My Conversion Story (To Catholicism)

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024
  • It's the 100th video! (Sorry its so quiet)
    How I found my faith and became Catholic! My conversion story :)

Комментарии • 120

  • @Ceylin_Kurtbogan
    @Ceylin_Kurtbogan 8 лет назад +63

    Me too. I converted from Islam to Catholicism. I am so happy and I would be Catholic even if I am left the last Catholic in the whole world.

  • @Timbrock1000
    @Timbrock1000 10 лет назад +107

    PRAY FOR ME, I'M PROTESTANT. I was raised on Protestantism, but have become quite disenchanted with it. Especially after studying the early Church and learning of the Reformation that split one Christian Church in two. The Catholic faith most closely resembles the early church. Protestantism has divided again and again and has shaped Christianity into what they want it to look like. Protestants have removed over 15 books from the Bible that didn't agree with their views. They removed the eucharist, and only celebrate 2 or 3 of the original 7 sacraments. Finally, Protestantism has spawned the blasphemy called "Prosperity Doctrine" (Think Joel Osteen, Peter Popoff, Ken Copeland, Benny hinn, etc.) and even birthed non-Christian sects such as Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses .
    BUT Catholicism has stayed intact.
    I've attended Mass at a local Catholic church, i've read Scott Hahn's "Rome Sweet Home", I've bought a Catechism, and "Catholicism for Dummies". I've studied it, and think I may well be on a journey to becoming Catholic.

    • @alicat4947
      @alicat4947 10 лет назад +3

      Just pray and pray and pray some really will be the Holy Spirit who will guide you. Peace.

    • @martinsandoval2777
      @martinsandoval2777 10 лет назад +5

      The Holy Spirit is guiding you Home, to the Catholic Faith. : )

    • @Timbrock1000
      @Timbrock1000 10 лет назад

      I don't know Martin, but it's possible.

    • @martinsandoval2777
      @martinsandoval2777 10 лет назад +4

      Tim, your heart is already Catholic : ) just need to do the necessary steps to become Catholic. Jesus Christ went out into the desert for 40 days to pray and fast before preaching His Word. You to need to pray and fast and then come HOME.
      The Catholic Church centers itself around the Most Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, as you know, I am sure.
      Tim, the Father wills that you become Catholic, here is a clue that He does it is in John 6:40 And this is the will of my Father that sent me: that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.
      Tim, God say that he wants ALL to see His Son. So where can you / me, see the son TODAY that EVERY ONE MAY SEE THE SON AND BELIEVE?
      The answer is in the Catholic Church where every one who seeth the Son, and believeth in him, may have life everlasting, and I will raise him up in the last day.
      Protestants have seen the Son / Eucharist in the Catholic Church BUT they don't believe.
      The Catholic Church SEES and BELIEVES.
      Tim, God Bless you on you Journey HOME.

    • @margocatholic
      @margocatholic 10 лет назад +4

      I'll definitely pray for you as I pray for all Christians to embrace the Catholic Church and Christ's True Presence in the Holy Eucharist. I highly recommend looking into The Coming Home network, whose entire mission is to support those who desire to convert and come home to the Catholic faith. May God bless you!

  • @bonniestroup83
    @bonniestroup83 9 лет назад +20

    Hello. Well here I am a newly confirmed Catholic! Yes, I made it through the RCIA process and was confirmed this Easter, 2015. Since then, by the grace of God, I have been able to attend a daily noon Mass in my area! God's grace is at work and I feel my heart changing, opening up to embrace the fullness of the doctrine and teaching of the Church. I can't seem to make it through a Mass without becoming deeply moved, to the Point of tears. Good tears. It is such a privilege to come to the Lord's table that He has set and prepared for us. I have been to confession for the 3rd time as of today. The journey continues and evolves. That's all for now. Blessings on you, Arielle, and all on this post.

  • @samgonzalez7416
    @samgonzalez7416 8 лет назад +11

    I used to be tormented by demons when I was 21 years old and I went to a retreat a couple of hours away from me to see the visionary Mirjana from Medjugorje whom receives messages from the Virgin Mary every month till this day and when I came back home my cross around Jesus turned to a gold color which is also a wooden cross. However, even provided physical proof of healing and my cross miracle I yet have much to learn and follow the righteous path. Those miracles proved God for me but I still struggle to fully follow God and I ask for everyone's prayers. Thank you

  • @bebeautifulyou8
    @bebeautifulyou8 9 лет назад +38

    Please help me and pray for me. I have studied Catholicism and have come to believe in it. I had an incredible experience with the Eucharist and God in that moment placed Catholicism on my heart. I grew up Protestant and my parents are Protestant too. My mom and I are going through RCIA right now, but my parents are both not really on board and have not really fallen in love with the faith. My mom wants our family to be united in our religion, so she says I can't convert on my own. It's very painful because I go to a Catholic youth group, sometimes we go to mass as a family but rarely, and I can't participate in any of the Sacraments even though I believe in the faith. What should I do?! Please pray for me! (By the way, I am 17)

  • @Mjguipo1982
    @Mjguipo1982 9 лет назад +14

    Hi Arielle, Thank you for your inspiring experience. I have been into a point of soul searching where am I suppose to be. I have been raised a devoted Catholic but there was a time in my life which indeed I am weak giving up my Faith when I work in Saudi Arabia 2007-2009. May be it is a result of me have no chance to go to Church those times to attend our Sunday Mass. One day A computer operator made me attend a Christian Meeting in Riyadh, Born Again Christian. Sharing with them I am Catholic. Here is the story why I really can connect to you with your past beliefs - it is because at the time of my pre-phase conversion to Born Again. Certain meetings I found directed to us Catholic on the discussion on Doctrines - Questions of why we are kneeling to the Cross, Statues, Rosaries, Pictures etc. which makes me feel so persecuted because they are laughing with those doctrines and beliefs. The last time I attend their meeting is when they celebrate sort as like a mass for us and in those times I find My God revealed on me in True Flesh that after the celebration I demand an answer to their Pastor saying why and how you guys allow to throw the consecrated bread and wine into the garbage can. I feel I redeem my Catholic Faith by saying to them you are making a mockery on our Catholic Doctrines. Actually I attend to your meeting for me to see the light I said that strongly. I can bare your ways of consecrating the Bread and Wine which in fact it is indeed a desecration of His Body and Blood I said to them loudly because how come you can consecrate his body and blood which in fact you are having foreplay to your wife last night and you are laughing at the why Catholic process of the Priest which you do not understand deeply its purpose. I really shouted about the meaning of wiping of cup it is in order to gather at least a mere atom of God His Body and Blood which I compare to you throwing them into the trash can and after that I cry and I loudly ask for His forgiveness of my involvement. We Catholic really don't talk about others religion but others has a time for it. Indeed Roman Catholic Faith can save us - the doctrines and process are precisely made into the highest order since it is for our God. I feel sorry for our Protestant Brothers and Sisters not seeing the Truth. I will pray for them for their conversion as I will pray for our Catholic Brothers and Sister to steadfast and always remembers His Forgiveness. Thank you again Arielle - you are indeed welcome.

  • @JCiTrusTinYou
    @JCiTrusTinYou 10 лет назад +16

    When we are hungry we eat. When we want to know the truth, we really want it for sure. The Holy Eucharist is the Truth and we can be FILLED!! Welcome Home Arielle!!

  • @jondavis2118
    @jondavis2118 9 лет назад +9

    im catholic and i think conversion stories are so important. easter 2013 when i joined

  • @tommcewen6047
    @tommcewen6047 10 лет назад +23

    It is a wonderful video and I am an ex-protestant who read his way into the Catholic Church, Protestantism has a treasure map, with a large X and there is treasure there, Catholicism is also a large treasure map with a large X but when you dig up the treasure chest you find it full of thousands of maps with a large X on each and each X is another treasure of the Catholic church, life is too short to read all the treasures, welcome home.

  • @gideonjudges7
    @gideonjudges7 10 лет назад +7

    "I think the only way to convert other people that I have praying for them." Awesome story, thanks for sharing it! "Christ has no hands but yours, no feet but yours"

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад +2

      Thanks! I agree! It's up to God to open people's hearts! All we can do to convert is pray and be an example to others :)

  • @castleback9191
    @castleback9191 9 лет назад +7

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. We are Catholic too. I converted in 2013 after being in nondenominational churches for years. Our 5 kids are being received into the Church this Easter.

  • @cynthiax56
    @cynthiax56 10 лет назад +11

    There is such a feeling of unearthly peace when one enters a traditional Catholic church. A peace that cannot be explained except that perhaps it comes from the living presence of JESUS. This peace is a peace that I NEVER felt in prot churches. Prot churches are full of strife.

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад +4

      I love being a part of the Catholic church and I have a lot of friends with different denominations. I pray for unity in our Christian faith and that Jesus will save those who choose to love Him regardless of their denomination :)

  • @bonniestroup83
    @bonniestroup83 9 лет назад +5

    Thanks Arielle. I am in an RCIA class since I left you the previous message. It has been a stormy journey at times. I came to CHRIST through the Protestant church and it has been challenging to accept the Catholic teachings. I am continuing to move forward through the weekly classes and lots of prayers. My husband is now officially Catholic and loving it! So far this has been a very mystical and mysterious journey. I have had some spiritual encounters that have fascinated me through this process. I am a charismatic believer and I have been suprised at how the Lord has met me at Mass. I will not go into details, here, but thank you for your kind reply and prayers. Easter is not that far off and I am moving forward.

  • @christopherwilson7902
    @christopherwilson7902 9 лет назад +10

    Arielle, your conversion story is so beautiful! I am a convert as well from Protestantism and also went through an "anti-church" phase like you did, before I found the Church. Keep up the great work and know that you are inspiring many with your story. Know of my continued prayers for you and your husband and please pray for me as well!

  • @poeticsongbird25
    @poeticsongbird25 11 лет назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am a Christian (Baptist, haha) who has always felt a strong calling to explore Catholicism. It was interesting hearing your perspective!

  • @danceswithbears2521
    @danceswithbears2521 10 лет назад +8

    Welcome Home! I'm so glad you converted! God has blessed you; the Holy Spirit has led you to the true Church. What happened is that God hit you with a spiritual two-by-four. He did the same to St Paul.

  • @Nicole3900
    @Nicole3900 10 лет назад +7

    Congratulations!!!!!! Being Catholic is awesome. Welcome to the Church with its 1.2 billion members. I love being Catholic as well. It's wonderful. Congrats. :)

  • @rickmills2323
    @rickmills2323 9 лет назад +9

    Great story and what (nearly all) positive and encouraging comments. Catholicism in the UK here seems dumbed down somewhat & I get so much from so many fellow Catholics in the States. Love EWTN, Fr Robert Barron etc. God Bless you Arielle.

  • @mrfrains
    @mrfrains 10 лет назад +11

    welcome home sister.

  • @jambroqc
    @jambroqc 10 лет назад +7

    Wonderful story. There will always be challenges but I pray that you will not waver in your faith. Proud to be Catholic myself.

  • @smokeybirdman
    @smokeybirdman 10 лет назад +7

    I attend Catholic Church and grew up Catholic. Went protestant and back again. What's important and as a 42 yo from both sides and knowledge of both, is Christ! We are all Christians, stop arguing and condemning. Understand we serve differently, but God is judge. And not who is Catholic or protestant, but who is Christ's. "Those who are Christ's have crucified their flesh and it's passions and lusts." Love each other, don't say you're wrong and I'm right. Everyone believes their right, God knows and will judge kindly to those who belong to him. Peace.

    • @RaisingSaintsAcademy
      @RaisingSaintsAcademy 9 лет назад

      I agree, per se, in that we should 'Love' one another.. But, what is Love? Is love allowing someone to touch a hot stove because they believe it is cold? Is love allowing another to believe a lie? Is love allowing someone to marry another, for whom you know has been unfaithful, w/o sharing the truth you have; even though the truth may cause the friend you love to become angry w/ you? OR is Love sharing truth? Is love giving another the full gifts and truth that God gave to us to sanctify our souls!
      What I agree w/ is the method of sharing truth.. Love should be the driving cause- love for the fullness of God's Truth, love for another sinner just as all are. Not contempt, nor the desire to 'be right'.. Yes, God will judge our souls, but he most definitely wants us to judge false vs truth/ right vs wrong, that He gave through His Church/ judge between false Churches & His Church..
      Yes, many Protestant do love God. Arguably, many are more passionate about God then (sadly) many Catholics- but the same can be said of Muslims, yes.?. How about Saul (whom becomes St. Paul). He passionately believed that he was doing God's will, showing his great love & obedience by persecuting- whom he believed to be- heretics. But Jesus confronts him, & asks him "Saul, Saul, Why do you persecute ME.?.". Jesus did not say His people, but Himself, literally. Why? Because The Church Jesus gave to the world is described as the Body of Jesus! Can someone be part of His Body, or Church, if they reject that Church Jesus gave? Can Protestants be correct, when their manmade teachings conflict w/ the Truth God gave? Can the Church be as One Body in Jesus, w/ thousands of conflicting teachings- as each Protestant denomination teaching a slightly differing 'truth' then the others.. What did Jesus tells us about anyone preaching a gospel that is not His? He warned sternly to rebuke and reject. And if someone wasn't willing to hear the Truth, to shake off the sand, & move on..
      Thing is.. There IS Truth! God's truth can not conflict. We can't pick and chose which we will listen too, & which we reject or label as symbols. God promised to be w/ His Church until the end. And though not every Priest/ Bishop/ or even Pope (nor layperson) w/in The Holy Catholic Church for which Jesus founded, obey the truth, it is available in the infallible Dogma of the Church, for all to see & know. No.. They aren't equal. And every early Church father strongly condemned ANY teaching that conflicts w/ the truth in the Church as Heretical, & those that were followers of lies, as heretics. Many will claim they knew Jesus, even telling Jesus, I prophecized in Your Name Lord, I taught in Your Name, don't You know me.?. And Jesus will rebuke, saying, get away from Me, for I know you not..
      Granted, as the Church, the Body of Christ teaches, we will be judged per our true knowledge & how we lived by said knowledge. But this doesn't mean one can reject God's truth, & then claim ignorance at judgement. God gives us much time to find Him & accept Him, fully, as He commanded. We can't dictate our own gospels, rejecting &/or persecuting Jesus, & believe the 'I didn't know' will be accepted.. This is for those that couldn't reject the truth because they did not or could not fully know the Truth; not prideful people that place their own truth above God's.. Thus, WHY we must humble ourselves like a child, truly seeking & praying for the eyes to see, & the will to obey, rejecting our own bias/ wisdom/ ego..
      So, you see, there is a difference. We are called to share truth, to defend God's truth, & to know God's truth.. To rebuke the lies/ words, but love the individual. Reject the sin, love the person..

    • @vanezcha
      @vanezcha 9 лет назад

      +raising saints: still you judged others in your last paragraph. It is not us to condemn and judge, being protestant doesnt mean you're free from His judgment, there is no free ticket to heaven: you still have to live out your faith by loving others and by not judging!

  • @LoveIsYourPower
    @LoveIsYourPower 10 лет назад +6

    This is a wonderful testimony! Thank you for sharing!
    What was supposed to be the darkest night of the year brought the greatest spark of light and love.
    God is good!!! 🙌

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад +3

      Thanks! I agree it's a miracle I was saved on Halloween of all nights!

  • @rogerraya8614
    @rogerraya8614 9 лет назад +4

    Welcome Home to the Catholic Church! I am also a Catholic. I have watched your video and I desire the best for you in your Conversion to the Catholic Church and your growth in the Faith.

  • @fasmotion
    @fasmotion 10 лет назад +5

    Grace to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. May you stand firm in the faith once delivered to the saints

    • @fasmotion
      @fasmotion 10 лет назад +3

      Your Protestant communities choose abortion, contraception, divorce... over the bible.

  • @joedh1971
    @joedh1971 10 лет назад +4

    Thats awesome. Thanks for sharing your story. I was born Catholic and I wouldn't have it any other way. I too feel like this is where God wants me to be....I still struggle and fall, but God always lifts me up. Thanks again.

  • @AprilM831
    @AprilM831 10 лет назад +6

    God Bless you and yours. Prayers, Hugs and Loves ♡

  • @jessicaaaaaaaaaaa95
    @jessicaaaaaaaaaaa95 9 лет назад +9

    I'm Catholic. I was very religious most of my life, and I felt so happy. I would be praying or in church and would feel no fear. I wasn't afraid of death. Nothing. Fast forward to high school and things change. I'm 22 now. I've been going through a tough time, and I know that it's God's way of speaking to me. I just feel like I've sinned too much (I haven't killed anyone or anything, but sin is sin). I feel sometimes like I'm not worth God's love, like I have no right to reach out to him.

    • @AmericanBerean
      @AmericanBerean 8 лет назад +3

      +Jessica L. " I just feel like I've sinned too much (I haven't killed anyone or anything, but sin is sin). I feel sometimes like I'm not worth God's love, like I have no right to reach out to him."
      In absolute terms, you are right. But the beauty thing is, He loves us so much and His mercy is so great that we don't have to reach out to Him, because He is reaching down to us! He reached down to us by His Son becoming one of us, in order to pay the debt we owe for Sin. (The Son of God became a man so that men can become sons of God). He reaches us with His grace such that we can accept Him into our life. Even if we feel He's not there, He is. It's just that our own blinders prevent us from knowing that, sometimes. One of Satan's favorite tools, to keep people from God, is Despair (the thought that God won't accept us, or rejects us). But that is absolutely false. God made a promise (as found in Scripture) that He will never forsake us. (Though we can forsake Him, since we still have free will). And He gives us enough grace to help us stay with Him. So rest assured, sister, by His grace you can be forgiven (His love is greater than all the sins in the world), and His grace is enough.

    • @dddd9586
      @dddd9586 8 лет назад +3

      well we all are sanctified by Jesus's grace and there is no such thing as "not worthy" of God's mercy for a repentant soul.
      The greatest parodies of our faith is how Love the greatest of all, entwines with our dysfunctionality, without getting corrupted itself , gradually bring us to its fullness
      Love yourself also
      and know that you cannot know the best for yourself, and that our only hope is in co-operation to His will in our lives.
      am praying for you tc

    • @maemae2559
      @maemae2559 8 лет назад +6

      Don't worry. The feeling of not being worthy is a LIE planted in your mind by the devil. God has said countless times that He will forgive us, no matter what. Right now is the Year of Mercy. If you haven't already, I invite you to go to Confession, and if you are honest during it, I guarantee you will feel SO much better. God will give you that grace, if you ask, and I'll ask Him to, too. The devil wants you as far from God as possible (and that's pretty far) but you can win that war. The feeling of unworthiness is a lie, and you can ignore that lie, and turn back to God. The fact that you recognize that you've sinned a lot is the first step, and you sound sorry. The priest will help you in Confession if you don't remember what to do, and the Holy Spirit will give him words to tell you so you can live better. God bless.

  • @nick45945
    @nick45945 10 лет назад +5

    Welcome home Sister

    • @nick45945
      @nick45945 10 лет назад

      That's amazing Kris, your right that day is holy, God had plans for you. Your extremely blessed to have had a Eucharistic miracle.

    • @wilsoneusebio777
      @wilsoneusebio777 9 лет назад

      Kris Kempker Charismatic is a great Catholic group! God bless you!

  • @blstroup
    @blstroup 10 лет назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your testimony of your conversion. My husband is in the process of converting to Catholicism and I am trying to understand and remain open. Bless you, dear.

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад

      Thank you! I'll pray for you and your husband-in my wedding video you can watch my husband get confirmed one week before our wedding-he found God just 2 years before we were married-he was agnostic before :)

  • @christopherspalding6354
    @christopherspalding6354 10 лет назад +4

    Welcome home Arielle. Always stand for THE faith! May God richly bless you and your husband and keep you. May the saints, angels and our Blessed Mother ever watch over you. Keep me in your prayers, you will always be in mine!

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад +2

      Thank you! God Bless!

    • @christopherspalding6354
      @christopherspalding6354 9 лет назад

      Religion isn't a god, it is, simply put, "the way" in which we guide our selves, our immortal souls, to Christ, to God alone. Jesus gave us the church to help us home. In fact, godschild jesuslove, what you are saying is a faith itself. A faith is a certain belief of ideas, facts, truth or fictions. Having Faith, (capital F) in this case, in God, is giving that trust, love, loyalty, and self sacrifice to God, based on our love and faith in Him. Yes we are to do this, for Christ alone, but you must understand, we being human, Christ understood we would need, "a way" (religion), to do that. Religion is simply the manual and storybook that helps us understand, learn and come to love God, more and more, further bringing us ever closer to Him. I hope that helps you understand why people can and do convert. Truth came down and died on the cross for our sins. The desire He has for us is to accept and love Him, to live for Him in love. Faith, religion and true desire for truth help us achieve that. Btw, being Christian in and of itself is a religion, the title of it is called, Christianity. This isn't meant to be mean or pugnacious, it is simply meant to shed some light on the subject. God bless you all, and I love you.

  • @federicotosi2214
    @federicotosi2214 10 лет назад +6

    i am very happy for you.... i am from Italy( where there is the Pope:))!!!) and Catholic. Just know that the battle has just started.... the conversion is a path that last for a lifetime.... anything you will hear against our holy Mother Church is just a deception. Keep praying the Rosary and attending services and sacraments. Remember to never feel down if your prayers are not fulfilled immedeately.

    • @HomeSweetApartment
      @HomeSweetApartment  10 лет назад +1

      I believe in the power of prayer but trust whole heartedly in God's perfect timing so I have learned that not all prayers are fulfilled immediately! I have gotten in the habit of adding "If it be your will" to my prayers to keep the focus on that :)

  • @memassery
    @memassery 10 лет назад +3

    Thanks for sharing! I loved listening to your conversion story. God Bless

  • @A801801
    @A801801 10 лет назад +15

    Er, it was the Catholic Church which compiled and authorised the biblical canon in 4th Century, admittedly only a 1000 short years before Protestantism was invented. :o)
    And as for the traditions of the Catholic Church being not inspired, sorry but I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with St Paul on this one when he says; "So then brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught, whether by word of mouth or by letter from us." [2 Thess 2:15]

    • @A801801
      @A801801 10 лет назад +5

      If the traditions which are taught in the letters (which are the inspired epistles in the Bible eg Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians etc) are, well, inspired, so are the word of mouth traditions too!

    • @danielbennett814
      @danielbennett814 10 лет назад

      Yes indeed! Well said brother.

  • @donham298
    @donham298 10 лет назад +6

    Yes that was a terrific testimony

  • @gonzalojaquez96
    @gonzalojaquez96 11 лет назад +4

    I feel happy for you. I'm Catholic, My family whole family is Catholic, but were not very strong but were Catholic and I love it,

  • @RebornPureAdmin
    @RebornPureAdmin 9 лет назад +4

    God Bless

  • @davidrice8823
    @davidrice8823 9 лет назад +1

    In the word of the Booth Brothers" Welcome to the family you can feel at home here..."

  • @larryseelig8278
    @larryseelig8278 8 лет назад +1

    You are a great inspiration. God reveals him self through other people. Like you said, not your boyfriend but God through your boyfriend and after you submitted to God, God revealed himself to your husband through you. I met my wife on Halloween 25 years ago. The connection is (as you may already know) November 1st is supposed to be honoring the dead (All Hallows eve = Halloween) and the day after is All Saints Day (Nov 2nd) and that may a reason why you converted cuz of the Communion of Saints. BTW I love being Catholic and I sincerley love my protestant / any other Christian brothers and sisters too.

  • @DJMahon
    @DJMahon 10 лет назад +2

    Ah...a fellow Bostonian. I sympathize & empathize with you.

  • @tinablaser2225
    @tinablaser2225 10 лет назад

    Such an inspiring and awesome story! Thanks for sharing!

  • @HomeSweetApartment
    @HomeSweetApartment  11 лет назад

    Wonderful to hear! I'll pray for you :)

  • @pathfinder49953
    @pathfinder49953 7 лет назад +1

    Good stuff ! keep the faith :)

  • @PeterDobbing
    @PeterDobbing 8 лет назад

    Thank you so much. I found your testimony very moving.

  • @dansalzano2938
    @dansalzano2938 10 лет назад

    You made the right decision.

  • @sandraann4868
    @sandraann4868 11 лет назад

    Brilliant thank you so much for sharing!

  • @Mjguipo1982
    @Mjguipo1982 9 лет назад +1

    Actually my wife has no religion and I made her to be a Catholic for us to get married since she prefer to be a Catholic. Actually she attend mass even not Baptize before and she don't have any idea. Your husband will not be a perfect husband and I strongly suggest to forgive him all the time like Jesus even at his gravest sins done to you. Always remember that evil will always penetrate your Husband. Always pray the rosary with your family that will keep you closer together. Family is the most important till dead made you apart. God Bless you Arielle and your family. We are really happy for you. We will pray for you and Please pray for me, my wife Cherry and my daughter MM as well your friend here in General Santos City.

  • @slowep6
    @slowep6 9 лет назад +1

    Welcome Home ^^

  • @federicotosi2214
    @federicotosi2214 10 лет назад

    there is still hope.... keep praying the holy rosary

  • @BlazingLove316
    @BlazingLove316 10 лет назад +2

    Thanks for your testimony. Keep reading your bible everyday and pray for our congregations, because it seems like the more I study about the RCC and its doctrines, the more I see its emphasis on the Marian doctrine and her being a co-Redemptrix. I cannot find it in the bible. I believe I am starting to see and believe the fallacies of the mother church. I have been reading my bible everyday and have had a desire to become more of a stronger catholic, although the more I learn about the church the more I am moving away from it. Maybe I never should have started questioning it, but then again maybe it`s a good thing. I think I am starting to believe only in Jesus and the bible and not all the other baggage the RCC brings. I have been catholic most of my life, but I believe its now over. I wont bow down to a statue anymore. Sorry I was just venting.

    • @wesleystrickland6583
      @wesleystrickland6583 9 лет назад

      Mary is the greatest of all the saints. She is not a god and we don't worship her as a god, but we do honor her as Jesus honored her. When we ask our fellow Christians to pray for us they are interceding for us on our behalf. Since Mary is in heaven with all the other saints and with Jesus her son, He will listen to her first before anyone else just as He did at the wedding at Cana. Mary can intercede for us to her son just as we can when we pray for each other, but hers is in a more perfect way. The way I understand it Jesus is the only interceder for us to God the Father. I'll have to read up on the statue thing, but it's most definately a misunderstanding of statues. We are not worshiping statues for sure, but I would think of it as honoring the saints or person that the statue represents. Just as we wouldn't turn away from remembering who George Washington was or Christopher Columbus that the statue represents, so also we wouldn't of the saints. May I recommend reading this book on Mary

    • @wesleystrickland6583
      @wesleystrickland6583 9 лет назад +1

      An answer on statues from "Our Sunday Visitor" Pamphlet Top 10 questions Catholics are asked. "No Catholic who knows anything about the Catholic faith has ever worshiped a statue ( as in pagan idolatry). If we cherish the memory of mere political heroes with statues, and that of war heroes with monuments, then there can be no objection to honoring saints and righteous men and women: "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor" (1 Peter 2:17 - see also Rom 12:10; Heb 12:22-23). Statues are simply a visual reminder of great saints and heroes of the faith (Heb 11), who are more alive than we are (2 Cor 3:18), as is evident by their praying: "O Sovereign long before thou wilt judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell upon the earth?" (Rev 6:10- See also Ps 35:17). The saints in heaven were never intended to be cut off from the body of Christ on earth. They are involved in intercession, just as the saints on earth are, and they are described as "so great a cloud of witnesses" (Heb 12:1)."

  • @HomeSweetApartment
    @HomeSweetApartment  11 лет назад

    Thanks :)

  • @ImRomanCath
    @ImRomanCath 10 лет назад

    Gotta love Google putting a birth control ad right before a Catholic video.

  • @nuthajason
    @nuthajason 10 лет назад

    what do you believe of Mary? How do you view her? What role does she play in your life now and in heaven to come?

  • @rjsledz
    @rjsledz 10 лет назад

    WHY SO QUIET!!!!????????????

  • @joedh1971
    @joedh1971 10 лет назад

    Thats awesome. Thanks for sharing your story. I was born Catholic and I wouldn't have it any other way. I too feel like this is where God wants me to be....I still struggle and fall, but God always lifts me up. Thanks again.