When I was 12-13 years i really liked this song and listened every day... Utau was my favorite character in Shuga Chara. Now I’m 23 years and still listen. God, where my innocent childhood?
Hey. I’m late to the party but I still came before it was over😂 This reminds me so much about how I really loved anime, mostly _this_ show. I became a Kpop fan and almost forgot about my favourite show back then. Some animes make me cringe now, and I admit that Shugo Chara is one of them since it’s one of those “believe in yourself” and “follow you dreams” type of cliché anime. But I still love it too... Eh sorry about that long paragraph xD BUT YEAH IM STILL LISTENING TO UTAU
shugo chara and nana mizuki were huge influences in my childhood, it’s crazy how many years it’s been and i still get chills hearing the first note of this song
迷宮バタフライ(미궁의 버터플라이) 歌 : 호시나 우타우(미즈키 나나) Open your shiny eyes in the silent night Open your shiny eyes in the silent night Open your shiny eyes in the silent night 不思議な夜 舞い降りた 후시기나 요루 마이오리타 신비한 밤에 내려왔네 足音立てず 忍び寄る 아시오토 타테즈 시노비요루 발소리를 내지 않고 살며시 다가오는 悩ましげな 黒猫のポ-ズ 나야마시게나 쿠로네코노 포-즈 괴로운 듯한 검은 고양이의 포즈 月明かりを背に 浮かぶシルエット 츠키아카리오 세니 우카부 시루에엣토 달빛을 등에 받으며 떠오르는 실루엣 「こっちへおいで」と微笑んで 手招き 「코옷치에 오이데」토 호호에은데 테마네키 「이리 와」라고 미소 지으며 손짓하네 欲望の影 うごめく街 요쿠보오노 카게 우고메쿠 마치 욕망의 그림자가 꿈틀대는 거리를 天使のふりで彷徨い 테은시노 후리데 사마요이 천사의 모습으로 방황하며 大切そうに抱えてる 타이세츠소오니 카카에테루 소중하게 끌어안고 있어 行き場のない愛のカケラ 유키바노 나이 아이노 카케라 갈 곳 없는 사랑의 조각 眠りにつく頃 あなたもどこかで 네무리니 츠쿠 코로 아나타모 도코카데 잠에 들 때 너도 어디에선가 幸せな夢を見ているの 시아와세나 유메오 미테이루노 행복한 꿈을 꾸고 있니? 星空にキスをして いい子はもう おやすみ 호시조라니 키스오 시테 이이코와 모오 오야스미 별이가득한하늘에키스를해줘착한아이는이만잘자 見つめないで つかまえないで 미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데 바라보지마 붙잡지마 迷い込んだ バタフライ 마요이코은다 바타후라이 길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이 自由 歌う 誰にも見えない羽 지유우 우타우 다레니모 미에나이 하네 자유를 노래하는 누구에게도 보이지 않는 날개 隠してるの あなたの胸の奥 카쿠시테루노 아나타노 무네노 오쿠 감추고 있어 네 가슴속에 鏡の中の面影は 카가미노 나카노 오모카게와 거울 속의 모습은 泣き虫だったあの頃 나키무시다앗타 아노 코로 울보였던 그 시절 だけれどもう子供じゃない 다케레도 모오 코도모쟈 나이 하지만 이제 어린애가 아니야 伸ばした髪をほどいた 노바시타 카미오 호도이타 길게 기른 머리를 풀었어 胸を締め付ける 甘いフレグランス 무네오 시메츠케루 아마이 후레구라은스 가슴을 단단히 죄는 달콤한 향기 誘惑してる 気づいている 유우와쿠시테루 키즈이테이루 유혹하고 있어 알고 있어 言葉をなくしたくちびるに 魔法かけたの 코토바오 나쿠시타 쿠치비루니 마호오 카케타노 말을 잃어버린 입술에 마법을 걸었어 見つめないで つかまえないで 미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데 바라보지마 붙잡지마 迷い込んだ バタフライ 마요이코은다 바타후라이 길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이 愛しすぎて 大切すぎて 이토시스기테 타이세츠스기테 너무나 사랑스러워서 너무나 소중해서 壊れてしまう 私の胸の鍵 코와레테시마우 와타시노 무네노 카기 부서져버리는 내 가슴속의 자물쇠 探し続ける 自分の物語(スト-リ-) 사가시츠즈케루 지부은노 스토-리- 계속해서 찾는 자신의 이야기 運命に目隠しされても 우음메이니 메카쿠시사레테모 운명이 눈을 가리더라도 この雲を突き抜け 遥かな明日へと 羽ばたく 코노 쿠모오 츠키누케 하루카나 아스에토 하바타쿠 이 구름을 뚫고 아득한 내일을 향해 날개짓하리 見つめないで つかまえないで 미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데 바라보지마 붙잡지마 迷い込んだ バタフライ 마요이코은다 바타후라이 길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이 願いまとい 飛び立つ見えない羽 네가이 마토이 토비타츠 미에나이 하네 소원을 몸에 걸치고 날아오르는 보이지 않는 날개 隠してるの あなたの胸の奥 카쿠시테루노 아나타노 무네노 오쿠 감추고 있어 네 가슴속에
I can't believe my favorite singer Nana Mizuki was in the first anime I ever watched. I loved listening to this song, and I had no idea who actually sang it. It's crazy how small the world can be!
This Song Voice is also Hyuga Hinata's Voice... When I knew this Truth, I was in the Giant Shock... Hyuga Hinata Hoshina Utau Those Two Cuties have A Same Voice Actress!!!
That's Nana Mizuki in her 2004-2010 era. Guess she willed it even before 2012 (while she voiced Tsubasa in Symphogear) and 2014 (as Ange in Cross Ange). Nana is one revolutionary woman, and I hope that she still cooks in 2023!
Amu and Ikuto end up together in the manga YAY!!! I feel bad for Utau but I totally ship Amuto so frikin much!! At least she ends up with someone because I read somewhere that she may end up with Kukai.
@@jena5026 True. But it's heavily implied Amu doesn't end up with Tadase, and suggests she probably will end up with Ikuto. But, like... they're all children. They're all literally minors. Anything could happen.
@@IzzyKawaiichi Actually, it is heavily implied that Amu chose Tadase in the anime, as you can see in the last season. While in the manga, it is unclear whom she'll end up with however, it is heavily implied more on with Ikuto.
I'm usually a tom-boy, but when I started watching Shugo Chara, I about died, I'm not done with it, but whoever sang for Utau's part should be given the most beautiful voice award o-o and in case you didn't know Utau means sing in Japanese, right?
2021 I´m 27 and was 15 when I watched this show.However I still like Ikuto and Kairi though they stayed forever 16 and 12? Even Nikaidou sensei is younger than me now. But I´ll always remember Shugo specially Utau´s music ♥
I'll never end this phase, watch me listen to the soundtrack again after 2 decades
Try two years. Come listen to it again you deserve to hear this masterpiece
When I was 12-13 years i really liked this song and listened every day... Utau was my favorite character in Shuga Chara. Now I’m 23 years and still listen. God, where my innocent childhood?
I feel you my friend
Let's cry together
I miss the old days when all I needed to worry about was doing my homework after school
Same same. Also same age too lol!
Same age as well. Lol
Same here bae
@hopkey123 qtw
How many of us are 20-25 now T__T
My sister was 10 and me 15 watching shugo chara for the first time and falling in love with utaus songs
26 rip❣ always sung with it
me 17
Im 30
Omfg such mood
FUUUCK i remember when i was really young i went to a girl scouts camp and sang this loudly while dancing around in front of everyone
i want to die
huh? LMAO
I say live on with the experience you loved this anime song so much you sang your heart out. sounds pretty badass to do that. Live on.
We all have a moment like that, trust me
@@tiatmat_wyrm623 Seconded
I think that's the most badass thing to do
The very beginning reminds me of Vampire Knight.
Me as well, sounds like the theme.
me too
i showed this song to one of my Non- otaku friends and they were like: She a vampire or what?
M&DGamePlay she was transformed with her angel.
this animes story is teens dream, and catch them
My heart has become an X egg
Mine as well. ♠♥♣♦😉
same ;~;
Mιѕydια Oh no mine to! why yours??
Mιѕydια Muri! Muri! Muri!
The year is 2018 and I’m still listening to this ……
Honestly, same XD
Tohru -chan Same😂❤
Me too :)
You can call me Illegirl count me in :3 :3
Hey. I’m late to the party but I still came before it was over😂
This reminds me so much about how I really loved anime, mostly _this_ show. I became a Kpop fan and almost forgot about my favourite show back then. Some animes make me cringe now, and I admit that Shugo Chara is one of them since it’s one of those “believe in yourself” and “follow you dreams” type of cliché anime. But I still love it too...
Eh sorry about that long paragraph xD BUT YEAH IM STILL LISTENING TO UTAU
I was 13 when I found this anime and it’s songs. I’m 24 now. I have not stopped listening
2019 and still a Shugo chara fan.
I'm 20 years old.
Peppermint Cath I’m 21 you’re not alone
@@tequilas7050 I feel much better💛
Peppermint Cath ❤️ np c:
Holy shit man, same. Used to blast the hell out of shugo chara songs when I was in grade school. I'm in college now, lmao
Time flies.
22. You aint alone nor will you EVER be
shugo chara and nana mizuki were huge influences in my childhood, it’s crazy how many years it’s been and i still get chills hearing the first note of this song
i hope this song doesnt suck out my hearts hopes and dreams
it just made mine break immediately
I love how this song actually makes me HAPPIER. xD
Lol me too, it reminds me of when i was so naive about th me Internet. Those happy times... ;~;
Idk I love the song. Idk why
迷宮バタフライ(미궁의 버터플라이)
歌 : 호시나 우타우(미즈키 나나)
Open your shiny eyes in the silent night
Open your shiny eyes in the silent night
Open your shiny eyes in the silent night
不思議な夜 舞い降りた
후시기나 요루 마이오리타
신비한 밤에 내려왔네
足音立てず 忍び寄る
아시오토 타테즈 시노비요루
발소리를 내지 않고 살며시 다가오는
悩ましげな 黒猫のポ-ズ
나야마시게나 쿠로네코노 포-즈
괴로운 듯한 검은 고양이의 포즈
月明かりを背に 浮かぶシルエット
츠키아카리오 세니 우카부 시루에엣토
달빛을 등에 받으며 떠오르는 실루엣
「こっちへおいで」と微笑んで 手招き
「코옷치에 오이데」토 호호에은데 테마네키
「이리 와」라고 미소 지으며 손짓하네
欲望の影 うごめく街
요쿠보오노 카게 우고메쿠 마치
욕망의 그림자가 꿈틀대는 거리를
테은시노 후리데 사마요이
천사의 모습으로 방황하며
타이세츠소오니 카카에테루
소중하게 끌어안고 있어
유키바노 나이 아이노 카케라
갈 곳 없는 사랑의 조각
眠りにつく頃 あなたもどこかで
네무리니 츠쿠 코로 아나타모 도코카데
잠에 들 때 너도 어디에선가
시아와세나 유메오 미테이루노
행복한 꿈을 꾸고 있니?
星空にキスをして いい子はもう おやすみ
호시조라니 키스오 시테 이이코와 모오 오야스미
見つめないで つかまえないで
미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데
바라보지마 붙잡지마
迷い込んだ バタフライ
마요이코은다 바타후라이
길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이
自由 歌う 誰にも見えない羽
지유우 우타우 다레니모 미에나이 하네
자유를 노래하는 누구에게도 보이지 않는 날개
隠してるの あなたの胸の奥
카쿠시테루노 아나타노 무네노 오쿠
감추고 있어 네 가슴속에
카가미노 나카노 오모카게와
거울 속의 모습은
나키무시다앗타 아노 코로
울보였던 그 시절
다케레도 모오 코도모쟈 나이
하지만 이제 어린애가 아니야
노바시타 카미오 호도이타
길게 기른 머리를 풀었어
胸を締め付ける 甘いフレグランス
무네오 시메츠케루 아마이 후레구라은스
가슴을 단단히 죄는 달콤한 향기
誘惑してる 気づいている
유우와쿠시테루 키즈이테이루
유혹하고 있어 알고 있어
言葉をなくしたくちびるに 魔法かけたの
코토바오 나쿠시타 쿠치비루니 마호오 카케타노
말을 잃어버린 입술에 마법을 걸었어
見つめないで つかまえないで
미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데
바라보지마 붙잡지마
迷い込んだ バタフライ
마요이코은다 바타후라이
길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이
愛しすぎて 大切すぎて
이토시스기테 타이세츠스기테
너무나 사랑스러워서 너무나 소중해서
壊れてしまう 私の胸の鍵
코와레테시마우 와타시노 무네노 카기
부서져버리는 내 가슴속의 자물쇠
探し続ける 自分の物語(スト-リ-)
사가시츠즈케루 지부은노 스토-리-
계속해서 찾는 자신의 이야기
우음메이니 메카쿠시사레테모
운명이 눈을 가리더라도
この雲を突き抜け 遥かな明日へと 羽ばたく
코노 쿠모오 츠키누케 하루카나 아스에토 하바타쿠
이 구름을 뚫고 아득한 내일을 향해 날개짓하리
見つめないで つかまえないで
미츠메나이데 츠카마에나이데
바라보지마 붙잡지마
迷い込んだ バタフライ
마요이코은다 바타후라이
길을 잃고 들어온 버터플라이
願いまとい 飛び立つ見えない羽
네가이 마토이 토비타츠 미에나이 하네
소원을 몸에 걸치고 날아오르는 보이지 않는 날개
隠してるの あなたの胸の奥
카쿠시테루노 아나타노 무네노 오쿠
감추고 있어 네 가슴속에
لم افهم شيء من هذه الاغنية الي فهمني لايك👍
No wonder she is an famous idol in the shugo chara anime world...Although she sang many songs, I still this and balck diamond best.
Kelly Cheng have you checked out blue moon? It's also great, lyrics are sad though, it's about Ikuto.
2019!!! And I'm still hearing to this. 🦋🦋🦋
para mi la segunda mejor personaje de la serie
少女向けとは思えない神アニメ.....しかもキャラソンでこのクオリティ!!!!神かっ.....いや、神だったな フッ.......
Heh, after all these years I still know all the words. Beautiful song.
We were young :)
@@otakuparadise3585 best girl ;)
I'm now 23 and I'm not gonna lie I'll be obsessed with this manga and anime forever x'3
One does not simply get over this song 💃💃💃
This heals my heart and I’m back here once again. I listen to this song way too often
love Mizuki Nana's songs
i like how ikuto's violin fit in the rock of the song even thou thats wat violins are usually not used for
I can't believe my favorite singer Nana Mizuki was in the first anime I ever watched. I loved listening to this song, and I had no idea who actually sang it. It's crazy how small the world can be!
Utau is really amazing and every transformation on her is SOOO pretty
who ever created this song they are out of this world also i like the song it's amazing
This Song Voice is also Hyuga Hinata's Voice... When I knew this Truth, I was in the Giant Shock...
Hyuga Hinata
Hoshina Utau
Those Two Cuties have A Same Voice Actress!!!
It's already 2019 but I still let Utau put an X on my heart
omg it's 2021 already I can still sing along with the song. I miss the old animes T____T
anyone else returning here in 2019? its so so so good!! never gets old!! ;;v;;; iconic QUEEN!!!
omg... this is 2011 ?? i cannot believe it's been so long like this song was all i ever played as a kid, literally built my childhood
I used to really like Kukai, but then Utau took him... I cried for three months, but I was in grade two that time
Tiffane Chen I shipped Utau and Kukai❤
Ikuto-> Took
Kukai-> Took
Amai Odayaka he is taken too....by rima. Only tadase is left. Even the teacher was taken..
@@myra_abstract9534 NOOOOO
@@bankotsu-no-aniki ya same nobody talked abt himm
Всё-таки у этой сэйю потрясающий голос. Замечательная песня
*пускает слюнки*
세라 사랑해..ㅠㅠ언니 하고싶은거 다해ㅠㅠ진짜 언니가 최고야ㅠ사랑해!!!세라!세라!언니 노래다 성공했어ㅠㅜ언니 좋아하는 사람손들라해서 지구가 성게모양이 됐어ㅠㅜ언니 노래덕분에 매일밤 슬프지않게 울지않을수있게 됐어ㅠㅡㅜㅜ이세상사람들이 언니를 모른다해도(불가능)우리 한국에선 레전드야ㅠ친구들이랑 추억팔이 애니보고있고 언니 사랑해ㅠㅠ언니 사랑해ㅠㅠ날가져ㅠ언니ㅠ언제나 행복하고 즐거운삶을 살길바래ㅠㅡㅜ마지막으로 사랑해세라언니ㅠㅠ
-아니 한국분들 계신가요?ㅋㅋ-
Just in case you don't know, Utau means sing or singing.
Love your profile pic
Rinne Gift or song
@Wahzula._ _.29 Hoshina Utau means A singing Star, it fits i think ^c^
Yep learned it wile trying to learn Japanese
Hey there! I am also fan of rinne from pretty rhythm rainbow live
I resist my egg is pur..
+조권희 네?
조권희 순간적으로 댓글이해 잘못해서 변태될뻔 했는대 설마 그런건가요 아니죠?
Even I resisted lol XDDDDDD
That's Nana Mizuki in her 2004-2010 era.
Guess she willed it even before 2012 (while she voiced Tsubasa in Symphogear) and 2014 (as Ange in Cross Ange). Nana is one revolutionary woman, and I hope that she still cooks in 2023!
This song ages like fine wine
Damn this brings back so much childhood memories lol
Was about to type a "where has this been all my life" comment...
Then again.
This is. Just on time
I love this song. I heard it so many times in a day. Even before something happens, you know.
Anyone else reminded of Vampire Knight during the first few seconds of the song?
grl stahp reminding me of my first anime crush Zero D:
so it’s almost end of 2020 and i’m remembering this song exists 💃🏻
love utau and amu 😍😍😍
2024 anyone?
Amu and Ikuto end up together in the manga YAY!!! I feel bad for Utau but I totally ship Amuto so frikin much!! At least she ends up with someone because I read somewhere that she may end up with Kukai.
She end with Kukai♡.
Wait wait wait but they didn’t?
Technically there were no true couple that includes amu cuz both tadase and ikuto are still waiting lolol
@@jena5026 True. But it's heavily implied Amu doesn't end up with Tadase, and suggests she probably will end up with Ikuto. But, like... they're all children. They're all literally minors. Anything could happen.
@@IzzyKawaiichi Actually, it is heavily implied that Amu chose Tadase in the anime, as you can see in the last season. While in the manga, it is unclear whom she'll end up with however, it is heavily implied more on with Ikuto.
Kaguya Hime I guess I blocked out all of Doki. I read the manga and ignored everything in the anime that wasn’t related to that.
Wow, uploaded on my birthday a few years back. Still such a great song! :D
8 years omg time flies i was going elementary school when i first listen that song 😅😅 hello from 2019 august anyone here ? I guess not...
pika pika mdr
Suddenly remembered this banger and I am here again hi everyone 2023 ? Hahahaha
I'm usually a tom-boy, but when I started watching Shugo Chara, I about died, I'm not done with it, but whoever sang for Utau's part should be given the most beautiful voice award o-o and in case you didn't know Utau means sing in Japanese, right?
Janelle Belcher Her voice actress is Nana Mizuki. She’s widely regarded as one of the best vocalists in the world.
I love the Tsukiyomis!!! Utau and Ikuto are awesome!! :D (Totally ship Amuto though :3)
Tadamu Amuto SUCKS
Margo Martin Amuto is my favorite ship!
Really? I ship Tadamu. As for in the future, it's GOTTA be Amuto.
I really miss this song that's my favourite. It's that release for 10 years ㅠㅡㅠ, Still listen❤❤
Nana Mizuki is unmatched
I love Utau-chan
Well, there are no dreams and hopes left to be crushed, so I can listen to the song as often as I want!
Luv this song!😍😍Thanks for uploading the full version!🙏
2020 still here to hear,fans of shugo chara since primary school😍
i miss being a kid this was my favorite song at one point
ダイァ 해석 : 우타우짱은 역시 귀.여.워 (≥▽≤)
2021 I´m 27 and was 15 when I watched this show.However I still like Ikuto and Kairi though they stayed forever 16 and 12? Even Nikaidou sensei is younger than me now. But I´ll always remember Shugo specially Utau´s music ♥
I love Utau Amu and Ikuto😘😘
Utau's amazing
AAAAA my childhood is bACK
You think corona won’t make me even more intent to relive the nostalgia of my childhood?? Hahahahaha
kari AP yeeees
Meeeee :3
كنت بعمر ال 15 لما اول مرة سمعتها وادمنتها كل يوم .. وللحين ما نسيتها وعمري 26
yeah i still have a huge crush on her lol
I first got into Shugo Chara when I was Amu’s age, and now five years later, I’m the same age as Ikuto ^^
A timeless bop innit
Utau canta hermoso! Me gusta la canción y amo la imagen!
years later and this song still slaps
utau was my favorite character and she still is lmao
2021 anyone?
when I saw Utau for the first time, I thought of
*Rozen Maiden*
well I mean peach pit so ~
Really?! Ow yes!! Thank you soooo much!! :D
Me encanta :D
Gracias por ponerla hehe
It gives Vampire Knights vibe omg
ahhh to be like 13 and headbanging to this song
i love utau hoshinaa ♥
Shugo chara forever
Who is still listening this in 2018? My childhood memories... QAQ
me encanta esta canción !!! ♥♥♥
Her voice is Nana Mizuki's voice, and she is real. And she does concerts. So you can go ~ :P
2020 and me listening to this song.
Vinnih 99 yesss
this still slaps
2020, I still love you Hoshina Utau❤️❤️❤️
Open your shiny eyes in the silent night that much i know
This brings back so many memories of when I was 12 and used to love this show
Her songs were the best omfg they were my jam
La mejor serie del mundooo quien habla español😆soy la única?
32 years old 2/11/21 still a fan
This is making my heart pound, I mean it's that good!
The songs never gets old
i love utau she so cute and cool!! :3
Anyone here in 2024🎉
almost 2019 but I m still here
Me too.