Many people are using their knowledge and creativity to find solutions to the problem of shelters for the homeless. The biggest obstacle is political 🤔☮️
@@thomasjewell6951 Not $95,000 but $9,500. Still You are Correct, Specially here in America with all this BS Awokeness going on and people even Bitching about being Helped. But in other countries, Most ( did not say all ) Would help build their own shelters/homes and be Vary Thankful. Problem is tho, Companies like these Charge too much. Even Prebuilt Sheds Cost Too Much. IF... If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do. Also, of the ones in the video, How many are Stackable? I and I know others that would like to Stack/Build these. I would Stack up to 4 or 5 High. Other 2-3, Some Higher than 5. Vary Limited Space were they would/are needed.
@@bosse641 exactly! To know the mark you need to know the 1st beast/kingdom, antichrist represented in Daniel 7, Rev 13: 1, Rev 17, Rev 18 and it is none other than the papacy. Any unbiased historian studying western Europe knows all descriptions fit the papacy alone. The papacy state SUNday is their mark of authority directly challenging God's mark and seal of authority His 7th day Sabbath (Friday sunset to sat sunset) established at Eden before any nation group existed for ALL humanity to keep Holy. Genesis 2:1-3 kjv A seal contains 3 things: Name, Title, Territory. We can see from Gen 2:1-3, God's seal and mark, the 7th day Sabbath contains His Name: God the father, Title: Creator, Territory: Heaven and earth. This is why it is important to know as well as keep God's 10 commandments in Exodus 20 and the dietary laws in Leviticus concerning clean and unclean meat. Though it is better to go plant based since that will be the Eden diet. Plant protein (legumes, nuts, seeds, grains...) is better, it is very diverse, cost friendly for the pocket, health and environment. Also stores well long term. Meat on the other hand is very costly for the pocket, health and environment. It also does not store well long-term. Back to the sabbath: Most people erroneously assume the 7th day Sabbath was done away with at the cross. They always cite Colossians 2: 16-17 kjv but fail to note that sabbaths plural (holy feasts, sacrifices, festivals) were done away with at the cross. The 7th day Sabbath singular was not. We know that the moral laws I.e. the 10 commandments from Exodus 20 are everlasting and make up the foundation of God's kingdom of mercy, love and justice. The mosaic laws concerning holy feast days, sacrifices, festivals were done away with on the cross. Jesus kept the 7th day Sabbath during His time on earth even during His death (Friday sunset to sat sunset). We know from reading Acts that the disciples who were Jewish converts gathered to meet in the synagogue on the Lord's day the 7th day Sabbath while they also met on Thursday and Sunday for communion. The author Luke NEVER stated SUNday as the Lord's day or as the sabbath day. SUNday was a day of sun worship from pagan Babylon aka satan's counterfeit holy day. It was the pagan Roman emperor constantine who bought SUNday worship into rome. Papal rome adopted it in their catechism. The papacy changed the 10 commandments of God from Exodus 20 in their own catechism. In revelation, we know the antichrist will seek to change times and laws. The Only commandment having to do with time is the 4th commandment which starts with the word "REMEMBER to keep the Sabbath holy" because God knew people would forget. Exodus 20: 8 kjv In over 150+ languages all over the world the word for Saturday is the Sabbath meaning day of rest in God. The true Lord's day. SUNday = 1st day = God created light = He worked that day. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset = 7th day = God rested, sanctified and blessed it. Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham ALL kept God's holy 7th day sabbath. In Isaiah 66:23 KJV God says, 23 "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord". So we will keep the 7th day sabbath on the new Earth as well. 1st beast/antichrist = papacy matching ALL descriptions in Daniel 7, Rev 13, 17 and 18. 2nd beast in Rev 13: 11/false prophet = apostate protestants/evangelicals in USA (Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Victoria Myers...)from the USA who will sell out to the 1st beast/papacy and speak like the dragon by calling for the institution of the false "rest day" SUNday into law = mark of beast. The USA began as a protestant nation guaranteeing freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of press, assembly, free speech. Though now it is moving in the direction of papal rome. When the unconstitutional SUNday law is enforced = mark of beast. Other nations around the world will follow and legislate Sunday law. ALL who join with the papacy will not allow people to buy or sell, persecute and ultimately kill God's commandment keeping people. Rome has always been a persecuting power even during Jesus time and as we read in Revelation history will unfortunately repeat again. Pagan rome has become papal Rome. The "whore" in revelation 17: 1-18 arrayed with scarlet and purple represent the papal cardinals and bishops arrayed with those same colors. Rome sits on 7 hills. The papacy murdered many during the inquisition, during the dark ages, and colloseum as sport. This will be repeated in the near future. Commandment keeping people especially those who keep the true Lord's day, the 7th day sabbath will not be allowed to buy or sell, persecuted, and killed but will stand before the king of kings, Lord Jesus when He returns. God has people in every denomination and He is calling people to come out of spiritual babylon (SUNday worship, immortality of soul, worship of dead: saints, Mary, peter..., worship of nature (sun, moon, stars, earth, climate... Idolatry...) before God's judgements in the form of the 7 plagues as described in Revelation 16 KJV fall on ALL who accept the vain traditions and rituals of pagan Babylon. Our civic government already trampled upon 1 of the 2 institutions established by God at Eden: Marriage. Next they'll come for the 7th day Sabbath by calling for satans counterfeit SUNday into law. This whole battle between good and evil has always been about worship: Jesus and His commandments (ALL 10 in Exodus 20 vs satan and the lies from the time of pagan babylon (SUNday worship, idolatry, worship of dead, worship of nature, climate...) As a matter of fact the pope has meetings this November in Glasgow called the COP26 meeting where he is urging many world leaders to think about implementing SUNday false rest day as stated in his laudato si encyclical which he claims will directly address climate change and "appease" covid. RUclips is not allowing me to post links regarding this subject. Send me your email if you have any questions
Build back better/NWO/Great reset/Common good/Climate change ALL a push for satans counterfeit SUNday false "rest day" into law in the USA last true beacon of democracy on this earth = mark of beast.
Due to Hurricane Ida, these shelters would help some people in South Louisiana,. Many are living in tents and vehicles, the storm left them homeless. It’s sad here.💔
for the iglou you could probably flail your arms or legs rapidly to bring up the temperature to even higher than that. more energy more heat - more heat - more energy .. But remember in freezing conditions, SWEAT IS BASICALLY POISON
With all of these over the 3 Videos you did, How many are Stackable? I and I know others that would like to Stack these. I would Stack up to 4 or 5 High. Other 2-3, Some Higher than 5. Vary Limited Space were they would/are needed. Also, IF... If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do. And if you have the Recipients Help Build, you give them some Basic upkeep knowledge. And the ability to work for what they receive. Also How do you Keep Out Rodents And Roaches and other F'n Insects that will crawl on you at night then poop/piss on you and in your food in places these are needed. Specially Warmer Climates.
Which one can keep out rats, raccoons and squirrels? Coz I have a $300,000 house and still they eat thru my new expensive roof to get inside. They already ate their way inside my shed.
Don't forget the Roaches and other F'n Insects that will crawl on you at night then poop/piss on you and in your food in places these are needed. Specially Warmer Climates.
Yeah Real Cheap but companies like this LOVE to Over Charge you for Basically the Same Shit. If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less ( Almost Half ) than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do. And if you have the Recipients Help Build, you give them some Basic upkeep knowledge. And the ability to work for what they receive.
The missing element is a boss walking up and down with a rhino-hide whip, discouraging the love of the homeless for (1) ice cream, (2) Fentanyl and (3) fornication.
The only thing I have seen that people I know can afford are the tents for 600 and some dollars. Only problem here is the wind will blow them away. The rest are for the rich!!
Im. In need. I been homeless with kids for over 3 years. I need help i cant work and i keep getting denied by social security disability. I have been unable to work and my children are suffering cause of it. Idk where else to turn except back into shelters and other places...moving around. You can only stay at shelter for a certain amount of time then your out no exceptions. How do i live thier father won't help financially so im at a lost i wanna die i cant even put my kids in a home. I don't understand. The American dream is long gone.
How about you get off your privileged arse and try to live on NOTHING yourself? See how YOU like it. Nobody does that by choice. You sound like a landlord wanting to squeeze blood from a turnip.
Many people are using their knowledge and creativity to find solutions to the problem of shelters for the homeless. The biggest obstacle is political 🤔☮️
@@thomasjewell6951 Not $95,000 but $9,500. Still You are Correct, Specially here in America with all this BS Awokeness going on and people even Bitching about being Helped. But in other countries, Most ( did not say all ) Would help build their own shelters/homes and be Vary Thankful.
Problem is tho, Companies like these Charge too much. Even Prebuilt Sheds Cost Too Much.
IF... If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do.
Also, of the ones in the video, How many are Stackable? I and I know others that would like to Stack/Build these. I would Stack up to 4 or 5 High. Other 2-3, Some Higher than 5. Vary Limited Space were they would/are needed.
Very educational and humanitarian concepts. This format presentation is one of my favorites. Thanx 4 sharing!! Ciao:)
For people in need - that's gonna be everybody✌️
Very True.
apart from the ruling elites and the rich.
@@bosse641 am going down that road of thinking too. 🤔
@@bosse641 exactly!
To know the mark you need to know the 1st beast/kingdom, antichrist represented in Daniel 7, Rev 13: 1, Rev 17, Rev 18 and it is none other than the papacy. Any unbiased historian studying western Europe knows all descriptions fit the papacy alone.
The papacy state SUNday is their mark of authority directly challenging God's mark and seal of authority His 7th day Sabbath (Friday sunset to sat sunset) established at Eden before any nation group existed for ALL humanity to keep Holy. Genesis 2:1-3 kjv
A seal contains 3 things: Name, Title, Territory. We can see from Gen 2:1-3, God's seal and mark, the 7th day Sabbath contains His Name: God the father, Title: Creator, Territory: Heaven and earth.
This is why it is important to know as well as keep God's 10 commandments in Exodus 20 and the dietary laws in Leviticus concerning clean and unclean meat. Though it is better to go plant based since that will be the Eden diet.
Plant protein (legumes, nuts, seeds, grains...) is better, it is very diverse, cost friendly for the pocket, health and environment. Also stores well long term.
Meat on the other hand is very costly for the pocket, health and environment. It also does not store well long-term.
Back to the sabbath:
Most people erroneously assume the 7th day Sabbath was done away with at the cross. They always cite Colossians 2: 16-17 kjv but fail to note that sabbaths plural (holy feasts, sacrifices, festivals) were done away with at the cross. The 7th day Sabbath singular was not. We know that the moral laws I.e. the 10 commandments from Exodus 20 are everlasting and make up the foundation of God's kingdom of mercy, love and justice.
The mosaic laws concerning holy feast days, sacrifices, festivals were done away with on the cross.
Jesus kept the 7th day Sabbath during His time on earth even during His death (Friday sunset to sat sunset). We know from reading Acts that the disciples who were Jewish converts gathered to meet in the synagogue on the Lord's day the 7th day Sabbath while they also met on Thursday and Sunday for communion. The author Luke NEVER stated SUNday as the Lord's day or as the sabbath day.
SUNday was a day of sun worship from pagan Babylon aka satan's counterfeit holy day.
It was the pagan Roman emperor constantine who bought SUNday worship into rome. Papal rome adopted it in their catechism.
The papacy changed the 10 commandments of God from Exodus 20 in their own catechism. In revelation, we know the antichrist will seek to change times and laws. The Only commandment having to do with time is the 4th commandment which starts with the word "REMEMBER to keep the Sabbath holy" because God knew people would forget. Exodus 20: 8 kjv
In over 150+ languages all over the world the word for Saturday is the Sabbath meaning day of rest in God. The true Lord's day.
SUNday = 1st day = God created light = He worked that day.
Friday sunset to Saturday sunset = 7th day = God rested, sanctified and blessed it. Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham ALL kept God's holy 7th day sabbath.
In Isaiah 66:23 KJV God says,
23 "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord".
So we will keep the 7th day sabbath on the new Earth as well.
1st beast/antichrist = papacy matching ALL descriptions in Daniel 7, Rev 13, 17 and 18. 2nd beast in Rev 13: 11/false prophet = apostate protestants/evangelicals in USA (Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Victoria Myers...)from the USA who will sell out to the 1st beast/papacy and speak like the dragon by calling for the institution of the false "rest day" SUNday into law = mark of beast.
The USA began as a protestant nation guaranteeing freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of press, assembly, free speech. Though now it is moving in the direction of papal rome.
When the unconstitutional SUNday law is enforced = mark of beast. Other nations around the world will follow and legislate Sunday law.
ALL who join with the papacy will not allow people to buy or sell, persecute and ultimately kill God's commandment keeping people.
Rome has always been a persecuting power even during Jesus time and as we read in Revelation history will unfortunately repeat again. Pagan rome has become papal Rome. The "whore" in revelation 17: 1-18 arrayed with scarlet and purple represent the papal cardinals and bishops arrayed with those same colors. Rome sits on 7 hills. The papacy murdered many during the inquisition, during the dark ages, and colloseum as sport. This will be repeated in the near future. Commandment keeping people especially those who keep the true Lord's day, the 7th day sabbath will not be allowed to buy or sell, persecuted, and killed but will stand before the king of kings, Lord Jesus when He returns.
God has people in every denomination and He is calling people to come out of spiritual babylon (SUNday worship, immortality of soul, worship of dead: saints, Mary, peter..., worship of nature (sun, moon, stars, earth, climate... Idolatry...) before God's judgements in the form of the 7 plagues as described in Revelation 16 KJV fall on ALL who accept the vain traditions and rituals of pagan Babylon.
Our civic government already trampled upon 1 of the 2 institutions established by God at Eden: Marriage. Next they'll come for the 7th day Sabbath by calling for satans counterfeit SUNday into law.
This whole battle between good and evil has always been about worship: Jesus and His commandments (ALL 10 in Exodus 20 vs satan and the lies from the time of pagan babylon (SUNday worship, idolatry, worship of dead, worship of nature, climate...) As a matter of fact the pope has meetings this November in Glasgow called the COP26 meeting where he is urging many world leaders to think about implementing SUNday false rest day as stated in his laudato si encyclical which he claims will directly address climate change and "appease" covid.
RUclips is not allowing me to post links regarding this subject.
Send me your email if you have any questions
Build back better/NWO/Great reset/Common good/Climate change ALL a push for satans counterfeit SUNday false "rest day" into law in the USA last true beacon of democracy on this earth = mark of beast.
These houses are going to help so many people.
Another great video. Really like all the housing videos. My dream is to buy some land and live off grid.
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
great. had to subscribe.
I Love SIPS!
If I had the startup funds I would build SIP TRAILER HOMES 6" walls floors snd ceiling/roofs
Love it🥰🥰🥰
Is its being done in Canada
Watching this doesn't make you think it's the new world orders ways of dealing with us
I wish they had this in New Mexico Las Cruces.
Dream houses love
This is needed ASAP
Only the bottom has a steel structure frame?
Due to Hurricane Ida, these shelters would help some people in South Louisiana,. Many are living in tents and vehicles, the storm left them homeless. It’s sad here.💔
for the iglou you could probably flail your arms or legs rapidly to bring up the temperature to even higher than that. more energy more heat - more heat - more energy .. But remember in freezing conditions, SWEAT IS BASICALLY POISON
With all of these over the 3 Videos you did, How many are Stackable? I and I know others that would like to Stack these. I would Stack up to 4 or 5 High. Other 2-3, Some Higher than 5. Vary Limited Space were they would/are needed.
Also, IF... If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do. And if you have the Recipients Help Build, you give them some Basic upkeep knowledge. And the ability to work for what they receive.
Also How do you Keep Out Rodents And Roaches and other F'n Insects that will crawl on you at night then poop/piss on you and in your food in places these are needed. Specially Warmer Climates.
Which one can keep out rats, raccoons and squirrels? Coz I have a $300,000 house and still they eat thru my new expensive roof to get inside. They already ate their way inside my shed.
Don't forget the Roaches and other F'n Insects that will crawl on you at night then poop/piss on you and in your food in places these are needed. Specially Warmer Climates.
There’s no bathroom or sink or hot plate. Solar power would be great
Where can you place one of these if you don't own any land? What about codes and restrictions?
tarp between two panels of wire mesh, real cheap, and other things
Yeah Real Cheap but companies like this LOVE to Over Charge you for Basically the Same Shit. If there is a Lumber Supply close by or not far off, You CAN Actually Build Sheds the same Size or even Larger and in Some cases a Second Floor for Less ( Almost Half ) than what you can Buy Some of these for and leaving furnishing and other stuff up to the Recipients to provide/take care of, just like Some/Most of these do. And if you have the Recipients Help Build, you give them some Basic upkeep knowledge. And the ability to work for what they receive.
The advantages r evident, this method of construct, y it isn’t taking off I don’t know,
The missing element is a boss walking up and down with a rhino-hide whip, discouraging the love of the homeless for (1) ice cream, (2) Fentanyl and (3) fornication.
Like people want to live right next to people during the Coved-19 epidemic. A small 1/4 acre lot is also needed.
The only thing I have seen that people I know can afford are the tents for 600 and some dollars. Only problem here is the wind will blow them away. The rest are for the rich!!
Im. In need. I been homeless with kids for over 3 years. I need help i cant work and i keep getting denied by social security disability. I have been unable to work and my children are suffering cause of it. Idk where else to turn except back into shelters and other places...moving around. You can only stay at shelter for a certain amount of time then your out no exceptions. How do i live thier father won't help financially so im at a lost i wanna die i cant even put my kids in a home. I don't understand. The American dream is long gone.
check out catholic charities or your nearest catholic church. they help a lot of people and are the richest of the churches.
I got savings but not enough for a home
Reminds me of fema trailer
Let the people in need pay some rent
How about you get off your privileged arse and try to live on NOTHING yourself? See how YOU like it. Nobody does that by choice. You sound like a landlord wanting to squeeze blood from a turnip.
Here is my question. After taxes and charities pay for these homeless shelters and the homeless 'rat' them out, can the materials be recycled?