YCS Dortmund 2023 - Round 4 - Luca R. vs. Tom K.

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Watch Round 4 of YCS Dortmund 2023: Luca R. (Rescue Ace) vs. Tom K. (Labrynth)
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    2020 Studio Dice/SHUEISHA, TV TOKYO, KONAMI
    Konami Digital Entertainment -- Watch live at / yugiohcardeu

Комментарии • 53

  • @kartenspieler0863
    @kartenspieler0863 11 месяцев назад +38

    Who needs Skill if you have Skill Drain?

  • @torakandwolf6786
    @torakandwolf6786 11 месяцев назад +3

    This Luca guy pulling a giga-chad face the whole match 😂

  • @Adalon-
    @Adalon- 11 месяцев назад +16

    Floodgates need the Tearlament treatment.

  • @thenickrider02
    @thenickrider02 11 месяцев назад +19

    You can see in this replay the intricacy and complexity required to masterfully play labrynth: flip skilldrain in game 1 and Virus game 2 are the highest points of interaction when playing such a fun and fair deck. Truely a magnificent deck!
    this is sarcasm if you didn't get it. EEV needed to be banned and if you play/like laby you need to step on 16 legos

    • @Snapshot.Geo07
      @Snapshot.Geo07 11 месяцев назад +1

      i love labrynth but Skill drain and EEV yeah they need to go for me . is unhealthy for the game . Only Ikea Labrythn decks are pure Fun and High skill celling deck.

    • @rachidsouki8614
      @rachidsouki8614 11 месяцев назад

      Konami is really a stupid company who doesn't care about the game itself but only about make money. Shifter is another card that should be at least semi-limited...

    • @justmega9569
      @justmega9569 11 месяцев назад +8

      A lot of IKEA Labrynth decks aren't even playing Skill Drain.

    • @Momosexual
      @Momosexual 11 месяцев назад


    @FCDUELLISTE 11 месяцев назад +3

    Chain crow on welcome on big welcome before he could chain the lady…

    • @TheMrNickP
      @TheMrNickP 11 месяцев назад +3

      He couldn’t since lovely was on the field, she prevents monster effects from being chained to your traps.

      @FCDUELLISTE 11 месяцев назад

      Game 2 there is only lady on thé activation of daruma, he could chain crow on it

      @FCDUELLISTE 11 месяцев назад +1

      He could activate too next turn on Big welcome, there is still only lady on field

  • @CyberMongoose
    @CyberMongoose 11 месяцев назад +18

    How are skill drain and eev still legal

    • @AdMar64
      @AdMar64 11 месяцев назад +2

      How are you still legal?

    • @criticiz3
      @criticiz3 11 месяцев назад +11

      People enjoy watching paint dry

    • @tommasopenati9635
      @tommasopenati9635 11 месяцев назад

      @@AdMar64you must be fun to play against

    • @AdMar64
      @AdMar64 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@tommasopenati9635I am

    • @Swanjeff1
      @Swanjeff1 11 месяцев назад

      If you have a problem with floodgates then to fix this bring back red reboot it’s more fair

  • @Swanjeff1
    @Swanjeff1 11 месяцев назад +14

    If floodgates are the problem then bring back red reboot to fix this problem

    • @Momosexual
      @Momosexual 11 месяцев назад +1

      Haha no

    • @Swanjeff1
      @Swanjeff1 11 месяцев назад

      @@Momosexual what it’s fair and fix’s the back row issue

    • @nonya_bidness
      @nonya_bidness 11 месяцев назад +2

      Its not fair, and it doesnt solve the issue, it just turns the gane into go-fish.
      Dont unban worse problem cards to solve problem cards. Just ban eev & skill drain.
      Anything else is frankly idiotic

    • @Swanjeff1
      @Swanjeff1 11 месяцев назад

      @@nonya_bidness it’s fine its legal in the ocg and besides people moan about floodgates cause they can’t put them also in that cause why can’t we also ban judgment since that’s at 3

    • @nonya_bidness
      @nonya_bidness 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Swanjeff1 I don't mean to offend, but what you wrote is unintelligible. would you mind re-phrasing it?

  • @paulmahaut2643
    @paulmahaut2643 11 месяцев назад +2

    Luca plays well and people only focus on skill drain activation :/

  • @ShorterACE
    @ShorterACE 10 месяцев назад

    Why did Luca not activate HQ after he searched it?

  • @ironicliar2029
    @ironicliar2029 11 месяцев назад +4

    Skill drain, what a fun card

  • @kammerer396
    @kammerer396 11 месяцев назад +3

    Glad red reboot is banned, I would hate to be able to interact with my opponents floodgates that lock me out of playing any of the cards in my deck!
    People who say red reboot is too broken and needs to be banned are the same people main decking Skill Drain, TCBOO, Rivalry of Warlords, Gozen Match, Anti-Spell Fragrance, Dimensional Barrier, EEV, and Harpie's Feather Storm. Y'all don't want anyone to be able to play the game, but then demand a card be banned that prevents you from playing the game lol

    • @masteronii-chan3958
      @masteronii-chan3958 11 месяцев назад +2

      The same can be said about combo players, it's a never ending back and forth. Combo players wants all those floodgates and similar cards that don't let you play banned because they want their combo plays uninterrupted and they want to play freely with no interaction. Obviously they're gonna run with the game if that happens. You must be a combo player that wants all their plays uninterrupted right? See how your argument can easily be turned around? Plp just refuse to run s/t removal so it's like they want to lose against floodgates. If you know floodgates exists why not play removal for those cards? Why ignore the fact that you may face floodgates in a tournament. Your begging to lose against them if you just ignore them. Plp just pray they don't go up against floodgates but don't do anything about it. What will happen if all floodgates didnt exist? Well backrow decks and slow decks will be massively nerfed. It would be just mainly combo decks in the meta at that point and that's what you want right? Of course you do. Everything you do you want uninterrupted right? Of course you do lol. And all backrow decks get screwed right? Of course you would want that. It's like me saying I want token collector banned when I'm playing swordsoul cuz that card really hurts me. Plp sound so stupid when they want a card banned cuz it recks their deck and card has no business getting banned. And yes they're were plp wanting token collector banned back when swordsoul was tier 1. See how stupid that sounds. Players will just want cards banned that are convenient for them. It's one thing wanting cards like eev banned which almost everyone agrees its ban worthy but wanting all floodgates to get banned is just stupid. Gtfo here with your bs. Gtfo here with your convenient bans. STOP BEING LAZY AND PLAY S/T REMOVAL. SIMPLE.

    • @tommasopenati9635
      @tommasopenati9635 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@masteronii-chan3958 combo players are afraid of HT on their first turn, not of floodgates on T2 where they’re not as likely to pull off their combo… floodgates are just annoying because they don’t let you play at all, where is the fun of playing yugioh

    • @kammerer396
      @kammerer396 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@masteronii-chan3958 my brother in Christ, please explain to me how a combo player using 15 cards to set up a single once per turn Omni negate is the same as setting a single card and flipping it over when it reads "your opponent cannot play the game and you automatically win unless they are maindecking exactly backrow removal that also isn't a spell card or a monster effect and they also have to draw that exact card" lol. Besides the fact that floodgates in general are unhealthy for any game, I'm also completely fine if you want to ban combo pieces you don't like too! If your deck really can't play through 1-2 Omni negates then sure, ban them, there are hundreds of decks out there that play with interaction as opposed to negation that are perfectly fun and enjoyable, and they are still interesting to play against since the cards don't read "your opponent can't".
      Saying "combo has bad cards too" isn't an excuse to keep disgusting cards like dimensional barrier and EEV in the game, especially when, guess what, COMBO PLAYERS CAN FLIP THOSE CARDS OVER TOO! Ever played against a mannadium player who ended on 4 synchros, an Omni negate trap, and then flipped over Dimensional Barrier in the draw phase calling the one extra deck type you need? Yeah, it's still disgusting, this isn't a "combo vs control" argument buddy

    • @kammerer396
      @kammerer396 11 месяцев назад

      @@masteronii-chan3958 also you keep bringing up token collector then saying "run spell and trap removal" as if that would beat the floodgate? What is cosmic cyclone going to do against a dimension shifter or a dimensional barrier? I can harpie's feather duster my opponent til the cows come home but if they flip D Barrier and call links against my Cyberse deck or flip over EEV and call spells when I'm playing pendulums then there was physically not a single out I could have drawn in the entire game of yugioh to prevent that since red reboot is banned. I will admit that I am entirely wrong and you are the best main character in the entire game if you can find a single reasonable card people should be main decking that protects against both draw phase dimension shifter and dimensional barrier/ EEV, seriously I will lol.

    • @masteronii-chan3958
      @masteronii-chan3958 11 месяцев назад

      @@kammerer396 just like how combo players need to draw the exact card to out the floodgates so do backrow players, they need to draw that dark ruler or lava golem to out the board full of negates and interruptions my dude. So my point still stands. And you obviously didn't read my previous comment if you say that I keep bringing up token collector. When did I keep bringing it up? I only mentioned it once as an example lol. And if your spending 15 cards to make 1 negate then that definitely says something about your skill and deck lol. There's a difference between negates and interruptions my dude. Some decks setup 1 negate but have many interruptions. Learn the difference. A perfect example of this is with spyrals. Back when magician souls became a thing they could end a trigate wizard which is 1 negate and several interruptions in form of the spyral trap and sleeper, ect.
      And you mentioned eradicator, which reinforces the idea that you didn't even read my previous comment cuz I said there is cards that need to get banned and most everyone agrees and I specifically said cards like eradicator.
      And FYI I'm a dinosaur player, so a combo player. So all your arguments of me being a backrow player and that's y I want backrow decks to thrive is false. All I'm doing is pointing out the hypocrisy of all the combo players that surely want all their combos uninterrupted and want to do as they please but gladly I'm not part of those combo hypocrite player such as yourself. They want to kill all the backrow that hurts their deck so they can just win the game with no opposition😂 Typical combo player obviously. But as a combo player myself that's not me lol. No thanks. I'm not a part of those clowns. If the games viable decks were only combo decks that would be very boring and their won't be any variety in the game. It would just be combo vs combo and there would be higher chance of facing a mirror match which is even more boring. We need the different playstyles. We need variety in this game to keep it fun. Everyone is going to have cards they hate but at the end of the day that's just how it is. Like it or not. Every style has its strengths and weaknesses.
      Remember that ycs where that rikka deck was in the feature match? And they won instantly because they had harpie's Feather duster and destroyed like 5 backrow. You didn't say oh we gotta ban Feather Duster cuz they destroyed 5 cards that was an instant win. That's the same as your opponent can't play they game if all there cards get destroyed by a single card right? You didn't complain then right? You were happy that happened cuz ur a combo player wanting all floodgates banned. Of course you didn't say anything. Of course you just shrugged it off and didn't think anything about after. Of course you were happy about. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy and more hypocrisy. That's all I see from the lot of you combo players. And in case if you didn't know that wasn't the first time on feature match someone's entire backrow got wiped by a single card.

  • @aizensa9708
    @aizensa9708 11 месяцев назад +2

    My god the dude flipped every single trap 3 times on the special of fenrir so unnecessary

  • @mcfek7575
    @mcfek7575 11 месяцев назад

    D Barrier doesnt stop rescue ace

    • @KingVerus
      @KingVerus 11 месяцев назад

      No, but it does trigger lady

    • @mcfek7575
      @mcfek7575 11 месяцев назад

      @@KingVerus you have a point but otherwise d barrier doesnt do anything against rescue ace

    • @ddeine_
      @ddeine_ 11 месяцев назад +4

      He had it in his maindeck g1. Obviously Tom is not stupid

  • @smillerbee8115
    @smillerbee8115 11 месяцев назад

    Bro, MST is a card bro

  • @miguelcometivos6942
    @miguelcometivos6942 11 месяцев назад +2

    Don't cry about eev and skill drain xdd look tearlaments then give an opinion

    • @tommasopenati9635
      @tommasopenati9635 11 месяцев назад +2

      Agido and kelbek must be banned as well

  • @jasonhamden4030
    @jasonhamden4030 11 месяцев назад +1

    Anyone else annoyed that Tom kept checking his set cards a million times and then not making a decision? That behavior should disqualify players in the future, it’s very unnecessary and stalled the game way too much.

  • @everetteken9056
    @everetteken9056 11 месяцев назад

    Labrynth... what a boring deck big snoozefest. Takes zero skill