  • Опубликовано: 24 окт 2024

Комментарии • 297

  • @heyhopebarker
    @heyhopebarker 6 лет назад +1098

    Have you ever hear of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)? PCOS and Endometriosis are kind of similar, but PCOS is something you should definitely read about and see if you can relate to any symptoms. I have PCOS and suffer with extreme cramps as well as no periods and/or too many periods. I definitely recommend looking into it more as it's really important you're taking care of yourself

  • @theironythatismyLIFE
    @theironythatismyLIFE 6 лет назад +254

    I am an operating room nurse and I work with a particular surgeon who excises endometriosis. The only way to diagnose it is to do a laparoscopy (small incisions in the belly) and remove tissue that looks like it could be endo. The tissue can grow in many places, including the bowels and diaphragm and over the walls of the pelvic cavity. They send it off to the lab to confirm it is is endometrial tissue. Most GYN surgeons will "burn" it off but that is not a cure. The only way to rid of it permanently is through excision (cutting). The particular surgeon I work with is known to give people fertility after their endo is excised. I'd say if you have fertility problems (greater than 1 year trying to get pregnant) it could be worth having a diagnostic laparoscopy to see if it is endometriosis and go from there. Best of luck.

  • @mariahdonovan
    @mariahdonovan 6 лет назад +378

    Find a wildlife rehabilitator. This is important, as a wildlife rehabilitator will know how to care for a wild animal like the bird you found. You can usually find lists of local rehabilitators on local and statewide government wildlife websites. You can also call veterinarians for recommendations.

  • @kaleikelly
    @kaleikelly 6 лет назад +1530

    that white bralette at the beginning is so cute!! where is that from??!

  • @GlamGirl2395
    @GlamGirl2395 6 лет назад +70

    I had endometriosis ever since I hit puberty, mine was so severe they told me it would be extremely difficult for me to get pregnant & if I did it would be high risk - well I just had my second completely healthy baby & my endometriosis is gone! Completely!, I stuck with an extremely clean diet , plant based & cut out all hormone disrupters from my home (perfumes, candles, air freshness, etc.) its amazing what a clean diet & eliminating toxins from your home can do! Praying that you will find answers & hope you find healing as I know how painful periods can be when you have it!

  • @jacquelinesmith9897
    @jacquelinesmith9897 6 лет назад +180

    My mom had severe endometriosis she had 5 surgeries cause she couldn’t get pregnant and was in excruciating pain. She ended up having everything removed and adopted me and my sister.

  • @savannah.serendipity
    @savannah.serendipity 6 лет назад +48

    I have endometriosis and it's something that you can officially diagnose with a laparoscopy. While one of the symptoms is severe cramps; it also is pain with sex, pain even when not on your period, ovarian cysts, and higher risk for miscarriage and infertility. There isn't really a cure since even when the endometrial lining is removed from where it isn't supposed to be it usually grows back. I would talk to your obgyn because it doesn't seem like endometriosis to me but theirs a lot of things it could be or even endometriosis. Most definitely something you want to look into

  • @lilac_haze13
    @lilac_haze13 6 лет назад +27

    Conceiving can take up to a year of trying. If you have concerns make an appointment with a obgyn but most wont do anything until after a year of ttc. I have heard fertilitea works wonders :)

  • @sophiedalziel2793
    @sophiedalziel2793 6 лет назад +81

    I was put on birth control at 12 because my periods were SO bad.. (I had only started them when I was 11!!!) the doctors never mentioned endometriosis but I think they didn’t want to freak me out.. as I’ve gotten older I have thought more and more seriously about maybe I do have it. And a doctor actually suggested it to me. But didn’t follow up because they are so slack about it.. I was on birth control basically half my life I decided to go off it earlier this year after my husband and I got married (I was 20) at the end of last year.. little did we know that even with being on birth control for about 9/10 years I would get pregnant in 2 months.. seriously so shocked that it would be that quick for us, we are super super lucky. A few of my friends and my mum had said to me that a lot of doctors say the best cure of endometriosis is to get pregnant. I don’t know about that.. but at least I don’t have those symptoms! Just morning sickness still at almost 20 weeks 😒xx

  • @summerricker4808
    @summerricker4808 6 лет назад +173

    You guys should just call a wildlife rehab center

  • @ChloeAnne73
    @ChloeAnne73 6 лет назад +38

    I have nearly all the symptoms of endo but because of the laparoscopy required I haven’t been tested or looked at for it. They also say if your mother has it you have a 50% higher chance of having it.

  • @betcybabe
    @betcybabe 6 лет назад +46

    I have pcos and endometriosis, and we struggled getting pregnant with number 1. We actually lost a lot of times before we got help. I got a prescription for some hormone pills, we got pregnant on the first cycle on the pills. After our first baby we wanted to have another baby, and then I was told I wouldn’t get pregnant without and invasive surgery. But little did we know that only a few months later we got pregnant by our self’s. Then we got pregnant with number three with only one time that month and with a condom. Baby number three was supposed to be twins. So was pregnancy number four. And the same thing as with number three happened. We lost several time between all of our kids. But the thing is that we have four beautiful and perfect kids now. And that’s the most important thing in all of the struggles:) 😉

  • @AnaArria
    @AnaArria 6 лет назад +66

    You need to call to a wildlife rehab center, they will know what to do. But you can’t leave him there💔

  • @TamarHope
    @TamarHope 6 лет назад +10

    I have endometriosis and PCOS, and honestly the main thing that has helped me has been drinking turmeric tea (ant inflammatory) and going vegan and cutting waaay back on soy and processed foods (don't need any of that extra estrogen that it gives hahah) basically eating mostly whole foods and incorporating turmeric tea has really helped! as well as co-codamol and feminax and and a hot water bottle for the pain! For me it's also linked to anxiety, so if you try to really relax and calm down and allow yourself to not doing anything when you're on your period, it helps so much!! hope you feel better soon xx

  • @Justmary91
    @Justmary91 6 лет назад +53

    I'm in med school, and yep the testing is still the same. They have to go in with a laparoscopic camera and actually visualize the endometrial tissue in order to diagnose it :( v inconvenient!

  • @BrookeKButler
    @BrookeKButler 6 лет назад +5

    if you don’t have your costco card you can go to customer service and get a temporary membership for the day! if you’re not planning on buying anything and you just want samples you can also just walk in the exit under the premises of “using the food court.” you also don’t have to have a costco membership to buy alcohol!

  • @lucyryan7497
    @lucyryan7497 6 лет назад +1

    I'm 26 and never had the testing as I had so many symptoms since I was 15 my gynecologist preferred I try for kids first before surgery to avoid scar tissue also creating an issue with getting pregnant. I've had 2 babies 1st took me 6mths to get pregnant 2nd baby we got pregnant straight away. Endometriosis is so sucky and your symptoms can change after each baby but dont believe the myth its cured by getting pregnant. Good luck and may the baby dust be plentiful for you when you are ready x

  • @hollyholloway171
    @hollyholloway171 6 лет назад +6

    As a nurse midwife, I HIGHLY recommend the book taking charge of your fertility! For anyone trying to conceive, look for a legitimate natural form of birth control, and really for all women! It has sooo much great information in it about your cycle, concieving, and so on. Highly recommend!

  • @navpreetbanga
    @navpreetbanga 6 лет назад +8

    holy shit ive had that pain for months and I had finally booked a pelvic ultrasound for next week, because it could be related to PCOS which is (not getting ur period due to cysts in ovaries and what not) so crazy to hear someone else has it too and on the RIGHT side!! Hope everything if going to be okay!

  • @chloecortes9552
    @chloecortes9552 6 лет назад +11

    Aspyn please don't leave that bird out there to suffer and die! Find a wildlife rehab by calling the vet or looking on google!

  • @animleluv
    @animleluv 6 лет назад +39

    So totally random, but jade and Carly from bachelor in paradise have a podcast called 'babes and babies' and they have a doctor come in and talk about endometriosis on one of the episodes (including the process of getting diagnosed, and getting pregnant with it). Maybe something to check out if you're interested!

  • @Talkingg
    @Talkingg 6 лет назад

    Hey Aspyn! My family has a lot of experience with endo, it's a terrible thing but luckily it can be managed! My mum has had it since she was 16-ish (she thinks) and only in the last two years did she decide to get a hysterectomy due to the debilitating pain. It made getting pregnant for her a lot harder and apparently the birth is worse, but it's important to think about the happy things like babies, cute baby clothes and decorated nurseries. A lot of people have endo, so if you do happen to be diagnosed don't feel alone xx love you and Parker heaps, been watching for just under 2 years now and I'm always so happy to see a new vlog ☺️

  • @theclelands5614
    @theclelands5614 6 лет назад +6

    I have 'suspected endometriosis' i saw a specialist who did an ultrasound and found adhesions and a blocked tube i didnt want to do the surgery at the time and i was 22 years old, ended up doing a round of ivf to conceive my daughter i also had low egg reserve so we chose not to wait now my husband and I have 2 beautiful little girls the 2nd one was conceived naturally :) if you are worried it is best to get some more tests it can make trying to get pregnant harder but it isnt impossible x

  • @TBrown398
    @TBrown398 6 лет назад +22

    With endometriosis it is very hard to tell and that's why many people get misdiagnosed by doctors. The singer Halsey has it actually and it's actually really common. With it you can still have children but what they will most likely have to do is perform a surgery where they go inside your vaginal wall and scrape off these cyst or scars that form on the ovaries everytime you bleed. That's why it can be very difficult to get pregnant with it because most people bleed alot and with out the removal of those scars it's continual changing your normal cycle. At least that is my understanding. Of course the best thing to do would be to do some research and watch a few people talk about there experiences and find similarities and see if they apply to you. Endometriosis can get very extreme before anyone realizes they have it or they get diagnosed. My older sister has it and she had found out when she was a teenager and is now 24. Due to her endometriosis being very bad when they found out in her teens at 22 her doctor told her that she had a small window left to have kids and at this point it's very unlikely. Endometriosis can also be passed down genetically and if so it makes it more likely for you to have it. ( My grandmother had it and passed it to my mom who then passed it to my older sister.)
    Doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about it really just might be you have heavier or "badder" periods which alot of people do.

  • @haleyking5963
    @haleyking5963 6 лет назад +21

    I have pain there quite often and it’s from cysts. It hurts down my leg a little bit but mostly in the Crease of my leg.

  • @briannamolino8362
    @briannamolino8362 6 лет назад +278

    Poor bird... if you guys leave it outside since it can't fly it will probably be eaten by an animal

  • @Lilyteap0ts
    @Lilyteap0ts 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis. My pain level is always high. I also found out through my appendix surgery. It’s usually pain in your pelvic area and it’s outside lining that’s spreading outside your uterus (which is causing the pain). It may cause infertility but it depends on how much lining (i think). I found out a couple months ago and with the right medication you can feel amazing!

  • @Madibosch
    @Madibosch 6 лет назад

    I’m on birth control too and thought I had endometriosis so I had surgery. It was NOT very invasive for me at least. It was in Canada. It was like a laparoscopic so they only made two really small incisions. One near my lower pelvis and one right by my belly button. Super easy to recover and I pushed for it because I thought I had it but I didn’t. Having it takes the stress away of thinking you might have it. If you can I think you should do it. But it’s your body. I wish you all the luck!

  • @Hurricane-nv1yx
    @Hurricane-nv1yx 6 лет назад +3

    I have endometriosis ... I've had to have 3 laparoscopy and I've had to take depo (a medication) I'm still dealing with it, but I have been able to get pregnant on more than one occasion. But if you aren't really experiencing many of the symptoms there is a good chance that it's something else. Is your pain mild? Because pain with Endo is HORRIBLE!!!
    These are some of the symptoms...
    Pain areas: in the lower abdomen, lower back, pelvis, rectum, or vagina
    Pain circumstances: can occur during sexual intercourse or while defecating
    Menstrual: abnormal menstruation, heavy menstruation, irregular menstruation, painful menstruation, or spotting
    Gastrointestinal: constipation or nausea
    Abdominal: abdominal fullness or cramping
    The 4 most common ways your doctor will test to see if you have endometriosis are...
    A pelvic exam . Your doctor will feel for cysts or scar tissue. But this may not be enough to tell if you have endometriosis.
    Ultrasound. This uses high-frequency sound waves to make a picture of your reproductive organs. During the test, a technician might put the ultrasound scanning wand, called a transducer, into your vagina or move it across your belly. Ultrasound doesn’t always show endometriosis, but it is good at finding ovarian cysts, which are common in women with the condition.
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This test can make a clear picture of the inside of your body without using X-rays. It uses a large magnet, radio waves, and a computer. MRI tests can also help doctors prepare for surgery on women with endometriosis.
    Laparoscopy . You may get a diagnostic laparoscopy. Your doctor will make a small cut near your bellybutton and put a thin tool called a laparoscope through it to check for any signs of endometriosis.
    *** Now if that wasn't the most textbook answer I don't know what is lol***
    If you have any questions about any part of the diagnostic process or treatment I'll do my best to help 💞💞💞

  • @hopefightsback7808
    @hopefightsback7808 6 лет назад +76

    I love seeing you guys relationship grow..and how your vlog style changes. You guys are awesome

  • @SH-co8de
    @SH-co8de 6 лет назад +203

    Oh god l feel bad for that bird 🐦 you should do something 😩😭

  • @snowg5812
    @snowg5812 6 лет назад +50

    Take the bird to the vet plz

  • @AlexaPaige
    @AlexaPaige 6 лет назад +618

    Saw “pregnant” in the title and got so excited!!! Can’t wait for the day you two are expecting!! 🤰🏼😍🤗

  • @MrsMenth
    @MrsMenth 6 лет назад +5

    I have done the procedure to find out if I have endometriosis, and I do. I have stage 1. During the surgery they “removed” the endometriosis and cleared my tubes, but endo comes back around 6 months after surgery. My husband and I have tried to get pregnant now for 6 years and have done 11 fertility treatments and been unsuccessful. Unfortunately the only “cure” for endo is pregnancy.... but getting pregnant is the hard part. I hope you don’t experience infertility due to you having endo, because I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.. 😢

  • @hartleistansbury5009
    @hartleistansbury5009 6 лет назад +38

    you look JUST like your mom when you were talking about going to Costco and going golfing!!! It's definitely the bangs and how you curled your hair - gorgeous!!

  • @heyitsmet333
    @heyitsmet333 6 лет назад +1

    *If you've been ttc for over 6 months then visiting a doctor is probably the best thing to do. My hubby & I tried for 2 years & nothing. Went to the doctor, had a laproscopy & we found out that I have distal blockage on my fallopian tubes& cyst on both ovaries, 2 surgeries on my tubes in 3 years and now our only option is ivf. Only thing is my doctor needs the whole amount up front 10k. It may not sound like a lot but 10k is alot to save up when you have bills to pay*

  • @emmyjeanhasacamera
    @emmyjeanhasacamera 6 лет назад

    Hey beautiful! Look Into painful periods/dysmenorrhea. It can cause the worst period pain, awful cramping but isn’t necessarily pcos or endometriosis! Wishing you both the best of luck and tons of babydust. You deserve the very best and I know you both will be wonderful parents 💕💗

  • @dylanmortimer5862
    @dylanmortimer5862 6 лет назад

    Im 16 and I have endometriosis and so does my sisters and yes it is harder to get pregnant but it is not impossible! My sister had a baby it just took longer. I would talk to your doctor and keep trying! Good luck! Love you guys!

  • @shelbypedzewick
    @shelbypedzewick 6 лет назад

    I got officially diagnosed in March with endo after 10 years of basically knowing that I have it. You need to get surgery to have it 100% diagnosed but the surgery was easy! On average it takes girls up to ten years to get a diagnosis cuz so many doctors just brush it off and don’t wanna perform surgery if they end up being wrong. A lot of other symptoms are bloating randomly, shooting pains, pain in your tailbone and many more. I think it’s worth looking into if you have it!!

  • @marisaelsie9581
    @marisaelsie9581 6 лет назад

    My mom had endometriosis and couldn’t get pregnant for 6 years. It’s hereditary and I have a lot of the symptoms that my mom had. I think if you have any endometriosis symptoms and your mom, grandma, aunt, etc has had it , then it’s definitely worth it to look in to it more. I’m going to the doctor soon as well! Best of luck.❤️

  • @gracetoms
    @gracetoms 6 лет назад

    I’ve had endometriosis since I was 14 ( now 23 ) I did have to have surgery to confirm and also to have most of it removed. I was told it would take me years to conceive and that I would probably need medication. (I also only have a few periods a year). BUT I’m currently 35 weeks pregnant with a little girl and we conceived her naturally and very easily as it turned out! I have great hope for you xxxxx

  • @CamillaDaRocha1
    @CamillaDaRocha1 6 лет назад +1

    I’m 17 and was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 16 the only was to get diagnosed is still through laparoscopic surgery which sucks but the main thing with endo is if your pain gets worse over the years and if you get pain “off your period” during ovulation again like you said it’s hard to get diagnosed and everyone is different and if you have trouble getting pregnant it’s possible you have it but there is no way to say. I will say that you took Tylenol and was smiling I would be crying but it’s hard to say 🤷🏼‍♀️ confusing but hopefully they will find an easier way of diagnosing patients

  • @tess0728
    @tess0728 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis. First, they did 2 different types of ultrasounds. An internal one and external one. They didn't find anything there, but my Dr was sure there was something going on (I would miss DAYS of work and school because of my cramps, intercourse was extremely painful, etc.). So she suggested the surgery. I said yes, and that's when she was able to see that I DO have it. My life has genuinely been so much better because of that surgery.

  • @ximenaqr8420
    @ximenaqr8420 6 лет назад +208

    Don’t worry there will be a time when we will see “ I’m pregnant” at your RUclips video! Ly guys !♥️♥️

  • @brittanystephens4687
    @brittanystephens4687 6 лет назад

    I was just diagnosed with Endometriosis this last Tuesday! I have been struggling with very painful periods and very irregular periods for years! Unfortunately the ONLY way to know if you have Endometriosis is through a laparoscopy surgery, which I just had last Tuesday. It’s a small incision through the belly button but they also needed to cut another small incision (lower) as well. My doctor also did a D&C which (scraps/ cleans everything out). The surgery was very quick (outpatient surgery) I was home a few hours later & the recovery isn’t as bad as I was thinking it would be. You’re definitely sore for a few days but I’ve been out and about running errands just a couple days post op. I wish you the best of luck. If you think you could have Endometriosis I would highly recommend figuring that out, the sooner the better. Because Endometriosis could led to infertility and I have a friend who was diagnosed with Endometriosis and unfortunately had to have her left ovary and left fallopian tube removed. :(

  • @rikkesmail
    @rikkesmail 6 лет назад +1

    I have endometriosis. To find out a 100% you have to go through surgery. My doctor didn’t think it was endometriosis before he did my blood test (did not show endometriosis but abnormal level of whatever he tested). I was then sent to the gynecologist and when she couldn’t find anything abnormal down there she sent me to surgery (laparoscopy). That’s where they found out it for sure was endometriosis. My gynecologist suggested the surgery a year before this all happened because we had been struggling to get pregnant for a year and a half. I didn’t go through with it at that time, but when I did a year later I was happy I did. Even though it will be hard to get pregnant it is still possible with fertility treatments and you can still get pregnant the normal way, but it is a low percentage.

  • @kayapollaccia714
    @kayapollaccia714 6 лет назад +11

    you need to wait a bit and get some water for the bird because it may have a sprained wing and it will need to rest a bit before it attempts fly

  • @MH-cd9jr
    @MH-cd9jr 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis! You have to have a laparoscopy to get tested for it but they can also remove the lesions which can help with pain! I know take birth control to stop my period to prevent the lesions from growing back. You should talk to your doctor and make sure you find a good surgeon to do the surgery!

  • @hollylafrance9854
    @hollylafrance9854 6 лет назад

    my mom had endometriosis, and she has the pains in her pelvis but it was after she had two kids she ended up having to have a full hysterectomy. so i would recommend you make sure you don’t have it because it could prevent you from having kids. i wish you the best❤️

  • @juliatruskolawski9508
    @juliatruskolawski9508 6 лет назад

    I was just diagnosed with endometriosis last October through laparoscopic surgery. I was having a miserable experience with periods for about 6 years and my doctor told me it was just bad periods. I finally was getting frustrated with the doctor and got a second opinion from another doctor who did the surgery and found out I have stage 3 endo. It truly sucks but thankfully I will be able to have children because of having the endo removed. I am one year post op and now having surgery again because I’m having pain.
    My tip to you is DEFINITELY go through with the surgery to see if you have it because you’d rather be safe than sorry. The surgery isn’t as bad as it may seem, I was back to work in a week. It’s crucial to take care of this so you will be able to have an easy pregnancy. Everyone’s experience is different so listen to your body 💕

  • @TheMaterialFix
    @TheMaterialFix 6 лет назад +2

    I have it! The pain is sometimes so bad it makes me vomit! I have pain continuously even when I'm not on my period! I saw a consultant who said it shouldn't affect chances of pregnancy unless it is super severe, but they wouldn't do the testing because it's invasive - they put me on progesterone only contraception which helps with it and if the birth control stops the periods all together it's even better because it helps the endo to stop building up so much - the main concern is if it scars your Fallopian tubes

  • @amandatracey3287
    @amandatracey3287 6 лет назад

    Yes, testing for endo is still the same. Surgery and biopsy. They have to test the tissue. I’d be more concerned about endo if you have pain with sex, very (I mean VERY) heavy periods, irregular cycles, etc. You might have endo but it might be PCOS. Much easier to test and diagnose (via ultrasound) so it would be good to either rule that out or find out if that’s what it is.

  • @angiewhiting1146
    @angiewhiting1146 6 лет назад

    You could have an HSG done, it's like an MRI of your fallopian tubes to make sure it is passable. I'm just now going through the process but I have blood work done day 3 of my period, day 21 and day 28. Rule out everything else before you go for the endometriosis. Then if you have it, you will still have to have surgery to remove the lining that is growing outside of your uterus and immediately try to get pregnant otherwise the lining will grow back and you will have to have surgery again.

  • @heatherdawson3140
    @heatherdawson3140 6 лет назад +56

    What happened to the bird? Did you end up taking it anywhere?

  • @MsGlamourgirlxo
    @MsGlamourgirlxo 6 лет назад

    i don't have personal experience with endometriosis but my mom had it and it took her about 3 years to get pregnant with me and she had severe pains and also had a hysterectomy when she was older. i'm sorry i couldn't be more help but i hope everything is okay and i wish nothing but the best for you and parker.

  • @HunterandBen
    @HunterandBen 6 лет назад

    I think there could be other issues besides endo. i think k you should just go to your GYN doctor and just be super open about all your symptoms. start journaling all of your symptoms. even if it doesn’t seem like it relates to that, write it down!
    Hope you feel better and wish you all the luck with growing your family.

  • @hannahelise9717
    @hannahelise9717 6 лет назад +12

    Hey girl! I have endometriosis, I was diagnosed 4 years ago, and I have a 2.5 year old now. I had an endoscopic surgery to get it "diagnosed". But if you have any questions about it you're more than welcome to message me! 💖

  • @lydiaspringerforsyth
    @lydiaspringerforsyth 6 лет назад

    I don't have experience with endo but I'd say definitely call the doctor no matter what! Whether you've been trying for a while or not, period pain/other pain in that region should get checked out if possible!

  • @bigwanda94
    @bigwanda94 6 лет назад

    I have PCOS and endometriosis. Endo isn’t always very easy to diagnose, and you’re right, it is pretty invasive! For me, getting diagnosed was basically a waste of time... idk if maybe America offers different treatments etc; but I’m in Canada and they don’t really do anything. Right now, I’m on birth control and some pain medication to manage symptoms. Side note: a pretty common symptom of Endo is pain during intercourse, this is when I decided going to the doctor was a good idea. Sharp, stabbing pain 😬 My PCOS is a side effect of my endo. I mainly just get sever pelvic pain during my period. My doctor explained that I have cysts on my ovaries that sometimes ruptured during my periods, making them more painful. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @ArcadeBarbie
    @ArcadeBarbie 6 лет назад +1

    I was having bad menstrual pain (medical term you'll see for that is dysmenorrhea) and the gyno did a transvaginal ultrasound and said they could see where I had cysts that had burst. It wasn't too bad, you have to drink a lot of water and not pee which was the hardest part and they put a small wand like medical thing inside and take pics to check for anything important to know.
    Also bloodwork to see if you could be low in things like iron, that can make your periods worse and harder to have a baby. Not sure if you're taking supplements or prenatal vitamins, maybe there is a yummy chewable/ gummy kind that will help! Hope the birdie is okay too, like others have said you could put out water and wild bird seed for him and hopefully there is a wildlife place a vet can recommend to treat his wing if he hasn't managed to fly off yet. Hope you and birdie are better soon, smiles from Ohio! :)

  • @olivia4302
    @olivia4302 6 лет назад

    I have a very large family history of endometriosis so my doctor kind of gave me a "loose diagnosis" of it and i'm now getting the surgery (the official diagnosis) in a month. The procedure is basically a camera going through your belly button and they look around and if they do end up finding signs of endo they scrape it out, but it is still a simple outpatient surgery. As far as I'm aware this is still the only way to diagnose it as a endometriosis doesn't show up on ultrasounds, but I've heard that the surgery can actually help with fertility as the endometriosis can be blocking structures making it impossible for your embryo to implant!

  • @yamynamestabitha6528
    @yamynamestabitha6528 6 лет назад +37

    “DoNT HaVe TImE FoR CoSCo”

  • @scarletvox
    @scarletvox 6 лет назад +1

    I have been struggling with period pain since forever. I used to be in too much pain to go to school, and pretend to have a flu because I was embarrassed I was so sick. At first I thought it was normal and my pain tolerance was really low, and then when I was 21 I spoke to my doctor about it and she told me it wasn't normal. I have been on 4 different birth control pills to help with it, and on each (except this last one so far) the pain has come back. My doctor said if the pain comes back, the first test she will want me to do is an ultrasound for endometriosis or something similar. I don't know how this will help, but that's what she told me earlier in the year. Hopefully that's helpful, but I don't know if she thinks something else is going on

  • @littlelovee3056
    @littlelovee3056 6 лет назад

    I get severe pain on my left pelvis and I have endometriosis - the tests are pretty invasive, but I’m currently pregnant with baby number three :) and it’s made my endo symptoms better

  • @itsbrooke9619
    @itsbrooke9619 6 лет назад

    I had to get the Depo shot to help take away the pain. I’m in pain even when I’m not supposed to be on my period. I got tests done and an ultrasound and got diagnosed with endometriosis. So I would go to the doctor and get the tests done! Love you guys! ❤️

  • @user-vk7oj2qj5i
    @user-vk7oj2qj5i 6 лет назад +1

    You can get an ultrasound and see if you have cysts. That’s how they can see endometriomas or other types of cysts that can cause pain. Endo is only found with surgery but you don’t need all the symptoms to have it everyone is different

  • @FranK-ik4ku
    @FranK-ik4ku 6 лет назад

    Yes I had a lapoascopy 2 times . Last month as well as 8 years ago .

  • @colbyhanning6728
    @colbyhanning6728 6 лет назад

    My friend has endometriosis. Her pain was always horrible. She had the surgery and it helped so much, but the only full proof way to be diagnosed is to go in for the surgery. Once the doctors are in they can see if you truly have it or not. But because she had surgery for it she had an extremely hard time getting pregnant and then lost her baby during pregnancy. I know this is a lot of info but I hope it helps in one way or another. Love you!

  • @michellesmith9524
    @michellesmith9524 6 лет назад

    If you have been on birth control that would help prevent scar tissue build up which is why some women with Endometriosis have difficulty getting pregnant. Generally the difficulty is the fertilized egg attaching to the uterine lining because of scar tissue, but birth control helps that and there are lots of treatments that aid in getting pregnant even if there is any scar tissue!

  • @ncolegarcia
    @ncolegarcia 6 лет назад

    We’ve found a couple of baby birds that most likely fell out of their nest around our house and we’re so lucky that a wildlife rehabilitation centre is located right across the street. We just call the vet lady to let her know and walk it over there in a box and they take care of the rest. Also, I actually just got a transabdominal ultrasound since my doctor suspects I have endometriosis or possibly cysts or something. I get super heavy periods with unbearable cramps like sometimes they’re so bad I can’t even move and/or I faint. I have to take a prescribed pill for it, it’s like Advil, but stronger and specifically for period pain. I’m still waiting for my doctor to read my results, but I’m a little worried since the sonographer asked if I had a diva cup/tampon in while she had the transducer on my abdomen, and I didn’t have either in, so I hope she didn’t see something. Also my sister had a cyst removed in that area around my age and so did my grandma, so yeah things don’t look to good for me. I would definitely talk to your doctor or OB/GYN to see what’s going on!

  • @beth1732
    @beth1732 6 лет назад

    Yes, the only way the be diagnosed is through laparoscopic surgery. It’s minimally invasive, home same day, short recovery. You have a few minor scars though. I’ve dealt with infertility for almost 3 years and just recently had endo removed. It can come back so I would try to conceive for at least a year before making the decision to have surgery. After that, maybe consult a reproductive endocrinologist or an endometriosis specialist. They see this all the time and can give you good direction. Best of luck to you!

  • @Emily-mn9el
    @Emily-mn9el 6 лет назад

    Aspyn, I just had a procedure to check if I have endometriosis and I'm so glad I did. I had always guessed based on my insane symptoms but having the laparoscopy confirm things actually really helped my mind settle. Since I was able to catch it early enough, now the doctor's can get rid of what is there and they said there is only a 20% chance of it coming back. I really wanted to get this checked too since I'm getting married soon and want to preserve my fertility. The procedure only lasted a few hours and I was back to normal in three days! It you have any inkling you may have something like this, it doesn't hurt to go over this option :)

    • @Emily-mn9el
      @Emily-mn9el 6 лет назад

      Also, it was honestly such an easy procedure to recover from (for me anyway) that even if I didn't have any endometriosis, it would have been worth it just to know that I didn't have to worry about that affecting my fertility. Hope this helps :)

    • @Emily-mn9el
      @Emily-mn9el 6 лет назад

      I'm also going back in December to have my extensive endometrisois removed, so if you want any updates or have any questions for me, I would love to help as much as I can :)

  • @kimmywest2283
    @kimmywest2283 6 лет назад

    Every pregnancy is different. My first happened in two months but ended in a miscarriage, the second took 4-5 months and was successful, and the current one took a month. My cousin took years but now they have a beautiful boy. Good luck! It takes a lot of patience but is worth it

  • @piinkamourx3
    @piinkamourx3 6 лет назад +2

    Take Maca and also Ashwagandha it helps with regulating your body and also for people with endometriosis. Research it, it’s all natural but make sure to get good quality one!

  • @lauram7110
    @lauram7110 6 лет назад

    I was diagnosed with severe Endometriosis just a few weeks ago. Unfortunately the only way to diagnose it is via keyhole surgery which isn’t great, but if it’s affecting your ability to fall pregnant then it may be worth while doing so. They will also ‘clean it out’ while you are under (if you have it) which should help with your pains for a while. It could also be PCOS though (which I also have) which they can diagnose easily with an ultrasound. Some people with PCOS have more symptoms than others (such as no/irregular periods, acne, ect) but some people just get bad period pain. Unfortunately both endometriosis and PCOS can make conceiving more difficult, but it’s best to find out sooner rather than later so you’re not wasting too much time! My husband and I aren’t trying just yet, but we know we will need assistance as soon as we start trying as I don’t ovulate at all due to the PCOS. Good luck with it all and hope you can have some answers soon. We’re all excited for you to become a mama! Xx

  • @ariannahebert9533
    @ariannahebert9533 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis. I first found out after fainting at work last year and then having to go to the hospital. Mine is luckly not bad enough to have to get surgery, but I do have the absolute worst period cramps to the point where I throw up and faint. i also have cramps when im not on my period, which is also a symptom of endometriosis. It is definitely worth to the the doctor for it. even if the doctor blows it off like its nothing (which mine has done before, she said "just live with it, its just a period”), its worth finding a doctor that will help you.

  • @enhunter82
    @enhunter82 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis, I went through a lot of different trials to try and help with the pain. Eventually I had surgery, was able to get pregnant and have a child. The surgery helped more than the different treatments.

  • @tessremy-detty5025
    @tessremy-detty5025 6 лет назад

    Does your b/c help?? I know that I had the implant and had to switch to oral because my periods got worse, but now they have normalized. They might be able to do an exam or MRI or ultrasound but it would depend on the size of them if you had it. I would recommend just having an exam to make sure there’s nothing! Also maybe have them check your hormones. Hopefully it’s just your periods are worse than typical (like mine)! Can’t wait for you two to have a little one ❤️❤️ also call the animal rescue for the bird! He probably needs his wing fixed! He’s too cute poor guy!!

  • @daniellemillar2383
    @daniellemillar2383 6 лет назад

    hey girl. You would definitely know if you have endometriosis like symptoms. The pain is severe (worse than period cramps) plus it could show other symptoms: irregular period, heavier than normal... the pain as well is often contant, not just during the week of your period. Hope this helps! PS, your pelvic region is basically everything below your belly button (maybe a little lower, you look tall!) think pubic region, thats your pelvic area. Sorry if thats TMI!!

  • @Chocsypop
    @Chocsypop 6 лет назад

    I have intensely bad cramps and that’s the only symptom I experience.
    When planning to get pregnant it does play on getting pregnant even if you don’t realise.
    But google things or talk to a doctor about why you might not be falling pregnant so easily. For example we just changed from using lube to not using it at all, and fell pregnant straight away. So I recommend doing that before jumping to Endo personally x

  • @ElaynaCain
    @ElaynaCain 6 лет назад

    I was diagnosed with endometriosis about 1.5 year ago, my husband and I have been struggling to conceive since September of 2016. That was the reason I started my RUclips channel- to share my journey and find other women in my same shoes.

  • @theultimateillumination
    @theultimateillumination 6 лет назад

    I was diagnosed with endometriosis via an MRI, they saw some things that weren't supposed to be there, then they check in the following months to see if the mass or masses have decreased (could be blood clots) or are the same or bigger. As mine was the same and have endometriosis background in the family they put me on birth control to eradicate it, and 6 months later my endometriosis growths are gone. That's amazing, but means that I have to go yearly to be checked with an internal ultrasound, and once I go off birth control I have way more risk to suffer for endometriomas again -.-

  • @daisydreams1383
    @daisydreams1383 6 лет назад +109

    I wish I could be as pretty as Aspyn😩💕

  • @skylorbright6026
    @skylorbright6026 6 лет назад

    Honestly, I have/had very irregular cycles and painful painful double over in pain periods. It took my husband and I almost 2 years to concieve, I judt kept track of what cycles I did get and kind of estimated and took OPKs. I don't have endo or PCOS either. I'm breastfeeding and have been the past 6m, and my cycle still hasn't come back- but that is also normal if you breastfeed.

  • @ashipwee
    @ashipwee 6 лет назад

    I supposably have endometriosis too! I am sorry you possibly have it. However I know lots of women diagnosed with endo, one who has even gotten pregnant twice while on birth control even after 13 endo surgeries. And my sister in law has endo and got pregnant their first month trying! It’s usually still possible to conceive- usually pregnancy complications occur more in women with lots of scar tissue from endo surgeries. It’s hard to say for sure since everybody is different! Good luck :))

  • @dancerjenna2323
    @dancerjenna2323 6 лет назад

    the only way to diagnose endometriosis is through surgery. usually, your doc will send you to get an ultrasound to check for ovarian cysts and then they will likely schedule a laparoscopic surgery to “clean up” any endometriosis and cysts if you have them. you can get progesterone shots to help with the pain and they worked okay for me. the progesterone might even help you get pregnant :) before i had the surgery i had to take 4 motrin every 4 hours all 7 days of my period. it was horrendous. i feel your pain. literally

  • @taylorwills9408
    @taylorwills9408 6 лет назад

    Hi Aspyn! I have endometriosis. I had severe period cramps for years and was put on the pill. My cramps got worse and worse so I finally had surgery in May. It does have to be diagnosed surgically, but the surgery is minimally invasive (laparoscopy). They went in through my belly button and two other places on my lower pelvis. My scars are already fading and it has only been a few months. My symptoms are also improving a lot. If you do consider surgery, I would recommend finding an excision specialist, as that type of surgery has the best success rate for endometriosis. I am not currently trying to get pregnant, but my surgeon told me that now, after surgery, I would have a much easier time getting pregnant, if I were to try. I really passionate about educating women about endometriosis and if you have any questions feel free to message me!

    • @taylorwills9408
      @taylorwills9408 6 лет назад

      feel free to dm me on twitter (@taylor_wills119) if you have any questions!

  • @courtneyllovee
    @courtneyllovee 6 лет назад +80


  • @MissBrittneyAnn1218
    @MissBrittneyAnn1218 6 лет назад +2

    i got that pen in an Influenster box. LOVE IT. reminds me of those pens in elementary school with all the colors.

    • @MissBrittneyAnn1218
      @MissBrittneyAnn1218 6 лет назад

      i also wrote this before you started talking about the pen hahhaa

  • @sophiaboulos
    @sophiaboulos 6 лет назад

    I have the same problem! My doctor tested me with ovarian ultrasounds and said the first step was for me to go to pelvic floor therapy and take birth control pills to help with my cramps to see if that helps before taking the next step which is a surgical test/ process.... so far it’s not helping me but it might help you!!

  • @RachelsSewing
    @RachelsSewing 6 лет назад

    I acually had really bad periodes and went on birthcontrol to. When I wanted to stop the birthcontrol to get pregnant I went to my docter for different medicine. I used 4 times a day 1000mg paracetamol and 3 times a day 600mg ibuprofen, within the first 3 days of my period, depending on how bad I was. And I used 1 tablet of tranexamic acid to reduce the bloodflow. For me that really helpt with the pain. And I’m actually 18 weeks pregnant right now 😊

  • @aeyargerfam5428
    @aeyargerfam5428 6 лет назад +1

    i had terrible period cramps to where i would bawl my eyes out and had to stay home from school until my period was over because i was in such excruciating pain from the cramps so i went to the ER and they done all sorts of tests and ultrasounds and told me i had PCOS along with endometriosis. forgot to mention.. i was only 8 years old. so the results of the ultrasound came back and they said they had found a cyst growing on my left ovary. it started out the size of a golf ball and as the years go on, 10 years later i turn 18 and end up getting it removed with surgery because it just kept growing and attaching to my other ovary! btw the ending size of my cyst was 10 cm the whole way around. so they removed the cyst along with my left ovary and left fallopian tube. it destroyed my ovary and fallopian tube so they had to take it out. they also said it was unlikely to have kids bc of what went on. so that’s my story.

  • @NicoleEmmons
    @NicoleEmmons 6 лет назад +1

    I have PCOS and I get that pain. Maybe try getting tested for PCOS first? We have been struggling with infertility for 2 years because of it. I just started my own channel to start documenting the journey and it’s been a great outlet. But I’d definitely start there or just go to your OB and express your concerns.

  • @LizLiz
    @LizLiz 6 лет назад

    I was diagnosed with endometriosis about eight years ago. The testing is still the same. Laparoscopic surgery. Unfortunately the only way they can see the endometrium that may be impeding the implantation process for ttc is through surgery because an ultrasound or any other imaging does not show it.

  • @kristinahorton5805
    @kristinahorton5805 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis and my doctor told me the only way they can officially diagnose it is by surgery, but if you are trying to get pregnant they can do what’s called endometrial ablation during the surgery which means they remove all the endometriosis tissue that is in or on your uterus/ovaries or anywhere else it may have spread to. It’s really not that bad of a surgery, I’ve had it done, and it’s outpatient and takes maybe a week or so to recover but it is worth it!

  • @jessicaleonard6598
    @jessicaleonard6598 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis, everyone is different but I would have sever pain sometimes and then the next month I wouldn’t, the only way a doctor can actually diagnose is through surgery, I would say if it is hindering your ability to get pregnant to do it, BUT. I would get off birth control for a solid 6 weeks before seeking help. You have an endometrium inside your uterus that sheds during your cycle, endometriosis is the same concept but it’s on the outside of your uterus, it can cause severe damage to the surrounding organs if not treated properly. I started taking Balance by Alani Nu and have seen a significant change in the way my body reacts during my cycle. I also haven’t taken birth control in 3 years and have never felt better. Seek out someone who specializes in this because I’ve been to plenty of doctors who have no idea what it actually is or how to fix it.

  • @linsoft
    @linsoft 6 лет назад

    I have Endometriosis (diagnosed in 2011), honestly any cramps anywhere can be an indicator for endometriosis. If you're curious you can watch the movie "Endo What?" that came out a couple of years ago.
    I don't want to invade too much, but if you do have trouble getting pregnant a surgery might be a good idea if you have cysts, just to get rid of them. However, please be aware that the surgery is not going to solve endometriosis if you have it, there is no cure (yet). lots of hugs
    EDIT: oh btw I've had 3 surgeries so far, and Mirena has been working for me as a way to keep the endometriosic cysts from forming. The surgeries were all fine, the scars are barely noticeable except for the one in my belly button - my belly button looks completely different now. The other three (two on my hips, one very low on my stomach) have healed very very nicely. I was able to go back to work after a week, I just avoided lifting heavy things for around 3 months i think.

  • @ellabuck2473
    @ellabuck2473 6 лет назад

    my mom had endometriosis since she was super young, stage 4. she was throwing up and having awful stomach pain. also you can get blood cysts on all your organs. she’s had two kids, my brother and me. and she got her uterus out last year and feels lots of relief.

  • @andreabeltran9215
    @andreabeltran9215 6 лет назад +9

    I’m not sure if she had endomitriosis but Ashley Gardner said something about so i’m not sure if she actually had it, she’s the mom of Gardner Quad Squad here on youtube so you can check with her, and they are from utah as well❤️

  • @MrsKatieJo
    @MrsKatieJo 6 лет назад

    I have endometriosis. I had the surgery to be diagnosed back in 04 I believe. I was infertile for 6 years and last year I had my son! I get very bad pelvic pain and periods are brutal for me. I usually am in bed in a fetal position and will pass out. Since having my little guy symptoms have almost gone away. Here and there I feel the pains I once had.