"Linus the Lionhearted" (1964-66,CBS) was the only animated series ever to feature popular cereal mascots. Featured were Linus, Sugar Bear, Lovable Truly and So-Hi, who had their own stories. The series was fittingly sponsored by Post Cereals. By 1970, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled a cereal character could not have an animated series after that.
@@JJJBRICE I'm saying an animated character from a cereal could not have a series after the "Linus the Lionhearted" debacle. Linus was a character for Crispy Critters. The series was an extended advertisement for Post Cereals. In 1963, Jay Ward and the Quaker Oats Company collaborated on a new cereal called Cap'n Crunch. The Captain had a crew in Alfie, Carlyle, Brunhilde (the lone girl) and Dave with Seadog. The Captain was voiced by Daws Butler, the man behind Yogi Bear. Unlike Linus, the captain was strictly commercial timbre. You could not see the captain and his topical references as a segment of "Rocky and Friends",because General Mills had the sponsorship rights that series. Also the captain could not be done as a standalone series, either.
1) 1950 (usually seen on "HOPALONG CASSIDY" and "CAPTAIN VIDEO") 2) 1963. Loveable Truly {Bob McFadden}- and his dog Lawrence- were later seen on "LINUS THE LIONHEARTED" (sponsored by Post). 3) 1964. Rory {Bob McFadden} and Claudius {Jesse White} were also seen on "LINUS" in their own adventures. 4) 1967. Linus, voiced by the one and only Sheldon Leonard, was also the star of the "LINUS" series. 5) 1964 6) 1962. Featuring Jack E. Leonard as the original "Post-Man". 7) 1963 8) 1963 9) 1963 10) 1963
(Tom here.) I liked "Lovable Truly" way better than that other postman they pushed on us, for "Alpha-Bits". Why did they have to change the "Lovable Truly" character at all? That other postman character was STUPID!!!! (IMO)
I was born 1955, I do miss thoughs old cereal commercials, they were AWESOME 👌
I remember that jingle, "Start your day a little bit better". Cool to hear it again.
The bass in the singing group in the first commercial is Mike Stewart
I remember these commercials as a kid in the 1960's
The first animated spot featured Post's Sugar Crisp, featuring Handy, Dandy and Candy, the original sugar bears, from 1950.
Sheldon Leonard and Jack e.leonard were the voices of these cereal commercials.
Linus the Lionhearted was voiced by Sheldon Leonard.and Starred in his own Show.
"Linus the Lionhearted" (1964-66,CBS) was the only animated series ever to feature popular cereal mascots. Featured were Linus, Sugar Bear, Lovable Truly and So-Hi, who had their own stories. The series was fittingly sponsored by Post Cereals. By 1970, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled a cereal character could not have an animated series after that.
@@armorybrunotjr.3204 FCC cigarettes ads ban yes , cereal character ads ban no.
@@JJJBRICE I'm saying an animated character from a cereal could not have a series after the "Linus the Lionhearted" debacle. Linus was a character for
Crispy Critters. The series was an extended advertisement for Post Cereals. In 1963, Jay Ward and the Quaker Oats Company collaborated on a new cereal called Cap'n Crunch. The Captain had a crew in Alfie,
Carlyle, Brunhilde (the lone girl) and Dave with Seadog. The Captain was
voiced by Daws Butler, the man behind Yogi Bear. Unlike Linus, the
captain was strictly commercial timbre. You could not see the captain
and his topical references as a segment of "Rocky and Friends",because
General Mills had the sponsorship rights that series. Also the captain
could not be done as a standalone series, either.
"Sugar Crisp: free booklet on Type 2 Diabetes when you send in 100 box tops."
Comedian Jack E. Leonard was the first postman "Alphie" before "Lovable Truely" was invented.
Yes. Jack E. Leonard voiced the Post man, and in 1963, he was replaced by Lovable Truly, who was given life by Bob McFadden.
@@armorybrunotjr.3204 McFadden also Voiced Billy Bird,
The character looked like Mr Leonard.
1) 1950 (usually seen on "HOPALONG CASSIDY" and "CAPTAIN VIDEO")
2) 1963. Loveable Truly {Bob McFadden}- and his dog Lawrence- were later seen on "LINUS THE LIONHEARTED" (sponsored by Post).
3) 1964. Rory {Bob McFadden} and Claudius {Jesse White} were also seen on "LINUS" in their own adventures.
4) 1967. Linus, voiced by the one and only Sheldon Leonard, was also the star of the "LINUS" series.
5) 1964
6) 1962. Featuring Jack E. Leonard as the original "Post-Man".
7) 1963
8) 1963
9) 1963
10) 1963
I loved watching Linus the Lionhearted Show.
And you remember the Post commercials?
Me, too.
@@fromthesidelines Back when cereal companies proudly proclaimed their products contained sugar? You bet!
What type of cream did people poured on their cereal?
Sugar Chisps tastes like candy or cake or something??
(Meme duck quacks) I don't know what that means
(Tom here.)
I liked "Lovable Truly" way better than that other postman they pushed on us, for "Alpha-Bits". Why did they have to change the "Lovable Truly" character at all? That other postman character was STUPID!!!! (IMO)
Pest Awful Bits