How Does Non-Duality Differ from Solipsism?

  • Опубликовано: 11 июл 2024
  • In this conversation about solipsism and non-duality, a woman asks: if her essential nature is consciousness, and the world is the dream of consciousness, does that mean that the world she experiences is a projection in her own mind?
    Rupert says: ‘According to solipsism, all reality consists of is your mind; but that’s not non-duality. What we perceive as the world is a result of an interaction between reality - infinite consciousness - and the mind through which it is perceived. So, the world as we know it derives its reality from infinite consciousness, but borrows its appearance from the finite mind.
    ‘We could say the world is the dream of the universal mind, but not just the dream of an individual mind. Just as the world you dream of at night appears in your single individual mind, this world that we experience in the waking state appears in a single awareness, a single universal mind - but not a single finite mind.
    *This video is from one of Rupert’s in-person retreats at The Vedanta, 3-10 June 2023. To view and book for upcoming retreats (many of which can be attended online via livestream) go to:
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    0:00 Is the World a Projection of My Mind?
    2:23 The Same World, Different Points of View
    3:23 What Is the Reality of the World?
    4:36 Reality Is More than the Mind
    6:11 What Is Solipsism?
    8:39 Consciousness Experiencing Itself
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Комментарии • 177

  • @sadafpouriliyaei9068
    @sadafpouriliyaei9068 22 дня назад +15

    Thank you so much Gabrielle, your question was my question too. And, my mind was exploding until I found this video. And Thanks a million to Rupert for being so wise and nice🙏

  • @RogerioLupoArteCientifica
    @RogerioLupoArteCientifica 21 день назад +23

    there's a missing piece in Rupert's discourse that could help clarify the difference between solipsism and nondual perspective.
    In our dreams, although everything is happening inside our own individual mind, we're not alone in there. There's an infinite number of dream characters and our dream self is not the dreamer, but just another character. In this sense, we could say that the dreamer is not the somewhat conscious and limited character we represent in the dream, but the unlimited unconscious mind.
    From that unconscious mind, all the other characters and elements of the dream arise. They are not the fruit of the imagination of our finite and limited dream self, but come from the infinite and unlimited unconscious mind (which by the way could be considered as being the same collective unconscious mind, which in turn equals infinite awareness).
    That's why we can ask any of our dream characters a question and be totally surprised by the answer we get. We are also surprised by thoroughly unexpected events in the dream, since the content of the dream does not arise from the conscious imagination of the individual dream self that we represent, but from the content of our unconscious mind. In other words, the dreamer is not the individual character we play in the dream, but the whole mind of the one who is sleeping in bed.
    However, the individual imagination of the dream self that we are in our dreams can influence and create some things in the dream too. But the influence is very restricted and doesn't ever take over. The supreme is always leading the dream.
    In this sense, within the dream, we're not the character. We are just EVERY SINGLE element of our dreams. We are the sky in our dreams, the ground, the wind, the landscapes, the dream self, and also all the other persons and living beings. We are the whole dream. And this wholeness is the ultimate dreamer.
    The same goes for our "waking" life. It's not our individual self who dreams this universe, but our whole, supreme self, which is the same in everyone, a dimension of being we all share. It's not even a share, as there's no individual self. The only thing that exists is the dream. Individual self is an optical illusion.
    In some sense, we could call this supreme self the superconscious mind, which contains everything, including our individual and our collective unconscious mind. The superconscious is the dreamer of the whole, the one who sends us intuitions and wisdom, guidance, signs, and synchronicities. It is what we are, but not as persons. It is what we ultimately are. All these aspects that appear in our reality don't need to arise in our limited imagination before they appear in our lives. They come from another dimension of our mind, an infinite and supreme dimension.
    That doesn't mean we don't have any influence in the reality. Our individual state of being can cause a lot of change. But it doesn't ever take over. However, the more we relax the contraction and expand our being, and the more we disidentify from our limited minds, the more we also expand our influence on the world. That influence doesn't take imagination, at least not primarily. It takes the right state of being, which ends up also influencing our imagination, of course.
    Obs.: it's important to point out that the definition of solipsism is often mistaken (even by Rupert) as the belief that the individual mind is all there is and everything sprouts from that. But in truth, solipsism is not a belief, but the actual observation that no one can prove to oneself the existence of anything or anybody else, except oneself. Every strategy one tries to design to prove it would necessarily have to deploy external tools, which inevitably are part of the very existence that one is trying to verify. This is precisely what led Descartes to ponder "What can I be absolutely sure of, after all?". His conclusion was the famous "I think therefore I am" - which by the way is a mistaken conclusion, as thought is not proof of existence. The ultimate proof would perhaps be "I perceive, therefore I exist" (who knows?).

    • @GeertMeertens
      @GeertMeertens 21 день назад +3

      You are right. In each and every dream we make the same mistake: we identify with the person and regard the rest as other(s) which can be very frightening. It always takes an awakening to (be able to) realize our mistake. Suppose you could dream a dream again but with one difference only: this time you KNOW you are dreaming although you still don't know what will happen or how the dream will end. Wouldn't you experience the dream completely different compared to the first time? No fear whatsoever, just awe and wonder? You never ever were a person, you always are consciousness, simply because it is all there is. If only we could all wake up into the dream called life.

    • @Perujay-dl2bs
      @Perujay-dl2bs 21 день назад +1

      Discard all the things that you know. They are nonsense.

    • @RogerioLupoArteCientifica
      @RogerioLupoArteCientifica 21 день назад

      @@GeertMeertens yes I agree, and we can have a glimpse of that experience both in lucid dreams and in some of the most lucid episodes of our waking life.

    • @chandonfigg
      @chandonfigg 21 день назад +1

      I love what you say here except the last conclusions. When experiencing the void and experiencing a deep sense of solipsism, which to me is undeniable as it holds a fundamental truth, like you said, the actual observation no one can prove to oneself,
      Even our human perception becomes undeniable except the sense of consciousness. Which is too myserious to put into words. I agree the think therefore I am is a mistaken conclusion, but I'd suggest even calling perceiving proof of our existence is a mistaken conclusion. Truth has nothing to do with our human senses or perceptions of any content

    • @GeertMeertens
      @GeertMeertens 21 день назад +1

      @@RogerioLupoArteCientifica I never had a lucid dream but I enjoy trying to live the dream of life lucidly. We all have thousands of thoughts every day, less than 5% is functional, the rest is mainly negative and repetitive (ego). Most masters/experts say that that's OK, they recognize the ego when it appears and they simply ignore those thoughts...
      I find that difficult to accept. Can we live with an ego (without fooling ourself) or has it to be seen through as an illusion (Ramana Maharshi) resulting in a massive drop in the number of thoughts?

  • @EnergiCodes
    @EnergiCodes 21 день назад +3

    I'm glad we have you to answer these questions Rupert. Once waking up we have so many questions that we cannot ask our friends without sounds crazy

  • @komosumi
    @komosumi 22 дня назад +6

    Thank you too from Colorado.

  • @Auraspure
    @Auraspure 22 дня назад +16

    What i found really liberating is the fact that we don't know anything for fact and will never be. So speaking of solipsism (what i believed aswell in the past) is like rupert said: "A believe". So you can either believe it or u dont. What ever you decide to be true can be illusionary true. If you feel negative about it or positive, doesn't matter.
    The only thing what is ultimately true is what happens right now. Sound of passing cars, thoughts, breath. What ever you can experience is true. Even the act of believing is true in the moment you catch that believer thought. But clinging to it to make it your reality is not true.

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 22 дня назад

      Yes, what it is!
      But it is no longer what it is! If it is named as this and that ! Because then it is a creation of the one who invented the named !
      Just like the 8 billion world views are invented 🥰

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 22 дня назад

      Yes, what it is!
      But it is no longer what it is! If it is named as this and that ! Because then it is a creation of the one who invented the named !
      Just like the 8 billion world views are invented 🥰

    • @sadafpouriliyaei9068
      @sadafpouriliyaei9068 22 дня назад

      Very helpful, thanks

    • @thegomba
      @thegomba 22 дня назад

      Well said in my opinion. NAMASTE

    • @RogerioLupoArteCientifica
      @RogerioLupoArteCientifica 21 день назад +5

      Rupert’s definition of Solipsism is mistaken. Solipsism is not a belief. And it’s not the assumption that “I am the only one that exists and everything else arises from my being”.
      Strictly speaking, solipsism is the actual observation that no one can prove to oneself the existence of anything or anybody. All we have is evidence of our own existence. See, this is not a belief, it’s an actual observation. No one can undeniably say to oneself - “I am sure others are real and have an objective existence out of my mind”.
      No one can say that because, as Rupert himself persists in reminding us, all we can experience is the sense of knowing, and this is experienced through the filter of our subjective self.
      So how can you prove to yourself that others exist, if you’re locked inside your own subjectivity and every experiment you could do to try and prove others’ existence would have to pass through your individual mind?
      This is what solipsism actually is - the undeniable fact that you have no means to prove anything about others’ existence to yourself. All tools you would deploy to design any experiment would necessarily have to come from the very things whose existence you’re trying to verify. You have to use external tools, but you’re trying to falsify the very externalities.
      So this definition doesn’t mean that “I cannot prove that others exist, therefore I am the only one existing”. No!
      Solipsism means that “I don’t know whether others exist or not, but I have no means to check it whatsoever. So perhaps I’ll never know”. This is not a belief. It’s undeniable.
      “Perhaps” I will never know, I said. Because we live in a particular state of consciousness. Maybe there are unimaginable states of consciousness by which we see everything differently and the objective existence of others eventually can be experienced by oneself.

  • @sevi4492
    @sevi4492 21 день назад

    What an amazing answer from an enlighten man!!! 🙏 Infinite love 💕 Rupert

  • @jasonkim810
    @jasonkim810 21 день назад +3

    Thanks Rupert!!! I've been trying to get my ACIM teacher explain this to me in a way that makes sense for ages!!! This just explained it in 1 minute flat! I'm amazed. What a relief. 😂

    • @MountainHacker
      @MountainHacker 21 день назад

      The sleeping Son of God made a sleep then dreamed a dream (of many separate beings.) Text page 101, paragraph 6 👍🏼

  • @arturtarnowski4023
    @arturtarnowski4023 22 дня назад +9

    It has to be not easy to answer so many questions with this responsibility that lies on mr Spira.

    • @mannutdutd
      @mannutdutd 19 дней назад

      He loves it, biggest egos in the business these guys, deceiving themselves bless them

  • @hemamalinirs1002
    @hemamalinirs1002 21 день назад

    Thank you Rupert ❤🙏

  • @harmonywithinpathway
    @harmonywithinpathway 22 дня назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @bhuvaneswarinatarajan2583
    @bhuvaneswarinatarajan2583 20 дней назад

    Amazing, thank you very much

  • @earaya
    @earaya 22 дня назад

    Thank you ❤

  • @heinzgassner1057
    @heinzgassner1057 19 дней назад

    Great question. Great answer ❤

  • @tsbinlv
    @tsbinlv 22 дня назад +33

    I had a long struggle with Solipsism and I believe it is a form of madness, or disassociation. I was able to get out of it by gradually re-teaching myself to acknowledge that reality cannot be reduced to my singular consciousness. I am not controlling what appears, I am interacting with it.

    • @vvv2k12
      @vvv2k12 22 дня назад +7

      There is no you.

    • @Green-Dragon206
      @Green-Dragon206 22 дня назад +2

      ​@@vvv2k12 If there is no you, then who wrote the comment?

    • @vvv2k12
      @vvv2k12 22 дня назад +9

      @@Green-Dragon206 the same one who digests food, pumps blood around the body, grows nails/hair....?

    • @allonszenfantsjones
      @allonszenfantsjones 22 дня назад +1

      somebody mentioned that there is no 'thing' beyond what is right here at this moment. all the talking is fine, but ultimately disappointing if the you that you believe you are is busy looking for an answer. there are no answers.

    • @suriel8164
      @suriel8164 22 дня назад

      ​@@allonszenfantsjonesThe concept of "nothing" is associated with non existence/void/unconsciousness but in ancient languages it was a reference to God / divine reality. In arabic the word for "thing" is شيء (shay') which is derived from the verb شاء (shaa'') meaning "to will" meaning all "things" were willed (and spoken) into existence (consciousness collapsing the wave) so God cannot be considered a "thing" (i.e. made up of atoms/energy/wave/particles etc) as he is the one who wills and not willed. Similarly in the vedic tradition the name shiva was originally translated to mean "nothing" (before being interpeted to destroyer) but as per the etymology it means the source of the voice similar to "nir va na" which means not of the voice - i.e. beyond the realm of waves/vibration/creation in the presence of God.

  • @baharam98
    @baharam98 22 дня назад +2

    I wonder if at some point in our experience of life, we've felt as the questionnaire has. Thank you Rupert for the wonderful and easy to understand explanation.

    • @malabuha
      @malabuha 22 дня назад +1

      I did. I would get this paranoid feeling that it's all in my head. The thought was, what if everyone only exist in my mind. And I didn't like the idea. I ignored it as soon as it would pop in. I guess new ideas replaced it, or up/down graded it

  • @helmutwalch9867
    @helmutwalch9867 22 дня назад +5

    Rupert 🥰. Just as the sea is everything, and every wave (player) borrows its existence from the sea! But however beautiful the wave may be, it is always the sea itself 😜🥳🪄
    And there is nothing else that would be 🥰

    • @mannutdutd
      @mannutdutd 19 дней назад

      It’s only ‘the sea’ from your perspective

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 19 дней назад

      @@mannutdutd Good 😜 and what can be seen from your perspective?
      From which you mean that it is only the sea from my perspective 🤔😜🤩?

    • @mannutdutd
      @mannutdutd 19 дней назад

      @@helmutwalch9867 that nothing is seen, that nothing means anything, that there is no one, and that it doesn’t matter

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 18 дней назад

      @@mannutdutd Yes, of course 😜 in other words 🤩Two waves (me and you) submerge in the sea again 🪄🥰

  • @ZenSolipsist
    @ZenSolipsist 22 дня назад +4

    I’m glad he answered this specific question. I see myself in everyone as Consciousness, but I don’t believe this is only my dream. I think the former is important to experience to feel true empathy, while the latter is the dangerous egoistic trap we can fall into when awakening from the illusion of being an individual begins, like the last trick it pulls before dying. I’ve heard solipsism defined as the belief that the self is the only thing that can be known to exist, I think that self is consciousness/awareness or the Beloved in the nondualistic sense. Everyone including myself as equally precious. In that sense, I’m not afraid to call myself a solipsist. I might be splitting hairs, but I’m very interested in this topic.
    I just think like Rupert once said, once you know we’re One not to let it get to our heads. Feedback is welcome if I didn’t cover my bases or you sense my thinking may be off💯
    Thank you Rupert 🧡

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 22 дня назад +1

      Who is this I ? That is not afraid to call itself a solipsist 😜🙏

    • @ferdinandocoluccelli9574
      @ferdinandocoluccelli9574 21 день назад +1

      @@helmutwalch9867 a wonderful "I" !!! 😉

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 21 день назад

      knowing that we are one 🥰is the one important basic attitude 🤩with which we all, (from the perspective 👀we the people) may dance through paradise life on earth!
      All the best to all 🤩LUCID DREAMERS🪄🥰

  • @taminora8598
    @taminora8598 21 день назад +2

    It's like the screen and the movie, the screen is universal consciousness, and the movie is our personal consciousness.

  • @adamkallin5160
    @adamkallin5160 21 день назад +2

    The problem with this explanation is that Rupert always asks us to look at our direct experience. But my direct experience doesn’t indicate that there is any other awareness than my own.

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 18 дней назад

      Since the only experience that can be made is only made by consciousness, which is also the whole space in which these experiences take place 🥰 , in "your case" only the perspective taken by consciousness 🫣 is that "YOU" experience yourself as the "centre of EVERYTHING 😜🫣! In the last perspective 😇🥰 this "YOU" is the "ALL-ONE" in which then I,you,he,she,it- consciousness 🫣 dissolve as separate points of view, into the "SPACE-IN-THERE-ALL-POSSIBILITIES-ARE-RELATED-TO-One" ! (just like all waves 🌊 🌊 🌊 dissolve in the sea) 🥰

  • @jordanlafontaine8738
    @jordanlafontaine8738 21 день назад +2

    In my own current understanding I personally prefer not to make the distinction that "a finite mind" dreams our private dreams at night and a "universal mind" dreams all possible waking state perspectives.
    I see it as one Universal Mind or Infinite Consciousness - which we all are - dreams BOTH private dreams and all waking state perspectives. I strongly intuit that waking state perspectives do correlate and CORRESPOND with each other to create what some people refer to as a "consensus reality."
    In a sense, I think there is SOME truth to both the solipsistic view and non-solipsistic view in that I intuit that YES we (Infinite Consciousness) are experiencing our own fully self-created dream even in the waking state AND there are bound to be other perspectives within Consciousness that correspond with the one we are currently experiencing now, all of which are self-created.
    Consciousness is so infinitely flexible, creative and free that it could have infinite private "non-consensus" dream experiences and infinite "consensus" dream experiences where perspectives "match up" with each other such that when I am done writing this, there is also a perspective where someone is reading it.

  • @KK-sg5gl
    @KK-sg5gl 21 день назад +2

    I’ve heard non duality speakers describe “what is” just like she did. I bet that’s why she was confused.
    I’d bet $20 that if you looked through 100 hours of Rupert’s talks, you’d even find him saying something like this.
    What about this question? If, before your body dies, you do something that affects the world (and all the other minds) in a profound way? It could be in a good way, or a terrible way. Either way, even when you’re gone and your mind is no longer projecting this reality to you, what you did is still affecting the realities of everyone else. Yet these speakers would say that that’s not true. That what we “DO” is irrelevant.
    Well if what we do affects the projected reality of other minds, then of course it’s relevant.
    I would have asked this question as a follow up after hearing the answer presented here.

  • @sumittrox143
    @sumittrox143 21 день назад +1

    I have to differ with him this time:
    Having been a practitioner of OBE (Out of Body Experience for 15 years) , everything that you see outside of your material body through consciousness (being a part of God consciousness of one consciousness) exists in a reality that is either parallel, or the world where we go after leaving the body post death.
    There are many realities that exist commonly one time, that's why you see many of our loved ones, friends, past life incidents, or even a version of a person who is alive in that world of one consciousness when in sleep that we call dream
    It exists , & you can feel it when you are not in body, that's why when you are about to experience a fall in a dreaming state or any incident that scares you, immediately after returning to body, you experience a jerk like feeling, that's a sign of consciousness returning back ..
    I'm a big time follower of Rupert & love his work,

  • @mauriciobahia
    @mauriciobahia 20 дней назад

    Upādhi! Om

  • @william5159
    @william5159 21 день назад +1

    Of course I don't know about anyone else, but for me this question has arisen from time to time when I've heard the phrase, which I'm sure all of us have heard that, "we create our own reality." That has always been puzzling. My best guess is that when we are lost in the separate self and we allow our finite mind to 'make decisions' the results are, in part at least, due to those decisions. Whereas if we are established in Being and the separate self has essentially died the 'we' or 'i' that we are referring to with such a question simply does not exist. So the question is purely a question posed and considered by, has meaning for, the illusory concept that we are the separate self or King Lear as it were. However, I would also guess that quite often this question arises when we, as separate selves/selfs, have a situation, concern or challenge in our lives and we don't know how to proceed, wondering what the best course of action is... how to allow Infinite Being to 'take over' for us... how to remove the mask of King Lear while still onstage. While 'witnessing' the world and our experiences through the filter of the separate self, witnessing as Infinite Being, how can the filter of the separate self be clear, so as not to have influence, and not be like a wild horse running about in a storm, creating poor results? In daily life that is proceeding smoothly, it is not such an urgent question perhaps. Simply meditate and with 'time' it will evolve. However, in urgent and difficult situations where time seems to be of the essence it can become very frustrating and uncertain.

  • @KK-sg5gl
    @KK-sg5gl 21 день назад +3

    If a tree falls in a forest and no body with ears to hear are around, does it still make a sound?
    If you answer “no, it doesn’t”, then isn’t that the same as viewing the world through solipsism like described here?
    Obviously it would make a sound, but the only difference would be that no sound receivers (ears) would be in the area. But the sound itself would still exist in that moment.
    Even if there are no radio receivers listening to radio waves, those waves still exist and travel through space.

    • @lucycallaghan8435
      @lucycallaghan8435 21 день назад

      If one were to place a recording device beside a tree that was soon to fall and then walk away. If the recording device registers a sound, there’s the answer.

    • @KK-sg5gl
      @KK-sg5gl 20 дней назад

      @@lucycallaghan8435even if there’s no recording device, it would still make a sound. That was my point. But, if I’m not mistaken, the usual answer is that the sound doesn’t exist unless something (someone) hears it. Which, especially after this video, is a ridiculous way to look at it.

  • @tommartin9612
    @tommartin9612 22 дня назад


  • @jackschoneveld9061
    @jackschoneveld9061 22 дня назад +2

    Experiencing God
    A seen world that is made out of dualism, out of objects and separation.
    Feeling lonely and incomplete cannot be denied.
    Reality, is there ever a wrong or a right? Questioning beliefs, our guard for love, experience as our guide.
    The speaking silence, our teacher, appearing as white noise in daily life, beyond intellect, beyond time.
    Listening, revealing the pathless path to God, cannot be named nor told. Simply being, realizing, there is no darkness, no darkness that can withhold.

  • @bonnielincicome8055
    @bonnielincicome8055 22 дня назад


  • @dillonfriz
    @dillonfriz 21 день назад +1

    Wow thats radical that she thought that. I would feel as if I where completely insane if I had that view. Quite a heavy load to put on Ruperts shoulders

    • @KK-sg5gl
      @KK-sg5gl 21 день назад +1

      I’ve heard non duality speakers describe “what is” just like she did. I bet that’s why she was confused.
      I’d bet $20 that if you looked through 100 hours of Rupert’s talks, you’d even find him saying something like this.
      What about this question? If, before your body dies, you do something that affects the world (and all the other minds) in a profound way? It could be in a good way, or a terrible way. Either way, even when you’re gone and your mind is no longer projecting this reality to you, what you did is still affecting the realities of everyone else. Yet these speakers would say that that’s not true. That what we “DO” is irrelevant.
      Well if what we do affects the projected reality of other minds, then of course it’s relevant.
      I would have asked this question as a follow up after hearing the answer presented here.

    • @BruFlow
      @BruFlow 4 дня назад

      It's radical, but it's a honest question based on direct experience, not like the answer he gave.

  • @timjonesvideos
    @timjonesvideos 21 день назад

    Agree it is not all a product of your personal mind. Hard line to draw in a way though.. imagine if you were strapped to a chair with your eyes taped open, forced to watch an 80's tv interference pattern ('the dots') for months on end. Eventually you might invent stories about what was going on in dot land, that might come to seem very important to you..

  • @gireeshneroth7127
    @gireeshneroth7127 21 день назад

    Consciousness living a mind wake living mind's version of it as subject and objects.

  • @pravinakilpady1237
    @pravinakilpady1237 18 дней назад

    We tend to mix up the different paradigms. What we see n perceive is our understanding of the world. The Reality is there is only Consciousness but at our human level we believe we are this one limited/ finite form. We are infact that Consciousness.lf we just observe our thoughts n feelings we realise there is an entity within which knows n sees everything. That one is the real I. That l is the same l in all beings.

  • @OpenSourceAnarchist
    @OpenSourceAnarchist 21 день назад

    It sounds like Rupert is a dual-aspect monist... with the "monist" substance being infinite consciousness?

  • @seraphimsars
    @seraphimsars 22 дня назад +2

    This is the problem with labeling consciousness. Union requires no label especially that of the ego.

  • @qigonglove1240
    @qigonglove1240 21 день назад +2

    I miss my brother

    • @mvp5514
      @mvp5514 21 день назад +2

      I miss my little sister 😢

    • @qigonglove1240
      @qigonglove1240 21 день назад


    • @glenncbjones
      @glenncbjones 19 дней назад

      He’s here even now, but not just sitting around waiting! Post incarnation souls are always busy as can be (the Multiverse is their playground!), but pray to any soul that you miss and long to rejoin and they WILL attend you!
      The dream state is easiest (more for we still incarnate, than for those unencumbered by the multifarious cul-de-sacs of the limitations of the requisite realms of space/time truncation…
      I dare you, ask your “departed” to show you in any fashion you conceive best, to show you in whatever way you choose the most holy, squarely, scarily, verily embraceable truth, and they will appear!And remember, you think that at best it will be YEARS before your joyous spiritual reunion, whereas they check in on you all the time…
      Try it! Prayers to your favorite Holy Joes and Janes and spirit guides can grease the wheels expeditiously, but direct appeal to the soul you long for is usually the most effective…
      PS: Unasked for Gnostic Advice: Pray to, seek aid, advice, love and counsel from any spiritual agency that you love and respect (and EXPECT results!), but NEVER “WORSHIP” any BS “Deity” that demands that archaic nonsense (all advanced beings know that we are all just various aspects of “source,” and will look you eye to eye…
      Namaste little Seeker!
      - XOXOXO!

    • @glenncbjones
      @glenncbjones 19 дней назад +1

      @@mvp5514Same message to you, just juggle the gender to suit your so dearly missed disincarnate!!
      - Much Love, MVP!

    • @mvp5514
      @mvp5514 19 дней назад

      @@glenncbjones Thank you 🙏

  • @mahtabmawla8792
    @mahtabmawla8792 21 день назад

    Dear Rupert, just imagine how difficult it is for security agents 🙏🏽

  • @nnsrinivas
    @nnsrinivas 22 дня назад +1

    Universal Dream: Individual Dream :: Enlightenment: ???
    I have this question of the equivalence of Enlightenment in the Universal mind to that of an Individual Dream

  • @vicenteramirez4548
    @vicenteramirez4548 20 дней назад +1

    Solipsism is a synonym for non duality...
    Ther is only one being GOD experiencing existence through infonite "lenses" of perception...
    You interact with yourself...that is why we are all ONE...

    • @mrnibelheim
      @mrnibelheim 18 дней назад

      Yes, I have a feeling solipsism gets a bad rap. Pushed to its limit I think I could be surprisingly revealing.

  • @alfreddifeo9642
    @alfreddifeo9642 21 день назад


  • @fritzdacat2
    @fritzdacat2 21 день назад +2

    I’m in pretty much the exact same lousy situation as Gabriella and I’m not convinced by Rupert’s answer, maybe someone can help me. The first part is just Rupert talking about non-duality without addressing any inconsistencies with solipsism. The second part, if I did not interact with my surroundings (people, objects, etc) I would be completely miserable and I would also not survive, which I’m apparently keen on doing. So that does not disprove solipsism - just as there are apparent rules and laws within a sleeping dream so is there here, in the waking dream. Does anyone know how to tackle this? Doesn’t have to be fool-proof argument, just a viewpoint or a thought on how to manage it would be nice too.

    • @miguelalonso9730
      @miguelalonso9730 21 день назад +1

      I think I have exactly the same doubt. Hopefully, someone here can give us a hand. I love Rupert videos but this one did not completely solved this issue for me. I agree that from my point of view, all there is is my consciousness experiencing these thoughts, feelings, perceptions... that I perceive as my body, other bodies and the world. And according to Rupert what other people experience from their own point of view (their own thoughts, feelings, perceptions) is just the universal consciousness experiencing reality from another point of view. And my consciousness is just one with other consciousnesses, it's just the universal consciousness experiencing reality from trillions of different points of view.
      But the solipsism question, for me, remains. How can I know that the "you" that is telling me that you are also experiencing consciousness with your own thoughts, feelings, sensations... is not just part of this consciousness experiencing many things that I call "me"? After all, when I dream at night all the characters in my dream (including the one I believe to be in that dream) are just fabricated and created by the mind and experienced in my consciousness. Why the waking "reality" should be different?
      Is there any way to realize that "your" consciousness and "mine" are truly one? That we are both part of the universal mind/infinite consciousness? I guess that's why we're all here 😊
      Don't know if I made myself clear. I think @fritzdacat2 and I have a similar question. So sorry for not answering it but thank you very much for posting it! I'm sure we'll get the answer one way or another 😊

    • @fritzdacat2
      @fritzdacat2 21 день назад

      @@miguelalonso9730 yes, I believe we are more or less in the exact same situation regarding this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns!

    • @ttt72772
      @ttt72772 21 день назад +1

      Because events happen outside your perception. But at the same time to know a world you need a subject. Meaning there is an infinite subject/ subjects. Imagine you shrunk to the size of a bacteria living inside a brain you would see a brain world made of brain matter not a human experience but in a greater context that world made of brain matter is a human subject.

    • @fritzdacat2
      @fritzdacat2 21 день назад

      @@ttt72772 yes, I believe that would be the non-dualistic viewpoint. But why is it necessary for events to happen outside my perception? Just as in a sleeping dream, why cannot this whole thing just be happening in this consciousness (me)?

    • @GeertMeertens
      @GeertMeertens 21 день назад

      @@miguelalonso9730 Look back on any dream and you can see that identifying with the person and regarding the rest as other(s) always is a mistake. You never were the person, you were the whole dream, all of it: consciousness, in which it appeared, by which it was perceived, of which it consisted. The same goes for the dream called life. If you again identify with the person only, you create other(s) and make the same mistake. Once you realize your essential nature is consciousness (universal, not personal) life becomes a lucid dream. You see through the illusion that the person/ego/mind is (in any dream) and you leave the personal perspective. You still experience life from your body/mind but you know you are not that body/mind but (universal) consciousness in which it and all the rest appears.

  • @balajib785
    @balajib785 18 дней назад

    Please understand without family love We can't love world ❤

  • @ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840
    @ifyougrewupinbrightsgrove4840 22 дня назад +4

    All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players'. Consciousness is the stage, within consciousness, players are localizations of the same “one consciousness”. Each playing their role.

    • @helmutwalch9867
      @helmutwalch9867 22 дня назад +2

      Just as the sea is everything, and every wave (player) borrows its existence from the sea! But however beautiful the wave may be, it is always the sea itself 😜🥳🪄
      And there is nothing else that would be 🥰

  • @danieleslava115
    @danieleslava115 22 дня назад

    body is the same stuff as the density . densities within densities , all illusory .

  • @BuddhaofBlackpool
    @BuddhaofBlackpool 21 день назад

    Reality just is, regardless of perception. Projection is not reality. And the twig will make a noise whether it's heard or not.

  • @helmutwalch9867
    @helmutwalch9867 19 дней назад

    Yes, of course you're right 😜
    But right is always dependent on the perspective 🤩 the ultimate reality is "ONE CONSCIOUSNESS" 🥰
    And everything that exists is an illusionary appearance that is a possibility of the expression of consciousness! Like the different waves 🌊 🌊 on the sea, which are also an illusionary expression of the sea 🤩🙏 . Everything that appears different or separate is an expression of the ONE 🥰 and every discussion about aspects of the One Consciousness 🥰 is analogous to the analogy of "the 4 blind men who are led to an elephant one after the other in different places 😵‍💫 and later meet each other and argue about what an elephant looks like 🙈. Yes and of course they are all right about the part they described, but none of them had noticed the whole elephant 🐘 😜🤩
    All the best to everyone who can already hold the consciousness at the source 🥰 and from there, script, director and leading actor, consciously as the Lucid Dreamer, have a lot of joy and fun with the HUMAN AVATAR BODY 🥳🤡😍😱

  • @haunteddeandollsuk
    @haunteddeandollsuk 18 дней назад

    the infinite mind is forever lasting 😅

  • @knottyinks1
    @knottyinks1 22 дня назад +1

    So, does the moon exist when we are not looking at it?

    • @Heroselohim
      @Heroselohim 21 день назад

      If you don't look at the moon, does your beliefs, memories, thoughts of the moon in the space change?
      It is given substance on your human mind or it is on your Mind?
      Can you access the place in your Mind where you are creating the moon?
      I did have these same questions today, but now it seems much clearer.

    • @moonglow6639
      @moonglow6639 20 дней назад

      I would say no, it doesn't.

  • @Togetherland
    @Togetherland 20 дней назад +1

    Aren't we actually in a divine solipsism?

  • @Atheros541
    @Atheros541 17 дней назад

    I feel like this contradicts something he said before…
    What he’s currently saying is that there is a universal mind, one world, and through us, the universe is experiencing itself through many perspectives. Well duh, anybody who’s even dabbled in this will understand it this way.
    But in the past he said something along the lines of, there is one consciousness and many worlds. I struggled with understanding this, and thought it was something profound similar to solipsism, in that each one of us is the focal point of each entire “world”, yet there are many “worlds” happening at the same time and we interact.
    What he’s saying in this video, however, goes back to seeming very basic and not profound at all.

  • @robinaguenkel7534
    @robinaguenkel7534 17 дней назад


  • @nickbaigent2714
    @nickbaigent2714 22 дня назад

    Yes presumably “there is more to the world than the contents of a single finite mind” but Only the private single finite mind can be experienced. Everything else is speculation and guesses.
    Are we talking about presumptions or what is known here?
    I’m not so sure that solipsism has it so wrong, isn’t Solipsism just saying that all is projection/reflection, and isn’t that essentially true?

  • @76livika
    @76livika 21 день назад

    Awakening was a traumatizing experience..And solipsism has been playing a major part..It is madness, a complete denial of reality

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 21 день назад

    God Loves ❤ me
    He delivers me from evil 😊

  • @somasoundsculptures5476
    @somasoundsculptures5476 18 дней назад

    Poethically speaking non-duality is a form of Solipsism. Not the classical text-book form but a „divine“ form. Meaning, that if there is just One, from that divine absolute perspective there is no „external“ world. From the perspective of a finite mind, however, Solipsism is untrue, because the infinite One can segment infinitely into finite instances / minds, so there is necessarily an „outside“ from the perspective of all finite minds.

    • @personalaccount7534
      @personalaccount7534 17 дней назад

      Why can’t infinite consciousness just experience infinite forms through the perspective of one consciousness? I mean, there’s a lot of options here 😅 I love Rupert’s conviction on stuff he has no way of verifying or knowing

    • @somasoundsculptures5476
      @somasoundsculptures5476 17 дней назад +1

      @@personalaccount7534 If indeed there is an infinite, it can never be limited to a particular thing. So, if consciousness is infinite, it cannot be limited to a particular set of experiences. Only a limited segment of the unlimited can have particular experiences (in accordance with its own limitations). It‘s just logic.

    • @personalaccount7534
      @personalaccount7534 17 дней назад

      @@somasoundsculptures5476this makes sense! More likely to want infinite perspectives. Thanks for explaining it 🙏

  • @TheWizard10008
    @TheWizard10008 22 дня назад

    Sounds like Kant’s numinal world.

  • @chiptowers1
    @chiptowers1 21 день назад +2

    Here we have a confused subject asking a question to a confused so called teacher. I mean the lady first of all PRAISES the teacher and the teacher did not refuse the Praise. Now that is one part of SOLIPSISM right there by both parties, the praiser and the praisee. Solipsism1, being self centred or selfish. Solipsism 2, the self is all that can be known to exist. ie Known, ie to be aware of through observation,inquiry or information.
    So because REALITY doesn't care less what your state of consciousness is or what you perceive in your mind, that would then only leave the SELF that is known ( solipsism part 2) and that SELF is self centred and selfish ( solipsism part1). More so, there is no infinite reality of consciousness because the mind is only the faculty for consciousness and thought where as the physical brain is the faculty for mind, consciousness, thought which derived from SELF that is KNOWN to exist. Exist means, have objective reality or being, and OBJECTIVE means " not dependent on the mind to exist".
    Basically you are all individuals in more ways than one, not just in looks but in Duality. You the intelligent species were initially FORMED not BORN. Unfortunately so called teachers and Guru's do not have clue how your FORM derived initially and therefore offer/teach a revolving door of confusion which is very clear here where the lady is none the wiser.

    • @mrnibelheim
      @mrnibelheim 18 дней назад +1

      That was my impression too: Rupert seems to skip a step in his reasoning and the woman is none the wiser, as you say.

    • @chiptowers1
      @chiptowers1 18 дней назад

      @@mrnibelheim Impression meaning, formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.
      That means the SOURCE of your imprinted knowledge has enlightened your physical brain of the opinion about someone or something that it Formed to inform you that you cant be fooled/bamboozled into believing whats being said in the video.
      Basically you know better.
      And you dont even have to know how your imprinted knowledge Source derived but you know it's there advising you and it's been doing that for aeons to evolve your lineage since your lineage was initially FORMED at it's inception at an epoch.

    • @chiptowers1
      @chiptowers1 17 дней назад +1

      @@mrnibelheim That tells me your Source within has enlighten you of it's Presence and it's imprinted knowledge which informed you something is not right in the video.
      Remembering that the intelligent species was initially FORMED not BORN. That means your lineage was initially FORMED and your linage has come thus far without external beliefs from so called teachers and guru's.

    • @mrnibelheim
      @mrnibelheim 16 дней назад

      @@chiptowers1 Yes, thank you for your observation.
      I also appreciated your distinction between Solipsism 1 & 2; a very helpful comment.

  • @jamest3336
    @jamest3336 21 день назад

    yes i wonder too. if its infinitely all a projection privately. because there is not much proof that other minds experience the same thing

  • @KK-sg5gl
    @KK-sg5gl 21 день назад

    So if we’re viewpoints of the universal mind, then isn’t her description correct? What if she was speaking from the experience of being a viewpoint of the universal mind? Then everyone else and existence itself is only a projection of her viewpoint. Because she’s ONE with the universal mind. Right?
    This is half sarcasm, because I’ve heard many non duality speakers say things like this. I bet she was confused because of what she’s heard from others.

  • @MassiveLib
    @MassiveLib 21 день назад

    No, because there is no inside or outside of the mind

  • @WstlR
    @WstlR 21 день назад

    If you say, everything is one god or one consciousness or one being or whatever word label you want to use.. what difference does it make? What difference does it make to the individual perspective? It’s just another word for the word „everything“ or „all“ then. Why is it then so important? Why be concerned about this „one consciousness dream“ ? It’s all just talking and labeling, nothing more.

  • @personalaccount7534
    @personalaccount7534 17 дней назад

    It’s not solipsism. If I strap a VR goggle and play a life simulation game with a billion NPC characters, I’m literally the only one present. It may be egoistic in that I’m sure the ego loves it, but it’s just reality. There is no way of knowing if anything outside your consciousness exists since you can’t step into anything else to check. You just assume it in your humility I guess 😅 I in my solipsism am not so sure 🙃🧘😊

  • @BruFlow
    @BruFlow 4 дня назад

    I didnt buy his explanation. Doesnt sound rooted in direct experience, but in a complex theory. He's subtly shaming the lady at the end, too.

  • @chuck9112
    @chuck9112 19 дней назад

    There is no you. Reality is happening spontaneously, and we are a dream of the one, or the all, or God whatever you want to call it.

  • @BOSScula
    @BOSScula 19 дней назад

    What he said is not it either.
    The truth is non-dual beyond words, concepts, imagination.

  • @ivetaohlasova8039
    @ivetaohlasova8039 19 дней назад

    Rupet it's too much complicated in your explanation. Basically there is nothing else but self. Simple.

  • @iraschepetin2736
    @iraschepetin2736 21 день назад

    “Universal Mind” is NOT Infinite Consciousness!
    He has not even demonstrated that there is something called‘Universal Mind’! It’s just his dogma.
    Infinite Consciousness has NO mind and is one without a second. That is the definition of non duality.
    The other mistake he commits is to take the waking mind as that which creates the dream .
    The fact of the matter is that the ‘waking mind’. Is stuck in the ‘waking state’ and the dream mind is stuck in the dream state’ and the Consciousness to which both the States and their concomitant minds appear IS the Non dual Consciousness every free from all states and the minds that appear in those states.

  • @chitrapolansky
    @chitrapolansky 22 дня назад +1

    *i alone exist* or *Consciousness Alone* ..its the highest realization and can be realized in the beyond the beyond..Its called god-realization in some circles.....i alone exist without god-realization is solipsm..

  • @IAn0nI
    @IAn0nI 21 день назад


  • @charlesvandenburgh5295
    @charlesvandenburgh5295 8 дней назад +1

    Sorry Rupert, you trying to explain your way out of solipism is an incomprensible word salad.

  • @bille77
    @bille77 17 дней назад

    I honestly believe that there are major misunderstandings going on in this dialog.

  • @ismaelmarksteiner
    @ismaelmarksteiner 22 дня назад +1

    Oneness and aloneness are intertwined though, aren’t 'they'? 🌈🤍🙏

  • @AlexHop1
    @AlexHop1 19 дней назад

    Thank you!

  • @kathyryan7611
    @kathyryan7611 21 день назад


  • @iraschepetin2736
    @iraschepetin2736 21 день назад

    “Universal Mind” is NOT Infinite Consciousness!
    He has not even demonstrated that there is something called‘Universal Mind’! It’s just his dogma.
    Infinite Consciousness has NO mind and is one without a second. That is the definition of non duality.
    The other mistake he commits is to take the waking mind as that which creates the dream .
    The fact of the matter is that the ‘waking mind’. Is stuck in the ‘waking state’ and the dream mind is stuck in the dream state’ and the Consciousness to which both the States and their concomitant minds appear IS the Non dual Consciousness every free from all states and the minds that appear in those states.