The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Female Voice, Audio Book

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother country.
    He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.
    For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt, from approximately 52,000 B.C. to 36,000 B.C. At that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization.
    Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America. When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people.

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @skellingtongaming9934
    @skellingtongaming9934 6 лет назад +422

    09:43 T2 The Halls of Amenti
    20:28 T3 The Key of Wisdom
    30:08 T4 The Space Born
    39:19 T5 The Dweller of Unal
    49:40 T6 The Key of Magic
    59:45 t7 The Seven Lords
    01:08:56 T8 The Key of Mystery
    01:18:29 T9 The Key of Freedom of Space
    01:28:21 T10 The Key of Time
    01:38:21 T11 The Key to Above and Below
    01:48:12 T12 The Key of Prophecy
    01:56:24 T13 The Keys of Life and Death

    • @ronwysocki6608
      @ronwysocki6608 6 лет назад

      hihi in ex

    • @simonhoskisson5170
      @simonhoskisson5170 6 лет назад +9

      hihi I have yet to be acquainted with the help of my friend yet to receive your free gifts for eternity b immensely appreciated 👂

    • @TeriB
      @TeriB 6 лет назад +8

      hihi thy thanketh thee for thy wisdom on the chapter points. 👏

    • @markrichards4263
      @markrichards4263 6 лет назад +6

      Thank You -

    • @astar4all
      @astar4all 6 лет назад +5

      Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

  • @christophersimcik5933
    @christophersimcik5933 4 года назад +71

    This is the 4th or 5th time that I've listened to this audio book and what's so interesting and fascinating to me is the fact that the further I get into my spiritual journey or awakening the more and more I'm understanding the reading. My best advice to anyone else who was having trouble understanding the tablets is to definitely just keep listening and stick with it because once it finally clicks it's truly an amazing experience and revelation!!!
    LOVE>HATE 🙏🤘💪

    • @TheAGODAMI
      @TheAGODAMI 3 года назад +3

      🎯 👍 💡 💯 🔑 **ThanKs.!*

    • @OzarksAlphaBullyz
      @OzarksAlphaBullyz 3 года назад +5

      Both this and the kybalion, I feel like I realize a deeper innerstanding every time I read/listen to them!

    • @flybynytt
      @flybynytt 3 года назад +3

      @@OzarksAlphaBullyz Yes.... The Kyballion. May I suggest "The finding of the third eye" by Vera Stanly Alder read by Josh Reeves.

    • @clab3171
      @clab3171 7 месяцев назад

      Completely agree

    • @mochapella
      @mochapella 3 месяца назад

      100 times must one read, indeed

  • @oneconciousness2248
    @oneconciousness2248 7 лет назад +422

    I think there is a global awakening happening now. I don't fully understand yet. I accept it and feel it and its devine and pretty cool too! Im young to this. I began my awakening just 3days ago, yet here I am.Hearing the word of T . All of the words resonate and full meaning will come in time.. I send love to anyone on their journey.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад +24

      The journey is quiet amazing, and I'm glad it led you here. Enjoy my friend!

    • @007kennedy3
      @007kennedy3 7 лет назад +18

      And the truth shall set you free...

    • @thabesttheris
      @thabesttheris 7 лет назад +20

      Listen to the voice inside your head don't ignore it. It is the key to truth in the universe.

    • @evanrooney5903
      @evanrooney5903 6 лет назад +16

      I'm 16 and awakening keep it up guys the people in government will be gone in no time

    • @oscargomez9205
      @oscargomez9205 6 лет назад

      Last Ronin what voice... Let's be real here.

  • @guybetts1811
    @guybetts1811 4 года назад +9

    I can’t tell you how much these spoken scriptures have helped me over the last few years. I’ve been on a spiritual journey and your soothing voice speaking these words have helped calm my soul and become a better person. Thank you for what you have done and will do. God bless.

  • @Cantetinza17
    @Cantetinza17 7 лет назад +161

    I haven't been able to read the book, so being able to listen while I drive or do chores around the house is awesome! Thank You.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад +11

      You're so very welcome, makes doing chores that much better I guess! Thanks for listening.

    • @TeriB
      @TeriB 6 лет назад +5

      Cantetinza17 I was just thinking that while I powered thru my squats. Great audio book 👍

    • @I_Am_Indeed_The_Free_1
      @I_Am_Indeed_The_Free_1 6 лет назад +1

      While the audio is welcomed, the reading provides so much more. Find the time to read it a couple of times. Then use the audio as a refresher.

    • @mushroommike406
      @mushroommike406 5 лет назад +2

      @@I_Am_Indeed_The_Free_1 what language was the original

    • @king1rd
      @king1rd 5 лет назад +1

      So who has a light ship?

  • @bridecolbourne1305
    @bridecolbourne1305 5 лет назад +12

    When I hear The Emerald Tablets I’m filled with such joy ,my heart fills !
    I don’t want it to end🙏🏻❤️

  • @nicholassnowman4346
    @nicholassnowman4346 Год назад +7

    I've listened to this and have read the book over 1000 times. I'am one with infinity even so I grow more every time I hear this or read the book.

  • @larrywilliams8505
    @larrywilliams8505 6 лет назад +117

    This needs to be made into a film Showing the life of Thoth ,Atlantis ,and kem and amenti

    • @jamesglass3278
      @jamesglass3278 5 лет назад +1

      Pa ver otros usos d'esti términu, Mente (dixebra).
      Les ciencies cognitives: teoríes esplicatives en redol a les funciones de la mente, encefálicamente incorporaes, en suxetos sociu-comunicativamente venceyaos.
      La mente ye'l conxuntu de facultaes cognitives ( i.y., mentales) que engloban procesos como la perceición, el pensamientu, la conciencia, la memoria, etc., dalgunes de les cualos son carauterístiques del humanu y otres son compartíes con otres formes de vida. Esti conxuntu de procesos tien de ser estremáu de los estaos mentales, tales como los deseos, la sensación de dolor o les creencies, que son instancies, tipos o exemplos de dichos procesos.[1]
      A lo llargo de la hestoria esti conceutu de mente foi concebíu como: ontológicamente en distintes categoríes (como una sustanza distinto del cuerpu, una parte, un procesu, o una propiedá).[2][3] Sicasí, les concepciones dominantes actuales, dambes materialistes, se engloban na teoría de la identidá mente-celebru y el funcionalismu.
      La mente ye concebida o tratada como tres tipos de procesos: los conscientes, los inconscientes y los procedimentales. Dellos científicos suxuren la idea de que la mente ye un resultáu de l'actividá del celebru, por poder alcontrar ciertos procesos del individuu en rexones concretes, tales como'l hipocampu, que los sos daños impliquen un dañu nel procesu de la memoria.[4] Sicasí, la cuestión nun foi atayada, en parte debíu al fechu de que la mente como categoría engloba distintos procesos y estaos, y acotar la naturaleza d'unu d'ellos nun implica a la de toos.
      Como oxetu d'estudiu, la mente foi tratada pola psicoloxía dende los sos entamos, y el so conceptualización ta presente en casi toles teoríes psicolóxiques.

    • @jamesglass3278
      @jamesglass3278 5 лет назад +2

      Mente or Amente or MIND... The mind and conxuntu of cognitive ( iy , mental) faculties that encompass processes such as perception , thought , consciousness , memory , etc., some of which are characteristics of the humanu and others are shared with other forms of life . These processes have a tendency to be mental states , such as desires , the sensation of pain or beliefs , which are instances, types or examples of such processes. [one]
      Along the lines of the story, it is conceived of mind foi conceived as: ontologically in distinct categories (such as a substance other than the body, a part, a process, or a propiedá). [2] [3] Sicasí, the current dominant conceptions, materialistic dambes, are encompassed by the theory of mind-celebru identity and functionalism .
      The mind is conceived or treated as three types of processes: the conscious, the unconscious and the procedural. Some scientists succumb to the idea that the mind is a result of l'actividá del celebru , by being able to find certain processes of the individual in concrete lines, such as the hippocampus , that the damage involves a damage to the memory process. [4] Sicasí, the issue was never tied, partly due to the fact that the mind as a category encompasses different processes and stages, and to limit the nature of one of them does not imply that of all.
      Like oxetu d'estudiu, the mind was treated with psychology in our minds, and the conceptualization is present in almost all psycho-theoretical theories.
      In psychology, it is common to shake the mind and celebrate , but the mind remains of the celebration. Sicasí, ta more overcome the discipline called philosophy of mind . Some scientists and philosophers argued that he held the necessary condition, but not for the mind, for the mind to perform their functions. By casu, Eccles , neurologist and Nobel laureate in Medicine , or Popper , philosopher of science. Anque with different postures, none of the two identifies the thought of the cerebral activity. [5]
      A materialistic position of the mind is that the mind is matter that analyzes the same mesma ( feedback of material systems). This is not a matter of course, matter passed from these chaotic states to these inorganic entamas, then to these organic ones, and finally it cries to analyze these current ones to mourn soces. The subject is introduced in self-regulated systems. An exemplu could be the dialectical materialism or also the reductive materialism of the hard sciences such as physics and chemistry.
      It should be noted that I never referred to the mind as the behavior of matter, or I referred to the mind as giving parallel and distinction to matter, but with its own consistency and ontological status . L'exemplu was more familiar with the duality established by René Descartes of a mind different from the body but joined to him: I thought, then I am . These diferencies are never minor, be careful that they open discussions such as do all animals have minds or only animals have humanu?
      In neurosciences, the mind can be considered a succinct experience created by cerebral activity in order to produce a point of reference for movement ( Rodolfo Llinás in " El celebru y el mitu del yo "). As an asin, the mind can be considered as another function of the celebra in charge of presenting the behavior against determined oxetives and which produces a succinct experience known as "I" around which the movement (conduct) is called. The mental function would be an emerging prophet of the celebru as the dixestive function being of the aparatu dixestivu.
      For Howard Gardner, the mind consists of no more specific specific computing mechanisms. The intelixence remains of the superstructure formed by mental structures. [6] The mental structures would be compliments or potential actions externalized in movement or internalized in thought . For Piaget, the elementary structure of knowledge and schema. He stressed the concrete operations of the formal., [7] which would depress three components of the mind:
      The concrete mind performs the basic processes of thinking: Observation, comparisons, relief, classification, which are the basis of the analysis-synthesis.
      The practical mind carries out directive and executive thought processes, relapses the causes of colos effeutos and means colos ends. It is the basis of intelixence and the metacomponents of the mesma such that Robert J. Sternberg calls them in the tri-archaic theory of intelixence .
      The astrated mind performs processes of conscious reflection, points to their own representations and modifying. The reason is the facultá top of knowledge and because the astraition of too el so conteníu. Asina was raised by Kant nel so Critique of pure reason .
      Ontogenesis of the mind
      Más información
      This article or section needs references qu'apaezan in an accredited publication , such as specialized journals, monographs, daily newspapers or reliable Internet pages.
      In general terms, it can be said that the mind was born in the moment qu'hai an assigned part of the celebration that had the potential to evaluate the general waste of the different rexones ( occipital lobe ), granting a priority based on the least emotional cost ( lobule) temporary ) or be able to reason the process or at least have the potential for faelo ( frontal lobe ). Planting: Dates
      The mind induces emotional behaviors that are subservient to the line of least suffering or that of libido ( cerebral tonsil ). Planting: Poro Dates , the nature of the celebru and the priority of the mind, will be a solution to a solution that benefits the greatest suffering . The unconscious mark of the behavioral pattern of too much that has a mind and defines the psyche based on emotional waste, which relies on energetic waste. The conscious part depends on the available energy, when we evaluate, we give an unconscious consultation to the unconscious, we rescue part of that information and we give an estimate as to whether or not we can enlist a xera. The drive or impulse appeared when you were an oxetivu that we value bonu. The unconscious and the conscious are different levels of influences on emotional-energetic resources: The redoubling and the body subject the mind to constant influences, depending on the influence of the process of integrating the information into the mind, this It will be treated as automatic processing and storage information ( unconscious ), as information of relative importance, dependent on other factors ( preconscious ) or as absolutely relevant information depending on the xera we are doing nesi momentu ( conscious ). [ need references ]
      The essence of mirror neurons gives the ability to feedback the information processed by other brain metabolic rexons, granting the power to project these data over time. This gives the humanu the ability to imagine and speculate possible futures or how to reduce unpleasant passages. Namái l'humanu would have the ability to re-feed his thoughts according to speculative data on how he could feel so asemeyu, based on how he feels and if he feels general and personal. Sicasí, the ability to predict the behavior of other agencies and act beyond them, and is essential for the survival of too much organismu that has the capacity to move voluntarily, as much attack as for the escape. [ need references ]
      The "I" humanu, goes beyond the purely physical welfare aspects. This is the basis of the theory of the mind , postulated by Roger Penrose , and that together with Stuart Hameroff they work together on how consciousness remains through quantum processes that interact with the finest element of quantum microbiology: the microtubule . [ need references ]

    • @jamesglass3278
      @jamesglass3278 5 лет назад

      Kem-the trunk of the wheel (will) or the shaft(CNS) to change the rotating motion into the upward, forward and backward motion. What is as above is as below.

    • @MelanatedRevelation
      @MelanatedRevelation 4 года назад

      Word fam

    • @scheduledmaintanence1616
      @scheduledmaintanence1616 4 года назад +2

      James Glass who are you?

  • @dmeingojohnson2570
    @dmeingojohnson2570 7 лет назад +116

    i was looking for a female voice before i listen to it.i was told in a dream to find this thank you

    @BRESHEET 4 года назад +16

    Thanks for this audiobook, it unsealed the Torah and the New Testament for me! 😘✌
    2:10:00 Revelations 4
    2:19:15 if they refuse thee, speak; "I am the light"
    "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid."
    Matthew 5:14 KJV
    "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness."
    1 Thessalonians 5:5 KJV
    Make of it a "religion" ...2:04:28
    "That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world."
    Matthew 13:35 KJV

  • @bobbysmalarz6638
    @bobbysmalarz6638 6 лет назад +50

    I feel these scriptures and want to learn about all ancient wisdom and in my opinion the oldest knowledge is most likely more true then current beliefs

    • @susiecherry9891
      @susiecherry9891 6 лет назад +3

      Listen to the lost books of Enki on you tube, there are 14 of them.

    • @herurahor9179
      @herurahor9179 6 лет назад

      bobby smalarz nothing new under sun just concepts ancient text just blueprint of of urself n parent's

    • @Don-cr7vb
      @Don-cr7vb 5 лет назад +1


    • @jermainemoss7809
      @jermainemoss7809 4 года назад +4

      This is African doctrine. The ancient kemetic teachings of the blacks in the land of kemet which is now called Egypt after Alexander the Greek invasion in 332bc

    • @newlifeforgodtruth2521
      @newlifeforgodtruth2521 4 года назад +1

      sacr3d g6om9try you are exactly right. My journey started on a guided meditation from RUclips that revealed things I had never seen or knew. I felt the energy of 2020 coming. Elite use this magic kingdom to silence the masses.

  • @jeremybrewer1980
    @jeremybrewer1980 7 лет назад +20

    Thank you for your efforts and time in presenting this well overdue teaching needed to be heard by the ears of man. May all beings attain knowledge of the infinite light of Amitabha in this lifetime!

  • @oneofyoursubs
    @oneofyoursubs 6 лет назад +13

    Thank you for this reading. It is so clear and at a good pace. It is very enjoyable.

  • @413benmc
    @413benmc 7 лет назад +6

    love it! one of favorites and love whenever someone else reads it. Every time i read it i always end up finding something more hidden within.

  • @michaeltheatlantean5329
    @michaeltheatlantean5329 7 лет назад +74

    Music to my ears.
    It would seem enlightenment has risen once more, along with it ningishzidda bearing wisdom.
    Light upon the reader of this truth.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад +8

      Thank you so much!

    • @jennybailey3152
      @jennybailey3152 7 лет назад +5

      KingGhostDragon nice!! I thought I was alone in using the true name of Thoth who is Gizida,nighiszida So lovely seeing papa Ea s son's name.. You've brought such joy to me.. blessings and love, bring on the return.. ... wake o great teacher. sent to teach by Anu ;-) thank you Namaste

  • @gabrielmcloughlin6252
    @gabrielmcloughlin6252 6 лет назад +35


    • @tinfoilhatter
      @tinfoilhatter 4 года назад

      yeah? wisdom, huh? like what, like what?

    • @beinghuman3225
      @beinghuman3225 3 года назад

      There is no such thing as truth. The only thing that is actually there is your 'logically' ascertained premise, which you call truth.

  • @robv.3270
    @robv.3270 3 года назад +3


  • @TwinAquarius484
    @TwinAquarius484 5 лет назад +5

    This knowledge feels like it's being remembered.

  • @razielgrey5535
    @razielgrey5535 7 лет назад +16

    Thanks for sharing! You're contributing such critical knowledge to the ascension of so many untapped minds! What great times we live in where occult knowledge is given so freely. Amen...Ra 😈🙏🏾💜🌍

    • @chrisbrooks5859
      @chrisbrooks5859 5 лет назад +1

      This is the truth,beyond our finite comprehension.and only thru knowledge shall we travel onward and upward to a space time were we r one with the All .zin ahrue

  • @alysondraper3221
    @alysondraper3221 5 лет назад +4

    Thanks for your time and effort to produce this. I really appreciate it.

  • @infiniteawareness4770
    @infiniteawareness4770 21 день назад

    I've known of the emerald tablets for years , this reading is the best .Thanks.
    Light and Love everytime .

  • @RhettWinthrop-StGery
    @RhettWinthrop-StGery 5 лет назад +11

    13:50 3,4,5,6,7,8 = Six Elder Brothers helping, a puzzle for your consideration, could they Oversee 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D ? Attainments or Dimensions? Both? Did Thoth reach 9D ? In Book Three he includes 9 or 9D making 7 Overlords, he says so. 9 is The Father he says, description of all in Book Three: 27:03 sounds like you are forever free in the light at 9D. I am absolutely sure Thoth describes Ascension there. Thoth has become One with the Father as do all who achieve 9D. There is more which I leave for you...
    Like gentle winds warming buds from fall, our pathways shine with fragrant blossoms, perchance to share, forever new, joyous distant starry clusters.

  • @bigleafjo3269
    @bigleafjo3269 2 года назад +1

    This is the best version on RUclips I’ve heard yet

  • @estherlim4546
    @estherlim4546 6 лет назад +11

    This is music to my ears, so beautiful

  • @Mystsicity
    @Mystsicity 7 лет назад +2

    @Dom, thank you for this list
    09:43 T2 The Halls of Amenti
    20:28 T3 The Key of Wisdom
    30:08 T4 The Space Born
    39:19 T5 The Dweller of Unal
    49:40 T6 The Key of Magic
    59:45 t7 The Seven Lords
    01:08:56 T8 The Key of Mystery
    01:18:29 T9 The Key of Freedom of Space
    01:28:21 T10 The Key of Time
    01:38:21 T11 The Key to Above and Below
    01:48:12 T12 The Key of Prophecy
    01:56:24 T13 The Keys of Life and Death

  • @maddyg2320
    @maddyg2320 5 лет назад +4

    I don't even know what to make of all of this, but it definitely explains a lot of things. I have so much to learn. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this reading ❣️

  • @allennickles3970
    @allennickles3970 7 лет назад +2

    These are very useful video..the audio books such as this allows me to do research while multitasking...I highly appreciate your time making this ...very helpful thanks so so much!😊

  • @zacharywatson6296
    @zacharywatson6296 5 лет назад +30

    For those on their righteous journey: look to the hidden gnostic gospels, particularly that of Thomas, the kybalion, and all works of hermetic philosophy. That should get you started. Salem aleikum

    • @jermainemoss7809
      @jermainemoss7809 4 года назад +1

      All of those are stolen African legacy. It all came from the Nile valley ancient kemet. Mordern day Egypt

    • @lyranlover6904
      @lyranlover6904 4 года назад +3

      Jermaine nothing is stolen all is a creation from the akashic potential

    • @jermainemoss7809
      @jermainemoss7809 4 года назад +3

      @@lyranlover6904 my dear what are the teachings of Bill Foss? And if there's nothing stolen in your vision of life, check out the British museum.

    • @finnrobinson9986
      @finnrobinson9986 4 года назад

      Thank you, i read the Kybalion but i think parts of it have been censored. Trying to find an older copy and get better at latin.

    • @jermainemoss7809
      @jermainemoss7809 4 года назад +1

      @@finnrobinson9986 read the teachings of ptah hotep.

  • @davecoy620
    @davecoy620 6 лет назад +3

    I don't know how I became unsubscribed, but I'm still here! It's been a quite few months since I last listened but as wisdom increases so does the value of the information. Thank you for this post. ❤💙💚💛💜

  • @shellducker7078
    @shellducker7078 5 лет назад +5

    Listen to your inner voice. This is a mixture of good and bad.
    Spirit would not awaken us to the light, the betterment of the world we live in, the goodness each individual precedes, humanity going forward in peace and love. How our whole world is spirit, mother earth and human existence. This dialect portains a ending of earth as we know it, its energy, it's life being.(the big bang) To surrender to its demise. To awaken means to use every fibre of your being to make this existence better as a whole, to become one with all. We will live again in a purely heavenly way, but it will be because we used love to conquer.

  • @DieterSoegemeier
    @DieterSoegemeier 5 лет назад +4

    Thoth telling us the way of the astral world

    • @andraswagner7929
      @andraswagner7929 5 лет назад

      astral world of the Soul:видео.html

  • @Wahcawatoglawin
    @Wahcawatoglawin 5 лет назад +4

    That's about THE MOST intriguing thing I have ever heard in my life...!

  • @thricegreat6018
    @thricegreat6018 3 года назад +2

    After 4years this is still my favorite recording 🌟

  • @davidgutierrez3122
    @davidgutierrez3122 6 лет назад +7

    Could you do the Egyptian Book of the Dead? I love sitting down and hearing you read and greatly appreciate your work on this channel!! I subscribed and look forward to hear all what you read(: Thanks for all your contributions!!! I'm eager to hear some more interesting reads from you!

  • @mrs.deepchill2245
    @mrs.deepchill2245 3 года назад

    We have a physical form and a mental. The mental is eternal. Our experiences belong to the body but our knowledge to the mental world. We go to the halls of amenti upon our physical death and there we judge ourselves and our thoughts are balanced. Then according to this book 'we create a desire' and return to a physical form according to our own desires. We could ascend or descend. It's up to us. Our goal is really to conquered the light that is the source of all things. There you gain all the knowledge and will have access to 'real knowledge & wisdom' and will have complete knowledge on how you want to proceed in your journey. This book pretty much explain what really happens after the physical form. Excellent book 💗😊

  • @robdelasoul2766
    @robdelasoul2766 6 лет назад +3

    You are an amazing person and spirit to do this for humanity!!!

  • @bigleafjo3269
    @bigleafjo3269 Год назад

    From all my years I’ve heard many translations and this one is the best to date!

  • @StrawberryQwik
    @StrawberryQwik 5 лет назад +18

    Thank you for the "human' voice-- nice reading.

  • @alexboros1751
    @alexboros1751 9 месяцев назад

    THANKYOU for your time much appreciated 👍.
    I've had NDE this is very good advice true wisdom truly is impossible to put in word man understand.
    Forever is a longtime. This is a FALLEN world.
    I was completely lost after coming back until I started reading the Bible, other words from history others have left for us to not lose hope & learn understanding back in the body. It's certainly not the world i left I've come back to.
    Thank GOD &: all the others that have left words for man i say.

  • @musael8667
    @musael8667 7 лет назад +23

    Gratitude for no broken smoke detectors in background 🙏🙏🙏😅

  • @DustyGus
    @DustyGus 2 года назад +1

    I listen to this at night sometimes because i just think it's relaxing

  • @kelliedizon
    @kelliedizon 5 лет назад +14

    I took ayahuasca and saw Egyptians. Listening to this now. Was sent here from another RUclips channel

    • @Kingtuuuut
      @Kingtuuuut 4 года назад

      That’s badass lol

    • @jermainemoss7809
      @jermainemoss7809 4 года назад

      Its called kemet. The Greeks changed it to Egypt after the invasion of Alexander the Greek. Egypt is a word that means black

    • @ifeelluckytoday
      @ifeelluckytoday 4 года назад

      Beyond the veil

    • @TheAGODAMI
      @TheAGODAMI 3 года назад +2

      @@jermainemoss7809 🎯 🎓 👍 👏 ✊💪💯 **FacTs.!!!!*

    • @straitmurph
      @straitmurph 3 года назад

      @@jermainemoss7809 I thought it meant house of bondage

  • @WiijonKnight369
    @WiijonKnight369 4 года назад +1

    Wow thanks for this, my mind is totally transformed, Thanks Spoken Scriptures, Thanks Spirit, Thanks Thoth, Thanks Atlantean Ase (Amin)

  • @carlab.9821
    @carlab.9821 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you for uploading! Priceless :-)

    @DONWILLCERTIFIED 8 месяцев назад


  • @dreamchaisr1
    @dreamchaisr1 7 лет назад +9

    you're such a good reader. very enjoyable, thank you. You made it easy to understand a difficult read.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад +3

      Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it!

  • @vedawateeramkissoon-mahara1272
    @vedawateeramkissoon-mahara1272 3 года назад

    I was guided to find the Emerald Tablets from my reading this month.... 🤔 Listening to this is so very comfortable ty

  • @wmgaines93
    @wmgaines93 5 лет назад +3

    She read it so Beautifully thank you very much

  • @SpokenScriptures
    @SpokenScriptures  3 года назад +1

    Spoken Scriptures at The mystery School

  • @aveguevara
    @aveguevara 5 лет назад +3

    Change the speed to .75 in the settings and it is more relaxing to listen to and easier to understand.

    • @toebeeone
      @toebeeone 5 лет назад +1

      Try .5? LOL.

    • @sacredrain7757
      @sacredrain7757 4 года назад

      Tnx. I have brain damage and really struggled with the tempo. I will try to find this settings thing that you suggest..

  • @thabesttheris
    @thabesttheris 7 лет назад +12

    I heard this book shud be read 100 times. 96 more to go.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад

      I'm glad you're getting so much out of it, it's one of my favorites as well.

    • @Thiiink
      @Thiiink 7 лет назад

      100 different times in 100 different dimensions ;)

    • @lorrainesullivan3918
      @lorrainesullivan3918 5 лет назад


    • @lillybeaninc673
      @lillybeaninc673 5 лет назад

      Last Ronin I lost track after 7-8 but I always like coming back and reading again

  • @mre5053
    @mre5053 7 лет назад +28

    There are correlations to the bible in this. I believe this and the gnostic texts are closer to the "truth". This resonates deep with me. There is also a rhythm to it I believe is part of it's resonance.

    • @susiecherry9891
      @susiecherry9891 6 лет назад +3

      you should listen to the "lost book of Enki". There are 14 and they are suppose to be translations from Sumerian cuneiform clay tablets that predate all others!! The man who did the translations is something Stitchens and he spent the majority of his life studying and translating these tablets.(of which reportedly there were some 25,000 of them found). I have seen somewhere that he was found to be a part of the Illuminati and that would totally invalidate his translations, but I have not found any other mention of his involvement with them. I highly recommend you listen to them, they are on you tube.

    • @herurahor9179
      @herurahor9179 6 лет назад +1

      Mr E all text are one but fragmented

    • @caitierogers2157
      @caitierogers2157 2 года назад

      @@susiecherry9891 Zachariah Stitchens

  • @lahnhan7289
    @lahnhan7289 3 месяца назад

    Each time I listen to this it makes more and more sense. It resonates strongly now in 2024. We, the Collective Consciousness, choose our reality and the future is never fixed. We have the power to change this reality into one of the highest good and light and to rise again into remembering . We all choose not to be in bondage any longer but must start with ourselves and in turn will shift the consciousness of those around us. We are here for so much more and it has been hidden from us. It is up to us to ask for the Great Awakening. Are you ready to dive in to your true nature? I am. 🔥

  • @user-bz8vi6nw4c
    @user-bz8vi6nw4c 7 лет назад +7

    a passing thought I clung too now unfolds all around me

  • @romeovoidjhnromeovoidjhn3701
    @romeovoidjhnromeovoidjhn3701 7 лет назад +19

    thank you for your diligent contribution to humanity

  • @michelleyuro2583
    @michelleyuro2583 7 лет назад +5

    Thank you SO much for doing this--Could not listen to the others!! Much love.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад +1

      I'm glad you enjoyed it Michelle, much love in return!

  • @Allone423
    @Allone423 7 лет назад +2

    thank you for reading this for us you have a way of reading that speaks to my heart thank you thank you☺️

  • @GodsElph
    @GodsElph 5 лет назад +5

    I dont know why this makes me cry so hard

    • @sacredrain7757
      @sacredrain7757 4 года назад

      We children of men do tremble and weep in the presence of divinity , for seeing the greatness makes us aware of our terrible crimes of ignorance, and for knowing that we have been blessed with the awareness of what we have access to. Your icon speaks volumes to me about your awareness.

  • @truthseekerchannel432
    @truthseekerchannel432 3 года назад

    I’ve know listened to this 100 times. Sure is spot on. Thank you.

  • @kenkaye7314
    @kenkaye7314 7 лет назад +4

    Ty for sharing, and light to you nasmaste

  • @lorenasongcayawon9878
    @lorenasongcayawon9878 7 лет назад +1

    Thank you ever so very much. I am most grateful to receive your high wisdom of Thoth! Namaste oxoxo

  • @Kaliops1
    @Kaliops1 7 лет назад +20

    Would it be possible to put chapter markers? Think of this in the future. :)

  • @YeoYolo
    @YeoYolo 3 года назад +1

    This makes so much sense. This has so much meaning and power and yet we as humanity don't follow in these wise words. Its so sad to see our spirituality being deprived from so many. Yall need to start getting fluoride out of your life (it crystallizes the penal gland) and start reconnecting with yourself aka your inner flame. The light.

  • @coalbin2760
    @coalbin2760 4 года назад +3

    The hounds of the barrier sounds terrifying

  • @thabesttheris
    @thabesttheris 7 лет назад +2

    This was amazing thank you!

  • @nokappa1676
    @nokappa1676 6 лет назад +8

    48:00 talks of our spacecraft under the Phoenix.

    • @adamdolson2525
      @adamdolson2525 3 года назад

      The Sphinx. A lion with the likeness of a man. Chem is Egypt.

  • @dawudasha977
    @dawudasha977 3 года назад +1

    Is this the Complete Book? Thank you for uploading. Much love.

  • @robertshrewsbury2891
    @robertshrewsbury2891 7 лет назад +4

    and Current “Magics” and Their Origins
    From The Nephilim to Present.
    Moses, Abraham, Egyptian-Hermes Trismegistus, King Solomon (and others) all had one thing in common. They all knew how to control/command the elements and spirits. The Sefer Yetzirah, The Zohar (Rabbinical comment on the Torah for 2,000 years), The Testament of Solomon and a book called “The Keys of Solomon” all bring this out abundantly.
    The Egyptian adopted Hebrew child, Moses first learned his magic in Egypt, among the Egyptian royalty and in the Pharaoh’s household. The Egyptians were using their knowledge to enslave the Hebrews, over a period of some 400 plus years. When Moses was grown, he chose to help his Hebrew people. At eighty years of age, Moses, God (YHVH) and Moses’ brother Aaron challenged the Egyptians’
    power, for the freedom of the Hebrews. They had their magical duels with the Egyptians, Moses won the right to leave and the Hebrews became free, for that time.
    This kind of “magic” knowledge has always been forbidden to
    the common peoples. Even the Hebrews had laws about whom could learn it (as married men over 30), whom could teach (mothers could not teach after one point and this discontinued their children from learning at an early age), others were guidelines about practicing it, as well as penalties for misuse.
    Referring to the type of magic related to Egypt, it is called Hermetic s. When referring to magic of the Hebrew origin or nature, that is called Kabbalah. This more advanced level of physics/sciences was also taught in special schools referred to as “The School of the Prophets” in ancient biblical times.
    One of the three Inquisitions in Europe was because the
    common people were learning and practicing Kabbalah mixed with their Christianity. Healers who used things as
    herbs also were targeted, as they affected potential loyalty and income to the clergy. The clergy, perceiving a threat to their power position, used prisons, torture and death to stop and discourage the further practice of independent magic, labeled “Heresy”.
    Sorcery/Witchcraft come from the same tree, of knowledge of
    good and evil, and really it can be used both ways. The primary origin of this Forbidden Knowledge (“magic”) first came from the Nephilim (Sons of God).
    It appears that God considered that humans (race of Man)
    were on their own merits, in a spiritual-embryo development stage, and should not have higher knowledge prior to their refinement. However, some of the Nephilim broke that guideline and set many problems in motion for all concerned, by both hybridizing with the younger Adamic race (known as Man) and by passing forbidden knowledge to them as sorcery/magic. As a form of “eating forbidden fruit”, these lawless acts stimulated and perpetuated the “tree of
    knowledge of good & evil” Events.
    According to the Zohar, when Eve partook of the forbidden
    knowledge of good and evil, she slept and copulated with the angel/god of Mars and became pregnant with Cain. Later, she became pregnant with Able, Adams son, so then this first hybridizing was done by Eve now then consummate and then the whole cycle of pain, sorrow, early death, learning and spiritual development all started from this “forbidden act” (or was it planned that way?).
    Next, there was a sort of equalization and maybe even
    competition between the “Sons of God” and the Grand-Children of God, (Races of Man) because Adam cried out to God for greater knowledge and so God sent the angel Raziel, who gave Adam the Book of Knowledge, now called the book of Raziel. Apparently Seth and Enoch inherited it following that. The human race, at least temporarily, had more knowledge, and with that, more stress and responsibility with higher stakes.
    Magic was the study & practice of astronomy, astrology, alchemy and esoteric metaphysical knowledge.
    My take on it, is that real magic (apart from sleight of hand) is in the realm of Quantum Physics and this is spiritually and physically protected as strategic classified information, no less than military secrets are kept from the enemy. For the few that try to study magic, the learning often never goes beyond mostly fragments or intellectual or scholarly exercises. The
    concepts of morals and spiritual laws are not often given enough relevance as to justice and lawfulness related to choices and actions and “The Golden Rule”, of “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
    The only person that I know of that actually knew, understood
    & practiced Hermetic s/Kabbalah in fairly recent times was Franz Bardon and he was murdered for it by 1958. His three books are actually available in print nowadays and in pdf on the web. I have read all three of them. Bardon was a Christian and strongly believed in accountability and responsibility.
    It appears that one of Gods clauses, after the mistaken dissemination of information, was that the Nephilim and Man (humans) now had to live separately with a barrier between them. Under the Seven Commandments of Noah, it was/is forbidden to trespass land boundaries. I think that when the Bible makes mention of “in the earth” and “on the face of the
    earth” those are where some of those distinct barriers apply. According to Enoch the Nephilim were put or made to stay under the earth.
    My perspective on the planet-wide cities of underground/underworld people, is that they have (far) superior scientific knowledge and life-spans and that they also know and practice a Hermetic type of knowledge. My take on the Egyptian-Underworld, is that they still live in underground cities and that what many might find in archeology and as ancient ruins is only or primarily their sepulchers/burials and monuments left on and near the surface of the ground. This
    has lead to people thinking that burials and record stores are all there are.
    On occasion, rumor has it that military/governments have found crashed transportation (UFO’s) and reverse-engineered some of the technology…which may very well include computer technology and other items in use today. Old underground cities are also coming to light now, but I suspect that the real advanced materials from them is removed by human governments, etc.
    The Maya/Toltec also speak a lot of the Underworld
    People, in a surviving book called The Popol Vuh. To this very day, the Maya speak of and say that they have relations that live in underground cities and that sometimes they get invited there to visit with them.
    The Hopi tell of a time when they were rescued from harm,
    by being invited to an underground city for a time. If you go around the world, as India, you can find elegant layered underground cities, (not the chiseled-out-of-stone primitive types sometimes mentioned to the public). Japan found tunnels, and increasingly large skeletons, layered deep into their part of Earth, but this is not highlighted in the common news.
    I believe that we live on a world where a large part of its
    population is layered INTO the Earth but normally do not interact with people living on the surface. Like our surface
    world, they are likely in a time period where there is currently the corrupt, the conquesting, the good, the bad and the ugly and cities that have different levels of that. Like Hermes Trismegistus said, “As above, so below”!
    Think about it. They have better equipment and training. What
    do they think of our surface Chem-trails, the threats of nuclear warfare, genetic damage from GMO’s and immunizations, planned economic bondage or the sabotage and over-run of other countries. (One of God’s rules, stay in your own boundaries….)?
    If we can learn to understand and treat each other well, we
    may be allowed some future access to better crops, health, healing, etc. I hope that Quantum Physics is not meant for
    peoples who lack self-control, compassion or a willingness to serve others for no unlawful or immoral gains. The practice of magic (analogously speaking) is no different than a bread knife that can be used to cut bread or kill an innocent person.
    If we want something “better”, we must choose to become more refined, mature and responsible enough to live and govern in a fair and just manner. Whether we live in a small town, hut or high rise, we must “ennoble” ourselves.
    Sincerely, Robert Shrewsbury
    22 April 2017

    • @Mortocome
      @Mortocome 7 лет назад +1

      Thanks brother I'm getting those books!!!

    • @zackfranklin6912
      @zackfranklin6912 7 лет назад +4

      Robert Shrewsbury That is probably the coolest/most informative comment I've ever read on RUclips. Very interesting. Have you studied Dr. Steven Greer? He says really similar things except his is about beings from outer space instead of underground.
      Do you know anything about Lilith in regards to all of this?

    • @davecoy620
      @davecoy620 7 лет назад +1

      Robert Shrewsbury Very informative my friend, I have found mostly all you stated in line with my discernment of "global" events.

    • @Lightwork-vm4hb
      @Lightwork-vm4hb 7 лет назад

      Robert Shrewsbury That is the longest comment I have ever read and very informative 👌💖💞

  • @normancarr3015
    @normancarr3015 4 года назад +1

    One of the greatest scriptures of the Gods given to humanity

  • @stevennieves6590
    @stevennieves6590 6 лет назад +8

    Whether true or false I hear a positive message

  • @gastonjabaly
    @gastonjabaly 7 месяцев назад

    This is NOT a one time read im on my 20th time and i learn new things every single time
    I would recommend you all to listen a few times over and over

  • @Sauceworldmusic
    @Sauceworldmusic 3 года назад +5

    Truth is coming as well as the children od the Sun We here

  • @StevenDLightspring
    @StevenDLightspring 7 лет назад +2

    Thank you so much...for a very good reading! Very well done!
    (And a real human voice seems to be a bit of a rarity on YT lately.)

  • @truthtrekker
    @truthtrekker 6 лет назад +3

    This video omits the Preface of the book, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean.
    Quoting From the Preface: "The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt.. For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt from approximately 50,000 BC to 36,000 BC. At that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization. Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed.. the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the temples of the Sun God." Thoth was no immortal. An immortal never dies. Death is eternity inside of the Sun. 16,000 years is nothing compared to an eternity. However, the ancient hermaphrodite slave master Priest-King Thoth did far better than the modern slave making Priest-Kings and Priest-Queens that can't take it much past 100. Even A'dam, the first lady, who propagated religion which contains the Keys to Death, throughout the world, lived to 930 years. Do not marvel long that death is now being removed from the realm of the human species. THE KEYS TO ETERNAL LIFE IN THIS WORLD IS SIMPLE: NO WORSHIP, NO SLAVES. So, where do you see yourself in 16,000 years?

    • @minealsomine9663
      @minealsomine9663 3 года назад

      I don't know where you supposedly got your information and I don't care to know. Thoth was not a hermaphrodite it never said he was ever in any of this work. Adam was neither a hermaphrodite nor a stupid woman. Adam from Adammu (sumerian) meaning first man. Stop spreading lies and misinformation to try and confuse the masses.

  • @jaycaveman9582
    @jaycaveman9582 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you. Much better than the notes I've taken

  • @ninajoy9882
    @ninajoy9882 3 года назад +4

    A hot bath, joint in hand and playing this....oh so magical it is😌♾

  • @7777777roma
    @7777777roma 6 лет назад +2

    How are you able to read the writings of Thoth

  • @theoracleladytaedie1348
    @theoracleladytaedie1348 6 лет назад +12

    Yesssssssssss!the first time I read this,I had a vision of Thoth!He was next to me,and had a white hood/cloak,on! I never seen his face!

    • @flaviofaust3201
      @flaviofaust3201 5 лет назад

      i meditate to this and he came in Astral to me

    • @johnogutu3971
      @johnogutu3971 5 лет назад

      I have seen him

    • @Keys7
      @Keys7 4 года назад

      Thoth is also known as "Melchizedek" ...

    • @TheAGODAMI
      @TheAGODAMI 3 года назад

      @@Keys7 **Yup.!!!!!* 🎯 ✔

    • @orvyllgoodnyte4707
      @orvyllgoodnyte4707 3 года назад

      That is very interesting.

  • @rasanjamesEL2498
    @rasanjamesEL2498 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the knowledge of it and translation

  • @danielfarro6816
    @danielfarro6816 5 лет назад +7

    i am a skeptic of anything man has said, created, done, talked about, pretty much everything man has done i can not follow or believe. i am on my own journey to find the truth, last year i began studying thos book to its fullest and i have begun to see so many truths is this. if you say dorel made it up, well, he freaking got it all right to the very smallest detail. unless you you have mastered meditation and learn to leave your body and travel you will never understand this book. if you dont understand this book then you dont have the key. the key is only for those who seek the wisdom truly in their hearts. so, all you scoffers and haters, believe me when i say, i too just a year ago would have said this is all made up bull shit, but after reading ths 72 times, and learning meditation, i have seen every detail of whats in this book first hand, and if you dont believe then you are not meant to believe, just move along and keep following the rest of the SHEEPLE into your media fed poison life you call success. and i mean that that in a very nice way, its not your fault you dont have the keys to the wisdom. sorry..... most important , to the person who posted this video
    Spoken Scriptures
    Thank you, you changed my life, you changed my families life, and i am so grateful for your reading this book. i have listened to this while actually reading along 72 times now, and i will continue to keep reading and listening to this for all time i have here on this earth. thank you.

    • @danielfarro6816
      @danielfarro6816 5 лет назад +1

      @Spoken Scriptures ty, ;) love is everything. 432 vibrations throughout the universe connecting us all to the ALL.

    • @dru7277
      @dru7277 5 лет назад

      72 Demons of Solomon?

    • @flaviofaust3201
      @flaviofaust3201 5 лет назад

      i understand what you mean but .. maybe we have not to take he's words complete Word for word..

    • @dru7277
      @dru7277 5 лет назад

      @@flaviofaust3201 - 72 virgins?

  • @adamdolson2525
    @adamdolson2525 3 года назад +1

    I am going to read this 50 times in honor of this messenger of the Gods.

  • @juliebeth8121
    @juliebeth8121 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you so much love 💕

  • @pacochawa2746
    @pacochawa2746 5 лет назад +2

    A different vibe with a female voice thank you for your work. It is nice to hear male voice and female voice. I can pick up on things I missed before lol.

  • @pondlogic3041
    @pondlogic3041 7 лет назад +5

    you rock, and resonate good job

  • @zackaryhopkins9683
    @zackaryhopkins9683 5 лет назад +2

    Everyone in the comments aren’t talking about the ritual it speaks about at 58 minutes in to be freed. Has anyone tried it

  • @chrishill6836
    @chrishill6836 6 лет назад +7

    Interesting. Just one question.
    Why are the emerald tablets of toth in King James english?

    • @jennifercole9216
      @jennifercole9216 6 лет назад +1

      Chris Hill "as above so below"

    • @trinity0529
      @trinity0529 5 лет назад +4

      All religion took from Egyptians, Sumeritans everything you thought u knew was taken & twisted to control people...but you have now awakened

    • @trinity0529
      @trinity0529 5 лет назад +1

      & the Enki too ❤

    • @SunOfTheSun44
      @SunOfTheSun44 5 лет назад +1

      trinity oftheMatrix and also male dominated.

    • @ameliarivers5373
      @ameliarivers5373 4 года назад

      if were as blessed with the ability to pay attention as i, you would notice that it isn't. you call anything that isnt modern english king james english

  • @Lance0714
    @Lance0714 4 года назад +2

    All is mind, All is mental, All is All. As above so below. 🙏🏻❤️🕉

    • @mrs.deepchill2245
      @mrs.deepchill2245 3 года назад

      The universe is mental.

    • @danieltatman3803
      @danieltatman3803 2 года назад

      You didn't hear , love over mind , mind is a servant that can wrestle control but the Flame imperishable is inside the heart .

  • @geecosmicsun2964
    @geecosmicsun2964 7 лет назад +15

    Do any of you live in the Houston area ? Contact me if you do

    • @Lucky_Gurl-Luna
      @Lucky_Gurl-Luna 7 лет назад +2

      Gee Cosmicsun I do!!

    • @geecosmicsun2964
      @geecosmicsun2964 7 лет назад +2

      Contact me at geehealthsolutions@gmail
      We can meet this weekend at a mutual spot; A High energy area will be best. We can meet up on G mails' Hangout between 1 pm. and 6 Pm..between Monday and Friday try me now

    • @sg2massive
      @sg2massive 7 лет назад +3

      houston we have a problem

    • @briansmith5427
      @briansmith5427 7 лет назад +1

      I do

    • @timothyhood7469
      @timothyhood7469 7 лет назад

      Gee Cosmicsun i do

  • @heatherdawnpipke1902
    @heatherdawnpipke1902 6 лет назад +2

    Sounds so peaceful

  • @suckmex3899
    @suckmex3899 7 лет назад +6

    If you have a overall understanding of the Old Testimate, the first 10 mins sounds like someone who witnessed a large amount of it.
    An emissary of the lord.

    • @satchitananda1820
      @satchitananda1820 6 лет назад +1

      This is because One of Lord Thoth's incarnations is of Enoch which at the end he ascended and became ArchAngel Metatron.

    • @herurahor9179
      @herurahor9179 6 лет назад

      tevin lane ascended master that helps man

  • @condawgsilverslicer73
    @condawgsilverslicer73 Месяц назад

    Salutations :) what source did you use for this recording and the Corpus Hermeticum? Searching online for texts yields lots of differently worded variations. I’ve grown attached to these two readings in particular and would love to read the same material you used. I worry these may someday be unavailable. Thank you very much for everything you do with your channel 🙏

  • @MaryThiboudeax
    @MaryThiboudeax 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you so much! I prefer a female voice...

  • @ensabanor9939
    @ensabanor9939 4 года назад +1

    That's where yoda got that style of speach, toth. And the staff.

  • @armenameninc.6893
    @armenameninc.6893 6 лет назад +6

    This will be the foundation of my new manifestation...the mysteries become clear as you rewind and repeat. then get the 48 page text and establish your connection with the 9th realm ARMENAMEN is the name of Father GOD Lord! of Lords! realize who and what you really are...liberate yourselves!You now have the keys that have been missing for so many aeon's. Glory to ARMENAMEN!

    • @TheAGODAMI
      @TheAGODAMI 3 года назад

      💝 🙏 💝🙏💪💝🙏😇💝🙏😇💪

  • @MsRetta60
    @MsRetta60 5 лет назад +1

    Lord Toth, words are descriptive and full of life. He is a wonderful GOD.

  • @jennifergrant3766
    @jennifergrant3766 6 лет назад +3

    👁️ Thank you... BLESSED LOVE💞💖💗💛💚🕉️

  • @gastonjabaly
    @gastonjabaly 5 лет назад +2

    I love this book thank you

  • @ADGstudio
    @ADGstudio 6 лет назад +5

    It sounds poetic, rhythmical...does that mean it was originally written in English? If I wrote a poem in English would it sound like poetry in say...Sumerian...Perhaps the translation was very artistic...but it seems kinda odd

  • @zemog6156
    @zemog6156 7 лет назад

    Thank you. This is the second time I've heard the video.

    • @SpokenScriptures
      @SpokenScriptures  7 лет назад

      You're welcome Jose, I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to come back!

  • @nigelhinds7356
    @nigelhinds7356 6 лет назад +11

    I love Thoth

    • @ElasticReality
      @ElasticReality 6 лет назад +2

      Our brother has been busy and his sacrifice great. He has come so many times to lead us back to the path, yet still most wander away, after anyone and anything with a shiny lamp and a slick message.

    • @cbr1thou
      @cbr1thou 6 лет назад

      nigel hinds love Jesus not toots

    • @cbr1thou
      @cbr1thou 6 лет назад

      @Jay Brock shut the fuck up you brainwashed bitch

    • @isaacgarcia2979
      @isaacgarcia2979 5 лет назад

      Jay Brock the council of Nicea was to decide what made it into the pages of the modern bible nothing to do with the making up Jesus.