I've either bought tickets or signed up to volunteer the last 3 years in a row and couldn't attend. Fuck it, I'm going this year even if I have to quit my job.
Dillon Orr They say they still have tickets. How would they run out is there only so much space for the event? And Thanks for the heads up on the site.
I've either bought tickets or signed up to volunteer the last 3 years in a row and couldn't attend. Fuck it, I'm going this year even if I have to quit my job.
Ah the year I passed out in a Porto. What a place, ol Wastes. We’ll see you again soon, when the real plague ends
i knew mad max was a documentary
Oooh what a place! What a lovely place!
That was one of the best weeks I’ve ever had!! I can’t wait to get back out there in the Wastes!
Are there alot of drugs involved?
I got excited when I saw "Dragula"
be there in 4 years!
I love happy endings. No better place than the Wastes!
I'm in love with the Waste! I have to go there! I HAVE TO!
Be there in 2 years!
Omg....im in love!
2:38 there i am(the girl in the middle)
1:11 Ave, true to Caesar.
NCR and proud
Great, now i can wait 1 more year and then go.
Oh man I wish I was old enough to go
yes same
I gotta wait 2 years I'm 17 now.
Now you probably are!
I kinda think that if the world would go to shit like mad Max, this would actually become a city on a map.
Anyone tell us were and when this is 2018 got to be there Thanks
They have the information on their website, although tickets may already be sold out.
Dillon Orr They say they still have tickets. How would they run out is there only so much space for the event? And Thanks for the heads up on the site.
I’ve been wanted to go
Patrolling the Mojave kind of makes you want a nuclear winter
I wish it wasn't so damn hot at that time of year. I would so go.
gage4g the beginning of October?
Я хочу там жить.
Я пойду в сентябре
I want to drive the gigahorse to there
Oh my god not james, abhora, biqtch and victoria lmao
Why they haven't invited GWAR to come play there is beyond me...
Too tame..