Philosophers: Schopenhauer's Dark Philosophy of the Will as the Key to Happiness

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @PowerofThought_
    @PowerofThought_  Месяц назад +3

    What do you think about Schopenhauer's concept of the will? Could this actually help us better understand life?

    • @bjorn6096
      @bjorn6096 Месяц назад

      Hi PoT... Hmm... Maybe that's not such a good acronym after all... Please forgive me... I'm just gonna leave it there, as it was purely innocent without any pun intended, as the English say... But anyway... Hi!... It's your favourite pessimist again!... "Is Schopenhauer's 'The Will' maybe a better way of understanding life?"... Dear Power of (not very well) Thought (through for the acronym)... Have you met anybody, lately, that is busy with, or even had the incentive, to think about the meaning of life, really?...
      Anyway... To answer your question... I came back here, on the note of you video, to answer (before I read this comment): the latter remarks were quite accurate, I believe. "Who's will?"... That's a very good question... I mean... Are you really interested in our thoughts, or is it the RUclips algorithm that is interested in our thoughts, or/so, is actually nobody interested in our thoughts... Not the reason I came back here, to say that, but it rolled out, as I remembered that typical icky feeling when you said that... I know you're trying to increase visibility of your channel, but this is exactly my point, PoT (please replace with your personal name that I don't know -- I'm trying to build rapport here, but I'm guessing my acronym is not the best way of doing that, but maybe it will break the ice a little, hopefully -- having fun about ourselves is a great gift (to self) -- anyway -- where was I?... O, right...).... Do you understand that I would say that a lot of today's things wouldn't exist, would we figure out who we truly are and what truly is the thing that drives OUR will?... Think about... What would you really bring doing today, would you be able to see the day completely a new?... Would you still try to beat the algorithm?... Or would you be doing something totally different?... Do yourself a favour... Ask 3 why's in row... The first why, you have a pretty clear idea of why you're doing what you're doing... The second why, it's starts getting difficult, already and by the third why, you have NO IDEA eh why you're doing what you're doing... I say; go there... It's THE party... Nothing violent about it... In fact, all the opposite... There just is... I feel that most of violence is created by those who blindly proclaim what order looks like, while they crash from one side in the guardrail, five lanes to the other side in the guardrail, breaking and speeding, constantly over the warning bumps next to the road, while looking back to the rear seat, talking to you there, psychoticly, discussing senseless pursuits that totally go over and thus, ignore, the slew they're doing that from... So, yes!... OF COURSE it's important to recognise what your wants are, in opposition to what others wants are. I would even go as far as saying that it's maybe more so, at first, about what you DON'T want... Kabbalah... You can only find out what it is, by finding out what it is NOT. And intelligence knows what it wants... Wisdom knows what it DOESN'T want...
      Well... Einstein supposedly once said; "if I give you a penny, you will be one penny richer and I will be one penny poorer. However, when I have an idea and you have an idea because of my idea, you will have an idea and I will still have it too"... Einstein also supposedly said that he could "burn his own fingers" for writing that letter to Roosevelt... Apparently Einstein was a little naive?... Nonetheless, though, PoT (please forgive, I would rather use your really name here, honestly)... What is your will and, so, particularly, what is it that you wouldn't want [to do] now?...
      Luke 6:31-32... Not a religious freak by any stretch, PoT.... But I believe that those are Wise words?... Back to you...

    • @PowerofThought_
      @PowerofThought_  Месяц назад

      Hello Bjorn
      Please forgive my absence in responses as life has gotten very busy traveling as of late, PoT or Power of Thought is fine to address either way as there is more than one of us working on these videos. To be clear, these videos are merely expositional interpretations of the philosophers we choose to cover, and not strictly my own thoughts about life or ‘will’ as we know it, other than the thoughts at the end of the video. To respond to your answer, I agree that the Will has created many of the events of society that have emerged over time. By asking yourself “Do you know what you want” it is more about lending a direction to individual people who feel lost in these events as they encounter them. To bring a conscious awareness to those who struggle with the unclear will of others and themselves. So when someone does go through the series of questions you presented, they would ultimately lead back to the initial question “what do I want”. By using this line of questioning, one would be able to make sense of why some of these dangerous events happen in our lives, such as someone recklessly driving on the road as per your metaphor. Schopenhauer has a method of self-reflection here, that allows the noise of these events to align momentarily, and bring context to our own noise and recklessness. Life is full of repetition and new beginnings, we have no choice but to examine these beginnings of everyday life from a new perspective. This goes for your mentioned quote at the end as well, to continuously approach the question of action towards others, lends itself to continuously asking yourself the same question of yourself, “What do I want” in contrast.
      We do truly appreciate your interest and engagement with the topics and videos we’re putting out and thank you for your genuine input.

    • @bjorn6096
      @bjorn6096 Месяц назад

      @@PowerofThought_ Hi there. Travelling. That comes on as a blip on the radar of my, I believe I can meanwhile say, x-ray understanding of the intangible. A type of character that has no distinct form or shape, yet, is drawn to similar interests, points and conclusions. "Logos", as Zeno would put it? Which hinges in with Schoppebhauer's of the Will?... I cringe at the humanly made logos. Not all, but, in general. Also "The question concerning technology", therefore, comes into play, imho... All added together, we are very unaware of most things, it seems to me, while we create them... And moreover... Is "losing your mind" not necessary (which we, nonetheless, "combat" as a disease), "thus spoke Zarathustra" (first monotheïsm we know of in human history).... (a little seemingly side rack) Entropy doesn't always increase, unlike some people are taught to believe (thermodynamics) ... Entropy _usually_ does not decrease... Given enough time, however, entropy does decrease, however ever so more very occasionally, given the the larger amount of space and time... As I lately said to someone, thus, somewhat sarcastically, thought meant, of course, also in aspect of the eternal return subject you crossed recently, "it's a kinda comforting idea that The Universe (and possibly beyond) doesn't restart every 5 minutes, right?"...
      Due to your coverage of Nietzsche, recently, I looked up the Wikipedia... The source? 😉... Could be a coincidence, of course, but it nearly covers the entire video. However, we're talking about the same person, of course, so in this case potentially correlations _with_ correlata (I just gave you a potential exit strategy, although I, of course, as you might comprehend, meanwhile, highly appreciate authenticity, of course). 😉
      Nice that you're covering the reiteration of the great thinkers of that past. Maybe also cover some Diogenes "the dog", to get some perspective... Imho possibly the most respectable philosopher in history?... May you not know him, let me start by making my usual joke about the guy, working as a software developer, "possibly Jesus version 0.1 alpha release". 😅 I would love to bring him back here and have a good laugh with the guy, wouldn't you... Maybe also I would skip the part of masturbating in public, depending on how hammered I'd be, even although, generally, I near to never drink!... I might with this guy...
      What I'm asking is; where are the great thinkers of today?... Not the (please forgive me, but often times) narcissistic reiterating of the "great philosophers" that everybody learns about in school and university, but the ones that truly think for themselves, unhindered by education (read, however unfortunate, "conditioning" too)?...
      Another one, Francis Bacon; "universities incline wits in sophistry and affectation".
      Not necessarily so, but in the prime of developing narcissistic tendencies, we give these kids the power of information, usually "well distilled from moral", because, "that's 'unnecessarily' complicated" and (here comes) "slows us down" (the question concerning technology?) and thus, again, we continue to (literal Dutch translation, for lack of my knowledge for a better translation) rumble over the same road again, just a little faster... You've guessed it... Here it comes: ... 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
      Should I start my own channel?... I used to do professional video editing and post production, actually, once upon a time. I could do it all alone, which, nonetheless, would totally slow me down, too, of course... Your thoughts are important to me... Please leave you comments in the comment section below... 😉
      Nonetheless, have a good one, guys (and girls? I suppose not and please forgive me, may I be mistaken, because I'm happy to be proven wrong, also in that aspect) and until our paths cross again. Take care. I'm going to enjoy the sun on the beach here, for a moment.
      PS What countries/country, if I may ask?

  • @DanTheMan293
    @DanTheMan293 Месяц назад

    One of my favorites. Thank you!