Che również zabijał.Odebrał to co zasiał.Karma.Jak czytam komentarze twierdzące,że Che był symbolem, dowódcą i nieskazitelnym rewolucjonistą ogarnia mnie pusty śmiech.To samo możnaby napisać o Trockim,czy całej rzeszy zawodowych rewolucjonistów dla których terror i przemoc był wpisany w jedno z działań prowadzących do zwycięstwa.
@@maurycygrabara1269 Całkowicie się z Tobą zgadzam, Che Guevara był rewolucjonistą, ludobójcą, terrorystą i brutalnym wobec własnego narodu... Widzę, że zebrał to, co zasadził, podobnie jak Stalin, Lenin, Trocki i wielu innych ludobójczych rewolucjonistów, uważam, że Komunizm jest podobny do nazizmu, tak jak nazizm i faszyzm są zakazane we wszystkich krajach, tak komunizm powinien być zakazany na całym świecie, łącznie z Brazylią, moim krajem.
@@maurycygrabara1269 Kościuszko również zabijał, w tym wieszał biskupów za zdradę. Piłsudski wszczął wojnę domową, cytuję: "polski sejm to burdel a posłowie to dziwki". Historię piszą zwycięzcy a nie pokonani., ale to nie zwalnia nas z myślenia.
Η επανάσταση για ελευθερία είναι έμφυτη. Γεννιέσαι και γεννιέται και εκείνη μαζί με εσένα. Κάποιοι άνθρωποι γεννιούνται ήρωες. Η χώρα μου έχει γεννήσει αμέτρητους, σπουδαίους άντρες και γυναίκες σαν τον μεγάλο che. Χαιρετίσματα από την Ελλάδα σε όλους τους επαναστατικούς λαούς του κόσμου.
Soy argentino y admiro al che el che es argentino y soy conciente de que en muchas partes del mundo nos conocen por el che. Por el guerrillero heroico. Viva la revolución mundial
C'était l'époque où les hommes étaient près à mourir pour leurs convictions, pour le peuple, pour leur liberté. Le Che en est l'exemple le plus fidèle. Jamais, il ne sera mort dans l'esprit des vrais révolutionnaires. Gloire à toi et respect.
A inteligência, a coragem e a capacidade de lutar arduamente pela causa na qual acreditava causam admiração e inspiram. Se os olhos são o espelho da alma, observemos que o seu era um dos mais lindos do mundo!
Che Guevara is an idol for every young people. He has fought always all corruption, abuse, illegal Justice, social mal practice, injustice, occupation. He is a best ally of Fidel Castro. Every Cuban people’s should respect to him. He is an idol of every revolutionaries.
Por estos días en el Salvador destruyeron un busto del cmte Ernesto Che G lo cual me indigno de sobre manera, hoy con este recordatorio me siento muy felíz de que el mundo lo recuerde y lo admire. Gracias desde 🇨🇺.
I put together a text of more than 30 lines to show the crimes committed by the socialist dictator, Che Guevara: It is not known exactly how many people were murdered by Che Guevara, but it is known that several of his actions as a guerrilla fighter and Cuban politician amount to crimes against human rights. The main criminal measures were: forced labor camps; homophobia and religious intolerance; shootings without trial; encourage nuclear war. Forced labor camps In 1960, the first concentration camps appeared in Cuba, organized by the socialist regime of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Those who were considered enemies of the regime were sent to the Military Production Aid Units (UMAP). These camps were denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1967. According to the commission's official document: “young people are forcibly recruited by a simple policy provision, without any trial being carried out, nor the right to defense being allowed [...]. On many occasions, family members are only notified weeks or months after the arrest. They are forced to work for free on the state farm for more than 8 hours a day and receive treatment equal to that given to political prisoners in Cuba. [...] This system fulfills two objectives: a) facilitate free labor from the State and b) punish young people who refuse to participate in communist organizations”. Homophobia and religious intolerance According to the book Gender policing, homosexuality and the new patriarchy of the Cuban Revolution, by Lillian Guerra, several people were tortured and murdered for being Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses or homosexuals. Shootings without trial The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights also denounced the execution of executions without trial in the document already mentioned. The Truth and Memory Project, from the Cuba Archives organization, accuses Che Guevara of having directly committed 144 executions. In 1964, Che Guevara represented Cuba at the United Nations Conference in New York. During this period, his official position was ambassador to Cuba. The information about the shootings was already known to many heads of state, who questioned the guerrilla about the unreasonable measures he was taking. In response, Che said: “Yes, we have been shot. We shoot and we will continue to do so as long as necessary. Our fight is a fight to the death.” Ernesto Guevara's biographer, John Lee Anderson, obtained Che's diary from his widow. In the guerrilla's writings, he wrote in detail about one of his first executions: “It was an uncomfortable situation for people and for [Eutimio], so I ended the problem by shooting him with a 32-caliber pistol in the right side of the skull, with the exit hole in the right temporal area. He panted a little and was dead. When trying to remove his belongings, I was unable to free my watch, which was attached to my belt by a chain, and then he [still Eutimio, before being shot] said to me, in a firm voice, devoid of fear: 'Take it away. , boy, what difference does it make...'. I did so, and his assets now belonged to me. We slept poorly, we were wet, and I had a bit of asthma.” Desire for nuclear war In an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressed anger at the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba. He claimed that the act was a betrayal. Cold War: understand the conflict between the greatest powers of the 20th century: the capitalist USA versus the communist USSR, read the full summary. In the interview, Che stated that he would have launched nuclear missiles at the United States if he had the power to do so. Years later, asked about the consequences of firing atomic weapons, Guevara said that against "global imperialist aggression" the possibility of "millions of victims of atomic war" would be worth it, according to biographer Jon Lee Anderson. Source: Brasil Paralelo(Parallel Brazil) Document Title: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário(Che Guevara: The Hidden Face of the Bloodthirsty Guerrilla)
Че Гевара,един слънчев човек! Съчетал в себе си много доброта,искрено приятелство,сила и енергия! Усмивката му завладява! Такива герои ще бъдат вечно живи! Винаги сред нас! Поклон Команданте!
In 2023-24, Che Guevara's legacy against social injustice was rescued by millions of people who rose up against the genocide in Gaza. Hasta La Victoria Siempre! Free Palestine!
My great admirer , respect one and only che... great personality ,great human being extended his boundaries where people were suffered a lot.. as a fighter he has no country, the world itself his country...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
„Sobre todo, sean siempre capaces de sentir en lo más hondo cualquier injusticia cometida contra cualquiera en cualquier parte del mundo. Es la cualidad más linda de un revolucionario.“
the revolution is violent and brutal and the government that manage the country after any revolution is equal or worse than the dictatorship that was before. So when a revolution starts we should ask to ourselves: who will rule the ashes?. oh and he was Homophobe, racist and created concentration camps by the way
Un asesino que mataba a su propia gente por meras sospechas dé traición , falsos mitos del siglo XX. no se bañaba , lo tenían que tirar al río , lean libros, el comunismo no funciona, en cuba se vive muy bien😅 por eso mi tierra está llena de cubanos !!!
Че! Человек, который хотел освободить от капиталистического гнета и несправедливости народы Латинской Америки! Я думаю его дело живет, и кто то обязательно продолжит его дело!
He brought hope to all the small countries around the world, hope that they can fight colonization and the oppression that the western countries bring . Lots of respect from 🇮🇷❤️❤️
@@luisfilipe316 amo muito o Che Guevara há de endurecer e perder a ternura jamais amor ao Che do Brasil sonho em ser o Che Guevara e o Fidel castro da Itália o que a senhorita meloni está fazendo com a Itália e algo horroroso 🇨🇺🇧🇷 um abraço revolucionário camarada Luis Felipe
@@mariaeduardaaparecidafarah 👍Nós países da Europa Central o neonazismo, e o fascismo, o racismo, nunca acabou? Ver a Alemanha a dar todo o apoio aos nazis da Ucrânia, e a empurrar toda Europa para o mesmo erro? Daí que a luta insesante de CHE GUEVARA continua atual sem poder parar a esperança é a última a morrer? Viva a independência,a autodeterminação de todos os povos! Ace lá revolucion has tá lá vitória siempre 🇵🇹🇧🇷🇨🇺✌️✌️✌️
Los revolucionarios son los que dan y han dado su vida por las causas mexicana y veo la lucha y esfuerzo de un revolucionario, tengo ese honor .ellos son enviados a los pueblos que los necesitan y los merecen
revolucion de 1944 en varsovia, guerra civil española, guerrilleros argentinos durante la dictadura del 72 - 82, revolución francesa y muchos otros eventos aparte de la subida al poder de che guevara fueron sangrientas y destructivas guerras civiles donde gente que no tenía la preparación mental adecuada se volvió pscicopata matando inocentes desarmados tanto del lado revolucionario como del dictatorial. Che guevara no era como los de la revolución mexicana el era un GUERRILLERO, asesino de inocentes y responsable de campos de concentración que ahora ayuda al capitalismo teniendo su cara en camisetas y VOS lo apoyás. me dicen que se mucho pero creo que lo que yo sé debería considerarse cultura general por lo menos la mitad de mi conocimiento de años de estudiar por interés
@@arnaldogomez9146 dije revolucionarios de historia te hablara de muchos verdaderos revolucionarios...como Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Gandh etc.etc y ahora mi presidente Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ... no porque algunos se autonombraron revolucionarios significa que lo fueran
@@rocioherreraescritora8699 los revolucionarios de verdad generan baños de sangre innecesarios por sed de poder y el gobierno que sube acaba oprimiendo al pueblo de todas formas
I put together a text of more than 30 lines to show the crimes committed by the socialist dictator, Che Guevara: It is not known exactly how many people were murdered by Che Guevara, but it is known that several of his actions as a guerrilla fighter and Cuban politician amount to crimes against human rights. The main criminal measures were: forced labor camps; homophobia and religious intolerance; shootings without trial; encourage nuclear war. Forced labor camps In 1960, the first concentration camps appeared in Cuba, organized by the socialist regime of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Those who were considered enemies of the regime were sent to the Military Production Aid Units (UMAP). These camps were denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1967. According to the commission's official document: “young people are forcibly recruited by a simple policy provision, without any trial being carried out, nor the right to defense being allowed [...]. On many occasions, family members are only notified weeks or months after the arrest. They are forced to work for free on the state farm for more than 8 hours a day and receive treatment equal to that given to political prisoners in Cuba. [...] This system fulfills two objectives: a) facilitate free labor from the State and b) punish young people who refuse to participate in communist organizations”. Homophobia and religious intolerance According to the book Gender policing, homosexuality and the new patriarchy of the Cuban Revolution, by Lillian Guerra, several people were tortured and murdered for being Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses or homosexuals. Shootings without trial The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights also denounced the execution of executions without trial in the document already mentioned. The Truth and Memory Project, from the Cuba Archives organization, accuses Che Guevara of having directly committed 144 executions. In 1964, Che Guevara represented Cuba at the United Nations Conference in New York. During this period, his official position was ambassador to Cuba. The information about the shootings was already known to many heads of state, who questioned the guerrilla about the unreasonable measures he was taking. In response, Che said: “Yes, we have been shot. We shoot and we will continue to do so as long as necessary. Our fight is a fight to the death.” Ernesto Guevara's biographer, John Lee Anderson, obtained Che's diary from his widow. In the guerrilla's writings, he wrote in detail about one of his first executions: “It was an uncomfortable situation for people and for [Eutimio], so I ended the problem by shooting him with a 32-caliber pistol in the right side of the skull, with the exit hole in the right temporal area. He panted a little and was dead. When trying to remove his belongings, I was unable to free my watch, which was attached to my belt by a chain, and then he [still Eutimio, before being shot] said to me, in a firm voice, devoid of fear: 'Take it away. , boy, what difference does it make...'. I did so, and his assets now belonged to me. We slept poorly, we were wet, and I had a bit of asthma.” Desire for nuclear war In an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressed anger at the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba. He claimed that the act was a betrayal. Cold War: understand the conflict between the greatest powers of the 20th century: the capitalist USA versus the communist USSR, read the full summary. In the interview, Che stated that he would have launched nuclear missiles at the United States if he had the power to do so. Years later, asked about the consequences of firing atomic weapons, Guevara said that against "global imperialist aggression" the possibility of "millions of victims of atomic war" would be worth it, according to biographer Jon Lee Anderson. Source: Brasil Paralelo(Parallel Brazil) Document Title: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário(Che Guevara: The Hidden Face of the Bloodthirsty Guerrilla)
abrí un BUEN libro de historia económica pelotudo y de paso uno de historia de las revoluciones para que aprendas que no son lindas y con final feliz, son MASACRES SANGRIENTAS
Me siento orgulloso como italiano que una cancion italaina haya inspirado tantas revoluciones en el mundo , cancion creada por la resistencia italiana en la segunda guerra mundial encontra del facismo y nacismo.
Si, nunca debió morir, oscuros intereses lo eliminaron, pero siempre permanecerá vivo en quienes vivimos todavía y pensamos en un gobierno que respete libertades de toda índole y luche por la igualdad de sus ciudadanos.
Before knowing him I was in the row thinking he was a butcher. After reading about him I can't stop thinking about him , left his life for people. Motherland or death. ❤❤❤
Mein CHE, ich freue mich riesig darüber, dass Du mit meinem Vorgehen in dieser Revolution einverstanden bist!!! Siehst Du, Deine "politische Tochter" hat ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht! Andererseits: Das hatte sie schon in die Wiege gelegt bekommen! Deshalb musste sie gar keine Hausaufgaben machen....
mientras tanto el pibito ruso muriendose de hambre: (.....................) no habla porque le dispararon cuando quiso agarrar una papa de un campo para sobrevivir porque fusilaron a su papá (que era el que trabajaba) por pensar diferente al régimen ¿adivinaste? Exacto! la alemania nazi también pero lo de morir de hambre fue en la unión sovietica en el periodo de entreguerras un par de años después de la subida de lenin al poder
Lendario! Que a paz esteja com você comandante, obrigado por ser uma inspiração pra milhares de pessoas oprimidas e exploradas. Viva Cuba, Viva Che! Abracos do Brasil 🇧🇷🇨🇺
Montei um texto de mais de 30 linhas para mostrar os crimes cometidos pelo ditador socialista, Che Guevara: Não se sabe exatamente quantas pessoas foram assassinadas por Che Guevara, mas sabe-se que várias das suas ações como guerrilheiro e político cubano constituem crimes contra os direitos humanos. As principais medidas criminais foram: campos de trabalhos forçados; homofobia e intolerância religiosa; tiroteios sem julgamento; encorajar a guerra nuclear. Campos de trabalhos forçados Em 1960 surgiram os primeiros campos de concentração em Cuba, organizados pelo regime socialista de Che Guevara e Fidel Castro. Aqueles que eram considerados inimigos do regime foram encaminhados para as Unidades de Apoio à Produção Militar (UMAP). Esses campos foram denunciados pela Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos em 1967. Segundo documento oficial da comissão: “os jovens são recrutados à força por uma simples disposição política, sem que seja realizado qualquer julgamento, nem seja permitido o direito à defesa [...]. Em muitas ocasiões, os familiares só são notificados semanas ou meses após a prisão. São obrigados a trabalhar gratuitamente na fazenda estatal durante mais de 8 horas por dia e a receber tratamento igual ao dado aos presos políticos em Cuba. [...] Este sistema cumpre dois objetivos: a) facilitar o trabalho gratuito do Estado e b) punir os jovens que se recusam a participar em organizações comunistas”. Homofobia e intolerância religiosa Segundo o livro Policiamento de gênero, homossexualidade e o novo patriarcado da Revolução Cubana, de Lillian Guerra, diversas pessoas foram torturadas e assassinadas por serem católicas, Testemunhas de Jeová ou homossexuais. Tiroteios sem julgamento A Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos também denunciou a execução de execuções sem julgamento no documento já mencionado. O Projeto Verdade e Memória, da organização Arquivos de Cuba, acusa Che Guevara de ter cometido diretamente 144 execuções. Em 1964, Che Guevara representou Cuba na Conferência das Nações Unidas em Nova Iorque. Nesse período, seu cargo oficial foi embaixador em Cuba. A informação sobre os tiroteios já era do conhecimento de muitos chefes de Estado, que questionaram a guerrilha sobre as medidas descabidas que estava a tomar. Em resposta, Che disse: “Sim, fomos baleados. Filmamos e continuaremos a fazê-lo enquanto for necessário. Nossa luta é uma luta até a morte.” O biógrafo de Ernesto Guevara, John Lee Anderson, obteve o diário de Che de sua viúva. Nos escritos do guerrilheiro, ele escreveu detalhadamente sobre uma de suas primeiras execuções: “Era uma situação incômoda para as pessoas e para [Eutímio], então acabei com o problema atirando nele com uma pistola calibre 32 no lado direito do crânio, com o orifício de saída na região temporal direita. Ele ofegou um pouco e estava morto. Ao tentar retirar seus pertences, não consegui soltar meu relógio, que estava preso ao meu cinto por uma corrente, e então ele [ainda Eutímio, antes de ser baleado] me disse, com voz firme e desprovida de medo: ' Leve embora. , rapaz, que diferença isso faz...'. Eu fiz isso, e seus bens agora pertenciam a mim. Dormimos mal, estávamos molhados e eu tive um pouco de asma.” Desejo de guerra nuclear Numa entrevista ao jornal britânico The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressou raiva pela remoção dos mísseis nucleares soviéticos de Cuba. Ele alegou que o ato foi uma traição. Guerra Fria: entenda o conflito entre as maiores potências do século 20: os EUA capitalistas versus a URSS comunista, leia o resumo completo. Na entrevista, Che afirmou que teria lançado mísseis nucleares contra os Estados Unidos se tivesse o poder para o fazer. Anos depois, questionado sobre as consequências do disparo de armas atômicas, Guevara disse que contra a “agressão imperialista global” valeria a pena a possibilidade de “milhões de vítimas da guerra atômica”, segundo o biógrafo Jon Lee Anderson. Fonte: Brasil Paralelo Título do Documento: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário
Nietzsche used to say that there was only one christian and he died on a cross. And I will say that there was only one communist and he died in Bolivia.
"I am Immortal you're just killing a man" I will live in the memories of Rebels and revolutionaries! Every single human in this world who loves to be free will remember me till the end of this world. I am the bravest i believe in freedom I am a free man!
En otro canal donde ví la destrucción del busto del che caso todos los comentarios eran negativo aunque los hubo de defensa y ahora me siento identificado con este canal donde personas entendedoras han dado su manifiesto positivo del che.
Чегевара,,,,, и сегодня,,, борец за свободу,,,,,!нет другого авторитета,,,безкорыстного,, служения революции ,,,! Вот чем отличался чегеваро,,, так,, без корвстностью,,!
"I knew that when the great guiding spirit cleaves humanity into two antagonistic halves, I would be with the people. I know this, I see it printed in the night sky that I ... howling like one possessed, will assault the barricades or the trenches"
Sevgili Che Seni gönderen boş yere göndermedi. Vahşi kapitalizimi ayakların altına almayı tüm dünya insanlığına öğretin. Allah dan senin gibi insanlarla öbür tarafta beraber haşroluruz...
3:57 Is this my flag or the Cuban flag Doesn't matter all the suffer is one and so is the revolution "when injustice became the normal, resistance become the duty"
"You are just killing a Man"
Last words of Che
Che również zabijał.Odebrał to co zasiał.Karma.Jak czytam komentarze twierdzące,że Che był symbolem, dowódcą i nieskazitelnym rewolucjonistą ogarnia mnie pusty śmiech.To samo możnaby napisać o Trockim,czy całej rzeszy zawodowych rewolucjonistów dla których terror i przemoc był wpisany w jedno z działań prowadzących do zwycięstwa.
@@maurycygrabara1269 Całkowicie się z Tobą zgadzam, Che Guevara był rewolucjonistą, ludobójcą, terrorystą i brutalnym wobec własnego narodu... Widzę, że zebrał to, co zasadził, podobnie jak Stalin, Lenin, Trocki i wielu innych ludobójczych rewolucjonistów, uważam, że Komunizm jest podobny do nazizmu, tak jak nazizm i faszyzm są zakazane we wszystkich krajach, tak komunizm powinien być zakazany na całym świecie, łącznie z Brazylią, moim krajem.
Você já viu defesa contra o inimigo armado, entregando flores?!🤔🤨
Meu comentário foi deletado
@@maurycygrabara1269 Kościuszko również zabijał, w tym wieszał biskupów za zdradę. Piłsudski wszczął wojnę domową, cytuję: "polski sejm to burdel a posłowie to dziwki". Historię piszą zwycięzcy a nie pokonani., ale to nie zwalnia nas z myślenia.
Che never died but lives in our hearts and souls forever.
With big respect to legendary Che from Russia ✊
Che will live on in memorys of all that love him.🇮🇪💚🇦🇷🇨🇺👍
His a monster
Η επανάσταση για ελευθερία είναι έμφυτη. Γεννιέσαι και γεννιέται και εκείνη μαζί με εσένα. Κάποιοι άνθρωποι γεννιούνται ήρωες. Η χώρα μου έχει γεννήσει αμέτρητους, σπουδαίους άντρες και γυναίκες σαν τον μεγάλο che. Χαιρετίσματα από την Ελλάδα σε όλους τους επαναστατικούς λαούς του κόσμου.
ലാൽ സലാം പ്രിയ സഖാവെ. ❤️ കേരളത്തിൽ നിന്നും. ✊🏾
Avante camarada!
Soy argentino y admiro al che el che es argentino y soy conciente de que en muchas partes del mundo nos conocen por el che. Por el guerrillero heroico. Viva la revolución mundial
C'était l'époque où les hommes étaient près à mourir pour leurs convictions, pour le peuple, pour leur liberté. Le Che en est l'exemple le plus fidèle. Jamais, il ne sera mort dans l'esprit des vrais révolutionnaires. Gloire à toi et respect.
Il en existe toujours mais ils sont appelés de nos jours "terroristes" 😢
Hasta La Victoria Siempre! If we had more heros like Commandante, the world would be a better place. Respect and love from Hungary ❤
A inteligência, a coragem e a capacidade de lutar arduamente pela causa na qual acreditava causam admiração e inspiram. Se os olhos são o espelho da alma, observemos que o seu era um dos mais lindos do mundo!
Che Guevara is an idol for every young people. He has fought always all corruption, abuse, illegal Justice, social mal practice, injustice, occupation. He is a best ally of Fidel Castro. Every Cuban people’s should respect to him. He is an idol of every revolutionaries.
Fidel was the snake 🐍
He was also full racist and homophobic
Both were snakes
Yeah go lick your capitalist butt@@arnaldogomez9146
A great revolutionary, a great human being, a true communist.... An idol, an inspiration to the oppressed masses.
This man killed homossexuals bruh
hasta siempre
lol, "great human"
@cjk6277 Just a guy who has functional neurons
Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara❤✌️✌️👊👊
Por estos días en el Salvador destruyeron un busto del cmte Ernesto Che G lo cual me indigno de sobre manera, hoy con este recordatorio me siento muy felíz de que el mundo lo recuerde y lo admire. Gracias desde 🇨🇺.
no se quién lo hizo pero mis felicidades a esa persona por tener un nivel de inteligencia que no sea del de un caracol
@@elsantigamer4334 fils de chien cet homme mérite le respect
Вечная память, Команданте!
Вечная тебе память, команданте!
دنیا به پارتیزان های قهرمانی مثل چگوارا احتیاج دارد💎💣💫
Let's keep Che memory alive.che forever.Homeland or Death.i love this man Che 🇮🇪💚🇦🇷🇨🇺
I put together a text of more than 30 lines to show the crimes committed by the socialist dictator, Che Guevara:
It is not known exactly how many people were murdered by Che Guevara, but it is known that several of his actions as a guerrilla fighter and Cuban politician amount to crimes against human rights. The main criminal measures were:
forced labor camps;
homophobia and religious intolerance;
shootings without trial;
encourage nuclear war.
Forced labor camps
In 1960, the first concentration camps appeared in Cuba, organized by the socialist regime of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Those who were considered enemies of the regime were sent to the Military Production Aid Units (UMAP).
These camps were denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1967. According to the commission's official document:
“young people are forcibly recruited by a simple policy provision, without any trial being carried out, nor the right to defense being allowed [...].
On many occasions, family members are only notified weeks or months after the arrest. They are forced to work for free on the state farm for more than 8 hours a day and receive treatment equal to that given to political prisoners in Cuba.
[...] This system fulfills two objectives: a) facilitate free labor from the State and b) punish young people who refuse to participate in communist organizations”.
Homophobia and religious intolerance
According to the book Gender policing, homosexuality and the new patriarchy of the Cuban Revolution, by Lillian Guerra, several people were tortured and murdered for being Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses or homosexuals.
Shootings without trial
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights also denounced the execution of executions without trial in the document already mentioned. The Truth and Memory Project, from the Cuba Archives organization, accuses Che Guevara of having directly committed 144 executions.
In 1964, Che Guevara represented Cuba at the United Nations Conference in New York. During this period, his official position was ambassador to Cuba. The information about the shootings was already known to many heads of state, who questioned the guerrilla about the unreasonable measures he was taking.
In response, Che said:
“Yes, we have been shot. We shoot and we will continue to do so as long as necessary. Our fight is a fight to the death.”
Ernesto Guevara's biographer, John Lee Anderson, obtained Che's diary from his widow. In the guerrilla's writings, he wrote in detail about one of his first executions:
“It was an uncomfortable situation for people and for [Eutimio], so I ended the problem by shooting him with a 32-caliber pistol in the right side of the skull, with the exit hole in the right temporal area. He panted a little and was dead.
When trying to remove his belongings, I was unable to free my watch, which was attached to my belt by a chain, and then he [still Eutimio, before being shot] said to me, in a firm voice, devoid of fear: 'Take it away. , boy, what difference does it make...'. I did so, and his assets now belonged to me. We slept poorly, we were wet, and I had a bit of asthma.”
Desire for nuclear war
In an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressed anger at the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba. He claimed that the act was a betrayal.
Cold War: understand the conflict between the greatest powers of the 20th century: the capitalist USA versus the communist USSR, read the full summary.
In the interview, Che stated that he would have launched nuclear missiles at the United States if he had the power to do so.
Years later, asked about the consequences of firing atomic weapons, Guevara said that against "global imperialist aggression" the possibility of "millions of victims of atomic war" would be worth it, according to biographer Jon Lee Anderson.
Source: Brasil Paralelo(Parallel Brazil)
Document Title: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário(Che Guevara: The Hidden Face of the Bloodthirsty Guerrilla)
A true communist, a true hero of people liberation. Viva Che! You are still living in our mind. Respect from Vietnam.❤
Libertad y Comunismo son antónimos
Dove sono i compagni oggi?
Hasta siempre
A stupid left terrorist he was … no more no less 🤷♀️
@@ChristianCruciani In every socialists heart in the world.
الله يرحمه الله يرحمه ما أعظمه. إنه بطل خالد .لم يمت ولن يموت سيبقى حيا في قلوب الأحرار ❤❤❤
Че Гевара,един слънчев човек!
Съчетал в себе си много доброта,искрено приятелство,сила и енергия!
Усмивката му завладява!
Такива герои ще бъдат вечно живи!
Винаги сред нас!
Поклон Команданте!
Verissimo 🙏👏🙏❤❤❤.
Uomo di grande cuore e tanta un mondo crudele...Che vivrà per eterno nel secoli la sua storia incredibile ,.⚘🌞❤🌻🌿🌷..
Живела България Заувек и Вовек !!
Поздрав из Русие....
Samo poklon ot nas s tazi peseni
Naród zbrodniarzy ,gwałcicieli ,i złodziei .Zapędy imperatora Putina dożą do samozagłady Rosj
El mas valiente,el más digno,el más bello.
El Che es inmortal!!!
In 2023-24, Che Guevara's legacy against social injustice was rescued by millions of people who rose up against the genocide in Gaza. Hasta La Victoria Siempre! Free Palestine!
My great admirer , respect one and only che... great personality ,great human being extended his boundaries where people were suffered a lot.. as a fighter he has no country, the world itself his country...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Hasta La Victoria Siempre 💗
El Che vive!
No morirás jamás ¡¡¡¡, vives en nuestras mentes y nuestros corazones 💕
Larga vida para el camarada Guevara.
„Sobre todo, sean siempre capaces de sentir en lo más hondo cualquier injusticia cometida contra cualquiera en cualquier parte del mundo. Es la cualidad más linda de un revolucionario.“
la cualidad mas linda de un revolucionario cualquiera es acabar masacrando niños con un pelotón de fusilamiento? mirá vos
Viva la libertà e l'uguaglianza, combattiamo il male del mondo. Hasta siempre comandante! 🇮🇹 ☀️🌴
An inspiration to all those who love freefom. Nelson Mandela. RIP COMANDANTE CHE GUEVARA
Figlio di un partigiano italiano, che emozione questa canzone famosa in centro e sud america, il continente rebelde
Er war ein großer Revolutionär ohne irgendwelche Hintergedanken.
Герой своей страны и не только
Светлая вам память, команданте
Durch uns lebt er weiter. ❤
Как же нам тебя не хватает товарищ Че Гевара!!! Вернис пожалуиста!! Ты наш герой!!!!
He is a great hero, from Italy 🇮🇹🤝🇨🇺
@@arnaldogomez9146 what's funny?
@@charlescalvin4657 It is funny to read comments that show us when the writer doesn't know anything about him. And repeat as a P4rr0t
@@charlescalvin4657 Your comment is funny😂😂
@kareena5232 No, I'm Arnaldo 😂😂
Не могу перестать Восхищаться этим человеком ❤❤❤
Revolution never dies, so does comrade Che. Gretting from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
the revolution is violent and brutal and the government that manage the country after any revolution is equal or worse than the dictatorship that was before. So when a revolution starts we should ask to ourselves: who will rule the ashes?. oh and he was Homophobe, racist and created concentration camps by the way
Vivat Comandante! I remember you. I will never forget.
Царство небесное очень хорошему и искреннему человеку! Не просто так люди по всему миру помнят и уважают легендарного Че!
В новое время он легендарный пример того, как нужно бороться до конца с империализмом!!!!
La persona qué mató muchas campesinas no es un héroe
@@maximiliaanxiv188вероятно, мы не знаем всей правды. Не могли бы Вы дать ссылку на надежный источник?
Al cielo un 4s€sin0 ?
Hasta SIEMPRE comandante..!! ❤
Una leyenda, sangre de héroe, su nombre NUNCA será olvidado en la Historia. Inmortal su fama.
Héroe no fue. Era un homofobo y un asesino
Un asesino que mataba a su propia gente por meras sospechas dé traición , falsos mitos del siglo XX. no se bañaba , lo tenían que tirar al río , lean libros, el comunismo no funciona, en cuba se vive muy bien😅 por eso mi tierra está llena de cubanos !!!
gente como vos son la razón por la que se debería estudiar HISTORIA real
Nádherný, úžasný muž, neuvěřitelně charismatický a okouzlující osobnost! Bude žít věčně!
"The Blood of Irish Rebels runs through my veins"
That's so true🇮🇪💚
Fico feliz que no ano novo o RUclips me recomenda essa obra prima ❤ (2025).
Cuànto te necesitamos , querido CHE !!! en estos tiempos tan oscuros y revueltos !!! mandanos una señal !!
Бывают и такие Великие Люди!!! ❤
Che Guevara Un hombre heroico al que no le gusta la injusticia. Sí, cuando los grandes hombres se van, dejan huella. 😢
asi como cuando una bala de un arma sovietica impacta en el pecho de un niño en un CAMPO DE CONCENTRACIÓN CUBANO, el niño muere de una
Y muerte
@@arnaldogomez9146 y destrucción
@@elsantigamer4334 seguramente
Love che always.Rosy from Ireland🇦🇷🇨🇺💯👍🇮🇪💚
Че! Человек, который хотел освободить от капиталистического гнета и несправедливости народы Латинской Америки! Я думаю его дело живет, и кто то обязательно продолжит его дело!
He brought hope to all the small countries around the world, hope that they can fight colonization and the oppression that the western countries bring . Lots of respect from 🇮🇷❤️❤️
Great patriot wonderful man greetings from Poland 🇵🇱❤🇨🇺
Che was Argentine
que a paz conforte a admiracao ao gr ande lider ... paz a alma, amor e luta
He's Still Alive in our Thoughts
Bela canção unida ás imagens do herói carismático Che Guevara.
Как же нам не хватает Че!
المجد والخلود لروحك الطاهرة ✌✌
Love this so much.che Rose💚🇮🇪
«No se puede confiar en el imperialismo ni tantito así, nada» ERNESTO CHE GUEVARA
Mein innig geliebter CHE,
Du hast diese leichte Vorwölbung der Stirn über den Augenbrauen,
die für den praktisch veranlagten Menschen typisch ist.
Em qualquer parte do mundo onde houver injustiça nascerá sempre um CHE GUEVARA... Ace lá revolucion hastá lá vitória siempre 🇵🇹🇨🇺✌️✌️
@@ChAdE900 👍Ai que endurecer sin perder lá ternura? Grande abraço ao resistente e heróico povo CUBANO🇵🇹🇨🇺✌️✌️✌️
@@luisfilipe316 amo muito o Che Guevara há de endurecer e perder a ternura jamais amor ao Che do Brasil sonho em ser o Che Guevara e o Fidel castro da Itália o que a senhorita meloni está fazendo com a Itália e algo horroroso 🇨🇺🇧🇷 um abraço revolucionário camarada Luis Felipe
@@mariaeduardaaparecidafarah 👍Nós países da Europa Central o neonazismo, e o fascismo, o racismo, nunca acabou? Ver a Alemanha a dar todo o apoio aos nazis da Ucrânia, e a empurrar toda Europa para o mesmo erro? Daí que a luta insesante de CHE GUEVARA continua atual sem poder parar a esperança é a última a morrer? Viva a independência,a autodeterminação de todos os povos! Ace lá revolucion has tá lá vitória siempre 🇵🇹🇧🇷🇨🇺✌️✌️✌️
Los revolucionarios son los que dan y han dado su vida por las causas mexicana y veo la lucha y esfuerzo de un revolucionario, tengo ese honor .ellos son enviados a los pueblos que los necesitan y los merecen
revolucion de 1944 en varsovia, guerra civil española, guerrilleros argentinos durante la dictadura del 72 - 82, revolución francesa y muchos otros eventos aparte de la subida al poder de che guevara fueron sangrientas y destructivas guerras civiles donde gente que no tenía la preparación mental adecuada se volvió pscicopata matando inocentes desarmados tanto del lado revolucionario como del dictatorial. Che guevara no era como los de la revolución mexicana el era un GUERRILLERO, asesino de inocentes y responsable de campos de concentración que ahora ayuda al capitalismo teniendo su cara en camisetas y VOS lo apoyás. me dicen que se mucho pero creo que lo que yo sé debería considerarse cultura general por lo menos la mitad de mi conocimiento de años de estudiar por interés
Si ... Vete a Cuba a ver
@@arnaldogomez9146 dije revolucionarios de historia te hablara de muchos verdaderos revolucionarios...como Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Gandh etc.etc y ahora mi presidente Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ... no porque algunos se autonombraron revolucionarios significa que lo fueran
@@rocioherreraescritora8699 los revolucionarios de verdad generan baños de sangre innecesarios por sed de poder y el gobierno que sube acaba oprimiendo al pueblo de todas formas
Me hace sentir orgulloso de ser argentino!!!
I put together a text of more than 30 lines to show the crimes committed by the socialist dictator, Che Guevara:
It is not known exactly how many people were murdered by Che Guevara, but it is known that several of his actions as a guerrilla fighter and Cuban politician amount to crimes against human rights. The main criminal measures were:
forced labor camps;
homophobia and religious intolerance;
shootings without trial;
encourage nuclear war.
Forced labor camps
In 1960, the first concentration camps appeared in Cuba, organized by the socialist regime of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Those who were considered enemies of the regime were sent to the Military Production Aid Units (UMAP).
These camps were denounced by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 1967. According to the commission's official document:
“young people are forcibly recruited by a simple policy provision, without any trial being carried out, nor the right to defense being allowed [...].
On many occasions, family members are only notified weeks or months after the arrest. They are forced to work for free on the state farm for more than 8 hours a day and receive treatment equal to that given to political prisoners in Cuba.
[...] This system fulfills two objectives: a) facilitate free labor from the State and b) punish young people who refuse to participate in communist organizations”.
Homophobia and religious intolerance
According to the book Gender policing, homosexuality and the new patriarchy of the Cuban Revolution, by Lillian Guerra, several people were tortured and murdered for being Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses or homosexuals.
Shootings without trial
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights also denounced the execution of executions without trial in the document already mentioned. The Truth and Memory Project, from the Cuba Archives organization, accuses Che Guevara of having directly committed 144 executions.
In 1964, Che Guevara represented Cuba at the United Nations Conference in New York. During this period, his official position was ambassador to Cuba. The information about the shootings was already known to many heads of state, who questioned the guerrilla about the unreasonable measures he was taking.
In response, Che said:
“Yes, we have been shot. We shoot and we will continue to do so as long as necessary. Our fight is a fight to the death.”
Ernesto Guevara's biographer, John Lee Anderson, obtained Che's diary from his widow. In the guerrilla's writings, he wrote in detail about one of his first executions:
“It was an uncomfortable situation for people and for [Eutimio], so I ended the problem by shooting him with a 32-caliber pistol in the right side of the skull, with the exit hole in the right temporal area. He panted a little and was dead.
When trying to remove his belongings, I was unable to free my watch, which was attached to my belt by a chain, and then he [still Eutimio, before being shot] said to me, in a firm voice, devoid of fear: 'Take it away. , boy, what difference does it make...'. I did so, and his assets now belonged to me. We slept poorly, we were wet, and I had a bit of asthma.”
Desire for nuclear war
In an interview with the British newspaper The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressed anger at the removal of Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba. He claimed that the act was a betrayal.
Cold War: understand the conflict between the greatest powers of the 20th century: the capitalist USA versus the communist USSR, read the full summary.
In the interview, Che stated that he would have launched nuclear missiles at the United States if he had the power to do so.
Years later, asked about the consequences of firing atomic weapons, Guevara said that against "global imperialist aggression" the possibility of "millions of victims of atomic war" would be worth it, according to biographer Jon Lee Anderson.
Source: Brasil Paralelo(Parallel Brazil)
Document Title: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário(Che Guevara: The Hidden Face of the Bloodthirsty Guerrilla)
abrí un BUEN libro de historia económica pelotudo y de paso uno de historia de las revoluciones para que aprendas que no son lindas y con final feliz, son MASACRES SANGRIENTAS
Che, te queremos mucho y te recordamos. No hay muerte, estás vivo ❤
Me siento orgulloso como italiano que una cancion italaina haya inspirado tantas revoluciones en el mundo , cancion creada por la resistencia italiana en la segunda guerra mundial encontra del facismo y nacismo.
te gusta que usen una BUENA canción de tu patria para representar a un asesino propagandista? mirá vos
Si, nunca debió morir, oscuros intereses lo eliminaron, pero siempre permanecerá vivo en quienes vivimos todavía y pensamos en un gobierno que respete libertades de toda índole y luche por la igualdad de sus ciudadanos.
Great man🇮🇪
This makes me che
Mein CHE,
es ist so schön, zu sehen,
wie Du strahlst!!
Мой Чё, здорово видеть тебя с сияющей улыбкой .❤
Γενναιος αλτρουιστης ενας δικαιος ανθρωπος που εδωσε την ιδια του τη ζωη , για ενα κοσμο πιο δικαιο.
Before knowing him I was in the row thinking he was a butcher. After reading about him I can't stop thinking about him , left his life for people. Motherland or death. ❤❤❤
We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.
Only fascists die bro
@@Noamchomsky1917умирают все, но некоторых добрая память живёт вечно.
Mein CHE,
ich freue mich riesig darüber, dass Du mit meinem Vorgehen in dieser Revolution einverstanden bist!!!
Siehst Du, Deine "politische Tochter" hat ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht!
Das hatte sie schon in die Wiege gelegt bekommen!
Deshalb musste sie gar keine Hausaufgaben machen....
Excelente edición gracias por este maravilloso video✊🏾
Ich LIEBE Dich wie verrückt, mein CHE!!!
From 🇮🇳 Respect Che ✊
Mi admiración por el cmte Ernesto Che G es desde mi niñez cuando aprendí a responder Pioneros por el comunismo ! Seremos como el Che! Desde 🇨🇺
mientras tanto el pibito ruso muriendose de hambre: (.....................) no habla porque le dispararon cuando quiso agarrar una papa de un campo para sobrevivir porque fusilaron a su papá (que era el que trabajaba) por pensar diferente al régimen ¿adivinaste? Exacto! la alemania nazi también pero lo de morir de hambre fue en la unión sovietica en el periodo de entreguerras un par de años después de la subida de lenin al poder
Il était vraiment au cœur de la guérilla , fabuleux😚
Lendario! Que a paz esteja com você comandante, obrigado por ser uma inspiração pra milhares de pessoas oprimidas e exploradas. Viva Cuba, Viva Che! Abracos do Brasil 🇧🇷🇨🇺
Montei um texto de mais de 30 linhas para mostrar os crimes cometidos pelo ditador socialista, Che Guevara:
Não se sabe exatamente quantas pessoas foram assassinadas por Che Guevara, mas sabe-se que várias das suas ações como guerrilheiro e político cubano constituem crimes contra os direitos humanos. As principais medidas criminais foram:
campos de trabalhos forçados;
homofobia e intolerância religiosa;
tiroteios sem julgamento;
encorajar a guerra nuclear.
Campos de trabalhos forçados
Em 1960 surgiram os primeiros campos de concentração em Cuba, organizados pelo regime socialista de Che Guevara e Fidel Castro. Aqueles que eram considerados inimigos do regime foram encaminhados para as Unidades de Apoio à Produção Militar (UMAP).
Esses campos foram denunciados pela Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos em 1967. Segundo documento oficial da comissão:
“os jovens são recrutados à força por uma simples disposição política, sem que seja realizado qualquer julgamento, nem seja permitido o direito à defesa [...].
Em muitas ocasiões, os familiares só são notificados semanas ou meses após a prisão. São obrigados a trabalhar gratuitamente na fazenda estatal durante mais de 8 horas por dia e a receber tratamento igual ao dado aos presos políticos em Cuba.
[...] Este sistema cumpre dois objetivos: a) facilitar o trabalho gratuito do Estado e b) punir os jovens que se recusam a participar em organizações comunistas”.
Homofobia e intolerância religiosa
Segundo o livro Policiamento de gênero, homossexualidade e o novo patriarcado da Revolução Cubana, de Lillian Guerra, diversas pessoas foram torturadas e assassinadas por serem católicas, Testemunhas de Jeová ou homossexuais.
Tiroteios sem julgamento
A Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos também denunciou a execução de execuções sem julgamento no documento já mencionado. O Projeto Verdade e Memória, da organização Arquivos de Cuba, acusa Che Guevara de ter cometido diretamente 144 execuções.
Em 1964, Che Guevara representou Cuba na Conferência das Nações Unidas em Nova Iorque. Nesse período, seu cargo oficial foi embaixador em Cuba. A informação sobre os tiroteios já era do conhecimento de muitos chefes de Estado, que questionaram a guerrilha sobre as medidas descabidas que estava a tomar.
Em resposta, Che disse:
“Sim, fomos baleados. Filmamos e continuaremos a fazê-lo enquanto for necessário. Nossa luta é uma luta até a morte.”
O biógrafo de Ernesto Guevara, John Lee Anderson, obteve o diário de Che de sua viúva. Nos escritos do guerrilheiro, ele escreveu detalhadamente sobre uma de suas primeiras execuções:
“Era uma situação incômoda para as pessoas e para [Eutímio], então acabei com o problema atirando nele com uma pistola calibre 32 no lado direito do crânio, com o orifício de saída na região temporal direita. Ele ofegou um pouco e estava morto.
Ao tentar retirar seus pertences, não consegui soltar meu relógio, que estava preso ao meu cinto por uma corrente, e então ele [ainda Eutímio, antes de ser baleado] me disse, com voz firme e desprovida de medo: ' Leve embora. , rapaz, que diferença isso faz...'. Eu fiz isso, e seus bens agora pertenciam a mim. Dormimos mal, estávamos molhados e eu tive um pouco de asma.”
Desejo de guerra nuclear
Numa entrevista ao jornal britânico The Daily Worker, Che Guevara expressou raiva pela remoção dos mísseis nucleares soviéticos de Cuba. Ele alegou que o ato foi uma traição.
Guerra Fria: entenda o conflito entre as maiores potências do século 20: os EUA capitalistas versus a URSS comunista, leia o resumo completo.
Na entrevista, Che afirmou que teria lançado mísseis nucleares contra os Estados Unidos se tivesse o poder para o fazer.
Anos depois, questionado sobre as consequências do disparo de armas atômicas, Guevara disse que contra a “agressão imperialista global” valeria a pena a possibilidade de “milhões de vítimas da guerra atômica”, segundo o biógrafo Jon Lee Anderson.
Fonte: Brasil Paralelo
Título do Documento: Che Guevara: A Face Oculta do Guerrilheiro Sanguinário
चे ग्वेभारा भी एक बिश्व हिराे थे है!❤️❤️❤️
You are hero salute from Pakistan
Che guerrva was a communist terrorist
El che está en los pueblos cuando luchan siempre
Nietzsche used to say that there was only one christian and he died on a cross.
And I will say that there was only one communist and he died in Bolivia.
Hermoso Homenaje, hasta siempre comandante 😢
Türkiyeden Selamlar 🇹🇷
"I am Immortal you're just killing a man" I will live in the memories of Rebels and revolutionaries! Every single human in this world who loves to be free will remember me till the end of this world. I am the bravest i believe in freedom I am a free man!
je veux rendre hommage et soutenir les filles, les femmes et les hommes iraniens qui se soulèvent contre la dictature et la tyrannie. tenez bon.
che el hombre en la historia en su propia historia eco de americalatina ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
En otro canal donde ví la destrucción del busto del che caso todos los comentarios eran negativo aunque los hubo de defensa y ahora me siento identificado con este canal donde personas entendedoras han dado su manifiesto positivo del che.
Fuimos compañeros en la Facultad de Medicina, cuando aún no era el CHE......
Чегевара,,,,, и сегодня,,, борец за свободу,,,,,!нет другого авторитета,,,безкорыстного,, служения революции ,,,! Вот чем отличался чегеваро,,, так,, без корвстностью,,!
"I knew that when the great guiding spirit cleaves humanity into two antagonistic halves, I would be with the people. I know this, I see it printed in the night sky that I ... howling like one possessed, will assault the barricades or the trenches"
Bald auch in Deutschland ,es ist höchste Zeit !!!
Sevgili Che Seni gönderen boş yere göndermedi. Vahşi kapitalizimi ayakların altına almayı tüm dünya insanlığına öğretin. Allah dan senin gibi insanlarla öbür tarafta beraber haşroluruz...
Long live our Comrade!! Glory to Comrade Che Guevara!! 🚩🚩
Long live the revolution!! 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Mein CHE, mein Schätzchen,
ich freue mich so sehr, wenn es Dir gut geht!!!
Вечная память Великому команданте.❤🇨🇺
le dernier Révolutionnaire 🙏🏾🇨🇮
Respose en Paix
Последний герой
Nunca foi herói foi um racista e assassino cruel
چيفارا عمره أطول من كل السفاحين مصاصى دماء الشعوب .جيفارا عاش فى قلوب كل أحرار العالم إلى أخر الزمان
Is this my flag
or the Cuban flag
Doesn't matter all the suffer is one
and so is the revolution
"when injustice became the normal, resistance become the duty"
Love brother ❤️💖💕 you are great 👍❤❤❤love from Pakistan ❤❤❤❤❤❤May Allah give you a place in Jinah❤❤love you sooo much 🔥
3:05 I'm not crying 🥲🥲🥲🥲I'm just chopping some onions 🧅🔪
Un bel homme qui a vite compris ce qu’était le communisme
No sabia que en Italy querian al Che!!triste historia del médico Argentino .
Das Schweigen tut mir gut!!!
Ich kann mich dadurch wunderbar auf alles konzentrieren,
was wesentlich ist!