Israel, Hamas, America and the Future

  • Опубликовано: 20 окт 2024
  • This is the sermon, "Israel, Hamas, America and the Future" by Dr. Benny Tate at Rock Springs Church.
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Комментарии • 33

  • @ceceliajones9927
    @ceceliajones9927 Год назад

    EXCELLENT job Pastor Tate! I heard you on the radio and searched until I found it. As of tomorrow I will have heard three pastors preach this. All of you are anointed and clear but this sermon is the one I can quote many facts without it being too complicated to relay. God bless you!

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      As this is what I sent to my family after they sent me (although well intended) regurgitated garbage mixed in with boastfulness. So Food for thought please read all 5 considerations and maybe ask yourself
      1. I find it extremely odd that the same groups who usually deny God are all of sudden demanding support for Israel bc they’re Gods chosen people. So I’m like wtf how can those who mock God and deny the Creator now all of a sudden jump on the bandwagon and say these are Gods chosen people. Denying God but claiming to support and encourage others to support Gods supposed chosen people. Is contradictory
      2. Zionism or Zionist jew which is what majority of Israeli leaders are. Is vastly different from the Jewish religion. Zionism is pure evil if you don’t believe me look up Talmudic practicing Jews (sub group of Zionism) or Zionist just straight up deny God. But use the minority victim card every chance they get!l
      3. But even regular good hearted well intentioned Jews, they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Or the New Testament. Like seriously the New Testament was just a Christian thing according to them.
      4. Knowing the only way to the Father is through the Son. And the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that was made so that people like myself who shouldn’t even come close to being allowed to repent of my old ways and truly seek the Father, his Kingdom and his Righteousness, but thanks to Jesus and bc of the ultimate sacrifice every living breathing man or woman regardless of origin, beliefs customs and traditions and traditions, upbringing, religion or differences in identifiable characteristics regardless of all that we’re all afforded the opportunity. To spend an Eternity with the most High. Bc that’s probably and truly the Only free choice we have in this life. Which the Bible clearly says you will be belittled according to societal norms for being a true believer.
      5. So unless I’m misunderstanding or interpreting the Bible incorrectly which I’m only using scripture as my one source of truth
      2 Timothy 3:16-17
      And I’ll cross reference sometimes with what man says for a better understanding but if what man’s saying is a distorted version that only makes further understanding impossible than thanks to discernment I’m no longer taking that persons advice. MSo the only logical theoretical conclusion I can come to is -The New Testament for some reason doesn’t apply to Jews bc they’re Gods chosen people, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was for gentiles and everyone else’s salvation. Which weird flex for a religious group to say he never existed for the reasons we’re told while simultaneously saying he did exist for gentiles salvation. Kinda like Catholics who decided God didn’t know what he was talking about at times. I guess Jews get to pick and choose which covenant that God made with man they wanna abide by. While disregarding that each covenant replaced the last. There’s actually a lot but I believe 5 foundational covenants. Noah, Abraham, Moses,David and the new and everlasting covenant through Jesus Christ! And the last one didn’t come with a disclaimer saying non applicable to Jewish people.

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назадвидео.htmlsi=ivkaMM7T3sCkYcAe

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      respectfully where are you getting your information from? If it’s the left or right side of anything mainstream you’re being played like a fiddle! If you don’t truly compare and contrast, both sides for and against, and from every possible angle, with an unbiased, neutral mindset EVERYTHING you come across using “The Bible” as your one source of truth in this life, to make the most educated informed decision you can, then that’s the definition of ignorance and or a fool! I would highly recommend applying this mindset to things that you thought you knew! Again if you’re the above mentioned, and using “The Word of God” as your one source of truth! Then at times it should make you extremely uncomfortable and make you take a good hard look at yourself and ask am I truly doing this to please the Most High? Or am I doing this to be a crowd pleaser?

  • @sjustus28
    @sjustus28 10 месяцев назад +2

    In Matthew 24, Jesus was not speaking to the generation of 1948, He was speaking of the generation of the people He was speaking to at the time. I don't understand how people, especially preachers, say otherwise.
    I 100% agree that we, Christians, should pray for Isreal, as we should be praying for every culture. Just because Isreal is being terrorized by a bunch of Jew hating people doesn't mean the world is coming to an end. The parable of the Fig Tree spoken by Jesus is not speaking of October 7th! Jesus was speaking of the events of A.D. 70; the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans.

  • @KhathuMunarini
    @KhathuMunarini 11 месяцев назад


    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      Why does your channel seem like a bot channel or one that was created just to defend propaganda?

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      As this is what I sent to my family after they sent me (although well intended) regurgitated garbage mixed in with boastfulness. So Food for thought please read all 5 considerations and maybe ask yourself
      1. I find it extremely odd that the same groups who usually deny God are all of sudden demanding support for Israel bc they’re Gods chosen people. So I’m like wtf how can those who mock God and deny the Creator now all of a sudden jump on the bandwagon and say these are Gods chosen people. Denying God but claiming to support and encourage others to support Gods supposed chosen people. Is contradictory
      2. Zionism or Zionist jew which is what majority of Israeli leaders are. Is vastly different from the Jewish religion. Zionism is pure evil if you don’t believe me look up Talmudic practicing Jews (sub group of Zionism) or Zionist just straight up deny God. But use the minority victim card every chance they get!l
      3. But even regular good hearted well intentioned Jews, they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Or the New Testament. Like seriously the New Testament was just a Christian thing according to them.
      4. Knowing the only way to the Father is through the Son. And the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that was made so that people like myself who shouldn’t even come close to being allowed to repent of my old ways and truly seek the Father, his Kingdom and his Righteousness, but thanks to Jesus and bc of the ultimate sacrifice every living breathing man or woman regardless of origin, beliefs customs and traditions and traditions, upbringing, religion or differences in identifiable characteristics regardless of all that we’re all afforded the opportunity. To spend an Eternity with the most High. Bc that’s probably and truly the Only free choice we have in this life. Which the Bible clearly says you will be belittled according to societal norms for being a true believer.
      5. So unless I’m misunderstanding or interpreting the Bible incorrectly which I’m only using scripture as my one source of truth
      2 Timothy 3:16-17
      And I’ll cross reference sometimes with what man says for a better understanding but if what man’s saying is a distorted version that only makes further understanding impossible than thanks to discernment I’m no longer taking that persons advice. MSo the only logical theoretical conclusion I can come to is -The New Testament for some reason doesn’t apply to Jews bc they’re Gods chosen people, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was for gentiles and everyone else’s salvation. Which weird flex for a religious group to say he never existed for the reasons we’re told while simultaneously saying he did exist for gentiles salvation. Kinda like Catholics who decided God didn’t know what he was talking about at times. I guess Jews get to pick and choose which covenant that God made with man they wanna abide by. While disregarding that each covenant replaced the last. There’s actually a lot but I believe 5 foundational covenants. Noah, Abraham, Moses,David and the new and everlasting covenant through Jesus Christ! And the last one didn’t come with a disclaimer saying non applicable to Jewish people.

  • @LeeThree-qj2pm
    @LeeThree-qj2pm 5 месяцев назад +1

    Funny how "God's chosen people" crucified their own god

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Год назад +1

    Who are the Israel of God?
    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
    And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. {Galatians 3:28-29}
    Wherefore remember, that ye being IN TIME PAST Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;
    That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the COMMONWEALTH of ISRAEL, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
    BUT now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh *by the blood of Christ*
    For he is our peace, who hath made both [Jew and Gentile] one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
    Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments [not the ten commandments] contained in ordinances; for to make in himself *of twain* ONE NEW MAN, so making peace;
    And that he might reconcile BOTH unto God in ONE BODY by the cross, *having slain the enmity thereby*
    And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
    For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
    Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but *fellowcitizens* with the saints, and of the household of God;
    [The commnwealth of Israel ... Jeshurun]
    {Ephesians 2:11-19}
    Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
    But *in every nation* he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
    {Acts 10:34-35}
    But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
    For there is no respect of persons with God.
    {Romans 2:10-11}
    Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For *they are not all Israel* which are of Israel:
    Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
    That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but *the children of the promise* are counted for the seed.
    {Romans 9:6-8}
    Now we, [Galatians] brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.
    But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
    {Galatians 4:28-29}
    For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
    And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and
    upon *the Israel of God*
    {Galatians 6:15-16}
    And they [Jews] also, *if they abide not still in unbelief* shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in *again*
    {Romans 11:23}
    For ye are all the children of God *by faith in Christ Jesus*
    For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
    {Galatians 3:26-27}

  • @lcwjw1063
    @lcwjw1063 Год назад +2

    Good solid Word of God!

    • @larrybedouin2921
      @larrybedouin2921 Год назад +2

      Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father.

    • @thrifting-mompreneur
      @thrifting-mompreneur Год назад +5

      Unfortunately it was all False preaching. Isreal today is NOT the Isreal of the Bible.

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz Год назад

      As this is what I sent to my family after they sent me (although well intended) regurgitated garbage mixed in with boastfulness. So Food for thought please read all 5 considerations and maybe ask yourself
      1. I find it extremely odd that the same groups who usually deny God are all of sudden demanding support for Israel bc they’re Gods chosen people. So I’m like wtf how can those who mock God and deny the Creator now all of a sudden jump on the bandwagon and say these are Gods chosen people. Denying God but claiming to support and encourage others to support Gods supposed chosen people. Is contradictory
      2. Zionism or Zionist jew which is what majority of Israeli leaders are. Is vastly different from the Jewish religion. Zionism is pure evil if you don’t believe me look up Talmudic practicing Jews (sub group of Zionism) or Zionist just straight up deny God. But use the minority victim card every chance they get!l
      3. But even regular good hearted well intentioned Jews, they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Or the New Testament. Like seriously the New Testament was just a Christian thing according to them.
      4. Knowing the only way to the Father is through the Son. And the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that was made so that people like myself who shouldn’t even come close to being allowed to repent of my old ways and truly seek the Father, his Kingdom and his Righteousness, but thanks to Jesus and bc of the ultimate sacrifice every living breathing man or woman regardless of origin, beliefs customs and traditions and traditions, upbringing, religion or differences in identifiable characteristics regardless of all that we’re all afforded the opportunity. To spend an Eternity with the most High. Bc that’s probably and truly the Only free choice we have in this life. Which the Bible clearly says you will be belittled according to societal norms for being a true believer.
      5. So unless I’m misunderstanding or interpreting the Bible incorrectly which I’m only using scripture as my one source of truth
      2 Timothy 3:16-17
      And I’ll cross reference sometimes with what man says for a better understanding but if what man’s saying is a distorted version that only makes further understanding impossible than thanks to discernment I’m no longer taking that persons advice. MSo the only logical theoretical conclusion I can come to is -The New Testament for some reason doesn’t apply to Jews bc they’re Gods chosen people, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was for gentiles and everyone else’s salvation. Which weird flex for a religious group to say he never existed for the reasons we’re told while simultaneously saying he did exist for gentiles salvation. Kinda like Catholics who decided God didn’t know what he was talking about at times. I guess Jews get to pick and choose which covenant that God made with man they wanna abide by. While disregarding that each covenant replaced the last. There’s actually a lot but I believe 5 foundational covenants. Noah, Abraham, Moses,David and the new and everlasting covenant through Jesus Christ! And the last one didn’t come with a disclaimer saying non applicable to Jewish people.

  • @dustinneely
    @dustinneely Год назад +9

    Propaganda in the name of Christ.

    • @thrifting-mompreneur
      @thrifting-mompreneur Год назад +5

      Yep. Some good ole synagogue of of satan preaching right here!

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz Год назад +1

      Truly disgusting pathetic excuse of a man. Who has zero problems knowingly deceiving many for material temporal gain, while simultaneously boasting about funding terrorism. If you’re a modern actually advanced modern military who drops one hundred million dollars worth of bombs on residential neighborhoods, killing innocent men women and children who want no part in this. Then by definition that’s terrorism. Which bunny clearly and pridefully boasts about funding at least partially. As mainly U.S. taxpayers foot that bill!

    • @Turbo89coupe
      @Turbo89coupe 11 месяцев назад

      How is it propaganda, when it’s the truth?

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      @@Turbo89coupe respectfully where are you getting your information from? If it’s the left or right side of anything mainstream you’re being played like a fiddle! If you don’t truly compare and contrast, both sides for and against, and from every possible angle, with an unbiased, neutral mindset EVERYTHING you come across using “The Bible” as your one source of truth in this life, to make the most educated informed decision you can, then that’s the definition of ignorance and or a fool! I would highly recommend applying this mindset to things that you thought you knew! Again if you’re the above mentioned, and using “The Word of God” as your one source of truth! Then at times it should make you extremely uncomfortable and make you take a good hard look at yourself and ask am I truly doing this to please the Most High? Or am I doing this to be a crowd pleaser?

    • @Bigdadzhousegainz
      @Bigdadzhousegainz 11 месяцев назад

      For some perspective, if you think the god of this world, (which is different from the God of everything) cannot influence THE MEDIA, POLITICS, EDUCATION, SCIENCE, you would mistaken! When looking at the blatant corruption and distortion of the not so Holy Roman Empire, and their followers which happen to be the biggest religion on earth, you would be ignorant to think, the god of this world stopped the infiltration of THE CHURCH with that particular group! Maybe the fact that this preacher man is preaching to upside down inverted cross should be the biggest give away! And I was hurt as well as I’ve listed to previous sermons of his and they were actually great but in my experience some of the most deceitful ones, (not all) are the ones that know the Word of God better than most!

  • @benjohnson4907
    @benjohnson4907 11 месяцев назад +4

    Hey Dr. Tate,
    Why don't you tell your congregation what the Talmud says about Jesus?? You know, the bible of Judaism? So, Gods chosen people have absolutely, unequivocally denied his Son?? Come on, Benny! Explain it to them.

  • @davedanny9053
    @davedanny9053 11 месяцев назад


  • @santalofty4917
    @santalofty4917 8 месяцев назад

    wrong spelling and talk , it's P A L E S T I N E !!!!!