whether poor or not.If youcan live in the U.S.A you can live anywhere.
@dominicparralez8074 jajaja, that's so true and I've never heard it put that way. OMG that is a great way to look at it. It's so true, I've never lived anywhere that I felt less safe, or dealt with more government corruption, than in the US. It's so pervasive that Americans often don't even notice it and will often excuse it, and sometimes outright support it. You can openly bribe lawmakers in the US, it's not even a secret. And now we've exposed that it's common to bribe judges and the judges just rule it as legal! Healthcare is the ultimate bar. If it wasn't for the US military, no one in the world would accept the statement that they are a developed country. Isn't universal access to healthcare a basic tenent in being able to be classified as minimally developed?
If that's the kind of argument you feel necessary to make, I think it shows that you feel defensive and don't have real reasons. Why would someone who isn't part of the voting public ever mention something like that? Pure dishonesty. No one is so dumb as to think that that matters as an expat. It's pure propaganda and is disrespectful to expats treating us like we are fools. If you are just going to be dishonest and have no point, do not post. Keep it civil. If you can explain why other people's politics matter more than safety, cost of living or culture, we're all ears... but I bet you don't have a good explanation. Because.... defensive panic and shame is what it sounds like to us.
Jaja, for sure you get a lot for the money. No question it costs a lot, but the selection and modernity have a lot of value. Much of what is "good" about CR, I mean that it is subjective but I do mean things that I like, aren't possible without the money. The big range of restaurants, fancy buildings, modern nightlife, metro system (above ground, is that still a metro?), awesome airport connections.... those can't really exist without big budgets. FOr me, life in NIcaragua is better day to day. But having Costa Rica next door with all those things is the best combination. LIke I said, I love COsta Rica. I wish it had all those things like like, 30% of the expats, but it can't. But having it as a regular destination right next door is like the best of both worlds.
Your chances of losing your real estate are higher in Nicaragua than anywhere else in Central America. Their government is not a respecter of private property.
Actually that's EXACTLY why you buy in Nicaragua. Property rights are very strict and respected. Other countries depend on fake news and making these claims to try to promote themselves. But by all means, leave the investments to me. Those who fall for the scams of the US don't make good neighbors. We want smart people who aren't indoctrinated so if you believe those things without fact checking, it's a great self-filtering mechanism.
@ScottAlanMillerVlog I am Costa Rican and my wife is Nicaraguan. The National Land Registry in that country is a mess. I am a native to this land, I speak Spanish and know the culture of both countries very well. Sorry if I've spoiled your fun.
Si tu fuente de ingreso está en los Estados y tu idea es de retiro en vejez, pues da igual donde vives. Pero ni en pedo Nicaragua va ser un lugar con seguridad jurídica para hacer negocios para alguien joven, emprendedor, inversionista y adquirir calidad de vida. Jamás, vas a tener garantía sobre tus negocios o inclusive tus bienes en ese país. Pero si lo que tienes es una parcelita con una casita humilde, pues obviamente pasarás desapercibido (eso aplica casi para cualquier país del mundo). Pero en el momento que empieces a ser medianamente exitoso, pues ahí sí no encontraras Nicaragua para nada agradable de forjar una vida. Existe una razón clara y evidente porque hay tanta migración en Costa Rica. Y no es por mera ''popularidad''. Si hablamos de regiones, pues obviamente la peor para vivir una vida tranquila sería la GAM (gran area metropolitana). Pero eso igualmente aplica para cualquier país. Así que por eso la GAM no es ni de cerca el mejor ejemplo de regiones para tener calidad de vida en ningún país. Costa Rica es uno de los países con mejor Seguridad Jurídica de todo el continente. Lo cual lo convierte en una de las primeras opciones (si no la mejor) en toda latino américa, para forjar vida para alguien joven. Para alguien retirado de laborar, pues da igual donde. Nicaragua pues es tranquilo si llevas una vida humilde siempre y cuando tengas tu bolsillo para tu vida ya asegurado. El problemas es que puede llegar a ser ''muy'' humilde la vida ahí. Pero ya eso de pende de cada quien. Para ''gustos hay colores'' como dice el dicho...
As a business person in NIcaragua, I'm unclear what you are trying to say. ONe of the reasons we prefer to be here is that there is such strong legal protections. To Americans Nicaragua is a good place to do business, Costa Rica we are always warned about the corruption in the legal system and the problems of foreign investors having their businesses taken from them. I understand that people spread disinformation and am completely open to Costa Rica being a victim of false info, the same as people saying this about Nicaragua. But coming from America, I know there is pressure on Americans and COsta Ricans to have to say negative things about Nicaragua because people are scared of their governments. But what pressure is there on people in Costa RIca to do the same about business in COsta Rica?
@@ScottAlanMillerVlog En vista de que no entiendes el idioma español bien (Ya que está más que claro mi mensaje anterior) Te dejo un articulo en inglés al final de mi siguiente comentario: Invertir en Nicaragua es un peligro enorme. Repito, sobre todo para gente joven que apenas forja una vida. En cambio en Costa Rica, aunque no sea el país perfecto, pues es de los más seguros en el ámbito de inversionistas en toda latino América. Y sólo por eso ya sobre sale años luz sobre Nicaragua. A pesar de que Nicaragua tenga gente hermosa, buenas personas, bonita cultura y muy trabajadores, es absurdo compararla con Costa Rica en cualquier aspecto (Salud, Economía, Educacion, etc) Sencillamente no hay comparación. No se que experiencias fueron las que tuviste, pero la diferencia es evidente en favor de Costa Rica y no de Nicaragua. Misma razón por la que Costa Rica tiene tanta migración de Nicaragüenses que buscan una mejor calidad de vida que jamás tendrán en su país. Repito, si eres viejo, con fuentes de ingresos provenientes de tu país natal del ''primer'' mundo, o un bolsillo seguro, y no dependes 100% de lo que generes en Nicaragua para vivir, pues da igual donde te asientes. Hasta a la India o Nigeria podés irte si quieres... Artículo: Invertir
Tengo un sobrino nica, jóven, casado con una costaricense, ha invertido en tres negocios y en los tres, los costaricenses lo han dejado sin negocio. Tengo muchos amigos ticos buena gente.
I think,that is the point.Nicaragua is good for retired people,getting your income from outside the country, makes it easier.Quality of life is ok.And yes, trying to get involved in business is a different story.But I have seen lately a lot of businesses open and a lot belonging to nica people returning from USA.
65% de los nicaraguenses 😢son blancos y fueron los que fundaron Cartago. Las primeras familias se educaron en Leon y Granada cuando no habian universidades en CR.
Not in the slightest. It's a complete misconception both what the government is (anything you hear from the US can't even describe the form of government let alone tell you any details of it) and it's also a total myth that an expat or immigrant would be affected by governments in that way. It's a scare tactic that the US uses because Americans are trained to think of governments like religions, which they are not (normally, outside theocracies.) I've never heard of anyone that stated any reason to worry about the government that wasn't either something completely insane with no grounding in reality (and often just stating a problem that the US has and projecting it elsewhere to make it believable) or something that they can't explain why it would be a negative and/or affect me. Anyone who mentions the government to you is either completely unaware of the country, or flat out trying to trick you.
Now I AM scared of my own government in the US, that's real. You know in all the years in Nicaragua, no one has ever threatened to "tell the government" on me, but while in Nicaragua, I get threats that people will make up stories about me to the US government and have me "silenced" based on the threat that we don' have freedom of speech or expression of political views in the US. That's an empty threat, but Americans feel that that's a viable threat when Nicaraguans don't. That tells you a lot.
I'd add something important: you should ask why you have the impression that you'd need to fear being in one of the hemisphere's safest countries. Where did you get that impression? Most people who make that up feel that they have to because they fear reprisals from foreign governments that they are trying to appease. If you've heard that, you have reason to fear wherever you are now.
Well I've got like (and I'm not kidding) 3000 hours of content here on the channel. And my email is in the show notes :) But pretty much anything you can imagine we've got a video on it. And we try to do a weekly live stream. That'll be really hard during the holiday weeks, so don't count on it then, but you never know. But after the first week of January we'll definitely be back to regular weekly live streams.
You think people having bars on windows, rather than violence, makes a country safe? LOL Yeah, sound logic. Ever locked your doors? Clearly you aren't safe.
No one commented on the razor wire on the fence on the hill. That is used at prisons to keep criminals in and around army bases to keep invading forces out. Why wrap it around a the yard of a home? It’s scary.
La gente de Nicaragua vienen por miles a mi país Costa Rica no conozco Nicaragua como país debe ser hermoso pero con una dictadura corrupta no me apetece y ojalá ese país cambie para bien por el momento de Costa Rica no salgo 😊
Si te preocupa cómo se gobiernan OTROS PAÍSES, ningún país querría que lo visites. No eres bienvenido en Estados Unidos si crees que es asunto tuyo cómo elegimos a nuestro gobierno. No es nada personal, pero si no eres estadounidense, no es asunto tuyo. No me gusta cómo elegimos a nuestro gobierno, pero quiero que cualquier visitante, turista o expatriado que quiera expresar una opinión sea deportado de inmediato. Es poco ético e inapropiado. Lo mismo ocurre en cualquier parte del mundo. Así que, aunque está absolutamente bien que desees el gobierno que quieras para ti, no está bien que lo desees para otras personas. Así que mejor no viajes. Y demuestra que no tienes fe en tu propio país que tienes que esconderte de aprender sobre otros para mantener tu ignorancia. Costa Rica es un lugar bonito, es una pena que no tengas fe en él.
Y seamos claros: no tienes nada negativo que decir, excepto que crees en información errónea sobre la forma de gobierno de otro país y, basándote en información errónea, te niegas a aprender de primera mano sobre ese país. Eso es exactamente lo que nadie quiere. Eso es literalmente ignorancia política, deliberada.
CR isn't in trouble. there are aspects of it that i don't find culturally ideal - mostly having to do with the flood of immigrants from north america. CR is doing fine but doesn't offer the safety, cost of living or cultural integration options that nicaragua does
LOL, what does a peace index have to od with safety? Try a violent crime index if you aren't trying to avoid the issue. The peace index is a meaningless index made for exactly cases where people need to distract from what matters.
This is only homicide, but definitely not an intentional distraction like a WTF is that "peace" index, lol. Talk about not even trying to seem legit..
In 2023 Costa Rica hit a homicide rate of 173. while Guatemala fell to 16.7. It's still nothing like a Honduras or Belize in terms of homicide in the region, but being worse than GUatemala? That's dramatic.
@@ScottAlanMillerVlogdig deeper on why those numbers are like that before being so critic, if it was as bad like you are saying, then people of CR would be seeking to leave the country at all cost, just like almost all other Latin American countries, but that’s not it, CR is in the top 3 countries live at in Latin America, the only thing I won’t argue is how expensive it is, yet again it won’t be much as long as you don’t go out eat often. Bottom line, you are just excited about being there now, and is fine, every place has it good and not so good stuff, but truth is, most Nicaraguans would like to leave their country and they live in terrible conditions while in CR is just the opposite. Peace ✌️
@NayibR Amo a Costa Rica, es un país maravilloso con gente maravillosa. Pero está lleno de inmigrantes que no vienen buscando convertirse en ticas, sino estar aparte. Cambian el costo de vida, cambian la seguridad, cambian la cultura. No hay una manera razonable de vivir en Costa Rica, sin esconderse como un ermitaño, y sin pasar una cantidad razonable de tiempo siendo definido y afectado por la cultura del aislamiento extremo de los inmigrantes. En ese sentido, sí, cada vez que visito Costa Rica tengo que esforzarme demasiado para evitar sentirme como si estuviera en Miami o Boca Ratón. Vivo en América Central porque amo a América Central, no porque sea un estadounidense en exilio forzado tratando de encontrar un enclave para fingir que no abandoné mi país. Costa Rica se ha convertido tristemente (para mí) en un refugio para la cultura inmigrante que quiero evitar. Pero eso es genial para otros a quienes en realidad no les gusta Costa Rica o Nicaragua, pero quieren los beneficios de la región y pueden obtenerlos en Costa Rica. Pero para mí, sí, eso es algo muy negativo.
@@dominicparralez8074 Asi es, @domenic....Scott no se expresó mal de costa rica... El problema esta como la gente percibe lo que el dice. Pero el no ha dicho nada malo
We have visited CR multiple times. First was tourist town. Next 2 were not and they were cheap. Love the biodiversity there. If you are an animal lover like us then CR not bad. Stay away from tourist towns and no problem
As a Costa Rican I'm grateful you chose a different country, we have way too many expats here, gentrification is out of control at this point, it's impossible for a local to own property, specially close to a beach. Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua and other countries around have the same weather and are way cheaper to live in. Tourism advertisement worked a little too well for us, but we need tourists to LEAVE afterwards.
well and the results of that are the negatives about costa rica. it's a great country except for.... things caused by over tourism. nicaragua stuffers from under tourism. so it's a win / win / win.
Gracias hermano. I am a Romanian moved to Nicaragua. Love your videos
I lived briefly in Romania!!
@ wow you are a true citizen of the world
Baita, in Targu Muresh. What a great little village. I loved it there. One of my absolute favourite places.
Que pasa si en algún momento no te gusta alguna política del gobierno de Nicaragua, es un país seguro donde puedes hacer un video en contra del gobierno ? Puedes decir que es seguro, y respeto tu percepción, pero la verdad es que no es un país libre en el que te puedas expresar libremente, eso al final es una bomba de tiempo porque tarde o temprano el pueblo revienta, no hace muchos años mataban policías, militares y manifestantes simplemente por no estar de acuerdo con el gobierno…
You did the right choice, man. I leaved in CR sometime, and there is not comparison. Nicaragua is not that poor, as the ticos say. Nicaragua has the greatest potential in Central America for future development. It's a matter of time.
Thanks. There's a surprising amount of anti-Nica sentiment from people claiming to be in the CR. But none seem to be willing to claim to have ever ventured over. Just afraid to find out, lol
Well I’ll just say this…………hundreds of thousands people from NI came to CR and they still do, not the other way around, when the local run away from their country, it says it all, NI has beautiful places, but nope, not the best place for living.
truth is.... that's false. Nicaraguans hate leaving but american embargoes have left little job options. it's unfair and dishonest to claim nicaraguans want to leave. that's a colonial american narrative to belittle and disgrace latinos. and similarly things aren't the best in CR but that doesn't make ticas not want to retain their history and heritage. they just want it to improve. but there's a reason we talk constantly about all the people trying to move from CR to Nicaragua. outside of getting a job, never heard of someone actually wanting to go the other way. it's just not reality no matter how much the US and CR try to brow beat everyone into believing.
@ my friend then why are there hundreds of thousands Nicaraguans in CR, and many more from the last 40 years? I’m Latino, that’s the reality of the region, very corrupt and terrible governments, people run away looking for better life, and NI is the top most messed up countries, while CR is in the top 3 best countries to live in Latin America, not saying there aren’t any good things in NI, but definitely not the best destination.
You say it is not the best, but you point to something unrelated. Nicaraguans leave Nicaragua due to US intervention creating a lack of jobs to encourage them to move abroad and flood them with propaganda to make them believe that riches exist outside their boarders. No one is saying Nicaraguans aren't tricked or forced to move abroad, that's absolutely true, but to then connect that to Nicaragua having negative things (outside a lack of jobs created by the US and its allies) going on is false and THEN to make it sound like somehow that's a negative for expats is really extreme. If anything, and this is selfish and I'd never hope for this to happen, but the people moving out makes it better for expats because it makes housing cost less, labor cost less, etc.
Expats are always looking to come to Nicaragua from CR, not the other way around. DId you watch my immigration paradox video from last week? Everything you are stating is refuted and explained in that video already. We've addressed why it is like it is from both directions. CR is a great place, but you can say good things about it directly without having to try to make it look good enough by tearing down Nicaragua, especially using misleading facts and by making it sound like being oppressed is their own fault.
@@ScottAlanMillerVlogHe didn’t say they wanted to leave. He said they left… Big difference. And it’s not false.
Thanks for all the information, I'm thinking of moving to Nicaragua.
awesome :)
This is some great info
Where is the comparison of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, only the cost of living???
I definitely covered a lot more, like safety and expats. THe overall theme is the expat cultural problem, certainly not cost of living. Watch the whole video. Safety is a BIG factor as well.
Great points Scott! How can we contact you for a consultation?
Email is in the show notes...
@ sounds good. Thanks!
Im going to Costa Rica next. Was doing some research on where to go after leaving Nica. Playa Tamarindo is $30pn for a bed in a dorm. I don't think I'll be staying in CR for a particularly long time. Great video!
jaja thanks. yeah, i love CR but i never stay long. gets expensive quickly. where are you now? i'd offer to get a drink but im about to head to Texas for christmas.
@ScottAlanMillerVlog I'm heading to Managua in the morning! Have a great Christmas!
are you still in Leon?
Here's my personal take on CR: the hot spot is the capital, not the beaches. All the countries in teh region have similar beaches. They are nice, and if you have to pick just one place, sure CR is a good choice. But if you are traveling through Central America, beaches start to repeat, more or less. But the big cities, they are unique. That's where so much of the culture and activities are and what makes the country special. Chepetown (San Jose) is pretty different than any other city in CA, don't skip it.
@ScottAlanMillerVlog I'm in Las Peñitas! Well, just leaving. I'm good for beaches now after 11 days here (although may drop in on San Juan del Sur) so may zip straight through to San Jose.
Nicaragua is a beautiful country ,but I wouldnt live there with that government .
Great info! I trust you Allen before any government!!
Funny thing…every time your dogs bark on your videos, my Charlie boy thinks he has to bark 😂
jajaja, it's a call and response video!
Living in a impoverish country with a corrupt government, it’s not for everybody
Yes America isnt corrupt lol
@ pick you poison
RIght, that's why we left the US.
Until this moment, I have not known a government that is not corrupt and whose health system is like that of the United States and other countries, whether poor or not.If youcan live in the U.S.A you can live anywhere.
@dominicparralez8074 jajaja, that's so true and I've never heard it put that way. OMG that is a great way to look at it.
It's so true, I've never lived anywhere that I felt less safe, or dealt with more government corruption, than in the US. It's so pervasive that Americans often don't even notice it and will often excuse it, and sometimes outright support it. You can openly bribe lawmakers in the US, it's not even a secret. And now we've exposed that it's common to bribe judges and the judges just rule it as legal!
Healthcare is the ultimate bar. If it wasn't for the US military, no one in the world would accept the statement that they are a developed country. Isn't universal access to healthcare a basic tenent in being able to be classified as minimally developed?
Choosing a dictatorial regime over a democratic nation is beyond 😂
If that's the kind of argument you feel necessary to make, I think it shows that you feel defensive and don't have real reasons. Why would someone who isn't part of the voting public ever mention something like that? Pure dishonesty. No one is so dumb as to think that that matters as an expat. It's pure propaganda and is disrespectful to expats treating us like we are fools. If you are just going to be dishonest and have no point, do not post. Keep it civil. If you can explain why other people's politics matter more than safety, cost of living or culture, we're all ears... but I bet you don't have a good explanation. Because.... defensive panic and shame is what it sounds like to us.
Who lives in a free country and suddenly decides to move to a socialist dictatorship.
I am confused right now.
Yes you are.
He seems to be very lost indeed.
You're ignorant..
me podrias escribir las razones en español por favor?
Yes, Costa Rics is expensive. And is worth every penny.
I love Nicaragua, but not for a life.
Jaja, for sure you get a lot for the money. No question it costs a lot, but the selection and modernity have a lot of value. Much of what is "good" about CR, I mean that it is subjective but I do mean things that I like, aren't possible without the money. The big range of restaurants, fancy buildings, modern nightlife, metro system (above ground, is that still a metro?), awesome airport connections.... those can't really exist without big budgets.
FOr me, life in NIcaragua is better day to day. But having Costa Rica next door with all those things is the best combination. LIke I said, I love COsta Rica. I wish it had all those things like like, 30% of the expats, but it can't. But having it as a regular destination right next door is like the best of both worlds.
Your chances of losing your real estate are higher in Nicaragua than anywhere else in Central America. Their government is not a respecter of private property.
Actually that's EXACTLY why you buy in Nicaragua. Property rights are very strict and respected. Other countries depend on fake news and making these claims to try to promote themselves. But by all means, leave the investments to me. Those who fall for the scams of the US don't make good neighbors. We want smart people who aren't indoctrinated so if you believe those things without fact checking, it's a great self-filtering mechanism.
Your lack of examples tells us you don't believe what you said. Who paid you to say that?
@ScottAlanMillerVlog I am Costa Rican and my wife is Nicaraguan. The National Land Registry in that country is a mess.
I am a native to this land, I speak Spanish and know the culture of both countries very well. Sorry if I've spoiled your fun.
@@Beto1206Estupideces sin sentido. INFORMECE BIEN Beto lolo
En CR te venden tu propiedad y no te das cuenta, conozco varios casos. A un amigo mio nica le invadieron su finca y nunca pudo recuperarla.
Si tu fuente de ingreso está en los Estados y tu idea es de retiro en vejez, pues da igual donde vives. Pero ni en pedo Nicaragua va ser un lugar con seguridad jurídica para hacer negocios para alguien joven, emprendedor, inversionista y adquirir calidad de vida. Jamás, vas a tener garantía sobre tus negocios o inclusive tus bienes en ese país. Pero si lo que tienes es una parcelita con una casita humilde, pues obviamente pasarás desapercibido (eso aplica casi para cualquier país del mundo). Pero en el momento que empieces a ser medianamente exitoso, pues ahí sí no encontraras Nicaragua para nada agradable de forjar una vida.
Existe una razón clara y evidente porque hay tanta migración en Costa Rica. Y no es por mera ''popularidad''.
Si hablamos de regiones, pues obviamente la peor para vivir una vida tranquila sería la GAM (gran area metropolitana). Pero eso igualmente aplica para cualquier país. Así que por eso la GAM no es ni de cerca el mejor ejemplo de regiones para tener calidad de vida en ningún país.
Costa Rica es uno de los países con mejor Seguridad Jurídica de todo el continente. Lo cual lo convierte en una de las primeras opciones (si no la mejor) en toda latino américa, para forjar vida para alguien joven. Para alguien retirado de laborar, pues da igual donde.
Nicaragua pues es tranquilo si llevas una vida humilde siempre y cuando tengas tu bolsillo para tu vida ya asegurado. El problemas es que puede llegar a ser ''muy'' humilde la vida ahí. Pero ya eso de pende de cada quien. Para ''gustos hay colores'' como dice el dicho...
As a business person in NIcaragua, I'm unclear what you are trying to say. ONe of the reasons we prefer to be here is that there is such strong legal protections. To Americans Nicaragua is a good place to do business, Costa Rica we are always warned about the corruption in the legal system and the problems of foreign investors having their businesses taken from them. I understand that people spread disinformation and am completely open to Costa Rica being a victim of false info, the same as people saying this about Nicaragua. But coming from America, I know there is pressure on Americans and COsta Ricans to have to say negative things about Nicaragua because people are scared of their governments. But what pressure is there on people in Costa RIca to do the same about business in COsta Rica?
@@ScottAlanMillerVlog En vista de que no entiendes el idioma español bien (Ya que está más que claro mi mensaje anterior) Te dejo un articulo en inglés al final de mi siguiente comentario:
Invertir en Nicaragua es un peligro enorme. Repito, sobre todo para gente joven que apenas forja una vida. En cambio en Costa Rica, aunque no sea el país perfecto, pues es de los más seguros en el ámbito de inversionistas en toda latino América. Y sólo por eso ya sobre sale años luz sobre Nicaragua.
A pesar de que Nicaragua tenga gente hermosa, buenas personas, bonita cultura y muy trabajadores, es absurdo compararla con Costa Rica en cualquier aspecto (Salud, Economía, Educacion, etc) Sencillamente no hay comparación.
No se que experiencias fueron las que tuviste, pero la diferencia es evidente en favor de Costa Rica y no de Nicaragua. Misma razón por la que Costa Rica tiene tanta migración de Nicaragüenses que buscan una mejor calidad de vida que jamás tendrán en su país.
Repito, si eres viejo, con fuentes de ingresos provenientes de tu país natal del ''primer'' mundo, o un bolsillo seguro, y no dependes 100% de lo que generes en Nicaragua para vivir, pues da igual donde te asientes. Hasta a la India o Nigeria podés irte si quieres...
Tengo un sobrino nica, jóven, casado con una costaricense, ha invertido en tres negocios y en los tres, los costaricenses lo han dejado sin negocio. Tengo muchos amigos ticos buena gente.
I think,that is the point.Nicaragua is good for retired people,getting your income from outside the country, makes it easier.Quality of life is ok.And yes, trying to get involved in business is a different story.But I have seen lately a lot of businesses open and a lot belonging to nica people returning from USA.
65% de los nicaraguenses 😢son blancos y fueron los que fundaron Cartago. Las primeras familias se educaron en Leon y Granada cuando no habian universidades en CR.
Are you not worried about that government?
Not in the slightest. It's a complete misconception both what the government is (anything you hear from the US can't even describe the form of government let alone tell you any details of it) and it's also a total myth that an expat or immigrant would be affected by governments in that way. It's a scare tactic that the US uses because Americans are trained to think of governments like religions, which they are not (normally, outside theocracies.) I've never heard of anyone that stated any reason to worry about the government that wasn't either something completely insane with no grounding in reality (and often just stating a problem that the US has and projecting it elsewhere to make it believable) or something that they can't explain why it would be a negative and/or affect me. Anyone who mentions the government to you is either completely unaware of the country, or flat out trying to trick you.
Now I AM scared of my own government in the US, that's real. You know in all the years in Nicaragua, no one has ever threatened to "tell the government" on me, but while in Nicaragua, I get threats that people will make up stories about me to the US government and have me "silenced" based on the threat that we don' have freedom of speech or expression of political views in the US. That's an empty threat, but Americans feel that that's a viable threat when Nicaraguans don't. That tells you a lot.
I'd add something important: you should ask why you have the impression that you'd need to fear being in one of the hemisphere's safest countries. Where did you get that impression? Most people who make that up feel that they have to because they fear reprisals from foreign governments that they are trying to appease. If you've heard that, you have reason to fear wherever you are now.
Love to talk, we have been here in Costa Rica 4 years and would love to viist your area. We have no information and its all new.
Well I've got like (and I'm not kidding) 3000 hours of content here on the channel. And my email is in the show notes :)
But pretty much anything you can imagine we've got a video on it. And we try to do a weekly live stream. That'll be really hard during the holiday weeks, so don't count on it then, but you never know. But after the first week of January we'll definitely be back to regular weekly live streams.
Safe? Bars on windows. Razor wire on property fence up on the hill.
You think people having bars on windows, rather than violence, makes a country safe? LOL Yeah, sound logic. Ever locked your doors? Clearly you aren't safe.
Just like the homicide in the US? Or the school shooting?
If you go to El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica, you'll see bars on windows.
Even in the United States. I live in the U.S.
In Europe, where things are REALLY safe, people don't just have bars on their windows, they actually barricade their windows! It's really common.
No one commented on the razor wire on the fence on the hill. That is used at prisons to keep criminals in and around army bases to keep invading forces out. Why wrap it around a the yard of a home? It’s scary.
La gente de Nicaragua vienen por miles a mi país Costa Rica no conozco Nicaragua como país debe ser hermoso pero con una dictadura corrupta no me apetece y ojalá ese país cambie para bien por el momento de Costa Rica no salgo 😊
Si te preocupa cómo se gobiernan OTROS PAÍSES, ningún país querría que lo visites. No eres bienvenido en Estados Unidos si crees que es asunto tuyo cómo elegimos a nuestro gobierno. No es nada personal, pero si no eres estadounidense, no es asunto tuyo. No me gusta cómo elegimos a nuestro gobierno, pero quiero que cualquier visitante, turista o expatriado que quiera expresar una opinión sea deportado de inmediato. Es poco ético e inapropiado. Lo mismo ocurre en cualquier parte del mundo. Así que, aunque está absolutamente bien que desees el gobierno que quieras para ti, no está bien que lo desees para otras personas. Así que mejor no viajes.
Y demuestra que no tienes fe en tu propio país que tienes que esconderte de aprender sobre otros para mantener tu ignorancia. Costa Rica es un lugar bonito, es una pena que no tengas fe en él.
Y seamos claros: no tienes nada negativo que decir, excepto que crees en información errónea sobre la forma de gobierno de otro país y, basándote en información errónea, te niegas a aprender de primera mano sobre ese país. Eso es exactamente lo que nadie quiere. Eso es literalmente ignorancia política, deliberada.
Because it's in trouble?
CR isn't in trouble. there are aspects of it that i don't find culturally ideal - mostly having to do with the flood of immigrants from north america. CR is doing fine but doesn't offer the safety, cost of living or cultural integration options that nicaragua does
LOL, what does a peace index have to od with safety? Try a violent crime index if you aren't trying to avoid the issue. The peace index is a meaningless index made for exactly cases where people need to distract from what matters.
This is only homicide, but definitely not an intentional distraction like a WTF is that "peace" index, lol. Talk about not even trying to seem legit..
In 2023 Costa Rica hit a homicide rate of 173. while Guatemala fell to 16.7. It's still nothing like a Honduras or Belize in terms of homicide in the region, but being worse than GUatemala? That's dramatic.
@@ScottAlanMillerVlogdig deeper on why those numbers are like that before being so critic, if it was as bad like you are saying, then people of CR would be seeking to leave the country at all cost, just like almost all other Latin American countries, but that’s not it, CR is in the top 3 countries live at in Latin America, the only thing I won’t argue is how expensive it is, yet again it won’t be much as long as you don’t go out eat often. Bottom line, you are just excited about being there now, and is fine, every place has it good and not so good stuff, but truth is, most Nicaraguans would like to leave their country and they live in terrible conditions while in CR is just the opposite. Peace ✌️
Su manera de hablar y expresarse que no se note su frustración quien sabe qué daño le hicieron para que se exprese así de mi país 🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷🇨🇷😅
No ,de ninguna manera se expreso mal de Costa Rica .
@NayibR Amo a Costa Rica, es un país maravilloso con gente maravillosa. Pero está lleno de inmigrantes que no vienen buscando convertirse en ticas, sino estar aparte. Cambian el costo de vida, cambian la seguridad, cambian la cultura. No hay una manera razonable de vivir en Costa Rica, sin esconderse como un ermitaño, y sin pasar una cantidad razonable de tiempo siendo definido y afectado por la cultura del aislamiento extremo de los inmigrantes. En ese sentido, sí, cada vez que visito Costa Rica tengo que esforzarme demasiado para evitar sentirme como si estuviera en Miami o Boca Ratón. Vivo en América Central porque amo a América Central, no porque sea un estadounidense en exilio forzado tratando de encontrar un enclave para fingir que no abandoné mi país. Costa Rica se ha convertido tristemente (para mí) en un refugio para la cultura inmigrante que quiero evitar. Pero eso es genial para otros a quienes en realidad no les gusta Costa Rica o Nicaragua, pero quieren los beneficios de la región y pueden obtenerlos en Costa Rica. Pero para mí, sí, eso es algo muy negativo.
@@dominicparralez8074 Asi es, @domenic....Scott no se expresó mal de costa rica...
El problema esta como la gente percibe lo que el dice. Pero el no ha dicho nada malo
@@romanmaster3217 cuales fueron los puntos que dió? la verdad está raro que prefiera nicaragua antes que Cr
@@NayibR uy resentidillo el yigüirritico. Él puede vivir donde le plazca.
We have visited CR multiple times. First was tourist town. Next 2 were not and they were cheap. Love the biodiversity there. If you are an animal lover like us then CR not bad. Stay away from tourist towns and no problem