Women are said to be colder than men: why?

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Why are women often colder than men?
    Although the feeling of cold varies from person to person regardless of gender, women seem to often feel colder than men. This phenomenon can be explained by several biological and physiological factors. Among them:
    Greater lean body mass in men
    In general, men benefit from higher lean body mass (weight of muscles, organs, water, bones and skin) than women. Knowing that muscles produce heat when active, higher lean muscle mass could help maintain body temperature.
    A lower basal metabolic rate in women
    Basal metabolism, or basal metabolism, corresponds to the minimum daily energy expenditure allowing the body to survive.
    In most men, the basal metabolic rate is slightly higher than in women, an activity which also generates more internal heat.
    A level of estrogen which influences body temperature
    Variations in the levels of estrogen, these female hormones, are able to influence the regulation of body temperature during the menstrual cycle, also influencing the sensation of cold in menstruating women.
    An increase in heat less easily transported to the extremities
    The majority of women have peripheral blood circulation that is slightly less active than that of men. The heat transported to the extremities of the body would then be less in women, areas where the sensation of cold is often more intense.
    Different body fat distribution
    The distribution of body fat in women is reported to be higher than in men, particularly in the subcutaneous region. Because fat insulates less well than muscles, women could therefore be more sensitive to the cold.
    A connection with thyroid hormones?
    Although the quality of thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine and diiodothyronine) varies from one person to another regardless of their gender, thyroid imbalances, more common in women, are likely to increase sensitivity to cold (and to hot).
    Please note, however, that the difference in cold sensation between genders is not absolute, and that many individual factors also come into play (physical activity, age, genetics, habit of exposure to cold, etc.).

Комментарии • 2

  • @SnowPrincessSally
    @SnowPrincessSally 9 месяцев назад

    What's weird is that I handle cold temperatures better than almost anyone, and I'm a relatively skinny teenage girl so it's always surprising to people that I can wear an outfit in winter that most would associate with late summer and feel comfortable. I've always wanted to experience real cold, like minus-70 degree temperatures.

  • @zog97xy
    @zog97xy 10 месяцев назад

    They are colder when ending a relationship.