It’s because the whole time Curly hid the gun to keep Anya from killing Jimmy for r-pe, only for Jimmy to have the gun and Anya being dead, leading to him laughing like this.
@@chappatiago3958 he defended Jimmy after r-ping Anya and never told the company or the crew, all because Jimmy was his friend and led to Jimmy crashing the ship to both sabotage Curly’s life and stop from getting arrested back on Earth.
watching everything go from bad to worse to catastrophic on your deathbed, only to watch the last guy you'd ever want with a gun getting the gun that was very specifically hidden from him, id laugh too ngl
@@theawkwardskeleton6608 Anya was the one that hid the gun, not Curly. She hid it because she was scared Jimmy would find it and use it against her, and knew Curly wouldn't give it to any of them. In a way, I guess she knew eventually he could get his hands on the scanner....
On top of that, one of Anya's very few requests to Curly was to keep the gun from Jimmy. The gun...which Jimmy just took in front of him, while Curly is completely powerless...after just lying there and seeing Anya OD and Daisuke fatally wounded...
@@cloudi3kyovo Yeah, same. I really like him as a character, I like how he is written, because his writing makes people polar between "he is cinnamon roll" and "he is as bad as Jimmy". Beautiful gray character example. But when I try to find someone who likes him too, it's always the horny way of liking. And I feel awkward.
If you’ve ever heard the radio drama edition of “I have no mouth and I must scream” there’s a moment during AM’s legendary “hate” monologue where Ted begins to just… laugh. Exactly like this, every bit as wheezed and strained and inappropriately timed. It’s the moment he realizes that AM, a deranged and obsessive AI with complete power over him, intends to never let their suffering end and just how unbelievably screwed he and his cellmates are. This laugh right here reminds me *exactly* of how Ted sounded in that moment, and I could only imagine it was the moment Curly found a similar sort of dread and true helplessness.
thats so straaaange you and a buncha other people thought that :0 i assumed it was more like "God, dude, are you fucking for real?" in a pity way. I imagined Curly watching Jimmy run into the room, disheveled covered in blood, clearly just got done fucking something else up, and then he grabs The Gun. It just culminating to Curly watching Jimmy dig himself into this hole and laughing at him because he and everyone else on board saw this shit coming. But now, I think it's both total dread and also whatever emotion above I described LMFAO
it's a strained, bitter fit of laughter and sobbing at the supreme cosmic joke at the crew's expense, as he can do nothing but witness the hellish and hopeless shitstorm that's taking place around him.
easily my favorite moment in the entire game curly’s wheezing laugh because of how cosmically funny his and everyone else’s fucked up situation is genuinely peak
I see a lot of people interpret this laugh as a "Oh, we are _so_ doomed." kind of laugh, but to me it partially feels like a "You absolute rotten _bastard._ How dare you." kind of laugh. After everything Jimmy did, and what Curly had to witness helplessly, I can vividly imagine the raging *_contempt_* for Jimmy in this very moment. And, I mean. Hey. It's not like it's not deserved. Curly is an interesting character, who is neither the main villain, nor the misunderstood innocent. The former would be little more than a reiteration of the unfortunate stigma that "abnormal-looking" people are evil somehow, the latter would be a boring attempt at "subversion", that pendulum-swings into the stigma that said people are inherently pitiful precious cinnamon rolls, and do not have a mean bone in their body. But Curly is only human. A flawed, nice, fence-sitting, friendly, indecisive, caring, ultimately ineffective human. He suffered, and he enabled suffering, and while he is nowhere near as terrible as Jimmy, and he is arguably one of the kinder people of the crew, it's hard to say he is all innocent. I may hold nothing but contempt for his negligence of a dangerous individual just casually waltzing about the ship, but I 100% relate to his justified HATRED here. Too late to fix things now, though.
@CloverKyng The only thing I see here, and I will keep repeating it - his inaction is punished with the inability to act. Not the physical pain from the incident, not the ensuing disability. Functionally, he could have just been tied up and gagged. And it would carry the same meaning, I think. It would lose out on the metaphor of him as the ship/crew Jimmy is trying to "fix", snd as a metaphor of him as the unborn child Anya never wanted, but, at the end of the day, his punishment is just being forced to watch. Whatever he could have done, or avoided doing - it doesn't matter now, because he is trapped in a state, where he can do or stop NOTHING. That's his punishment.
@@CloverKyng obviously he didn't deserve what was done to him, but what was done to him was a direct consequence of his inaction. He's the one who got jimmy the job, and he refused to take responsibility when jimmy proved to be a horrible person, brushing off Anya's assault because "jimmy is a good man". It's curly's enabling of jimmy that led to him being permanently handicapped like that. He didn't deserve it, but he had every opportunity to prevent it.
@@CloverKyng Same. I get that as a captain he always had some level of responsibility over everyone else, and he was the one who could have stopped Jimmy before it was too late. But seeing what happens to him in the game and in the ending, the fact that people are so easy to judge him irks me so. Not saying that he is not in the wrong, just that focusing on that while the guy has been so thoroughly punished is a bit harsh.
@@necasa4919 true, that's like death sentencing someone for letting a thief run away with bank money, it's unfair, he WAS wrong, but his punishment is so overly harsh you can't help but feel terrible for the guy
Watching jimmy’s downfall must be comedy gold to curly i wouldn’t blame him if someone forcibly shoved pills down your throat “ should have took responsibility “
Anya hides the gun case because she knew Jimmy was the most dangerous guy on the ship. He is so dangerous that the gun NEEDS to be hidden from him. Her hunch is proven correct when Jimmy unlocks the case. Curly denied that Jimmy wasn’t THAT bad of a guy, they could talk it out, it wouldn’t get to a point they couldn’t work things out. But Anya was right, and things became catastrophically worse as time goes on when Jimmy was left to his own devices, unchecked and no one putting a foot down to stop him when they had the chance. Curly can’t help but laugh at the cosmic irony of it all. Anya was right, and there’s nothing Curly can do about it than see the truth play out in front of him.
I think this example portrays Curly’s shortcoming which lead to their fate really well, refusing to believe something - in this case, someone - cannot always be fixed.
I love how this games community have different views on what is going on. In my run I took this scene as curly laughing because he knew what was waiting for Jimmy behind the door. ( I had the same thought of Swansea doing something with how he held on to the axe for the large part of the game) it was like curly possibly spotted Swansea before or after Jimmy entered the room to look for the gun. Looking at other people's takes on this laugh though is cool to me because I didn't think of it being anything else other than a" oh you are done for now " type of laugh
If it wasn't for all the tragedy, I'd surely say this is one of the sweetest and funniest laughs I heard in a video game. His wheeze sounds painful but it's also great.
Tbh i used to wonder why people in shows,movies or games laughed after being overwhelmed or devastated,WELL ITS A VERY REAL FEELING AND ITS SCARY AS HELL. To me it happened in a particularly livid moment in a mental breakdown when i "realized" how ridiculous my breakdown was. How it felt like a really sad joke and how my situation was so ridiculously against me that it was just silly. Its a real feeling and it still scares me that one can lose control of their own mind like that.
I haven’t been in a situation like that, but last year I caused a small traffic collision because I lost control of an electric rental scooter. What haunts me more than the actual situation itself was the only thing my mind could think of; “This will hurt” when the tire of the car would inevitably crush my skull under it. I didn’t think of my family or friends. The life before me. Nothing. My mind just went completely numb in embrace of my life ending in that moment. Luckily, that of course didn’t end up happening, but that moment and complete feeling of numbness and helplessness replayed in my mind for days upon days after the incident, and I still feel uneasy being around moving cars, especially ones coming from behind hidden corners. That lack of control of my reaction to the horror was terrifying and gave me a new perspective on death, and I do think Curly’s laugh can be seen as similar (like how you said).
reminds me of eren's laugh at the end of season 2 of attack on titan. just a laugh of pure hopelessness, because the situation is just so fucked (and ironic) that its all you can do.
Когда Кёрли смеётся над действием Джимми, тебе начинает казаться, что всё, что ты делаешь от лица Джимми - бесполезная туфта. Потому что взять пистолет из бардачка - последнее дело. Жалкая потуга к выживанию. И Кёрли знает, что Джимми не выживет. Никто не выживет, когда у тебя на складе лежит огромное количество ополаскивателя для рта, большая часть экипажа мертва и вот-вот начнёт разлагаться, выкидывать трупы некуда, и ты скоро задохнёшься от ядовитых пор, что начнут исходить из их тел. Кёрли понимает, что отчаянный человек - самый смешной в мире, когда он пытается выжать ситуацию до последнего в свою пользу. Кёрли смеётся: "О, боже, ты серьёзно? Ну валяй, валяй, я посмотрю". Кёрли смеётся: "Как же ты жалок, сволочь". Кёрли смеётся, потому что он больше не способен выражать крайнюю степень презрения и издёвки над сходящим с ума Джимми. Если честно, Аня и Свонси ещё легко отделались. Жалко, до безумия жалко Дайске и Кёрли. А Джимми совсем не жаль. Жалость, зависть, гнев, алчность - это сгубило его подчистую. Он не справился со своим эгоизмом. Он не справился с ответственностью. Он не смог стать вторым Кёрли, потому что остался ублюдком Джимми, понимаете? Поэтому Кёрли этот жест с изъятием пистолета из чемоданчика и забавляет. Поэтому Кёрли больше всех, мать вашу, заслуживал влезть в эту ЧЁРТОВУ КАПСУЛУ!
поместить в криокапсулу чувака, оставшегося без кожи, рук и ног, перевязанного мокрыми бинтами и неспособного ни говорить, ни передвигаться - хорошая идея?
Tbf on curly, people say he never acted but it's pretty obvious there wasn't a lot of action to take to begin with. They didn't really have a prison, people probably wouldn't be happy with trying to fight jorkins and hold him somewhere, and killing or restraining him could potentially end up costing them, since they were already absurdly understaffed. It's also a factor that Jimbo acted instantly and impulsively while curly was still fully realizing that he was a terrible person. That can take time to process, especially if you've been locked in a ship for... Closing on a year, in a small space, talking to someone. Most people would be hesitant to instantly assume the worst, and sometimes irl that hesitation can take YEARS. Curly was already showing some signs of doubt pretty much immediately in comparison, but he was just trying to get the crew back safely. I don't think he could have or should have predicted that janker would choose to kill them all - he likely just expected a confrontation at most, that he thought he could defuse until they were safely landed.
I don't think it is. All of Jimmy's hallucinations have been him projecting his image of Curly onto him. This seems like Curly is laughing out of mockery, regret, self derision. It doesn't fit into Jimmy's view of him
This is very unsettling for me because in my mind, there's three possibility : 1) he laugh because Anya dead and Jimmy is fucked up and if Jimbobulated want to take responsibility (and somehow understand the HE IS HURTING HER), he never ever ever can do it....because she's dead, there's no chance to repent. 2) he is finally understand that he took massive wrong decision, and watching the result of his action, ironically, from his sickbed, bandaged, cannot do things, cannot prevent things, cannot stop anything. the irony of so called "capable captain", "reliable captain". 3) he is watching that "germ". the germ that he underestimate. just like his cargos. just like a mouthwash. the irony of the claim... "kills 99% of germ". it's ironically funny and spiraling.
It's quite disturbing to be honest. Instead of Anya use the gun to protect herself or hide away from Jimmy, but... yeah... it's sucks...😰 (Spoiler alert for that one.) And props to curly's VA he nailed it!👍
I loved this laugh. Genuinely my favorite scene in the entire game, the entire breakdown before you snap back to Jimmy trying to get the damn gun. My own theory, given Curly just had so much time to lie here, take in all his mistakes. I just feel like he's laughing *at* Jimmy. The guy who not only caused this but the guy Curly himself enabled, by being either too weak willed or truly so ignorant to just the kind of guy Jimmy was. He sacrificed his name, his body, his entire crew, and now his life for this pathetic, malignant narcissist. It's almost pitiful to me, the laugh is. Like Curly's only able to laugh at how fucking low and pathetic Jimmy is, not just as a captain but as a man, as a human. "Go ahead and get the gun. Tell yourself what you want, we both know the polished wood and oiled steel in your hand is the sign of your ultimate failure." Like he wanted to cut through, however fruitlessly as the ending proved, Jimmy's delusions. All the betrayal, pain and agony and angst and spite and heartbrokeneess summoned up from the very pits of this corpse of a man. I forgoed (forewent?) the word of my other close friend for you, and look at you, look at us now. God I adored this game.
I can't tell exactly why he laughs, does he just know what's about to happen? Does he know Jimmy will save him and take his own life? Does he know he's already "won"?
Don't know if my theory is correct, but I think his sanity is slipping and the pressure is getting to him. Seeing how it has all gone to shit and the most dangerous guy on the ship has got the gun, he's laughing at his misfortune and perhaps even a scared laugh?
I think it's linked to how anya, because she wasn't allowed to defend herself with the gun, hid it specifically so jimmy wouldn't use it. Anya tried to warn him about how much of a danger jimmy was, but he didn't listen. I think this is the moment he fully realized how badly he messed up in brushing off what was done to her.
everything that happened, despite curly's best intentions and "we can fix it" optimism, is basically his fault. after watching anya overdose directly beside him, daisuke getting mangled beyond help by the vent (and maybe even seeing him die if the medbay door was open), and jimmy grabbing the gun -- a specific concern he assured anya wouldnt happen -- he realized how he caused the worst possible ending and is broken by it. when you're a charred bleeding handless feetless mummy all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it
i remember being at my breaking point a few years ago, isolated, depressed, and genuinely at rock bottom. something that i dont want to talk about happened to me and it broke me down. i have anger issues and usually deal with problems by lashing out, but at that moment, all i could really do was laugh. sorry if this sounds edgy. he probably just broke, seeing jimmy (the one guy on the ship he DIDNT want getting the gun) get the gun.
He ignored the actions his friend did and didnt take responsibility. Now he's literally unable to do anything and finding out that his friend is actually a monster. He's laughing because he regrets enabling him.
It's mainly a response of pure despair at the situation at hand. If you were in his shoes, seeing the events of Mouthwashing unfold, you'd probably laugh in despair too.
For all the disturbing stuff that happens in that game this part is the one that really got to me. It feels fucked up in a very authentic way.
It’s because the whole time Curly hid the gun to keep Anya from killing Jimmy for r-pe, only for Jimmy to have the gun and Anya being dead, leading to him laughing like this.
@@theawkwardskeleton6608so curly is bad?
@@chappatiago3958 he defended Jimmy after r-ping Anya and never told the company or the crew, all because Jimmy was his friend and led to Jimmy crashing the ship to both sabotage Curly’s life and stop from getting arrested back on Earth.
@chappatiago3958 he's morally gray, he's neither good or bad. he's just too kind to a fault
@@theawkwardskeleton6608 Curly wasn't the one that hid the gun
watching everything go from bad to worse to catastrophic on your deathbed, only to watch the last guy you'd ever want with a gun getting the gun that was very specifically hidden from him, id laugh too ngl
Plus laughing at the irony that the gun was hidden to protect Jimmy, only to lead to this.
Curly is cooked, both literally and metaphorically
@@chaosbeam4654he TOOK RESPONSABLITY
@@theawkwardskeleton6608 Anya was the one that hid the gun, not Curly. She hid it because she was scared Jimmy would find it and use it against her, and knew Curly wouldn't give it to any of them. In a way, I guess she knew eventually he could get his hands on the scanner....
aka the “it’s so joever” laugh
Wallahi we're cooked
Is that a tally hall reference../J
I'd like to think not helping Anya was one of his biggest regrets as he laid there. He even saw her overdose :(
On top of that, one of Anya's very few requests to Curly was to keep the gun from Jimmy. The gun...which Jimmy just took in front of him, while Curly is completely powerless...after just lying there and seeing Anya OD and Daisuke fatally wounded...
@@cloudi3kyovo Yeah, same. I really like him as a character, I like how he is written, because his writing makes people polar between "he is cinnamon roll" and "he is as bad as Jimmy". Beautiful gray character example.
But when I try to find someone who likes him too, it's always the horny way of liking. And I feel awkward.
@@jeturin YEAH LIKE it's fine to find him handsome but maybe we can also enjoy how tragic he is,,,
@@cloudi3kyovothe people like... the injured one like that? 😐
If you’ve ever heard the radio drama edition of “I have no mouth and I must scream” there’s a moment during AM’s legendary “hate” monologue where Ted begins to just… laugh. Exactly like this, every bit as wheezed and strained and inappropriately timed. It’s the moment he realizes that AM, a deranged and obsessive AI with complete power over him, intends to never let their suffering end and just how unbelievably screwed he and his cellmates are.
This laugh right here reminds me *exactly* of how Ted sounded in that moment, and I could only imagine it was the moment Curly found a similar sort of dread and true helplessness.
Oot but you're my dream friend. A dude who knows IHNMAIMS and Mouthwashing? I'm in
thats so straaaange you and a buncha other people thought that :0
i assumed it was more like "God, dude, are you fucking for real?" in a pity way. I imagined Curly watching Jimmy run into the room, disheveled covered in blood, clearly just got done fucking something else up, and then he grabs The Gun. It just culminating to Curly watching Jimmy dig himself into this hole and laughing at him because he and everyone else on board saw this shit coming.
But now, I think it's both total dread and also whatever emotion above I described LMFAO
it's a strained, bitter fit of laughter and sobbing at the supreme cosmic joke at the crew's expense, as he can do nothing but witness the hellish and hopeless shitstorm that's taking place around him.
@@shrom9336 What you described above was disappointment.
"You think this is funny?!"
"In a cosmic sort of way, yes."
"well mister funny man, IS THIS HOW YOU GET YOUR SICK KICKS!?"
@@willardkestila6465 What? It's just some ordinary mout-OH MY GOODNESS!
@@subnormal321 *SQUIDWARD!!!!*
I can only assume the voice actor was maimed in the recording booth, his pain sounds uncomfortably real
i can imagine him being forced to laugh in the mic after being beat with it
or installing a device to his brain and feeding it with 9999 years worth of video he doesnt want to watch
That's dedication to the craft right there
The sounds were extracted from Curly himself
easily my favorite moment in the entire game curly’s wheezing laugh because of how cosmically funny his and everyone else’s fucked up situation is genuinely peak
For me, the most disturbing part of this is that you can hear pieces of a normal voice in his laugh...
i love that, despite the numerous, equally-valid interpretations as to _why_ hes laughing, its deeply unsettling when it happens all the same
When Curly realises gentle parenting was not gonna stop Jimmy from going from an already toxic person to an downright monster.
I see a lot of people interpret this laugh as a "Oh, we are _so_ doomed." kind of laugh, but to me it partially feels like a "You absolute rotten _bastard._ How dare you." kind of laugh. After everything Jimmy did, and what Curly had to witness helplessly, I can vividly imagine the raging *_contempt_* for Jimmy in this very moment. And, I mean. Hey. It's not like it's not deserved.
Curly is an interesting character, who is neither the main villain, nor the misunderstood innocent. The former would be little more than a reiteration of the unfortunate stigma that "abnormal-looking" people are evil somehow, the latter would be a boring attempt at "subversion", that pendulum-swings into the stigma that said people are inherently pitiful precious cinnamon rolls, and do not have a mean bone in their body.
But Curly is only human. A flawed, nice, fence-sitting, friendly, indecisive, caring, ultimately ineffective human. He suffered, and he enabled suffering, and while he is nowhere near as terrible as Jimmy, and he is arguably one of the kinder people of the crew, it's hard to say he is all innocent. I may hold nothing but contempt for his negligence of a dangerous individual just casually waltzing about the ship, but I 100% relate to his justified HATRED here.
Too late to fix things now, though.
I just feel that nothing he did or didn’t do could justify any of the suffering he went through.
@CloverKyng The only thing I see here, and I will keep repeating it - his inaction is punished with the inability to act. Not the physical pain from the incident, not the ensuing disability. Functionally, he could have just been tied up and gagged. And it would carry the same meaning, I think. It would lose out on the metaphor of him as the ship/crew Jimmy is trying to "fix", snd as a metaphor of him as the unborn child Anya never wanted, but, at the end of the day, his punishment is just being forced to watch.
Whatever he could have done, or avoided doing - it doesn't matter now, because he is trapped in a state, where he can do or stop NOTHING. That's his punishment.
@@CloverKyng obviously he didn't deserve what was done to him, but what was done to him was a direct consequence of his inaction.
He's the one who got jimmy the job, and he refused to take responsibility when jimmy proved to be a horrible person, brushing off Anya's assault because "jimmy is a good man".
It's curly's enabling of jimmy that led to him being permanently handicapped like that. He didn't deserve it, but he had every opportunity to prevent it.
@@CloverKyng Same. I get that as a captain he always had some level of responsibility over everyone else, and he was the one who could have stopped Jimmy before it was too late. But seeing what happens to him in the game and in the ending, the fact that people are so easy to judge him irks me so. Not saying that he is not in the wrong, just that focusing on that while the guy has been so thoroughly punished is a bit harsh.
@@necasa4919 true, that's like death sentencing someone for letting a thief run away with bank money, it's unfair, he WAS wrong, but his punishment is so overly harsh you can't help but feel terrible for the guy
The audible embodiment of Curly saying "Of course you lead it to this" without any words.
At this point, Curly is just broken mentally. The moment Jimmy grabs the gun Curly can't but laugh at how right Anya was to hide it.
ik he was manifesting Jimmy's skull exploding right here
I laugh just like him damn. We both wheeze hard
Literal teapots
Bro matches with Dream
@ not dream man 🤮
"Are you going to use that on yourself or me? Either way, its the end for you" type of laugh
He smoked the evil aliexpress blunt
"this shit straight outta caelid"
-Curly Mouthwashing
Pony Express Blunt
@@That-One-Ant-2011 *uncomfortable wheezing and grunting ensues*
Watching jimmy’s downfall must be comedy gold to curly i wouldn’t blame him if someone forcibly shoved pills down your throat “ should have took responsibility “
The realization that hits Curly of him being the one responsible for bringing this asshole to the ship...
Anya hides the gun case because she knew Jimmy was the most dangerous guy on the ship. He is so dangerous that the gun NEEDS to be hidden from him. Her hunch is proven correct when Jimmy unlocks the case. Curly denied that Jimmy wasn’t THAT bad of a guy, they could talk it out, it wouldn’t get to a point they couldn’t work things out. But Anya was right, and things became catastrophically worse as time goes on when Jimmy was left to his own devices, unchecked and no one putting a foot down to stop him when they had the chance.
Curly can’t help but laugh at the cosmic irony of it all.
Anya was right, and there’s nothing Curly can do about it than see the truth play out in front of him.
When shit becomes so horrendous that you can't help but laugh with a bit of disbelief
It really feels like he is mocking him, "Well look at you aren't you the big hero now Jimmy boy?"
Me actually tweakin after bro sold 20 matches and still says “we aren’t gonna end this on a loss” (it’s 2am on a school night)
I think this example portrays Curly’s shortcoming which lead to their fate really well, refusing to believe something - in this case, someone - cannot always be fixed.
Literally Jimmy
@@KiiBonliterally me
I love how this games community have different views on what is going on. In my run I took this scene as curly laughing because he knew what was waiting for Jimmy behind the door. ( I had the same thought of Swansea doing something with how he held on to the axe for the large part of the game) it was like curly possibly spotted Swansea before or after Jimmy entered the room to look for the gun.
Looking at other people's takes on this laugh though is cool to me because I didn't think of it being anything else other than a" oh you are done for now " type of laugh
If it wasn't for all the tragedy, I'd surely say this is one of the sweetest and funniest laughs I heard in a video game. His wheeze sounds painful but it's also great.
Me when Jimmy Mouthwash says "It's time to wash this mouth" and starts assaulting the nurse
Me when Anya Mouthwash says "It's mouthwashing time" and washes her mouth with lots of pills
This game deserves a movie fr
Me and my friend:
How, he sounds like if my grandpa smoked since birth bro
ngl I’d say the same if he wasn’t on the verge of death 😭
yeah, he low key cute!
@@echidnaralsei1473you mean...
Low key daddy
Ситуация, где ты понимаешь, что это конец.
Это он посмеялся над джимми
это либо истерический смех, либо плач, сам понимаешь по какой причине он не может издавать звуки нормально.
I really think this laugh is Curly just mocking himself for trusting such a horrible person, specially one that was clearly bad from the start
Tbh i used to wonder why people in shows,movies or games laughed after being overwhelmed or devastated,WELL ITS A VERY REAL FEELING AND ITS SCARY AS HELL. To me it happened in a particularly livid moment in a mental breakdown when i "realized" how ridiculous my breakdown was. How it felt like a really sad joke and how my situation was so ridiculously against me that it was just silly. Its a real feeling and it still scares me that one can lose control of their own mind like that.
I haven’t been in a situation like that, but last year I caused a small traffic collision because I lost control of an electric rental scooter. What haunts me more than the actual situation itself was the only thing my mind could think of; “This will hurt” when the tire of the car would inevitably crush my skull under it. I didn’t think of my family or friends. The life before me. Nothing. My mind just went completely numb in embrace of my life ending in that moment. Luckily, that of course didn’t end up happening, but that moment and complete feeling of numbness and helplessness replayed in my mind for days upon days after the incident, and I still feel uneasy being around moving cars, especially ones coming from behind hidden corners. That lack of control of my reaction to the horror was terrifying and gave me a new perspective on death, and I do think Curly’s laugh can be seen as similar (like how you said).
Me when the character ai bot replies with the most out of context message.
Do you have the sound effect for curly’s screams when you cut off his leg?
this reminds me when courage the cowardly dog laughs after he gets horribly injured
reminds me of eren's laugh at the end of season 2 of attack on titan. just a laugh of pure hopelessness, because the situation is just so fucked (and ironic) that its all you can do.
Do you have the scream he does when jimmy starts cutting the cake?
I loved the moment when Jimmy said "its mouthwashing time" and washed everyone's mouth all over the place
Когда Кёрли смеётся над действием Джимми, тебе начинает казаться, что всё, что ты делаешь от лица Джимми - бесполезная туфта. Потому что взять пистолет из бардачка - последнее дело. Жалкая потуга к выживанию. И Кёрли знает, что Джимми не выживет. Никто не выживет, когда у тебя на складе лежит огромное количество ополаскивателя для рта, большая часть экипажа мертва и вот-вот начнёт разлагаться, выкидывать трупы некуда, и ты скоро задохнёшься от ядовитых пор, что начнут исходить из их тел. Кёрли понимает, что отчаянный человек - самый смешной в мире, когда он пытается выжать ситуацию до последнего в свою пользу. Кёрли смеётся: "О, боже, ты серьёзно? Ну валяй, валяй, я посмотрю". Кёрли смеётся: "Как же ты жалок, сволочь". Кёрли смеётся, потому что он больше не способен выражать крайнюю степень презрения и издёвки над сходящим с ума Джимми. Если честно, Аня и Свонси ещё легко отделались. Жалко, до безумия жалко Дайске и Кёрли. А Джимми совсем не жаль. Жалость, зависть, гнев, алчность - это сгубило его подчистую. Он не справился со своим эгоизмом. Он не справился с ответственностью. Он не смог стать вторым Кёрли, потому что остался ублюдком Джимми, понимаете? Поэтому Кёрли этот жест с изъятием пистолета из чемоданчика и забавляет. Поэтому Кёрли больше всех, мать вашу, заслуживал влезть в эту ЧЁРТОВУ КАПСУЛУ!
Блестящий анализ
Good point🙂
мне кжется что решение поместить кёрли в капсулу было худшим в игре.
@@debkupkК тому моменту в эту капсулу можно было бы кроме Кёрли поместить либо разлагающийся труп либо Джимми, так что выбирать особо не приходится
поместить в криокапсулу чувака, оставшегося без кожи, рук и ног, перевязанного мокрыми бинтами и неспособного ни говорить, ни передвигаться - хорошая идея?
curly has got to be the best asmrtist there are
This one killed me so hard in the game
I love this game so much
Captain Cutie... okkkkkkkkkkk
Tbf on curly, people say he never acted but it's pretty obvious there wasn't a lot of action to take to begin with. They didn't really have a prison, people probably wouldn't be happy with trying to fight jorkins and hold him somewhere, and killing or restraining him could potentially end up costing them, since they were already absurdly understaffed.
It's also a factor that Jimbo acted instantly and impulsively while curly was still fully realizing that he was a terrible person. That can take time to process, especially if you've been locked in a ship for... Closing on a year, in a small space, talking to someone.
Most people would be hesitant to instantly assume the worst, and sometimes irl that hesitation can take YEARS.
Curly was already showing some signs of doubt pretty much immediately in comparison, but he was just trying to get the crew back safely.
I don't think he could have or should have predicted that janker would choose to kill them all - he likely just expected a confrontation at most, that he thought he could defuse until they were safely landed.
Fr people are so stupid bruh, a majority of these fans are like 14 and lack nuance lmfao
@Propfellax the older I get the more I realize why adults thought I was dumb when I was in my early teens lmfao
It starts off sounding like laughing then starts to sound like crying
Maybe he’s injured so bad he is crying but it just sounds like wheezing
You will no longer turn a blind eye to your friend's actions, Curly. Never.
I always felt like the laugh was Jimmy's hallucination... But maybe it's not, makes sense if it isnt.
I don't think it is. All of Jimmy's hallucinations have been him projecting his image of Curly onto him. This seems like Curly is laughing out of mockery, regret, self derision. It doesn't fit into Jimmy's view of him
I interpreted his laugh as smth like "wow, finally, i'm gonna be free" (as he thougt). But there's so many really interesting theories... 😮
This is very unsettling for me because in my mind, there's three possibility :
1) he laugh because Anya dead and Jimmy is fucked up and if Jimbobulated want to take responsibility (and somehow understand the HE IS HURTING HER), he never ever ever can do it....because she's dead, there's no chance to repent.
2) he is finally understand that he took massive wrong decision, and watching the result of his action, ironically, from his sickbed, bandaged, cannot do things, cannot prevent things, cannot stop anything. the irony of so called "capable captain", "reliable captain".
3) he is watching that "germ". the germ that he underestimate. just like his cargos. just like a mouthwash. the irony of the claim... "kills 99% of germ". it's ironically funny and spiraling.
It's quite disturbing to be honest.
Instead of Anya use the gun to protect herself or hide away from Jimmy, but... yeah... it's sucks...😰 (Spoiler alert for that one.)
And props to curly's VA he nailed it!👍
me staring at Jimmy:
His laugh in 2x speed would make Daisuke giggle wiggle >:3
he has that mutley laugh
man let out a little giggle
I'm not OKAY ik simping for a laugh I'm weird as shit bro
Это идеально
I loved this laugh. Genuinely my favorite scene in the entire game, the entire breakdown before you snap back to Jimmy trying to get the damn gun. My own theory, given Curly just had so much time to lie here, take in all his mistakes. I just feel like he's laughing *at* Jimmy. The guy who not only caused this but the guy Curly himself enabled, by being either too weak willed or truly so ignorant to just the kind of guy Jimmy was. He sacrificed his name, his body, his entire crew, and now his life for this pathetic, malignant narcissist.
It's almost pitiful to me, the laugh is. Like Curly's only able to laugh at how fucking low and pathetic Jimmy is, not just as a captain but as a man, as a human. "Go ahead and get the gun. Tell yourself what you want, we both know the polished wood and oiled steel in your hand is the sign of your ultimate failure." Like he wanted to cut through, however fruitlessly as the ending proved, Jimmy's delusions. All the betrayal, pain and agony and angst and spite and heartbrokeneess summoned up from the very pits of this corpse of a man. I forgoed (forewent?) the word of my other close friend for you, and look at you, look at us now. God I adored this game.
I can't tell exactly why he laughs, does he just know what's about to happen? Does he know Jimmy will save him and take his own life? Does he know he's already "won"?
Don't know if my theory is correct, but I think his sanity is slipping and the pressure is getting to him. Seeing how it has all gone to shit and the most dangerous guy on the ship has got the gun, he's laughing at his misfortune and perhaps even a scared laugh?
I think it's linked to how anya, because she wasn't allowed to defend herself with the gun, hid it specifically so jimmy wouldn't use it. Anya tried to warn him about how much of a danger jimmy was, but he didn't listen.
I think this is the moment he fully realized how badly he messed up in brushing off what was done to her.
everything that happened, despite curly's best intentions and "we can fix it" optimism, is basically his fault. after watching anya overdose directly beside him, daisuke getting mangled beyond help by the vent (and maybe even seeing him die if the medbay door was open), and jimmy grabbing the gun -- a specific concern he assured anya wouldnt happen -- he realized how he caused the worst possible ending and is broken by it. when you're a charred bleeding handless feetless mummy all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of it
i remember being at my breaking point a few years ago, isolated, depressed, and genuinely at rock bottom. something that i dont want to talk about happened to me and it broke me down. i have anger issues and usually deal with problems by lashing out, but at that moment, all i could really do was laugh. sorry if this sounds edgy. he probably just broke, seeing jimmy (the one guy on the ship he DIDNT want getting the gun) get the gun.
@@inferno5876 you're so delusional bruh it wasn't his fault it was Jimmy's 😭
oh man this laugh has me Captain Curling all over the Tulpar
Say that again
oh man this laugh has me Captain Curling all over the Tulpar
Me laughing is the legend that i've ever heard lmao
He’s laughing because he thinks Jimmy’s gonna put him out of his misery
Though I mean, what else can Jimmy do? Face raging Swansea with no weapon to protect himself? Just accept death at that point?
thats some griffith ahhh laugh
I actually had the same laugh before
why does the squeaking lowkey sound like me 💀
I’m scared for vermin 😭😭
Griffith ass laugh
okkkkkkkkkkk yes yes yes
What is he laughing at ? and when does this happen in the game? oddly curious lmao
He ignored the actions his friend did and didnt take responsibility. Now he's literally unable to do anything and finding out that his friend is actually a monster. He's laughing because he regrets enabling him.
It happens when you take the gun from the safe
@@Pieruh He regrets anything and everything at this point. ☠️
My god. Is he?
Why does it sound like my grandpa💀
He isnt really laughing more of a dehydrated sob
I thought that was normal-
Why does he laugh tho??
It's mainly a response of pure despair at the situation at hand. If you were in his shoes, seeing the events of Mouthwashing unfold, you'd probably laugh in despair too.
((This is fucked up Joke))
How do he wipes? ((When taking a shit))
"Shit ain't that funny"
Kinda like griffith's laugh