Why Are There TWO Creation Accounts in the BIBLE? | Genesis 1 and 2 | Bible Study

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • In this video I talk about the FASCINATING DESIGN and FUNCTION of the second creation account in Genesis 2:4-25.
    #MasterpieceBible #Genesis #creation
    📢 To anyone wondering why I called the serpent "her": in my native German language the word "serpent" is feminine and I wrongly assumed it was the same in English. My mistake. Was not trying to imply anything or make any kind of theological point.
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  • @MasterpieceBible
    @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад +4

    ✅Who are the SONS OF GOD in Genesis 6?
    ✅Why did God ask JACOB what his name is?
    ✅The FASCINATING ROLE of the NUMBER 7 in the creation account
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    • @nolovegreaterthanChrist
      @nolovegreaterthanChrist Год назад

      The sons of God are not demon hybrids. The Book of Enoch is a lie.

    • @Hixley
      @Hixley Год назад

      I don't think Genesis 1/26 is the same as The Garden Eden, it's not the same story, it's two completely different stories, it hase the same subject! Not even close! It is fascinating, to me, why is it that God create man twice? And there is a US 1/26.. Are the people in the Garden of Eden superior? And who is the us?
      To bad, but you have a wonderful way of explaining things thank you. Although i'm not really interested in what you're talking about in this video.

    • @333Cherubim._.
      @333Cherubim._. 8 месяцев назад

      *Genesis chapter* 1
      26 And God said, *Let us make man in our image* , after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
      28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
      29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
      30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
      31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day
      *GOD made mankind on the 6th day.*
      2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, *and all the host of them.*
      2 And *on the seventh day* God ended his work which he had made; *and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.*
      GOD took a full days rest, just like HE took on a full day's work
      (7 days a week exist)
      After HIS day of rest(the bible does not specify exactly when)(young or old earth at some point 👇)
      HE creates Adam and gives this one specific instructions. HE is taking all bio to this specific Adam so he can name them
      The "Let *us* create man in *our* image" is a microcosm of HIS plan for the salvation of HIS creation.
      *Genesis* 5
      5 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
      2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, *and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.*
      Truth that the adam created after the 7th day rest name(d)s all things(Genesis 2)
      On a side note:
      GOD calls all Adam, when GOD is telling Noah/Adam who HE is gonna destroy HE says man and beast.
      You would think it would say "i will destroy women and men" , but it states men and beast, why would CREATING POWER(the Big Bang if you will💥🌎🌞 🌚🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 💫🌟✨💭🐍🐒🐴🕷🐪🐙🦀🦂🦁🦃🦐🦄🌪🦈🦏🦑🐀🐎🌳🌲🌴🌿🌵🌾🤵🤷👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👹)put words together like that?
      We have the book of hell in hell, but THE HEAVENS/LAMB will guide us back to PARADISE/HIMSELF❤

    • @333Cherubim._.
      @333Cherubim._. 8 месяцев назад


  • @TB-fj7kk
    @TB-fj7kk 2 года назад +32

    Many people refuse to acknowledge any different interpretations of scripture because it requires them to consider that their specific set of religious beliefs may not necessarily be biblical. It’s important that we study scripture thoroughly and understand the context to better understand God.

  • @allthingsnu4673
    @allthingsnu4673 10 месяцев назад +5

    Chris, thank you for your videos. I just recently discovered your channel and am getting a lot of understanding from what I've watched so far. Can you explain why you use "she" to refer to the serpent at the end of this video? I'm just curious about what else you know about the serpent.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  10 месяцев назад +1

      Hey, thanks for the feedback! So glad the videos are helpful for you. Regarding the serpent: check the video description.

  • @markquavertune2003
    @markquavertune2003 6 месяцев назад +1

    The phrase be fruitful and multiply are mentioned in Genesis 1 :22 referencing the creation .Then in vs 28 to man and woman . Are these phrases complimentary or just a statement of overview of the first account .Does Hebrew poetry factor in to this like Psalm 19 . The heavens and the law ?

  • @scharf74
    @scharf74 3 года назад +21

    Gen 1:27 he told the male and female to go out and “replenish” the Earth. But Adam and Eve weren’t created until After Gen 2… as a matter of fact Adam was made(during a process- earth and breath) and then Eve(a DIFFERENT process- rib). AND God didn’t tell them to do ANYTHING but not eat of that 1 tree(out of 3). He didn’t say ANYTHING about going into the world to populate or REpopulate anything. He didn’t even send them into the world. He put them in a GARDEN. Almost like a barrier to the “world”. As if he didn’t WANT them involved in what he told the male and female in Gen 1:27.
    My point is, they aren’t the same people and they didn’t have the same JOB.

    • @EricHenryJnr
      @EricHenryJnr 3 года назад +10

      They are the same people. Genesis 2 is not a separate creation account, it is the detail of day 6 that we are not given in chapter one. At the end of chapter one we know how everything has been called into being but we have no idea how the male and female were created. Another point to note is when Adam names his wife, he names her Eve, why? because she is the mother of ALL living. There were no other humans created, there was not a completely different round of creation. Genesis 1, 2 and 3 are all closely interrelated for a special Theological purpose and that is to show God's supremacy, His intimate connection with His creation and the devastating impact of sin on that relationship between God and His creation.

    • @scharf74
      @scharf74 3 года назад +5

      @@EricHenryJnr we also don’t know how the animals were created at the end of chapter 1 either and that wasn’t expounded on. What about him telling the first couple to go out and be fruitful and multiply? And have dominion over the sea and land? But yet he put Adam and Eve in the garden, who are they supposed to have dominion over? Where were their fruit?
      When and Cain went out into the world after he murdered his brother. Where the the woman whom he married come from?

    • @EricHenryJnr
      @EricHenryJnr 3 года назад +3

      @@scharf74 we do know how the animals were created they were called into being. Adam and Eve were never meant to have dominion over any other people. Their dominion is stated in scripture. Birds, fish, animals, creeping things. Cain had sisters according to the scripture.

    • @scharf74
      @scharf74 3 года назад +3

      @@EricHenryJnr But the sisters were with the rest of the family and Cain was sent away. He took a sister with him.
      Both of us are committed to our thinking. Thanks for your time.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  3 года назад +11

      Thanks for your comment! Those are interesting observations. I agree that there are intruiging differences between the two accounts and we do need to think about the significance of those differences, but I don't think we have to conclude that the stories are speaking about different people. Genesis 1 doesn't specify how God created the first humans, so it's not necessarily in contradiction to Genesis 2. Also, the fact that God provided a specific home for the first humans doesn't mean that his general commission from chapter 1 was not valid anymore or impossible to achieve. Was not the garden part of the earth they were to have dominion over and the snake one of the animals they were to have dominion over? So it seems to me that Genesis 2-3 shows how the first humans failed in the task God gave them in Genesis 1.

  • @martharuggles8650
    @martharuggles8650 2 года назад +5

    If one looks carefully at the two creation accounts the same ABC ABC D pattern can be observed in both accounts. It's fairly obvious in Genesis 1 but it is evident in the 2nd creation story as well (Gen 2:4-25): A. The watering of the earth (4-6) and (10-14). B. Man created and placed in the garden (7-8) and (15). C. The trees of the garden (9) and ( 16-17). The 7th and highlighted unit here is marriage (18-25). The 7th unit of the 1st account is the Sabbath, the 7th day. Both highlighted units contain creation as well as gospel/redemption implications.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад

      Very interesting, had not noticed that before. Thanks for sharing!

  • @tumbletoes909
    @tumbletoes909 6 дней назад +1

    Excellent! The chiastic nature of the story utterly undermines the old Elohistic/Yawistic/priestly interpretation I was brought up with. Some years back I noticed the sequence of events from Creation to Fall await their neat chiastic reflections at the Passion. 🤯 Only the Creator could have done that!

  • @timkopp2204
    @timkopp2204 2 года назад +20

    The "original" bible didn't have chapters or verses at all.
    Chapters and verses were added in the 1500's. I don't think a chapter contradicts another. It was all one account.

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад +6

      How do you reconcile the difference in order of events? In chapter one plants are made on day 3 and earthly animals are created on day 6 before man is created. But in chapter 2 it is clear that man is created before plants and animals. Also in chapter 1 earth and heavens are created on different days but in chapter 2 it says earth and heaven were made in the same day?

    • @uri-yahu
      @uri-yahu 2 года назад +3

      @@chrischicoine18 we have to ask ourselves “is the goal of chapter 2 to give us another chronological order of the events of creation? Or is it about the creation of mankind and the garden of Eden and isn’t trying to uphold any specific order of events?”

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад +3

      @@uri-yahu either way it is clearly a different story with different timelines and different names for god suggesting multiple authors

    • @wannabe_scholar82
      @wannabe_scholar82 2 года назад +1

      @@chrischicoine18 bingo!

    • @connorpusey5912
      @connorpusey5912 2 года назад +1

      It does not have different names for God. The general creation account used the general name for the creator (God), whereas the account that zooms in on the events following creation uses God’s personal name YHWH. But God is used _with_ YHWH (YHWH God or LORD God).

  • @lh7550
    @lh7550 2 года назад +18

    Smart, concise, and accurate. Most importantly, you don't force your own idea into the text, but present your honest understanding of it. This is the way of doing it. God bless you.

  • @0zinierd
    @0zinierd 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hello! Good video! I didn’t clearly understand the video completely, but it thought it was a good one. Anyway, I want to hear about your opinions about the popular theory of four writers for the four first chapter Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers?

  • @danielvrodriguez81
    @danielvrodriguez81 8 месяцев назад +2

    The first chapter is where he creates. The second chapter is where he forms his creation. There is a difference between creation and formation

    • @anthonyshepherd6692
      @anthonyshepherd6692 8 месяцев назад +2

      So he created humans, then he formed them? Please explain

  • @chrischicoine18
    @chrischicoine18 2 года назад +3

    How do you reconcile the difference in order of events? In chapter one plants are made on day 3 and earthly animals are created on day 6 before man is created. But in chapter 2 it is clear that man is created before plants and animals. Also in chapter 1 earth and heavens are created on different days but in chapter 2 it says earth and heaven were made in the same day?

    • @nancyhale5054
      @nancyhale5054 2 года назад

      I'm not sure which version of the Bible you read, I generally read NKJV. Gen. 2 starts off saying "Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. Vs 5 explains that no plants had grown because God had not caused it to rain.
      I have a package of seeds on the counter, they exist and have all the properties that seeds typically do, but until I plant them they are just seeds. They still exist.
      vs 6 "but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground" (plants grew) and in vs 7 God formed man from the dust of the earth (is that why things of the earth is referred to as 'mother' nature?) So plants are before humans.
      Remember, Jesus is THE Word, THE Truth, THE Life. It help to read the Bible with the foremost thought that everything is TRUE, and not to shape it into human understanding, because finite can not comprehend infinite. And, also, that Christ IS the Word. He is right there in the beginning. God said. The Word of God is Christ. Everything came into being thru Him and by Him.
      There has also been some debate on whether "in the beginning" is a creation statement (when God created time) it seems rather silly because who could know? Some things just must be taken on faith. Either you believe God or you don't. If you decided you do, than why not trust everything He says?

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад

      @@nancyhale5054 I believe in Jesus I just see clearly that chapter 1 and 2 are different stories. Even the name used for god is different in each chapter

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад

      @@nancyhale5054 I read a more literal translation like NASB or esv

  • @ExposingFalseDoctrines
    @ExposingFalseDoctrines 4 месяца назад +3

    1 is the summary of creation. 2 (etc) is more details of the creation summary.
    Genesis 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

  • @mattgrizz1153
    @mattgrizz1153 9 месяцев назад +1

    Why in chapter 1 God created man and woman and said to be fruitful and increase in number. But in chapter 2 when God created Adam and Eve they was naked and felt no shame? Why was there 2 different commandments from God? Was this perhaps 2 different people? Or 2 different times?

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 9 месяцев назад

      Are you a believer? (I am one, can try to answer your question, but have to ask you first)

    • @otisarmyalso
      @otisarmyalso 7 месяцев назад

      Yes 2 seperate events

    • @otisarmyalso
      @otisarmyalso 7 месяцев назад

      Adam was certainty not 1st man. Scripture means what it says & says what it means. So when Jesus said
      from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female’.. Gen1:1 Mk10:6 Matt19:4 Mk13:19 Heb1:10
      The wonderful thing about believing holy scripture is freedom from doubt. This act to which Jesus referred was:
      ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he them & God blessed them’, & God said to them, “Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: & have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that moves upon the earth & God said, Behold, I have given you
      EVERY. ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive )
      herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, &
      EVERY tree, ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive)
      in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” Gen1:27-29
      But when God made Adam and placed him in GARDEN God was very specific ;
      And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: ] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Genesis 2:16-19
      Adam was specifically told v2:17 not eat of Tree knowledge of good and evil. Gen1 and Gen2 are separate accounts. Time betwixt 2event unspecified
      Jesus was clear also. For He did not say from time of Garden He made Adam and Eve. But rather Jesus spoke on this wise.
      from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female
      Not Adam and Eve, not from the time of garden. Jesus meant what was said and said what he meant Adam and Eve were not in the creation... accept that scripture means what is said and says what it means
      Jesus was clear and precise doubt no more. He drew a line into the sands of time by saying
      Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.
      There were 4kYrs of sin prior to John and there remain 3k years from Jesus 3 day prophesy
      John 2:19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
      Show quoted text
      Adam was certainty not 1st man. Scripture means what it says & says what it means. So when Jesus said
      from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female’.. Gen1:1 Mk10:6 Matt19:4 Mk13:19 Heb1:10
      The wonderful thing about believing holy scripture is freedom from doubt. This act to which Jesus referred was:
      So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he them & God blessed them’, & God said to them, “Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: & have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that moves upon the earth & God said, Behold, I have given you
      EVERY. ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive )
      herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, &
      EVERY tree, ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive)
      in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” Gen1:27-29
      But when God made Adam and placed him in GARDEN God was very specific ;
      And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: ] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Genesis 2:16-19
      Adam was specifically told v2:17 not eat of Tree knowledge of good and evil. Gen1 and Gen2 are separate accounts. Time betwixt 2event unspecified
      Jesus was clear also. For He did not say from time of Garden He made Adam and Eve. But rather Jesus spoke on this wise.
      from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female
      Not Adam and Eve, not from the time of garden. Jesus meant what was said and said what he meant Adam and Eve were not in the creation... accept that scripture means what is said and says what it means
      Man in Gen1 was made From nothing Ex-Nehlio... Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
      Yet Adam in Gen2 was formed from dust of ground and Eve was formed from Adam's rib... thus Adam and Eve of Gen2 are not made Ex-nehlio from nothing as were the man and woman in the beginning thus Gen1 and Gen2 are completely different events
      Show quoted text

    • @wserthmar8908
      @wserthmar8908 7 месяцев назад

      @@otisarmyalso Genesis 1 is likely a later writing, written to either replace Genesis 2-3, or reinterpret it.
      Source: Steven DiMattei
      (I am still a believer in God despite these findings)

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 месяца назад

      The 7 creation days prophesy the re-creation of the world from a fallen state. The 6th day prophecies the Messiah through whom we are made in the image of God, male and female. The 7th day rest hadn't happened yet according to Jesus who said "My father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working." in John 5:17.
      Genesis 2 is mistranslated to make it appear God intentionally created Adam from the dust, but Paul quotes Gen 2:7 and contrasts Adam, "a soul living" with Jesus, "a life-giving spirit" in 1 Cor 15:45. This tells us that Adam became perishable when he was made from the dust of the earth.
      I believe Gen 2:25 says they were "not in fine linen". The Hebrew שש should be classified as H8336. It is translated to make it appear the man and woman were innocent at that point, which is false.

  • @PhylosophyHour
    @PhylosophyHour Месяц назад

    Actually in Genesis 2 God places Adam on earth and then grows the plants and animals and garden after. There may also be 2 separate creation accounts because the first one implies that God had already added earth(s), plants, animals, stars and ect ect into the universe, then placed Adam specifically on one of the earths(planets) that was still barren until God added more to it for him. Of course I agree with the formatting of the texts you mention as well, but this bit ^ is probably important to consider also. Nothing is accidental in the Bible and God doesn’t make mistakes, so Adam not fitting into the Gen 1 timeline of events probably has meaning.
    Also it might be useful to mention that people were called ‘mankind’ exclusively until later after many generations are listed when it gets into the part about Noah, then it changes to human beings for some reason. Prior to that the focus was on mankind which (non-canon thunk provoking theory time) may not be human being exclusive, if Genesis 1 does refer to the wider universe prior to Adam, as that would imply mankind exists on other planets or may include the angels, which could possibly be how Caine found a wife despite Eve being the only woman on Earth at the time, and the subsequent nephilim hybrids that follow. Similarly, Eden may have been a planet that Adam and his family got booted from during the fall and sent to this one that was already filled with other ‘mankind’ (thus Caine/his wife)
    Idk, it would just be rly interesting if “earth” means any planet made of earth(the element/soil) and mankind meant other of God’s children on other worlds.

  • @judyluvrevolution6314
    @judyluvrevolution6314 3 года назад +8

    there are major contradictions in both creation storys this is why people mix up both stories saying it was created in six days he rested on the seventh day and Eve was from the rib of Adam, in the first creation story day and light is created then the firmament the dry land, the seas, the plants the sea creatures, the animals and man and woman created in Gods image, the second creation story is completely different, first Adam is made from clay God breathed into him, then God walked around and created plants and animals and had Adam name the animals he needed a help mate so Adam went to sleep God took his rib to make a woman, the second creation story has no mention of day or light or the sun or moon, or creation of land or sea, we don't know if this is all in one day or how long this occurred, the second creation man and women are not made in God's image thats a big difference, both born full adults who could speak is a miracle, the truth hurts but the truth is that this is obviously two different authors the writing styles are completely different, God's intentions are totally different in each story, in the second story God is a human walking on earth, it doesn't say God created the earth or the universe but the first creation story explains where day and night came in and most importantly why the seventh day was so sacred that it is a sin to work on Sunday, is not mentioned in the second story, its not meant to be taken literally or historically these are just ancient Israelite stories thats all but great Hebrew literature

    • @vickyandersen8660
      @vickyandersen8660 2 года назад +5

      Keep studying

    • @barbarahayes4696
      @barbarahayes4696 2 года назад +1

      It is not a work of man, but the word of God, to be taken literally.

    • @YAHWEH-SAVES777
      @YAHWEH-SAVES777 Год назад

      @@barbarahayes4696 then explain it then

    • @jesuschristfirst5775
      @jesuschristfirst5775 Год назад

      Popular "Christianity" is not Biblical. Biblical Christianity is not popular.
      The whole reason the focus in Genesis is on the adamic race is because it's the race JESUS would come through which is why Eve was called the mother of all living because she was the start of JESUS' genealogy in which all can live eternally and in which all life comes from. HIS genealogy is even listed in Luke 3. The whole reason GOD saved Noah and his family is because they were the only ones perfect in pedigree, as they did not mix with the fallen angels.
      It doesn't take a genius to know Asians, blacks, and whites etc, don't come from the same parents, grandparents, etc... to state such is to push evolution. To claim such also accuses GOD of leaving Adam and eve's children with no choice but to commit incest which is a big sin. Clearly cain knew others existed from Genesis 1, which is why he was afraid of everyone who would kill him for murdering his own brother. And which is how he obtained a wife in the land of Nod.
      Clearly the whole focus of Genesis is on the adamic race because they are the ones who would be the israelites in which CHRIST would come through who would bring salvation unto the whole world (gentiles).
      It's videos like this which cause so many to turn away from the faith.

    • @burgersuperking
      @burgersuperking Год назад

      @@jesuschristfirst5775 I disagree that Jesus was fully 'adamite', kainite blood contaminates the absolute majority of humanity and constitutes the original sin of the original sin and the result of miscegenation between genesis1 type humans, and genesis2 type adamite humans, and apparently Jesus managed to 'purge' kainite blood out of him, which guaranteed his salvation.

  • @_DiJiT
    @_DiJiT 2 года назад +49

    Simple: there aren’t two accounts. The “first account” is God ordering the Cosmos, the second is God ordering Eden

    • @steelsharpenssteel1055
      @steelsharpenssteel1055 Год назад +4

      It's just that simple

    • @metaspacecrownedbytime4579
      @metaspacecrownedbytime4579 Год назад +4

      Correct. There are not two accounts. First is the summarised version, the next is the original account in detail, then through to Revelations. Note the detail account has man being made before the trees. It is the summarised account that reveals it was not until the sixth day that man was made in God's image.

    • @ChrisMusante
      @ChrisMusante Год назад +3

      Actually, there is a not so obvious difference. Isaiah 45:7 & Job 2:10 hold the keys - God 'forms and makes' light and peace, while he 'creates' darkness and evil.
      Not that the 1st account mentions 'created', and the 2nd - 'formed'.
      Also the first is saying God and the 2nd Lord God.
      Even the Sabbath mentions... God 'rested' from His work of all He 'made' and 'created'.
      This also solves the 'gap' in Genesis - God 'destroys' as a part of the resets that He does to creation. Sorry for the tough news.
      ~ Prophet of YHVH

    • @psyogisoma8819
      @psyogisoma8819 10 месяцев назад

      Facts i read it and was like well its obvious one is the world and then Eden. Don't lnow why there is much confusion. Now i think either the first adam in chapter 1 was both and male and female and it wasn't until chpater 2 that they are seperated. Because im chapter one it says to make in our image. And said so man was made male and female. Then im chapter two the words change, after adam lost a rib, to man and woman. I think this becuase God would technically be both male and female so to make our image would mean to have both and then later they are wiped out becuase of the flood so now we are permanently separated

    • @trevourofficial
      @trevourofficial 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@ChrisMusanteplease expound

  • @jimhepworth
    @jimhepworth 8 месяцев назад +1

    I was expecting to hear an exegesis between the 2 creations stories (along with their conflicts), but just heard more commentary about chapters 3 and 4. Focus man, focus.

  • @benjaminhawthorne1969
    @benjaminhawthorne1969 4 месяца назад +3

    Thank you so much for this! I am presenting "The Two Creation Tales" to my "Bible Study" class today and this was VERY helpful!
    P.S. Friendly reminder: "Dialog" is misspelled. It is actually, "dialogue." 😊

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  4 месяца назад +2

      Awesome! Appreciate the friendly reminder. I just checked some dictionaries and it seems like "dialog" is ok, though it is the less common variant.

  • @tjlo1216
    @tjlo1216 Год назад +2

    Super helpful - thanks so much. Just curious . . . it sounds like you refer to the serpent as "she" in the conclusion. Why?

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      Because in my native language of German the word serpent is feminine and I wrongly assumed it was the same in English. :) My bad! Was not trying to make any kind of theological point.

    • @kristianaquillen7931
      @kristianaquillen7931 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@MasterpieceBibleI don't believe you.

    • @tjlo1216
      @tjlo1216 7 месяцев назад

      Fascinating. Thanks - makes total sense now.@@MasterpieceBible

  • @derrickpurdy7011
    @derrickpurdy7011 2 года назад +1

    There are two creation accounts in Genesis. In Chapter 1, we have the general creation of the universe, the earth, etc., but in Chapter 2 beginning with verse 4 we have the second creation. This is a separate creation (but not a full creation) because we read this is the generations of the heavens and the earth WHEN THEY WERE CREATED and IN THE DAY that the Lord God MADE the heavens and the earth. For those who can read, the next verses indicate future events following the 7th day of rest, hence why some call Adam the 8th day creation. I fail to understand why it is so difficult for some to understand that "when they were created" indicates that the prior creation events in Chapter 1 are now past at this point and we are beginning a new series of creation events but that is okay. The only reason they don't understand is they would rather listen to a man than the Bible.

  • @bobbysmith1627
    @bobbysmith1627 2 года назад +3

    At the writing of Genesis Israel was divided into a northern kingdom and his southern kingdom the two separate accounts are two distinct and separate literary styles which indicate two separate authors

    • @ReadyToFly24
      @ReadyToFly24 2 года назад

      All of the word was written by God.

    • @taye7968
      @taye7968 2 года назад +1

      @@ReadyToFly24 how!

  • @emmsxt
    @emmsxt 2 года назад +7

    Dude. You didnt answer the question. 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @larrylanham2779
    @larrylanham2779 Год назад +1

    Chapter 1 is a scientific and moral acount. It answers the question "grandfather, how did everything come to be and howcome God has the right to rule over everything.
    Chapter 2 answers the question " grandfather, how is it that we Hebrews trust God? Chapter 2 is the acount of the generations of the heavens and earth, just like chapter 5 is the generations of Adam. Books of generations are not the whole detailed history, they are more focused.

  • @MaturePassion
    @MaturePassion Год назад +5

    Masterful! Thank you for the great insights into the text Chris!

  • @erikt1713
    @erikt1713 Месяц назад

    The first is still the original story from an earlier religion. God is still called "Elohim" there which refers to "El, the most high".
    In Genesis 2, God takes on the familiar name of "Yahweh" and the whole storytelling is more developed. The authors are not afraid to straighten out the order of events, either, as in Gen 1 the plants on earth are created before the sun, but in Gen 2 the plants come later.
    They could not let go of the original story as it was holy. Deuteronomy 10:17 even states that Yahweh and El are the same God.

  • @mauricetwitchell6413
    @mauricetwitchell6413 14 дней назад

    Take a look at the Book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price in LDS scripture where the first account is a spiritual creation and chapter 2 is the physical creation

  • @michaelnardini4934
    @michaelnardini4934 2 года назад +2

    it makes more sense i think, to put the solicitation at the end of the video. When I know if i like it or not.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад

      I agree. Which is why I stopped doing it at the beginning. ;)

  • @ilkc100
    @ilkc100 4 месяца назад

    im curious to know why is Chpater 1 necessary to put in? if chapters 2 and 3 are to be read together? most people take it as two different accounts of creation

  • @RG-qn2qm
    @RG-qn2qm Год назад +3

    The book of revelation is written in a chiastic structure, not only the book of Revelation but the whole bible is written in a chiastic structure.

  • @tamifleskes5741
    @tamifleskes5741 2 года назад +1

    I do not know if you will even get this but I’m going to try anyway. There was a man that taught the real Bible when he passed away his daughter started teaching it. She has really long hair. Anyway I lost my way of watching them I love learning about this book. Do you know who it was or someone that teaches the real one. She would compare it to King James Version. I was beating myself up about not be able to remember the way people could just throw stuff at you. Well God woke me up told me to open the Bible. Well I’ll never will forget this one. I read”knowledge is for knowing but without the spirit it is nothing. I think I’ll stay with that. You can feel truth. I tell people the only thing I truly own that no one can take away is my enter knowing or discernment whatever you want to call it. Also it is bugging me that in the beginning of the book there is a word used that means more than one. In other words more than one God that made earth true or not. I was looking into all of that when I lost everything. I was in a coma no I was on a visit for a week stay in icu for another week went straight home for icu. I was blessed

  • @kelldees6324
    @kelldees6324 Год назад +3

    Great video. The breakdown and explanation helped me understand a lot more. God bless you.

  • @mutindamutiso4234
    @mutindamutiso4234 8 месяцев назад +1

    You went silent on the contradictions in chapter 1
    and 2.

  • @perochtherese
    @perochtherese Год назад +2

    Actually, one could add an extra dimension to the chiastic structure, where Gen 2:4-7 corresponds to the last chapter in this toledoth, especially chapter 4:1-16, where the ground and the growth stand at the centre, along with God giving life and Cain taking life. Many thanks Chris for these videos, a valuable help in my own studies and writing.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      Interesting idea, I will have to look into that a bit more. Glad the videos are helpful. :)

  • @b1akn3ss93
    @b1akn3ss93 2 года назад +5

    There’s so much confusion
    Because God forgot to create Proof-reading and Editing before he got people to write it …
    There’s a lot of unnecessary repetition in the Bible and so many people use mental gymnastics to not see the errors .
    Especially a book that is meant to be “gods Word” aka the ultimate truth …
    And don’t get me started on the revised and updated versions when in the bible itself it says:
    Revelations 22:18 to 22:19
    But I guess that’s just one of those “ parables “ or “I’m reading it out of context”

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад +4

      It's easy to make sweeping statements like that, but unless you present convincing evidence that this is actually true, it's just an opinion. As for proofreading and editing: I do see a text in dire need of it and it's not the Bible... ;)

    • @eliargumedo4728
      @eliargumedo4728 2 года назад +1

      Is God talking about the book or the prophecy? Because he says, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book"
      It looks like he is talking about the prophecy and that whoever twists the words of the prophecy will have the plagues in this book cast down upon him

    • @eliargumedo4728
      @eliargumedo4728 2 года назад

      However, that is a question I have.

    • @barbarahayes4696
      @barbarahayes4696 2 года назад

      God never forgets anything, if it is repeated it is meant to be. We can not understand God just from our head or we'll get off track. We must also pray and ask God to show us who he is and his ways through his word. We are not just physical beings but spiritual with a soul. Don't come at as s just an old book that some people wrote Jesus said not one bit would pass till heaven and earth pass. Psalms tells us it is forever settled in the heavens. And written on his vesture was the name - the word of God (Revelations.) We cannot separate God from his word.

  • @stevegold7307
    @stevegold7307 2 года назад +2

    Did u call the serpent a "her" towards the end of video???

    • @LoveBeautyFun7
      @LoveBeautyFun7 Год назад +1

      Exactly what I was wondering, why did he call it ‘her’???

    • @hiddenfromyourview
      @hiddenfromyourview Год назад

      Here is his exact quote from the author, taken from another comment in this video: "Because in my native language of German the word serpent is feminine and I wrongly assumed it was the same in English. :) My bad! Was not trying to make any kind of theological point." Simply, a difference in language - nothing more, nothing less.

    • @mdy888
      @mdy888 Месяц назад

      Yes it’s male: Genesis 3:1: Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And HE said unto the woman…

  • @MrBlakeD82
    @MrBlakeD82 7 месяцев назад

    Chapter 2:4b onwards is likely the original account. It shows creation in a different order than chapter one, and more importantly, reveals it's earlier written date in the naming convention of god. Chapter 2 uses the earlier form YHWH Elohim, while chapter 1 only uses Elohim, which came about after writing out the holy name became a bit taboo. Chapter 1 is considered a Priestly account, and reveals a God who perfectly creates everything, including man and woman being made simultaneously. In chapter 2, man is created first, then God creates the animals in an attempt to find a "help mate" for the man. Chapter 2 has a God who has to tinker with his creation, which is not what is shown in chapter 1.

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 месяца назад

      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @nancyhale5054
    @nancyhale5054 2 года назад +2

    I have a simple explanation- God doesn't change. He says that we shouldn't believe one witness, there should be two or three. And from my studies, He consistently provides at least two accounts of every thing He says, some times more. He does what He tells us to do.
    Adam was standing right next to Eve the entire time she was talking to the serpent. Just standing there. I wonder if this is why, in Matthew, it says, sin entered the world thru Adam. I have so many questions about this, but I haven't found anyone addressing it (people often don't believe me until they go and re-read it) I guess it would be impossible for us to understand an unfallen mind, so my questions can't come close to relevance - but he just stood there and didn't interrupt while she misstated what Adam himself might have told her (she hadn't been formed when God told Adam not to eat from the tree, but she was a part of Adam so it is possible she heard it from God then. But, since God doesn't change, and the NT say woman are supposed to learn from their husbands, it is possible it was Adam who told Eve) Adam just stood there silent. Is that what innocence looks like? Jesus was silent during parts of His trial.
    I just found one of your videos 2 days ago. It was on Jacob and him wrestling with God. I never understood that and thank you greatly for explaining it. I've watched several now, and look forward to exploring your past posts when I have the time. Thank you for your content! I very much appreciate it all. God bless you.

    • @jaimematus7308
      @jaimematus7308 2 года назад

      Gen chapter 1 = born of the flesh.
      Gen chapter 2 = born of the spirit.
      Chapter 1 = the physical.
      Chapter 2 = the spiritual.

    • @jesuschristfirst5775
      @jesuschristfirst5775 Год назад

      Popular "Christianity" is not Biblical. Biblical Christianity is not popular.
      The whole reason the focus in Genesis is on the adamic race is because it's the race JESUS would come through which is why Eve was called the mother of all living because she was the start of JESUS' genealogy in which all can live eternally and in which all life comes from. HIS genealogy is even listed in Luke 3. The whole reason GOD saved Noah and his family is because they were the only ones perfect in pedigree, as they did not mix with the fallen angels.
      It doesn't take a genius to know Asians, blacks, and whites etc, don't come from the same parents, grandparents, etc... to state such is to push evolution. To claim such also accuses GOD of leaving Adam and eve's children with no choice but to commit incest which is a big sin. Clearly cain knew others existed from Genesis 1, which is why he was afraid of everyone who would kill him for murdering his own brother. And which is how he obtained a wife in the land of Nod.
      Clearly the whole focus of Genesis is on the adamic race because they are the ones who would be the israelites in which CHRIST would come through who would bring salvation unto the whole world (gentiles).
      It's videos like this which cause so many to turn away from the faith.

    • @nancyhale5054
      @nancyhale5054 Год назад

      @@jesuschristfirst5775 that is incorrect - read up on DNA; even science has had to admit all human life on earth comes from 1 female - who they have termed mitochondria eve (I think - I may have the first wrong, it's something Eve)
      God doesn't lie.

  • @martyns1722
    @martyns1722 Год назад +1

    I really hope you read and answer my question.
    Question: why is it that In Genesis 1, the animals were created first and then man (gen 1: 24 and 26) but in chapter 2, (gen 2:19) man was created first and asked to name the animals?
    It doesn't make sense because generally speaking, it is sad man was created on the seven day. So chapter two of Genesis creates more confusion and I wonder why it was allowed in the compilation.
    This is why I came searching for answers. Please if you can answer my question it would mean a lot to me

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад +1

      Thanks for your question. The main issue is that, in contrast to Gen 1, Gen 2 is not primarily concerned with chronology but with the relationship of creation to man. The author is not so much concerned with when the animals were created but that they were named by man, but weren't suitable companions for him. We must therefore stop making Gen 2 about chronology, that is not the intent. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the Hebrew past tense in Gen 2:19 may be translated as a pluperfect "had formed", as some translations do (e.g. ESV, NIV, etc.). Also, it's interesting that Gen 2 uses very specific expressions with regard to the animals ("beast of the field", "bird of the heavens") that do not occur in Gen 1. Rather than worry about a possible contradiction between Gen 1 and 2 we should be much more interested in the specific language the author uses in each case and ask ourselves why he chose this particular language in this particular context. This means studying the text very carefully and not drawing conclusions too quickly.

    • @jesuschristfirst5775
      @jesuschristfirst5775 Год назад

      Popular "Christianity" is not Biblical. Biblical Christianity is not popular.
      The whole reason the focus in Genesis is on the adamic race is because it's the race JESUS would come through which is why Eve was called the mother of all living because she was the start of JESUS' genealogy in which all can live eternally and in which all life comes from. HIS genealogy is even listed in Luke 3. The whole reason GOD saved Noah and his family is because they were the only ones perfect in pedigree, as they did not mix with the fallen angels.
      It doesn't take a genius to know Asians, blacks, and whites etc, don't come from the same parents, grandparents, etc... to state such is to push evolution. To claim such also accuses GOD of leaving Adam and eve's children with no choice but to commit incest which is a big sin. Clearly cain knew others existed from Genesis 1, which is why he was afraid of everyone who would kill him for murdering his own brother. And which is how he obtained a wife in the land of Nod.
      Clearly the whole focus of Genesis is on the adamic race because they are the ones who would be the israelites in which CHRIST would come through who would bring salvation unto the whole world (gentiles).
      It's videos like this which cause so many to turn away from the faith.

    • @thadofalltrades
      @thadofalltrades Год назад

      Jesus quotes from both as if they are one account in Matthew 19. The verb "formed" in Genesis 2:19 can also be translated "had formed", which would be a reference back to Genesis 1. Given the words of Jesus, that would seem to the correct translation and resolves the issue of the order. Genesis 1 is the chronological account, Genesis 2 is specifically the events of day 6.

    • @anthonyshepherd6692
      @anthonyshepherd6692 8 месяцев назад

      It reads more like Gen 1:1-10, 2:4-8, 1:11-25 & 2:8-20 running simultaneously

  • @earlygenesistherevealedcos1982
    @earlygenesistherevealedcos1982 8 месяцев назад

    The second account isn't even attempting to be a "creation account" of the world. It is a recursion into the creation (really formation) of Adam and a limited set of animals that would help him live a domesticated life style. It is a smaller work within the larger work, whose purpose was to help man complete the job of subduing the earth, and himself by bringing line of Messiah.

  • @74scoutlvr
    @74scoutlvr 7 месяцев назад

    Isn't it true the 2 creation stories at beginning of genesis differ on timing of when things were created?

  • @BeIteshazzar
    @BeIteshazzar Год назад +1

    One thing I still don't understand is why Genesis 2:1 through verse 3 was not put into the end of Genesis Chapter 1.
    Chapter 2. should really start out with: "This is the history of the heavens and the earth.."
    Also, the continuation of Gen 2:3 is found in Gen 5:1. Anything in between is a tragic story of man's continual downfall, ending with Lamech sin weighing 70 times more than of Cain murdering Abel. Gen 5:1 continues the story of "image" of God.
    There is also a prophetic numerology going on in these tragic chapters of Gen 2:4 through the end of Chapter 4. Cain's curse is 7 fold, Lamech's curse is that of Cain, times 70, which equals to 490... This number later becomes significant in the history of Israel bearing its sin and the arrival of the Messiah (also see Daniel 9:24). Chapter 4 ends with "Then men began to call on the name of the Lord."...

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      Yes, very interesting connection between Gen 4 and Dan 9! I searched around a bit regarding the beginning of Gen 2. Haven't really found a clear answer. Assuming these were intelligent people I would expect there to be a plausible reason. Possibly they wanted to highlight the separate nature/uniqueness of the seventh day? Not sure... If you find anything feel free to share.

  • @pkmr5284
    @pkmr5284 3 месяца назад

    Two Creation accounts back to back does seem strange. I think God might have done this at the very beginning of The Bible to cause people to ponder, and help them to realize right away that they will have to search out matters in His Holy Word; not just READ it, but SEEK TO UNDERSTAND, ask WHY? Dig deep for answers, not just in Genesis, but throughout The Bible.

  • @peteryoung4974
    @peteryoung4974 Год назад +2

    What’s your last name Chris… Do you teach full book commentary’s ?.
    Your awesome at this and would love to find someone that shares this way.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      Thanks Peter! Last name is Vogel. Have not gone through entire books yet, but it's something I'm thinking about. Are there any books you are particularly interested in?

    • @peteryoung4974
      @peteryoung4974 Год назад +1

      Thxs Chris for responding.. sometime I feel like such a doubting Thomas .
      Love to go through the whole book of Genisis and really follow up with John.
      If you start anything like this I’m there!!.. yo ou are great at this and a lot of people need help to truly get this masterpiece ( bible) as you seem to,

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад +1

      @@peteryoung4974 I'm a student of the book just like everyone else, just trying to share what I have discovered so far while recognizing that I still have much to learn. Genesis and John are both amazing books. You've probably seen that I have a number of videos on Genesis and more are coming this next year. Also, I have started to prepare study guides on Genesis for individual or group study with some helpful info and study questions on each passage. Go to www.masterpiece.bible and click on "Study Guides". Hopefully I will find time to do more of those as well. If you have any questions on Genesis or other parts of the Bible, feel free to contact me anytime. Contact info is in the About section of the channel. Blessings to you as you study God's Word!

  • @genevawilkerson4245
    @genevawilkerson4245 Год назад +1

    That’s pretty cool I didn’t think about that. The fact that God breathed into Adam as a sign of his intimacy with Adam and Adams absolute dependence on God

  • @hicksdillon
    @hicksdillon 2 года назад +5

    Chapters 1 and 2 were different oral traditions spoken separately from one another. These stories were eventually all written side by side. Most likely during the Babylonian exile. So when viewed as such, there's going to be inconsistencies.

    • @bobbysmith1627
      @bobbysmith1627 2 года назад +1

      Israel was divided into two kingdoms at the writing of Genesis the northern kingdom in the southern kingdom that they were two different literary styles and two different authors

    • @kylas1902
      @kylas1902 2 года назад +2

      @@bobbysmith1627 Which one is the author that got the story directly from god?

    • @jdallen7588
      @jdallen7588 2 года назад

      Source? Anything can be claimed, however, facts matter.

  • @joselitobenbenuto2749
    @joselitobenbenuto2749 Год назад

    How about the creation in chapter1? How about the creation in chapter2 ?

  • @MrZiggy1979
    @MrZiggy1979 8 месяцев назад

    I am wrestling with the question, why would God say that he will make a helper for Adam, but after I said there was not a helper found for Adam as if they were looking for one? Is somewhat a spiritual contribution

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 месяца назад

      Help is probably not the best translation.
      But the word opposite is more appropriate.
      Adam was split into Good Adam and Bad Adam. Together they form one flesh.
      Ever thought how "they form one flesh". Does that mean if a husband commits murder the wife must go to hell for it also? No.
      Note: It states Adam was put to sleep (a trance). But it does not say he was awoken.
      When each of us, fallen angel, gets birthed into a flesh prison suit, there is a good you and a bad you (a double you -- purify your hearts you double minded).
      You are put into a trance, until quickened by Jesus Christ.
      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 месяца назад

      @@qwerty-so6ml I agree, we were spirits before we were made from the dust and the female separated from the male. Only through the Messiah can we return to being like the angels Matt 22:30.
      I also agree that those who say we are made in the image of God are wrong. The 6th creation day prophesies the righteous being made in the image of God, male and female, through the Messiah.
      We are not in the image of God in our perishable form. Paul said "the perishable does not inherit the imperishable" in 1 Cor 15:50, and "when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death has been swallowed up in victory'." in 1 Cor 15:54

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 месяца назад

      Video from angel of Church of Philadelphia.
      "Bible unlocked": ruclips.net/video/JPrB2Qt_qkU/видео.html

  • @otisarmyalso
    @otisarmyalso 7 месяцев назад +1

    Adam was certainty not 1st man. Scripture means what it says & says what it means. So when Jesus said
    from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female’.. Gen1:1 Mk10:6 Matt19:4 Mk13:19 Heb1:10
    This act to which Jesus referred was:
    ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he them & God blessed them’, & God said to them, “Be fruitful, & multiply, & replenish the earth, & subdue it: & have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over every living thing that moves upon the earth & God said, Behold, I have given you
    EVERY. ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive )
    herb yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, &
    EVERY tree, ( Yes here it says every read all inclusive)
    in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food.” Gen1:27-29
    But when God made Adam and placed him in GARDEN God was very specific ;
    And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: ] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. Genesis 2:16-19
    Adam was specifically told v2:17 not eat of Tree knowledge of good and evil.
    Gen1 and Gen2 are separate accounts. Time betwixt 2event unspecified
    Jesus was clear also. For He did not say from time of Garden He made Adam and Eve. But rather Jesus spoke on this wise.
    from the beginning of the creation God made them male & female’ also.. ‘he which made them at the beginning made them male & female
    Not Adam and Eve, not from the time of garden. Jesus meant what was said and said what he meant Adam and Eve were not in the creation... accept that scripture means what is said and says what it means

    • @user-lv1jk9qb9t
      @user-lv1jk9qb9t 7 месяцев назад

      Yes..u r correct

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 месяца назад

      Genesis 1 is Lucifer and the fallen angels.
      They made man in their image. (tares)
      Man is an idol, a trap for angels.
      Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed His representative in THEIR system. (wheat)
      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @crucommu1
    @crucommu1 2 года назад +3

    There is not two different accounts. There is only one account about creation in Genesis. The added chapters are simply expanding on the same event. CREATION.You'll notice that all the events mentioned fit in together Like a Jigsaw puzzle that paint fuller, clearer picture. Nothing complicated here.

    • @abigailnicholls-may3477
      @abigailnicholls-may3477 2 года назад +1

      Yes to me 1 is like an executive summary

    • @blindvoyager
      @blindvoyager Год назад +3

      Afraid not. If you read carefully the order is different.

    • @stevenbatke2475
      @stevenbatke2475 Год назад +1

      @@blindvoyager shh! Don’t let them know it’s different ;)

    • @jesuschristfirst5775
      @jesuschristfirst5775 Год назад

      Popular "Christianity" is not Biblical. Biblical Christianity is not popular.
      The whole reason the focus in Genesis is on the adamic race is because it's the race JESUS would come through which is why Eve was called the mother of all living because she was the start of JESUS' genealogy in which all can live eternally and in which all life comes from. HIS genealogy is even listed in Luke 3. The whole reason GOD saved Noah and his family is because they were the only ones perfect in pedigree, as they did not mix with the fallen angels.
      It doesn't take a genius to know Asians, blacks, and whites etc, don't come from the same parents, grandparents, etc... to state such is to push evolution. To claim such also accuses GOD of leaving Adam and eve's children with no choice but to commit incest which is a big sin. Clearly cain knew others existed from Genesis 1, which is why he was afraid of everyone who would kill him for murdering his own brother. And which is how he obtained a wife in the land of Nod.
      Clearly the whole focus of Genesis is on the adamic race because they are the ones who would be the israelites in which CHRIST would come through who would bring salvation unto the whole world (gentiles).
      It's videos like this which cause so many to turn away from the faith.

    • @darellholmes7755
      @darellholmes7755 Год назад

      In one creation man was made before the animals..the other creation man was made after the animals..two creation...that's how Cain had a wife

  • @charlottemariesmith
    @charlottemariesmith 9 месяцев назад

    Could ch1 be God creating the world spiritually and ch2 God creating physically?

  • @williamcaldwell9431
    @williamcaldwell9431 8 месяцев назад

    Great Video. Thanks for making it.

  • @terryrush5585
    @terryrush5585 Год назад

    Verse 1 gen 1, God created, verse 2, everything was void and with out form, but the bible says he is light and in him there is no darkness, it also says the angels rejoiced at the creation, so what happened? Was there man on the earth before Adam? Who did Cain marry? When did Satan fall? Before Adam and eve? What cities were destroyed before Adam and eve if they were the first and only people? How thou art brought down, the destroyer of cities? Is it possible that the earth has had many civilizations before Adam? Were there angelic being on the earth before man loving on all the planets?

  • @343jonny
    @343jonny Год назад

    Very nice pointing out the chiasm in the text. However, that doesn't help resolve the problem that the order of the the Gen 1 and Gen 2 accounts seem to be different.

    • @thadofalltrades
      @thadofalltrades Год назад

      it's resolved in the grammar of the Hebrew. Look at Genesis 2:19 across multiple translations. Some use formed and some use had formed. Both are accurate translations. Then go to Matthew 19 and read Jesus's rebuttal to the Pharisees and he quotes from Genesis 1 and 2 as if they were the same account. That means that the most accurate translation of Genesis 2:19 is "had formed", which means it's a callback to Genesis 1, and Genesis 2 is a more specific account of what occurred in Genesis 1.

    • @343jonny
      @343jonny Год назад

      @@thadofalltrades I was just pointing out the chiasm doesn't solve the apparent difference.
      I have been aware of the formed/had formed different translations. It is very interesting that "had formed" shows up in ONLY two of the major translations both of which have a particular a priori theological underpinning. Staking your claim on a more recent translation especially when it is the minority in translating the Hebrew that particular way can have some problems.
      I find your comment "both are accurate translations" to be clearly false. For EITHER God HAD formed the animals BEFORE in the creation order (past tense) OR God FORMED the animals at this moment in the creation order (present tense).
      Here are your contradictions:
      A - "Look at Gen 2:19 across multiple translations....Both [formed and had formed] are accurate translations"
      A' - "...the most accurate translation of Gen 2:19 is "had formed"
      Both your statements about Gen 2:19 cannot be true. Either both are equally accurate as in A or one is "more accurate" meaning the others are inaccurate as in A'.
      What is most striking about Gen 1 and Gen 2 is that they both very strongly present CHRONOLGOCIAL creation accounts. And by saying "had formed" is the correct usage of the Hebrew yasar here, breaks a chronological reading of the Gen 2 text.
      Your statement that Matt 19 shows Jesus believes Gen 1 and 2 to be the same account is not germane to the challenge. The challenge I am making is not "these two account are not attempting to describe the same event" - to which Matt 19 WOULD be a good text to bring up. The challenge is "these two accounts, though seeking to describe the same event, have two different orders of creation". Which leads one highly to believe that the order in which they described the event wasn't of importance - probably because the purpose was to convey more important things than the exact order and methods of creation.
      Your remark that Matt 19 somehow makes Gen 2:19 the most accurate translation is a non-sequitor. If you think Matt 19 equates the two accounts why not start with Gen 2 using "formed" with its order of creation and say that Gen 1 is a callback to the Gen 2 creation story? You just make an assumption that Gen 1 is the "correctly ordered" story.
      Lastly, you have not dealt with another anomaly in Gen 2 - that God forms Adam in Gen 2:7 and THEN he forms the animals in Gen 2:19-20. Which is different than the order of creation in Gen 1.

    • @thadofalltrades
      @thadofalltrades Год назад

      @@343jonny my statement about both being accurate is in reference to the syntax. Both options are available and the broader context would determine which is actually correct. 2) Adam coming before the animals is irrelevant if "had formed" is the correct usage, which it is from the broader context of the rest of the Bible.
      Matthew 19 proves they aren't separate creation accounts. That's the purpose of pointing that out. There's no reason to believe Genesis 1 is a callback to Genesis 2, that's an irrelevant point to make. No one makes that argument. It's either they are separate accounts or Genesis 2 is a more specific and narrative focused restating of Genesis 1, and Matthew 19 strongly favors the latter option.
      The chiastic structure is relevant because other ANE writings use similar structure. Likely the order isn't as important in Genesis 2 because Genesis 1 has already established the order, so the reader would automatically understand Genesis 2 in that context.

    • @343jonny
      @343jonny Год назад

      @@thadofalltradesYou still haven't dealt with the other Genesis anomaly I pointed out that shows the order being off.
      Surely you don't think something from Matthew gives great context to something in Genesis? That's not good hermeneutics. Matthew is not the best context of Genesis 1. Genesis 2 is the immediate surrounding context!
      You're still admitting that only a minority translation of a text is correct, and majority translations are wrong - which I think is still very suspect. I've shown you why you can't use Matt 19 to connect with a particular Genesis account. In Matt 19, Jesus references both Gen 1 and Gen 2 and you are just making a non-sequitor that it proves Gen 2 is referring to Gen 1. That's ridiculous!
      "That's an irrelevant point" and "nobody makes that argument" are not objections to thinking Gen 1 is a callback to Gen 2. Once again, you misrepresent my challenge. The challenge I am making is NOT "these two account are not attempting to describe the same event". The challenge I am making is "these two accounts clearly have two different orders of creation".
      Here at last in your last paragraph you see what I'm saying. ANE stories were not concerned with getting the order right. If they changed the order a little bit, it didn't bother them because ANE stories were meant to be adaptable to communicate the authors intent. Order of creation and method of creation was not the intent of these stories - they were concerned about teaching more fundamental truths. Instead of arguing what you were above, you can see THIS is the answer to why the two Genesis narratives are different in orders.

    • @thadofalltrades
      @thadofalltrades Год назад

      @@343jonny @343jonny the order issue could also be resolved by pointing out that it's within the context of the garden being planted. Just like God brought forth trees for the garden, he could've also created animals specifically for it. This would also resolve why a majority of translations use formed instead of had formed. This was a special creation of animals for the garden.
      Using Matthew 19 is simply to prove that in the view of Jesus, you know the most important individual in the Bible, Genesis 1 and 2 refer to the same event. That's it. If they refer to the same event, then logically one is a callback to the other and given that Genesis 1 is a more complete account, it's way more lately that 2 is a callback to 1. But it doesn't have to be given my response above.

  • @rcboals
    @rcboals 2 года назад +5

    Learned something thank you. Had to look up college word chiastic. "Chiastic structure, or chiastic pattern, is a literary technique in narrative motifs and other textual passages. An example of chiastic structure would be two ideas, A and B, together with variants A' and B', being presented as A,B,B',A'." 😀

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 9 месяцев назад +1

      Say what??

    • @georgesamoakojr.2447
      @georgesamoakojr.2447 8 месяцев назад

      @@priscillajervey8345 Chiastic structure is taken from the letter “X”
      so it’s a “v” and it’s mirror image on the bottom.
      People use this to tell stories. And this is what has been used in chapter 2 and 3.
      Check from minute 3:17

  • @michaelwittkopp3379
    @michaelwittkopp3379 5 месяцев назад

    Some very interesting points made. And for the most part, I can agree with all of them. However, there's that unspoken of elephant _(or two)_ in the video. That is to say, chapter one and chapter two are not talking about the same thing. Chapter one is about giving purpose and function to *all of* our world. While chapters two & three are *solely* about Eden. So, two different events, at two different times.

  • @zachariahkoshy326
    @zachariahkoshy326 Год назад

    Stars were created on the 4th day according to Genesis. Pardon my ignorance. I wonder how can the mornings and evenings happen before the creation of any stars.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      Thanks for your question. Notice the parallel between Gen 1:4 "God divided the light from the darkness" and Gen 1:17-18 "God set them (the luminaries) ... to divide the light from the darkness". So the function of the luminaries was previously held by God. If he is truly God, the creator of everything, that should not be a problem, right?

  • @genevawilkerson4245
    @genevawilkerson4245 Год назад

    So, if Adam received the breath of life from God, does that mean when Eve was inside of Adam, she received the breath of God then?

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      The text does not specify this but I think it's reasonable to assume that since she was taken from Adam she partook of the breath of God.

  • @ibear2554
    @ibear2554 4 месяца назад +1

    This structure and story gives the central problem of our Universe. Cool video. Thank you!

  • @Shiboys
    @Shiboys 2 месяца назад

    I personally do not believe that there were 2 accounts. I simply believe that in the first part The Lord briefly listed what he did or created& in the 2nd he elaborated and provided more details.

  • @michaellejean-baptiste2631
    @michaellejean-baptiste2631 2 года назад +4

    Can someone explain how in genesis 1 god started creating animal on the 5th day but in genesis 2 he created man before all animal of the earth?

    • @b1akn3ss93
      @b1akn3ss93 2 года назад

      Some will make the excuse the second set of animals was only in Eden. but you can think for yourself …

    • @michaellejean-baptiste2631
      @michaellejean-baptiste2631 2 года назад +1

      @@b1akn3ss93 how can it only be in eden when: 《 And every plant of the field before it was in THE EARTH, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon THE EARTH, and there was not a man to till the ground 》Genesis 2v5. They have to be blind....

    • @hicksdillon
      @hicksdillon 2 года назад +2

      These chapters were two separate oral stories before written together. Genesis 1 may have been told well before 2. When the Hebrew texts were eventually written, all these stories came together as a whole. So the inconsistencies became apparent.

    • @johnphillips2479
      @johnphillips2479 2 года назад

      God did not create animals on the 5th day, the first chapter is a overview, an introduction to the text. The story starts on the seventh day when God rests from all he created.

    • @michaellejean-baptiste2631
      @michaellejean-baptiste2631 2 года назад

      @@johnphillips2479 if god is all powerful why would he need to rest?

  • @jasonleslie4349
    @jasonleslie4349 7 месяцев назад

    Confusing and complicated is What i got .I also noted how you dodged an explanation for chapter 1 could it be that scientifically the order in which things are created don't make sense? Also chapter 1 is 95% narrative of earths creation and the rest about (heavens )universe

  • @Aldous944
    @Aldous944 9 месяцев назад

    Can you tell me why you refer to the serpent as 'her'? In my bible, I read of the serpent that "He said to the woman..." I see no reference to the serpent being female.

    • @acewingate6993
      @acewingate6993 9 месяцев назад

      His native language is German. Serpent in German uses feminine pronouns. Simple mistake

  • @fordprefect5304
    @fordprefect5304 8 месяцев назад

    The Sources of the Creation Stories
    I begin with a simple question: According to Genesis, in what order were the land animals, man, and women created? This “simple” question has two different answers. According to Genesis 1:24-27, God creates the land animals (vv. 24-25), and then man and woman (vv. 26-27). However, in Genesis 2:7, God creates man, and then in v. 19 creates animals, and in v. 22 creates woman. Thus, the commonly heard idea that Genesis 2 is an elaboration upon Genesis 1, filling in various details, does not work-the two accounts tell different stories.
    Credit:Prof. Marc Zvi Brettler

  • @barbaraduncan3126
    @barbaraduncan3126 2 года назад +1

    What I feel is that chapter one was were giants and dinosaurs were created the plants were different. In chapter 2 was were Adam and Eve were created with smaller plants and animals. In chapter 5 verse 2 it says that Adam was a race with male and female. Eve was a help meet for Adam. There is no contradiction. When Adam was being thrown out of the garden, he stated don't throw us out least the others will kill us. So there were other people made in chapter one.

    • @blindvoyager
      @blindvoyager Год назад

      I completely disagree, but I love your theory!

    • @jesuschristfirst5775
      @jesuschristfirst5775 Год назад

      Clearly others existed but dinosaurs never existed and giants didn't come about until Genesis 6.

  • @determinationndoro6182
    @determinationndoro6182 2 месяца назад

    Imo Gen 2 is not a creation acc in the strictest sense of the word creation. Gen 2 is a perfection of what has already been created. In Gen 2 we do find new matter coming into existence but we should remember that the earth is not created from Gen 2, it's already existing by Gen 2, it's only perfected

  • @natwil735
    @natwil735 Год назад

    Nicely created video. Faulty conclusion due to Genesis 2:21-22 that was done to humankind which is where the tampering aka “fall” of humankind occurred on the 7th day of rest.
    How do I know this? The Spirit of Truth teaching me ALL Truths John 14:26.
    You are correct that Genesis 2:4 through Genesis 3 are related. You are also wise to notice the parallels and color code them quite accurately between chapters 2 and 3. I will outline some things below. *There are two separate creators and **_two creations on earth_** with the plants, animal, Adam (humankind).* This is why the creators have different names of Elohim (not all Elohim is the One True Creator such Gen 1:26 differ from Gen 3:22; you *know the One True Creator by Their Good Fruits)* versus YHVH in the Hebrew Text of both creations. *Any words in quotes will either be falsehoods or direct quotes or both, such as “covenant name” is both a direct quote from you which is falsehood.*
    The central focus and theme of both creations is Adam (humankind) which in both creation was created in the image of the One True Creator. *Who is the one True Creator?*
    *To know the One True Creator and grasp the concept of Them, one need to look at the image which is Adam (humankind).* Adam (mankind) was a hermaphrodite (one human body with both male and female genders created at the SAME TIME with the Word) as seen in Gen 1:26-28 where *they were created in the Hermaphrodite image of the One True Creator [Mother-Father] not the falsehood adopted in Christianity of “Father-Son” nor the Israelite aka “Jews” understanding of just one male deity.* Neither is true or there would be no need for female in plant, animal, and humankind life for procreation. Focusing on Adam (humankind) in Genesis 2; why would a male creator see a need for female if female was not a part of the One True Creator’s image? Also the excuse used in Genesis 2:18-20 that Adam was lonely and needed a helper because all the animals and trees around wasn’t enough of company; *why not create another male in the image of the MALE creator as a “helper” for Adam?* Let’s examine both creations and come up with some questions you might want to contemplate and seek answers on, with me giving a few insights in this limited box.
    *Creation by Word*
    Examine Genesis 1:1-2:3
    Chap 1
    1-10 first day: light; second day: heaven and earth.
    11-13 is the third day: plant life.
    14-19 is the fourth day: sun, moon, and stars.
    20-23 is the fifth day: water creatures and air creatures (“birds”).
    24-25 is the first part of sixth day: land animal.
    26-28 is the last part of sixth day: Adam (mankind) which is male and female in one body.
    Chap 2
    1-3: Everything in creation was FINISHED! This includes female from Gen 1:26-28 and this female was not called Eve. *There was only Adam NOT Adams.*
    *Creation by Soil*
    Chap 2
    4-7 is some random day but no plant life was created since slave (mankind) was needed to till aka work the ground, so instead of using the Word to create Adam as was done in Gen 1:26-27 *now man is being formed out of the soil and being formed before plant life* which was the first created thing on earth on the third day even before the sun, moon, and stars, and definitely way before Adam was created. *ALL plant life was created before the animal life and Adam! The Word also does not need anyone to blow breath into Adam to have Adam be alive as the Word is complete and need zero physical manipulation by physical hands to mold anything! [John 1:1-4]*
    8-9: plant life created and *now TWO FRUIT trees are standing out for some reason* when Gen 1:11-13, 29-30 show that there are herbs with seeds and fruits with seeds which is for Adam (mankind) and green herb for animal life. *Let me know where in the Creation by Word in Day 1-6 are there any plant life that is forbidden or pointed out as special; or anything but Good took place for there to be a Tree that has knowledge of “Evil,” something that was not created by the Word of the One True Creator?*
    15-17 Forced labor on Adam. *An opposing order from Gen **1:29**-31 to eat ALL fruits and herbs with seeds which is GOOD to Gen **2:17** that one FRUIT TREE is BAD/EVIL; so why is there a new order that contradicts this good thing of eating ALL fruits?* And why is there anything that is good to eat now poisonous to cause death if eaten by Adam in verse 2:17? *_If the FRUIT of KNOWLEDGE is FORBIDDEN why is it on earth and for whom is it for? [James 1:13, 16-18]_* The only Knowledge revealed was NAKEDNESS of humankind that caused them to feel ashamed once they had KNOWLEDGE; why is this? *Why is YHVH now afraid of MANKIND KNOWLEDGE OF NAKEDNESS?*
    18-20 Other than the obvious WRONG order where Adam was created before everything; why does Adam need a “helper” aka another slave to help him till the soil?
    21-22: _Did YHVH run out of soil and breath to create Eve?_ *Why DISFIGURE/tamper one creature (male mankind) to create another creature (female mankind)? If this did not occur with the other creatures of creation; **_why is the GOOD IMAGE of the One True Creator need to be adjusted but nothing else?_** Adam was created Perfect and would need zero remodeling and thus the conclusion that Adam needed a helper and “his” physical form needed to be tampered with to bring about this “helper” is falsehood and clear to anyone that has the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what the Spirit of Truth is showing us [John 14:26].*
    Yeshua aka “Jesus” spoke against this in Matthew 19:3-12 (Especially Matthew 18:4-6)
    23-25: Who was narrating in verse 24? Why were they naked and NOT ASHAMED? *Do you KNOW WHAT NAKEDNESS in context is in this passage? [Matthew 6:24-34; Revelation 3:17-22; Matthew 3 (Yeshua eyes were closed until his water baptism when he OVERCAME his ignorance and was RIGHTEOUS hence why his ministry did not start until then- Matthew 3:3 and Revelation 3:21)]*
    Chap 3
    *1-7 Who was honest, YHVH or the serpent? Did Adam and Eve DIE (Gen 2:17)? Did their eyes became opened and had knowledge like YHVH and FINALLY became aware that they were NAKED (Gen 3:4-5, 22).*
    8-10 _Why did Adam and Eve hid from YHVH based on the KNOWLEDGE they now have?_ *[YHVH: Matthew 10:28 versus One True Creator: 1 John 4:8,18; Hosea 6:6 & John 17:2-4]*
    11-19 What is truly going on here? Love does NOT punish [1 John 4:18]!
    *20 Why is Adam calling Eve the mother of ALL living things, yet in Gen **3:16** Adam is to rule/have dominion over her (contradicting Gen **1:26**-28 the male and female were both given dominion over the creation on earth equally and not over each other)? The short answer is the One True Creator gave no command of mankind ruling [having dominion] over each other.* The ridiculous excuse being used for this FALSEHOOD is because the female gave the male the fruit to eat that gave them KNOWLEDGE that they are NAKED that all of humankind having KNOWLEDGE that they are NAKED is FALLEN also known as living in unrighteousness/sin (unlike before in Gen 2:25 when female and male had ZERO KNOWLEDGE of Good and Evil, they felt zero shame of their NAKEDNESS).
    21-25: *Why is YHVH now afraid of Adam and Eve eating from the Tree of Life because they now have TRUE KNOWLEDGE that they are NAKED and this TRUE KNOWLEDGE, not the FAKE KNOWLEDGE YHVH gave them, of this NAKEDNESS that causes SHAME in Adam and Eve, why the rush to get rid of them?* Why does YHVH want to kill Adam and Eve? Why not just slaughter them immediately instead of having them suffer tilling the soil for many years to feed themselves and to have painful childbirth? If YHVH truly wants mankind to procreate, why make it so painful to deter having babies? If someone touches a HOT stove and it BURNS them, a rational person would not keep causing themselves pain, so what is truly going on with the CURSE of painFUL childbirth? [Gen 3:22 Elohim is YHVH and 1/3 fallen angels guarding Tree of Life from humankind]
    I have been called [Acts 1:4-8, John 14:26] to seek on 11 Feb 2018; and a lot is is revealed. The forces of Darkness seek to crush me at every corner primarily using humans to do so. *But alas, I am here and I have bitten of the Tree of Knowledge contrary to **_YHVH (who is TRULY Lucifer also called Satan or the devil, hence why Adam and Eve hid as they knew YHVH DESTROYED living creatures on earth formed from the Word on the seventh day while the One True Creator rested)_** telling my predecessors to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge. I keep biting chunks of KNOWLEDGE out of that succulent FRUIT and it is VERY GOOD! And contrary to YHVH falsehood that I will die from eating from the Tree of Knowledge [Gen **2:16**-17]; I have escaped his plans of dragging me to DARKNESS/DEATH through IGNORANCE (Lack of KNOWLEDGE).* If one has no knowledge that walking off a cliff will kill them; then they will walk off a cliff and die. What one does not KNOW will KILL them. Yeshua told us to seek knowledge. Will you follow the murderous YHVH of the Christian Old Testament Bible/Torah or Yeshua of the Christian New Testament Bible?
    *Please notice, I said nothing about following “Apostle” Paul; because if you do follow him- you will be just as lost as following Moses who gave us YHVH! “Apostle” Paul and Moses were used by the same entity.* Moses knew YHVH as the Bush that is Burning but does not Burn that ORDERS DEATH and mutilation which is the Dragon of the Christian Bible of Revelation. “Apostle” Paul knew YHVH as the Bright Light and Voice that blinds claiming to be “Yeshua” that said no good works which is the First Beast in the Christian Bible of Revelation. YHVH/Lucifer/Satan is influenced by Babylon/Darkness/Spirit of Falsehood aka Spirit of Error. The way to defeat all these beasts is from the Tree of Knowledge by seeking!
    *Stay blind in ignorance accepting the lies/falsehood Moses and “Apostle” Paul brought us; or truly seek as Matthew 7 and Matthew 6:24-34 tells us to do!*

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 месяца назад

      Actually, the 7 creation days prophecy the recreation of the world from a fallen state. We are in the 6th day, being made in the image of God, male and female, through the Messiah, which is the resurrection described in Matt 22:30. The 7th day won't happen until after the final judgment in Rev 20: 11 - 15, and the new Jerusalem comes down out of heaven and fills the earth in Rev 21: 1 - 4.

  • @clinchleatherwood1012
    @clinchleatherwood1012 2 года назад +3

    This is called apologetics. The short answer here is there are 2 different accounts of creation and it's up to you to justify why. But the rest of us know why. Bc the bible is compiled from many different sources passed down orally for hundreds of years and the information get's changed, revised, edited and so forth.

  • @deezynar
    @deezynar Год назад

    Great stuff, but he didn't do anything to reconcile chapter one with chapter two.
    I suggest that anyone having problems with them being compatible needs to recognize that chapter two focuses on the garden that God created to place man in and that the creation of the earth and universe, as a whole was just explained in chapter one. In other words, don't believe the idea some people present that Genesis is a mishmash of stories written by different people at different times and stuck together as best as possible. Take chapter one seriously, it gives the correct description of creation events for the world. Chapter two focusses on the garden and does not describe the world outside the garden.

  • @melvisbrown4501
    @melvisbrown4501 Год назад

    I know we have to keep things in context, but this is self explanatory, the first group of people could eat as they please, but the second group of People they couldn't of everything, they could eat of everything except from tree of life and death and of good and evil, this is two different group of people, Genesis 1:2 was a flood it says and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And in Isaiah 45:18 says he didn't create it that way, Amen.

  • @amitashah9651
    @amitashah9651 Год назад +1

    Very beautifully explained. Thank you so much.

  • @nemadaniel9643
    @nemadaniel9643 8 месяцев назад

    I'm learning Alot from u that blessing. God bless u more & more 🙏

  • @TheHomeloanking
    @TheHomeloanking Год назад

    You missed the structure between genesis 1 and 2 as two different creation entities.
    You used the term God in Gen 2-3.. but God is not mentioned, God is only mentioned in Gen 1.
    In this video you should have used "Lord God" as the new entity introduced in your research.
    This will help you understand the different rulers in the bible as there are many.

  • @ElmoGiritharan
    @ElmoGiritharan 3 месяца назад

    The serpant in Hebrew is Naha. It doesn't mean literally snake.

  • @Matthew-cp2eg
    @Matthew-cp2eg 4 месяца назад

    Gen2-4 specifially speaks of these are the generations after Gen1.
    Gen2 and forward speaks of ONE man, not all people. it's about the ONE man God created and put a soul in... which explains why Adam could not find a suitable wife from the naming event. the people around lacked a soul.
    Gen2 is not a creation story of the whole, but in part, which focuses on the Eden. we see this simple progression in Gen.
    So when Adam was presented a wife by God, she contained a soul and was found to be good for Adam.
    Gen 1 is big picture, Gen 2 is a specific place.

  • @blue_blue-1
    @blue_blue-1 4 месяца назад +1

    very very nice!!

  • @rafaeljuniorsierra-9708
    @rafaeljuniorsierra-9708 7 месяцев назад

    I don't know what socalled Theologians are interpreting about GENESIS 's first 3 chapters? But when understood correctly, chapter 2 is everything about chapter 1 being explained in broken down detail, "all the details" to ADAM! That's all it is written that way. FACT! NOT TWO SEPARATE CREATIONS! Thank you for your video explanation.

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 месяца назад

      Genesis 1 is Lucifer and the fallen angels.
      They made man in their image. (tares)
      Man is an idol, a trap for angels.
      Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed His representative in THEIR system. (wheat)
      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @eebonie
    @eebonie 2 месяца назад

    You can spin whatever theory you want. However, not only do I know how to read but I know how comprehend what I am reading. Those are two totally separated sequences of events performed by two completely different entities.
    If they are the same then why in the first Creation God created beast first and then male and female, and in the second Creation the LORD God created Adam then the beast and then Eve? There is many more inconsistencies there but I dare anyone to explain that one first.

  • @xolang
    @xolang 3 месяца назад

    7:50 İs the serpent female?
    Why "her" and not "him" or "it"?

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  3 месяца назад +1

      Check the video description.

    • @xolang
      @xolang 3 месяца назад +1

      @@MasterpieceBible Ach so! Du bist auch deutschsprachig! 😃
      Btw, when İ learned Chris Tomlin's song "İs He worthy" a couple of month ago, there's these line:
      Does the Father truly love us? (He does)
      Does the Spirit move among us?
      İ instinctively responded with "SHE does" because apparently the Holy Spirit has been feminine in my understanding/experience. İ didn't even realize it until İ sang that song.
      All these year İ've been thinking that way despite der Heilige Geist being grammatically masculine. But then again in my native language there's no grammatical genders whatsoever, not even in the pronouns, and as we know English has such distinction only in the pronouns.

  • @julsss5297
    @julsss5297 2 года назад +1

    I’m trying to look for what day and month god finished creating. Like the seventh day. Some websites say October 23 I think and when you look up timelines, there’s a website that says September 8

    • @neilnolte2587
      @neilnolte2587 2 года назад +1

      That's a tall order. Keep in mind, the calendar changed after the flood because the earth's rotation changed. God did not create a perfect world with 365.2422 days in a year. You can do some research and find that the earliest calendars all had a 360 day year.

    • @julsss5297
      @julsss5297 2 года назад

      @@neilnolte2587 3+6+0 = 9 lol also can I say that I think the biggest difference between gen 1 and gen 2 is that’s gen 1 simply says god created Adam and Eve, in gen 2 the entire chapter is about not about the creation of man but of woman. I also find it weird that god had to make adam sleep and take out a rib to make a woman. Sounds like god did surgery and made woman from dna extractions from Adams rib. Instead of making her from nothing. Gen 1 and 2 They’re both about creation, just god creating different things. It also states in the second chapter that god had Adam name all the animals that god previously created. To me, genesis is two different creation accounts just not creating the same thing. Also about dates, I’ve read that Mary was born on sept 8, I never knew, but I have the same birthday as Mary lol

  • @DianaPrinceWhiting
    @DianaPrinceWhiting 2 месяца назад +1

    Gen 1 v 26
    God created mankind....ie all kinds of man. Then God needed a mn to till the ground so God formed a man He called Adam. Then Gen 2 v 16 God commanded Adam not to eat from the treebof good m evil. Then in Gen 2 v 22 God made the woman...so therefore God did not instruct her as He did Adam because she didn't exist back in v 16. That is why it was so easy for the serpant to deceive her ie not to touch the fruit...God never said that. Also Adam did not bother to name the woman until Gen 3 v20 just before God cast them out. Also This God later calls this man the First Adam ...and Jesus the 2nd Adam. Mankind is not referred to as being Adams. In Gen 1v36 God created mankind at that moment
    That is why God says He knew us in the beginning...even tho we were not all born at that time. God's timing is crucial to understand .......Adam was the start of the line that would in God's time bring Jesus into the world to save mankind God created in the beginning
    ..simple. Glory to God for His Word is true

  • @jeffreyroedel9804
    @jeffreyroedel9804 Год назад

    Chapters and verses were added long after the text was written, and by people outside of the culture in which the text was written. I think that in a way skews our modern view of these narratives. The author(s) surely didn't view it as chapters 1, 2 and 3.

  • @fiztgeraldsiavwela
    @fiztgeraldsiavwela Год назад

    The question is why is the creation of man in God's image coming out as a consequence of sin? genesis 3:22

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад

      The best explanation I‘ve heard is that the verse has been mistranslated based on the LXX. It should actually be translated as „behold, the man was like one of us…“

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 месяца назад

      Strong's H259 has two different forms. The Hebrew אחד translated 'one' in Gen 3:22 means 'one alone'. In the form אחת it means 'one'. A bit of translation trickery!

  • @David-lq4tq
    @David-lq4tq 4 месяца назад

    Chapter 2 is not a retelling, the details would not be different in a retelling. Chapter 1 says men and women, plural, were created and told to fill the earth. Adam was created alone and placed in a garden where Elohim walked. Clearly two different assignments.

    • @solitairecat1
      @solitairecat1 4 месяца назад

      The 7 creation days prophecy the recreation of the world. The sixth day prophesies the Messiah through whom we are made male and female to rule over the world. The seventh day prophesies the rest which hadn't occurred in the Apostles generation because Jesus said "My father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working" in John 5:17.
      Genesis 2 describes the fall of man into sin, the separation of the woman from the man. Adam was male and female before this separation.
      In Genesis 3, it was Adam in league with Satan who tempted the woman to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which is why the ground was cursed for him, like it was for Cain who had murdered his brother in Genesis 4.

  • @blindvoyager
    @blindvoyager Год назад +2

    Why do you call the serpent “her?”

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  Год назад +1

      Because in my native language of German the word serpent is feminine and I wrongly assumed it was the same in English. :) My bad! Was not trying to make any kind of theological point.

  • @Makeshiftjunkbox
    @Makeshiftjunkbox Год назад +1

    I have studied Creation and the Theory of Evolution finding holes in both sides of the debate!

  • @brandonporter6115
    @brandonporter6115 Год назад

    Why do the accounts contradict?

  • @bestbotreview
    @bestbotreview 2 года назад

    Notification gang!!!

  • @tumblweed
    @tumblweed Год назад

    I thought this was about chapters 1 and 2, chapter 3 came up a lot. My opinion is that chapters 1 and 2 are not the same people.

  • @kingandpriest4637
    @kingandpriest4637 3 года назад +7

    First of all, there are NOT two creation accounts. Genesis 1 and 2 compliment each other, they were written by the same author though they ARE amply set apart. Why they’re set apart becomes apparent, and without question they synthesize one in the other. Nevertheless, I’m not your teacher. But I strongly suggest when reading chapter 2 begin with verse 4 and apply a form of reading comprehension higher than average. Why? because it will reveal the first “mystery of the kingdom of heaven” to an avid reader.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  3 года назад +3

      Reading the text intelligently definitely helps. :)

    • @kingandpriest4637
      @kingandpriest4637 3 года назад +1

      @@MasterpieceBible You’d think so … yet “reading the text intelligently” has failed for over 400 years when it came to the KJV; a virtuous version of the scriptures that seemingly contains more inspired truth than can be retrieved. And of course, that’s just an illusion from a lack of obtaining knowledge and understanding as instructed. The problem gets worse when relying on rudimentary reading comprehension acquired from a system founded in the rudiments of the world.

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад

      How do you reconcile the difference in order of events? In chapter one plants are made on day 3 and earthly animals are created on day 6 before man is created. But in chapter 2 it is clear that man is created before plants and animals. Also in chapter 1 earth and heavens are created on different days but in chapter 2 it says earth and heaven were made in the same day?

    • @kingandpriest4637
      @kingandpriest4637 2 года назад

      @@chrischicoine18 It’s explained through the primary mystery of the kingdom of God, and it’s your responsibility to study to show yourself approved unto God. I’ve studied, therefore I’ve been taught the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, because they were given unto me to know. The Comforter was sent to teach us all things. I’m just a temporary teacher to those newly converted to Christ, but not to reveal the mysteries … Even so, I'll tell you this much, Adam was made in the third day of creation before all other living things, because he was the son of God. If it’s given to you to know, then you will. Enjoy!

    • @chrischicoine18
      @chrischicoine18 2 года назад

      @@kingandpriest4637 so you have the answers but don’t want to share them… ok. So if you think man was made on the 3rd day why does chapter 1 say man was created on the 6th day?
      Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
      Genesis 1:28 God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
      Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;
      Genesis 1:30 and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food"; and it was so.
      Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

  • @tomshaw661
    @tomshaw661 Год назад

    why use that handsign....what are you trying to communicate?

  • @funkatron101
    @funkatron101 4 месяца назад

    Genesis 1 is the Gods (Elohim - plural) creating everything. Genesis 2:4 on is Yahweh, the start of his specific tribe and his inherited portion.
    This explains things like how Cain was able to find a wife, the divine counsel, and why he was at war with other Nation Gods.

  • @Ch0ckl8
    @Ch0ckl8 2 года назад

    I would have liked more fact based analysis, maybe starting with the two jewish tribes and their different myths that they merged when they were started assimilating into one. Nothing against this opinion in particular but it feels like random reasoning, especially when presented with a self-satisfiction smiling.

  • @danielpech6521
    @danielpech6521 2 года назад +1

    It is only of humans that Genesis 1 does not specify any material source. From a pedestrian secular reading, this would be taken to be a simple absence of information as to their material source. But a Hebrew Priestly reading knows better. It also ought to know better even of v. 1:
    1. the general cosmos and the special Earth.
    2. The Earth, as its own general subject, implying that which we all intuit is most valuable about the Earth unto itself in all the cosmos: its abiding maximal abundance of open liquid water.
    3. that water and its special relation to the Sun's light, hence the water cycle;
    4. The water cycle and its special beneficiary and member, biology;
    5. biology and its special category, animal biology (plant/animal/mineral = animal);
    6. Animal biology and its special category, human;
    7. The man and his wife (Genesis 2:21-23)
    In this seven-fold recursion, we can see a suggestion even that Man and Woman are not to be created at the same time, but, rather, at respective times, and with very particular respective and complementarian purposes.
    The sevenfold recursion shows that even Genesis 1:1 is entirely concerned that, since we humans are the creation of the Living God, we not only are not insignificant, we are the central value both of the entire account and the entire cosmos.
    More so, this recursion fits Genesis 1's conspicuous lack of mention only of humans' material origins. This (A) poses humans as transcending the Earth and (B) anticipates the completion forward of Genesis 1. Per the 7th recursion, this is fulfilled in the ending portion of Genesis 2 (vs. 18-23).
    The merismus in v. 1 is not---repeat, not---a 'fancy' Hebrew surrogate for 'everything'. Yet it rightly serves that purpose. And, as shown by this recursion, its best service of that purpose is that within its own more deep purpose.

  • @darfcrow
    @darfcrow 2 года назад +4

    The question is why the difference between one and two? Why do we have two different creation stories? How can you reconcile the Bible being TRUE with conflicting stories?
    This is the first of thousands of contradictions in the Bible, which is actually TOTALLY TRUE

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад +4

      Thanks for your question. I don't think the stories are conflicting. As I tried to explain in the video, they have a different focus and function. But there is no conflict. One important thing to realize, for example, is that, contrary to the first account where every act of creation is clearly assigned to a certain day, there are no such markers in the second account, which means that things are not necessarily described in chronological order. Instead, the focus is on the relationship of things with humans. This becomes very clear once you take the time to actually read the text carefully and notice what the author is doing. Unfortunately, many people are very quick to judge without ever really looking at the text.

    • @eliargumedo4728
      @eliargumedo4728 2 года назад +1

      That is because there were two different creators. It obviously contradicts what we were taught but it is far more true than assuming that Adam and Eve had other children BEFORE Cain and Able when it wasn't mentioned at all in the Bible.

    • @eliargumedo4728
      @eliargumedo4728 2 года назад +2

      Honestly it's a lot to explain, but pray to God to figure out the truth. Only he can reveal what you cannot see, yet

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад +2

      @@eliargumedo4728 Who says they had to have other children BEFORE Cain and Abel? We do not know how much time passed between the birth of Cain and Abel and the murder and between the murder and the time when Cain knew his wife. It could have been many, many years in both cases. Yet the biblical author is apparently not concerned with the question who Cain's wife was. It saddens me that we spend so much time and energy on this rather than focusing on the spiritual truths the author is actually trying to get across to us.

    • @MasterpieceBible
      @MasterpieceBible  2 года назад +3

      @@eliargumedo4728 I am praying but at the same time I am looking closely at the text. I am always open to new insights but they have to be backed up with concrete evidence from the text.

  • @otisarmyalso
    @otisarmyalso 8 месяцев назад

    Genesis 1:29 KJV
    And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
    Genesis 2:16-17 KJV
    And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: [17] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
    Either there is error or these not same stories

  • @deloressenyeri723
    @deloressenyeri723 Год назад

    There aren't 2 creation accounts in Genesis! Chapter 2 is merely an explanation of the creational acts God did in chapter 1. In chapter 1 we are told what God did...His creative acts. In chapter 2, we are told in more detail how He did it. Get your facts straight if you are going to try to explain them. Thank you 🙏🤗

  • @333Cherubim._.
    @333Cherubim._. 7 месяцев назад

    *Genesis chapter* 1
    26 And God said, *Let us make man in our image* , after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
    27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
    28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
    29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
    30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
    31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day
    *GOD made mankind on the 6th day.*
    2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, *and all the host of them.*
    2 And *on the seventh day* God ended his work which he had made; *and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.*
    GOD took a full days rest, just like HE took on a full day's work
    (7 days a week exist)
    After HIS day of rest(the bible does not specify exactly when)(young or old earth at some point 👇)
    HE creates Adam and gives this one specific instructions. HE is taking all bio to this specific Adam so he can name them. Adam is also handing down laws i.e marriage, ect.
    The "Let *us* create man in *our* image" is a microcosm of HIS plan for the salvation of HIS creation.
    5 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
    2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, *and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.*
    On a side note:
    GOD calls all Adam, when GOD is telling Noah/Adam who HE is gonna destroy HE says man and beast.
    You would think it would say "i will destroy women and men" , but it states men and beast, why would CREATING POWER(the Big Bang if you will💥🌎🌞 🌚🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 💫🌟✨💭🐍🐒🐴🕷🐪🐙🦀🦂🦁🦃🦐🦄🌪🦈🦏🦑🐀🐎🌳🌲🌴🌿🌵🌾🤵🤷👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👹)put words together like that?
    The "serpent" was another human, not an actual snake! :)
    We have the book of hell in hell, but THE HEAVENS/LAMB will guide us back to PARADISE/HIMSELF❤

  • @AKINS871
    @AKINS871 Год назад +1

    That was not the most high in the garden it was that anunnaki. The most high doesn’t walk in the cool of day. And no man or angle can stand before him and live!

    • @son-of-truth5959
      @son-of-truth5959 Год назад

      The father did walk with Adam because Adam was sinless before the fall. (God can’t be around sin sin gets destroyed) After eating the fruit (sinning) blood had to be shed for remission of that sin.(a picture of Jesus).
      The anunnaki was just the Babylonian’s word for the watchers who appear in gen:6 and the book of Enoch

  • @nolovegreaterthanChrist
    @nolovegreaterthanChrist Год назад

    To focus on one thing at a time. It’s easier that way topic wise.