Exclusive Interview: Mayor Brandon Scott discusses fight to reduce Baltimore's violent crime

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @bbbbBEOTCH
    @bbbbBEOTCH Год назад +3

    these big city mayors are clowns dude

  • @orders69pizzas30
    @orders69pizzas30 Год назад +7

    Can’t wait to vote him out. I’ve never seen someone use so many filler words and waste so much time and funds.

    • @ryanjames5931
      @ryanjames5931 Год назад

      I know we all know why he was voted into office too 😢

  • @johnsmith5028
    @johnsmith5028 Год назад +4

    Man that afro is lookin good! Maybe his hair groomer should be running the city if they can make some napts look like that they got to be good at doing something right!

  • @joelh3030
    @joelh3030 Год назад +3

    He doesnt actually talk about what exactly he wants to do to fix these issues. Hes a middleman expecting us to solve our own issues. All platitudes, no action

  • @joelh3030
    @joelh3030 Год назад +3

    He could help raise the minimum wage to $15-$17/H, the issue of poverty always comes down to the government not investing enough for everyone to have a good job and a good life. Poverty exists because capitalism exists, and capitalism always puts money over human life!

    • @joelh3030
      @joelh3030 Год назад +2

      If our poor community actually had jobs that paid them livable wages it would be better, but its not just the wages, inflation is out of control and companies can charge whatever they want for us to live. All the issues baltimore has are all systematic issues, That go across all of america. Same issues, same "solutions" Then its all repetition

    • @jimm8773
      @jimm8773 Год назад

      True minimum wage is $0....Most Baltimore High School graduate have third-grade educations, who would pay someone with the skills of an eight-year-old $15 an hour while dealing with theft and robberies? China pays people $1 an hour, so little that most of the poor in cities live in small rooms with seven other people, and there isn't crime there. China is Socialist. The worthless Baltimore public schools are a government Social service. Poverty is more extreme in places without capitalism, like China, Venezuala, North Korea, etc.

    • @jimm8773
      @jimm8773 Год назад

      @@joelh3030 Inflation is out of control because government spending forced the federal government to print money and a lot of government spending has been on welfare stuff, America owes $32,000,000,000,000 because of wasteful spending. Washington D.C. blacks get the most spending per person in America and also have terrible schools, and high crime, but many can get government jobs that pay way above average. The only real solution is to go end the street gangs, stop the open drug markets, and enforce gun laws, without harassment. Baltimore tourism will stay way down because it is too dangerous...even the harbor is a black-on-black shooting range.

    • @johnsmith5028
      @johnsmith5028 Год назад

      I should not be told by a broke guy how rich i should get or what i want to buy. The best thing is pay these beezs for their citizenship and send them to the socialist mecca of their choice. That is what i want my tax dollars spent on sending people who complain about the place they live and the life they have grown up in to go live like the chinese, take the lgbptq's with you please, we can pay them to go away too!

  • @Nicoleiia
    @Nicoleiia Год назад

    He's cute 😍

  • @williamharrell4283
    @williamharrell4283 Год назад

    I'm sorry. This young mayor is obviously able to SPEAK very well, but if he has to speak VERY WELL but is speaking at a garbage dump site speaking WELL about how terrible garbage smells at a dump site as the garbage rots and decay, his great ability's WORTH is greatly diminished. With this reporter he had NO CHANCE because the ENTIRE conversation was to talk about stinking garbage smells, NOT genuine problem solving, I think. In 30 minutes she asked about 6 questions "ALL" minor and NEGATIVE. Not even a hint of a chance for the mayor to focus on the POSITIVE. It is the SAME FORMAT it seems all over America in large cities with a large BLACK population. The mayor would do himself and his city well if he ONLY spoke to reporters who ACTUALLY lives in the CITY limits. Folks living outside of your city ARE NOT on your side or for the SUCCESS of your city. In the War of 1861, 500,000 (500,000) Union Soldiers died and PERISHED many before they could even make a baby. Those RESPONSIBLE got PARDONS and "AMNESTY" with the ring leader's only punishment was to make his plantation a National Cemetery, Arlington. Then, in America, the U. S. Constitution has the 2nd Amendment, GUARANTEED. Americans CAN HAVE GUNS! So, ANY solution has to be WITHOUT making the 2nd Amendment CRIMINAL for an American who blacks ARE Americans and ALL of the tragic and unfortunate killings/murders that happen in mostly BLACK communities since 1865 will NOT even come close to 500,000 dead Americans who SAVED America not counting the ones who died later from their sustained wounds. Then in Baltimore as bad as it is 99.3% of the residents there DO NOT get killed each year no matter how BAD 600 a year deaths is MADE to SOUND. Probably 15,000 folks die in Baltimore a year from Cancer but THAT number is NOT harped on by reporters. I think dead is dead and the HOW is basically immaterial. THEN adding more police and MONEY is not going to solve the problem BECAUSE 97% of the time, the police arrives AFTER THE FACT when a Pre-Fact (Before the shooting occurs) solution is needed WITHOUT killing Americans' 2nd Amendment. It must be terrible to have a minimum Felony, can't carry a gun and somebody is shooting at you because they know you can't get CAUGHT with a gun, therefore most likely won't have a gun UNLESS you want to go back to prison and finish the rest of your PROBATION years in prison. Again, 500,000 dead in Less Than 4 years. In other words, EVERYTHING has to be viewed in CONTEXT if a real solution is being looked for. TV stations are looking to MAKE "MONEY" and sensational crime in BLACK neighborhoods is a SAFE bet to make that money. When was the last time a TV station mentioned President Andrew Johnson's Pardons and AMNESTY Proclamation of May 29, 1865?

    • @williamharrell4283
      @williamharrell4283 Год назад

      Oh, no American should have to worry about somebody running up to their car as it is stopped at a traffic light talking about washing their windshields for a DONATION. PERIOD. No Excuse. EVEN "IF" a few of these folks have to be SCRAPED up off the street and sent to the crematory. You DON'T give no RESPECT; YOU don't get NO respect. People don't want to be bothered LIKE THAT and those who have done it in the PAST need to be WARNED and EDUCATED by the City Officials in PSA announcements for a period of time maybe with SIGNS or something that if something bad happens to them while violating the American's space waiting for the light to change, you ARE ON YOUR ON and was in the "WRONG" for running up on an American's car. Plus, the City should offer some FREE U. S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence READING classes so folks know who THEY are and who the other American is.

    • @chickenstrangler3826
      @chickenstrangler3826 Год назад

      Do you know what paragraphs are? Nobody is reading that shit. Come up with a more clear and concise comment.

  • @iMatti00
    @iMatti00 Год назад +3

    @5:22 ~ So they deserve more money than a parent who has a family who is willing to work at McDonald’s? Why don’t we just pay him $300/day tonight sweetie? Why don’t we do the same thing for drug dealers? For gang members?
    This foolish mayor believes hard-working citizens should divert their taxes to pay huge wages to children so they don’t commit crime. Is he listening to the words coming out of his mouth? These children can bring home as much if someone with a college degree who’s working as a cop or a firefighter or nurse. What happens when we pay someone with this type of plan, then it makes other people also want free government money.