It's fascinating how things change as much in design and ideas from the Beta to the actual game. It's like a movie, they polish the original thoughts little by little.
Actually I think they removed the ability because it didn't always result in desired behavior - sometimes it knocked away units that the ultralisk was already having issues catching up to, allowing them to resume kiting. On paper, it was a cool idea, but in practice it was just a weird, somewhat unpredictable ability in a big pitched battle.
@@simunator yeah. They are. They can serve as deal-sealers when Zerg is already ahead, or sometimes as damage soakers against bio that is too heavy on Marines. But in most cases they"re just capitalizing on a specific situation, and have a niche role. Overall, their derpiness still keeps them from being solid choices in many games. It's a little sad. At least they're better than they were in HOTS though!
Its been 3 years since this comment, and only 20% of what's shown in this video is still in the game. I don't count the Swarm Host either, since its been redesigned so thoroughly its basically just a different unit entirely that uses the same model. A lot of the units shown that ARE still in the game have undergone drastic redesigns.
+BBspike100 but there is something , i only buy the original starcraft 2 i didn buy heart of swarm and when i go online i can found these units on my army and i able to use them and i didn buy heart of swarm how ??l
I'll be honest, I think it was a mistake to include so many units focused on harassment. Starcraft is at its most fun when there are huge battles between armies, not when you give up because your opponent destroyed your entire mineral line.
I remember them saying it overlapped its role with Marauders too well. In my personal opinion, it was also this massive health pool they have, made them hard to kill, in some instances.
+merf masters because the only targeted mechanical units... which makes it extremely dangerous for protoss since all units are mechanical (except zealots and the templars) but completely useless to zerg which they have no mechanical units.
Samuel James Not to mention that Warhounds also weren't quite as versatile as other units. If I'd use any word to describe the Warhound, it's "specialized"; and specialized is not a good word to use for any Terran unit. The Terrans are meant to be flexible and ready for whatever gets thrown at them. Terran units meant for specific tasks (such as being an "anti-mechanical unit") stick out like sore thumbs.
To this day, this is one of the most epic intros Blizzard has ever made. Just the way they show the units combined with the music, nerdchills for sure.
Its so funny how everyone just thinks that terran got by far the bad end of this update but now everyone is just complaining about widowmines everywhere and hellbat all ins :D
I've been watching evenmore recent pro streams, and I can't really say zerg is too powerful, plus it's a beta, stuff is bound to be imbalanced. What I can say, though, is that Zerg certainly got more than any other race. The new mid-tier units change how zerg is played quite drastically, where Terran and Protoss are largely the same right now.
I'd like to see Protoss having a much superior technology balanced with much superior cost in gas, minerals and building time. Races are not different enough, units too balanced in strength.
They actually do. There's a HOTS custom map out right now on the ice map that blizz had in their battle report, and mech actually looks like a very viable option that can easily take on late game armies. Widow mines actually rape, each one does 200 damage and they can easily be reactor factoried out, warhounds actually passively kill immortals and colossus which is insane, and battle hellions don't melt like hellions used to.
That is correct, the core is not a unit, but I didn't say that. I said they changed the mother ship, by making you have to get the core, which has its own set of abilitys, before you can get it. They just changed one of the units from each race, being the mothership, ultralisk, and hellion. And as for terran being OP, that mostly just personal opinion, because some people say toss is OP, others say its terran, and lots of people are saying the new zerg units are OP.
swarm hosts and vipers will be very deadly together, but the tempests and oricals together will be very strong as well, 22 range and a unit that can give you visibility of an area, sounds like a win to me, not to mention the possibilities of a cloaked cannon wall with a purifier backing it up
Maybe the balance isn't exactly up to snuff, but they'll work at that. What I would like to say is that these units are fucking awesome, just really great concepts that will make Starcraft 2 even more fun to play and especially watch, esportswise.
I understand what you mean, but against a Terran with a lot of Siege Tanks they can be quite useful, same thing against a Zerg with a lot of Brood Lords, the armies are so immobile, so with Tempest you can easily pick important units off before engaging.
How can you feel the power of the warhound through a 10 second demonstration? I played the HOTS alpha version at MLG aniheim and the warhound completely demolishes any mechanical unit. To give you an idea of its power, it costs around 150 minerals 75 gas and is capable of killing 2 stalkers and surviving.
i didn t say they where offensive air units, btw a drop is not an offensive use of medivac? i meant stargate tech as the equivalent of starport. raven is used for PD drone especially since the last buff and they can do banshee harassment. stargate however is never used in PvT because none of the units it makes are viable in that match-up. Terrans already have everything they need in air, protoss needed a way to force engagement in late game and do consistent harassment.
I actually think a lot of these new units are aimed at zerg, who, in the current meta, usually take a fast 3rd before going to a lair. Because of all the invis and flying units, I think this will force them to start a lair off of 2 bases instead of after the 3rd is started for spires and overseers.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Apparently the dictionary or source I used approximately one year ago to find the difference between stupidity and foolishness was incorrect. They are... synonymous...
no, in options, even now before its relesed, you can chose between heart of the swarm multi play or regular. so the new units wont be seen in regular multi play for people without the expansion
They do splash damage, the last time I looked. So against mass mutas who are clustered up, Tempest is really devastating. And its range makes it a flying Siege Tank for Toss, although it does not have that much firepower.
Tempests don't cost that much, right now they ost 300 minerals and 300 gas, so 2 Tempests would be 600 minerals and 600 gas. And these Tempests can deal with Siege Tanks and other important units to give you an advantage, you can keep them from just A-moving with Force Fields if you want to. If you really want to see Tempests in action, there are HotS matches casted by Day[9] and Rob Simpson, they've proved to be quite useful there. But what do I know, I haven't played the Beta :)
Actually, if I remember correctly Blizzard said each "expansion" would be a standalone, so I am guessing you would pay full price for it, unless they changed their original plan. However, they said that each "expansion" would be a complete game by itself so technically they can be considered a "Separate" game.
군단의 심장에서 테란만 유난히 유닛들이 대거 교체되는 일이 많았는데 테란에는 분쇄기,투견이 있는데 분쇄기는 정지 모드에서 방사선을 뿜어내 공중과 지상에 범위 공격을 가하나 이동 모드에서나 아군 유닛이 해당 범위 내에 들어오면 공격을 멈춘다고 한다.하지만 당연히 짤렸고 결국 노바 비밀 작전에서 파괴 드론으로 재활용이 되었습니다. 투견은 골리앗을 계승할 유닛으로 지상 및 공중까지 다재다능한데 그 이유는 투견의 특수 기술인 폭주 미사일이 있어서 왠만한 유닛들을 전부 녹여버리는데 역시나 짤리고 대신에 캠페인 유닛으로 나오는데 당연히 적군 유닛으로만 나온다. 그래서 교체된것이 바로 땅거미 지뢰 와 화염 기갑병으로 땅거미 지뢰는 땅에 숨어서 접근하는 적들을 감시 미사일로 없애버리는 게릴라 전 유닛으로 다행히도 캠페인에는 안나왔다. 화염 기갑병은 화염차를 바이킹 처럼 변신할수있게 업그레이드한 유닛으로 때마침 화염방사병의 빈자리를 대체하기 위해 추가된듯하다. 프로토스는 딱히 삭제된 유닛이 복제자 뿐인데 복제자는 말 그대로 상대유닛을 복제하는 유닛이라서 결국 벨런스 붕괴가 될것같아서 삭제되었다가 공허의 유산에서 분열기로 정화자소속 유닛으로 재활용됩니다. 모선핵은 모선의 실용성이 없어서 교체된 유닛이지만 오히려 모선핵이 실용성이 없어서 결국 다시 모선으로 회귀하고 모선핵이 삭제되었습니다. 저그는 딱히 변경된게 울트라리스크의 점복 돌진은 캠페인에서만 사용할수있게 변경 되었습니다. 군단의 심장의 주역은 저그라서 딱히 변경된 점이 없다.대신에 캠페인에서는 케리건이 인간으로 되돌아오는 바람에 타락귀를 생산할수 없게 됩니다.
Everyone's complaining but if you look at the gameplay casted by day nine you can see once you adjust to the changes they seem pretty balanced blizzard always comes through in the end even if it takes forever I think they are doing a really great job and I can't wait to get HOTS
They have already said, multiple times, they are not going to charge that high. It will be priced as an expansion. So it is gonna be more like 45 bucks. And before a year is out most likely down to 30 something. And I am fine with them adding new units. It switches up game play, and makes for new strategies.
I think what Blizzard was trying to showcase there was how the new Zerg army worked as a whole. Banes were able to attack without dying only because of the blinding clouds
I know it's not released yet but the different unit abilities seem to give the other two races an upper hand. Protoss and Zerg units have abilities that rely on skill and less on damage output. The Terran units seem to rely more on damage. Overall, there seems to be greater plasticity for the other 2 race units in terms of roles and strategy. Maybe Blizzard has balanced this but from this video alone, it's difficult to see how. (I'm not complaining but showing how this might lead to it)
although i wish they didn't remove it, i heard that the replicant was removed because rather than diversifying gameplay, players would just chose not to create certain units out of fear of them being copied.
Agreed, based on the HOTS gameplay im seeing, Terran has nothing to bring to the battle. Vikings may be able to stem the vipers but with swarm host/Upgraded hydra/evolved ultra combo, and throw in Vipers, zerg becomes unstoppable. Toss will gain an edge with superior range on the tempest and the eco disruption ability of the oracle. Also with the cloak ability and mothership core, toss overall can be formidable. Like i said though, i think Zerg has the best build coming into HOTS.
This would be very hard to do in earl stages due to very high resource costs and in the mid-late game you will have more powerful units to destroy the barriers quickly.
I have no doubt that Blizzard will make everything balanced, but being a Terran and seeing this video Zerg and Protoss seem to have the upper hand in almost every battle situation other than in the beginning. Late game on the other hand, the only way to win would be 200 unit of vikings or Battlecruisers it seems
Massive units should be invulnerable to the viper's abduct funtion. I mean, a huge colossus being snatched by a little viper? Looking forward to all new stuff!
Siege Tanks must AT LEAST get significantly more range now with THREE new units spesifically designed to counter it. Heck I say give them anti air ability too.
It seems like the Tempest is a Protoss version of the Guardian - whether they need something like that is another story. I see the potential for lots of interesting usage of widow mines and vipers, though!
if u looked at his impressions he said he disliked the protoss new unit cause they're still gonna go deathball there's no variation it just makes deathball even stronger. and if u seriously think giving an earlier cloaking field isn't op compared to the other new units then there's no need talking.
don´t forget they have at least removed the protoss copy unit and all of them seem balance in this update, it didn´t even mention the thor change making the thor incredibly powerfull but more expensive and only one
That being said, the Oracle and Viper units are going to add a really cool new dimension to Starcraft that I think it desperately needs. And Terran is better at beating stuff. Woo.
Of course the queen can get away quick enough as the hatch will always have creep by it. Also if the queen was anywhere near the drones chances are the drones will be targeted as there is more of em
Even if they changed it to only target air units, colossi would still get hit by them because anti air units can even hit them because of how big they are, so this change would only make the Protoss players complain about how it can grab their unit and not Terran's
Well Terran now have Shredder instead of Widow Mind so it will be a lot more useful, Plus I think they got rid of Orbit's cloak ability which I was really looking forward to.
Looking at the preview of the core in this vid ( 0:38 ) it seems like the stalkers it two-shotted were already damaged by the opponent's stalkers. Oops. Still, it seems to deal enough damage to 3-4 shot stalkers - the attacking stalkers on the left side had only been hit once or twice at most, and were three-shotted by the core. Of course, it doesn't really matter since this is a point of balance and will probably be changed before or after release.
protoss has mass recall now you can pressure zerg early game for free since you cant lose your army they even show you,the biggest weakness of protoss is that deathball is very slow
I'm thinking... I'm thinking... all of them look good to me. (Not counting PvT as I'm zerg) I'm a bit concerned about the new toss air, but if hydras still get that speed boost, then all should be dandy. I've long felt that Terran is OP due to siege tanks and marines, but Zerg can get through that now, granted enough firepower will be needed to kill those battle hellions. Aside from the $40 price tag that Blizz will probably put on it, LOOKS GREAT!!
If you paid attention you would notice they did not insta kill them, they were hit with fungal growth first, if a charge didnt kill them after that I would be sorely dissapointed.
Ya i feel the same way, Ive been playing toss since beta so im sure ill have enough tricks up my sleeve for a come back when toss gets the right buff. I just dont like commiting to air for these new units bc if that gets shut down early, its very inconvenient to go twilight or robo. Even if i manage to get enough bases running to support it, it still puts me behind ups due to the late tech switch. ill rather follow a linear progression of tech like terran or adaptability of zerg.
not quite - they can make it more expensive so that you can use PER ENGAGEMENT, like EMP with ghosts - its very effective but you can use it like twice per game.
I dont think so. Terran got the battle hellion, (Which is just a new version of an already current unit.) the warhound, and the widow mines. In total, 2 new units, and one changed unit. The protoss get the oracle, the tempest, and the mother ship core, which is just a change to another current unit. Finally zerg get the Swarm host, the Viper, and The ultralisk, the last current unit to get a new ability. so in total, every rase gets 2 new units and one unit is changed.
maybe its just me, but i can see a well played zerg being extremely difficult to counter with these new units. you'll really have to be on your toes managing your units or its gg. and the protoss entomb ability is really interesting. that'll definitely turn the tides in a close match
I factored in the fleet beacon. It doesn't matter if your killed 2 of my siege tanks, I'll just a-move my thor(to smash force fields) warhound hellion army into your base and smash your small army. 600/600/12 supply is a big deal believe it or not. The battle reports proved my point exactly: protoss was almost never able to win a straight up fight. In the PvZ report toss won because he had colossi and oracles, in the PvT protoss lost because he had no way to kill that mobile terran mech ball.
It’s nice watching this in 2019 and seeing how the units used to look like and how they look like now.
The lack of warhound saddens me. Such a cool unit
@@eiplays2768 it would have only taken them just lower its damage and attack rate to balance it.
Or just bring the goliath back.
It's fascinating how things change as much in design and ideas from the Beta to the actual game. It's like a movie, they polish the original thoughts little by little.
I'm assuming they took out the ultralisk charge because it was so op
ShadowViking47 yeah why would they ever make ultralisk good enough that someone might actually use it? Lol
Actually I think they removed the ability because it didn't always result in desired behavior - sometimes it knocked away units that the ultralisk was already having issues catching up to, allowing them to resume kiting. On paper, it was a cool idea, but in practice it was just a weird, somewhat unpredictable ability in a big pitched battle.
@@ZC.Andrew most likely, I'm happy with the speed upgrade. granted, they're still worthless in most scenarios
@@simunator yeah. They are. They can serve as deal-sealers when Zerg is already ahead, or sometimes as damage soakers against bio that is too heavy on Marines. But in most cases they"re just capitalizing on a specific situation, and have a niche role. Overall, their derpiness still keeps them from being solid choices in many games. It's a little sad. At least they're better than they were in HOTS though!
did you see the video? It was not only the charge but also killed all units in that area lol of course its too op
they took out half what is shown in vid, fyi
Its been 3 years since this comment, and only 20% of what's shown in this video is still in the game.
I don't count the Swarm Host either, since its been redesigned so thoroughly its basically just a different unit entirely that uses the same model. A lot of the units shown that ARE still in the game have undergone drastic redesigns.
@@Vaprous and I thought oracles were cancer in their current state
"Protoss nerf at its finest"-Mr. Future
Why the mothership core changed from a mothership to a ball
You guys are getting mothership core?
New units:
0:34 Mothership Core
0:59 Oracle
1:30 Tempest
2:11 Battle Hellion
2:24 Warhound
2:38 Widow Mine
3:19 Swarm Host
3:39 Viper
4:04 Ultralisk
+BBspike100 but there is something , i only buy the original starcraft 2 i didn buy heart of swarm and when i go online i can found these units on my army and i able to use them and i didn buy heart of swarm how ??l
omar sameh you can use them only when "Vs AI" or "Arcade"
BBspike100 no dude i check online and can't found them it was just miss understand
I'll be honest, I think it was a mistake to include so many units focused on harassment. Starcraft is at its most fun when there are huge battles between armies, not when you give up because your opponent destroyed your entire mineral line.
Biggest mistake was that and the reliance on banes/widow mines/disruptors. The blink and your entire army disappears mechanic is not fun
@@hangover89what happened to these new units, same with the legacy of the void units?
how come the never actually implemented the war hound???
I remember them saying it overlapped its role with Marauders too well. In my personal opinion, it was also this massive health pool they have, made them hard to kill, in some instances.
Whenever I see the Swarm Host, I get vibes of Wolf Spiders. The similarities? Well, what other creature on Earth carries it's kids on its back?
There adding it in lotv, prob because it didn't work with the campaign or they didn't know what could counter it.
+merf masters because the only targeted mechanical units... which makes it extremely dangerous for protoss since all units are mechanical (except zealots and the templars) but completely useless to zerg which they have no mechanical units.
Samuel James Not to mention that Warhounds also weren't quite as versatile as other units. If I'd use any word to describe the Warhound, it's "specialized"; and specialized is not a good word to use for any Terran unit. The Terrans are meant to be flexible and ready for whatever gets thrown at them. Terran units meant for specific tasks (such as being an "anti-mechanical unit") stick out like sore thumbs.
To this day, this is one of the most epic intros Blizzard has ever made. Just the way they show the units combined with the music, nerdchills for sure.
Its so funny how everyone just thinks that terran got by far the bad end of this update but now everyone is just complaining about widowmines everywhere and hellbat all ins :D
2021 check-in, widow mines are still everywhere
Literally they changed/took out one thing from each race. War hound,ultra list charge and clocking on the oracle.
and all of those abilities only for campaing mode....
U dont even need to kill the workers just entomb the mineral line then it would deal much economy damage that does not even need any skill.
Oh. My. God.
That strategy sounds so dirty that it could only be Protoss. Lmao
funny how half the content has been removed by now
That mothership core should have kept its aesthetic the same because it looks sick
I've been watching evenmore recent pro streams, and I can't really say zerg is too powerful, plus it's a beta, stuff is bound to be imbalanced.
What I can say, though, is that Zerg certainly got more than any other race. The new mid-tier units change how zerg is played quite drastically, where Terran and Protoss are largely the same right now.
I'd like to see Protoss having a much superior technology balanced with much superior cost in gas, minerals and building time. Races are not different enough, units too balanced in strength.
They actually do. There's a HOTS custom map out right now on the ice map that blizz had in their battle report, and mech actually looks like a very viable option that can easily take on late game armies. Widow mines actually rape, each one does 200 damage and they can easily be reactor factoried out, warhounds actually passively kill immortals and colossus which is insane, and battle hellions don't melt like hellions used to.
Wow, Widow Mines have Terror Drone-like behavior.
Completely IMBA
Yo why did they remove the burrow charge from Ultralisks? People might've actually made them without purposefully throwing the game.
Oracles broke this game. Did Blizzard ever wonder why half the player base left after the introduction of that unit??
DAVID KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is correct, the core is not a unit, but I didn't say that. I said they changed the mother ship, by making you have to get the core, which has its own set of abilitys, before you can get it. They just changed one of the units from each race, being the mothership, ultralisk, and hellion. And as for terran being OP, that mostly just personal opinion, because some people say toss is OP, others say its terran, and lots of people are saying the new zerg units are OP.
It´s so fun to see how different these units are in 2013 :)
Even funnier in 2020!
Required Fixes (IMO)-
Swarm host- increase locust spawn rate
Tempest- increase rate of fire
Widow mine- increase cost, decrease its damage
swarm hosts and vipers will be very deadly together, but the tempests and oricals together will be very strong as well, 22 range and a unit that can give you visibility of an area, sounds like a win to me, not to mention the possibilities of a cloaked cannon wall with a purifier backing it up
Now is the best time to argue because they are developing the units and trying to get as many inputs as possible to balance the game.
Maybe the balance isn't exactly up to snuff, but they'll work at that. What I would like to say is that these units are fucking awesome, just really great concepts that will make Starcraft 2 even more fun to play and especially watch, esportswise.
Temporarily gives the mothership core a photon-cannon-like attack that can apparently 2-shot stalkers. It also seems to do splash damage.
this will make battle's even more interresting. but i need to admit, the new units and the updates for the old one are impressive!
I understand what you mean, but against a Terran with a lot of Siege Tanks they can be quite useful, same thing against a Zerg with a lot of Brood Lords, the armies are so immobile, so with Tempest you can easily pick important units off before engaging.
How can you feel the power of the warhound through a 10 second demonstration? I played the HOTS alpha version at MLG aniheim and the warhound completely demolishes any mechanical unit. To give you an idea of its power, it costs around 150 minerals 75 gas and is capable of killing 2 stalkers and surviving.
i didn t say they where offensive air units, btw a drop is not an offensive use of medivac? i meant stargate tech as the equivalent of starport. raven is used for PD drone especially since the last buff and they can do banshee harassment. stargate however is never used in PvT because none of the units it makes are viable in that match-up. Terrans already have everything they need in air, protoss needed a way to force engagement in late game and do consistent harassment.
I actually think a lot of these new units are aimed at zerg, who, in the current meta, usually take a fast 3rd before going to a lair. Because of all the invis and flying units, I think this will force them to start a lair off of 2 bases instead of after the 3rd is started for spires and overseers.
You vuys know that this video only shows snippits of the units. We cant say one race is overpowered yet until we get the chance to play them :D
I agree, Carriers shuoldn't be removed, they're actually really good against Zerg late game right now. They should just buff it and let it stay.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Apparently the dictionary or source I used approximately one year ago to find the difference between stupidity and foolishness was incorrect. They are... synonymous...
these exact thoughts crossed my mind as well.
no, in options, even now before its relesed, you can chose between heart of the swarm multi play or regular. so the new units wont be seen in regular multi play for people without the expansion
They do splash damage, the last time I looked. So against mass mutas who are clustered up, Tempest is really devastating. And its range makes it a flying Siege Tank for Toss, although it does not have that much firepower.
Tempests don't cost that much, right now they ost 300 minerals and 300 gas, so 2 Tempests would be 600 minerals and 600 gas.
And these Tempests can deal with Siege Tanks and other important units to give you an advantage, you can keep them from just A-moving with Force Fields if you want to.
If you really want to see Tempests in action, there are HotS matches casted by Day[9] and Rob Simpson, they've proved to be quite useful there.
But what do I know, I haven't played the Beta :)
Actually, if I remember correctly Blizzard said each "expansion" would be a standalone, so I am guessing you would pay full price for it, unless they changed their original plan. However, they said that each "expansion" would be a complete game by itself so technically they can be considered a "Separate" game.
군단의 심장에서 테란만 유난히 유닛들이 대거 교체되는 일이 많았는데 테란에는 분쇄기,투견이 있는데 분쇄기는 정지 모드에서 방사선을 뿜어내 공중과 지상에 범위 공격을 가하나 이동 모드에서나 아군 유닛이 해당 범위 내에 들어오면 공격을 멈춘다고 한다.하지만 당연히 짤렸고 결국 노바 비밀 작전에서 파괴 드론으로 재활용이 되었습니다.
투견은 골리앗을 계승할 유닛으로 지상 및 공중까지 다재다능한데 그 이유는 투견의 특수 기술인 폭주 미사일이 있어서 왠만한 유닛들을 전부 녹여버리는데 역시나 짤리고 대신에 캠페인 유닛으로 나오는데 당연히 적군 유닛으로만 나온다.
그래서 교체된것이 바로 땅거미 지뢰 와 화염 기갑병으로 땅거미 지뢰는 땅에 숨어서 접근하는 적들을 감시 미사일로 없애버리는 게릴라 전 유닛으로 다행히도 캠페인에는 안나왔다.
화염 기갑병은 화염차를 바이킹 처럼 변신할수있게 업그레이드한 유닛으로 때마침 화염방사병의 빈자리를 대체하기 위해 추가된듯하다.
프로토스는 딱히 삭제된 유닛이 복제자 뿐인데 복제자는 말 그대로 상대유닛을 복제하는 유닛이라서 결국 벨런스 붕괴가 될것같아서 삭제되었다가 공허의 유산에서 분열기로 정화자소속 유닛으로 재활용됩니다.
모선핵은 모선의 실용성이 없어서 교체된 유닛이지만 오히려 모선핵이 실용성이 없어서 결국 다시 모선으로 회귀하고 모선핵이 삭제되었습니다.
저그는 딱히 변경된게 울트라리스크의 점복 돌진은 캠페인에서만 사용할수있게 변경 되었습니다.
군단의 심장의 주역은 저그라서 딱히 변경된 점이 없다.대신에 캠페인에서는 케리건이 인간으로 되돌아오는 바람에 타락귀를 생산할수 없게 됩니다.
Everyone's complaining but if you look at the gameplay casted by day nine you can see once you adjust to the changes they seem pretty balanced blizzard always comes through in the end even if it takes forever I think they are doing a really great job and I can't wait to get HOTS
Hey Bernard. I didn't know you had a RUclips page. Oh, and this is Canaan.
They have already said, multiple times, they are not going to charge that high. It will be priced as an expansion. So it is gonna be more like 45 bucks. And before a year is out most likely down to 30 something.
And I am fine with them adding new units.
It switches up game play, and makes for new strategies.
It's amazing how Blizzard managed to cherry-pick only the most intense few seconds from each HotS soundtrack to make the background music.
I think what Blizzard was trying to showcase there was how the new Zerg army worked as a whole. Banes were able to attack without dying only because of the blinding clouds
The viper thing and the tempest both cost A LOT most likely more than the tank so if you get that down the opponent loses more resources.
some of these are in the campaign you can use some of them in the campaign and fight some of them
Protoss Imba just got a whole new meaning lol!
Multiplayer refers to non-campaign gameplay. For example, you vs. ai still counts as multiplayer (it's pvp, just one player isn't a real human).
Tempest was balanced recently with a waaaay slower fire rate, almost double a seiged seige tank. Voids/pheonix's will still rule the air for protoss.
I know it's not released yet but the different unit abilities seem to give the other two races an upper hand. Protoss and Zerg units have abilities that rely on skill and less on damage output. The Terran units seem to rely more on damage. Overall, there seems to be greater plasticity for the other 2 race units in terms of roles and strategy. Maybe Blizzard has balanced this but from this video alone, it's difficult to see how. (I'm not complaining but showing how this might lead to it)
although i wish they didn't remove it, i heard that the replicant was removed because rather than diversifying gameplay, players would just chose not to create certain units out of fear of them being copied.
good to see that so long needed zerg buff has been implemented
Oracle was amazing back then
Why’d they cut the Warhound from multiplayer?
cyclone replaces it
Agreed, based on the HOTS gameplay im seeing, Terran has nothing to bring to the battle. Vikings may be able to stem the vipers but with swarm host/Upgraded hydra/evolved ultra combo, and throw in Vipers, zerg becomes unstoppable.
Toss will gain an edge with superior range on the tempest and the eco disruption ability of the oracle. Also with the cloak ability and mothership core, toss overall can be formidable. Like i said though, i think Zerg has the best build coming into HOTS.
This would be very hard to do in earl stages due to very high resource costs and in the mid-late game you will have more powerful units to destroy the barriers quickly.
I have no doubt that Blizzard will make everything balanced, but being a Terran and seeing this video Zerg and Protoss seem to have the upper hand in almost every battle situation other than in the beginning. Late game on the other hand, the only way to win would be 200 unit of vikings or Battlecruisers it seems
man this is gonna make me play protoss more often
Wow Starcraft has improved heaps O_O
out of all the races the most op new units have to be the toss one's I mean Toss is next level now
Massive units should be invulnerable to the viper's abduct funtion. I mean, a huge colossus being snatched by a little viper? Looking forward to all new stuff!
Siege Tanks must AT LEAST get significantly more range now with THREE new units spesifically designed to counter it. Heck I say give them anti air ability too.
It seems like the Tempest is a Protoss version of the Guardian - whether they need something like that is another story. I see the potential for lots of interesting usage of widow mines and vipers, though!
if u looked at his impressions he said he disliked the protoss new unit cause they're still gonna go deathball there's no variation it just makes deathball even stronger. and if u seriously think giving an earlier cloaking field isn't op compared to the other new units then there's no need talking.
Ah, that's true. Might risk leaving you a bit exposed, but at that stage of the tech tree you should have other forms of defence available.
yeah i noticed that one too, terran will have to figure out a good strategy to defend against all of that.
don´t forget they have at least removed the protoss copy unit and all of them seem balance in this update, it didn´t even mention the thor change making the thor incredibly powerfull but more expensive and only one
SC3 or SC4 is going to make it mainstream with live action games on ESPN
Tempest look so damn OP.
kinda flying version of siege tank
That being said, the Oracle and Viper units are going to add a really cool new dimension to Starcraft that I think it desperately needs. And Terran is better at beating stuff. Woo.
the metagame in TvZ for terran wont be mass bio tanks, it will change to mech, so dont worry. banelings wont be used too much :)
Of course the queen can get away quick enough as the hatch will always have creep by it. Also if the queen was anywhere near the drones chances are the drones will be targeted as there is more of em
Even if they changed it to only target air units, colossi would still get hit by them because anti air units can even hit them because of how big they are, so this change would only make the Protoss players complain about how it can grab their unit and not Terran's
Did any one noticed that when the ultras did their charge, the marines had fungal growth on them?
Nobodes Marines have like 45 HP.Fungal deals like 10-15dmg?So ultras charge deals around 30 dmg.They just did it to look like oneshoot ultra kill.
Vipers are pretty expensive, it would be hard to make so many of them also consider unit cap
4v4 shenanigans just got a whole lot more shenaniganserer
Well Terran now have Shredder instead of Widow Mind so it will be a lot more useful, Plus I think they got rid of Orbit's cloak ability which I was really looking forward to.
i rly like the swarm host he could be used rly defensively like the lurkers were :'( i miss them
Looking at the preview of the core in this vid ( 0:38 ) it seems like the stalkers it two-shotted were already damaged by the opponent's stalkers. Oops. Still, it seems to deal enough damage to 3-4 shot stalkers - the attacking stalkers on the left side had only been hit once or twice at most, and were three-shotted by the core.
Of course, it doesn't really matter since this is a point of balance and will probably be changed before or after release.
Toss is going to be so OP. Let's throw balance out the window blizz.
Woo, those Tempests look OP'ed.
protoss has mass recall now you can pressure zerg early game for free since you cant lose your army
they even show you,the biggest weakness of protoss is that deathball is very slow
I'm thinking... I'm thinking... all of them look good to me. (Not counting PvT as I'm zerg) I'm a bit concerned about the new toss air, but if hydras still get that speed boost, then all should be dandy. I've long felt that Terran is OP due to siege tanks and marines, but Zerg can get through that now, granted enough firepower will be needed to kill those battle hellions. Aside from the $40 price tag that Blizz will probably put on it, LOOKS GREAT!!
If you paid attention you would notice they did not insta kill them, they were hit with fungal growth first, if a charge didnt kill them after that I would be sorely dissapointed.
Ya i feel the same way, Ive been playing toss since beta so im sure ill have enough tricks up my sleeve for a come back when toss gets the right buff. I just dont like commiting to air for these new units bc if that gets shut down early, its very inconvenient to go twilight or robo. Even if i manage to get enough bases running to support it, it still puts me behind ups due to the late tech switch. ill rather follow a linear progression of tech like terran or adaptability of zerg.
that also means u need to keep at least 1 of those "more powerful units" in each of your bases
can't wait for HoTS comes out
well, the oracle can cloac all units around it, that's devastating if used right
Its alright to show concern as long as the concerns are legit and fair.
This is the come back of the protoss once more!
not quite - they can make it more expensive so that you can use PER ENGAGEMENT, like EMP with ghosts - its very effective but you can use it like twice per game.
Who said they were insects. Perhaps each swarm host has a natural quantum folding mechanism inside of it, allowing for almost infinite locusts.
I dont think so. Terran got the battle hellion, (Which is just a new version of an already current unit.) the warhound, and the widow mines. In total, 2 new units, and one changed unit. The protoss get the oracle, the tempest, and the mother ship core, which is just a change to another current unit. Finally zerg get the Swarm host, the Viper, and The ultralisk, the last current unit to get a new ability. so in total, every rase gets 2 new units and one unit is changed.
maybe its just me, but i can see a well played zerg being extremely difficult to counter with these new units. you'll really have to be on your toes managing your units or its gg. and the protoss entomb ability is really interesting. that'll definitely turn the tides in a close match
I factored in the fleet beacon.
It doesn't matter if your killed 2 of my siege tanks, I'll just a-move my thor(to smash force fields) warhound hellion army into your base and smash your small army. 600/600/12 supply is a big deal believe it or not. The battle reports proved my point exactly: protoss was almost never able to win a straight up fight. In the PvZ report toss won because he had colossi and oracles, in the PvT protoss lost because he had no way to kill that mobile terran mech ball.
Can't believe they took out burrow charge