Genesis #35 - Truth & Fear Before an Unbelieving World

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • Big Idea: Abraham repeats a previous sinful error and others suffer.
    1. God governs our unbelieving world by restraining sin. Genesis 20:1-7
    a. “Abraham said of Sarah, ‘She is my sister.’” When Abraham plays fast and loose with the whole truth, he invites disaster… as he did in Egypt.
    b. “Behold you are a dead man because of the woman you have taken.” God does not fool around with the truth but gets right to the point.
    c. “Lord, will you kill an innocent people?” Abimelech has not seen his acquisition of Sarah through to its conclusion. He uses this and the fact that he was deceived to plead for mercy.
    d. “It was I who kept you from sinning.” God reveals how He was at work in the situation the entire time, restraining sin so that His Promise would not be compromised.
    2. When believers fear to own the truth, the unbelieving world suffers. Genesis 20:8-13
    a. “Abimelech told his servants and they were very much afraid.” Abraham who is supposed to bless the world, instead created a chasm of fearfulness between these people & God by his choice.
    b. “How have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and my kingdom a great sin?” God uses pagans to humble Abraham. 1 Corinthians 1:27-31
    c. “I did it because I thought there was no fear of God in the place.” Fear of what others think breeds sin. Galatians 1:10
    3. Living in light of the truth affords a place for alliance and blessing. Genesis 20:14-18
    a. Livestock, servants, and land are all signals of wealth & blessing. Also: an invitation to alliance instead of the previous suspicion & animosity. We’re reminded of God’s promise in Gen. 12:3. Despite his frustrations with Abraham, Abimelech blesses him, understanding who God is.
    b. “a thousand pieces of silver, a sign of your innocence.” This is a very generous sum but it is also a recognition of Abimelech’s error. He owns his part.
    c. “Abraham prayed and God healed.” Abraham’s restitution is to return to the role of blessing other nations he should have been doing in the first place.
    Questions for Reflection
    1. Where have you seen God restrain sin and disaster?
    2. When have you feared to own the truth? What was the outcome?
    3. When have you owned the truth and things worked out better than expected?

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