He’s arguing back to explain a simple concept of Waseela, ofcourse we ask only from Allah, nothing good neither bad can occur without the will of Allah Azzawajal but you can ask for something for the sake of his beloved, same reason the prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam will ask Allah azzawajal for our forgiveness on youmal Qiyaaamah through himself. This is not shirk at all nothing here even comes close to shirk but of course people rather listen to a simpleton like shamsi who believes Saudi is alll powerful and fully Islamic, when all their Ullama feed off blood money from yahoodistan and amreeka killing off our brothers and sisters around the world, wallahi i wish I lived in the UK, I’d go to that park and dismantle this clown shamsi so many people put on a pedestal he is a glorified Daee with minimal to zero knowledge who does nothing but scream shout and do takfir, khawarij.
And you don't find it strange that shamsi just said asking a desabled man for help is shirk???? Do you understand how warped his understanding of shirk is now?
@@Timmy-wv8ey he said its shirk if he believe he has superpowers , and find what the meaning of superpowers means in detaul... rewatch the video if u didnt hear or comprehend properly
@@Timmy-wv8ey if you call a man’s name and he’s across the globe, even when that person is alive, he cannot hear you, so you believe that not only he can hear you, respond to you, and then help you? OR you’re crazy. Either mushrik or insane. Even worse when the person is dead as that person cannot even hear you with clear Quranic proof. Now if you take this example into the disabled fully paralyzed man, which by the way the dumb logic such as “if I ask you for water is that shirk?” Stupid question and anyone who asks that clearly has disease in their heart. The paralyzed man is the perfect example for this as he CANNOT do anything for you, so if you ask him for help, you either believe he can help you like a crazy person, or you are making fun of him.
I can't imagine wasting my time on christian or athiest channels comment section typing out pure nonsense. You're not even trying to have a discussion. I really pity you. Do you find some truth and hope here? Is that why you're here? You can't help it right? Reflect upon yourself. @@napoleonlaguerre5587
Abu Talhah reported: We complained about hunger to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and we lifted our garments to reveal stones tied to our stomachs, so the Messenger of Allah lifted his garment to reveal two stones.
@@gdspiral9655 Narrated Abu Hurairah: I used to accompany Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to fill my stomach; and that was when I did not eat baked bread, nor wear silk. Neither a male nor a female slave used to serve me, and I used to bind stones over my belly and ask somebody to recite a Qur'anic Verse for me though I knew it, so that he might take me to his house and feed me. Ja`far bin Abi Talib was very kind to the poor, and he used to take us and feed us with what ever was available in his house, (and if nothing was available), he used to give us the empty (honey or butter) skin which we would tear and lick whatever was in it. Sahih al-Bukhari, 5432 What else could it mean? Jahmi ideas are not welcome.
Young n zealous.. the very ACT of Istighatha is IBAADA.. it doesnt need any more explaining.. i dont blame the youngster.. same as youngers from the Rafidi faith, Qadiani faith etc..its the tarbiyya of them and the way they've lived their lives up until that point...May Allah guide this youngster and us all Ya Rab.. Ameen.
Wallah, I cannot believe this topic is still being discussed. Allah CLEARLY says direct to me all worship and when in need, pray to me. If nothing is clear in the Quran, this is the CLEAREST part. I am absolutely dumbfounded that these people still have a hard time with this.
@@googleenjoyer1503 Shafi'i wasn't a s.o.o.f.i or ash'ari. He was upon the aqeedah and methodology of the salaf. i.e., he was (like all the 4 imams) a salafi
@@curlyg3189 Wahabism is a m.y.t.h created by g.r.a.v.e worshipers to describe the monotheistic sunnis in general and the hanbalis of najd in particular.
@Al3XB85 right. And wishing peace to someone e.g. the Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. is worshiping the person? Other than the Christians and Buddhists etc. we Muslims worship ONLY the almighty God Allah!!!
@@Al3XB85 ignorance is hilarious, the prophet asws told us there is an angel that conveys our Salam to him and that that angel conveys his Salam back to us. I will never understand the need and excuses made to worship people when Allah is all we need.
@@Al3XB85 not just in praying, when we meet our family, friends, acquaintances, entering building etc we also say "peace be upon you ALL". doesnt mean we worship all living being. get that?
No…. Because that’s not the only things that was revealed to us. We have to affirm every single names and attributes of Allah and anything that is mentioned in the Quran and the authentic sunnah. We believe in them all. We don’t pick and choose what we believe in as muslims.
What has shafiee got to do with this, fear Allah and do not shame imam shafiee rahimahullah who’s aqeedah is correct and is a major scholar of the salaf. Whatever ashari belief this guy has got nothing to do with him being shafiee!
his but after every shamsi's answer is gonna ruin him. May Allah guide this brother to Haqq. And give understanding of shirk that asking anyone else except Allah is shirk.ameen.
Tony needs to stop wasting the ummahs time His views on the conflict are problematic and devoid of any knowledge, he doesnt express any interest in learning deen, politics nor history. Just a bunch of armchair Philosophy that just talks with no substance
Thank you! He’s a waste of time. People think he’s sincere but every brother in that park especially Shamsi offered him to go to the mosque with him he took him to pray together and show him the wudhu but he keep on wasting people asking all kind of same repeated questions like he’s trying force his white man ideology on the brothers
@@thegamerabdull8820 let him enter the fire of his own will who gives a F, nafsi nafsi we have our own souls to worry about than this disgraced insincere clown
@@Shuseinbrother these people are the same in all mushrik sects wallah I promise you he watched the video with ears closed until he heard the example made here and to twist it in an evil way, the cope is hilarious because you realize this man you replied to didn’t really watch the video and if he did it fell on closed ears.
Calling , Duaa has two meanings, calling to Allah believing in Him and calling toothed creation. See surah An nuur aya 63 , this shows that calling to the creation is not an act of worship for those who wish to call without that Intention
in the battle of Uhud in 625, March, islamic's allah had promised Muslims that they there were going to win, instead of , they lost, your allah was a FAKE
Ever seen a person surving without a scratch a bus or bulldozer passing over that person escaping dead thru that minor slit or a slot or by an inch. Whatever the reason Allah gives and takes lives. If meant to live none can hurt and if meant to die none can save. Period! Simple!peace!
Bro you typed the verse wrong.. you wrote Ghareeb instead of Qareeb.. could be a typo but you're better of pasting the verse with the vowels instead of without... Allah forbid we change the meaning without knowing. And Allah knows best
Question for the pseudo salafis, do you say the Prophets cant pray in the grave? Because we say istigatha is asking the Prophet to make dua for us, so how do they explain Musa praying in his grave?
Yes the prophets pray in their grave. But that doesn’t mean that we can pray to them. Who is that even a justification. If you want something then ask Allah directly. Allah can hear u and Allah can understand u. U don’t need to ask anyone else or worship anyone else. Our prophet pbuh said “dua is worship” in another Hadith he says “dua is the center of worship” it also states in the Quran that “worship Allah alone making all worship purely for him” also “it is you alone we worship, it is you alone we ask for help” also “know that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah” so if dua is worship and we have been told to worship Allah alone then why make dua to other than Allah?
His parents obviously didn't teach her respect, Shamsi is already talking with someone and this ill-mannered person interrupts their discussion like a rotten child. Respect to Shamsi for knowing how to remain calm with this ill-mannered man.
Bravo brother Shamshi For an intellect this enough and the 🔑 Why did Omer Khatab asked Abbas RA for prayer dua for rain and not called upon the Prophet pbuh as he was no longer physically present on this earth. Period! Ppl go to their own doctors who helps them with sickness giving meds. If docs die will ppl still go and call upon them asking for treatment giving them meds? 🤔 💭 We when alive and given opportunity doing good deed are merely vessels. A person asking another human for help and Allah putting rehm in that person helps taking advantage doing good deed. We do not call upon ppl not present on earth asking for help. Period! A ship caught in storm we call upon Allah and not ppl not in fromt of us for help. Having faith in Allah wenifnin charge of the ship try out things hoping to survive the storm. If Allah wills and saves us we at times doing stupid things stupiditly think oh we did this and it helped and we survived. In reality itnwas Allah who produced positive results saving us no matter how stupod of an action we did. Allah is the giver and taker of life. Period! Simple! Period!
لماذا تدخلون مذهب الشخص الفقهي في خلاف عقدي مع الآخر في العنوان، ما هذا (ashaari--shafie)؟؟ الخلاف الفقهي خلاف واسع وليس فيه مخطئ وإنما هو إجتهاد بين الأئمة رحمهم الله جميعا ولكن يجب الإبتعاد عن هكذا عناوين بدون الإساءة لمذهب فقهي معين ، يكفي أن تقول (أشعري ، معتزلي ، سلفي ، ماتريدي ، جهمي ، صفاتي ، قدري) دون الحاجة لذكر مذهبه الفقهي ، فالإمام الشافعي رحمة الله عليه كان من أشد المتمسكين بأقوال السلف الصالح.
35:45 "it wouldnt be a rock anymore" ... meanwhile the inanimate things literally make tasbeeh of allah, and what about the talking tree in the end times???
If Sahaba asked Allah for salt when they needed it, even tho they lived with the prophet Muhammad saw, why are these shirk soilders trying to justify asking a human for help🤦♂️
@@squidguard1 what is asrar's level ? using "Aql" and unclear verses or weak hadiths to justify clear shirk? ignoring the aqeeda of the prophet pbuh, his companions and even the 4 imams that he claims to follow at least 1 of them in "fiqh" and ignores his ageeda .. then yes I agree he's definitely no where near that level audbillah
@@jonjim799 brother Asrar Rashid was debating Shamsi’s teachers in Birmingham when Shamsi was still in primary school in Algeria. There’s levels to knowledge and Shamsi can barely be considered a student of knowledge. He has no Islamic credentials, qualifications
The Ashari like the Matureedi aqida belong to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah on the unanimous scholars of the ulema, it’s only the recent followers of Ibn Taymiyyah/Salafi’s that question and mock them. Likewise, most Salafi’s don’t even follow a madhab, they sometimes say Hanbali school but in fact they even go against the school
As atheri i have no problem with asheri or maturidi (even though they are Greek philosophy philo) , but istigathah issues is shirk Extreme sufi need to change their stand on this and return to ghazali sufi only
This young said he is Syafie and talking about istiqasah ? Since when Syafie teach about istiqasah ? This young man is in dilution and he is following syiah bits by bits.
what shamsi dont understand is that first is allah then the prophet then other prophets then sahaba then wali allah, nobody in thier right mind worships the prophet we just have very high reverence for the prophet as the prophet interceed for us on the day of judgement . nobody in their right mind worships wali allah we just have high reverence for them but if you completely disregard everyone, its when your borderline a wobbler but at the same time if you give too much reverence to anyone other than almighty allah then your borderline commiting shirk so to conclude you only worship allah but you can have reverence for wali allah. hope that answers the qusestion.
shamsi has many problems, such as giving bay'ah to taghoot democrats, however he said correct things about tawheed. there is no istighatha (calling for help from absent) towards dead.
Brother Shamsi, you should tell him and explain (that Isthigatha an act of worship), to this ignorant that Prophet peace be upon them are live in THE LIFE OF BURZAKH! Shamsi, these people believe that the Prophet peace be upon him, is alive in his grave like it was in the worldly life!! So, you have to explain to them the life of BURZAKH!
"Muhammad is but a messenger: many were the messenger that passed away before him..." (3:144) "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things." (33:40) "As for those who believe, do good, and have faith in what has been revealed to Muhammad-which is the truth from their Lord-He will absolve them of their sins and improve their condition. (47:2) "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah...." (48:29)
@@_ibnmuhammad If Muhammad is a Prophet's Name Then Why In The Quran Muhammad"UUUN , Muhammad"IIIN , Muhammad"AAAN , Yaahoodiyy"AAAN , Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN , Muslim"AAAN , Mh-maaad"UUUN , Mh-sinai"UUUN , Mh-sirk"UUUN , Mh-bashir"UUUN , Mh-barak"UUUN ???
@@_ibnmuhammad Maaa Kaaanaaa Ibraaaheem"UU Yaahoodiyy"AAAN wa Laaa Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN , [ The Ibrahim was not a Jewish and nor a Christian , ] same as --- Maaa Kaaanaaa Ibrahim"UU Muhammad"AAAN , Yaaahoodiyy"AAAN , wa Laaa Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN [ The Ibrahim was not a Muhammad , not a Jewish , and nor a Christian , same as -- Maaa Kaaanaa Muhammad"UUUN or Muhammad"AAAAN abba"AAA - - [ a Muhammad ( Title ) was not The Father - - ],
@@_ibnmuhammad If you are a Top Islamic Scholar Then please Answer me -- What is the Meaning of "" Muhammad"UUUN , Muhammad"IIIN , Muhammad"AAAAN , Yaahoodiyy"AAAN , Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN , Muslim"AAAN , Mh-maaad"AAAN , Mh-sinai"UUUN , Mh-bashsir"UUUN , Mh-shrik"UUUN , Mh-barak"UUUN , ???
1. Shias ask for imam alis maddad if anyone who believes in tawasool would call on the prophet since hes the closest to allah but they wont. How twisted is this tawasool concept. 2. When people die they go to Barzakh dont stay in a grave. So when you say Musa (A.S) is praying in the grave dosent mean the tiny grave is enough to do prayers. How stupid are you not to understand the difference between grave and barzak.
mr Shamsi You are not following the Sunnah of Nabi Mustapha S.A.W. please put on something on Your.head when You speak in public. We are not a bareheaded nation. and.stop confronting and.arguing with people.these are not the ways of S.A.W.
Shamsi when having dialogue with Muslims is similar to Christians when having dialogue who are always in speaker mode without giving other people a chance to speak. Wahhabis also started to attack our country (Indonesia).. Alhamdulillah the Wahhabis lost in Indonesia. Wahhabis should learn again not to just use emotions but also use reason. You Wahabbis should learn from Mutawalli Sya'rawi so that your understanding becomes correct and you no longer become Wahabi.
Indonesia is gone wdym. Half of you are dancing in the Masajid. The majority of the population is completely immersed in Bid'ah. Lost cause. Return to the true path of the first three generations, the way of the Prophet (saw), the Prophets (as), and the Sahaba (ra): the Manhaj of the Salaf us Salih. And avoid your nationalism when talking about the religion. Bring evidence to prove your points from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
ISLAM DIES WITHOUT LIES Quran 33:50 ‘Allah has granted you. And ˹you are allowed to marry˺ the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have emigrated like you. !
"st." Paul 1 Corinthians 9: 19-....To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
“ Is not Allah Sufficient for His slave? “… (Quran 39:36)
The guy is telling this kid ask Allah alone for help and he’s arguing back. What’s wrong with this world man
He’s arguing back to explain a simple concept of Waseela, ofcourse we ask only from Allah, nothing good neither bad can occur without the will of Allah Azzawajal but you can ask for something for the sake of his beloved, same reason the prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalam will ask Allah azzawajal for our forgiveness on youmal Qiyaaamah through himself. This is not shirk at all nothing here even comes close to shirk but of course people rather listen to a simpleton like shamsi who believes Saudi is alll powerful and fully Islamic, when all their Ullama feed off blood money from yahoodistan and amreeka killing off our brothers and sisters around the world, wallahi i wish I lived in the UK, I’d go to that park and dismantle this clown shamsi so many people put on a pedestal he is a glorified Daee with minimal to zero knowledge who does nothing but scream shout and do takfir, khawarij.
And you don't find it strange that shamsi just said asking a desabled man for help is shirk???? Do you understand how warped his understanding of shirk is now?
@@Timmy-wv8ey he said its shirk if he believe he has superpowers , and find what the meaning of superpowers means in detaul... rewatch the video if u didnt hear or comprehend properly
@@Timmy-wv8ey if you call a man’s name and he’s across the globe, even when that person is alive, he cannot hear you, so you believe that not only he can hear you, respond to you, and then help you? OR you’re crazy. Either mushrik or insane. Even worse when the person is dead as that person cannot even hear you with clear Quranic proof. Now if you take this example into the disabled fully paralyzed man, which by the way the dumb logic such as “if I ask you for water is that shirk?” Stupid question and anyone who asks that clearly has disease in their heart. The paralyzed man is the perfect example for this as he CANNOT do anything for you, so if you ask him for help, you either believe he can help you like a crazy person, or you are making fun of him.
@@Timmy-wv8ey clearly u need to train ur listening skill again
This young brother is lost. May Allah guide him Ameen. It’s so clear.
and all muslim are lost
your so called prophet was lost, the companions were lost, and those that came after, after are lost
@napoleonlaguerre5587 your rent due? 😂😂
@@IbrahimAhmed-ly4vi you talk about mo mo
I can't imagine wasting my time on christian or athiest channels comment section typing out pure nonsense. You're not even trying to have a discussion. I really pity you. Do you find some truth and hope here? Is that why you're here? You can't help it right? Reflect upon yourself. @@napoleonlaguerre5587
When Worshipping Allaah alone is mentioned it is most hated to the grave worshippers
I will NEVER ask someone for help with something that ONLY Allah(SAW) can help me with.
حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
My love for resulellah was make me a mushrik. I was suffi for long time. Alhamd lillah i wake up after i watch more debates.
Watching debates made you lose love? You should have stayed where you were
@@_HamzaShaf yes. I had a wrong love same like shias have love for aliy.
Abu Talhah reported: We complained about hunger to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, and we lifted our garments to reveal stones tied to our stomachs, so the Messenger of Allah lifted his garment to reveal two stones.
Take this literally as you take every other Quran verse literally Wahabi
Narrated Abu Hurairah: I used to accompany Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) to fill my stomach; and that was when I did not eat baked bread, nor wear silk. Neither a male nor a female slave used to serve me, and I used to bind stones over my belly and ask somebody to recite a Qur'anic Verse for me though I knew it, so that he might take me to his house and feed me. Ja`far bin Abi Talib was very kind to the poor, and he used to take us and feed us with what ever was available in his house, (and if nothing was available), he used to give us the empty (honey or butter) skin which we would tear and lick whatever was in it.
Sahih al-Bukhari, 5432
What else could it mean? Jahmi ideas are not welcome.
@@gdspiral9655 we do take it literally - sufi mushrik
@@braintree7502 I just learned this and the prophet tied stones so he could bare the hunger. But the attributes of Allah shouldn’t be taken literally.
Young n zealous.. the very ACT of Istighatha is IBAADA.. it doesnt need any more explaining.. i dont blame the youngster.. same as youngers from the Rafidi faith, Qadiani faith etc..its the tarbiyya of them and the way they've lived their lives up until that point...May Allah guide this youngster and us all Ya Rab.. Ameen.
and islamic's wa a thug
Don’t we recite Al-Fatiha at least 17x a day? Doesn’t it say that we ONLY ask Allah for help?
Yes, but Satan has his influencing in this world
So please never ask anyone for help ever again in your life, and act on the verse
@@Timmy-wv8eyread the Tafsir bro
@@Timmy-wv8eyu can ask someone alive to help you bruh
Wallah, I cannot believe this topic is still being discussed. Allah CLEARLY says direct to me all worship and when in need, pray to me. If nothing is clear in the Quran, this is the CLEAREST part. I am absolutely dumbfounded that these people still have a hard time with this.
I find that people who call themselves Shafi'i and oppose the aqeedah of Shafi'i beyond absurd
Shafi'i was not wahhabi
@@curlyg3189 If wahhabi means worshipping Allah alone, why does it bad?
What is a wahabi?
Shafi'i wasn't a s.o.o.f.i or ash'ari. He was upon the aqeedah and methodology of the salaf. i.e., he was (like all the 4 imams) a salafi
Wahabism is a m.y.t.h created by g.r.a.v.e worshipers to describe the monotheistic sunnis in general and the hanbalis of najd in particular.
38:48 the look on the kids face says it all. I dont get why its so hard for people to call upon Allah alone.
Is knowing that Allah exists and that He can hear you where ever you are not sufficient? I will never understand idol worshippers.
"Peace be upon you, O Prophet" you say that when you pray right?
@Al3XB85 right. And wishing peace to someone e.g. the Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. is worshiping the person? Other than the Christians and Buddhists etc. we Muslims worship ONLY the almighty God Allah!!!
@@Al3XB85 ignorance is hilarious, the prophet asws told us there is an angel that conveys our Salam to him and that that angel conveys his Salam back to us. I will never understand the need and excuses made to worship people when Allah is all we need.
@@Al3XB85 not just in praying, when we meet our family, friends, acquaintances, entering building etc we also say "peace be upon you ALL". doesnt mean we worship all living being. get that?
No…. Because that’s not the only things that was revealed to us. We have to affirm every single names and attributes of Allah and anything that is mentioned in the Quran and the authentic sunnah. We believe in them all. We don’t pick and choose what we believe in as muslims.
00:40 😂😂😂😂😂😂 “is there a possibility I didn’t run away”👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
The young brother is lost. Allah (SWT) guide us all.
How come he doesn’t understand the simple fact that Allah Azawajal is only one who can help
What has shafiee got to do with this, fear Allah and do not shame imam shafiee rahimahullah who’s aqeedah is correct and is a major scholar of the salaf. Whatever ashari belief this guy has got nothing to do with him being shafiee!
A summary:
Shami - Call to Allah alone
Kid - NO!
So please never ask anyone for help ever again, otherwise u went against this verse according to your understand
his but after every shamsi's answer is gonna ruin him. May Allah guide this brother to Haqq. And give understanding of shirk that asking anyone else except Allah is shirk.ameen.
Tony needs to stop wasting the ummahs time
His views on the conflict are problematic and devoid of any knowledge, he doesnt express any interest in learning deen, politics nor history. Just a bunch of armchair Philosophy that just talks with no substance
Thank you! He’s a waste of time. People think he’s sincere but every brother in that park especially Shamsi offered him to go to the mosque with him he took him to pray together and show him the wudhu but he keep on wasting people asking all kind of same repeated questions like he’s trying force his white man ideology on the brothers
@@thegamerabdull8820 let him enter the fire of his own will who gives a F, nafsi nafsi we have our own souls to worry about than this disgraced insincere clown
Asking to worship Allah so hard for sufi..astagfirullah
shamsi is comparing a rock to our Prophet
@@zehnhussain7552 no idea what on earth you watched to deduce that or whether you have issues in logic and comprehension
@@zehnhussain7552 watch again then u can understand..
@@zehnhussain7552 brain dead sufi logic - are you people zombies
@@Shuseinbrother these people are the same in all mushrik sects wallah I promise you he watched the video with ears closed until he heard the example made here and to twist it in an evil way, the cope is hilarious because you realize this man you replied to didn’t really watch the video and if he did it fell on closed ears.
Calling , Duaa has two meanings, calling to Allah believing in Him and calling toothed creation. See surah An nuur aya 63 , this shows that calling to the creation is not an act of worship for those who wish to call without that Intention
May Allah protect us from the shirk and bidah boys
and allah can not protect you brother
in the battle of Uhud in 625, March, islamic's allah had promised Muslims that they there were going to win, instead of , they lost, your allah was a FAKE
Ever seen a person surving without a scratch a bus or bulldozer passing over that person escaping dead thru that minor slit or a slot or by an inch. Whatever the reason Allah gives and takes lives. If meant to live none can hurt and if meant to die none can save. Period! Simple!peace!
Brother allah subhaanahu wata'aala said in suratul baqarah واذاسالك عبادي عنى فانى غريب اجيب دعوة داعىاذادعان فليستجى بولي وىمنوبي لعلهم يرشدون
Bro you typed the verse wrong.. you wrote Ghareeb instead of Qareeb.. could be a typo but you're better of pasting the verse with the vowels instead of without... Allah forbid we change the meaning without knowing. And Allah knows best
So please never ask anyone for help ever again, otherwise u went against this verse according to your understand
Question for the pseudo salafis, do you say the Prophets cant pray in the grave? Because we say istigatha is asking the Prophet to make dua for us, so how do they explain Musa praying in his grave?
Yes the prophets pray in their grave. But that doesn’t mean that we can pray to them. Who is that even a justification. If you want something then ask Allah directly. Allah can hear u and Allah can understand u. U don’t need to ask anyone else or worship anyone else. Our prophet pbuh said “dua is worship” in another Hadith he says “dua is the center of worship” it also states in the Quran that “worship Allah alone making all worship purely for him” also “it is you alone we worship, it is you alone we ask for help” also “know that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah” so if dua is worship and we have been told to worship Allah alone then why make dua to other than Allah?
Actually brother shamshi should have asked him whether istigatha of the prophet is permissible and seen what he would reply
This man is the best example of the hadith were the fire is lit they will run into it like the moths and locusts. Unbelievable
His parents obviously didn't teach her respect, Shamsi is already talking with someone and this ill-mannered person interrupts their discussion like a rotten child.
Respect to Shamsi for knowing how to remain calm with this ill-mannered man.
He wants to hide the truth from himself
Bravo brother Shamshi
For an intellect this enough and the 🔑
Why did Omer Khatab asked Abbas RA for prayer dua for rain and not called upon the Prophet pbuh as he was no longer physically present on this earth. Period!
Ppl go to their own doctors who helps them with sickness giving meds. If docs die will ppl still go and call upon them asking for treatment giving them meds? 🤔 💭
We when alive and given opportunity doing good deed are merely vessels. A person asking another human for help and Allah putting rehm in that person helps taking advantage doing good deed. We do not call upon ppl not present on earth asking for help. Period! A ship caught in storm we call upon Allah and not ppl not in fromt of us for help. Having faith in Allah wenifnin charge of the ship try out things hoping to survive the storm. If Allah wills and saves us we at times doing stupid things stupiditly think oh we did this and it helped and we survived. In reality itnwas Allah who produced positive results saving us no matter how stupod of an action we did. Allah is the giver and taker of life. Period!
Simple! Period!
لماذا تدخلون مذهب الشخص الفقهي في خلاف عقدي مع الآخر في العنوان، ما هذا (ashaari--shafie)؟؟
الخلاف الفقهي خلاف واسع وليس فيه مخطئ وإنما هو إجتهاد بين الأئمة رحمهم الله جميعا ولكن يجب الإبتعاد عن هكذا عناوين بدون الإساءة لمذهب فقهي معين ، يكفي أن تقول (أشعري ، معتزلي ، سلفي ، ماتريدي ، جهمي ، صفاتي ، قدري) دون الحاجة لذكر مذهبه الفقهي ، فالإمام الشافعي رحمة الله عليه كان من أشد المتمسكين بأقوال السلف الصالح.
your so called best man was a Mafia Thug
and do you know there was nothing vitue, good, normal of your so called best man
@@napoleonlaguerre5587 إنت وش قاعد تزق ؟؟
35:45 "it wouldnt be a rock anymore" ... meanwhile the inanimate things literally make tasbeeh of allah, and what about the talking tree in the end times???
This Sufi, ashari whatsoever are similar in belief like Christian. May allah guide them ameen ❤️
سبحان الله جدل الاشاعرة واهل الكلام تم استخدامه لنشر البدع, فلا الالحاد قهرو ولا الاسلام نصروا, الله يريحنا منهم ااامييييين!!!
Islam is the true guidance for all of us mankind.
Young people today have no tarbiyah. Take the answer even though you don’t agree, stop arguing too much
If Sahaba asked Allah for salt when they needed it, even tho they lived with the prophet Muhammad saw, why are these shirk soilders trying to justify asking a human for help🤦♂️
where’s asraar ?? why he send his mureed , he should come himself
Is he far from you that you asking
I’m by no means a supporter of Asrar Rashid but Shamsi isn’t on that level to debate him.
@@squidguard1 what is asrar's level ? using "Aql" and unclear verses or weak hadiths to justify clear shirk? ignoring the aqeeda of the prophet pbuh, his companions and even the 4 imams that he claims to follow at least 1 of them in "fiqh" and ignores his ageeda .. then yes I agree he's definitely no where near that level audbillah
@@jonjim799 brother Asrar Rashid was debating Shamsi’s teachers in Birmingham when Shamsi was still in primary school in Algeria. There’s levels to knowledge and Shamsi can barely be considered a student of knowledge. He has no Islamic credentials, qualifications
@@squidguard1There's levels to Jahannam too, Asrar is guiding his followers to the lower levels.
The Ashari like the Matureedi aqida belong to the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama’ah on the unanimous scholars of the ulema, it’s only the recent followers of Ibn Taymiyyah/Salafi’s that question and mock them. Likewise, most Salafi’s don’t even follow a madhab, they sometimes say Hanbali school but in fact they even go against the school
As atheri i have no problem with asheri or maturidi (even though they are Greek philosophy philo) , but istigathah issues is shirk
Extreme sufi need to change their stand on this and return to ghazali sufi only
@@ibrahimmohammedibrahim9273as a athari I have all the problems with ashari’s. What are you talking about brother?
He is Iraqi Arab from Karbala he's language arabic Persian English also might speak Urdo as many arabic people speak urdo. Please check he's book
No he is Pakistani most likely
This young said he is Syafie and talking about istiqasah ? Since when Syafie teach about istiqasah ? This young man is in dilution and he is following syiah bits by bits.
Mr۔ Shamsi barakAllah۔ I am Hanfi from Pakistan and 100 percent agree with you۔
لاحول ولا قوة الا بالله ... ناس تشرك بالله ورب العالمين يكول ان لا يغفر الشرك ... اتقو الله خافو
Has nothing to do with Ash'ari, the lad said he isnt, has nothing to do with it
what shamsi dont understand is that first is allah then the prophet then other prophets then sahaba then wali allah, nobody in thier right mind worships the prophet we just have very high reverence for the prophet as the prophet interceed for us on the day of judgement . nobody in their right mind worships wali allah we just have high reverence for them but if you completely disregard everyone, its when your borderline a wobbler but at the same time if you give too much reverence to anyone other than almighty allah then your borderline commiting shirk so to conclude you only worship allah but you can have reverence for wali allah. hope that answers the qusestion.
This young guy either he doesn't understand or his totally lost
Brother shamsi 👏👏
shamsi has many problems, such as giving bay'ah to taghoot democrats, however he said correct things about tawheed. there is no istighatha (calling for help from absent) towards dead.
You are diseased with politics bro
Shamsi talks too much. Then blames being Algerian for being rude.
Yeah that’s called humour 😅
How old is Shamsi ?
Brother Shamsi, you should tell him and explain (that Isthigatha an act of worship), to this ignorant that Prophet peace be upon them are live in THE LIFE OF BURZAKH!
Shamsi, these people believe that the Prophet peace be upon him, is alive in his grave like it was in the worldly life!! So, you have to explain to them the life of BURZAKH!
What dont people understand. Allah said dont do it. Simple. Allah didnt say do it. So dont. Simple
Asharis always smashed 🤣🤣🤣
Salam aleykoum
I think this young brother went to Egypt in a Ashari markez for being such entitled
Who is the Muhammad in the Quran ??? Surah or chapter Name or a Prophet's Name ????
"Muhammad is but a messenger: many were the messenger that passed away before him..." (3:144)
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things." (33:40)
"As for those who believe, do good, and have faith in what has been revealed to Muhammad-which is the truth from their Lord-He will absolve them of their sins and improve their condition. (47:2)
"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah...." (48:29)
@@_ibnmuhammad If Muhammad is a Prophet's Name Then Why In The Quran Muhammad"UUUN , Muhammad"IIIN , Muhammad"AAAN , Yaahoodiyy"AAAN , Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN , Muslim"AAAN , Mh-maaad"UUUN , Mh-sinai"UUUN , Mh-sirk"UUUN , Mh-bashir"UUUN , Mh-barak"UUUN ???
@@mozi4305 HUH
@@_ibnmuhammad Maaa Kaaanaaa Ibraaaheem"UU Yaahoodiyy"AAAN wa Laaa Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN ,
[ The Ibrahim was not a Jewish and nor a Christian , ]
same as --- Maaa Kaaanaaa Ibrahim"UU Muhammad"AAAN , Yaaahoodiyy"AAAN , wa Laaa Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN [ The Ibrahim was not a Muhammad , not a Jewish , and nor a Christian ,
same as -- Maaa Kaaanaa Muhammad"UUUN or Muhammad"AAAAN abba"AAA - -
[ a Muhammad ( Title ) was not The Father - - ],
@@_ibnmuhammad If you are a Top Islamic Scholar Then please Answer me -- What is the Meaning of "" Muhammad"UUUN , Muhammad"IIIN , Muhammad"AAAAN , Yaahoodiyy"AAAN , Nasaaraaniyy"AAAN , Muslim"AAAN , Mh-maaad"AAAN , Mh-sinai"UUUN , Mh-bashsir"UUUN , Mh-shrik"UUUN , Mh-barak"UUUN , ???
1. Shias ask for imam alis maddad if anyone who believes in tawasool would call on the prophet since hes the closest to allah but they wont. How twisted is this tawasool concept.
2. When people die they go to Barzakh dont stay in a grave. So when you say Musa (A.S) is praying in the grave dosent mean the tiny grave is enough to do prayers. How stupid are you not to understand the difference between grave and barzak.
Wallahi we need Shamsi here in Pakistan because people here don't know about Qur'an and sunnah here.
i'm indonesian....and if that you call "Asharee" is Al Asy'ariyyah ....and you make its look like they worship grave.... you missundertansing.
Ahmed Kateb was Shia become Sonny and wrote book that proves no Imam Zaman exist in the history
استغفراللہ استغفراللہ استغفراللہ۔
How can he call brother hijab mushrik..
Sheikh Asrar is a lion 😎, Bro we dont worship our Prophet(PBUH)
this man why he wear moroccan thobe
هذا شرك ، لا فرق بينه وبين مشركي قريش والنصارى والشيعة والصوفية
Ask them to explain shirk in detail and khalas their shirk belief is gone🎉
and what prophet
He’s lying he’s Hanafi maturidi ashari.
Shami shouldn’t of even uploaded this
الا لله الدين الخالص
Shamsi is the best,always.
May Allah increased ur knowledge
May Allah protect u my sweet brother.
Asrar rashid is mushrik
Shamsi is not a sholar Beware of it.hi is a salifi
This guy is playing games
Sahabah also doing tawassul, r they syirik too? A'uzubillah
Hes talking about istigatha not tawasull ya djahil
Ok, pls bring evidences. We'll see your claim
what a complete waste
mr Shamsi You are not following the Sunnah of Nabi
Mustapha S.A.W. please put on something on Your.head when You speak in public. We are not a bareheaded nation. and.stop confronting and.arguing with people.these are not the ways of S.A.W.
Are you a deobandi nutcase?, oppose the Qur'an and sunnah but a hat is more important than that
Stop ask profhet's/ ALI for Help
Are you Mu'tazilah????
Ooo muslim's stay away from shia's/ wahabi's/ salifi's/ sufi's/ahammadiyya's
Shamsi when having dialogue with Muslims is similar to Christians when having dialogue who are always in speaker mode without giving other people a chance to speak.
Wahhabis also started to attack our country (Indonesia)..
Alhamdulillah the Wahhabis lost in Indonesia.
Wahhabis should learn again not to just use emotions but also use reason.
You Wahabbis should learn from Mutawalli Sya'rawi so that your understanding becomes correct and you no longer become Wahabi.
you are indonesian ashari for sure
Why do you wanna pray to graves soo badly?
Indonesia is gone wdym. Half of you are dancing in the Masajid. The majority of the population is completely immersed in Bid'ah. Lost cause. Return to the true path of the first three generations, the way of the Prophet (saw), the Prophets (as), and the Sahaba (ra): the Manhaj of the Salaf us Salih. And avoid your nationalism when talking about the religion. Bring evidence to prove your points from the Qur'an and Sunnah.
@@bilal-zr6uy ashari should join together with sufi and shiah both love graves
Shamsi is right, our answer should be based on Quran and Sunnah.
Rabbi Shamsi strikes again
As in he's a kaafir?
@@maxpain5555 not playing your games, he won the praise of the zionist. Congrats to him and his followers.
@@maxpain5555 not playing your games, shamsi true colours are clear for everyone
ISLAM DIES WITHOUT LIES Quran 33:50 ‘Allah has granted you. And ˹you are allowed to marry˺ the daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who have emigrated like you. !
Without lies christianity dies more like.... Just look at the trinity for example 😂😂😂
What are you on about? Did you smoked something you shouldnt touch?
"st." Paul 1 Corinthians 9: 19-....To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
Lol imagine having the confidence to say something with so much conviction and being wrong about your argument
What wrong with that verse. Explain what are the lies
Why is he far from you