
  • Опубликовано: 19 янв 2025

Комментарии • 313

  • @bjornhellman8474
    @bjornhellman8474 Год назад +27

    Hi. I am a christian. And in what we call the New Testament, a letter is included where Jakob (actually the brother of Jesus) sends a circulation letter to Jeshua-believing jews churches around in the MiddleEast. It says in the first vers of this " The Epistle of James": "To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings." This means that during that time there was a common knowledge where descendants of the twelve tribes were situated and it was possible to write letters to them.

    • @joanmavima5423
      @joanmavima5423 Год назад +8

      Wonderful to consider. Jesus said “ I have come to the lost tribes of Israel”. Some say he traveled outside of Judea to preach. The Bible states there are so many stories about Jesus that they could not contain them in one book.

    • @mikebrown9850
      @mikebrown9850 Год назад +4

      Yes, this was common knowledge. Josephus writes about this as well.

    • @inspiritandtruth1000
      @inspiritandtruth1000  Год назад +3

      That's right, in Antiquities XI, V

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 9 месяцев назад +9

      The 12 tribes are DNA haplogroup R, they have a fair complexion and a ruddy face, like King David, the Jews of today are Haplogroup J, is the same as Arabs Abraham/Hagar/Ishmael. No fair complexion, no ruddy face.

    • @edmundrussell6044
      @edmundrussell6044 9 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@davidharrigan9884 R can't be Israel. The R lineage is European Caucasian. This line has been leading the world in military might from before the time of Christ. It's called the time of the Gentiles in scripture. I hope that helps you because it is clear evidence.

  • @zm4710
    @zm4710 Год назад +9

    Bless this teaching

  • @Z10N01Z
    @Z10N01Z 10 месяцев назад +19

    Its right the 10 tribes settle with Assur and some other parts of nations in Europe. Ruben is mainly in France, Gad in Switzerland, Ephraim is the Commonwealth of nations of the british empire(GB,Canada,Autralia,New Zeeland), Manasse is the USA, Belgium,Netherland,Luxemburg,Norway,Denmark,Sweden,Irland, maybe Finland also of the 10 tribes, Assur is Germany and Austria, Poland seems to be a part of Elam(modern Persian/Iran) Ukrain also a mix between Assur and Median(modern Russia) and so on. thats a key to understand many prophecies.

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 9 месяцев назад +4

      It's the 12 tribes, DNA haplogroup R, the Jews/Arabs are a different DNA haplogroup J, Abraham/Hagar/Ishmael as Jesus explained, to Herod and his family.

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад

      @@davidharrigan9884 yes, "jews" are Esau.

    • @beckystany6923
      @beckystany6923 9 месяцев назад +3

      You're the closest person to knowing the truth. All the tribes you mention are correct except Germany is Assyria not Ashur

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад

      @@beckystany6923 Yes, Germany is Assyria. The French are Philistines. The slavs are related to Judah. Finnish language is closer to Türkish and therefore also closer to Judah.

    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад

      Knowing that Germany is Assyria is very important. The altar of Satan is now located in Berlin. (Rev 2.12)

  • @davidharrigan9884
    @davidharrigan9884 9 месяцев назад +8

    James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

    • @prizeking1647
      @prizeking1647 9 месяцев назад

      James 1:1 was Written before 70AD.

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 8 месяцев назад

      @@prizeking1647 All 12 tribes. were aware of the good news of the lord, shed blood, and carried out God's request of going to the ends of the earth. GOD's word has spread all over the world.
      Herod's family were Idumeans and the rulers of the temple, and Jesus disputed their claim of the 12 tribes.
      If you don't recognize the son, the father never knew you, besides being of Hagar.

    • @888YouCantHandle
      @888YouCantHandle 5 месяцев назад +1

      In ISSAC shall thy seed be called
      He made his covenant with ISSAC.
      Not Hagar/Ishmael

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@888YouCantHandle Absolutely correct
      Hagar/ Ishmael are Arabs Haplogroup J

  • @joie3142
    @joie3142 25 дней назад +4

    They are in the four corners of the world. The true branches,may not know, who they are. God knows his children.

  • @IsraelSupp
    @IsraelSupp 3 месяца назад +4

    Acts 26,7: "“To this promise OUR TWELVE TRIBES, earnestly serving God night and day, hope to attain. For this hope’s sake, King Agrippa, I am accused by the Jews"

  • @MosesGrace-f8e
    @MosesGrace-f8e 21 день назад

    This video is factually accurate and in alignment with the Scriptures.

  • @Lawrence278
    @Lawrence278 8 дней назад +1

    One important fact when you speak about lineage in this video, is too remember that in the Bible when it speaks about tribal inheritance it is always through the direct male line. And yet modern world Jewry apparently appears to go against this Law in the Torah, except when it concerns the Kohanim. It is quite clearly shown through the pedigrees in the Bible that tribal inheritance is passed through the male line. Admittedly during the Exodus a Law was passed through Moses that stated that a heiress could now inherit from her father, but that was only ever under the proviso that she must marry back into her father's own tribe to maintain the tribal inheritance given to them by God. Now we come to the blessings that were originally given by God to Abraham, and which were then passed down by God to certain descendants of his in the direct male line. The bulk of these blessings which were promised to Abraham eventually ended up through the blessing of Jacob/Israel, too the two sons of the House of Joseph. These were the son's of Joseph who were adopted by their grandfather on his deathbed and became known as the twin tribes of the House of Joseph: Ephraim and Manasseh. Because Jacob/Israel crossed his arms during the blessing, Ephraim the youngest son received a double portion of the blessing instead of his elder brother Manasseh. As this was approximately 430 years before the Exodus, the Tribe of Levi was still included upon the Roll of the Tribes of Israel. So this meant that during the period of slavery spent in Egypt, there would have been a baker's dozen (13 tribes) on the Roll of Tribes. This is because Ephraim would have now taken the place of his father Joseph on the Roll at number 11, and his elder brother Manasseh could only be given the position of number 13 on the Roll of Tribes. This is very important to remember when trying to find this tribe after it eventually migrated to the West many centuries after these events. It must also be remembered that the unconditional covenants given by God to Abraham and the Prophets included the following:
    (British Isles?)
    Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime,
    Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires,
    even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea.
    Keep silence before me, O islands;
    and let the people renew their strength:
    let them come near; then let them speak:
    let us come near together to judgment.
    He shall not fail nor be discouraged,
    till he have set judgment in the earth:
    and the isles shall wait for his law.
    (Great Britain?)
    And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
    (British Monarchy?)
    And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
    (British Empire?)
    And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
    (British Commonwealth?)
    And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;
    (Migration of the Tribe of Manasseh to America after sojourning in the British Isles?)
    Joseph is a fruitful bough,
    even a fruitful bough by a well;
    whose branches run over the wall:
    The children which thou shalt have,
    after thou hast lost the other,
    shall say again in thine ears,
    The place is too strait for me:
    give place to me that I may dwell.
    These are just some of the many verses in the Bible which gives substance to the traditional claims of Great Britain (Ephraim) and the United States (Manasseh) that they are the lineal descendants of the House of Joseph. It can be shown that this descent is depicted in the heraldry of both these countries, by the use of symbols that belonged to the House of Joseph on both the British Royal Arms and also on the Great Seal of the USA. It certainly gives credence to the prominent use of the number 13 on the Great Seal.
    With regards where the other tribes of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel migrated to, by tradition it has always been assumed traditionally that the bulk of them settled in the North West of Europe. What is coincidental is that these countries who claim to be descendants of the Lost Tribes in Europe, all seem too have versions of the Christian cross on their own national flags. A couple of countries who seem to fulfil the attributes given by Jacob/Israel in prophecy to some of the other tribes are the following:
    The Tribe of Dan (Dn)
    They were to be like a serpent by the way who always leaves a trail for others to follow on behind. As there was no vowels in ancient Hebrew the word for Dn in English could end up being spelt, Dan, Den, Din and Don. These are the syllables used at the beginning of a number of rivers in Eastern Europe, that show the migration route of the Tribe of Dan to their new home in the West which they called Danmark (Denmark in English).
    The Tribe of Zebulun
    The attributes of The Tribe of Zebulun in the Bible was to be eventually known for its seafaring, trade, and shipping. It was also prophesied that they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand and also that they were to be an haven for shipping.
    No other country in North Western Europe fits this description better than the Netherlands. They are certainly the experts when it comes to reclaiming land from the abundance of the seas around the Netherlands throughout their history. And in the seventeenth century they were more than a match for the British Royal Navy, and not forgetting the treasure of oil that is found hid in the sand by the Dutch company Shell. And in Rotterdam they have one of the largest haven's for shipping in the world.
    So it shows in the Bible that the main portion of the blessings were inherited by the twin tribes of the House of Joseph. It was only the Sceptre promise that was given by God to Judah, but that was only for the House of David in Israel who were descendants of Judah through the line of Perez. As you can see in the following verses listed below, it was too be a perpetual throne held in trust by the House of David until the Messiah returns at his second advent to claim what is his by right. This is because at his first advent the Messiah came as High Priest of The Order of Melchizedek to do away with the Temple Ordinances, it is at his second advent that he will return as a warrior Priest King like David too enact judgement on the enemies of God. There is a misconception in Judaism that God renegade on the covenant that he made with the House of David. This is because it was thought that the Royal House of David was ended by Nebuchadnezzar after the destruction of Jerusalem, by way of him murdering the male heir's of the Royal House. But there is a very long held tradition in Ireland that after the destruction of Jerusalem the prophet Jeremiah took a heiress of the Royal House of David to Ulster in Ireland, where she married into the Zerah branch of the of the line of Judah who had migrated to Ulster centuries before. It is a tradition in Ulster also that the Red Hand of Ulster on the flag relates to the story in the Bible of the birth of the twins Zerah and Perez to Judah and Tamar. In this story it states that during the birth the bloody hand of Zerah appears from Tamar's womb first, and that the midwife ties a scarlet cord around his wrist before he withdrew his hand back into his mother's womb. After this his brother Perez was born, before the actual birth of his brother Zerah. But this caused a rift between the two different lines of Judah, as the Zerah line always claimed president over the Perez line. Circumstantial evidence suggests that during the Exodus the line of Zerah had migrated away and did not enter the Promised Land with the line of Perez, from whom the House of David descended from. As prophesied this breach was finally ended upon the marriage in Ulster between the Perez heiress of the House of David, and the kingly line of Zerah who had ruled in Ulster for centuries. This could explain better why the national flag of Northern Ireland appears to have a Star of David on it, as does the Great Seal of the USA.The line of succession from the marriage in Ulster is claimed by the British Monarchy by way of England into Scotland and then back into Ulster. This claim is shown on the British Royal Arms through the motto: "Dieu Et Mon Droit" (God and my Right). British Royal family trees showing these links to the line of Zerah in Ulster can be found held at the College of Arms in London. The fact is that God made an unconditional covenant with the House of David that its lineal descendants would sit on its throne until the Messiah comes to claim it, not forgetting that the throne of God can pass through the female to the next generation as long as she marry's back into her father's tribe of Judah. Next Generation Sequencing by the University of Leicester in England has now shown that the vast majority of indigenous male lines from the British Isles (Britain and Ireland) and the millions of its diaspora that spread to all points of the compass as prophesied, all descend from just one Man in their direct male lines.
    (see reply below)

    • @Lawrence278
      @Lawrence278 8 дней назад

      ( continued from above)
      The University has shown that this Man was the first male to carry the R1b subclade of R-P312/116 on his y-chromosome, which has been passed down to the millions of his male line descendants in the world that are alive today. And he has also been given a time line for his existence by the University with a mean time of 3,320 years ago. This fits in with the era of the Pharaoh Akhenaten who in one of his books, Sigmund Freud equated with Moses of the Exodus as one and the same. Finally logic and science shows that anyone who claims to be a descendant of Abraham from the pedigrees in the Bible, would need not only to belong to the same haplogroup on their Y-chromosome but would also need to show a time to a most recent common ancestor from that era with everyone else who are making the same claims. Obviously it would be beneficial for this debate if the reputed remains of the Patriarchs entombed at Hebron, were exhumed for possible testing of their y-chromosomes.
      (Royal House of David?)
      And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. 13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
      And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
      I have made a covenant with my chosen,
      I have sworn unto David my servant,
      4 thy seed will I establish for ever,
      and build up thy throne to all generations.
      My covenant will I not break,
      nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
      35 Once have I sworn by my holiness
      that I will not lie unto David.
      36 His seed shall endure for ever,
      and his throne as the sun before me.

  • @kimberlyboldt5213
    @kimberlyboldt5213 8 месяцев назад +10

    Absolutely, correct! My husband and I studied this for 30 years. And although the U.S. ( its government) has become corrupt, a remnant of Americans know who they are and do not comply with the corruption of the federal and state governments. In fact, Judgment is coming to the wicked and the ungodly in America and the rest of the world.
    But God will spare us, "as a father spareth his own son."
    Rev. 12: "The Woman fled into the wilderness. There she keepeth the Commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ."

    • @mrmcallister
      @mrmcallister 4 месяца назад

      After studying this for so long where are you at today with how you live and what you believe? That’s kind of a big question but nevertheless I am wondering?

    • @alphonsojohnson8695
      @alphonsojohnson8695 3 месяца назад

      30yr Did you not find out who the Children of Israel is. I'll help you. The Children of Israel = The Twelve Tribes of Israel = Israelites = so called African American, AFRO BRAZILIAN, AFRO MEXICAN, AFRO EUROPEAN, HAITIANS, JAMAICANS, AFRO DIASPORA.The Israelites in Africa, and the Israelites that's scattered to the four corners of the earth. VIA TRANS ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE with ships.
      *DEUTERONOMY 28:68
      *The ISRAELITES went into slavery on SLAVE SHIPS
      *We know exactly who we are and the ATROCITIES committed against us over 500 years.

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад

      You do know this is about the entire world, not just your country? Most of us do not live in the USA.

    • @kimberlyboldt5213
      @kimberlyboldt5213 2 месяца назад

      @@ThursoBerwick Yes, I do. The descendants are spread out all over the world, but are mainly in America and the UK. America is important because it became the land where "nations shall flow unto her." America became the great Christian Refuge for Christians escaping persecution from the Anglican Church and the Roman Church. Christians literally poured into America between 1600 and 1850. "And the women fled into the wilderness ... where she keepeth the testimony of Jesus Christ and the commandments of God." (Rev. 12).
      Albeit, our governments here are corrupt as hell now. But America is its people, not its government. The term "United States of America" applies to our federal government only. Each state has its own government. We are 50 nation states that were once united by the contract of Constitution. But that has since been broken. We are no longer "united". But we are still a "Christian" country.

    • @mrmcallister
      @mrmcallister 2 месяца назад

      @@ThursoBerwickare you sure it’s about the whole world and not just the reunification of the two houses of Israel coming back into covenant with God from where they have been dispersed into the nations ? The two could be easily confused and often are as far as I can see or one is completely disregarded or exchanged for the other.
      Does that make any sense to you?

  • @MaximusMcCullough
    @MaximusMcCullough 4 дня назад

    I think you have a point. I have felt this way since 1990s

  • @prizeking1647
    @prizeking1647 9 месяцев назад +8

    Revelation 2:9 and 3:9

  • @berylackermann8240
    @berylackermann8240 13 дней назад +1

    The tribes of Israel are scattered all over the nations. His Kingdom on EARTH ISRAEL just as our Eternal Father YAHoVeH intended from the beginning.

  • @timshanks6729
    @timshanks6729 9 месяцев назад +3

    It's not really important who we came from. What is important is that you believe in Jesus Christ.

  • @davidstarr6604
    @davidstarr6604 8 месяцев назад +4

    This guy is a bit lost on the subject.
    The tribe of Levi was removed from the 12 tribes at Mt. Sinai. They were not given any lands as the other tribes were. They were to be a nation of priests. Various verses in Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua show this.
    This left only 11 tribes to inherit the land of Canaan but to keep the number at 12 Joseph's 2 sons each became their own tribe.
    In the last couple chapters of Judges it is seen where Israel lost one tribe. The tribe of Benjamin. I won't go into detail about what started the civil war but 10 tribes banded together to completely annihilate the tribe of Benjamin. After the war they repented but each had sworn a sacred vow to NOT give their daughters to the Benjamites. But some of the tribe of Judah were not there and had not made such a vow. Anyway, long story short, Judah and Benjamin eventually became 1 tribe. King Saul (the one before David) was Benjamite, as well as Saul/Paul of Tarsus so their ancestry could still be traced back to Benjamin but the tribe itself was long gone by then.
    After the death of King Solomon the Hebrew nation divided. Judah (with the remnants of Benjamin) chose Rehoboam (son of Solomon) to be their king while the other 10 tribes chose Jeroboam (son of Nebat - one of King David's generals if I am not mistaken). The books of the Kings and Chronicles talks a lot about this.
    Anyway, the kingdom of the 10 tribes only lasted for about 258 years. Shalmaneser King of Assyria overthrew the Kingdom of Israel (about 721 BC) and took them all away captive. Only a mixed race was left behind in Samaria. II Kings 17:6 and 18:10-11. The rest have been lost to history and the bible mentions them no more.

    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад +1

      The verse in 2 Kings 17 is pretty clear : the 10 tribes were exiled, all of them. No remnant was left, and got replaced by people from surrounding cultures. If ever an Ephraimite set foot back in Samaria, that would be the two levite priests that were charged to teach them the ways of TMH so as to avoid being eaten by wild animals.
      What got mixed in Samaria was not people but cultures, paganism and they ways taught by the israélites priests, this syncrétism became known as samaritanism.

    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад +1

      As for the whereabouts of those 10 tribes some settled in their territories if exile, but another batch migrated futher east to Arsareth, a land were no man has dewelt before, to live according to the statutes of God. 2 Esdras 13, Tobit mentions it also in his book.
      Those that remained in Asia are the diaspora, which did all the festive pilgrimage to Jérusalem. James introduced his letter by greating the two tribes distinctively, the exiled of Ephraim and the dispersed of Judah. After 70 AD Judaites were expelled by the Romans. The majority of them migrated into Africa, through Egypt. That's a usual escape road to them historically.
      There one of the curses of Deut.28 applied, namely being sold into slavery and carried by ships. They became a choice target during the slave trade in the slave coast of Africa.
      Isaih 11-11 gives us the territories from which Messiah will regather His people from all around the world. Africa is there, the so called middle east and the Isles of the far east (Arsareth location very likely, as 2 Esdras 13 said the journey to that land was 1,5 year)
      Scriptures gives enough clues for us not to get confused, no matter what we'll like to claim, all letters of the prophets will come to pass.
      Yah bless.

  • @mahrila4002
    @mahrila4002 5 месяцев назад +4

    No we are not going back to Israel, we will be here in our own place but will be united with our brother(Jewish) as one nation.(Eze 37)

    • @rosekt2023
      @rosekt2023 2 месяца назад


    • @Briand-ei1gs
      @Briand-ei1gs 2 месяца назад

      @mahrila4002 Judah and the northern house have already been reunited. That happened at the criss. Sadly I think you are referring to so called modern " jews" who are edomites. The synagogue of satan

  • @HillaryKoech-pk2se
    @HillaryKoech-pk2se 7 месяцев назад +3

    How were 10 tribes were scattered throughout the world?

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад

      Imperial invasion. Assyria was one part of it. Egypt another. Babylon another. Rome another especially after it destroyed the temple.

  • @sureshmanual
    @sureshmanual 6 месяцев назад +2

    God bless you

  • @Markus_Abrach
    @Markus_Abrach 5 месяцев назад +6

    I believe that i am out of the tribe of Gad, like most Swiss guys do.
    In my church we believe that the tribe of Manasse are living in the USA and the *commonwealth* of England is equal to the tribe of Ephraim

    • @Markus_Abrach
      @Markus_Abrach 4 месяца назад +1

      Human is only one race, so no

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад

      ​@@Markus_AbrachA race is a subdivision. You cannot have a subdivision of one.

  • @ka-sekham2439
    @ka-sekham2439 8 месяцев назад +3

    Mountains near the Black Sea.
    The Holy Bible states that the House of Israel
    would be scattered north of the river Euphrates (I Kings 14:15).
    This promise was fulfilled when,
    from 745-721 B.C., all ten tribes were taken captive
    and driven by the Assyrians into the Caucasus region between the Black and Caspian Seas
    II Kings 18:9 "And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Hezekiah, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, that Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against Samaria, and besieged it."
    II Kings 18:10 "And at the end of three years they took it: even in the sixth year of Hezekiah, that is the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel, Samaria was taking."
    But not only the ten tribes of The House of Israel;
    Assyria also took many from the other two tribes when they took
    all the fenced cities of The House of Judah.
    II Kings 18:13 "Now in the fourteenth year of king Hezekiah did Sennacherib king of Assyria come up against all the fenced cities of Judah, and took them."
    II Kings 18:13 Makes it clear that much of the House of Judah was also taken by Assyria and most likely went with the House of Israel over the Caucasus Mountains after the power of Assyrians was broken.
    That means it was only those in and around Jerusalem who were
    left of the House of Judah for Nebuchadnezzor
    to carry into Babylon 135 years later.
    It is this group of Israelites after mixing with descendants of Cain (Kenites) while in Babylon that we now call Jews, and who latter, in 740 A.D. mixed with the Khazar empire (another group of Kenites) who now populate the tiny country in the middle east called Israel today (They call themselves Irraeli, they don't even claim to be Israelites).
    (II Kings 17:6 ; 18:9-11). Hosea 2:6 says, "...I will hedge up they way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths."
    In this wasn't God was making it clear that the Israelites were not to return to Palestine?
    Yisra’ĕl northern kingdom went to ASIA /Europe
    Look at this map below ....then read 2 king 17:6
    The map mentions 4 places Yisra’ĕl went that's in 2 Kings 17:6
    Next Read Josephus Book 11.ch5.verse 2..........Then read 2 Esdras 13:39-43
    Then read 1chr 5:26.....2 kings 15:29
    Do you know nearly twenty years after the northern kingdom of Yisra’ĕl, Samaria was finally taken by Sargon II ....2 kings 17:3-6....2 kings 18:10-12, 2 kings 19:12, Isaiah 37:12
    Do you know that the northern kingdom was still intact before the Assyrian captivity. ....2 Chronicles 15:8-10
    Yisra’ĕl aka the northern kingdom was still in the land ....2 Chronicles 34:1-3;8-9
    According to 2 Chronicles chapter 30 there is evidence that at least some of the people of the northern kingdom of Yisra’ĕl were not exiled.
    These were invited by king Hezekiah to go keep passover at Jerusalem ....2 Chronicles 30:1....2 Chronicles 30:5-9....2 Chronicles 30:11-12....2 Chronicles 30:18.....2 Chronicles 30:25-26
    In 2 Chronicles chapter 31 it say that the remnant of the kingdom of Yisra’ĕl returned to their homes......2 Chronicles 31:1
    These Scriptures I'm bout to post proves my point more, Yisra’ĕl aka the northern kingdom was still in the land
    Why would God send his prophets to America if the northern kingdom was still in the lands of Jerusalem, Egypt, Assyria? ?
    2 Chronicles 35:16-18...Ezekiel 3:4-7..... Ezekiel 14:5.....Hosea 7:11-16...2 kings 23:34.....2 kings 25:26...Jeremiah 42:1-22.....Isaiah 27:13........Zach 10:3-12.......Isaiah 11:11
    This is why we read this in Acts 2: 5 Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under the sky.
    This is why we read this In Acts 2 :9- 11
    9 Parthians, >>Medes,>Mesopotamia, Asia,>Egypt,>foreigners Diaspora Asia,

    • @gregrice1354
      @gregrice1354 5 месяцев назад

      Are you a follower of Arnold Murray?

    • @888YouCantHandle
      @888YouCantHandle 5 месяцев назад +1

      Cain went to Nod which is in ASIA! His descendants are ASIAN!

    • @backatit4757
      @backatit4757 Месяц назад

      ​@@888YouCantHandle How did Cain survive the flood?

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 8 дней назад +1

      All 12 tribes were released by King Cyrus, 520 BC

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 8 дней назад +1

      50000 went back to the promised land
      Rest went to Asia Minor and established the 7 churches of the New Testament

  • @billygraham71
    @billygraham71 Год назад +3

    Spirit & Truth 👍

  • @richardevans1969
    @richardevans1969 4 месяца назад +1

    What were the ten tribes collectively called in Assyrian?

    • @linterpretemehariste9081
      @linterpretemehariste9081 День назад

      Shalom Richard, in Assyrian inscriptions they are called Beyth Omri or Beyth Simri, in contrast to Beyth David which refers to the southern Kingdom they had left over. You might think now this can't be true cuz Beyth is a hebrew word, but Ashourri is a language related to Hebrew and Caldani and Souriyani, so it is one of the aramaic languages. That's why some words in Ashourri sound like Hebrew... The words behind the Beyth are just the names of founders of their Dynasties...

  • @eltonfan62
    @eltonfan62 7 месяцев назад +6

    What about the teaching of Ephraim becoming a company of nations which is modern day Great Britain and Menasseh which was to become a single great nation the United States? These two became the two greatest modern nations in history where the whole world has been blessed.

  • @zachreyhelmberger894
    @zachreyhelmberger894 7 месяцев назад +3

    Good one!!
    It will be like life from the dead when the House of Judah repents and turns to Yeshua and the truly, truly divine ways of His Father and the House of Israel repents and turns to His truly, truly divine ways with all their heart (as they come to intimately KNOW Yeshua who made it POSSIBLE for the divorced House of Israel to come back to the Father) and the TWO finally become ONE, a family reunion of Biblical proportions with Yeshua as the Good Shepherd. There will be such rejoicing!

  • @elizabethcarlin9472
    @elizabethcarlin9472 2 месяца назад +2

    We Ephraimites have been gathering since 1830. We have Prophets, Priesthood and Patriarchs. We also have the Stick of Ephraim.

  • @Michael-pn5lp
    @Michael-pn5lp 8 месяцев назад +4

    Who are the hidden Edomite enemy within you can't mention, that opened up the floodgates ?
    Wake up !
    "So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19)., , ,.. .

  • @matsrosenquist4620
    @matsrosenquist4620 8 месяцев назад +4

    If you read what the Historian Josephus wrote about the House of Judah return to Judea after being released from Babylon by the Persians. He writes that only 8% returned to Judea. So who are the Israelies of today? Not of the house of Judah.

    • @matsrosenquist4620
      @matsrosenquist4620 8 месяцев назад +4

      So the ones that was left will be Edomites & Cananites! The House of Juda is also in Europe, as only 8% returned to Judea according to Josephus!

    • @tagbarzeev8283
      @tagbarzeev8283 5 месяцев назад

      Israelites do not exist today and after returning from the Babylonian exile we became Jews.

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 2 месяца назад

      Haplogroup R are the 12 tribes, 7 churches of Asia Minor, and 50000 back to promised land
      Released by King Cyrus 539 BC

  • @michellek479
    @michellek479 Год назад +2

    Wow wow wow!!!!

  • @ancelmiller6590
    @ancelmiller6590 7 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting brother! I feel the soon after the war Ezekiel in the earthquake, we will all be called reunited and Isreal. Strangely, I feel that we will be granted money and land as well.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Месяц назад +1

    Ephraim Destiny was fulfilled on November 19 1493 when The Serphadic Israelite Christopher Columbus brought God's remaining family to the Shining Star of the Caribbean

  • @Gullah_James_TheCrow
    @Gullah_James_TheCrow 7 месяцев назад +2

    In the old negro spiritual songs the Gullah people are expressing who we are.
    "This little light of mine" I am gonna let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
    "Wade in the water"
    wade in the water gods children.
    Who are the children that are dressed in white?
    Wade in the water; it must be the children of the Israelites.
    Wade in water, God's gonna trouble the waters...ect.😮😮😊😊

    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад

      Interesting. The judahites that dispered into Africa After 70 AD were targeted by slave traders. And carried by ships as Deut 28 curse prophesied.
      After the déportation of Ephraim into Assyria. A bulk of them migrated futher east, by ships of tarshish to Arsareth.(Book of Tobit, 2 Esdras 13 from verse 40)
      But here it was a chosen migration, and the location IS not Europe but the Isles of the east. I don't know why this european, some African and americans as well) claim Ephraimite bloodline, anyway, to each his confusion.
      Isaih 11-11 name all the territories from which Messiah will regather His people. That's how prophecy works, it always come to pass, in due time.

  • @godisreality7014
    @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад +4

    Judah is not called "jews". Judah was sold to Greece and Esau confiscated the land and stole the birthright: Ezekiel 35, 36.

    • @Azamat421
      @Azamat421 7 месяцев назад

      Bible is mythology

  • @visionx580
    @visionx580 3 месяца назад +1

    In the far corner of the world.

  • @kat-75
    @kat-75 4 месяца назад +1

    Not lost... 🙂

  • @barnabasalbonetti2536
    @barnabasalbonetti2536 8 месяцев назад +3

    Ephraim and Dan are the two witnesses! In the 144,000. Dan and Ephraim weren't mentioned. That means two were missing, and they are found in chapter 11 Revelation!
    I am of the tribe of Ephraim and have known this for a few years! Here in the USA

  • @viadei
    @viadei 7 месяцев назад

    _"Therefore _*_if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision_*_ ? 27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God."_
    (Romans 2)

  • @godisreality7014
    @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад +1

    @2.28: not true. The Children of Israel, known as Galileans (see Caesar: war with Gallier), were supernaturally gathered by God to Messiah when He manifested the first time on the earth. Isaiah 9, Isaiah 11.11, Isaiah 60, Jeremiah 29, 30,31, Ezekiel 11.17, Ezekiel 37, John 1.47, John 7.41, Matthew 26.73, Acts 1.11, Acts 2.7.

    • @petersack5074
      @petersack5074 8 месяцев назад


    • @godisreality7014
      @godisreality7014 8 месяцев назад

      @@petersack5074 The Israelites are scattered. God will re-gather them together with Judah at the end of time. Isaiah 11.11 Face the truth or be given over to strong delusion.

  • @sureshmanual
    @sureshmanual 6 месяцев назад

    One nation refers all the nations of the world.
    I believe that Levi is also is a lost tribe who got one with the pagan gentile serving as priests for pagan gods.
    That is why Yeshuah banished Levi and he has become the priesthood in the place of Levi even though he is from the lineage Judah
    The veil of the temple of God was rent into two, right from the top to the bottom, bringing the end of the priesthood of Levi
    We find many bramins in india the mixed race of the tribe of Levi who serve as priests for pagan gods and still their eyes are yet to be open

  • @cuauhtemocsilveira7306
    @cuauhtemocsilveira7306 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @johnmcook1
    @johnmcook1 7 месяцев назад +1

    No bro the lost are gathered to him under one nation his nation a nation made from all the nations

  • @spirithawk9630
    @spirithawk9630 8 месяцев назад

    i don't think this guy is real. His eyes don't move the same way, the same time when you put it on faster playback speed. It's weird.

  • @ThelsingBey-n7p
    @ThelsingBey-n7p 3 месяца назад

    Sir woht tribe manasseh s son nime opand sir.

  • @berylackermann8240
    @berylackermann8240 Год назад +1

    STORY of JOSEPH, the favourite FIRSTBORN SON of RACHEL JACOB His true LOVE. The “BIRTHRIGHT' was given unto the sons of JOSEPH (NOT JUDAH) the son of ISRAEL (Jacob).
    Genesis 48:13-15 “And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him (Jacob) and ISRAEL (Jacob) stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon EPHRAIM'S head.....
    JOSEPH SAID.....
    Genesis 48:16 “The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let MY NAME be NAMED on them, and the NAME of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a MILTITUDE in the MIDST of the EARTH.”
    Let MY NAME be NAMED on them”. The NAME of ISRAEL would ALSO be their NAME. EPRAHIM who RECEIVED that COVETED BLESSING from ISRAEL (JACOB) was later called by the name ISRAEL many times. The KINGDOM of ISRAEL was called EPHRAIM as well. We see this clearly in the book of HOSEA where GOD rebukes the nation ISRAEL, using the name EPHRAIM, the one who received Jacob’s BLESSING AND NAME ISRSEL. We see GOD interchangeably using the name of EPHRAIM and ISRAEL in many places.
    Hosea 11:8 “How shall I give thee up, EPHRAIM ? how shall I deliver thee, ISRAEL?” GOD go given to JACOB (ISRAEL...HIS FATHER)
    The book of JEREMIAH the PROPHET calls EPHRAIM as the FIRSTBORN of GOD and ANOTHER NAME of ISRAEL. EPHRAIM was and is ISRAEL. The Lord said.....
    Jeremiah 31:9 “For I am a father to ISRAEL, and EPHRAIM is MY FIRSTBORN.”
    So who is God’s FIRSTBORN (of the TRIBES) -Israel or Ephraim? BOTH the answers are CORRECT!.
    MY CHILD in whom I take PLEASURE!
    Every time I mention his NAME,
    my heart bursts with longing for him!
    Everything in me cries out for him.
    Softly and tenderly I WAIT for him.” God’s Decree. (Jeremiah 31)
    They will ALL be GATHERED TOGETHER by YAHSHUA our Messiah when he returns to set up His KINGDOM ISRAEL. (EPHRAIM and Judah)....note ...They were scattered in the NATIONS TO FULFILL the PROMISE given to ABRAHAM....GOD would JUSTIFY the GENTILES by FAITH, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall ALL the nations BLESSED.” 9 So then, those who are of FAITH and OBEY the WILL OF GOD are BLESSED along with Abraham, the man of FAITH and walked in obedience to HIM.

    • @rickyodom1201
      @rickyodom1201 Год назад

      the book of Mormon is that revalion brought forth by joseph smith the 144000 will be high priest ordain by god the stick of joseph and his gospel

  • @whynotcreatelove
    @whynotcreatelove 7 месяцев назад +3

    its related to the Y DNA Haplogroup. Israelites are the R haplogroup.

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 2 месяца назад

      all 12 tribes, with Ruddy complexion, King David

    • @TexasRivermedic
      @TexasRivermedic 15 дней назад

      Haplogroup R is from Joktan, not Peleg!

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 15 дней назад

      @@TexasRivermedic Surnames please

    • @TexasRivermedic
      @TexasRivermedic 15 дней назад

      @@davidharrigan9884 Y-DNA has nothing to do with surnames. I’m of the R haplogroup and have followed my line straight up the tree. R haplogroup forms way down the line from Eber.

    • @davidharrigan9884
      @davidharrigan9884 14 дней назад

      Abraham was the father of many nations
      God chose the R line for the 12 tribes of Israel
      Surnames have always followed the DNA line
      Who has delivered the Good News to all the World
      Scripture has been given
      God with foreknowledge has promised this

  • @beng2729
    @beng2729 4 месяца назад +1

    Claims of being of the Bnei Yisrael will not help those who for generations persecuted the Bnei Yisrael .

  • @mayflowerson1
    @mayflowerson1 8 месяцев назад

    Yamnaya factor very heavily into this

  • @ARenewedmind
    @ARenewedmind Год назад +2

    Thank you for this interesting talk. I agree that, today, no one is sure who are "Israel" i.e. the 10 tribes. But why did only Judah (called Jews) today, keep the Sabbath, which has always, throughout the ages, distinguished the Jews from other nations?
    Why did the 10 " lost" tribes qbandon everything their Torah taught them?? This is the dilemma for those who claim that other nations are the "10 lost tribes"...
    Then Ephraim was blessed to bring forth a "multitude of nations". I could believe that this multitude of nations can be "the whole of caucasian races" but then Ephraim's mother was an Egyptian. So to claim only blue eyed fair skin people are Ephraim or Israel, is far fetched.
    Israel intermarried (against God's will) into the nations around them including the Canaanites. Assyria purposely divided the 10 tribes into different provinces to break up their unity as a nation. Did it succeed?
    I do not agree rhat Israel and Ephraim is interchangeable in the prophecies. Ephraim received Reuben, Jacob's firstborn's birthright. So Ephraim had the blessings of a firstborn bestowed on him. But Israel has always been God's "firstborn".
    After all is said and done, it is still a mystery that only end time will resolve and God knows where the 10 tribes are and which nations are decendants of Ephraim.
    We can speculate as much as we want...
    I personally believe that all eho identify as "Jews" all over the world are Israel. Why? because they kept Sabbath throughout the ages. I do not believe rhat inly Judah did that.

    • @jredel2877
      @jredel2877 Год назад

      I don't agree. Are you suggesting that outside of the tribe of "Judah", no descendants of Israel or any descendants of the other 11 tribes keep Saturday as their Sabbath? I do agree that much of the prophesies are hidden from us, and only the end times will sort that out.

    • @ARenewedmind
      @ARenewedmind Год назад

      @@jredel2877 No I am actually suggesting the opposite, namely, that the "Jews" have been identified throughout their dispersement by Sabbath keeping. For that reason I believe that those who traditionally kept Saturday Sabbath are Israel (including the so called lost tribes), So for that reason, America, England and whoever claims to be the lost tribes are not! They do not keep Saturday Sabbath but Jews who live there do! (i.e. Israelites). I hope that clarifies my comment.

    • @mikebrown9850
      @mikebrown9850 Год назад

      When God was giving Moses the tables of stone, He reiterated to him His covenant with the entire nation of Israel that the Sabbath was an identifying sign between Himself and the fledgling nation whom He had just brought out of Egyptian captivity(Exodus 31:12-18). This obviously included all 13 tribes. When the kingdom of Israel split after the death of Solomon, the northern 10 tribes set up jeroboam as their king.
      He changed the priesthood, the law, the holy day festivals and the sabbath. God finally sent them into Assyrian captivity in 721-718 BC because of idol worship and Sabbath breaking(see Leviticus 26). They were led away captive to the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. From there, within 100 years, they migrated northwest and became known as the Lost Ten Tribes. Notice that the first time the word Jew is mentioned in the Bible, they were at war, WITH ISRAEL(II Kings 16:5-6).
      In 585 BC the southern nation called Judah was taken into Babylonian captivity. 70 years later, after Cyrus the Great had defeated Babylon, he sent a colony of Jews back to Jerusalem to rebuild the destroyed temple. The governor Zerubbabel headed up this rebuilding project joined also by the prophets Ezra and Nehemiah. The temple worship was restored albeit to a shell of its former glory under Kings David and Solomon. Some 500 years later, Jesus came on the scene in Judea. The Jews were keeping the Sabbath but the local governing body of the rabbinical Pharisees had corrupted the spirit of the custom, adding to God’s original commandment. From that period forward, the entire world has identified the Jews as ISRAEL! Why? Because of the Sabbath. The lost tribes identity are known today to those who are willing to prove it. But their identity is hidden to the world because THEY broke their IDENTIFYING Sign or Covent with God. They didn’t disappear from the earth, just their identity. Go to and order your absolutely free copy of THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY to prove unequivocally the identification of these end time nations. It will shock and inspire you!

    • @israelitesrwhite4344
      @israelitesrwhite4344 Год назад

      There were many races living in Egypt

    • @israelitesrwhite4344
      @israelitesrwhite4344 Год назад +2

      White Europeans are the Israelites

  • @JohnBiggs-d6f
    @JohnBiggs-d6f 8 месяцев назад +4

    Benjamin and Judah were NOT called Jews. The accurate translation is Judeans. The word Jew NEVER applies to God's people. See Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9. The word Jew there is Judean not Jew. I know that there is no J in Greek or Hebrew so no they were NEVER called Jews and the word Judean doesn't mean Jew. The true meaning of the word Jew in our English version is complex. It can be Judean, Idumean which is Esau/Edom and even Judahite. But NEVER Jew. Hope this helps.

    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад

      * Not all Hebrews are israélites : Edomites, Hagarites, Ishmalites, Madianites are from Abraham, therefore Hebrews
      * Not all israélites are Judeans : Ephraim became a separate kingdom and never returned in their land after their exile (2 Kings 17) and never mixed with Judah, they're at odds until their regathering by Messiah.
      * Iodaerum--Iodaios---are latin and greek for Yahudah, there IS no J letter in any alphabet around this time. When J IS adopted english writes Judah, the germans Jude.
      * Jew came into english translations only in the 18th centuries.
      * Therefore Jew can't be short for the biblical israélites. It's a corruption.

    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад

      Btw check Facts are Facts by Benjamin H Friedman 1954. A so called jew destroying the corruption of the name of God's people. RUclips or PDF

  • @arturogutierrezjr4191
    @arturogutierrezjr4191 Месяц назад

    Ophir and 10 lost tribes of israel is same language and writing.
    Arpaxzas is not hebrew have a son name Eber. Eber is founder or making hebrew language and writing have two son Peleg and Yoktan. Eber introduced hebrew to his two son Peleg and Yoktan.
    PELEG ihave a grand grandson namw Abraham have two son isaac and ishmael . Isaac is lineage to 12 tribes of israel. Yoktan have grandson name Ophir. Ophir have three tribes havila , sheba, and Tarsish same language and writing to lost tribes of israel. Ten lost tribes of israel become a tribes of Ophir. Mathew 15:24.

  • @Thelivingwordthesword
    @Thelivingwordthesword Месяц назад

    The envy and Jealousy that the other tribes had towards Ephraim exposed the corruption that took hold over them and led to their fall, this jealousy and envy was such a problem that those of Tribe of Ephraim were taken all the way to the other side of Earth to fulfill God's will. The Israelites have become very delusional and lost becoming gentiles exiles not to generalize all the individuals in the tribes there were some who remained true to God. Now this same envy jealousy of the blessing of Ephraim is at full display from exiles and the vanquished ones. They are absolutely nobody regarding the things concerning God because it's God's concern and noone else's all the things of God are God's concern he has full rights over all things concerning him noone else especially man it's not man's place. If someone uses God's name in vein those are things concerning God I'd there are people claiming to be Christian Jews Hebrew etc those are things concerning God his words his creation the air wind water fire oil gold all those things are things concerning God and God will speak for himself and take action accordingly

  • @godisreality7014
    @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад

    Isaiah 11.11., Ezekiel 37 and John 11.52 were fulfilled in John 12.20-24: Israel and Judah ("the Greek") were joined together for the first time under Messiah Jesus Christ.

  • @godisreality7014
    @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад +1

    Judah was sold to Greece and was called the Greek in the "new testament" (Joel 3.6)

  • @derekmcquattie9444
    @derekmcquattie9444 8 месяцев назад +2

    USA= manessah UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa=ephriam
    All the other 8 are in western Europe. Not hard.

  • @seanvandiijk2889
    @seanvandiijk2889 6 месяцев назад

    Hello achi, I'm a PR volunteer for the Nation of Ephraim, we are an initiative that was born a couple of years after the CORONA began. I'm sorry to tell you my brethren, that the jesus story is a fictional story (based on actual events), the NT was a creation of the pharisees that today are related to the Neturei Karta charedim sect. They redacted that book because indeed wanted to reach out to the ten tribes, but with a malicious thinking that the tribes became mamzerim. The pharisees were often twisting the law of Moses and they ignore that were the tribes be mamzerim, then it wouldn't be tribes anymore because the law of Moses say that no mamzer is going to enter to the kehel of G-d not even in the tenth generation. The Assyrians didn't allow clans nor tribes, only nuclear families were allowed to remain together so all the tribes became Ephraim, today we are not sure who belongs to which tribe, so we just call us Ephraim.
    Jesus, Yeshua is a codename for the chief tribe of Ephraim and also for the Ten Tribes, because in kabbalah the ten tribes are a body called "son" of G-d, not only on earth the tribes inherited the birthright of Yoseph but on heaven they are the most powerful angel of G-d, that's the angel Metatr-o-n, the story of jesus is based also on that angel. He is Enoch, our angel, and we are his soul, and HaShem called us to be the priests of the world my brethren, don't look any jesus. You are Yeshua, you have the soul of Yehoshua ben Nun, the soul of Yoseph, the soul of Enoch and Elijah. Yeshua is in you and you and the Father is in you when you come to the Torah, to the law of Moses, His Shechinah wants to dwell in you.
    These secrets Im telling you are part of the first knowledge we learn when we initiate the gyiur of Orthodox Judaism, I'm son of marrano jews, the bnei anussim are the royal house of Judah, the family of king David. I'm not from Judah because I made my own research and even I can be called a Yehudi, I'm not, I am ephraim like you.
    Hear the call of the shofar my brother, G-d needs you, O virgin maiden Ephraim. Judah, the Nukvah is waiting for you to be the connector to the Keter. The son of G-d is a mighty strong tree whose shine goes from one end to the other end of the world, he is Yessod of Zeir Anpin, Binyamin up there, and down here Ephraim. Only when we learn how to reveal the inner Mashiach, then an actual person being Mashiach may appear. I credit what I've shared here to Rabbi Avraham Gottlieb, Rabbi Efraim Palvanov, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, Rabbi Moshe Chaim Eade, Rabbi Yinon Kalazan. May the memory of Rabbi Simcha Pearlmutter be for a blessing, his teachings couldn't reach the destination on time.

  • @georgeschilens8557
    @georgeschilens8557 9 месяцев назад

    You sir are from the tribe of Dan !😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

  • @andrewstaples7544
    @andrewstaples7544 6 месяцев назад +2

    Some went to Africa and some stayed in the middle east

    • @888YouCantHandle
      @888YouCantHandle 5 месяцев назад


    • @bbl5499
      @bbl5499 4 месяца назад

      It's very unlikely Ephraim set foot into Africa. Remember they were at odds with Judah (and still are until their regathering by Messiah).
      After bieng deported in Assyrien territories, they came only to Jérusalem for the festive pilgrimage and returned to their lands of exile. There's no account of a mass migration of Ephraim into Africa from their land of déportation. But there's one about a further migration in the east, by ships. 2 Esdras 13-41.... and the book of Tobit mentions it.
      Yet Judah, after it's dispersion 70 AD, went en masse into Africa, through Egypt. A traditional escape road to them. From there the Deut 28 curse about being made slaves and carried by ways of ships applied.
      For the words of prophecy shall always come to pass.
      Therefore Judah in Africa, yes, absolutely. But Ephraim, very unlikely.
      Yah bless.

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад +1

      It says in the scriptures that they got taken away to the north. At best Africa is west of there.

    • @rosekt2023
      @rosekt2023 2 месяца назад

      @@bbl5499 clown

  • @johnmcook1
    @johnmcook1 7 месяцев назад

    No it says he will be full of the nations or filled of nations
    a multitude
    מְלֹֽא־ (mə·lō-)
    Noun - masculine singular construct
    Strong's 4393: Fullness, that which fills
    of nations.”
    הַגּוֹיִֽם׃ (hag·gō·w·yim)
    Article | Noun - masculine plural
    Strong's 1471: A foreign nation, a Gentile, a troop of animals, a flight of locusts

  • @johnmcook1
    @johnmcook1 7 месяцев назад

    wrong again they are three tribes judah benjamin and levi.

  • @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251
    @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 11 месяцев назад

    False! The blessings of the 2 sons are APART from the other tribes.

    • @jeremyking9185
      @jeremyking9185 9 месяцев назад

      That doesn’t change the fact that Ephraim and Judah will be rejoined.

    • @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251
      @thewatchmanofephraimusa5251 9 месяцев назад +1

      @jeremyking9185 They will be reunited BUT after another greater captivity. They are NOT in captivity now. They are at the end of there birthright blessings

  • @joecartwright9221
    @joecartwright9221 9 месяцев назад

    Jesus Christ said to the women at the well, that He came for the lost of Israel. That’s the 10 tribes. The Whom so ever will are the people’s who were not of those 10 tribes, including her. ✡️✝️🕎☦️❤️

  • @haroldjones9321
    @haroldjones9321 8 месяцев назад +2

    R1b lineage are descendants of Israel...But then God will separate the sheep from the goats. God has placed or indwelt the Holy Spirit into his people. He knows who his sheep are. His sheep will not respond to the false shepards.
    He came only to the scattered House of Israel. All others are not his sheep unless they are grafted into the sheepfold by the Holy Spirit itself. All others are but robbers. They are the metaphorical wolfs who steal the sheep away from the fold.

  • @wiserthanserpents3862
    @wiserthanserpents3862 8 месяцев назад

    Every human was called to repentance so genealogies are pointless. The Holy Oracles are written in Tudor English which the church denies

    • @888YouCantHandle
      @888YouCantHandle 5 месяцев назад

      Being this comment id wrong.
      We csn also assume your definition of repent is as well.

  • @brianwilson2311
    @brianwilson2311 6 месяцев назад

    This is sad! Why do this wicked concept called Catholicism still mislead people about Who the Lord's chosen Are? When will these Lies finally be exposed! Destruction is imminent for the heathen!

  • @TomoC_2023
    @TomoC_2023 7 месяцев назад

    I find it so strange that he says the ten tribes are scattered all over the world... and he mentioned every major content but African. A land with over 1.4 billion people. Whenever I hear "scattered all overr the world" and Africa being left out ... I know the message is false. Be vigilant people ...

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад

      Africa has some links via Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia, which had ancient colonies going back to Solomon's time. North and East Africa are the places.

  • @ontheroadtoZ
    @ontheroadtoZ 4 месяца назад

    Taínos indigenous tribes of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

  • @jasongovett347
    @jasongovett347 5 месяцев назад

    The lost 10 tribes of Israel are in Europe. Ephraim is Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Reuben is France, Judah is Israel, Spain, Portugal, Parts of South America, and the South Pacific Islands. Zebulon is Holland. Gad is Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Poland. Dan is Denmark and Ireland. Naphthali is Sweden. Issachar is Finland. Benjamin is Norway and Iceland. Asher is white South Africa. Manessah is the USA. This is the fulfilment of prophecies given in Genesis ch 48 and Genesis ch 49

    • @leojohn6702
      @leojohn6702 5 месяцев назад

      What had you smoked 😂😂

    • @leojohn6702
      @leojohn6702 4 месяца назад

      @@YF78788 nope. You got that wrong. The iron empire is the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was never defeated, but was divided in seven regions (the seven horns).
      The little horn that was doing blasphemy is the papacy, which had power to fight against the real Christian’s and order things that never was in the bible. Papacy changed times and laws, and more.

    • @leojohn6702
      @leojohn6702 4 месяца назад

      @@YF78788 how can you know so much of me? I am actually a believer. Thats why I’m teaching you stuff

    • @leojohn6702
      @leojohn6702 4 месяца назад

      @@YF78788 and again, you showing verses, but nothing out of the ordinary

    • @truthsimp
      @truthsimp 3 месяца назад


  • @ka-sekham2439
    @ka-sekham2439 8 месяцев назад


  • @TexasRivermedic
    @TexasRivermedic 15 дней назад

    You are trying to add to Gods word! You’re treading on shaky ground

  • @sureshmanual
    @sureshmanual 6 месяцев назад +1

    Kindly don't call us gentile
    We are the chosen race by faith
    Washed by the blood of Yeshuah
    Therefore call us Yeshuan believers

    • @bjornhellman8474
      @bjornhellman8474 4 месяца назад

      We are gentiles, it is not a curse word, it is a good word. We are wild olive branches grafted into the true wine. A grafted branch is still a grafted.

  • @emilymvance
    @emilymvance 2 месяца назад

    Joseph is a fruit ful bow whose. Branches run over the wall

  • @joecartwright9221
    @joecartwright9221 4 дня назад

    Torah Codes by Rabbi Glazerson, says Trump is the King 🤴 of EPHRIAM

  • @mrshankerbillletmein491
    @mrshankerbillletmein491 5 месяцев назад +2

    Saxons Isaaksons

    • @rosekt2023
      @rosekt2023 2 месяца назад +1

      Isaak had 2 sons... One was prophesied to live by the sword... And the other one was to be scattered and go to slavery if he transgressed the covenant... I wonder which one the saxons are!

    • @mrshankerbillletmein491
      @mrshankerbillletmein491 2 месяца назад

      @@rosekt2023 The ones called in Isaacs name.

    • @backatit4757
      @backatit4757 Месяц назад


  • @paulsevers7740
    @paulsevers7740 9 месяцев назад +1

    unfortunately, you are not aware of what happened when Assyria began to invade the northern kingdom, "Israel". Those of the ten tribes who were faithful to Yehovah their true God fled SOUTH to Judah and took refuge in Jerusalem, which at that time expanded to three times its previous size to accommodate them. Although they were only a tiny potion of the ten northern tribes, they were nevertheless still descendants of the 'lost' tribes, and they continued in Judah, and had descendants, and there are Jews to this day who can trace their ancestry back to those tribes

    • @allinfortheKing
      @allinfortheKing 9 месяцев назад +2

      They can trace their ancestry back to the 10 lost tribes????? Hmmmm, this seems very dubious

    • @Briand-ei1gs
      @Briand-ei1gs 9 месяцев назад +1

      The modern so called " jews" are not related to tribe of Judah.

    • @seanvandiijk2889
      @seanvandiijk2889 6 месяцев назад

      The members of the tribes that migrated south were even a great number but they are not counted as the Ten Lost Tribes, the 10 tribea are not just called "Ten", but also "Lost". If they were not lost then they don't meet the criteria. And even when those tribes migrated south, people are not aware, historians even, that Sennacherib also surrounded the kingdom of Judah and managed to exile tribe, Sennacherib was the last of the kings of Assyria that exiles chunks from the Ten Tribes, some numbers say around 200 hundred thousands, that's practically that big chunk of refugee that came to the south.
      So in resume, those who migrated south don't change the situation since the prophets were talking about the reunion of Ephraim and Judah again in the times of Babylonian exile, wasn't that there were tribes in Judah? If it was ao accurate why the prophets for a second time are prophesizing about the return, in a timeframe when it was assumed the tribes were already in the south as refugees? So, we can see it as Sennacherib took all those refugees, or that the refugees escaped and or returned to the North or they went abroad. The nordics have stories of their ancestors coming from Jerusalem, Ephraimites or Danites, that indeed were in the territory of the southern Kingdom of Judah but voluntarily left Judah because they foresaw the Babylonians were going to attempt taking them as exiles also.

    • @Briand-ei1gs
      @Briand-ei1gs 6 месяцев назад

      @allinfortheKing already by Jesus time,Judea had become a multicultural shithole. Not only was this from Babylonians accompanying the few returning Judahites but then due to the conversion of many peoples,even the forced conversions of the very enemies of God the edomites . Such as Herod and Judas Iscariot for example. Do people think Jesus was talking just chit chat when He talked about who His sheep were and that they knew His voice and the pharisees He told did not know Him because they did not hear His voice.

    • @Briand-ei1gs
      @Briand-ei1gs 6 месяцев назад +1

      @allinfortheKing You can find many Judahites today but they are not wearing little hats and going to synagogue. God has taken the sticks of Israel and Judah and made them one in His hand. You will find many of these people in the heartland of America where Joseph and Judah bloodlines are intermarried.

  • @godisreality7014
    @godisreality7014 9 месяцев назад

    Judah split the Kingdom and cut himself off when he sold Joseph into slavery, lied to his father and killed a beast to cover the coat in blood. There are 10 tribes of Israel, known in Samuel as "the Kingdom" and Judah, which absorbed Simeon, and is called "the tribe".

  • @eliyahulove1941
    @eliyahulove1941 9 месяцев назад

    Ephramites papua new Guineaans

  • @heberfrank8664
    @heberfrank8664 Год назад

    In my Mormon faith revelation has been given to a prophet cast out of the Church giving the racial signs of true Israel. The major sign of true Israelite blood is having both blue eyes and fair complexion. The further tribal sign of Levi is red hair. The further tribal sign of Judah is towering over his brethren. The further tribal sign of that part of Benjamin that remained with Judah is being both tall and left handed. These are the tribes that were scattered last, so they will be gathered first. The further racial and other signs to identify the rest of the tribes will be revealed later. And by revelation any without the racial signs will be proven. We know that many of Ephraim were gathered into early Mormonism. But many Mormon Ephraimites are now spiritually drunk.

    • @jredel2877
      @jredel2877 Год назад +2

      NOPE: Besides Mormonism is considered a cult, sooooo .....

    • @DeniseGrogan
      @DeniseGrogan 9 месяцев назад

      @jredel2877 did you research and discover this information? It really don't matter what color . He died for all . He is no preferred of men. When we argue color of our Lord, it is pride and dissension. Works of the corrupt flesh

    • @Briand-ei1gs
      @Briand-ei1gs 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@DeniseGroganyeah you should read your Bible for yourself instead of listening to political correct virtue signaling Marxist garbage that has come from corporations called churches these past 70 years.

  • @georgeohayon
    @georgeohayon 5 дней назад

    Keep on dreaming

  • @kofidankwah
    @kofidankwah 9 месяцев назад

    The word Ephraim is a corrupted original Hebrew (AFRIM) which means broken away. This is the language still being spoken in West Africa. The family that broke away from Egypt to kanna (cannan). Ephraim (AFRIM) is in Africa. We still speak the classic Hebrew in West Africa

    • @jadis40
      @jadis40 7 месяцев назад +2

      Right. Sure you do.

    • @truthsimp
      @truthsimp 2 месяца назад

      @@jadis40 it’s absolutely true. The linguistics is much the same in various parts of Africa.

    • @jadis40
      @jadis40 2 месяца назад

      @@truthsimp LOL. Nope. Sorry. The Ancient Hebrews weren't negroids. Ephriam is NOT in western Africa. 😂😂😂😂
      Hebrew is an Afro-Asiatic language. Same as Egyptian. You're probably confusing it with something in the Niger-Congo family.

  • @leojohn6702
    @leojohn6702 5 месяцев назад

    Omg. This is wrong on so many levels.
    Is like:
    - I don’t believe in the bible, but I chose to get what I want from it.
    Did you know that each Israeli have a way to identify its lineage? They kept their traditions since the heroes the great exiled them.
    You made a milkshake with your video. It proves nothing to the believers

  • @edwinmusunga9892
    @edwinmusunga9892 4 месяца назад

    I totally disagree with you. The ten tribes are the bantu people today in Africa. While others are scattered around the world.

    • @truthsimp
      @truthsimp 3 месяца назад

      This dude is hilarious! Even mRNA puts this to rest. This is like a reboot of Aryan supremacy propaganda

    • @ThursoBerwick
      @ThursoBerwick 2 месяца назад

      Except it says that they were taken away to the *north* . I'm sure even you know that presents a problem for your notion.

  • @bobbysutton4203
    @bobbysutton4203 2 месяца назад


  • @rosekt2023
    @rosekt2023 2 месяца назад


  • @t.n.4445
    @t.n.4445 10 месяцев назад

    Ephriam is in africa

    • @joecartwright9221
      @joecartwright9221 9 месяцев назад

      Donald Trump is the King of EPHRIAM according to the Bible Codes.

    • @kimberlyboldt5213
      @kimberlyboldt5213 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @jadis40
      @jadis40 7 месяцев назад +2

      LOL. Nope.

    • @t.n.4445
      @t.n.4445 6 месяцев назад

      @@jadis40 all the tribes were and are black. When were whites ever slaves or had yokes of iron . i see you never read the curses that fell on the israelites. Solomon was black. David was ruddy. Go look up ruddy cow. Thats the color of david. Go look at lemba tribe in africa

    • @t.n.4445
      @t.n.4445 6 месяцев назад


  • @BaloncoCabral
    @BaloncoCabral 7 месяцев назад

    Esau can't stop lying.

  • @Bjeff72-wj8ch
    @Bjeff72-wj8ch 3 месяца назад


  • @Gullah_James_TheCrow
    @Gullah_James_TheCrow 7 месяцев назад

    In other words in the bible book of Revelations in the 7th chapter the 12 apostles was assigned/ to ruled 12 000 people each.
    12×12=144 000 people with the golden seal will go to Heaven with the Messiah/ Jesus.
    The remaining of us will have a heavenly life here on earth.
    This is exactly the way it's explained in the bible..
    Revelations chapter 7 ect...
    The 144 000 in heaven will presumably act as the govering body.
    The govering body will set the pace or peace for the paradise on earth.
    We who are not included in the 144 000 are the earthly bodies/ people/ humans..

  • @Gullah_James_TheCrow
    @Gullah_James_TheCrow 7 месяцев назад

    The Gullah/ Geechie people of Charleston South Carolina.
    Gullah direct translation in Hebrew means Hebrew Israelites.
    We are the ones they call African-Americans for over 400 years..!!!!

    • @utente1489
      @utente1489 7 месяцев назад +1
